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English Novels in the 19th Century

English Novels in the 19th Century
English Novels in the 19th Century

English Novels in the 19th Century


19th century is a prosperous period in novel.

Jane Austen and Walter Scott (historical romancer)

1840—1890 the peak of English novel writing: Dickens, Thackeray, Bronte sisters, Mrs. Gaskell, George Eliot,

In the late of the century: George Meredith, Samuel Butler, Thomas Hardy.

Walter Scott -- a poet and novelist ---1771—1832


Born in Edinburgh, got in touch with stories in the past and Scottish history and tradition, interested in border stories in high school, 1805 abandoned law completely and devoted to novels, two novels per year, romantic historical books, considered the creator and master of historical novel.

II Career

Poet 1796—1813

Novelist 1814—1832

3 Groups of Novels

On the history of Scotland

On the history of England

On France and other countries in European continent

Novelist--Creator of the historical novel

Previous situation:works of fiction based on historical events are exaggerated or unduly romanticized. Little attention was paid to the realistic reproduction of social and political backgrounds in history. (a desire for a true historical perspective)

3 social modes of life in Scotland:

Tribal mode of life in the highlands.

Feudal society in the country states of large landowners.

The early ways of capitalism in big cities.

Novelist--Creator of the historical novel

3. A true historical sense

The fate of the persons in history is inseparably bound up with big historical events, showing the path of history is determined by the struggle of social forces involving great masses of people –the active role of the people in the development of history.

Novelist--Creator of the historical novel

Shortcomings: slips in accuracy of details

Conscious or unconscious historical anachronism(时代错误).

Sometimes he was accused of writing works of pseudo history.

However, he is essentially faithful to the spirit of the different historical periods.

Scottish Group

“Waverley”1814 “Guy Mannering”1815

“Old Morality”1816 “Rob Roy”1817 “The Heart of Midlothian”1818

In this group the author showed his consistent feeling of patriotism for Scotland, against the tyranny of the English ruling class.

Central idea: how the Scottish people fight against the English government.

English Group

“Ivanhoe”—medieval days of feudalism

“The Monastery”, “The Abbot”, “Kenilworth”–Tudor dynasty

“The Fortunes of Nigel”–Stuart rule

“Woodstock”–bourgeois revolution

“Peveril of the Peak”–restoration in the 17th century.

Features of Scott

The first novelist to create the past.

Historical events are interwoven with the fates of individuals in his novels.

He is always mindful of the role and fates of the ordinary people.

Scott is a romantic.

A conservative in politics.

His novels are developments of Fielding and Smollett, and also paved the way for the development of the realism in the 19th century.

Jane Austen -1775—1817

The first important English woman novelist.

One of the best English novelists


Born in Hampshire, daughter of a rector of the church, educated at home, wide reading, subtle discrimination and shrewd perceptiveness, never got married. Stories of the lives and thoughts of the commonplace people of the upper middle class, no class conflict, matter of a narrow range of society and events: a quiet, prosperous, middle-class circle in provincial surroundings, subtle observation, deep psychological penetration and delicacy of touch

Novels 6 altogether and 3 fragments

“Sense and Sensibility”1811 “Pride and Prejudice”1813 “Mansfield Park”1814 “Emma”1815 “Northanger Abbey”(诺桑觉寺)1818“Persuasion”(劝导)1818 Features

Her seeming obliviousness to the big social and political upheavals in the outside world of her time.

Realistic pictures of the small circle of landed gentry in provincial England leading their apparently tranquil lives.

Everyday life of the families of bigger or smaller landlords and clergymen.

Interest is centered upon the love and marriage of the people.

Keen observation and penetrating analysis in relation to the narrow world or rural gentry and clergy.

Exposéof the money linked marriage and the egoism and hypocrisy and other vices of the respectable people.

Shortcoming: failure to make representation of the social and political conflicts.


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Pep小学、初中英语词汇表(共619个单词) 名词n ,noun[naun] 形容词adj ,adjective['?d?iktiv] 数词num ,numeral['nu:m?r?l, 'nju:-] 代词pron ,pronoun['pr?unaun] 动词v ,verb[v?:b] 副词adv ,adverb['?dv?:b] 冠词art ,article['ɑ:tikl] 介词prep ,preposition[,prep?'zi??n] 连词conj ,conjunction[k?n'd???k??n] 感叹词int ,interjection[,?nt?'d?ek??n] a,[?n,?n]一(在元音字母前代替不定代词a) an, [?n,?n]一(在元音字母前代替不定代词a) about[?'baut](关于,大约), after['ɑ:ft?](之后), afternoon[,ɑ:ft?'nu:n](下午), again[?'ɡen, ?'ɡein]再一次, ago[?'ɡ?u]以前, air[??]空气,空中, v t. & vi. 晾晒, 烘干 all[?:l]全部, along[?'l??]沿着, 向前,往前 am, [?m]是(用于第一人称) and, [?nd, ?nd, ?n]和, 与, 及,然后,接着angry['??ɡri]生气的, 恶劣的, 狂怒的 animal['?nim?l]动物, 兽, 牲畜 answer['ɑ:ns?]回答,答案, ant[?nt]蚂蚁, any['eni]任何的, 一点, 一些 apple, ['?pl]苹果; 苹果树 April['eipr?l]四月, are, [ɑ:]是(用于二三人称的复数) ask[ɑ:sk问要求, 请求,at, August['?:ɡ?st]八月, aunt[ɑ:nt]阿姨,姑母, 姨母; 伯母, 婶母, 舅母auntie aunty['?nti:, 'ɑ:n-](aunt的昵称)伯母;婶母;姑母;姨母;舅母 autumn['?:t?m]秋天,秋季,成熟期, 渐衰期 B Back[b?k](后面), bad[b?d]坏的, bag[b?ɡ]包,书包, ball[b?:l]球, 舞会 banana[b?'nɑ:n?]香蕉, bank[b??k]银行,河岸, basketball['bɑ:skitb?:l]篮球, bathroom['bɑ:θrum]浴室, be, [bi:, bi][be to-v]表示必要、打算、可能性、假设等或用来表示将来安排 bean[bi:n]菜豆,豆 bear[b??]n熊, vt. & vi.1 承担, 负担 beautiful['bju:t?ful]美丽的,很好的 bed[bed]床, 河床,苗圃, 花坛 bee[bi:]蜜蜂, before[bi'f?:]conj以前, prep. (表示位置)在…前面 begin[bi'ɡin]开始, best[best]最好的, between[bi'twi:n]在….之间, big[biɡ]大的, 成功的,重要的, 重大的;bigger较大的;biggest 最大的 bike[baik]自行车, bird[b?:d]鸟, birthday['b?:θdei]生日, black[bl?k]黑色的, blackboard['bl?kb?:d]黑板, blue[blu:]蓝色的, blow[bl?u]吹, boat[b?ut]小船, book[buk]书, 书籍账簿,vt. 1 登记, 记账 borrow['b?r?u]借,借入, boots[bu:ts]靴子, n擦靴人 bowl[b?ul]碗, 钵, 盘 box[b?ks]盒子,箱子, pencil['pens?l]铅笔, 彩色铅笔 pencil box文具盒, boy.[b?i]男孩, 少年 bread[bred]面包, 生计 breakfast['brekf?st]早餐, bright[brait]明亮的,聪明的, 愉快的,鲜艳的 bring[bri?]带来,造成,引起 brother['br?e?]兄弟, bus[b?s]公共汽车,巴士 but[b?t, b?t]但是, prep. 除…以外 buy[bai]买, 交易, 买卖 by[ba?]乘, 在…近旁; 在身边 bye[ba?]int.再见adj. 次要的 C Cake[keik]蛋糕, can[k?n, k?n]v能,会, n罐, 罐头 car[kɑ:]小汽车, 轿车 card[kɑ:d]卡, 纸牌, 扑克牌,办法, 手段, 妙计careful['k??ful]仔细的, 小心的 carry['k?ri]运,搬,提, 挑, 背 cartoon[kɑ:'tu:n]漫画, 动画片 cat[k?t], 猫 chair[t???]椅子, 大学教授职位 cheap[t?i:p]便宜的, 低俗的, 卑鄙的 cheese[t?i:z]奶酪, chess[t?es]国际象棋, chick[t??k]小鸡, 少妇 chicken['t?ikin]鸡肉, child[t?aild]孩子, 儿童,子女 children['t??ldr?n]孩子们, chocolate['t??k?lit]巧克力, city['siti]城市,都市,全城居民 class[klɑ:s]班级, 阶级, 社会阶级 classroom['klɑ:sru:m]教室, clean[kli:n]干净的,打扫, 正派的, 正大光明的clear[kli?]清晰的, 清白的,畅通的 clearly['kl??l?]明朗地,明确地,明亮地 clever['klev?]聪明的, 灵巧的, 精巧的 climb[klaim]爬, 上升, 增长 clock[kl?k]钟, 挂钟;watch [w?t?] 手表,看,观察close[kl?uz]关, 终结, 结束 clothes[kloz, kloez]衣服, coat[k?ut]外套, coffee['k?fi]咖啡, 咖啡豆 coin[k?in]硬币, cold[k?uld]寒冷, heat[hi:t] 高温, 炎热 have a cold感冒, colour['k?l?]颜色, 脸色, 气色,肤色 come[k?m]来, come back回来, come out出来, come to school来到学校, computer[k?m'pju:t?]电脑, 计算机


职业 professor 教授 chef 厨师; 大师傅 dentist 牙医 scientist 科学家 janitor 清洁工;守卫 customer 顾客 consumer 消费者;用户 coach 教练 athlete 运动员 gymnast 体操员 librarian 图书管理员 white-collar 白领 manager 经理 engineer 工程师 hostess女主人;女老板;舞女accountant 会计 reporter 记者 queen女王;王后; 蜂王 king 国王 artist 艺术家;画家 musician 音乐家 tester 测试员 referee 裁判 designer 设计者 boss 老板 journalist 新闻记者 astronaut 宇航员;航天员astronomer 天文学家 actor 演员 merchant 商人;批发商;店主killer 杀手 thief 小偷 firefighter 消防员housekeeper 门卫 chief 酋长; 首领 captain 队长,首领;船长;上尉;海军上校 pilot 飞行员 hairdresser 理发师 doorman 看门人 lawyer 律师 developer 开发者 advertiser 广告商 electrician 电工 sponsor 赞助商inspector 检察员 investigator 研究员;调查员 operator 接线员 racer 比赛者 receptionist 接待员;传达员 architect 建筑师 editor 编辑 translator 译者(笔译) comedian 喜剧演员 photographer 摄影师 director 导演;主任 tutor 家教;导师;助教 typist 打字员 psychologist心理学家;心理学者 detective 侦探 foreman 领班; 工头 cashier 出纳员; 收银员 sailor 水手 miner 矿工 gardener 园丁;花匠;园艺家 printer 印刷工 tailor 裁缝 pianist 钢琴家 dealer 商人;经销商 monitor 班长 monk 和尚 witch 巫婆;女巫 producer 制作人; 制片人 priest 牧师 vet(veterinarian) 兽医 politician 政客; 政治家 baker 面包师 barber 理发师 butcher 屠夫 consultant 顾问 secretary 秘书 judge 法官 carpenter 木匠; 木工 baby-sitter 保姆 chemist 化学家; 药剂师 employee 员工 shepherd 牧羊人; 牧师 soldier 士兵 announcer 广播员; 宣告者 agent (broker) 经纪人 cartoonist 漫画家 clown 小丑 cowboy 牛仔 salesman 推销员; 售货员 shop assistant 店员 flyer 飞行员 guard 守卫 guide 导游 magician 魔术师 landowner (landlord)地主 greener 生手; 没经验的人 celebrity 名人 composer 作曲家 programmer 程序员 ambassador 大使 servant 仆人 hunter 猎人 explorer 探险家 analyst 分析家 conductor 售票员 biographer 传记作者 craftsman 工匠; 手艺人 gatekeeper 门卫 housewife 家庭主妇 manufacturer 生产商; 制造商 princess 公主 prince 王子 fiancée 未婚妻 fiancé未婚夫 robber 强盗; 盗贼 murderer 凶手; 谋杀犯 suspect 嫌疑犯 victim 受害人; 牺牲者 florist 花商; 花匠 statistician 统计员 anchor 新闻主播 boxer 拳击手 cobbler 鞋匠 blacksmith 铁匠 mechanic 技工; 机修工 staff 员工 minister 部长; 大臣; 牧师 parachutist 跳伞人 welder 焊接工; 电焊工 traffic warder 交通管理员 candidate 候选人; 申请者 participant 参与者; 参赛者 pedestrian 行人 retailer 零售商


一、循序渐进,逐步掌握自然拼读法 对于小学生而言,自然拼读法的掌握并不是一蹴而就的事情,而是一个循序渐进,逐渐积累熟练的过程,因此,作为小学英语教师,在引导学生掌握自然拼读法时,一定要由简到繁,由易到难。在自然拼读法的教学中,我一直坚持采用“五阶段分解法”,将自然拼读法的学习分成五个阶段,层层递进。第一阶段:引导学生建立字母与字母自然发音之间的直接联系,让学生掌握代表英语44个基本音的字母和字母组合,比如掌握单辅音(p,d,k…)、辅音字母组合(c h,sh,th…),元音包括短元音(a,e,i…)、长元音(ai,ee,ie…)和其他元音(er,or,oi…)的发音等等;第二阶段:引导学生能够成功拼读元音+辅音(辅音+元音)。如:m-ymy,g-ogo等等;第三阶段:引导学生能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音。如d-o-gdog,h-o-thot;第四阶段:引导学生成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。如sw-ea-t-ersweater;第五阶段:引导学生听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能拼出该单词。所以说在教学中,教师一定要分清层次,引导学生逐步去学习,一步步的打牢基础。 二、强化练习,熟练运用自然拼读法 学习是一个持续推进,反复强化的过程,最忌三天打鱼、两天晒网。不管哪一门学科,要想掌握相关知识,都必须不断的学习、练习、强化记忆。尤其是关于语言的学习,一定要不断回顾,不断练习。小学自然拼读法的学习,同样如此。在教学中,笔者发现许多教师在教学过程中,只传授给学生最基本的方法,然而却忽视引导学生进行认真的练习,导致学生学过之后,遗忘率很高,影响了教学效果。笔者认为,对于教师而言,一定要将强化练习融入自然拼读法的教学中,比如,在讲解字母和字母组合的基本音时,如果教师讲过之后,没有督促学生进行练习,加深记忆,学生肯定记不清、记不牢、容易混淆,只有不断加强督促,加强检查,引导学生去记忆,去练习,才能将44个字母和字母组合的基本音刻印在学生的脑子里。此外,掌握了基本的字母和字母组合的发音后,教师就应该引导学生进行单词的拼读和拼写练习。在教学过程中,在引导学生掌握字母和字母组合的发音后,我首先会组织学生进行拼读练习,每天都会在黑板上写出很多


accountant: 会计 actor: 男演员 actress: 女演员 airline representative: 地勤人员anchor: 新闻主播 announcer: 广播员 architect: 建筑师 artist: 艺术家 associate professor: 副教授 astronaut: 宇航员. attendant: 服务员 auditor: 审计员auto mechanic : 汽车技工 baker: 烘培师 barber: 理发师 (男) baseball player: 棒球选手 bell boy: 门童 bellhop: 旅馆的行李员 binman: 清洁工,垃圾工 blacksmith: 铁匠 boxer: 拳击手 broker (agent) : 经纪人 budgeteer: 预算编制者 bus driver: 公车(巴士)司机 butcher: 屠夫,肉商 buyer: 采购员 carpenter:木匠cartoonist: 漫画家 cashier: 出纳员 chef: 厨师 chemist : 化学师 clerk : 店员clown :小丑 cobbler: 制(补)鞋匠 computer programmer : 程序员 construction worker : 建筑工人 cook: 厨师 cowboy :牛仔 customs officer :海关官员dancer : 舞者 dentist: 牙科医生 designer: 设计师 desk clerk: 接待员 detective 侦探 doctor: 医生 door-to-door salesman: 推销员 driver: 司机dustman: 清洁工 editor : 编辑 electrician :电工 engineer:工程师 farmer: 农夫fashion designer: 时装设计师 fireman (firefighter): 消防员 fisherman: 渔夫florist: 花商 flyer: 飞行员 Foreign minister : 外交部长 gardener花匠(园丁) gas station attendant : 加油工 geologist : 地质学家 guard :警卫 guide: 导游hiredresseer: 理发师,美容师(女) housekeeper : 管家 housewife : 家庭主妇interpreter :口译员 janitor : 清洁工 journalist: 记者 judge 法官 lawyer :律师 librarian: 图书管理员. life guard :救生员 magician :魔术师masseur : 男按摩师 masseuse : 女按摩师 mathematician : 数学家 mechanic: 机械师 ,机修工 miner: 矿工 model: 模特儿 monk : 和尚,教士 movie director: 导演 movie star : 电影明星 musician : 音乐家 nun : 尼姑 nurse: 护士 office clerk : 职员 office staff 上班族 operator: 接线员parachutist: 跳伞人. personnel 职员 pharmacist药剂师 photographer:摄影师 pilot: 飞行员 planner: 计划员 policeman: 警察 postal clerk: 邮政人员 postman :邮差 President: 总统 priest: 牧师 professor: 教授 real estate agent: 房地产经纪人 receptionist :接待员 repairman :修理工人reporter : 记者 sailor: 船员,水手 salesman/ selespeople/ salesperson: 售货员scientist: 科学家 seamstress 女装裁缝师 secretary: 秘书 singer: 歌手 soldiery: 士兵 Marketing and Sales(市场与销售部分)Vice-President of Sales 销售副总裁Senior Customer Manager 高级客户经理Sales Manager 销售经理Regional Sales Manager 地区销售经理Merchandising Manager 采购经理Sales Assistant 销售助理Wholesale Buyer 批发采购员 Tele-Interviewer 电话调查员Real Estate Appraiser 房地产评估师Marketing Consultant 市场顾问Marketing and Sales Director 市场与销售总监


Unit 3 Under the sea 【导语】捕鲸业是世界上古老的行业之一,它的历史发展和现状如何呢? The whaling industry is one of the oldest industries in existence.It has undergone vast changes since its beginning,primarily due to the creation of the International Whaling https://www.wendangku.net/doc/269111079.html,mercial whaling still continues throughout the world,but the whaling quotas are restricted by the commission,thereby helping conserve the whale populations. Whaling refers to hunting wh ales primarily for their oil,meat and bones.Whaling dates back to prehistoric times,most prevalent in Norway and Japan.The hunt became an industry in the 1600s in the Arctic regions,mostly by the Dutch and British.American colonists started whaling in the 1700s.Nantucket whalers were the first to kill a sperm whale,and the discovery of spermaceti in the whale's head made the sperm whale one of the most highly prized catches.Whaling ships set out from New England into the Pacific for extremely long voyages to hunt down these whales. Whaling industry has been a part of a variety of countries' industries.The following countries were the earliest pioneers in the whaling industry:England,France,Germany,Iceland,Japan,the Netherlands,Norway and the American colonies (although they were not a country at the time).The following countries still practice whaling in some form or fashion:Canada,Greenland,the Grenadines,Iceland,Indonesia,Japan,the Netherlands,Norway,Russia and the United States. 【词海拾贝】 1.vast adj.广阔的;巨大的 2.primarily adv.首先;最初 3.commission n.委员会 4.commercial adj.商业的 5.quota n.配额 6.prevalent adj.盛行的 7.sperm whale 巨头鲸;抹香鲸 【问题思考】 1.What helps conserve the whale populations? _______________________________________________________ 答案:The whaling quotas.


小学四年级上册英语单 词发音归类 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-

小学四年级上册英语单词发音归类 a-e /e/ cake make face name shake date race game gate hate plate grape wave Dave Jane Jake Kate a // cap map dad hand bag man fat fan hat cat at apple candy Jack i-e/a/ five rice nine kite nice fine like time bike bite side ice white Mike i // pig big six sit milk fish thin picture is it this miss bit rabbit English window sister fifteen o-e// nose Coke home note rose hope Jones bone old toes no o // dog box body mom orange hot not lot lost Tom John u-e /ju:/ use cute excuse UK USA pupil student tube mule u // duck up cup cut but bus us uncle under fun mum study -e /i:/ he she we be -e- /e/ red bed ten pen pencil leg let get desk seven egg elephant friend

各种职业的英文 汇总

各种职业的英文 teacher 教师 professor 教授[pr??fes?] cook 厨师 principal 校长[?prins?p?l] janitor 清洁工,管门员[?d??nit?] singer 歌手 actor 演员 astronaut 太空员[??str?n?:t] actress 女演员 killer 杀手 policeman 警察 firefighter 消防员 chef 厨师[?ef] housekeeper 管家,主妇[?haus?ki:p?] mugger 强盗抢劫犯[?m?g?] farmer 农民 boss 老板 dancer 跳舞者 taxi-driver 出租车司机 pilot 飞行员[?pail?t] hairdresser 理发师 doorman 看门人 waiter 服务 accountant---会计[??kaunt?nt] bank teller--银行出纳员 bank manager--银行经理 monk--和尚 nun--修女[n?n] priest--牧师[pri:st] actor--演员 actress -- 女演员[??ktris] director-- 导演,主管[di?rekt?] disc jockey (D.J.)--电台的音乐节目主持人[disk][?d??ki] master of ceremonies[?serim?ni] (M.C.)-- 节目主持人,司仪model-- 模特儿 producer-- 电影制片人[pr??dju:s?] singer--歌手 stage [steid?] hand--置景工 dentist--牙医 doctor--医生 nurse--护士 pediatrician--儿科医师[,pi:di?'tri??n]


小学英语单词辨音 5个元音字母的发音规则: Aa 开音节[ ei ] 闭音节[ ? ] 在[w]音后发[ ] Ee 开音节[ i: ] 闭音节[ e ] Ii 开音节[ai ] 闭音节[ i ] Oo 开音节[?u] 闭音节[ ] [u:] Uu 开音节[ju:] 闭音节[Λ]若是在j、l、r、s后读[u:] 练习 给出例词,请找出与划线部分相同的例词,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 Aa ()1、cake A:take B:cat ()2、name A:bag B:plane ()3、China A:about B:want ()4、after A:class B:wash ()5、What A:watch B:father ()6、cat A:flag B:baby ()7、late A:game B:any ()8、have A:happy B:past ()9、animal A:apple B:past ()10、make A:plane B:away Ee ()1、me A:these B:bed

()2、he A:Chinese B:egg ()3、she A:best B:we ()4、let A:evening B:red ()5、lesson A:desk B:open ()6、mess A:me B:letter ()7、hen A:letter B:Chinese ()8、vegetable A:hen B:apple ()9、eng A:pen B:me ()10、pen A:he B:egg Ii ()1、ring A:shine B:miss ()2、mistake A:big B:find ()3、milk A:pick B:child ()4、nine A:line B:dish ()5、drive A:live B:bright ()6、pig A:finished B:pilot ()7、bike A:time B:city ()8、swim A:kite B:sit ()9、drink A:fish B:time ()10、find A:high B:chicken Oo ()1、nose A:dog B:boat ()2、those A:go B:not ()3、lose A:stop B:old


Unit 3 Underthesea 基础知识默写篇 一、分层单词 写作词汇 1. vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃 2. vt.当场见到;目击 n.目击者;证人;证据 3. vi.& n.暂停;中止 4. vt.拖;拉;扯 5. vi.逃避;逃跑 vt.逃离 6. n.住所;住宿 7. n.关系;血缘关系;交往 8. adj.好的;整齐的;匀称的 9. adj.生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的 10. adj.纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的 11. prep.在……对面 adj.相对的;相反的 12. vt.催促;极力主张;驱策 13. vi.思考 vt.映射;反射;思考 14. adj.意识到的;知道的 阅读词汇 1.jog vi.&vt. 2.dive vi.& n. 3.suck vt.& vi. 4.conservation n. 5.target n. 6.boundary n.

7.pension n. 8.annual adj. & n. 9.narrow adj. 10.shallow adj. 11.steep adj. 12.awesome adj. 13.seaside n.&adj. 14.telescope n. 15.teamwork n. 16.dimension n. 拓展词汇 1. n.深(度);深处→adj.深的adv. 深深地 2. adj.好吃的;可口的→ n.味道;品位;鉴赏力v.尝;品尝;有……的味道 3. adj.意识到的;知道的→ n.意识;认识 4. vi.思考vt.反射;思考→ n.反射;思考 5. adj.锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的→v.(使)变得锋利 6. vt.催促;极力主张;驱策→ n.紧急;迫切;催促→adj.紧急的;迫切的;催促的 7. vt.恐吓 vi.受惊吓→adj.害怕的 二、高频短语 1. 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难 2. 对……知道、明白;意识到…… 3. 举起;阻碍 4. 整理;收拾 5. 在此期间;与此同时 6. 靠近 7. upside down 8. (be) scared to death 9. aim at


小学英语单词记忆法 作者:u899292/用户名:u899292 一、拼音式记忆法 如:数字“十”ten,可以联想成ten的拼音发音。男人们“men”汉语拼音便是men…… 二、谐音记忆法 1.单词读音谐音法 如:apple单词的汉语谐音是“阿婆”画图“一个阿婆手里拿着一个苹果”联想,看到图画联想到apple的读音,汉意。 2.字母音与汉字音相结合谐音记忆法 如颜色单词红色red,记住一句话,阿姨地里的苹果红了……这一句话,不仅让学生加深了三个字母r,e,d的粗读,还记住了这个单词的顺序,同时又记住了这个单词的汉意“红色”,这样一句话,可谓一石三鸟,在实际的教学中收到了良好的效果…… 三、形近串连记忆法 如tea茶叶,eat吃,teacher教师,meat肉,这些单词形近,老师吃茶吃肉,这样一句话,让学生一下子便记住了四个单词。Purple people紫色的人们,monday moon 星期一,月儿升…… 四、字母谐音及外形和故事结合记忆法 单词eleven “十一”很多同学记忆吃力,即便是当时记住了,可是很短时间又忘了,一种方法想忘记都难,三个阿姨(e)走娘家,(她的娘家门牌号是11.)第一个阿姨带去了一把勾子(l这个字母形状像勾),第二个阿姨呢,竟带去了一把剪刀(v像剪刀),第三个阿姨特别有意思,把自己的大门扛了去……想必是娘家的大门坏了…… 五、循环记忆法 这种方法是一个传统的记忆方法,也是来是们使用的做多的方法,人的大脑有一个特点,对某个信息反复刺激才能记住,例如,三年级的学生每天规定记忆的词汇量是五个单词,第二天记忆十个其中包括第一天的五个,第三天背十五个其中包括前两天的,照这样累计,这种方法也许对于孩子来说是枯燥无味的,但每个单词却都对大脑刺激无数次,从而记得比较牢。


Unit 3 under the sea 1.witness (1) v 当场见到,目击 . 在我昨天回家的路上路上我亲眼目睹一场事故。 (2) v表明,说明Her flushed(通红)face she felt. 她通红的脸表明他、她感到非常高兴。 (3) v 为…作证常与to 连用witness to 为某事作证说 He enter the room. 他作证说他看到那个人进入房间。 (4) n (C) “目击者,证人”常与to连用be a witness to 是…的目击者 The police found the witness to the murder case. 警察找到了那个谋杀案的目击者 (5) n (C,U) 证词,证据,证明give witness on behalf of 替…作证 The old man an accused person. 那位老人为被告作证。 2. sort (1) vt 把…分类,拣选 She is . 她正忙于给信件分类。 (2) sort out 整理(好) I 我已把信分好 (3) n 种类,类别 A hammer is .斧头是一种工具。 He’s the sort of person I really dislike. (4)词组sort of 颇为,有几分I feel . 我感觉有点生病了。 all sorts of 相当于all kinds of 3. accommodation (1) 房间,住所The accommodation of this hotel is scare. (不足) (2) 膳宿(常用复数) 我们今晚能找到旅馆住宿吗?Can we ____find accommodations at a hotel__ for tonight? (3) accommodate 向…提供住处,接纳(v) 相关短语:(1) make accommodations for 为…提供膳宿(2) book accommodation at a hotel 在旅馆预订房间 (4) accommodate …to = adapt… to 使…适应 You will have to accommodate yourself to the situation. 4. yell(1)v.叫喊。 (1)yell(out) at sb.朝某人大喊大叫 .她对淘气的孩子大喊大叫。 They yelled at him to stop. (2)n. /叫声,喊声 E.g. a yell of delight / warning 5. throw (1) 投,掷,扔,抛 Throw the ball to your younger brother. He was thrown into prison.被关进… (2) 匆忙或随便穿/脱 He threw a blanket over the injured man. 他匆忙给伤者披上毯子。


各种职业名称的英文 引导语:大家知道各种职业用英语怎么说么?下面是小编整理的一 些关于职业名称的英语,希望可以帮助到大家。 accountant: 会计actor: 男演员actress: 女演员airline representative: 地勤人员anchor: 新闻主播announcer: 广播员apprentice: 学徒工archaeologist: 考古学家architect: 建筑师artisan: 工匠,技工artist: 艺术家associate professor: 副教授astronaut: 宇航员athlete: 运动员attendant: 服务员attorney: 律师auditor: 审计员auto mechanic : 汽车技工 baby-sitter: 保姆baker: 烘培师,面包师barber: 理发师(男) baseball player: 棒球选手bell boy: 门童bellhop: 旅馆的行李员binman: 清洁工,垃圾工biologist: 生物学家blacksmith: 铁匠bookseller: 书商botanist: 植物学家boxer: 拳击手broker (agent) : 经纪人budgeteer: 预算编制者bus driver: 公车(巴士)司机butcher: 屠夫,肉商buyer: 采购员 carpenter:木匠cartoonist: 漫画家cashier: 出纳员chef: 厨师chemist : 化学师,药剂师clerk : 店员clown :小丑cobbler: 制(补)鞋匠composer: 作曲家computer programmer : 程序员conductor: 乘务员construction worker : 建筑工人cook: 厨师cowboy :牛仔craftsman: 工匠customs officer :海关官员 dancer : 舞者,舞蹈家dentist: 牙科医生designer: 设计师desk clerk: 接待员detective 侦探director: 主任,主管,导演doctor: 医生door-to-door salesman: 推销员driver: 司机druggist: 药剂师,药材商dustman: 清洁工 economist: 经济学家editor : 编辑electrician :电工employer: 雇


Unit 3 Under the sea 语言点 编稿:牛新阁审稿:王春霞 学习目标 重点词汇 annual witness accommodation opposite yell pause drag depth urge abandon target reflect scare awesome 重点短语 in the meantime be aware of ahead of ... to death help (...)out upside down 重点句型 It takes sb. some time/ ... to do sth.的变化 a time when... 知识讲解 重点词汇 annual 【原句回放】It was a time when the killer whales, or “killers” as they were then called, helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration. 那个时期,虎鲸(当时被称为“杀手”)帮助捕鲸人在每年须鲸迁徙时捕捉须鲸。 【点拨】annual adj. 1. 每年的,一年一次的 the annual output 年产量an annual report 年度报告 Steel output reached an annual figure of one million tons. 钢的年产量达到100万吨。 2. 按年度计算的 the annual income 年收入the annual rainfall 【拓展】annually adv. 每年地,年度地 witness 【原句回放】I thought, at the time, that this was just a story but then I witnessed it with my own eyes many times. 当时我以为这只是一个故事罢了,但是后来我亲眼见过多次。 【点拨】witness vt.& vi.亲眼看见,目睹,作证; n.见证人;目击者(与of连用) We were witnessing the most important scientific development of the century. 我们正目睹着本世纪最重要的科学发展。 We witnessed great changes in the city. 我们见证了这个城市的巨大变化。 The police found the witness of the murder case. 警察找到了那起谋杀案的证人。 There was no witness at the scene of the accident. 在事故现场没有目击证人。 【拓展】常见搭配:witness to (doing...)为……作证 bear / give witness to 为......作证 in witness of 作为......的证据 a living witness to 活生生的证人 witness stand 证人席(美)=witness box (英) He witnessed to having seen the man enter the building.
