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雅思OG test 2 passage 1

雅思OG test 2 passage 1
雅思OG test 2 passage 1


READING PASSAGE 1 ( 35 points)

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

The Flavor of Pleasure

When it comes to celebrating the flavor of food, our mouth gets all the credit. But in truth, it is the nose that knows.

No matter how much we talk about tasting our favorite flavors, relishing them really depends on a combined input from our senses that we experience through mouth, tongue and nose. The taste, texture, and feel of food are what we tend to focus on, but most important are the slight puffs of air as we chew our food - what scientists call ‘retronasal smell’.

Certainly our mouths and tongues have taste buds, which are receptors for the five basic flavors: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami, or what is more commonly referred to as savory. But our tongues are inaccurate instruments as far as flavor is concerned. They evolved to recognize only a few basic tastes in order to quickly identify toxins, which in nature are often quite bitter or acidly sour.

All the complexity, nuance, and pleasure of flavor come from the sense of smell operating in the back of the nose. It is there that a kind of alchemy occurs when we breathe up and out the passing whiffs of our chewed food. Unlike a hound’s skull with its extra long nose, which evolved specifically to detect external smells, our noses have evolved to detect internal scents. Primates specialise in savoring the many millions of flavor combinations that they can create for their mouths.

Taste without retronasal smell is not much help in recognizing flavor. Smell has been the most poorly understood of our senses, and only recently has neuroscience, led by Yale University’s Gordon Shepherd, begun to shed light on its workings. Shepherd has come up with the term ‘neurogastronomy’ to link the disciplines of food science, neurology, psychology, and anthropology with the savory elements of eating, one of the most enjoyed of human experiences.

In many ways, he is discovering that smell is rather like face recognition. The visual system detects patterns of light and dark and, building on experience, the brain creates a spatial map. It uses this to interpret the interrelationship of the patterns and draw conclusions that allow us to identify people and places. In the same way, we use patterns and ratios to detect both new and familiar flavors. As we eat, specialized receptors in the back of the nose detect the air molecules in our meals. From signals sent by the receptors, the brain understands smells as complex spatial patterns. Using these, as well as input from the other senses, it constructs the idea of specific flavors.

This ability to appreciate specific aromas turns out to be central to the pleasure we get from food, much as our ability to recognize individuals is central to the pleasures of social life. The process is so embedded in our brains that our sense of smell is critical to our enjoyment of life at large. Recent studies show that people who lose the ability to smell become socially insecure, and their overall level of happiness plummets.

Working out the role of smell in flavor interests food scientists, psychologists,and cooks alike. The relatively new discipline of molecular gastronomy, especially, relies on understanding the mechanics of aroma to manipulate flavor for maximum impact. In this discipline, chefs use their knowledge of the chemical changes that take place during cooking to produce eating pleasures that go beyond the ‘ordinary’.

However, whereas molecular gastronomy is concerned primarily with the food or ‘smell’ molecules, neurogastronomy is more focused on the receptor molecules and the brain’s spatial images for smell. Smell stimuli form what Shepherd terms ‘odor objects’, stored as memories, and these have a direct link with our emotions. The brain creates images of unfamiliar smells by relating them to other more familiar smells. Go back in history and this was part of our survival repertoire, like most animals, we drew on our sense of smell, when visual information was scarce, to single out prey.

Thus the brain’s flavor- recognition system is a highly complex perceptual mechanism that puts all five senses to work in various combinations. Visual and sound cues contribute, such as crunching, as does touch, including the texture and feel of food on our lips and in our mouths. Then there are the taste receptors, and finally, the smell, activated when we inhale. The engagement of our emotions can be readily illustrated when we picture some of the wide-ranging facial expressions that are elicited by various foods- many of them hard- wired into our brains at birth. Consider the response to the sharpness of lemon and compare that with the face that is welcoming the smooth wonder of chocolate.

The flavor-sensing system, ever receptive to new combinations, helps to keep our brains active and flexible. It also has the power to shape our desires and ultimately our bodies. On the horizon we have the positive application of neurogastronomy: manipulating flavor to curb our appetites.

Questions 1 - 5

Questions 6 - 9

Questions 10 - 13


雅思历年真题口语题目汇总 version 01old person describe an old man influenced you 1.who was he 2.when did you know him 3.what he did and explain why he influenced you part3 1.老人的经验有什么问题存在? 2.喜欢什么艺术品? 3.给老人拍照片时候注意什么呢? 4.你们国家对老年人是什么态度? 5.你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好? 6.老人在你们家有什么影响? 7.你认为老年人在看问题的时候跟年轻人有什么不一样? 8.他们对大家有什么影响? version 02 city 1.where it is located? 2. what special for you? 3. why you want to stay there? part 3 1.please compare 100 hundred years old city and modern city and what predict about the city in the future. 2.上海是个怎样的城市 3.都有那些著名建筑

4.你想为这个城市做些什么? 5.有哪些现象有待提高或者那些提倡 version 03 room part2: 1.what's your favorite room in your home 2.what it likes you live 3.what you do in the room normally and explain why you like it part3: 1.你认识你的邻居吗? 2.城市里的房子和乡村有什么不同? 2003年9月换题后的口语topic Old person Describe a older person you know You should say:Who he or she is How you know him or her How he or she is And explain what infection he or she give you and in what aspect Further question: 1、你们国家对老年人是什么态度? 2、你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好? 3、老人在你们家有什么影响? 4、你认为老年人在看问题的时候跟年轻人有什么不一样? 5、他们对大家有什么影响?


雅思阅读教案 paragraph headings(段落标题) 在阅读文章的前面给出 list of headings, 一般是 5 到 10 个左右选项,其中含一到两个段落及其标题的例子。要求对题目中给出的段落,根据其内容找出与其相匹配的段落标题。尽管题目说明中提示一个选项可能会适用多个,但正式考试中一般一个选项只能用于一个段落。 ? 段落标题类答题步骤: 1.首先在 list of headings 中划去做为例子的 heading 或 headings ,以免在根据段落内容在 list of headings 中找出与其相匹配的段落标题时,它(它们)会干扰考试者对其他 headings 的选择。 ? 2.在文章中把做为例子的段落划掉,以免对例子段落进行不必要的精读。 3.对题目中给出的段落,按照首句(第一、二句)、末句和中间句寻找主题句的方法,在 list of headings 中找出与其相匹配的段落标题。 ? 4.如果时间允许,按照文章的段落顺序,对非题目中给出的段落及例子段落进行快速阅读,而对题目中给出并要求找出与其相匹配的段落标题的段落进行精读。找出其中心意思后,再在 list of headings 中找出与其相匹配的段落标题。 ? 5.选出几个可能匹配的题目进行比较(通常两至三个),当然其中只能有一个为正确答案。 ? 6. 对于第一种匹配题型可以将最难的题留在最后进行匹配,不要在较难的题上花费更多的时间,而应选择较易回答的题目进行匹配,最后所剩即为该难题的答案。 ? 7. 要仔细检察答案,特别是第一题型,因为答错一题,就意味着答错两道题。 ? 相应练习:剑四 test3 passage2 剑五 test3 passage3 剑六 test2 passage1 剑六 test3 passage2 剑六 test4 passage1 二、辨别正误题型 (True / false /not given)? 该题型还涉及到:(not given / not mentioned)没有提到,有时还会出现下列提法 accurat / inaccurat 精确/不精确; supported / contradicted 一

剑桥雅思5 口语 Test4 Part3

雅思为各位考生推荐复习材料-剑 5 口语 Test4 Part3-Purpose of festivals and celebrations;需要本教程其他单元口语范文的考生请点击:剑 5 口语Test3 Part1-Entertainment;剑5 口语 Test3 Part2-Describe one of your friends;剑5 口语 Test3 Part3范文-Qualities of Friends。 PART 3: Purpose of festivals and celebrations Q: Why do you think festivals are important events in the working year? Answer: Yeah. It’s very important for two reasons. For the country, it’s a time to remember our cultural origin and our historical past. The whole country celebrates our root and it’s very inspiring. We become so proud of our past. I guess that’s why festivals are important. For the individual, festivals give us a chance for relaxation as we often have a few days off. It’s a time of fun, meeting friends, entertainment. So after that we feel like a new man. In a sense, holidays restore our balance between work and leisure. That’s also why we need festivals for China. Q: Would you agree that the original significance of festival is often lost today? 构思: 节日的初衷: 庆祝传统, 承上启下, 结束也是开始 现在的节日: 人们繁忙, 感觉不到开始和结束的意义, 过完节,马上就再次投入到工作中, 有些单位甚至连节假日都加班. 人们也不在那么感动传统,倒是好好的利用节日放松了一下,


2015年6月6日雅思写作(一) 题目类别society 提问方式Discussion 考试题目 Some people prefer to provide help and support directly to those in their local community who need it. Others, however prefer to give money to national and international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 有人认为给需要救助的人自己的帮助更加可取,有人认为给有需求的国家或国际援助组织提供经济援助更加重要,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。 Although people in industrialized countries lead a high standard of living, it is undeniable that there are still 1.2 billion people living below the poverty line. In order to solve poverty-related problems, I feel that all kinds of help should be encouraged and respected. Giving a helping hand to those who are in need in the local community seems reasonable. It is because even in the richest countries, there are still a lot of people, such as disabled people and orphanages, suffering from famine and extreme poverty. For this reason, it is easy and convenient for us to help our fellow citizens, such as donating food or clothing to them, so that we can see the result of our actions immediately. By contrast, it is rather difficult to track expenditure of international aids, which might result in corruption in some cases. Those who donate money to domestic and international charities believe that the collection of money has a tremendous effect on the poor countries compared with other forms of help. This is because few people are able to donate a large amount of money to construct schools, hospitals and roads in poor areas. Instead, governments and charities can achieve this. International aids can also purchase vaccines which are available in developed countries by using the money raised worldwide and save millions children’s life. In my view, minor proportion of donated money and other sorts of help should be appreciated equally as long as the money reaches to those who need it desperately. The government could run campaign and encourage door-to door help. At the same time, charitable organizations should make every penny count for donors.(word count:274)


剑桥雅思口语真题解析 Part 1: 1.1姓名 1. What’s your full name? 2. Can I have your name, please? 3. Are there any special meanings of your name? 4. Do you like your name? Why? 5. Do Chinese people like changing their names? 6. What kind of people in China like changing their names? 7. Is there any rule for Chinese people giving names to their children? 1.2故乡 My hometown is Guangzhou. It is the capital of Guangdong province in the southwest of China. It is a large industrial city. It is close to Hong Kong so a lot of the industries involve trade and retail. It is also a finance area. The people in Guangzhou are very genial and helpful, also are very easy to get around. If you lose your way and ask someone, he will give you the direction immediately, he can also give you a hand if you are in trouble. By the year 2011, it is believed that my hometown Guangzhou has become the economic center of China. 2. Where is it located? 3. How about the climate in your hometown? Which season do you like? In my hometown Guangzhou, the four seasons are not evident, which only has spring and summer. It is too hot in the summer and it is also humid in the winter. I like summer better, for we will go swimming and start our outdoor activities in the summer, it gives us pretty environment, which full of various kinds of colors. Another reason is that it is suitable for traveling around. 4. How about the people in your hometown? The people in my hometown Guangzhou are very genial and helpful, also are very easy to get around. People will always give you a hand with things. If you lose your way and ask someone, he will give you the direction immediately, he can also give you a hand if you are in trouble. 5. What do most people do in your hometown? 6. Oh yes. Even though Guangzhou is very modern, it has some interesting temples and streets. There is one called the Temple of Six Banyan Trees and it was built about 1500 years ago. There is also a famous cultural and commercial street in Guangzhou called Beijing Road. In this street, you can not only see a historic exhibition about different years roadbed, which has more than thousand histories, but also has many business shops sale almost all kinds of things. Besides, you can taste traditional snacks and refreshments or experience temples with /unusual special architectural style nearby. Anyway, it is an interesting place so worth to visit! 7. How about the style of the building in your hometown? 8. What is one of the greatest changes having taken place over the years? 9. What problems still exist in your hometown? 10. How to improve the situation in your hometown? 11. Where is Chinese population mainly distributed? 12. What changes have occurred in people’s dwelling? 1.3学习 1. Are you an employee or a student? (Are you working or studying?) 2. What is your major?


雅思历年真题口语题目汇总 version01old person describe an old man influenced you 1.who was he 2.when did you know him 3.what he did and explain why he influeced you part3 1.老人的经验有什么问题存在? 2.喜欢什么艺术品? 3.给老人拍照片时候注意什么呢? 4.你们国家对老年人是什么态度? 5.你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好? 6.老人在你们家有什么影响? 7.你认为老年人在看问题的时候跟年轻人有什么不一样? 8.他们对大家有什么影响? version02city 1.where it is located? 2.what special for you? 3.why you want to stay there? part3 1.please compare100hundred years old city and modern city and what predict about the city in the futu re. 2.上海是个怎样的城市 新东方批改网(https://www.wendangku.net/doc/267155200.html,),在线雅思作文批改,雅思口语批改。语法纠错、恶补,制定考试计划,

3.都有那些著名建筑 4.你想为这个城市做些什么? 5.有哪些现象有待提高或者那些提倡 version03room part2: 1.what's your favorite room in your home 2.what it likes you live 3.what you do in the room normally and explain why you like it part3: 1.你认识你的邻居吗? 2.城市里的房子和乡村有什么不同? 2003年9月换题后的口语topic Old person Describe a older person you know You should say:Who he or she is How you know him or her How he or she is And explain what infection he or she give you and in what aspect Further question: 1、你们国家对老年人是什么态度? 2、你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好? 3、老人在你们家有什么影响? 新东方批改网(https://www.wendangku.net/doc/267155200.html,),在线雅思作文批改,雅思口语批改。语法纠错、恶补,制定考试计划,


今天给大家介绍雅思阅读SUMMARY题型该如何解答 一、SUMMARY题型要求 雅思阅读该类题目是一小段文字,是原文或原文中的几个段落主要内容的缩写或改写,称之为摘要。摘要中有几个空白部分要求考生填空。 SUMMARY要求考生要对原文的内容结构有精确的把握,更需要考生运用一定的综合概括能力,将原文和缩写文章进行词句、词语的比较,提取原文信息。 按照范围,摘要可分为两种: 全文摘要(8-10题)和部分段落摘要(涉及2-3段,5-6题)。 全文摘要,摘要信息来自全文,题目空格的数目较多。 部分段落摘要,摘要信息来自原文某几个连续的段落,题目空格的数目较少。 最近雅思考试中出现的大部分是部分段落摘要,信息来自原文连续的两到三段,题目空格的数量在5 题左右。对于部分段落摘要,有的在题目要求中会指出它来自原文的哪些段落,如complete the summary below of the first two paragraphs of the reading passage。 但大部分的部分段落摘要只是在题目要求中说它是原文的一个摘要或部分段落摘要,并不指出它来自原文的哪些段落。 按照填空内容,摘要也可分为三种:原文原词、从多个选项中选词和自己写词。 原文原词的题目要求中常有from the reading passage 的字样。从多个选项中选词,选项的数目常常超过题目空格的数目。从多个选项 中选词或自己写词的题目要求中没有from the reading passage 的字样,有时会有using the information in the passage 的字样。 先看选项,按词性归类。注意是否有同根异性词选项(其中可能一个是答案)。以先猜后找方法解题:猜——用语法;找——回原文。 最近雅思考试中,绝大部分是原文原词或从多个选项中选词,很少有自己写词的。这类题在A类和G类考试中出现的频率一般都是每两次考一次, 每次考一组,共五题左右。 二、SUMMARY解题步骤 (1)雅思考试该类题型,要求仔细读摘要的第一句话,找出它在原文中的出处,通常是和原文某段话的 第一句相对应。确定填空部分是所给阅读文章的全篇还是部分的SUMMARY,确定是用题目所提供的单词表填空,还是需要自己从原文中挑选 单词填空。如果题目要求中已经指出了摘要的出处,则此步可以略去不做。 (2)略读缩写文章,了解大致内容,迅速回原文定位,确定是哪一段落的SUMMARY,或是涉及哪些段落的内容。 把空格前后的词作为signal words,到原文中去找这些词的对应词。 对应词的特点如下: a.原词 b.词性变化;如空格前的词为threatening, 形容词,原文中的词为threat, 名词。


雅思写作地图题深度解析(上) 朗阁海外考试研究中心姜芮 在雅思小作文中,流程图和地图题无疑对于广大考生来说都有不小的威胁,很多考生在遇到此类型的题目时,会变得手足无措,不知道应该从何写起。许多考生抱着侥幸的心里,往往不重视此类小众题目的备考,结果作文分数受到了很大的影响。在本系列文章中,朗阁海外考试研究中心写作组的专家将着重对雅思写作地图题做一个深度解析。 我们用两个经典的地图题真题为例,在近两年出现的数次地图题中,多数都是属于这类“三格地图”。 WRITING TASK 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The diagram below shows the development of the village of Kelsby between 1780 and 2000.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. 在审题过程中我们需要特别注意以下几点: 1. 时态:关注时态是小作文能否取得高分的关键,同样对于地图题,我们也应该很好地注意时态,本文的时间是明确的,都是过去的时间,因此全文应当使用一般过去时。 2. 顺序:该图属于动态的地图题,这种类型的地图题一律按照时间顺序来写。在这道题中,也就是按照图的顺序依次来写,不要把元素拆开。如果是静态的地图题(即不涉及时间变化的题型),则按照空间顺序来写。在描述单幅地图时,我们可以采取上北下南的顺序描述,或者从左到右的顺序也可以,但值得注意的是,如果地图上有明显的方向标示,那就要根据这个标示来描述。 下面我们一起来分析文章的写作。 第一段:Introduction 引言段就是把题目进行改写。原文中的diagram,可以替换成figure,原文中的shows,可以改为illustrate, demonstrate, reveal, indicate等词。宾语development,可以替换成transformations,也可以改为宾语从句how the village of Kelsby developed/ changed. 题目中给出的时间比较模糊,可以具体化为in 1780, 1860 and 2000. 【例文】The three maps illustrate how the village of Kelsby changed in 1780, 1860 and 2000. 第二段:描述1780年的地图 1780年的情况只涉及到静态的数据,因此只需要用存在句即可表达,不涉及任何变化的单词。但是,考生非常容易把这些元素全部用there be这个句型来表达,从而导致句式单一。表示存在的句型除了there be之外,还有非常简单的have句型,还有lie/ be located/ be situated这样的结构。另外还有一种倒装句型,比如“桌子上面有一本书”,可以翻译为on the desk is a book. 除此之外,要注意几个元素的顺序问题。这里有四大元素:住宅区homes,树林woods,农场farms,还有一条河流river。理论上只要按照一定的空间顺序(比如顺时针、逆时针,从左到右)都是可以的,但是要考虑家庭数量的变化是导致其它所有变化的根本原因,因此建议先写住宅区homes。 还有就是土地单位的表达,land是不可数名词,因此不能说a land,只能说a piece of land。为了表达更加精确,可以用a plot of land(一小块),a stretch of(一长片),a large expanse of(一大片)。 另外朗阁海外考试研究中心提醒考生们还要注意方位词的表达。地图题中常用的方位词有:in the east/ west/ south/ north of ...; in the eastern/ western/ southern northern part of ...; 如果是在角落,可以用in the southwestern corner of ...; 在河流的上/下游:at the lower/ upper reaches of the river; 在河岸:alongside the riverbank; 在河流的南端:at the southern end of the river.


【雅思口语预测】雅思口语话题题库范文 雅思口语精准预测刘薇简介环球雅思北京学校副校长最受欢迎口语教师授课时激情中透着温婉幽默里渗入励志秉承让学生 "轻松复习事半功倍"的教学理念。 从事雅思教学多年北京大学传播学硕士曾学术访问哈佛大学 耶鲁大学等世界顶尖名校。 著作《雅思九天口语高分之路》、《剑桥雅思全真试题原版解析8》。本月预测重点本预测适用于xx年4月雅思考试超高频和重回题库考题、一级重点、都是重点类别需要考生准备细致答案。二级重点考生考生准备思路即可。 Part 1 分类汇总一基本信息类 1. Name 什么名字,中文名含义,未来换吗 2. Study or work 上班还上学上学问专业或最喜欢学科上班工作内容,参加过培训吗,未来换工作吗 3. Hometown 家乡哪里,有什么特别的地方,未来想居住的地方 4. Weather 喜欢什么天气家乡天气,家乡天气今年的变化 5. Family 家庭情况,家庭时间如何度过,全家人喜欢一起做什么二衣食住行类 1. Living 住flat还是house,最喜欢的房间,如果重装修会怎么做 2. Building 喜欢什么建筑,你们国家的人更喜欢传统还是时尚建筑,未来建筑的发展 3.

Countryside 喜欢郊区吗,郊区与城市的区别,什么人喜欢郊区 4. Transport 家乡交通特点,公共交通和私人交通的优缺点,未 来如何改善 5. Boating 划过船吗,坐过船吗,好处,你们国 家水运多吗 6. Clothes and fashion 喜欢什么衣服,喜欢时 尚吗,时尚对生活的影响 7. Bags 平时背包包吗,什么类型的 宝宝,知道哪些包包,丢过包包吗 8. Keeping healthy and fit 如何保持健康,如何保持身材 9. Daily routine and favorite time in a day 典型的一天,一天中最喜欢的时间段 10. Sleeping 几点睡几点起,睡不着怎么办,如何培养好的睡眠习惯 三娱乐休闲 1. Music 喜欢什么类型音乐,喜欢在家听还是concert hall。会乐器吗,什么乐器。 2. dancing 会舞蹈吗,中国人喜欢什么舞蹈,传统舞蹈得到了 传承吗 3. photography 喜欢摄影吗,喜欢给别人拍还是别人 给你拍,喜欢收藏照片吗 4. painting 会画画儿吗,小孩子学 习绘画的好处,有什么绘画技巧吗 5. sport 最喜欢什么运 动,好处 6. museum 喜欢去博物馆吗,好处,博物馆该收费吗7. leisure and relaxation 喜欢什么休闲活动,跟谁,在哪 儿,好处,中国人都喜欢什么休闲 8. weekends 如何度过周 末,周末加班吗,老板应该给发工资吗 9. postcards 喜欢 ___吗,发给别人或者收到过吗,跟email的区别 10. public park 喜欢去公园吗,做什么,应该有更多公园吗四科技生活


1月9日雅思阅读真题 一、考试概述:本次新年的第一场考试又是AB卷。A卷第一篇话题讲了生物的生存不确定性,第二篇介绍了音乐的力量,第三篇讲了课堂大小对于学习效果的影响。的话题是两新一旧,第一篇内容为古生物化石,第二篇是情绪影响人的行为,第三篇是儿童文学 二、具体题目分析 A卷Passage 1:题目:Living with uncertainty 题型:判断7+简答6 题号:新题 答案:1-7 判断题1 FALSE2 TRUE3 NOT GIVEN4 TRUE5 NOT GIVEN6 FALSE7 TRUE 8-13简答题 8 lit fires9 saltbush10 European farming11 wheat12 pear13 Tellers (目前无明确回忆,答案仅供参考) Passage 2: 题目:The power of music 题型:段落信息匹配5+Summary 4+人名配理论4 文章大意:待补充 答案:14-18信息配段落14. D15. I16. C17. F18. E 19-22 Summary without word list 19 physical health20 disabled21 brain scans

22 walking 23-26人名配理论23 C24 B25 A26 A (答案仅供参考) Passage 3: 题名:Does class size matter? 题型:段落信息匹配5+分类配对9 文章大意:待补充 答案:27-31 段落信息匹配27 D28 E29 A30 C 31 B 32-40 Classification32 A33 C34 B35 C36 A37 C38 A39 B40 A (目前无明确回忆,答案仅供参考) B卷Passage 1: 题目:The History of building telegraph lines 题型:判断6+简答7 文章大意:电报的发展史 相似文章: A The idea of electrical communication seems to have begun as long ago as 1746, when about 200 monks at monastery in Paris arranged themselves in a line over a mile long, each holding ends of 25 ft iron wires. The abbot, also a scientist, discharged a primitive electrical battery into the wire, giving all the monks a simultaneous electrical shock. “This


雅思阅读summary题型总结 雅思阅读题型大大小小一共有十种,今天和大家一起讨论其中比较特殊的一种题型,它既可以是选择类的题又可以是填空类的题,即:总结题(summary),总结题可以分成带词库(如:剑五P28)和不带词库(如:剑五P18)两种。 下面以剑桥雅思五P18 Q4-7为例看看不带词库的这类总结题应该如何解答。 首先,不带词库的总结题,是属于填空题这一大家庭,所以,第一步很关键的点是要看清题目对所填字数的要求,如在这里,题干中有这样的要求NO MORETHAN TWO WORDS,因此,在填写答案时,注意不要超过了这里所要求的字数; 第二,需要仔细地读题干,即summary。这里强调的是仔细读,而不是蜻蜓点水式的扫读。从题干中尽可能地获取更多有用信息,用这些信息来帮助解题。如在这里,当我们仔细读第四题所在的题干信息时,我们会发现空白处之前,有tookon 这个短语,意为“雇佣”,其次,还有a number of这个短语,意为“一些”,最后,在空白处后面,细心的同学会发现,有一个由who引导的非限定性定语从句,从这些点点滴滴的信息,我们可以推出此题所填的词应该是复数形式的表示人的词。有了这样的提示信息,回到原文找答案的过程才会有水到渠成的状态。 第三,回原文进行定位并找到答案。定位的过程,建议大家不要生硬地去寻找,有些同学不分题型也不用任何方法,一进入回原文的状态就从文章第一段第一句开始读,在这里要提醒大家的是,由于在上一步中已经通读过summary内容,在summary中出现过的特殊词是都可以用来帮助大家进行定位的,比如剑五P18这道题题干中就出现了“in1764,40,000 words,80 large notebooks,JamesBoswell”等大量的特殊词,这些词都能帮助大家进行快速定位。也许在这里有同学要提问了,为什么题干中的“Johnson,Dictionary”也是大写,却不是特殊词了呢?其实当大家开始看文章就知道,全文的标题是 Johnson'sDictionary,也就是说“Johnson,Dictionary”这两个词,将会是全文的主题词,它们将在文章中多次出现,所以这两个含有大写字母的词也不能算是能帮助我们解题的特殊词了。另外,这里需要提醒的是,即使整个summary题干中没有像这道题这么频繁地出现特殊词,也许下次大家需要完成的总结题里,只是一两个此类的特殊词,那这一到两个特殊词也可以作为大家解题的一个突破口。因为总结题大多数情况下是有序的。 最后,澄清一点大家对总结题的认知。很多同学会发出这样的感叹,“老师,我从小总结能力就很差,所以我的总结题总是做不对”。这种对总结题的认知是不科学的,本质上来说,完成这类总结题的过程就是在做单句填空,这是和大家所谓的总结能力无关的一个过程。更多考察的仍然是对题干语句的理解及回原文查找相关信息的能力,所以大家不需要担心自己母语方面总结能力不到位的情况会影响到解总结题的效率或状态。


雅思写作题目解析:年轻人不快乐的原因抽象类: In some countries, young people are not only richer but also safer and healthier than ever before. However, they are less happy. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? 在一些国家,年轻人更加富有,安全,健康,但是,他们还是不快乐,原因何在,如何解决? 思路拓展:幸福的源泉 1. 做自己喜欢的事情 2. 学习的乐趣 3. 朋友带来的乐趣 4. 生活的简单轻松 5. 梦想的实现年轻人不快乐的根源: 客观上: 1. 有些青少年来自单亲家庭,或者是暴力家庭,缺乏温暖和关爱,很难快乐。 2. 应试教育和填鸭教学使很多成长中的年轻人不堪重负,更谈不上发展自己的兴趣爱好,放松休闲,所以,很多年轻人不快乐。 主观上:

1. 幸福感其实和自我的期待值相关,欲望好像是盐水,越喝越渴。有时候,年轻人想要提升自我,但是,又缺乏力量,想要后退,又不甘心,欲求不得的焦虑正是不快乐的根源之一。 2. 罗素在论及快乐的时候提及朋友和爱好能够是快乐的重要源泉,所以,个人爱好很少以及交际圈很小的人,很难获得更多快乐。 解决策略: 1. 父母承担对于子女的责任,为他们营造快乐健康的成长环境。 2. 教育者协助学生们调整心态,同时,缓解学业负担,丰富校园活动。 3. 年轻人积极交友,培养乐观人生态度,发展个人爱好,获得更多快乐源泉。 原创语料库: 1. numerous youngsters = a great many teenagers = a number of young people n 很多年轻人 2. youngsters = teenagers = adolescents = the young = young adults = those who are in the formative years n 年轻人 3. acquire = attai n 二 obtai n v 获得... 4. well-being = pleasure = happiness n 幸福 5. feel cheerful = feel delighted = feel happy v感到快


雅思阅读-填空做Summary题的技巧 1. 题型要求 该类题目是一小段文字,是原文或原文中的几个段落主要内容的缩写或改写,我们称之为摘要。摘要中有几个空白部分要求考生填空。 按照范围,摘要可分为两种:全文摘要和部分段落摘要。全文摘要,摘要信息来自全文,题目空格的数目较多。部分段落摘要,摘要信息来自原文某几个连续的段落,题目空格的数目较少。最近考试中出现的大部分是部分段落摘要,信息来自原文连续的两到三段,题目空格的数量在5题左右。对于部分段落摘要,有的在题目要求中会指出它来自原文的哪些段落,如complete the summary below of the first two paragraphs of the reading passage。但大部分的部分段落摘要只是在题目要求中说它是原文的一个摘要或部分段落摘要,并不指出它来自原文的哪些段落。 按照填空内容,摘要也可分为三种:原文原词、从多个选项中选词和自己写词。原文原词的题目要求中常有from the reading passage 的字样。从多个选项中选词,选项的数目常常超过题目空格的数目。从多个选项中选词或自己写词的题目要求中没有from the reading passage 的字样,有时会有using the information in the passage的字样。最近考试中,绝大部分是原文原词或从多个选项中选词,很少有自己写词的。 这类题在a类和g类考试中出现的频率一般都是每两次考一次,每次考一组,共五题左右。 2. 解题步骤 (1) 仔细读摘要的第一句话,找出它在原文中的出处,通常是和原文某段话的第一句相对应。 如果题目要求中已经指出了摘要的出处,则此步可以略去不做。 (2) 注意空格前后的词,到原文中去找这些词的对应词。 对应词的特点如下: a. 原词 b. 词性变化;如空格前的词为threatening, 是形容词,原文中的词为threat, 是名词。 c. 语态变化;一个是主动语态,一个是被动语态。 d. 同义词;如空格前的词为throw away,原文中的词为discard (丢弃,抛弃,遗弃),它们是同义词。 (3) 仔细阅读对应所在的句子,确定正确答案。 (4) 注意语法,所填答案必须符合语法规定。 (5) 注意顺序性,即题目的顺序和原文的顺序基本一致。 Notice 1. 注意题目要求中是否有字数限制。 若要求从原文选词或自己写词,会有字数要求,如use one or two words等,答案必须满足这个要求。 2. 若从原文选词,只能选原文中连续的几个词,不能改变它们的顺序。 如原文为virgin fiber, 发生答案不可能是fiber virgin。原文为advances in the technology,答案不可能是technology advances。 3. 若要求从原文选词,越是生词,越可能是答案。
