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A Study of Chinese College Students’ View on the Latest Network Catchwords

A Study of Chinese College Students ’View on the

Latest Network Catchwords



Abstra ct :With the rapid development of technology,the study to network ha s become deeper a nd deeper.The network is a virtua l community,which has a dire ct conta ct with the f act.In the virtua l communities,interpersonal relationships are insepara ble f rom the network.This pa pe r mainly studies Chines e college stude nts ’view on the la test network catchwords.At las t,it con cludes the promising developm e nt of network ca tchwords.

Ke y words:Chinese c ollege s tudents;network ca tchwords;attitude;impact


关键词:中国大学生网络流行语态度影响I Background of networ k catchwor ds

There have be en a great many netw ork catchw ords since 2008,w hich attract many people ’s attention.S ome of the network catchw ords have alr eady g one out of the internet and co me to real life.College students ’speech is endow ed w ith distinctive f ea tures,which ar e mainly reflected in netw ork catchw ords.Although a lot of people hav e done researches on netw ork catchwords,there are still few people do empirical researc h on Chinese college stu dents ’v iew on the latest network catchw ords.T heref ore,the the sis of this paper is to study college students ’view on the latest netwo rk catc hw ords.

I I Liter atur e R eview

From the theses and papers published recent year,w e can see that most of the previous studies are focus on the f ollow ing as pects:1)The studie s of the origins a nd meanings of the latest net work catchw ords.For example,Yuan Jie wr ites The Development of the Network Catchwords in 2008.Liu Do ngqing analyz es the background information of 12network catc hw ords.2)The studies of the tendency of network catc hw ords and the psycholog ical rea sons o f the adolescent.For example,L iu Dongqing ho lds that the preva lence of network catc hw ords is the results of people ’s view .In Liao Guo you ’s The Psychological Motivations of the Preva lence of Network Catc hw ords,he thinks that many reasons lead to the pre valence of netw ork catchwords.3)The study of netw ork catchw ords and memetic theory.Xun writes A S tudy of Nework Catchwords in the Perspe ctive of Memetic Theory.I n The Analy sis of Network Catchwords in the P erspective of Memetic Theory,Cui Ying analyzes the prevalence of netw ork catchwords under the theory of memetic theory.

I II C ollege students ’view of the r hetor ica l effect of net wor k ca tchwor ds.

3.1Most stude nts think tha t ne twork c a tc hwords a re y 6%f %f f agree or strongly agree that network ca tchwords are really interest ing.The number accounts f or 73%of the total number.T he rea sons are as follow s:1)I n terms of gr ammar,ne arly most of the net w ork catchw ords are not confined to certain grammatical rules.They are very flexible ,whic h make this language rich and color f ul.2)In terms of vocabulary,the netwo rk catchw ords cannot only make full use of all traditional methods of w ord formation,but also gain some methods f rom many other f ields to enrich their vocabu lary.Theref ore,they are special,new and interesting.3.2Most people think that network catchwords can better express our mood.

50%of the male students and 56%of the f emale students agree or str ongly agree that netw ork catchw ords can better e xpress our mood.The number accounts f or 53%of the total.Here are the reasons:Language is f or communication,and it strives to ex press meaning as much as possible by less words.The use of netw ork catchw ords can achieve this ef fect.Such as “Don ’t be too CNN ”,means that as human be ings,w e should not be to o hypocritical.We need to be honest.While the Chinese character “囧”contains the complex emotions of sadness,depression,he lpless and so on,w hich f ully ref lects the ef ficiency of language.

IV Conclusion

From the analysis above,w e can see that network catchw ords change social contradictions into meaningful language symbols.Meanwhile they c ontain the public ’s love,hate,ha ppiness and sadness.In this sense,the network catchw ords are quite impo rtant f or us.How ever,compared w ith the traditional language spec if ica tion,the popular forms of the netw ork catchwords w ill make peo ple concern about the impact on traditio nal language .Although the lif e of netwo rk catchw ords is ver y gorgeous,we should not ig nore the development and changes of langua ge.We should have a comprehensive understanding of language f acts about the popular ity of netw ork ca tchwords.

Bibliogr aphy :









re a ll inte re s ting.

9o the male students and 77o the emale students

