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( )1.---Do you know Linda?

---Yes.She is honest girl.And now she studied in university





( )2.---Did you buy the milk?

---No.the shops were closed I di dn’t get any milk.





( )3.—When are you going to for Shanghai?

---Tomorrow afternoon.

A.get off

B.turn off

C.take off

D.set off

( )4.---Excuse me.Could you please tell me my car?

----Sure.Park it right here.I’ll help you.

A.how to stop

B.where to park

C.where ti shop

D.when to park ( )5.---What do you kown about Mr.Smith?

---He isn’t good playing football.but he enjoys football matches.



C.of; look

D.at;to watch

( )6.—What languages in that country?

---German and English.

A.are speaking

B.are spoken


D.is spoken

( )7.---Do you have something to eat?

---What about some ?





( )8.—Paper is made wood.

---And books are made paper.





( )9.—The girl can cook she is only eight.

----Wow,what a clever girl!





( )10.---Many trees on the streets every year.

---Right.Thar’s why the air is very fresh now.


B.are planted


D.were planted ( )11.---Are you ready the exam?---Yes,I am.





( )12.---What a beautiful place!

---Yeah.Word can’t the beauty of the nature.





( )13.---We use our ears .Don’t you think so?---Yes,I think so.


B.to hear



( )14.---Tom oes exercise to keep .

----Well,we should learn from him.





( )15.---Why didn’t she decide to go to the cinema with us?

---Because she didn’t kown the tickets to watch the film?

A.whether he will be

B.if would he be

C.whether she would get

D.when he would


( )1.---It was honour to Alexander Graham Bell in 198 6.

---Yes,because he invented the telephone.





( )2.—My school is different theirs.It has many after-school clubs.

---That’s great!





( )3.—Why is Linda practising speaking English?

--- abroad for further study.



C.To go


( )4.—No matter what happens,the fact that Diaoyu Island belongs to China will change. —I agree.

. A.ever B.never C.still D.hardly

( )5.—Excuse me.Could you tell me get to the train station?

---Sorry,I don’t know.

A.how can I

B.how I can

C.what to

D.what I can

( )6.—The girls are talking about the art festival .

---Yes.They have so many fun things to share.





( )7.—Why not your teacher for help when you can’t finish the story by yourself?

---Because I want to write on my own.

A.to ask;write

B.to ask;writing


D.asking;to write

( )8.—Sam,what can I do to get up early?

---Set the alarm at 6:00 am, you’ll make it.





( )9.---Will you go to the zoo with me?

---I him.But he didn’t listen to me.

A.think of

B.think about

C.think of

D.think for

( )10.—How often should I feel the bird?

---It food every day,or it will be hungry.

A.must give

B.must be give

C.must be given

D.must be gave

( )11.---You should stop him to go there.It is dangerous.

---I him.But he didn’t listen to me.





( )12.--People who to the party are very excited.

--So they are.

A.have invited

B.has been invited

C.will invite

D.have been invited ( )13.—I t that there has been a mistake. ---Then you should correct it.





( )14.---I will have a math test tomorrow. --- !

A.Good luck

B.Thank you

C.Well done

D.The same to you

( )15.—No one can be sure in two thousand years.

---Maybe they will become smaller.

A.what man will look like

B.what will man be like

C.what man does look like

D.what is man like


( )1.---It is special star in universe.

---Really?Why is it so special





( )2.---I don’t know how to begin a talk with Lily.She can sit all day a word.

-----That’s true.She is so quiet.





( )3.---Mary lives after she graduated.

---Will she feel ?





( )4.---To make our city more beautiful ,rubbish everywhere.

---I agree.

A.needn’t be thrown

B.mustn’t be throw

C.can’t throw

D.may not throw

( )5.—The bridge by the government.

---That’s the right thing for the goverr ment to do this.


B.is built

C.was built

D.is building

( )6.—My sister is interested in the piano.

---And she is good at the guitar.




( )7.---The maths problem is hard.Can you tell us ?

----Let me see.

A.how to do

B.what to do it

C.how to do it

D.what should to do

( )8.—what did the guard say?

---He told us near the river.It’s dangerous.

A.to play


C.not to play

D.not playing

( )9.---The boy a bad cold last week.

---Poor boy.

A.suffered from

B.suffers from

C.took off

D.takes off

( )10.---I will to do the voluntary work in my spare time.

---You are so great!





( )11.---Where is the dog?

---It didn’t find any food so it .

A.walked away

B.walked out

C.walks away

D.walks out

( )12.—When did the fire ? ---At 8:30 pm.

A.take up

B.take down

C.take out

D.take place

( )13.---I’ve forgotten his name.Will you please me it?

---OK.His name is Jackson.





( )14.---Will you please take a message for the head teacher? ---- .

A.It doesn’t matter

B.Sure.I’ll be glad to

C.Yes.I’ll take it.

D.I can

help you.

( )15.--- ? -----I have a headache and I don’t feel like eating anything.

A.How are you

B.What can I do for you

C.What’s the matter with you

D.How do you like it


上海市沪教版八年级数学上下册知识点梳理 第十六章 二次根式 第一节 二次根式的概念和性质 二次根式 1. 二次根式的概念: 式子)0(≥a a 叫做二次根式.注意被开方数只能是正数或0。 2. 二次根式的性质 ①???≤-≥==) 0()0(2a a a a a a ; ②)0()(2≥=a a a ③)0,0(≥≥?=b a b a ab ; ④ )0,0(>≥=b a b a b a ; 最简二次根式与同类二次根式 1. 被开方数所含因数是整数,因式是整式,不含能开得尽方的因数或因式的二次根式,叫做最简二次根式. 2.化成最简二次根式后,被开方数相同的二次根式,叫做同类二次根式 二次根式的运算 1.二次根式的加减:先把各个二次根式化成最简二次根式,再把同类三次根式分别合并. 2.二次根式的乘法:等于各个因式的被开方数的积的算术平方根, 即 ).0,0(≥≥=?b a ab b a 3.二次根式的和相乘,可参照多项式的乘法进行. 两个含有二次根式的代数式相乘,如果它们的积不含有二次根式,那么这两个三次根式互为有理化因式. 4.二次根式相除,通常先写成分式的形式,然后分子、分母都乘以分母的有理化因式,把分母的根号化去(或分子、分母约分).把分母的根号化去,叫做分母有理化. ~ 二次根式的运算法则: =(a+b) ≥0) ).0,0(≥≥=?b a ab b a =a ≥0,b>0) n =≥0)

第十七章 一元二次方程 一元二次方程的概念 1.只含有一个未知数,且未知数的最高次数是2的整式方程叫做一元二次方程 2.一般形式y=ax 2+bx+c (a ≠0),称为一元二次方程的一般式,ax 叫做二次项,a 是二次项系数;bx 叫做一次项,b 是一次项系数;c 叫做常数项 一元二次方程的解法 … 1.特殊的一元二次方程的解法:开平方法,分解因式法 2.一般的一元二次方程的解法:配方法、求根公式法 3.求根公式2b x a -±=:1222b b x x a a ---= , = ; △=2 4b ac -≥0 一元二次方程的判别式 1.一元二次方程20(0)ax bx c a ++=≠: △>0时,方程有两个不相等的实数根 △=0时,方程有两个相等的实数根 △<0时,方程没有实数根 2.反过来说也是成立的 ) 一元二次方程的应用 1.一般来说,如果二次三项式2ax bx c ++(0a ≠)通过因式分解得2ax bx c ++=12()()a x x x x --;1x 、2x 是一元二次方程20(0)ax bx c a ++=≠的根 2.把二次三项式分解因式时; 如果2 4b ac -≥0,那么先用公式法求出方程的两个实数根,再写出分解式 如果24b ac -<0,那么方程没有实数根,那此二次三项式在实数范围内不能分解因式 3. 实际问题:设,列,解,答 第十八章 正比例函数和反比例函数 .函数的概念 1.在问题研究过程中,可以取不同数值的量叫做变量;保持数值不变的量叫做常量 2.在某个变化过程中有两个变量,设为x 和y ,如果在变量x 的允许取之范围内,变量y 随变量x 的变化而变化,他们之间存在确定的依赖关系,那么变量y 叫做变量x 的函数,x 叫做自变量 % 3.表达两个变量之间依赖关系的数学是自称为函数解析式()y f x = 4.函数的自变量允许取之的范围,叫做这个函数的定义域;如果变量y 是自变量x 的函数,


上海市沪教版八年级数学上下册知识点梳理 第十六章二次根式 第一节二次根式的概念和性质 16.1 二次根式 1.二次根式的概念: 式子a(a 0) 叫做二次根式.注意被开方数只能是正数或0。 2.二次根式的性质 2 a(a 0) ① a a ;a(a 0) ②( a)2 a(a 0) ③ab a b(a 0,b 0) ; ④ a a (a 0,b 0) bb 16.2 最简二次根式与同类二次根式 1. 被开方数所含因数是整数,因式是整式,不含能开得尽方的因数或因式的二次根式,叫做最简二次根式. 2. 化成最简二次根式后,被开方数相同的二次根式,叫做同类二次根式 16.3 二次根式的运算 1. 二次根式的加减: 先把各个二次根式化成最简二次根式,再把同类三次根式分别合并. 2. 二次根式的乘法:等于各个因式的被开方数的积的算术平方根, 即a b ab(a 0,b 0). 3. 二次根式的和相乘,可参照多项式的乘法进行. 两个含有二次根式的代数式相乘,如果它们的积不含有二次根式,那么这两个三次根式互为有理化因式. 4. 二次根式相除,通常先写成分式的形式,然后分子、分母都乘以分母的有理化因式,把分母的根号化去( 或分子、分母约分) .把分母的根号化去,叫做分母有理化. 二次根式的运算法则: a c + b c =(a+b) c (c 0) a b ab(a 0,b 0). aa ) b b(a 0,b>0 ( a)n a n( a 0) 第十七章一元二次方程

△=b 2 4ac ≥0 17.3 一元二次方程的判别式 2 1.一元二次方程 ax bx c 0(a 0) : △> 0时,方程有两个不相等的实数根 △= 0 时,方程有两个相等的实数根 △< 0 时,方程没有实数根 2.反过来说也是成立的 17.4 2.把二次三项式分解因式时; 如果 b 2 4ac ≥ 0,那么先用公式法求出方程的两个实数根,再写出分解式 2 如果 b 2 4ac < 0,那么方程没有实数根,那此二次三项式在实数范围内不能分解因式 3. 实际问题:设,列,解,答 第十八章 正比例函数和反比例函数 18.1.函数的概念 1.在问题研究过程中,可以取不同数值的量叫做变量;保持数值不变的量叫 做常量 2.在某个变化过程中有两个变量,设为 x 和 y ,如果在变量 x 的允许取之范围内,变量 y 随变量 x 的变化而变化,他们之间存在确定的依赖关系,那么变量 y 叫做变量 x 的函数, x 叫做自变量 3.表达两个变量之间依赖关系的数学是自称为函数解析式 y f (x) 4.函数的自变量允许取之的范围, 叫做这个函数的定义域; 如果变量 y 是自变量 x 的函数, 那么对于 x 在定义域内去顶的一个值 a ,变量 y 的对应值叫做当 x=a 时的函数值 18.2 正比例函数 1. 如果两个变量每一组对应值的比是一个不等于零的常数, 那么就说这两个变量成正比例 2.正比例函数 :解析式形如 y=kx ( k 是不等于零的常数)的函数叫做正比例函数,气质常数 k 叫做比例系数;正比例函数的定义域是一切实数 17.1 一元二次方程的概念 1.只含有一个未 知数,且未知数的最高次数是 般形式 y=ax2+bx+c (a ≠ 0),称为 次项系数; 2. 系数; bx 叫做一次项, b 是一 17.2 一元二次方程的解 法 1.特殊的一元二次方程的 解法: 2.一般的一元二次方程的解法: 2 的整式方程叫 做 元二次方程的一般式, c 叫做常数项 元二次方程 ax 叫做二次项 ,a 是二次 项 开平方法, 配方法、求根公式法 分解因式法 2 b b 2 4ac 3.求根公式 x : x 1 b b 2 4ac 2a x 2 b b 2 4ac 2a 元二次方程的应用 1. 般来说,如果二次三项式 ax 2 bx c 0) 过因 式分解 2 ax bx c = a(x x 1)(x x 2) ; x 1、 x 2 是一元二 次方程 2 ax bx 0(a 0) 的根


(沪教版)初二下册英语知识点 ◆unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? 知识点: 1.过去进行时 a) 过去进行时由“was/were+动词ing形式”构成。以动词work为列,其肯定式,否定式,疑问式以及简略答语见下表: 肯定式:I/He/She/It was working. We/You/ They were working. 否定式:I/He/She/It was not working. We/You/They were not working. 疑问式和简略答语:Was I working? Yes, you were. Was he working? No, he wasn’t. 【注意】was not常简略为wasn’t; were not常简略为weren’t b) 过去进行时的用法:过去进行时表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。这一特定的过去时间,除有上,下文暗示以外,一般用时间状语来表示2.not …until直到…才。表示动作在某时之前尚未开始,直到此时动作才开始。not…until可以用after或when来代替,但主句谓语动词要用肯定形式。Until 为连词时后接时间状语从句,until作介词时,后面接表示时间的名词。Until 用于肯定句多表示动作或状态一直延续到until所表示的时间为止,意思为“直到…” from..till…中till往往表示不太具体的时间。From …to…或from…until常用来表示具体的时间。 3.find it…to do,it在此句中为形式宾语代表动词不定式,动词不定式为真正的宾语,常用于这种用法的动词有find, feel, think, make等。 4.“疑问词+不定式“结构相当于一个名词性从句,常常可用同等成分的从句代替。改写时,只需在疑问词后面加一个适当的主语(这个主语一般与主句的主语一致),并将不定式改成适当形式的谓语即可。如,Where to go is still a question.=


沪教版2020年八年级下学期英语开学考试试卷B卷 一、完形填空 (共1题;共10分) 1. (10分) Who taught you to walk when you were little? Who worries the most when you are 1 ? Who makes you dinner? It’s 2mother. No matter what happens, she'll 3 the love for you. Do you know how 4 Day came into being(产生)? It began in the US in 1907 when an American girl 5Anna Jarivs started a campaign to honor(给…荣誉)mothers. She believed that mothers could 6 people to get over the pain of the war and to strengthen(加强)the relationship inside families. On Mother's Day, children usually help their mothers do 7 . In western countries, bringing mothers 8in bed is common. A mother will get up late 9her children make her favorite breakfast. Children also make their own Mother's Day card 10a thank-you note. Or they buy gifts and flowers for their mothers. (1) A . lazy B . ill C . sleepy (2) A . his B . your C . her (3) A . continue B . stop C . start (4) A . Children's B . Women's C . Mother's (5) A . named B . names


沪教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期末考试试卷(I)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共15题;共30分) 1. (2分)man in a black hat is my PE teacher. He often plays football with us. A . A; the B . The; a C . The; / D . A; / 2. (2分)He made a lot of mistakes in the exam his carelessness. A . because B . as C . because of 3. (2分)________ you are so weak, you'd better stay at home. A . Since B . For C . Because D . Though 4. (2分)---Did you watch the basketball match yesterday? ---Yes. We were all ____about the ___match. A . exciting, excited B . exciting, exciting C . excited, excited D . excited, exciting, 5. (2分)--- Could you please my pet dog for a few days when I am away on business? --- No problem. A . look for B . care for


沪科版八年级数学下知识点总结 二次根式知识点: 知识点一:二次根式的概念 形如()的式子叫做二次根式。 注:在二次根式中,被开放数可以是数,也可以是单项式、多项式、分式等代数式,但 必须注意:因为负数没有平方根,所以是为二次根式的前提条件,如,,等是二次根式,而,等都不是二次根式。 知识点二:取值范围 1. 二次根式有意义的条件:由二次根式的意义可知,当a≧0时,有意义,是二次根式,所以要使二次根式有意义,只要使被开方数大于或等于零即可。 2. 二次根式无意义的条件:因负数没有算术平方根,所以当a﹤0时,没有意义。 知识点三:二次根式()的非负性 ()表示a的算术平方根,也就是说,()是一个非负数,即0()。注:因为二次根式()表示a的算术平方根,而正数的算术平方根是正数,0的算术平方根是0,所以非负数()的算术平方根是非负数,即0(),这个性质也就是非负数的算术平方根的性质,和绝对值、偶次方类似。这个性质在解答题目时 应用较多,如若,则a=0,b=0;若,则a=0,b=0;若,则a=0,b=0。知识点四:二次根式()的性质 () 文字语言叙述为:一个非负数的算术平方根的平方等于这个非负数。 注:二次根式的性质公式()是逆用平方根的定义得出的结论。上面的公式 也可以反过来应用:若,则,如:,. 知识点五:二次根式的性质 文字语言叙述为:一个数的平方的算术平方根等于这个数的绝对值。 注: 1、化简时,一定要弄明白被开方数的底数a是正数还是负数,若是正数或0,则等于a本身,即;若a是负数,则等于a的相反数-a,即; 2、中的a的取值范围可以是任意实数,即不论a取何值,一定有意义; 3、化简时,先将它化成,再根据绝对值的意义来进行化简。 知识点六:与的异同点 1、不同点:与表示的意义是不同的,表示一个正数a的算术平方根的平方,而表示一个实数a的平方的算术平方根;在中,而中a可以是正实数,


2017-2018学年沪教版初中英语八年级下册英语期末知识点汇总 U1 复习提纲 一、短语 1. 在……岁时at the age of 2. 代替in place of/ instead of 3. 付出代价at a price 4. 为某事感激某人be grateful/thankful to sb for sth 5. 电视播放的on television 6. 对某人要求严格be strict with sb 7. 上钢琴课take/have piano lessons 8. 病倒fall ill 9. 对……负责be responsible for 10. 从那时起from then on 11. 放弃give up 12. 我们时代的 of our time(s) 13. 获得奖项win/get/receive an award (for sth.) 14. 玩得开心have fun 15. 获得一个机会get a chance 16. 表演,演出 give a performance 17. 例如 such as 18. 在许多大型活动at many huge events 19. 鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do sth 20. 西方古典音乐Western classical music 21. 钢琴天才piano prodigy 22. 对……感到好奇be curious about 23. an experiment on … 关于…的实验 24. 找寻、思索search for 25. 使发生;导致lead to (led pt.) 26. 厌倦;厌烦(做某事)be tired of doing sth 27. 保护……以免…… protect…from sth 28. 被称为……;被称作…… be known as… 29. 因…为人所知be known for 30. 在他的一生中during his lifetime 31. 使某人/某物怎样make sth./sb. + adj. 32. 建立;创建set up 33. 总是、一直is/ was always doing 34. 同时at the same time 35. 了解learn about 36. 出生在某地be born in 37. 与…无关have nothing to do with 38. 意味着做某事meaning doing sth 39. 打算做某事mean to do 40. 在做……方面有天赋have a gift for doing sth 41. 坚持做……keep doing sth. 42. 出于热爱for love 43. 不再想某人;不再把某人放在心上forget about sb 44. 得了吧come on 45. 储蓄;攒钱save up 46. 靠某人自己on one’s own 47. 帮助某人give sb a hand 48. 共同的,共有的in common 49. 与……平等be equal to 50. 足够……以至于能够做某事be adj. enough(for sb) to do… 51. 太…以至于不能做某事be+ too+ adj.+ to do sth. 52. 对……产生兴趣become interested in 53. 总计;总数in total=in all 54. 历史上in history 55. ……方面的专家an expert on/at/in… 56. 为……而战fight for… 57. 为反对……而战fight against… 58. 提供帮助offer to help 59. 被认为是……be regarded as… 60. 从……退休retire from… 二、词汇 responsibility (n.) -- responsible (adj.) piano (n.) -- pianist (n.) prodigious (adj.) -- prodigy (n.) stun (n.) -- stunning (adj.) west (n.) -- western (adj.) classic (n.) -- classical (adj.) music (n.) -- musical (adj.) compete (v.) -- competition (n.) succeed (v.) -- success (n.) -- successful (adj.) sudden (adj.) -- suddenly (adv.) perform (v.) -- performance (n.) encouragement (n.) -- encourage (v.) talent (n.) -- talented (adj.)


沪教版2020年八年级下学期英语期末考试试卷A卷 一、单项填空 (共10题;共20分) 1. (2分)I usually watch _______ film at night. A . a;/ B . /;a C . /;/ D . a; a 2. (2分)Mo Yan is my favorite ________. I like his novels a lot. A . teacher B . writer C . driver 3. (2分)—I'm late for your party an accident. I'm sorry. —It doesn't matter. Enjoy yourself here. A . ahead of B . Instead of C . because of 4. (2分)— How about this camera? — It is too expensive. I can't afford it. A . cheap B . heavy C . dear 5. (2分)— Would you like some coffee? —No, thanks. I drink coffee. A . seldom B . often C . only D . always 6. (2分)The boy is ________ see the teacher because he ________ a mistake. A . afraid of; has

B . afraid to; has made C . afraid to; make D . afraid of; made 7. (2分)Tom failed in the exam again ____ he tried his best. A . if B . unless C . though D . because 8. (2分)—_______ did Cao Xueqin spend on the famous book The Story of the Stone? —Nearly 10 years. That's _______ this book is so classical and famous. A . How long,why B . How much,because C . How long,because D . How much,why 9. (2分)--- Do you know ______? --- For a month. A . how long will she be away B . how long she will be away C . how often will she go there D . how often shewill go there 10. (2分)—__________, are you Mr. Wang? —Yes, I am. A . Fine B . Please C . Excuse me D . OK 二、完型填空 (共1题;共10分) 11. (10分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。 Mrs. Smith was looking at the show window of a shop selling shirts. She wanted to buy a 1 for


(沪科版)八年级数学下册(全册)章节练习汇总 第16章达标检测卷 (150分, 90分钟) 题号一二 三[来源:Z. xx. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/214959933.html,] 总分 得分 一、选择题(每题4分, 共40分) 1.下列二次根式中, 属于最简二次根式的是() A.m 3B.18m C.3m 2D.(2m)2+1 2.若要使代数式 -x x+1 有意义, 则x的取值范围是() A.x≤0 B.x≠-1 C.x≤0且x≠-1 D.x>-1 3.二次根式-a3化简的结果是() A.-a-a B.a-a C.-a a D.a a 4.下列计算正确的是() A.4-2=2 B.20 2=10 C.2×3= 6 D. () -32=-3 5.设a=6-2, b=3-1, c= 2 3+1 , 则a, b, c之间的大小关系是() A.c>b>a B.a>c>b C.b>a>c D.a>b>c 6.小明的作业本上有以下四题: ①16a4=4a2;②3a-2a=a;③a 1 a=a 2· 1 a=a;④5a×10a=5 2a, 其 中做错的题是()

A .① B .② C .③ D .④ 7.表示实数a 的点在数轴上的位置如图所示, 则化简(a -4)2+(a -11)2的结果为( ) (第8题) A .7 B .-7 C .2a -15 D .无法确定 8.若3的整数部分为x , 小数部分为y , 则3x -y 的值是( ) A .3 3-3 B. 3 C .1 D .3 9.若三角形的面积为12, 一条边的长为2+1, 则这条边上的高为( ) A .12 2+12 B .24 2-24 C .12 2-12 D .24 2+24 10.观察下列等式:①1+112+122=1+11-11+1=112 ;②1+122+132=1+12-1 2+1 =11 6 ;③ 1+132+142=1+13-13+1=11 12 .根据上面三个等式提供的信息, 请猜想1+142+1 52的结果为( ) A .114 B .115 C .119 D .1120 二、填空题(每题5分, 共20分) 11.不等式(1-3)x >1+3的最大整数解是________. 12.计算:(2+3)2-24=________. 13.一个底面为30 cm ×30 cm 的长方体玻璃容器中装满水, 现将一部分水倒入一个底面为正方形、高为10 cm 的长方体铁槽中, 当铁槽装满水时, 玻璃容器中的水面下降了20 cm, 则铁槽的底面边长是________cm . 14.若x >0, y >0, 且x -xy -2y =0, 则 2x -xy y +2 xy 的值是________.

沪教版八年级英语下册 各单元知识点及复习

沪教牛津版八年级英语下册各单元知识点总复习 Unit 1 一、单词归纳与练习 I. 根据要求写出相应的单词。 1. ill (名词) ____________________ 2. hurt (过去式) ____________________ 3. peaceful (名词) ____________________ 4. difficult (名词) ____________________ 5. expression (动词) ____________________ 6. organize (名词) ____________________ II.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词,完成句子。 6. Peter often goes to help the d____________ children in the hospital. 7. They are going to r_______________ money to build a school for the children in the poor village. 8. I didn't p___________ for my house. My parents bought it for me. 9. We should learn to control our s____________ when we get very angry. 10. She showed great c______________ when she faced the danger. She was so brave. III.用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空,完成句子。 14. The doctor gave him some medicine to reduce his _______ (painful) in his stomach. 15. The young man often offers ________ (help) his mother with housework. 16. As ______ (teenager), we can learn to solve problems by ourselves. 17. I'm confident about the ______ (friend) between Mary and me. 18. Our school _______ (organization) an activity to help the poor children last week. 二、词组归纳与练习 I.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空,完成句子。 1.__________ make his dream come true, he works very hard. 2. Although he met a lot of problems in his study, he ___________ work hard and didn't give up. 3. He is sad because of the failure in his exam. Let's do something to __________. 4. He broke his leg yesterday and he__________ walk now. 5. She ___________ the headache last


八年级数学 第十六章 二次根式 第一节 二次根式的概念和性质 二次根式 1. 二次根式的概念: 式子)0(≥a a 叫做二次根式.注意被开方数 只能是正数或O . 2. 二次根式的性质 ①? ??≤-≥==)0()0(2a a a a a a ; ②)0()(2≥=a a a ③)0,0(≥≥?=b a b a ab ; ④)0,0(>≥=b a b a b a 最简二次根式与同类二次根式 1. 被开方数所含因数是整数,因式是整式,不含能开得尽方的因数或因式的二次根式,叫做最简二次根式. 2.化成最简二次根式后,被开方数相同的二次根式,叫做同类二次根式 二次根式的运算 1.二次根式的加减:先把各个二次根式化成最简二次根式,再把同类三次根式分别合并. 2.二次根式的乘法:等于各个因式的被开方数的积的算术平方根, 即 ).0,0(≥≥=?b a ab b a

3.二次根式的和相乘,可参照多项式的乘法进行. 两个含有二次根式的代数式相乘,如果它们的积不含有二次根式,那么这两个三次根式互为有理化因式. 4.二次根式相除,通常先写成分式的形式,然后分子、分母都乘以分母的有理化因式,把分母的根号化去(或分子、分母约分).把分母的根号化去,叫做分母有理化. 二次根式的运算法则: c c c≥0) ?b a b a ab = ≥ ).0 ,0 (≥ a a =a≥0,b>0) b b =( a≥0) ()n n a a

第十七章 一元二次方程 一元二次方程的概念 1.只含有一个未知数,且未知数的最高次数是2的整式方程叫做一元二次方程 2.一般形式y=ax 2+bx+c (a ≠0),称为一元二次方程的一般式,ax 叫做二次项,a 是二次项系数;bx 叫做一次项,b 是一次项系数;c 叫做常数项 一元二次方程的解法 1.特殊的一元二次方程的解法:开平方法,分解因式法 2.一般的一元二次方程的解法:配方法、求根公式法 3.求根公式24b b ac x -±-=:221244b b ac b b ac x x -+----= , = ; △=24b ac -≥0 一元二次方程的判别式 1.一元二次方程20(0)ax bx c a ++=≠: △>0时,方程有两个不相等的实数根 △=0时,方程有两个相等的实数根 △<0时,方程没有实数根 2.反过来说也是成立的 一元二次方程的应用 1.一般来说,如果二次三项式2ax bx c ++(0a ≠)通过因式分解得2ax bx c ++=12()()a x x x x --;1x 、2x 是一元二次方程20(0)ax bx c a ++=≠的


Unit 1 1. offer sth. 提供某物 offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 offer sb. Sth. = offer sth. to sb. 给某人提供某物 2. lonely 孤独的表示主观上孤独 alone 单独的侧重独自一人,表示客观的状态 alone = by oneself 单独地 3. enjoy 喜欢后接n. / V-ing / pron. 4. some 某种;某一后接n. 单数 5. in hospital 住院常与be / stay 搭配 hospital 前加冠词表示具体的建筑物——医院 6. unable = not able 不能够 be unable to = be not able to不能够…… 7. attend school = go to school 上学 8. since then 从那时起常放在句末,用现在完成时 9. teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事 teach sb. sth. 教某人某事 10. continue to do sth. = continue doing sth. 继续做某事 11. have difficulty / trouble / problems (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 12. know / wonder / learn / decide + 特殊疑问词+ 动词不定式 13. would like to do sth. = want to do sth. 愿意做某事 14. wish to do sth. = hope to do sth. 希望做某事wish表示愿望,语气比较委婉、客气 wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事 15. use … for sth. / doing sth. 用某物完成某事 16. raise 增加;提高;筹募;养育(及物动词) rise 上升;增强(不及物动词) 17. in + 状态名词表示处于某种状态 18. pay … for … 付款 pay … to do 付费去做某事 19. 数词+ per cent of … 20. (in) the way + 从句以……方式,用……方法 Unit 2 1. What’s the matter / the trouble / wrong (with sb.)? 怎么了? 2. hold up 抬起;举起 3. remind sb. + that 从句提醒某人…… remind sb. of … 使某人想起…… remind sb. about … 提醒某人(关于)…… remind sb. to do … 提醒某人做…… 4. think over 仔细考虑接名词时,可放在短语后或中间;接代词时,代词放在短语中间 5. Why don’t you / not do …? 为什么(你)不做……? What / How about doing …? 做……怎么样?That’s a good idea! / Good idea! had better (not) do … 最好(不)做…… 6. feel like 想要后接n. / pron. / V-ing want = feel like 后接n. / pron. / to do 7. the key to … ……的关键后接n. / V-ing


八年级下册英语单词UNIT 1 1.募集增加 v 2.准许n 3.丧失能力的adj 4.青少年n 5.主动提出v 6.(因疾病等)受苦、受折磨v 7.严重的adj 8.使疼痛、受伤v(三种形式) 9.组织v 10.表达v 11.痛苦n 12.孤独的adj 13.友情n 14.困难n 15.愉快n 16.平静n 17.勇气n 18.情绪、心境n 19.社区n 20.需要帮助的 21.义务性工作 22.报请批准 23.因…受苦、受折磨 24.使振奋、使鼓起勇气 25.目的在于

UNIT 2 1.语言n 2.交流n 3.接受v 4.意义、意思n 5.手势n 6.信息、消息n 7.厌倦的、厌烦的adj 8.兼职的adj 9.衣着入时的adj 10.怎么了n 11.表情、神色n 12.外貌、外表n 13.印象n 14.使保持v 15.以后、后来adv 16.提醒v 17.握手v(三种形式) 18.肢体语言 19.发生 20.坐直、坐起来 21.给…留下好印象 22.提醒某人做某事

UNIT 3 1.说明n 2.描述v 3.渔民n 4.虽然、尽管conj 5.健壮的adj 6.下潜v 7.准备好adj 8.到达v 9.悬挂v(三种形式) 10.需要、依靠v 11.从事、练习v 12.图案n 13.文字、符号、角色n 14.健康n 15.幸运n 16.大小n 17.简单的adj 18.有吸引力的,迷人的adj 19.剪纸 20.到达(数量、程度) 21.动身、出发 22.起伏 23.天黑后、黄昏后 24.再也不 25.一直、始终

UNIT 4 1.动画片n 2.警告、警示n 3.符号n 4.心思、思想n 5.程序n 6.录制v 7.基本的、基础的adj 8.步骤、段n 9.友好的、和善的adj 10.显得、看来v 11.演员n 12.与…相配v 13.单独地adv 14.得分v 15.小岛n 16.暴风雨n 17.夹克衫n 18.连环漫画 19.决定、选定 20.同…比赛 21.天气预报 22.获得成功


Unit1 Helping those in need Voluntary work Three teenagers offered to do some voluntary work during the school holidays. They wrote the following reports. Betty I did some voluntary work in a children's hospital. The children there all suffer from serious illness. We organized a painting competition for them. I met a girl called Cindy. She wanted to paint a picture of the park near her home. I went there and took some photos of it. Cindy used them for her painting. Mark There are many children without parents. I met som e of these children with my mother. We taught them to tell stories. This helps them express their feelings. One child said," My friends don't understand my pain". We spent some time with a girl called Vivien. Her parents died in a car accident, and she is unhappy and very lonely. She needs friendship. My mother and I will continue to visit Vivien. Annie I wanted to help disabled children. They have difficulty walking or moving. I taught them to sing because music can bring them joy and peace. I met a boy called Tim. He hurt his legs in an accident, but he has lots of courage. We need to help children like Tim and raise their spirits. I will continue to do voluntary work in the future. C Vocabulary C1 The words in italics are from the reports. Circle the correct answers to complete these sentences. 1 When something is serious, it is . a bad or dangerous b good and safe 2 If you have an illness, you are a person . a in good health b in had health 3 If you have peace, you are . a nervous b not worried or excited 4 A person with courage is usually of something dangerous or difficult. a afraid b not afraid 5 If you raise something, you . a make it lower b move it higher 6 If you are in high spirits. you have a good . a feeling b ability C2 Complete the passage below with the words from the box. Change their forms if necessary. Difficulty express lonely offer voluntary work Joe wanted to do during the summer holidays, so he to help at a local hospital. Every Saturday, he went there to look after the patients. One of them had walking, so he helped him move around.Another one could not see. Joe read news and funny stories to her so that she did not feel . Joe also talked with the patients. This helped them their feelings.

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