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【恒心】新编英语教程3(第三版)单元五(On not answering the telephone)参考答案【李炳璋提供】

【恒心】新编英语教程3(第三版)单元五(On not answering  the telephone)参考答案【李炳璋提供】
【恒心】新编英语教程3(第三版)单元五(On not answering  the telephone)参考答案【李炳璋提供】

Unit 5 On Not Answering the Telephone




A. Guessing the meanings of words and phrases:

1. d

2. h

3. a

4. c

5. g

6. i

7. b

8. j

9. f 10. e

B. Looking up words and phrases in a dictionary:

1. feeling ill because there is too little air; choked

2. (air) not moving in and out freely

3. having the smell of

4. not careful

5. a large number of copies read

6. ran away secretly with a lover

7. stubbornness

8. rich and powerful businessman


B. 1. …or pretend to be uncommon / out of the ordinary

2. …filled with the odour of women’s low quality face-powder and that of men’s cigarettes…

3. Do you have enough strong will power to…?

4. …, then you are just told that…?

5. a. No matter how hard you try to hide it, people will learn the fact sooner or later.

b. The truth will become publicly known.

6. a book which can be seen in more places than Shakespeare or the Bible …

7. …to keep away from some lazy or curious gossip, or from somebody who wants something

but not to offer anything in return.

8. …or from some reporter who is determined to question you…

9. …somebody’s cold stare behind your back is sufficient to make your blood run cold…

10. The English seem t o be especially talented in two areas…



1—6 F T T F F F



A. 1. have money/coins ready 2. 061 3. London

4. by dialling 100

5. the call is answered

6. 999


Sentence Combination

Reference version:

Telephone calls in Britain are in two classes: local calls and trunk calls. Short distance calls of up to about twenty miles are classed as local calls, and all calls over longer distances are classed as trunk calls.

In London, telephones now have all-figure numbers which do not include an exchange name: for example, 01-222 2870. If you make a local telephone call in London to a subscriber in London, you omit the 01 and dial only the last seven figures of the number of the person whom you are calling. To make a trunk call to or from London, you dial all the figures of the subscriber’s number.

The names, addresses and telephone numbers of subscribers in inner London are at present printed in four directories. There are separate directories for people whose names begin with the let ters A to D, E to K, L to R, and S to Z. When you look up a person’s number in the telephone directory, you will find his name on the left side of the column and his telephone number on the right side.

Precis Writing

Reference version:

I don’t like the telephone as I consider it a pest and a time-waster. Furthermore, when an expected call doesn’t come, it causes anxiety and suspense, and when the line is busy, it causes an irritating delay. Public phones are even worse. You have to queue up, the phone-box is stuffy and smelly, and you feel the eyes of the people waiting to use the phone after you. A phone in the house tends to ring at the most inconvenient times. The trouble is that one is not strong-minded enough to ignore it, though this would be quite all right, as news, whether good or bad, travels fast. If you’re indiscreet enough to have your name and number printed in a telephone directory, you’ll receive annoying calls of all kinds. Perhaps you’ll have a phone for out-going calls only. But is that necessary? There are always public phones nearby if emergency arises. If I were a tycoon or an invalid, I might need a phone. Ah, I’m wanted on the telephone. I’d better answer it, there might be something important.

IV. Translation

A. 1. Mrs. Smith took it for granted that women were supposed to do cooking in the kitchen and

would never allow anyone in the family to take her place.

2. The major reason for his unpopularity was that he would flee away when his help was most


3. The helicopters will be used to send the rescue party to the scene of disaster in case of an


4. As for the increasing air pollution, we must be clearly aware that it threats all human beings.

5. This local magazine which made its first appearance less than a year ago has already had a

circulation of 500,000.

6. Her heart chilled when she found that nobody had come to the station to meet her.

7. The results of these tests clearly show that you have an aptitude for music.

8. They worked day and night in the laboratory for a whole month only to find that they were

attempting the impossible.

9. The telephone rang in the middle of his important experiment. He ignored the persistent

ringing, thinking that important messages would reach him sooner or later.

10. It serves you right if you fail your maths test again. You’ve cut too many maths classes this


B. Reference version:

Nowadays mobile phones are no longer treated as luxuries that only the rich can afford. Rather, they have turned out to be a necessity in our lives, place in the list of must-have items. Mobile phones have changed the way we communicate, whether for work or play. We are now less constrained by time and geographical location. With his mobile device, a manager can dial into conference calls while stuck in a traffic jam. But the blurring of personal and wok lives brought about by the device are posing many problems. The common sight of heads bent, eyes staring intently at mobile screens and fingers busy tapping away repeats itself across many cities and places around the world. Whenever there is a moment to spare while on the train, taxi or waiting in a queue, people busy themselves with their motile devices. Some people check in with their phones while out on a date. Such obsession with mobile devices is disrupting how we appreciate the little things in life. The truth is that technology should be seen as a tool to enhance our way of living and not a substitute for the good things that we as humans naturally enjoy. Mobile phones have certainly made a significant impact on our lives, but it should be for the better.



1. after

2. for

3. in

4. off

5. on

6. out

7. over

8. in

9. down

10. up

11. back

1 2. on

13. up

14. to

15. on



2.came to an end / ended

3.from beginning to end


5.in the end

6.on end

7.put an end to

8.at the end of

9.to make both ends meet

10.ended in










9.room 10.lived











































27.seemed 28.play



E. (1) At the end (2) kept thinking

(3) conclusion (4) draw

(5) showed particular aptitude (6) rushed

(7) in the middle of (8) (was) engaged in

(9) indiscreet enough (10) something for nothing

(11) justified himself (12) ignored

(13) strong-minded (14) itch

(15) dreadful necessity

VI. Sentence rewriting


1. … to be forwarded to …

2. … to be done …

3. … to be settled …

4. This is a matter not to be ignored / not a matter to be ignored.

5. … to be remembered …

B. 1. The Browns had had the whole house painted, the lawn mowed and the hedges trimmed


2. His handwriting is illegible so he had the letter typed.

3. The window-pane….broken. I’ll have it r eplaced by a glazier.

4. My trousers are oily. I’ll have them sent to the dry-cleaner’s.

5. I’ve had….now. I’ll have it renewed.


新编英语教程第五册课后练习题答案 Answers to the exercises in Unit 1 II. Paraphrase 1.A writer who is particular about the exactness of an expression in English will never feel happy with a word which fails to express an idea accurately. 2. To a certain extent, the process of finding the right words to use is a process of perfection where you try to search for words that may most accurately express your thoughts and feelings, and words that may most effectively make your listeners and readers understand your thoughts and feelings. 3. Finding the most suitable word to use is in no sense easy. But there is nothing like the delight we shall experience when such a word is located. 4. Once we are able to use language accurately, we are in a position to fully understand our subject matter. III. Translate 1.After citing many facts and giving a number of statistical figures, he finally drove home his point. 2. It took us half a year more or less to carry through the research project. 3. What he said was so subtle that we could hardly make out his true intention. 4. His new book looks squarely at the contemporary social problems. 5. The younger generation today are very much alive to the latest information found on the Internet. 6. It is a matter of opinion whether a foreign language is more easily learned in one’s childhood or otherwise. 7. Never lose heart in the face of a setback; take courage and deal with it squarely. 8. Rice, meat, vegetables, and fruit constitute a balanced diet. Language Work III. 1. clumsy-unskillful 2. deft-skilful 3. loose-vague 4. subtle-tricky 5. precise-accurate 6. shift-alteration 7. vague-ambiguous 8. scrupulous-conscientious 9. ignorance-want of knowledge 10. disadvantages-drawbacks 11. cultivating-developing 12. mistaken-erroneous 13.unimportant-trivial 14. dark-dim 15. flexible-adaptable 16. fine-subtle 17. sentimental-emotional 18. essence-quintessence 19. coercion-compulsion 20. fascinating-absorbing


Unit 1 在弗雷德看来,面试进行得很顺利。五天前他曾向一家小公司申请工作,现在那公司的一名董事正在对他进行面试。 在这之前弗雷德一直在当推销员。他现在想调工作并不是因为缺钱,而是因为作为一名推销员他几乎没有空闲的时间。 弗雷德在谈话前很担心,生怕头脑发昏说错话,但是很幸运他发现自己同这位董事的共同之处颇多。 显然这位董事很满意。正当弗雷德在想着自己很可能得到工作时,董事接着问他:“你愿意加班吗?” In Fred’s view, the interview was going very smoothly indeed. Five days before, he had applied for a job at a small business company and now he was being interviewed by one of its directors. Fred had been working as a salesman. He wanted to change his job not because he was short of money, but because as a salesman he could hardly enjoy any leisure at all. Fred had been worried that he might lose his head and say something silly, but fortunately he found that he had a lot in common with the director. It was clear that the director was quite satisfied. Fred was thinking that his chances of landing the job were favourable when the director proceeded to ask, “Do you mind working over time?” Unit 2 B.汉译英 汤姆一开始同父亲谈话就想直截了当地把自己的意思说出来。“爸爸,我作了一个重要的决定,我打算参军去(go into the services)。”父亲很吃惊,不赞同地看着他。“你不应该先得到学位吗?你总有机会服役的,在你……” “可是,爸爸,我今年无论如何会被征入伍的(be drafted)。”汤姆急着打断父亲说。“所以为什么不现在入伍呢(enlist)? 如果入伍了,我得到技术培训的机会就会更多些。要知道,那是很重要的。” “嗯……”父亲插嘴说,“你在大学里第一年学得不错,现在不是你离开学校的时候。” “爸爸,我大学一年级的成绩不很理想,我想我是赶不上其他同学的了。此外,我知道你多么不愿意背债(get into debt),要我成为你的负担,那么我永远不会觉得好受(feel right about)。” 听了这些,汤姆的父亲无言以对,但是他最终说了这么一句话:“我想也许你最好同你母亲谈一下。” As soon as Tom began his talk with his father, he wanted to gain his point directly. “I’ve made an important decision, Dad. I’m going into the services.” Tom’s father looked at him with an air of surprised disapproval. “Shouldn’t you get your degree first? You can always do your military service after …” “But Dad, I’ll be drafted this year anyway,” Tom interrupted


Unit 1 1. 他们都认为他成功的可能性很小。 They all believed that his chances of success were slim. 2. 我不知道她为何总带有一种闷闷不乐的神情。 I don’t know why she always has an air of sadness. 3. 等到所有同学都就座后,学生会主席才开始宣布野营的日程安排。After all students were seated, the president of the students’ union proceeded to announce the camping itinerary. 4. 胃是人体至关重要的器官,请善待之。 Please take good care of our stomach which is a vital organ of our human body. 5、他认为总经理如此重视那些日常琐事是荒唐的。 He considered it absurd for the general manager to attach so much importance to those routine trifles. 6. 她的研究涉及多种语言和文化,富有挑战性。 Her study was full of challenge, which was concerned with many languages and cultures. 7. 根据安排,全体工作人员依次值晚班。 As is scheduled, all staff should take turns to do late duty. 8. 想到要远离父母独自生活,她深感不安。 She felt upset at the thought of leaving her parents and having an independent living in a remote area.

最新练习册翻译 答案 新编英语教程5 第三版资料

Unit One 1.在举出许多事实并列出一些统计数字后,他终于把他的论点说清楚了。(drive sth. home) After citing many facts and giving a number of statistical figures, he finally drove home his point. 2. 差不多花了半年功夫,我们才完成了那个研究项目。(more or less) It took us half a year more or less to carry through the research project. 3.他说的话如此微妙,我们很难理解他的真实意图。(subtle) What he said was so subtle that we could hardly make out his true intention. 4.他的新书一针见血地审视了当代的社会问题。(squarely) His new book looks squarely at the contemporary social problems. 5.今日的年轻一代对互联网上的最新信息很关注。(be alive to) The younger generation today are very much alive to the latest information found on the Internet. 6.外语是不是在童年更容易学好?这是一个观点问题。(a matter of) It is a matter of opinion whether a fo reign language is more easily learned in one’s childhood or otherwise. 7. 在挫折面前千万不要丧失信心;鼓起勇气坚定不移地去克服它。(take courage) Never lose heart in the face of a setback; take courage and deal with it squarely. 8. 适量的米饭、肉类、蔬菜、水果构成均衡的饮食。(constitute) Adequate amounts of rice, meat, vegetables, and fruit constitute a balanced diet. Unit Two


1) The reason why little girl like Barbie very much is that she looks like real people and can be dressed up in a perfect way. 2) Man-made objects, though out-numbered by natural objects, play a more and more important role in people’s life. 3)The number of man-made object is increasing steeply, compared with the number of natural objects as well as its actual number. 4) The little girl of today would gladly use their old Barbie to exchange the new version of Barbie whereas their mother or grandmother would be reluctant to throw away their dolls until they fall-apart simply, because they are too old nothing could be more obvious than the difference between them. 5)The societies and people that are used to poverty reject the practice of using one product only for once or a short time and then replace it by a new one. 6) It is meaning that less for a man who is fairy old to say that he wants to develop a hobby in this or that form. 7)It is sensible that you further develop the hobby; you already have instead of trying to cultivate a new one. 8)Taking up a hobby and living a more regularized way of life are the most effective way to save them from their boredom. 9)The long hour’s work in the office or factory provides these people with the money so they can live their lives and gives them a strong desire for the simplest pleasure. 10)In fact, it is highly likely that those people who take their work as their pleasure are need to divert their effort from work from time to time urgently. 11)The ability to do the right thing at the right time is essential to a good leader. 12) A leader must be good at exercising his authority (this is a quality that a leader must have) and be able to demonstrate to the people that he does. 13) A leader should find out what the people want to do or have, and guide them to achieve it. 14) If we are not powerful, determined and brave, we can’t except to f ind a good leader, no matter how skilled we are in shopping images, we can’t make him to be what he is not, he is only a representative of all of us. 15) John Dewey has said seriously that the degree that someone’s behavior can influence the custom is the same as the degree that his body talk can influence his mother tongue. 16)The result from a serious study of the custom which is not influence by the outside shows that what Dewey said is just an objective description of the fact. 17) If we still think that our culture is superior to those of the people who we regard as uncivilized, underdeveloped or irreligious, the study anthropology must be meaningless. 18)W e must realized that all the beliefs are based on the same thing, the intangible and should be treated equally along with our own. 19)I believe that people in the society high above me are selfless, pure, noble and very intelligent. 20)But it is difficult for a man of the working class to improve his social status, especially when he was full of objectives and imaginations 21)It is physically strong, and they profited a lot by exploiting my strength, but I only lived a poor life. 22)He was no longer strong enough to make money by selling his strength and had nothing left to him, he had no other choice, but to slide down to the bottom of the society and die there in misery. 23) After 100 years, the black people is still suffering in the isolated part of American society, and he feels like an outcast in his own country. 24) We can see very clearly that as far as the black people are concerned, America didn’t fulfill its promise. 25) We are here to demand the fulfillment of the promises which can guarantee us our freedom and justice. 26)This is not the right time to calm down and adopt gradualism, waiting patiently for a solution.



Comprehension I. Judge which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the article. A. To be able to use the right word is an important component of one’s mastery of the English language. B. To facilitate one’s own process of cognition and one’s communication with others, one must be able to choose the right word from the extensive vocabulary of the English language. C. It is more important to know exactly the meaning and use of a relatively small number of words than to know vaguely a larger number. II. Determine which is the best choice for each of the following questions. 1. “Clean English” in the first paragraph mea ns . A. English of a dignified style B. English free from swear words C. English which is precise and clear 2.The word “realization” in the sentence “Choosing words is part of the process of realization…” means . A. articulating sounds B. fulfilling one’s goals C. becoming aware of what one thinks and feels


《新编英语教程》(修订版)第三册 Unit 1[见教材P1] My First Job 我的第一份工作 Robert Best 罗伯特.贝斯特 ①While I was waiting to enter university, I saw ②Being very short of money and wanting to do something useful, I applied, fearing that my chances of landing the job were slim. ①那年,我考上了大学,还没有入校时,在本地一家报纸上看到一所学校发布广告,招聘一名教师。②这所学校位于伦敦郊区,距离我住的地方大约[有]十英里。③当时因为急需用钱,又想做些有意义的事情,于是我就提出了申请。④但是同时,我又担心,既没有学位又没有教学经验,所以获得这个职位的可能性非常小。 ①However, three days later a letter arrived, summoning me to Croydon for an interview. ②It proved an awkward journey: a train to Croydon station;a ten-minute bus ride and then a walk of at least a quarter of a mile. ③As a result I arrived on a hot June morning too depressed to feel nervous. ①然而,三天以后来信了,通知我到Croydon参加面试。②路很不好走,先坐火车到Croydon车站,再坐十分钟的公交车,最后步行至少0.25英里才到达目的地。③那可是六月天的上午,天气很热,我非常沮丧,也非常紧张,简直都崩溃了。 ①and ②The front garden was a gravel square;


Reference for Unit 6 workbook exercises Blank Filling A. 1.changed, promising https://www.wendangku.net/doc/208251866.html,ing, qualified 3.determined 4.spoken, leading, surprising 5.frightening 6.demanding 7.pleased, soiled https://www.wendangku.net/doc/208251866.html,plicated 9.interested, exciting, soaked 10.tiring, tired B. 1.giving 2.Fascinated, rising / rise 3.singing, to do, making

4.keeping, playing, to be, to see, climbing 5.opening 6.to take, shopping, doing, to do 7.to have remembered, to tell, preparing, to do 8.to watch, to read, reading, watching 9.missing, to tell 10.to be taken 11.swimming, cleaning, to do 12.waiting, seeing, missing, to find, to be C. 1.for 2.to 3.of 4.on 5.read 6.across 7.about / for 8.in 9.until / till 10.opinion 11.by 12.keep 13.excellent 14.time 15.pleasure 16.from 17.yourself 18.in 19.filled 20.trains


练习册第二单元参考答案 Text 1 A. True (T) or False (F)? 1. Simone drank some champagne with her bridesmaids to overcome her nervousness before the wedding. F Simone didn’t feel nervous at all. On the contrary, when drinking champagne, she thought about all that had gone into getting to the wedding day. 2. Simone regarded her wedding as the most important occasion in her life. T 3.Simone’s father loved her so much that he was willing to spend as much money as he could. F Maybe Simone’s father was willing to spend mon ey for her, but it seemed that he could not afford what his daughter had spent for her wedding. 4. Alice had succeeded in teaching Simone to be a reasonable and responsible consumer. F It was true that Alice always told Simone to be financially responsible, but she failed to make her a reasonable and responsible consumer, especially when she was preparing for her wedding. 5. Simone didn’t follow Alice’s advice because Simone thought all the money she spent belonged to her father. T 6. Alice called to ask Simone about her future plan because she wanted to humiliate her. F Alice called to ask Simone about her future plan because she wanted to remind her of her financial problem after the wedding. 7. Simone lost control of her emotions later because Alice sent a letter to inform her that she had divorced her father. F Simone lost control of her emotions later because Alice sent a letter to inform her that the wedding had been cancelled. Since her father’s company had already gone bankrupt, her father couldn’t pa y her wedding expenditure. 8. Since Tom decided not to marry Simone after knowing the facts, the wedding was cancelled. T B. Explain the following in your own words. 1. … Simone could not help but think about all that had gone into getting to today. could not stop from thinking about.


Unit 1 恰到好处 Have you ever watched a clumsy man hammering a nail into a box? He hits it first to one side, then to another, perhaps knocking it over completely, so that in the end he only gets half of it into the wood. A skillful carpenter, on the other hand, will drive the nail with a few firm, deft blows, hitting it each time squarely on the head. So with language; the good craftsman will choose words that drive home his point firmly and exactly. A word that is more or less right, a loose phrase, an ambiguous expression, a vague adjective (模糊的形容词), will not satisfy a writer who aims at clean English. He will try always to get the word that is completely right for his purpose. 你见过一个笨手笨脚的男人往箱子上钉钉子吗?只见他左敲敲,右敲敲,说不准还会将整个钉子锤翻,结果敲来敲去到头来只敲进了半截。而娴熟的木匠就不这么干。他每敲一下都会坚实巧妙地正对着钉头落下去,一钉到底。语言也是如此。一位优秀的艺术家谴词造句上力求准确而有力地表达自己的观点。差不多的词,不准确的短语,摸棱两可的表达,含糊不清的修饰,都无法使一位追求纯真英语的作家满意。他会一直思考,直至找到那个能准确表达他的意思的词。 The French have an apt(贴切的) phrase for this. They speak of “le mot juste,” (the exact word) the word that is just right. Stories are told of scrupulous(一丝不苟的) writers, like Flaubert, who spent days trying to get one or two sentences exactly right. Words are many and various; they are subtle(微妙的) and delicate(细腻的) in their different shades(色调)of meaning, and it is not easy to find the ones that express precisely(正是,恰恰) what we want to say. It is not only a matter of having a good command of language and a fairly wide vocabulary; it is also necessary to think hard and to observe accurately. Choosing words is part of the process of realization, of defining our thoughts and feelings for ourselves, as well as for those who hear or read our words. Someone once remarked: “How can I know what I think till I see what I say?” this sounds stupid, but there is a great deal of truth in it. 法国人有一个很贴切的短语来表达这样一个意思,即“le mot juste”, 恰到好处的词。有很多关于精益求精的作家的名人轶事,比如福楼拜常花几天的时间力求使一两个句子在表达上准确无误。在浩瀚的词海中,词与词之间有着微妙的区别,要找到能恰如其分表达我们意思的词绝非易事。这不仅仅是扎实的语言功底和相当大的词汇量的问题,还需要人们绞尽脑汁,要观察敏锐。选词是认识过程的一个步骤,也是详细描述我们的思想感情并表达出来使自己以及听众和读者深刻理解的一个环节。有人说:“在我思想未成文之前,我怎么知道自己的想法?”这听起来似乎很离谱,但它确实很有道理。 It is hard work choosing the right words, but we shall be rewarded by the satisfaction that finding them brings. The exact use of language gives us mastery(掌握) over the material we are dealing with. Perhaps you have been asked “What sort of a man is so-and-so(某某等)?” You begin: “Oh, I think he’s quite a nice chap (家伙)but he’s rather…” and then you hesitate trying to find a word or phrase to express what it is about him that


Unit 1 恰到好处 你见过一个笨手笨脚的男人往箱子上钉钉子吗?只见他左敲敲,右敲敲,说不准还会将整个钉子锤翻,结果敲来敲去到头来只敲进了半截。而娴熟的木匠就不这么干。他每敲一下都会坚实巧妙地正对着钉头落下去,一钉到底。语言也是如此。一位优秀的艺术家谴词造句上力求准确而有力地表达自己的观点。差不多的词,不准确的短语,摸棱两可的表达,含糊不清的修饰,都无法使一位追求纯真英语的作家满意。他会一直思考,直至找到那个能准确表达他的意思的词。 法国人有一个很贴切的短语来表达这样一个意思,即“le mot juste”, 恰到好处的词。有很多关于精益求精的作家的名人轶事,比如福楼拜常花几天的时间力求使一两个句子在表达上准确无误。在浩瀚的词海中,词与词之间有着微妙的区别,要找到能恰如其分表达我们意思的词绝非易事。这不仅仅是扎实的语言功底和相当大的词汇量的问题,还需要人们绞尽脑汁,要观察敏锐。选词是认识过程的一个步骤,也是详细描述我们的思想感情并表达出来使自己以及听众和读者深刻理解的一个环节。有人说:“在我思想未成文之前,我怎么知道自己的想法?”这听起来似乎很离谱,但它确实很有道理。 寻找恰如其分的词的确是件不容易的事。一旦找到了那个词,我们就会感到很欣慰:辛劳得到了回报。准确地用语言有助于我们深入了解我们描述的事物。例如,当有人问你:“某某是怎么样的人?”你回答说:“恩,我想他是个不错的家伙,但他非常……”接着你犹豫了,试图找到一个词或短语来说明他到底讨厌在哪里。当你找到一个恰当的短语的时候,你发觉自己对他的看法更清楚,也更精确了。 一些英语词汇词根相同而意义却截然不同。例如human 和humane,二者的词根相同,词义也相关,但用法完全不同。“ human action (人类行为)”和“humane action ( 人道行为)”完全是两码事。我们不能说“人道权力宣言”,而是说“人权宣言”。有一种屠杀工具叫“humane killer ( 麻醉屠宰机),而不是human killer ( 杀人机器)。 语言中的坏手艺的例子在我们身边随处可见。有人邀请一名学生去吃饭,他写信给予回复。请看他的信是这样结尾的:“我将很高兴赴约并满怀不安(anxiety )期待着那个日子的到来。”“Anxiety” 含有烦恼和恐惧的意味。作者想表达的很可能是一种翘首期盼的心情。“Anxiety” 跟热切期盼有一定的关联,但在这个场合是不能等同的。 乌干达一政党领袖给新闻界的一封信中有一句这样写道: 让我们打破这自私、投机、怯懦和无知充斥的乌干达,代之以真理,刚毅,坚定和奇异的精神。 这一激动人心的呼吁被最后一个词“奇异(singularity)” 的误用破坏掉了。我猜想作者真正要表达的意思是思想的专一,即抱定一个信念永不改变,咬定青山不放松,不被次要的目的干扰。而singularity 指的是古怪,特性,是将一个人从众多人中区分出来的那种东西。 即使没有出现词语误用,这词仍可能不是符合作者意图的恰如其分的词。一名记者在一篇有关圣诞节的社论中这样引出狄更斯的话: 任何有关圣诞节的想法和文字已经被禁锢(imprisoned )在这句话中……“Imprisonment” 暗示着强迫,威逼,这么一来似乎意思是有悖其初衷的。用“包含(contained )”或“归结(summed up )”就要好些。“概括(epitomized)”也行,尽管听起来有点僵硬。稍微再用点心我们就能准确地找到“mot juste (恰倒好处的词) ”,那就是“distilled”.它比包含和归结语气更强。“Distillation (提炼)”意味得到本质(essence)的东西。因此我们可以进一步把这个句子修改为: 所有有关圣诞节的想法和文字的精华都被提炼到这句话之中。

新编英语教程第三册workbook 答案

Dictation Unit 1 The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Sullivan, came to me. It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old. On the afternoon of that eventful day, I stood on the porch, dumb, expectant, I guessed from my mother’s sign and from the hurrying in the house that something unusual was about to happen, so I went to the door and waited on the steps. Hanging down from the porch was sweet-smelling honeysuckle. My fingers lightly touched the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet southern spring. I did not know what surprise the future held for me. I felt approaching footsteps. I stretched out my hand as I supposed to my mother. Someone took it, and I was caught up and held close in the arms of her who had come to help me discover all things to me, and, more than anything else, to love me. Translation: 1.They al believe that he had a slim chance of success. 2.I didn’t know why she has an air of sadness all the time. 3.It was after all the students had taken their seats that the president of the students’ union proceeded to announce the camping itinerary. 4.The stomach is a vital organ of the human body; please take good care of it. 5.He considered it ridiculous for the general manager to attach so much importance to those routine trifles. 6.Her study, which ranged over many languages and cultures, was full of challenge. 7.As is scheduled, all the members of the stuff take turns to do late duty. 8.She was greatly upset at the thought of leaving her parents and living on her own in a remote area. 9.We do not worry so much about her qualifications for the job as about her health. 10.He was greatly excited about the prospect of leaving a cruise around the world. Paragraph translation From Fred’s point of view, the interview was very smoothly indeed. Five days before, he had applied for a job at a small business company and now he was being interviewed by one of its directors. Fred had been working as a salesman. He wanted to change his job not because he was short of money, but because as a salesman he could hardly enjoy any leisure at all. Fred had been worried that he might lose his head and say something silly, but fortunately he found that he had a lot in common with the director. It was clear that the director was quite satisfied. Fred was thinking that his chances of landing the job were favorable when the director proceeded to ask, “Do you mind working overtime?”

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