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Robust constraint solving using multiple heuristics

Robust constraint solving using multiple heuristics

Al?o Vidotto1,Kenneth N.Brown1,J.Christopher Beck2

1Cork Constraint Computation Centre,

Dept of Computer Science,UCC,Cork,Ireland


2Toronto Intelligent Decision Engineering Laboratory,

Dept of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,University of Toronto,Canada


Abstract.Constraint Programming is a proven successful technique,but it re-

quires skill in modeling problems,and knowledge on how algorithms interact

with models.What can be a good algorithm for one problem class can be very

poor for another;even within the same class performance can vary wildly from

one instance to another.CP could be easier to use if we could design robust algo-

rithms that perform well across a range of problems,models and instances.In this

paper we look speci?cally at variable and value ordering heuristics for backtrack-

ing search and propose a multi-heuristic algorithm based on time-slicing,and we

demonstrate its performance on two different problem classes,showing it is more

robust than the standard heuristics.


Constraint Satisfaction is a proven AI technique,with many successful and pro?table applications.However,representing and solving problems in terms of constraints can be dif?cult to do effectively.A single problem can be modeled in many different ways, either in terms of representation or in terms of the solving process.Different approaches can outperform each other over different problem classes or even for different instances within the same class.It is possible that even the best combination of model and search on average is still too slow across a range of problems,taking orders of magnitude more time on some problems than combinations that are usually poorer.This fact complicates the use of constraints,and makes it very dif?cult for novice users to produce effective solutions.The modeling and solving process would be easier if we could develop robust algorithms,which perform acceptably across a range of problems.

In this paper,we present one method of developing a robust algorithm.We combine a single model and a single basic search algorithm with a set of variable and value ordering heuristics,in a style similar to iterative deepening from standard AI search. The aim is to exploit the variance among the orderings to get a more robust procedure, which may be slower on some problems,but avoids the signi?cant deterioration on others.During the search,we allocate steadily increasing time slices to each ordering, restarting the search at each point.We demonstrate its performance on two different problem classes,showing that it is robust across problem instances,and is competitive with standard orderings used for those problems.


A Constraint Satisfaction Problem(CSP)is de?ned by a set of decision variables, {X1,X2,...,X n},with corresponding domains of values{D1,D2,...,D n},and a set of constraints,{C1,C2,...,C m}.Each constraint is de?ned by a scope,i.e.a subset of

variables,and a relation which de?nes the allowed tuples of values for the scope.A state is an assignment of values to some or all of the variables,{X i=v i,X j=v j,...}.

A solution to a CSP is a complete and consistent assignment,i.e.an assignment of val-ues to all of the variables,{X1=v1,X2=v2,...,X n=v n},that satis?es all the constraints.

The standard process for generating solutions to a CSP is based on backtracking search.This proceeds by selecting a variable and then choosing a value to assign to it. After each assignment,it propagates the constraints by removing inconsistent values from the domains of future variables.If none of the future domains are empty then search continues by selecting another variable;otherwise it backtracks,selects another value from the domain of the current variable and continues;if no other values are possible,it backtracks to the previous variable.The order in which variables and values are tried has to be speci?ed as part of the search algorithm,and has a signi?cant effect on the size of the search tree.

The standard ordering heuristic is based on the so called”fail-?rst”principle,stating that we should choose the variable with the tightest constraints.This is normally imple-mented by choosing the variable with the smallest remaining domain,or the smallest ratio of domain size to degree(representing the CSP as a graph,with variables as nodes and constraints as edges).Strategies aiming to”succeed?rst”have also been inves-tigated,e.g.in[4]where different variable heuristics showed different search efforts, depending on their level of”promise”.Even the choice of a value ordering heuristic represents an important aspect in setting up a good search algorithm.Among the most effective for many CSPs is the min-con?icts value heuristic[5],which chooses the value that rules out the fewest choices for the neighboring variables in the constraint graph. The reason why ordering heuristics matter is because if the search makes a bad choice at the top of the search tree,it can waste a lot of effort exploring sub-trees that have no solution.In[8],the behavior of standard variable ordering heuristics over insoluble sub-trees is compared to optimal refutations,with the advice that some knowledge on how refutations distribute may be relevant to improve the search.

For a single instance of a CSP,a single run with a single ordering heuristic can get trapped in the wrong area of the tree,even if the heuristic is the best on average.For this reason,the randomized restart strategy has been proposed-for a single heuristic,if no result has been found up to a given time limit,the search is started again.Tie break-ing and,typically,value ordering are done randomly,and so each restart explores a different path.This approach has been shown to work well on certain problems,includ-ing quasi-group with holes[7].Algorithm portfolios[6]is another randomized restart search method,which interleaves a number of randomized algorithms.

3Multi-heuristic and time-slicing

As discussed above,for many problem classes no single ordering heuristic performs well across all problem instances.In some initial experiments on a scheduling prob-lem,we had noticed that some instances caused a1000-fold increase in running time in comparison to others.Further,the hard instances appeared to be different for each ordering.Therefore,we have developed an approach which tries each ordering in turn for a limited time,restarting the search after each one,and gradually increasing the time limit if no result was found.This is similar to the way iterative deepening explores each branch to a certain depth,and then increases the depth limit,and is similar to random-ized restarts,except we use different ordering heuristics.

The pseudocode for the multi-heuristic(MH)algorithm is:

while solve(heuristic(i),limit)==false


if i==n then i=1

else i=i+1

Solve(.,.)simply takes heuristic i(composed of a variable ordering and a value ordering),and applies standard search up to a time limit.If it?nds a solution,or proves there is no solution,it returns true;otherwise it hits the time limit and returns false.Increase(.,.)is the time limit function.We have considered two versions:(lin-ear)increase(i,limit)=limit+δand(magnitude)increase(i,limit)=limit*10if i=n;limit otherwise.

Note that MH is complete:the CSP backtracking search space is?nite,each or-dering heuristic is systematic,and limit increases inde?nitely,so eventually one of the heuristics will be given enough time to complete the search.Secondly,if any one of the heuristics is deterministic,then MH has a guaranteed upper bound on the ratio of the time it takes compared to that heuristic.


We want to test the performance of the time-sliced multi-heuristic approach.Speci?-cally,

(i)is it more robust than the standard default ordering heuristic,i.e.does it report a

result within acceptable time limits in more cases across a range of problems? (ii)does it avoid a signi?cant increase in run time,i.e.is the overhead of restarting the search,and repeating some search paths,signi?cant?

(iii)how does it compare to the randomized restart method,i.e.is its performance due to the restart mechanism,or to the multiple heuristics?

To answer these questions,we have tested the approach on two problem classes: scheduling tasks with?xed start and end points,and quasi-groups with holes(QWH).

All implementations are coded in C++using Ilog Solver6.0,and run on a Pentium 2.6GHz processor under Linux.In each case we compare our multi-heuristic approach against the recommended heuristics.For(i)and(ii),we compare MH against the small-est remaining domain(msd)variable ordering heuristic(with lexicographic tie break-ing).For(iii)we compare against the same variable ordering heuristic but with random tie breaks,and random value ordering.


The problem-We considered one class of scheduling problems,where tasks have?xed start and end times,but can be allocated to a number of different resources.We assume that resources come in categories,and that categories are ranked.Each task has a rank, and must be allocated to a resource of that rank or higher.Each resource can process one task at a time,and each task must be processed without interruption on a single resource.Given a set of categorized resources and ranked tasks,with?xed start and end times,the problem is to determine whether or not the tasks can be scheduled.This prob-lem is known to be NP-complete[2].In our model,we represent the tasks as variables, and the resources as the values to be assigned,and the constraints ensure tasks do not overlap.

Example-In Fig.1we represent:four tasks with rank,and?xed start and end times (left);and a possible solution(right).

Task Rank Start End T1 3 0 2 T2 2 0 2 T3 3 1 3 T4 1 2 4 Res.[rank] 1 2 3 R1[1] T4 R2[3] T2

R3[3] T1

R4[4] T3

Fig.1.Scheduling tasks with?xed start and end times over ranked resources Variable orderings-We utilized the list of variable(task)orderings represented in Table1.H1and H2are two standard versions of min-size domain.H3to H10are static orderings created from sorting the set of tasks by start time and minimum resource class. H11involves a measure of time contention[3]among tasks,i.e.it sorts by counting, for each task,the number of other tasks which overlaps in time.Thus,in the example of Fig.1,task T3would count3(overlapping with T1,T2,T4),T1and T2would count 2,and T4would count1,so T3would be tried?rst.

Value orderings-We utilized the list of value(resource)orderings represented in Table2,including three static orders:two choose among resources with the smallest or highest(suitable)class?rst;one consisting of a random resource order.

Table1.List of variable ordering heuristics

Heuristic id Tie breaking

min size domain

min size domain

increasing start time

increasing start time

decreasing start time

decreasing start time

increasing min-resource class

increasing min-resource class

decreasing min-resource class

decreasing min-resource class

most overlapping in time





Multi heuristic approach-We combined both lists of variable and value heuristics together,implementing four different MH versions:MH(11x3),MH(11x1),MH(1x3), and MH(1x1),all with H1and W1as?rst variable and value heuristics.

Test setting-We consider one set of test problems, 100,10,N ,with100resources in10classes.We varied the number of tasks,N,from130to200(in single steps), and for each one we generated500random problems,choosing start times in[0..40], durations in[17..25]and ranks in[1..10],all uniformly at random.For each instance, we impose a maximum time of41seconds,which allows time slices of0.01,0.1,and1 second for33possible heuristics,including the overhead on initializing the problem.

4.2Quasi-group with holes

The problem-A quasi-group of order N is a Latin Square of N by N cells.The solution of a Latin Square requires an allocation to each cell of a number from1to N,so that all the elements appearing on each row are different and all the elements appearing on each column are also different.A quasi-group with holes(QWH)is a solved Latin Square from which some allocations are deleted.The problem is to?nd an allocation which completes the Latin Square.In our model,the variables are the empty square cells and the values are the elements to be assigned.In our model,we represent the empty cells as variables,and the numbers as the values to be assigned.We use the Ilog global constraint IloAllDiff to ensure each row and column has allocations that are all different.

Example-In Fig.2we represent:a problem instance of QWH(N=4)with H=13holes (left);the remaining domains(centre);and a possible solution(right).

1 2


1 3

2 4

3 2

4 1

2 4 1 3

4 1 3 2 1 3,4 2 3,4

3,4 2 1,3,4 1,3,4

2,3,4 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,2,3,4

2,3,4 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,2,3,4

Fig.2.Quasi group with holes:an instance,remaining domains,and a solution

Variable orderings-We utilized the list of variable(cell)orderings represented in Table3.H1and H2are two standard versions of min-size domain.H3to H10are static orderings created from sorting the square cells by column and row.

Table3.List of variable ordering heuristics

Heuristic id Tie breaking

min size domain

min size domain

increasing column

increasing column

decreasing column

decreasing column

increasing row

increasing row

decreasing row

decreasing row

Table4.List of value ordering heuristics Heuristic id Tie breaking min number?rst

max number?rst

least(x,y)-con?icted number

failure frequency [%]

msd 130414012150161603217040180221900200

0 1 2 3 4 5


140 150 160

170 180 190


0 20





t i m e [s e c ]

% s o l u t i o n

size [N]

mean r-time - SCHEDULING { M100K10, N130..200, s0..40, d17..25 } - tmax 41s - limit[0] = 0.01s

MG(1x1) or msd MG(1x3) magnitude MG(11x1) magnitude MG(11x3) magnitude

Fig.3.Scheduling(MH vs.msd ):left,frequency of failure to solve within tmax ;right,mean r-time

QWH -In Fig 4,we again show robustness and run time,this time for balanced QWH(20).MH (10x3)again consistently outperforms min-size domain both in terms of robustness and run time.The graphs show two versions of MH,one with linear time-limit increase,and one with the order of magnitude increase every n restarts.All problems have solu-tions.

failure frequency [%]

msd 1500170201905021020230025002700290

0 50 100 150 200



160 180 200

220 240 260 280 300

t i m e [s e c ]

size [H]

mean r-time - QWH { N20, H140..300 (step 10) } - 10 instances per size H - tmax 200s - limit[0] = 0.01s


MH(10x3) linear MH(10x3) magnitude

Fig.4.QWH(MH vs.msd ):left,frequency of failure to solve within tmax ;right,mean r-time

5.2Comparing to randomized-restarts on min domain

Randomized restarts (RR)is regarded to be the best method for QWH.We have com-pared MH with RR on both QWH and scheduling.RR is generally used with time limits that increase each restart,so we have implemented MH with the same time policy,and RR with an order of magnitude time increased every n restarts,for comparison.

QWH (Fig.5)-RR is better than MH almost everywhere,regardless of which time slicing mechanism we use.MH performed slightly better with time slices increased by a magnitude every loop of restarts,for which version we report the statistic on the frequency of failure.

failure frequency [%]

RR magnitude 1500160017020180501905020030210202200

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 140

160 180

200 220 240 260

t i m e [s e c ]

size [H]

mean r-time - QWH { N20, H140..260 (step 10) } - 10 instances per size H - tmax 200s - limit[0] = 0.01s

MH(10x3) linear MH(10x3) magnitude

RR(msd) linear RR(msd) magnitude

Fig.5.QWH(MH vs.RR):left,frequency of failure to solve within tmax ;right,mean r-time

Scheduling (Fig.6)-MH clearly improves on RR at the peak of dif?culty,which is located in the region where approximately 90%of instances have no solution.The gap is present for both slicing versions,i.e.increasing linearly every single restart (MH-Linear vs.RR-Linear),and increasing by an order of magnitude every loop (MH-Magnitude vs.RR-Magnitude).There is actually only a slight difference between the two slicing versions,with the ”magnitude”mechanism better on average.

failure frequency [%]

RR magnitude 1304140121501616032170401802219002000

0 1 2 3 4


140 150 160

170 180 190


0 25




t i m e [s e c ]

% s o l u t i o n

size [N]

mean r-time - SCHEDULING { M100K10, N130..200, s0..40, d17..25 } - tmax 41s - limit[0] = 0.01s

RR linear

RR magnitude MH(11x3) linear MH(11x3) magnitude

Fig.6.Scheduling(MH vs.RR):left,frequency of failure to solve within tmax ;right,mean r-time

6Conclusions and future work

We have developed a multi-heuristic approach for constraint solving,designed to im-prove search robustness.We have tested it on two problem classes,and shown that it is more robust than the standard recommended heuristic,without degrading the run time-in fact,on average it improves the run time.We have also compared to random-ized restarts,the leading method for one of our problem classes(QWH)and which uses a similar restart policy.We have shown that the multi heuristic approach is poorer in run time and robustness on QWH,but better on our scheduling problem class.Note that the different heuristics we use and the different time limits have not been tuned-they were generated by inspection of the problem characteristics,and better performance should be achievable.For the immediate future,we intend to investigate whether MH does perform better on insoluble problems(as indicated by the scheduling results).

We can conclude that the multi heuristic method offers a robust and competitive ap-proach to constraint solving,and merits further investigation,since it offers one possible solution to the goal of making CP easier to use.


This work is funded by Enterprise Ireland(SC/2003/81),with additional support from Science Foundation Ireland(00/PI.1/C075),and ILOG,SA.


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