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当前位置:文档库 › 英语中的数字前缀主要有两个来源


英语中的数字前缀主要有两个来源,楼上给出的是希腊源的数字字头,此外很常见的还有拉丁源的数字字头。虽然每个数字都有两种表示,但由于语源学的原因,这两种来源的数字前缀往往出现在不同类型的单词中。 拉丁数字前缀如下:

拉丁源的前缀与不同的后缀结合多用于: 数学基数 decimal 关系形容词 quaternary 音乐家组合 quartet 表示倍数的词 triple 表示两个事件之间相隔的年份 quinquennial 表示有关方面的数目 bilateral 表示大数、幂的词 trillion 叶数或花或叶的瓣数 trifoliate 化学键 trivalent


1 mono

2 di/dy

3 tri

4 tetra

5 penta

6 hex

7 hept

8 oct

9 ennea 10 dec(a) 11hendec(a) 12 dodec(a) 13triskaideca/trideca 14tetrakaideca/tetradeca 15 pendeca 16 hexadeca 17heptadeca 18 octodeca 19 enneadeca 20 icos(a) 21 henicosa 22doicosa 23triicosa 24 tetraicosa 25 pentaicosa 26 hexaicosa 27 heptaicosa 28 octaicosa

希腊源的前缀与不同的后缀结合多用于: 平面图形的边数 pentagon 立体图形的面数

dodecahedron 某形状或线条的角数 triangle 统治者的成员个数 monarchy 诗歌的步格数 heptameter 一个集合中的元素数 triad 田径比赛的项目数 pentathlon

英语词根词源数字篇 uni- 表示"一","单一的" bi- 表示"二","二的" ambi- 表示"二","二者" tri- 表示"三","三倍" quadri- 表示"四","四倍"

============================= One Uni-

1.unicorn / / n.独角兽mythical animal resembling a horse with a single straight horn projecting form its forehead uni- (one)+corn (horn)

2.uniform/ /adj.相同的、无变化的not changing in form or character ; unvarying n.制服distinctive clothing worn by all members of an organization uni- (one)+form

e.g. : The house was kept at a uniform temperature.

3.unique/ /adj.唯一的、独特的being the only one ;have no like or equal e.g. : Her designs are quite unique in today’s fashion scene.

1 uni

2 bi/duo

3 tri 4quadri/quart 5quinque/quint 6 sex(t)/se 7 sept 8 oct 9 nonus/novem 10 dec(a)/de 11 dec/unde 12 duodec/duode 13 tredec/tridec 1

4 quatuodec 1

5 quindec(c) 1

6 sede(c) 1

7 septende(c) 1

8 decennoct 1

9 decennov 20 vige/vice 21 unviginti 22 duoviginti 23 treviginti 24quattuorviginti 25 quinviginti 26 sexviginti 27 septenviginti 28 octoviginti

4.unanimous/ /adj.意见一致的;一致同意的all agreeing on a decision or an opinion

uni-(one)+anim (mind)+-ous(形容词词尾)

e.g. :He was elected by unanimous vote.


Two, double


1.bicameral/ /adj.having two legislative chambers(议会)两院制的(如英国的上议院和下议院)

bi-(two)+camer (chamber)+-al(形容词尾)

e.g. a bicameral system of government两院制政体

2.biweekly/ /adj.adv.两周一次的(地);隔周的(地)


e.g. We hold our regular meeting biweekly.

3.bilingual/ /adj.会两种语言的able to speak, express ,write two languages equal well


e.g. He is bilingual in French and Spanish.


1.dilemma/ /n.进退两难的窘境situation in which one has to choose between two undesirable thing or courses of action


e.g. The dilemma the doctor faced was whether he should tell the patient the truth. [idm] on the horns of a dilemma 左右为难

2.diphthong/ /n.双元音(如au)union of two vowel sounds or vowel letters


3.diploma/ /n.文凭;毕业证书(对折的纸)certificate awarded for passing an examination di-(double)+ploma(folded)

e.g. After graduation, he got a diploma in architecture.

Duo- [变化型]do-, dou-, du-

1.duologue/ /n.对话;(戏剧中的)对白conversation between two people


2.duplicate/ /adj.完全相同的,复制的identical;twoflod,double

du-(two)+plic(to fold)+-ate(形容词词尾)

e.g. This research merely duplicates work already done elsewhere.

3.duel/ /n.v.决斗formal fight between two men

e.g. Because of the beautiful girl, Tom challenged Jimmy to duel.


1.twice/ /adj.二倍;二回;二度double; two times

e.g. He has twice lied to us.

2.twilight/ /n.(日出前的)微明;黄昏(明暗两者之间的光)faint light after sunset or before sunrise

e.g. Twilight is a dangerous time for drivers.

3.twist/ /v.卷缠;曲解(两个缠在一起)

e.g. I twisted the bandage round her knee.




1.tribe/ /n.种族;一群人;一类人racial group united by language, custom, religion large number of people; set or class people

tri-(three)+be =拉丁文bus (family)

e.g. I hate the whole tribe of politicians.

[词源] 古时位于罗马的三个种族the Ramnes, Tities, Luceres中任何一省均称tribe,此种称法沿用至今。

2.trilateral/ /adj.有三边的n.三边形involving three sides, groups, countries

tri-(three)+later(side)+- al(形容词词尾)

e.g. After overheated discussion, they reached a trilateral agreement.

3.triple/ /adj.三倍的,三部的n.三倍v.使成三倍having three parts; three times

tri-(three)+ple(to fold)

e.g. He tripled his income in three years.

4.trival/ /adj.不重要的;琐碎的that has little importance

tri-(three)+via(way)+- al(形容词词尾)

e.g. You should pay great attention to even a trival mistake.




1.quadruped/ /n.四足兽four-footed animal


2.quadriplegia/ /n.四肢麻痹

quadri-(four)+pleg (paralysis麻痹)+-ia (condition)

3.quadrennial/ /adj.持续四年的;每四年一次的lasting for four years; happening every fourth year

quadr-(four)+enn(year)+-ial (形容词词尾)


1.tetragon/ /n.四角形;方形建筑


2.tetrahedron/ /n.四面体





1.pentagon/ /n.五角形geometric figure with five sides and angles


[注]五角大楼(美国国防部办公处)(位于福吉尼亚州的阿灵顿)the five-sided building department of Defence and the US armed forces

2.pentarchy/ /n.五头政治;五国联盟

penta-(five)+archy (rule)

3.pente-cost/ /n.(犹太人的)五旬节(庆祝收获的节日)Jewish harvest festival that takes

place fifty days after the second day of Passover




1.sexagenarian/ /n.60-69岁之间的人(person who is) of any age from 60-69

2.sexpartite/ /adj.分成六部分的

sex-(six)+ part + -ite (形容词词尾)

3.sexcentenary/ /n. adj.六百周年纪念(的)

sex-(six) + cent(hundred)+ en(year)+-ary(形容词兼名词词尾)

Hex (a)-

1.hexagon/ /n.六角形geometric figure with six sides and angles

hexa- (six) + gon(angle)

2.hexameter/ /n.有六个韵部的诗行line of verse with six metrical foot

hexa- (six)+ meter( to measure )




1.septet/ /n.七重奏(曲);七重唱(曲)piece of music written for a group of seven instruments or singers

2.septennial/ /adj.连续七年的;七年一次的

sept- (seven)+enn(year)+-ial (形容词词尾)

3.september/ /n.九月the ninth month of the year, next after August but the seventh month of the Roman year

e.g. September showers, short periods of rain alternating with hot weather.

[注]恺撒之前的罗马历是以三月(March)为始,共有十个月。当时的七月称为。后来加上了一月(January)、二月(February)而成十二个月,但其余各月的名称并没有改变,只是往后顺延两个月,乃称九月为September, 其余依次类推:September(七月—九月),November(九月—十一月)。



Octa-, Octo-

1.octogenarian/ /n.80-89岁之间的老人persons between 80 and 89 of age

2.octagon/ /n.八角形

octa- (eight)+gon(angle)

3.octopus/ /n.章鱼;强有力且能为害的组织sea-animal with a soft body and eight long arms with suckers on them

octo- (eight)+pus(foot)

e.g. Have you ever tasted octopus?




1.decade/ /n.十年;由十所构成的一组period of ten years

e.g. the first decade of 20 century

2.decameron/ /n.十日谈

deca- (ten)+meron(day)

[注]意大利Boccaccio所著,包括100个故事3.decapod/ /n.十脚类动物(如虾等)


4.decimal/ /n. Adj.十进制(的);小数(的)decima(tithe十分之一)+ -al (形容词词尾) e.g. decimal point 小数点
