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2009 级《计算机导论》考试试题B卷






Ⅰ、Choice Questions(20 questions, 1 score for each question)

1. Every computer today is based on the _____ model.

a. von Neumann

b. Microsoft

c. Intel

d. input/output

2. According to the von Neumann model, _____ are stored in memory.

a. data

b. programs

c. algorithm

d. a and b

3. The CPU includes a small number of storage buffers that hold data temporarily, called _____ .

a. registers

b. cache

c. memory

d. disk drives

4. To store a byte, you need _____ electronic switches.

a. 1

b. 4

c. 8

d. 16

5. In _____ number representation, there are two representations for 0

a. sign-and-magnitude .

b. one’s complement

c. two’s complement

d. a and b

6. The only language understood by computer hardware is _____ language?

a. machine

b. symbolic

c. high-level

d. natural.

7. The output data depend on the combination of the _____ and the program.

a. memory size

b. input data

c. processor model

d. processor speed

8. A data structure can be _____ .

a. an array

b. a record

c. a linked list

d. all of the above

9. To unset (force to 0) all the bits of a bit pattern, make a mask of all 0s and then _____ the bit

pattern and the mask.

a. OR

b. NOT

c. XOR

d. AND

10. A bit pattern of three bits can take on how many different states?

a. 16

b. 8

c. 4

d. 3

11. The network layer protocol of TCP/IP is called _____.

a. TCP

b. UDP

c. IP

d. a and b

12. A _____ bus connects the CPU and memory.

a. control

b. address

c. data

d. all of the above

13. A router operates at _____ layer of the OSI model.

a. all layers

b. the first four layers

c. the first three layers

d. application

14. The _____ scheduler creates a process from a job and changes a process back to a job.

a. process

b. queue

c. job

d. virtual

15. For _____ sort, n-1 passes and two loops are needed to sort the data..

a. selection

b. insertion

c. bubble

d. all of the above

16. An operating system program called the _____ gets the program into memory.

a. translator

b. loader

c. download

d. processor

17. A control unit with five wires can define up to _____ operations?

a. 5

b. 10

c. 16

d. 32

18. In a linked list, each element contains _____ .

a. a link and a record

b. data and a record

c. data and a link

d. all of the above

19. A process in the running state goes to ready state when _____ .

a. get access to CPU

b. Time slot exhausted

c. I/O requested

d. it finishes running

20. _____ is a program that facilitates the execution of other programs.

a. Hardware

b. A queue

c. An operating system

d. An application program

Ⅱ、Questions( 6 questions, 5 scores for each question)

1. Name five types of data that a computer can process.

2. What are the subsystems of the von Neumann computer model?

3. Name four types of network connecting devices.

4. Define the three constructs used in structured programming.

5. Name the layers of the OSI model?

6. What are the components of an operating system?

Ⅲ、Calculation( 5 subjects, 5 scores for each subject)

1. Change the following 8-bit two’s complement numbers to decimal.

(1). 11111111 (2). 10000000 (3). 11010001 (4). 01101001 (5).10010111

2. Change the following decimal numbers to 8-bit two’s complement integers, and then convert the result to hexadecimal.

(1). -52 (2). 66 (3). -127 (4). 99 (5). -101

3. Using an 8-bit allocation, first convert each of the following numbers to two’s complement, do the operation, and then convert the result to hexadecimal.

(1) 42+71 (2) 42-71 (3) -42 +71 (4) -42-71 (5) 71-1

4. Show the result of the following operations, and then convert the result to hexadecimal.

(1) NOT x77 (2) x15 AND x10 (3) x55 OR xAA (4) x46 AND xFF

(5) (xFF XOR xBB) AND (xFF OR xBB)

5. Change the -9.875 decimal numbers to binary numbers, and show it in 32-bit IEEE format, and then convert the result to hexadecimal.

Ⅳ、Analyzing and Design (5 subjects, 5 scores for each subject)

1. Using the selection sort algorithm, manually sort the following list and show your work in each pass:

12, 6, 78, 31, 50, 46, 99, 2, 20, 44

2. As the above question, but using the bubble sort algorithm.

3 Write an algorithm in pseudocode to solve the factorial problem (use iteration).

Factorial(n)=1 if n=0

Factorial(n)=nⅹFactorial(n-1) if n>0

4. Write a recursive algorithm in C language or pseudocode to realization binary search.

5. Imaging a power plant that pumps water to a city using eight pumps. The states of the pumps (on or off) can be represented by 8-bit pattern. For example, the pattern 10001111 shows that pumps 1 to 4(from right), and 8 are on while pumps 5, 6, and 7 are off. How can you shut down the pump 2 and open the pump 6?

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