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当前位置:文档库 › 初二下《多边形习题精选》




1.如图19-1-28,在ABCD 中,E ,F 为BD 上的点,BF=DE ,那么四边形AECF


2.已知:在△ABC 中,AB=AC ,EF 是△ABC 的中位线,分别交AB ,AC 于E ,F ,

延长AB 到D ,使BD=AB ,连接CD 。求证:12CE CD

3.如图19-1-29,ABCD 中,对角线AC 、BD 相交于点O ,过点O 作两条直线分

别与AB ,BC ,CD ,AD 交于G ,F ,H ,E 四点。求证:四边形EGFH 是平行四边形。

4.如图19-1-30,分别以△ABC 的三边为边长,在BC 的同侧作等边三角形ABD ,等边三角形BCE ,等边三角形ACF ,连接DE ,EF 。求证:四边形ADEF 是平行四边形。

5.如图19-1-31,在ABCD 中,AE ⊥BD ,CF ⊥BD ,垂足分别为点E ,F ,点G ,H 分别为AD ,BC 的中点,试证明EF 和GH 互相平分。








8,已知:如图,在□ABCD 中,E、F分别为边AB、CD的中点,BD是对角线,AG∥DB交CB的延长线于G.

(1) 求证:△ADE≌△CBF;

(2) 若四边形BEDF是菱形,则四边形AGBD是





11.如图,已知四边形ABCD是平行四边形,∠BCD的平分线CF交AB于点F,∠ADC 的平分线DG交边AB于点G.









15ABCD 中,AC ,BD 交于点O ,EF 过点O ,分别交CB ,AD ?的延长线于点E ,F ,求证:AE=CF .

16、如图,E 是菱形ABCD 边AD 的中点,EF ⊥AC 于点H ,交CB 延长线于点F ,交AB 于点G ,求证:AB 与EF 互相平分。

17、如图,菱形ABCD 中,E 、F 分别为BC 、CD 上的点,且∠B =∠EAF =60°,若∠BAE =20°,求∠CEF 的度数。

18、如图,AD 是△ABC 的角平分线,AD 的垂直平分线交AB 于点E ,交AC 于点F ,求证:四边形AEDF 是菱形。

19、如图,在ABCD 中,BC =2AB ,AE =AB =BF ,且点E 、F 在直线AB 上, 求证:CE ⊥DF 。

20、如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠ACB =90°,∠BAC =60°,DE 垂直平分BC ,垂足为D ,交AB 于点E ,又点F 在DE 的延长线上,且AF =CE ,求证:四边形ACEF 是菱形。






4a b c d abcd +++=,判定以a 、b 、c 、d 为边的四边形的形状。

23、如图,过ABCD 的对角线交点O ,作互相垂直的两条直线EG 、FH 与ABCD 各边分别相交于点E 、F 、G 、H ,求证:四边形EFGH 是菱形。

























24、如图,在菱形ABCD 中,E 是AB 中点,且DE ⊥AB ,AB =4,求:(1)∠ABC 的度数;(2)菱形ABCD 的面积。

25、如图,菱形ABCD 的边长为4cm ,且∠ABC =120°,E 是BC 的中点,在BD 上求点P ,使PC +PE 取最小值,并求这个最小值。

26、如图,在ABCD 中,AB =2BC ,BE ⊥AD 于E ,F 为CD 中点,设∠DEF =α,∠EFC =β,求证:β=3α

27、如图,有一矩形纸片ABCD ,AB =6,BC =8,将纸片沿EF 折叠,使点B 与D 重合,求折痕EF 的长。

28、如图,四边形ABCD 中,∠ADC =90°,AC =CB ,E 、F 分别是AC 、AB 的中点,且∠DEA =∠ACB =45°,BG ⊥AE 于G ,求证:(1)四边形AFGD 是菱形;(2)若AC =BC =10,求菱形的面积。

29,如图,矩形ABCD 的对角线相交于点O ,OF ⊥BC ,CE ⊥BD ,OE :BE=1:3,OF=4,求∠ADB 的度数和BD 的长。




































30,如图所示,矩形ABCD 中,M 是BC 的中点,且MA ⊥MD ,若矩形的周长为36cm ,求此矩形的面积。

31,折叠矩形纸片ABCD ,先折出折痕BD ,再折叠使AD 边与对角线BD 重合,得折痕DG ,如图,若AB=2,BC=1,求AG 。

32,已知:如图,平行四边形ABCD 的四个内角的平分线分别相交于点E ,F ,G ,H ,求证:四边形EFGH 是矩形。

33,如图,在矩形ABCD 中,E 是AD 上一点,F 是AB 上一点,EF CE =,且

,2EF CE DE cm ⊥=,矩形ABCD 的周长为16cm ,求AE 与CF 的长.

34,如图,在矩形ABCD 中,对角线AC 、BD 相交于点O ,(1),画出△AOB 平移后的三角形,其平移的方向为射线AD 的方向,平移的距离为线段AD 的长。(2)观察平移后的图形,除了矩形ABCD 外还有哪一种特殊的平行四边形?并给出证明。







35,如图所示,已知菱形ABCD 中,E 、F 分别在BC 和CD 上,且∠B=∠EAF=60°,∠BAE=15°,求∠CEF 的度数。

36,已知:如图,在菱形ABCD 中,E 、F 分别是BC 、CD 上的点,且CE=CF 。过点C 作CG ∥EA 交AF 于H ,交AD 于G ,若∠BAE=25°,∠BCD=130°,求∠AHC 的度数。

37,如图所示,已知菱形ABCD 中E 在BC 上,且AB=AE ,∠BAE=2


∠EAD ,AE 交BD 于M ,试说明BE=AM 。

38,已知:如图,在矩形ABCD 中,E 、F 分别是边BC 、AB 上的点,且EF =ED ,EF ⊥ED .求证:AE 平分∠BAD .

39,已知:如图,△ABC 中,∠BAC 的平分线交BC 于点D ,E 是AB 上一点,且AE=AC ,EF ∥BC 交AD 于点F ,求证:四边形CDEF 是菱形。





40, 如图,平行四边形ABCD 的对角线AC 的垂直平分线与AD 、BC 、AC 分别交于点E 、F 、O ,求证:四边形AFCE 是菱形。

41,已知:如图,C 是线段BD 上一点,△ABC 和△ECD 都是等边三角形,R 、F 、G 、H 分别是四边形ABDE 各边的中点,求证:四边形RFGH 是菱形。

42,如图,已知在△ABC 中,AB=AC ,∠B ,∠C 的平分线BD 、CE 相交于点M ,DF ∥CE ,EG ∥BD ,DF 与EG 交于N ,求证:四边形MDNE 是菱形。

43,已知:如图所示,ABCD 为菱形,通过它的对角线的交点O 作AB 、BC 的垂线,与AB 、BC ,CD ,DA 分别相交于点E 、F 、G 、H ,求证:四边形EFGH 为矩形。






















48、如图①,四边形ABCD 是正方形, 点G 是BC 上任意一点,DE ⊥AG 于点E ,BF ⊥AG 于点F .

(1) 求证:DE -BF = EF .

(2) 当点G 为BC 边中点时, 试探究线段EF 与GF 之间的数量关系, 并说明理由. (3) 若点G 为CB 延长线上一点,其余条件不变.请你在图②中画出图形,写出此时DE 、BF 、EF 之间的数量关系(不需要证明).

49、已知:如图,在□ABCD 中,O 为边AB 的中点,且∠AOD=∠BOC .求证:□ABCD 是矩形.

50、已知菱形ABCD 中,AC 与BD 相交O 点,若∠BDC=030,菱形的周长为20厘米,求菱形的面积.

51.如图,在□ABCD 中,AE ⊥BC 于E ,AF ⊥CD 于F ,若AE=4,AF=6,□ABCD 的周长为40。

⑴求BC 的长; ⑵求□ABCD 的面积.








52.已知,如图,矩形ABCD 的对角线AC ,BD 相交于点O ,E ,F 分别是OA ,OB 的中点. (1)求证:△ADE ≌△BCF ;(2)若AD=4cm ,AB=8cm ,求OF 的长.

53.如图,矩形ABCD 中,AB =4cm ,BC =8cm ,动点M 从点D 出发,按折线DCBAD 方向以2cm/s 的速度运动,动点N 从点D 出发,按折线DABCD 方向以1cm/s 的速度运动. (1)若动点M 、N 同时出发,经过几秒钟两点相遇?

(2)若点E 在线段BC 上,且BE =3cm ,若动点M 、N 同时出发,相遇时停止运动,经过几秒

钟,点A 、E 、M 、N 组成平行四边形?

54.如图,在正方形ABCD 中,E 是AB 上一点,F 是AD 延长线上一点,且DF =BE . ⑴求证:CE =CF ;

⑵在图1中,若G 在AD 上,且∠GCE =45°,则GE =BE +GD 成立吗?为什么?

55. 已知:如图,在正方形ABCD ,E 是BC 边上一点,F 是CD 的中点,且AE = DC + CE . 求证:AF 平分∠DAE . 法一:


56.证明:1)对于任意的对角线垂直的凸四边形,连接各边中点,得到的是矩形; 2)对于任意的对角线相等的凸四边形,连接各边中点,得到的是菱形。





人教版初二英语下学期第二单元测试题(含答案) 一.写出下列形容词的比较级(10分) l. ___________ good ________ 2. bad________ 3. little _______ 4.big 5. old ______ 6. hot ________ 7. many _________ 8. fat ________ 9. easy ________ 10. delicious __________ 二?根据括号里的提示及句意,写出单词(10分) 1. This classroom is ________ (good) tha n that one. 2. Could you get some fruit for ______ (I ). 3. Can you go ______ (fish) with us? 4. My brother is ________ (athletic) tha n I. 5. In some ways we look the same, in other ways we look (differe nee). 6. I ' m tall but my sister is __________ (short). 7. My mother has long hair, and my sister has ________ (long) hair. 8. This little baby is _________ (outgo ing) tha n that one. 9. I think English and Chinese are _________ (都)important. 10. Ann is a very _________ ( 安静)girl. She hardly makes no ise. 三.________________________________________ 单项选择题(15 分) 1. I feel ___________________________________________ b etter today.


初二下学期数学期末试 卷 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

八年级数学期末试题 一、选择题(本大题共有8小题,每小题3分,共24分) 1.计算23的结果是 () A.3 B.3- C.3± D. 9 2.若分式 1 2 x x + - 的值为0,则x的值为 () A.0 B.1 C.1 - D.2 3.若 3 5 a b =,则 a b b + 的值是 ( ) A.3 5 B.8 5 C.3 2 D.5 8 4.在△ABC中,D、E分别是边AB、AC的中点,若BC=5,则DE的长是 () A.B.5 C.10 D.15 5.反比例函数 6 y x =-的图象位于 () A.第一、二象限 B.第三、四象限 C.第一、三象限 D.第二、四象限 6.下列语句属于命题的是 () A.两点之间,线段最短吗?B.连接P、Q两点. C.花儿会不会在冬天开放 D.在同一平面内,不相交的两条直线叫做平行线.

7.如图,将三角形纸片ABC 沿DE 折叠,使点A 落在BC 边上的点F 处,且DE ∥ BC ,下列结论中不正确是 ( ) A.BDF ?是等腰三角形 B. 2BDF FEC A ∠+∠=∠ C.四边形ADFE 是菱形 D. BC DE 2 1 = 8.如图, A 、 B 分别是反比例 函数106 ,y y x x = =图象上的过A 、B 作x 轴的垂 点,线, 垂足 分别为C 、D ,连接OB 、OA ,OA 交BD 于E 点,△BOE 的面积为1S ,四边形ACDE 的面积为 2S ,则 21S S -= . ( ) .6 C 二、填空题(本大题共有10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 9.使二次根式1x -有意义的x 的取值范围是 . 10.分式方程 1 12 x =-的解是 . 11.在比例尺为1︰2000的地图上测得AB 两地间的图上距离为5cm ,则两地间的实际距离为 m . 12.写出命题“两直线平行,内错角相等”的逆命题: . 13.已知一组数据2, 1,-1,0, 3,则这组数据的极差是 . 14.△ABC 与△DEF 的相似比为3:4,则△ABC 与△DEF 的周长比为 .


新人教版八年级英语下册各知识点归纳总结 Unti1 what’s the matter? 短语归纳 1.too much 太多 2.lie down 躺下 3.get an X-ray 做个X光检查 4.take one ’s temperature 量体温 5.put some medicine on ......在....上敷药 6.have a fever 发烧 7.take breaks /take a break 休息 8.without thinking twice 没多想 9.get off 下车 10.take sb to the hospital 送某人去医院11.wait for等待12.to one’s surprise 使.......惊讶的thanks to多亏于;由于 14.in time及时 15.think about 考虑 16.have a heart problem患有心脏病 17.get into the trouble 遇到麻烦 18.do the right thing做正确的事情事情19.fall down 摔倒 20.put ...... on sth把...放在某物上 21.get hit/sunburned 摔伤/烧伤 22.be interested in 对.....感兴趣 23.be used to 习惯于.... 24.take risks/take a risk 挑战 25.lose one’s life 失去生命 26.because of 因为 27.run out of 用完 28.cut off 切除 29.get out of 从...出来 30.make a decision/decisions 做决定31.be in control of 掌管;管理 32.give up 放弃 用法归纳 1.need to do sth .需要去做某事 2.see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事 3.ask sb sth 询问某人某事 4.expect sb to do sth 期望某人做某事 5.agree to do sth 想要做某事 6.help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事 7.want to do sth 想要做某事 8.tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 9.have problems(in) doing sth 做某事有困难 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2f9931265.html,e sth to do sth用某物去做某事11.be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 12.seem to do sth 好像做某事 13.keep on doing sth 继续做某事 14.mind doing sth 介意做某事 语法点

人教版初二英语下册 练习题

2018人教版初二英语下册第一单元练习题 一、完成下列短语。 感冒胃痛躺下看牙医 量体温做X-光检测在周末玩电脑游戏 休息几次去看医生在路边下车 等待幸亏及时立刻 惹麻烦下次摔倒回家 休息流鼻血在……上敷药 使……惊讶的对……感兴趣被打伤/晒伤 因为冒险切除 离开患有心脏病考虑二.填空 1There are too many children ____( 咳嗽)in her class today 2Ben is ___(躺)-on the grass and enjoying the sunshine. 3Everyone has two ____(脚) 4If you have a _____(胃疼),you should not eat anything 5A few ____(乘客)got on the bus just now 6The traffic lights are ____(控制)by a central computer 7My sister is a ____(.护士)She works in a hospital. 8Lucy often plays tennis to relax ____(她自己)after school you take _________(you ) temperature ? 10. If you cut yourself , you should _________(put ) some medicine on it . ______(get ) off and helped the blind man cross the road . (thank ) to Mr Wang and the passengers , the doctors saved the man in time . Mary cut ________(she) ? Yes , she did . 14. To ________(he) surprise , great changes have taken place in China three years . 15.—Do I need ________(see) a doctor?—No. You needn’t ________(see) a doctor. 16. Mr Green _______(leave)here a moment ago. teenagers are afraid of ______(take) risks which is not good for their future . 18. Doctors often tell us___________(drink) more water every day. 19.. Could you give me some _____________ ( advice ) about my math? 20. ________(not eat)too much tofu. 21. It’s important for us _____________ ( keep ) in good health. 22. After that, ,Aron climbed down the mountain ______(find ) help . 23. I have a _____________ ( tooth ). I have to see the dentist. 24. He was not ready _______(die) that day . 25. I brush my _____________ ( tooth ) every morning and night. 26. I don’t feel _____________ ( good ). I think I have a cold. 27. Jack hurt his back ________(play) football (make ) good decisions is extremely important when we are in danger . are ________ (surprise) at the news. 30The old man lived in the house _________ (die ) on a cold night. used to be a good doctor. He saved many _________(life) kept on ______ (work) though his leg hurt. 33No one can be successful ___________ (with) hard work. 二、选择题。 1.I guess Peter and his sister Sally enjoyed __________ at the dancing party. A. myself B. himself C. herself D. themselves 2. I’m feeling much better now so you ____________ call the doctor. A. needn’t B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. wouldn’t 3. Linda bought a house___________ a swimming pool. A. on B. in C. with D. from 4. ---Emma failed her exams. I think she should work harder. --- I agree. _________she does, she’ll get good grades. A. If B. Because C. Before D. Though 5. --- It’s too cold today. --- Yes, why don’t you __________ your coat? A. put on B. put up C. take off D. get on 6. I got up too late this morning so I went to school _________ breakfast. A. without B. through C. by D. for 7. ---- Were you at home at 9:00 last night? I called you but nobody answered. ----- Sorry, I _________ a shower at that time. A. take B. took C. was taking D. am taking 8. You have to leave now_________- so that you can catch the early bus. A. so that B. as soon as C. because D. although 9. I’ m really ______________ all the time and I don’t have enough time to rest. A. happy B. busy C. excited D. relaxed 10. She’ outgoing. She never minds ______ to a boy. A. speak B. spoke C. speaking D. to open 11. Mr. Li asks the students ____________ in the river, because it’s too dangerous. A. swim B. to swim C. not to swim D. to not swim


初二下学期数学期末试卷答案 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.下列计算中,正确的是﹙﹚ A. 1 2 3- ? ? ? ? ? -= 2 3 B. a 1 + b 1 = b a+ 1 C. b a b a - -2 2 =a+b D. 20 3 ? ? ? ? ? -=0 2.纳米是一种长度单位,1纳米=9 10-米。已知某种花粉的直径为35000纳米,则用科学计数法表示该花粉的直径为( ) A.m 6 10 5.3- ? B.m 5 10 5.3- ? C.m 4 10 35- ? D.m 4 10 5.3? 3.某八年级有13名同学参加百米竞赛,预赛成绩各不相同,要取前6名参加决赛,小华已经知道了自己的成绩,他想知道自己能否进入决赛,还需要知道这13名同学成绩的() A.中位数B.众数C.极差D.平均数 4.下列三角形中是直角三角形的是() A.三边之比为7:6:5B.三边之比为2:3 :1 C.三边之长为2 2 25, 4, 3D.三边之长为13,14,15 5.正方形具有菱形不一定具有的性质是() A.对角线互相垂直 B.对角线互相平分 C.对角线相等 D.对角线平分一组对角 6.已知三点) , ( 1 1 1 y x P) , ( 2 2 2 y x P)2 ,1( 3 - P都在反比例函数 x k y=的图象上,若0 ,0 2 1 > >D. 12 y y >> 7.如图,在周长为20cm的平行四边形ABCD中,AB≠AD,AC、BD相交 于点O,OE⊥BD交AD于E,则△ABE的周长为( ) A.4cm B.6cm C.8cm D.10cm 8.如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC=5,BC=6,点M为 A B C O E


人教版八年级英语下课文原文 Unit 1 What’s the matter? 1. Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus NO.26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for help. The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman what happened. She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew he had to act quickly. He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man into the bus. Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time. “It’s sad that many people don’t want to help others because they don’t want any trouble, ”says one passenger. “But the driver didn’t think about himself. He only thought about saving a life.” 2. He Lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah. On that day, Aron’s arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. He


八年级英语期末测试卷 注意事项: 1.本试卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2.请用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上。 一、 单项选择(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 从A 、 B 、 C 、 D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,将其标号填 入 题前括号内。 ( )1.Those terrible things happened _______ me again. A.to B.in C.on D.with ( )2. ---Have you ever been back to place where you were born,Ma Yun? --- No, It ’s shame, but I ’m too busy with my work all the time. A. a;a B.a;the C.the;a D.the;an ( )3.How ________the result is! We can ’t believe it. A.amazing B.interested C.difficult D.annoyed ( )4.________ of them is good at English,but they both do well in Chinese. A.Both B.Neither C.Each D.All ( )5.We must work harder next term. There will be ________ subjects, so we will_______ time for each subject. A.less;more B.less;less C.more;less D.more;fewer ( )6.Those boys broke Mr Read ’s window.When they saw Mr Read get


【常考题】初二数学下期末试卷(带答案) 一、选择题 1.甲、乙两人在直线跑道上同起点、同终点、同方向匀速跑步500m ,先到终点 的人原地休息.已知甲先出发2s .在跑步过程中,甲、乙两人的距离y(m)与乙出发的时间t(s)之间的关系 如图所示,给出以下结论:①a =8;②b =92;③c =123.其中正确的是( ) A .①②③ B .仅有①② C .仅有①③ D .仅有②③ 2.如图,矩形ABCD 的对角线AC 与数轴重合(点C 在正半轴上),5AB =,12BC =,若点A 在数轴上表示的数是-1,则对角线AC BD 、的交点在数轴上表示的数为( ) A .5.5 B .5 C .6 D .6.5 3.顺次连接对角线互相垂直且相等的四边形各边中点所围成的四边形是( ) A .矩形 B .菱形 C .正方形 D .平行四边形 4.三角形的三边长为2 2 ()2a b c ab +=+,则这个三角形是( ) A .等边三角形 B .钝角三角形 C .直角三角形 D .锐角三角形 5.若点P 在一次函数的图像上,则点P 一定不在( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 6.下列计算正确的是( ) A .2(4)-=2 B .52=3- C .52=10? D .62=3÷ 7.如图2,四边形ABCD 的对角线AC 、BD 互相垂直,则下列条件能判定四边形ABCD 为菱形的是( ) A .BA =BC B .A C 、B D 互相平分 C .AC =BD D .AB ∥CD 8.明君社区有一块空地需要绿化,某绿化组承担了此项任务,绿化组工作一段时间后,提

八年级英语下册:自测试题 人教新目标版

2012-2013人教新目标八年级下Unit9单元自测 Ⅰ.单项选择。 ( )1. In the factory, ________ of the workers ________ women. A. three quarter; are B. three quarters; are C. third quarters; is D. third quarter; is ( )2.-I haven’t seen the film Pirates of the Caribbean: On st ranger Tides. -___________. A. Neither have I B. So have I C. Neither I have D. So I have ( )3. You can improve your English quickly in a(n) country for years. A. spoken French B.spoken English C. English-speaking D.French-speaking ( )4.S tay away from junk food, please. It’s bad for us,_________ for children! A. recently B. especially C. probably D. nearly ( )5. --- Have you ever been to Tibet? - .I went there last year. A. Yes, Idid B. Yes, I have C. No,I hav en’t D. Not yet ( )6—How well do you know the Opera House? —I know the place very well. I ____ Sydney many times. A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to D. have arrived in ( )7. I found it not easy for me______ English well. A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learned ( )8. It was _____ I could speak French that I got the job. A. why B. so C. because D. when ( )9.I spent a lot of time ______ English last weekend. A. to practice speaking B. practicing to speak C. practicing speaking D. to practice to speak ( )10. We don’t know _______ the meeting will be held soon. A. when B. what C. whether D. since ( )11. My grandmother ______ a lot of changes in Tianjin since she came here. A.sees B. can see C. will see D. has seen ( )12.We didn’t have any problem ________ the library. A. find B. finding C. to find D. found ( )13. Li Hua’s house is very far. She ________ the subway to school every day. A. takes B. take C. will take D. by ( )14. Neither I nor she ________ been to the USA. A. is B. am C. have D. has ( )15. —________ is the population of China? —It’s about 1,300,000,000. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. What Ⅱ.完形填空。 Have you ever been to Beijing, the capital of China? The Greens have been to two of the greatest cities in the world. One is Beijing, and 1 is Paris. The Greens 2 in Beijing for half a month 3 the summer vacation. They enjoyed 4 th ere. They’ve been to many great places. 5 the first two days, they went to Tian’anmen Square. It is very large and there were many people 6 photos there. Next, they went to Beihai Park. They 7 boating


【压轴卷】初二数学下期末模拟试卷(带答案) 一、选择题 1.如图,矩形ABCD 的对角线AC 与数轴重合(点C 在正半轴上),5AB =,12BC =,若点A 在数轴上表示的数是-1,则对角线AC BD 、的交点在数轴上表示的数为( ) A .5.5 B .5 C .6 D .6.5 2.已知函数y =1 x +,则自变量x 的取值范围是( ) A .﹣1<x <1 B .x ≥﹣1且x ≠1 C .x ≥﹣1 D .x ≠1 3.若代数式 1 x +有意义,则x 的取值范围是( ) A .x >﹣1且x≠1 B .x≥﹣1 C .x≠1 D .x≥﹣1且x≠1 4.若点P 在一次函数的图像上,则点P 一定不在( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 5.如图所示的“赵爽弦图”是由四个全等的直角三角形和一个小正方形拼成的一个大正方形,设直角三角形较长直角边长为a ,较短直角边长为b .若8ab =,大正方形的面积为25,则小正方形的边长为( ) A .9 B .6 C .4 D .3 6.如图,在Y ABCD 中, 对角线AC 、BD 相交于点O. E 、F 是对角线AC 上的两个不同点,当E 、F 两点满足下列条件时,四边形DEBF 不一定是平行四边形( ). A .AE =CF B .DE =BF C .ADE CBF ∠=∠ D .AED CFB ∠=∠ 7.小强所在学校离家距离为2千米,某天他放学后骑自行车回家,先骑了5分钟后,因故停留10分钟,再继续骑了5分钟到家.下面哪一个图象能大致描述他回家过程中离家的距离s (千米)与所用时间t (分)之间的关系( )


人教版八年级英语下册各知识点归纳Unti1 what's the matter? 短语归纳too much 太多get an X-ray 做个X 光检查 体温 put some medicine on ..... 在... 上敷药7.take breaks /take a break 休息多想get off 下车 某人去医院 11.wait for 等待惊讶的 13.thanks to 多亏于;由于think about 考虑心脏病 get into the trouble 遇到麻烦事情事情19.fall down 摔倒 物上 get hit/sunburned 摔伤/ 烧伤 2.lie down 躺下 4.take one 's temperature 量 6.have a fever 发烧 8.without thinking twice 没10.take sb to the hospital 送 12.to one's surprise 使 14.in time 及时 16.have a heart problem 患有18.do the right thing 做正确的20.put on sth 把...放在某22.be interested in 对....感兴

24.take risks/take a risk 挑战 27.run out of 用完 30.make a decision/decisions 做决定 1 / 18 用法归纳 need to do sth .需要去做某事 2.see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某 事 ask sb sth 询问某人某事 4.expect sb to do sth 期望某人做某事 agree to do sth 同意做某事 6.help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事 want to do sth 想要做某事 8.tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 have problems(in) doing sth 做某事有困难 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2f9931265.html,e sth to do sth 用某 物去 做某事 be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 12.seem to do sth 好像做某 事 keep on doing sth 继续做某事 14.mind doing sth 介意做某事 语法点 询问某人的健康问题及遇到麻烦的表达方法 情态动词 should 的用法 3. 不定代词的用法 精细解读 25.lose one's life 失去生命 26.because of 因为 be used to 习惯于 .. 28.cut off 切除 29.get out of 从 ...出来 be in control of 掌管;管理 32.give up 放弃


} 一.将下列的名词分类(10分) sandwich, bread, butter, lettuce, turkey, duck, pancake,salt, relish, sauce 可数名词:________________________________________ 不可数名词:______________________________________ 二.根据句意及首字母提示写单词(10分) 1. Mom, please give me some b______, I’m hungry. 2. My mother is making chicken s________ for us. 3. Finally, they climbed to the t______of the mountain. 4. Put some b______ on the bread. 5. My sister c______ her finger() when she helped Mom cook dinner. 6. Read the i__________ before you take the medicine. 7. You should c_______ your homework after you finish it. 8. Many d______ are swimming in the small river. 9. Could you pass me some s________? I need add some into the soup. 10. Put all the ingredients in the bowl, and mix them u__________. 三.单项选择题(15分) 1. --____ bananas do you need? -Six. A. How many B. How much C. How D. How long 2. --____ meat does he need? ---One kilo, please. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often 3. ____ slices of bread does he want? A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often 4. There are ____ and ____ on the table. A. four glasses of milk, a bag of apple B. four glasses of milk, a bag of apples C. four glass of milk, a bag of apple D. four glass of milk, a bag of apples 5. There ____ some yogurt in the glass. A. are B. is C. have D. has 6. Among the fruit he likes ____ best. A. cheese B. pepper C. watermelons D. yogurt 7. ---____ milk do you need for the banana milk shake? ---A cup. A. How many B. How much C. What kind of D. What size 8. How many ______ would you like? A. bottle of orange B. bottles of orange C. bottles of oranges D. bottle of oranges 9. ---____ bread would you like? ---Three pieces of ______. A. How many, breads B. How many, bread C. How much , breads D. How much, bread 10. Mike ___ his computer and checked his e-mail. A. turned on B. turned off C. turned up D. turned down 11. The lett er from my uncle was short. There wasn’t ____ news. A. many B. a few C. much D. few 12.The meat is too big. Let’s cut _____. A. them up B. it up C. up them D. up it 13. I walked a long way. _____ I got there.


【冲刺卷】初二数学下期末试卷(含答案) 一、选择题 1.若63n 是整数,则正整数n 的最小值是( ) A .4 B .5 C .6 D .7 2.顺次连接对角线互相垂直且相等的四边形各边中点所围成的四边形是( ) A .矩形 B .菱形 C .正方形 D .平行四边形 3.已知M 、N 是线段AB 上的两点,AM =MN =2,NB =1,以点A 为圆心,AN 长为半径画弧;再以点B 为圆心,BM 长为半径画弧,两弧交于点C ,连接AC ,BC ,则△ABC 一定是( ) A .锐角三角形 B .直角三角形 C .钝角三角形 D .等腰三角形 4.如图,矩形OABC 的顶点O 与平面直角坐标系的原点重合,点A ,C 分别在x 轴,y 轴上,点B 的坐标为(-5,4),点D 为边BC 上一点,连接OD ,若线段OD 绕点D 顺时针旋转90°后,点O 恰好落在AB 边上的点E 处,则点E 的坐标为( ) A .(-5,3) B .(-5,4) C .(-5, 5 2 ) D .(-5,2) 5.已知△ABC 中,a 、b 、c 分别是∠A 、∠B 、∠C 的对边,下列条件不能判断△ABC 是直角三角形的是( ) A .b 2﹣c 2=a 2 B .a :b :c =3:4:5 C .∠A :∠B :∠C =9:12:15 D .∠C =∠A ﹣∠B 6.要使函数y =(m ﹣2)x n ﹣1+n 是一次函数,应满足( ) A .m ≠2,n ≠2 B .m =2,n =2 C .m ≠2,n =2 D .m =2,n =0 7.如图,矩形ABCD 中,对角线AC BD 、交于点O .若60,8AOB BD ∠==o ,则AB 的长为( ) A .3 B .4 C .43 D .5 8.若函数y=(m-1)x ∣m ∣-5是一次函数,则m 的值为( ) A .± 1 B .-1 C .1 D .2


最新人教版八年级英语下册教案全册 Unit 1What's the matter? Period 5 Self Check 本单元教材以“What's the matter?”为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述“身体状况”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型:What's the matter? I have a stomachache./What's the matter with Ben? He has a sore back./Do you have

a fever?No,I don't./What should I do? You should take your temperature./ Should I put some medicine on it? Yes,you should.等。让学生知道怎样表达身体的不适及正确地处理生活中的一些事情。在学习过程中,学生在交流中,能促进师生之间的感情。Section A 主要学习怎样表达身体的不适并给出合理性的建议。应掌握句型:What's the matter? I have a stomachache.What should I do?等。短文“Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man”介绍了一位公共汽车司机及乘客救一位老人的故事,增加了学生的阅读量。Section B 安排了听、说、读、写的任务,教师在教学中应合理利用课本上的知识进行教学。 第一课时Section A(1a-2d) Teaching Key Points【教学重点】 The vocabulary: matter,throat,foot,stomach,toothache,headache,have a stomachache,have a cold,lie down,take one's temperature,have a fever,go to a doctor Target language: 1.What's the matter? I have a stomachache. 2.What should I do? Should I take my temperature? 3.I think you should lie down and rest. Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】 Use the target language above to talk about health problems and give advice. Teaching Aids【教学工具】 an English book,a tape recorder and CAI Teaching Steps【教学过程】 ★Step 1Preview and perception【预习感知】 Ask the students to read the vocabulary and target language. 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。 1.—What's the matter with her? —She has a very sore t______ now. 2.He ate too much,so he had a s______. 3.If you feel tired,you should l______ down and rest. 4.If you ______(咳嗽),drink some hot tea with honey. 5.He wants to see a dentist,because he has a ______(牙疼). ★Step 2Consociation and exploration【合作探究】 Let the students read the book by themselves in order to find out the answers.They can discuss the questions in groups or ask the teacher for help.When they finish the questions,ask some students to check the answers. ★Step 3Leading in【情景导入】 Ask a student to act something is wrong with his/ her head… And T:What's the matter? Help the students to answer:I have a… Have the students repeat. ★Step 4Pre-task【准备任务】 Page 1,1a &1b

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