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2015届二轮 完型填空专题卷1 (湖北专用)

2015届二轮 完型填空专题卷1  (湖北专用)
2015届二轮 完型填空专题卷1  (湖北专用)

There was a boy who was sent by his parents to a boarding school (寄宿学校). ____ being sent away, this boy was the ____ student in his class. He was at the top in every ____ always with high marks.

But the boy changed after ____ home and attending the boarding school. His grades started ___. He hated being in a ____. He was lonely all the time. And there were especially dark times when he ____ committing suicide (自杀). All of this was because he felt ____ and no one loved him.

His parents started ___about the boy. But they even did not know what was __50with him. So his dad decided to travel to the boarding school and ____ him.

They sat on the bank of the lake near the school. The father started asking him some casual questions about his classes, teachers and ____. After some time his dad said, “Do you know, son, why I am here today?”

The boy answered back, “To ___- my grades?”

“No, no,” his dad replied. “I am here to tell you that you are the most ___ person for me. I want to see you ____. I don?t care abo ut grades. I care about you. I care about your happiness. YOU ARE MY LIFE.”

These words ____ the boy?s eyes to be filled with tears. He ____ his dad. They didn?t say anything to each other for a long time.

Now the boy h ad ____ he wanted. He knew there was someone on this earth who cared for him deeply. He ___ the world to someone. And today this young m an is in college at the top of his class and no one has ever seen him ____!

1.A. After B. Before C. When D. While 2.A. hardest B. naughtiest C. brightest D. dullest 3.A. exam B. activity C. game D. class

4.A. coming B. returning C. leaving D. reaching

5.A. rising B. increasing C. reducing D. dropping

6.A. group B. term C. company D. party

7.A. led to B. felt like C. thought back D. looked for 8.A. worthless B. careless C. concerned D. annoyed

9.A. caring B. turning C. worrying D. speaking 10.A. crazy B. true C. possible D. wrong

11.A. talk with B. listen to C. tell to D. care about 12.A. family B. friends C. study D. grades 13.A. realize B. analyze C. check D. test 14.A. outstanding B. important C. famous D. familiar

15.A. happy B. excellent C. interested D. satisfied 16.A. caused B. wanted C. encouraged D. forced 17.A. answered B. ignored C. hated D. hugged 18.A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything 19.A. showed B. meant C. intended D. expressed 20.A. sad B. angry C. pleasant D. joyful

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D .Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Would you send a monkey to do your shopping for you? S ounds very strange, doesn?t it ? But monkeys can be trained to do some wonderful things. Most people know that monkeys are one of 36 cleverest beasts(兽). Scientists have been studying the connection(联系)__37__ monkeys and people for a long time. They have done experiments that test __38__monkeys are able to do simple things.

In one test, a scientist put two monkeys in two cages beside each other. Each cage had a machine. One cage had a machine which gave out water. __39__ had one which gave out food. Each monkey was given _40__ black and white coins. The black coins worked _41_ in the food machine. The white coins worked in the machine with the __42__. After some time, both animals _43__ know which coin worked in which machine.

Then the test was made _44__. The coin s were taken away. The monkey with the water machine was __45_ to have any water for twenty-four hours. The food monkey was prevented from __46_ any food. The next day, the coins were returned to

the monkeys. This time, __47__, the monkey with the food machine was given coins for water machine, and the monkey with the water machine was given the coins that worked in the food machine. What did the two __48__ monkeys do? The two clever monkeys __49__ through the bars (栅栏) of their cages and __50_coins with each other.

21.A. man?s B. earth?s C. nation?s D. nature?s

22.A. between B. with C. to D. from

23.A. when B. what C. whether D. as

24.A. The one B. The rest C. Another D. The other

25.A. a piece of B. a bag of C. a little D. scores

26.A. almost B. nearly C. only D. mainly

27.A. water B. food C. monkey D. scientist

28.A. were used to B. used to C. could hardly D. were able to

29.A. harder B. easierC. worse D. newer

30.A. allowed B. not allowed C. asked D. drank

31.A. wasting B. drinking C. having D. asking

32.A. but B. unless C. however D. although

33.A. tired B. angry C. wild D. poor

34.A. looked B. got C. reached D. arrived

35.A. received B. changed C. refused D. played

I lived on a farm with my parents and my elder brothers and sisters when I was a little boy. We had the 36 to play and run wherever we wanted to go.

We often 37 games just by pretending we were cowboys. Sometimes we played hide-and-seek. One of us would 38 and the others would come and find him. I remember one 39 I hid behind some old wood in the cottage. All was 40 . I couldn?t hear a sound, just the wind 41 . The situation became tense (紧张的) 42 the possibility of someone finding me, and the longer I 43 , the more tense I became. 44 , I heard footsteps coming down the yard. My 45 beat fast and I stood 46 , frozen like a block of ice. I saw my brother getting closer and closer. When he saw me, he laughed

47 , shouting at the top of his voice so that 48 could hear him say, “Eh, I?ve 49 our Tommy!” I can still see the 50 on his face today. Afterwards he said he didn?t think I would hide there. I shrugged my shoulders and said, “Why, it?s a good place, isn?t it?”

I don?t have any 51 of these events, just memories, as we had no camera at that time. 52 it was a long time ago, I can see them now as if they 53 yesterday.

Now I live in town on a busy street. My girls don?t have the freedom that we 54 have to run off down the road and play whatever they want. Anyway, is it 55 to let children out of sight these days?

36.A. right B. freedom C. pride D. confidence

37.A. set up B. worked out C. helped out D. made up

38.A. disappear B. leave C. hide D. run

39.A. thing B. time C. place D. period

40.A. silent B. beautiful C. dark D. colorful

41.A. flying B. flowing C. blowing D. changing

42.A. because of B. except for C. according to D. instead of

43.A. expected B. slept C. waited D. moved

44.A. In time B. At last C. At times D. Once again

45.A. hand B. mind C. face D. heart

46.A. hard B. still C. tall D. straight

47.A. softly B. sadly C. loudly D. confusedly

48.A. nobody B. someone C. anyone D. everyone

49.A. attracted B. found C. met D. touched

50.A. look B. color C. feel D. spirit

51.A. notes B. proofs C. photos D. diaries

52.A. Because B. Although C. Unless D. As

53.A. appeared B. showed C. existed D. happened

54.A. ought to B. used to C. had to D. set to

55.A. funny B. bad C. safe D. strange

It was a lazy morning during the Christmas week. We were enjoying breakfast when

the doorbell rang. It was a little girl, standing at the doorway with a piece of paper and a face that carried an expression of want, rather a common 1 during Christmas.

She murmured that the paper was her booklist and that she was going around

2 money to buy her schoolbooks. My children went inside and brought some

3 for her. This kind of incident happens very often in my hometown,

4 during Christmas.

From where I was seated, I could see her clearly. She looked about ten years old and she wore a dress too big for her. She spoke in a 5 voice and looked at me straight in the eye. Something made me get up and 6 her.

In answer to my questions, she said that her mother made hoppers and she

7 them before going to school. But the hopper money was not adequate to

8 the list; therefore, she was going from house to house asking for help.

Her voice told me the story; her eyes told me that it was 9 . I said I'd buy her what was on the list.

We drove to a nearby bookstore. She sat 10 , with a strange look on her face. When the clerk was taking all the things on the list, the little girl kept staring as if confused. Perhaps she had never 11 so many new things before. They were merely exercise books, pencils, pens and such things. She whispered her 12 to us. Strange, I hadn't been aware that giving such 13 things to one in need, could bring me such a lot of happiness.

As we drove back, I could see the little girl in the mirror. All the gifts I had given in my life never 14 up a face so much. She was grasping the parcel, smiling to herself. The total event made us all very 15 . Our Christmas became more meaningful.

56.A. problem B. sight C. moment D. experience

57.A. borrowing B. receiving C. begging D. lending

58.A. clothes B. books C. food D. coins

59.A. absolutely B. casually C. especially D. hardly

60.A. strange B. polite C. serious D. loud

61.A. care for B. speak to C. smile at D. hold to

62.A. sold B. needed C. collected D. used

63.A. buy B. make C. cover D. control

64.A. painful B. true C. moving D. interesting

65.A. happily B. eagerly C. anxiously D. silently

66.A. possessed B. bought C. seen D. accepted

67.A. surpr ise B. satisfaction C. thanks D. pleasure

68.A. simple B. wonderful C. expensive D. useful

69.A. lit B. made C. put D. shut

70.A.confused B. delighted C. amazed D. relieved






3.A。名词辨析。根据后半句话always with high marks可推知男孩每次考试都名列前茅。其他三项不符合语境。



7.B。短语辨析。句意为 有一段尤其黑暗的时光那时他“意欲”自杀。feel like

doing sth.想要做某事。lead to 导致think back回想look for寻找均不符合题意。8.A。上下文连串。从本句中“and no one loved him”可知此空应填worthless 无用的。



11.A。上下文连串。从下文的情节可知父亲去学校和儿子进行了一次谈话故选A。care about在语义上与下文不连贯。




15.A。形容词辨析。句意为:我想看到你“高兴”。happy在这里是形容词作宾补。16.A。动词辨析。句意为:这些话“使”男孩眼里充满泪水。cause sb. to do sth.引起使得某人……



19.B。动词辨析。根据上文父亲的话“YOU ARE MY LIFE.”可知句意为他对某个人来说“意味着”整个世界。



21.D22.A23.C24.D25.B26.C27.A28.D29.A30.B31.C32.C33.D34.C35.B 【解析】略






36.考查名词:A. right 权利B. freedom自由C. pride 骄傲 D. confidence自信,我们有自由,想去哪儿玩就去哪儿玩。选B

37.考查词组:A. set up建立B. worked out制定出C. helped out帮助解决问题,D. made up编造,我们经常编些游戏,好像我们是牛仔。选D

38.考查动词:A. disappear消失B. leave离开C. hide躲藏D. run跑,从前面的played hide-and-seek.可知选C

39.考查名词:A. thing事情 B. time时间C. place地方D. period期间,我记得有一次我躲在一些旧木材后面。选B

40.考查形容词:A. silent 沉默的B. beautiful美丽的C. dark黑暗的D. colorful 彩色的,从后面的I couldn?t hear a sound,可知一切都是沉寂的。选 A

41.考查动词:A. flying飞行B. flowing漂流 C. blowing吹D. changing改变,什么声音都听不见,只有风吹的声音。选C。

42.考查词组:A. because of因为B. except for除了C. according to根据D. instead of代替,因为有人可能找到我,形势变得很紧张。选A

43.考查动词:A. expected期待B. slept睡觉 C. waited等待D. moved感动,我等的时间越长,形势就越紧张。选C

44.考查词组:A. In time及时B. At last最后C. At times有时D. Once again再一次,最后,我听见脚步声从院子传过来。选B

45.考查名词:A. hand 手B. mind思想C. face面对D. heart心,我的心跳的很快。选D

46.考查形容词:A. hard困难B. still不动C. tall高的D. straight直的,我站在不动,就象一块冰。选B

47.考查副词:A. softly柔软地B. sadly悲伤地C. loudly大声地D. confusedly困


48.考查代词:A. nobody没有人B. someone有人C. anyone任何人D. everyone 每个人,他大声说,以便每个人都能听见。选D

49.考查动词:A. attracted吸引B. found发现C. met遇到D. touched触摸,我已经找到Tommy了。选B

50.考查名词:A. look表情B. color颜色C. feel感觉D. spirit精神,我现在还能看他当时的表情。选A

51.考查名词:A. notes便条B. proofs证据C. photos照片D. diaries日记,从后面的句子:as we had no camera at that time 可知是没有照片。选C

52.考查连词:A. Because因为B. Although虽然C. Unless除非D. As由于,当…时候,虽然这是很久前的事情,选B

53.考查动词:A. appeared 出现B. showed展示C. existed存在D. happened发生,我还能看见这件事好像昨天发生的一样。选 D

54.考查情态动词:A. ought to 应该B. used to过去常常C. had to不得不D. set to设置,我女儿没有我们过去拥有的自由。选B

55.考查形容词:A. funny滑稽的B. bad坏的C. safe 安全的D. strange奇怪的,现在让孩子离开视线安全吗?选C。



56.B57.C58.D59.C60.B61.B62.A63.C64.B65.D66.A67.C68.A69.A70.B 【解析】




58.考查名词。clothes衣服;books书;food食物;coins硬币。根据上文可知小女孩再要钱,所以许多孩子就都回家拿来一些硬币给这个小女孩,故选D。59.考查副词。absolutely绝对地;casually随意地;especially尤其;hardly 几乎不。这种事在“我”的家乡经常发生,尤其是圣诞节期间,故选C。


61.考查动词短语。care for关心;speak to对……说话;smile at对……微笑;hold to坚持。根据From where I was seated,可知“我”当时是在坐着,某个东西使“我”站起来跟她说话,故选B。

62.考查动词。sell 卖;need需要;collect收集;use使用。她把妈妈做的储料器都卖了,故选A。

63.考查动词。Buy买;make制造;cover够付(费用),包含,覆盖;control 控制。但是卖了储料器的钱还是不够支付小女孩的清单上写的这些东西,故选C。64.考查形容词。Painful痛苦地;true真实地;moving动人的;interesting 有趣的。她的眼睛告诉“我”,她说的是真的,故选B。

65.考查副词。happily高兴地;eagerly急切地;anxiously焦急地;silently 沉默地。根据with a strange look on her face,她沉默地坐着,故选D。


67.考查名词。surprise惊奇;satisfaction 满意;thanks感谢;pleasure快乐。根据上文可知作者给她买了许多东西,所以她向“我”低声说着感谢,故选C。68.考查形容词。simple简单地;wonderful好的;expensive 贵的;useful 有用的。“我”从来没有意识到给出这么点的东西,就给她带来那么多的快乐,故选A。

69.考查动词短语。light up面露喜色;make up组成;put up举起;shut up 关闭。在“我”的一生中给出了许多东西,但从来没有见过使她那么高兴的,故选A。

70.考查形容词。confused困惑的;delighted高兴的;amazed吃惊的;relieved 安心的。根据Our Christmas became more meaningful可知整个事件使“我”很高兴。故选B




中考英语完形填空专题练习 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案. The Secret Soldier A young soldier, Robert Shurtliff, lay dying in a hospital bed. He was too 1 to speak or move. Two men stood over him. "I think this young man has 2 ," one man said. "I'll take his jacket and boots," said the other. Robert gathered all of his strength to 3 , "I…I'm alive. " The doctor came running over as Robert fell into a coma(昏迷). "We can 4 him," he said as he examined the young soldier, "Oh, my! He's a 5 ! " It was true. The young soldier, Robert Shurtliff, was really Deborah Sampson. 6 who was she? Deborah Sampson had grown up in Massachusetts, living as a servant. She 7 of having great adventures (冒险). 8 the Revolutionary War broke out in 1775, women were not allowed to serve in the army. But Deborah 9 herself as a man and became a solider. She called herself Robert Shurtliff. One day, during an attack, Deborah was shot in the neck and 10 . Another soldier lifted Deborah into his horse and rode her to the 11 . A doctor treated the wound on her back and asked if 12 had any other injuries. Deborah lied and said no. She was afraid that if the doctor examined her leg, he would discover her 13 . Using a pocket knife, Deborah got the bullet(子弹)out of her own leg. She 14 to fight as a soldier. After the war ended, Deborah got married and had children. But she still longed for 15 . So she put on her soldier's uniform and travelled around the country telling of her life as young, brave soldier, Robert Shurtliff. 1. A. busy B. weak C. surprised D. strong 2. A. got up B. lost heart C. passed away D. got lost 3. A. whisper B. cry C. shout D. laugh 4. A. accept B. kill C. support D. save 5. A. soldier B. mother C. woman D. father 6. A. Though B. But C. Or D. However 7. A. died B. talked C. heard D. dreamed 8. A. When B. While C. Until D. Since 9. A. worked B. dressed C. acted D. lived 10. A. arm B. hand C. leg D. stomach 11. A. hospital B. library C. studio D. bedroom 12. A. she B. he C. it D. they 13. A. appearance B. ability C. beauty D. secret 14. A. failed B. continued C. agreed D. planned


中考英语完形填空专项练习经典 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I will never forget May 15, 2011. That night, my car crashed 1 a tree and everything has changed ever since. I lost most of my right 2 , and I was left bleeding with several broken bones. At the hospital, my body was 3 , but my mind was still very clear. I just kept 4 myself to hold on. Life must go on since I was still 5 . Two weeks later, I was allowed to go home. 6 I left the hospital, the fight was far from over. My left leg was badly hurt in that accident as well, as a result, I had to receive different 7 during the next few years. And soon, more of my right leg had to be cut off. This made it harder to wear my artificial leg (假肢), so I donated it to another girl who couldn't 8 one. The joy of being able to provide this gift for someone else was 9 than the happiness I felt on any day I could wear it myself. People often tell me they are 10 of me for staying strong. But in my mind, being strong has always been my only 11 . On the day I left the hospital, I made a promise to 12 to make good use of every day to live life to the fullest. I am not only confident but I hope to help those around me. In 2017, I 13 started modeling. My dream is that one day a little girl will see me in a magazine and say, "Wow, she only has one leg but she is beautiful 14 confidence and bravery" My dream is simple: to 15 every man, woman and child to know and believe that they are. 1. A. toward B. over C. upon D. into 2. A. arm B. ear C. eye D. leg 3. A. calm B. strong C. weak D. ill 4. A. teaching B. telling C. leading D. advising 5. A. alive B. lively C. live D. lovely 6. A. Since B. So C. Because D. Although 7. A. operations B. gifts C. prizes D. thoughts 8. A. offer B. afford C. borrow D. accept 9. A. greater B. smaller C. less D. fewer 10. A. afraid B. tired C. proud D. guilty


【英语】英语中考英语完形填空专题 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Finally, after nearly half a month, the Christmas letter was here in my hand. Yes, writing letters is how my friend in the U.S. and I 1 our greetings every Christmas. People ask why not send our greetings on Facebook, or on WeChat 2 , and by the way, it'll save money. For me, writing letters is more of a 3 habit than a quirk (怪癖) in modern times I, an experienced letter writer. can tell you that writing letters brings me more emotional(情感的)communication. In fact, only parts of our emotions can be found. Some 4 in California State University found that electronic devices, like smart phones, can greatly influence people in many ways. Such devices prevent people from 5 their inner (内心的) feelings. Compared with modern communication, writing letters has more advantages. 6 we write, our brain is given the chance to discover connections between things we didn't see before. And we are 7 to show our emotions fully. If I am here to tell you why I love writing letters, one of the 8 would be its sense of touch-feeling of my hand running through the pages, feeling of pen sliding across the paper, and feeling of the 9 of ink (墨水) in the air. It 10 that both your words and the letter itself can help you express your feelings. Letters build a bridge between the writer and receiver. People experience more when they receive messages in the: form of a letter, rather than any other media. 1. A. introduce B. exchange C. describe D. repeat 2. A. completely B. recently C. simply D. exactly 3. A. natural B. boring C. crazy D. national 4. A. composers B. visitors C. inventors D. professors 5. A. discovering B. shaking C. spreading D. refusing 6. A. When B. Before C. Till D. Though 7. A. recommended B. encouraged C. invited D. forced 8. A. customs B. reasons C. challenges D. achievements 9. A. colour B. quality C. smell D. price 10. A. gives out B. breaks out C. comes out D. turns out 【答案】(1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)D;(5)C;(6)A;(7)D;(8)B;(9)C;(10)D; 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是在现代社会作者喜欢写信和朋友交流而不使用电子设备,他认为电子设备在很多方面会影响人们,它们会阻止人们表达内心的感情。而写信有更多的优点。我们能把我们所有的情绪充分表达出来。当人们收到书信形式的信息而不是其它媒体的信息时,会体验更多。 (1)句意:是的,写信是我和美国的朋友每年圣诞节交换问候的方式。根据前文的the


中考英语完形填空专项训练 (附带答案解析) 1 Several years ago I studied in a university in the biggest city in our country. It’s beautiful but it’s hot in __1__. So I usually returned to my hometown when my __2__ began. It is not big, but it’s cool and quiet. I could __3__ in the daytime and have a good sleep at night. One day I had some __4__ to solve. But I didn’t take the dictionaries home. My father told me Charlie, one of my __5__, had a good library. I went to his house at once. We didn’t see each other after I __6__ mid dle school. At first he didn’t recognize me. He __7__ me up and down. And then he called out, “Oh, dear! It’s you, Fred!” Of course we were __8__ to meet each other again and talked a lot about our schoolmates and __9__. Later on he showed me around his li brary. It wasn’t big but there were a lot of nice books in it. And the dictionaries I __10__ were in them too. At last I said, “__11__ you lend some dictionaries to me, please?” “I’m sorry I don’t lend any books to __12__,” said the young man. “Are you afraid I’ll __13__ them?” “No, I’m not. I’m afraid you won’t __14__ them to me. Look! All the books are not __15__, but borrowed!” 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 2. A. birthday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. holiday 3. A. study B. play C. rest D. run 4. A. words B. sentences C. problems D. stories 5. A. brothers B. sisters C. aunts D. classmates 6. A. finished B. heard C. saw D. met 7. A. lifted B. carried C. looked D. pulled 8. A. angry B. happy C. worried D. sad 9. A. doctors B. teachers C. workers D. drivers 10.A. looked for B. read C. wrote D. looked at 11.A. Need B. Must C. May D. Can


完型填空(一) Joe wanted a computer. He asked his (1)______ for the money and they said he must get it himself. But how did he get it? He (2)_____ about this when h e walked home. Not many people wanted to asked children to work for them. Maybe he could take away snow for the neighbors. But this was not (3)_____. He had to wait a long time for that. He couldn't cut grass for their gardens(4) ______ he had no tools to do the work with. Then he saw one of his classmates, Dick .delivering (5)_________ . I could d o that, he thought. Maybe I could even get the computer (6)______ away. I c ould pay (7)_____ it a little each week. He ran to (8)______ up with Dick. Jo e asked him a lot of questions. He learned that it was (9)_______ to get twen ty-five dollars each week. He learned that the job took (10)______ three hour s each night. Dick (11)______ him the phone number of the newspaper mana ger. Joe almost flew home. After he told his mother (12)_______ he thought, she (13)______. “I think it is a (14)_______ idea.” She said, ''I'll call the newspaper…”“Wait,Mum,”Joesaid, “I'll call. After that. I'm going to be a businessman now.' Joe's mother smiled (15)_______. ( )1. A. teachers B. parents C. classmates D. friends ( )2. A. said B. told C. thought D. spoke ( )3. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter ( )4. A. because B. when C. while D. after ( )5. A. newspapers B. bikes C. computers D. tools ( )6. A. now B. right C. just D. only ( )7. A. on B. to C. of D. for ( )8. A. take B. catch C. carry D. get ( )9. A. friendly B. kind C. possible D. wrong ( )10.A. at B. about C. before D. after ( )11.A. taught B. gave C. made D. asked ( )12.A. that B. when C. what D. where ( )13.A. smiled B. shouted C. cried D. worried ( )14.A. big B. large C. great D. bad ( )15.A. sadly B. happily C. politely D. angrily


最新英语中考英语完形填空专题 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案. The Secret Soldier A young soldier, Robert Shurtliff, lay dying in a hospital bed. He was too 1 to speak or move. Two men stood over him. "I think this young man has 2 ," one man said. "I'll take his jacket and boots," said the other. Robert gathered all of his strength to 3 , "I…I'm alive. " The doctor came running over as Robert fell into a coma(昏迷). "We can 4 him," he said as he examined the young soldier, "Oh, my! He's a 5 ! " It was true. The young soldier, Robert Shurtliff, was really Deborah Sampson. 6 who was she? Deborah Sampson had grown up in Massachusetts, living as a servant. She 7 of having great adventures (冒险). 8 the Revolutionary War broke out in 1775, women were not allowed to serve in the army. But Deborah 9 herself as a man and became a solider. She called herself Robert Shurtliff. One day, during an attack, Deborah was shot in the neck and 10 . Another soldier lifted Deborah into his horse and rode her to the 11 . A doctor treated the wound on her back and asked if 12 had any other injuries. Deborah lied and said no. She was afraid that if the doctor examined her leg, he would discover her 13 . Using a pocket knife, Deborah got the bullet(子弹)out of her own leg. She 14 to fight as a soldier. After the war ended, Deborah got married and had children. But she still longed for 15 . So she put on her soldier's uniform and travelled around the country telling of her life as young, brave soldier, Robert Shurtliff. 1. A. busy B. weak C. surprised D. strong 2. A. got up B. lost heart C. passed away D. got lost 3. A. whisper B. cry C. shout D. laugh 4. A. accept B. kill C. support D. save 5. A. soldier B. mother C. woman D. father 6. A. Though B. But C. Or D. However 7. A. died B. talked C. heard D. dreamed 8. A. When B. While C. Until D. Since 9. A. worked B. dressed C. acted D. lived 10. A. arm B. hand C. leg D. stomach 11. A. hospital B. library C. studio D. bedroom 12. A. she B. he C. it D. they 13. A. appearance B. ability C. beauty D. secret 14. A. failed B. continued C. agreed D. planned

最新中考英语英语 完形填空专题练习及答案

最新中考英语英语完形填空专题练习及答案 一、英语完形填空 1.完形填空 Ever since I was a child, my mouth has caused me trouble. I'm not a bad person, but I have a hard time learning when to stop saying things to others. My mum has told 1 again and again, "Robert, you bad words are hurting me. 2 you continue to be this rude, you will get into big trouble." It has been a problem at school several times too. One day, in English class, I was working on my homework when I heard a classmate 3 behind me. It was Nathaniel, who liked doing that as usual. I thought of what my mother had said to me and 4 nicely, "Nathaniel, would you be quiet?" However, Nathaniel kept saying something to the boy next to him loud. I 5 shouted, "Nathaniel, shut up!" 6 the next five minutes, we threw hurtful words at each other. "At least I don't have an ugly lazy eye like you!" I cried out. I knew this would make him 7 and it would hurt his feelings and shut him up. What I said filled him anger. He ran to my 8 and tried to catch me as he shouted, "That's it! That's it!" Surprised at his reaction, I sat back in my seat. I had 9 seen Nathaniel act like this before. Later on, we were taken to the teachers' office. There, Mr. Black. Our English teacher, told us to 10 the problem between us. Only then I finally found that 11 I hurt someone physically(身上), he can finally get healthy again. But when I hurt someone with my 12 , sometimes the pain never goes away. At the end of the discussion, I said 13 to Nathaniel. When I went back to my room, I began to 14 how often what I said hurt others. I'll remember what my mom said to me and learn when to keep my 15 closed. 1. A. her B. me C. him D. them 2. A. Though B. So C. If D. Till 3. A. singing B. reading C. beating D. talking 4. A. wrote B. said C. copied D. heard 5. A. happily B. slowly C. carefully D. angrily 6. A. For B. At C. With D. To 7. A. relaxed B. worried C. sad D. happy 8. A. classroom B. bag C. book D. seat 9. A. often B. never C. usually D. sometimes 10. A. discuss B. read C. make D. do 11. A. while B. after C. when D. where 12. A. words B. action C. advice D. experience


中考英语完形填空专题训练6篇及答案详解 第1篇 An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his 1 all the time, watering and fertilizing them. One day a young man went by the 2 . He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be 3 he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was 4 . He was very surprised about this and asked, “You can’t see these flowers. 5 are you busy taking care of them every day?” The old man smiled and said, “I can tell you four 6 . First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, 7 I can’t see these flowers, I can touch them. 8 , I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s 9 .” “Me? But you don’t know me,”said the young man. “Yeah, it’s 10 that I don’t know you. But I know that flowers are angels that everybody 11 . We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.” The blind man’s work opened our eyes, and 12 our hearts, which also made his life 13 . It was just like Beethoven, who became deaf in his later life and wrote many great musical works. Beethoven himself couldn’t 14 his wonderful music, but his music has 15 millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn’t it one kind of happiness? ( ) 1. A. flowers B. trees C. vegetables D. grass ( ) 2. A. balcony B. kitchen C. garden D. study ( ) 3. A. after B. as C. before D. if ( ) 4. A. blind B. famous C. smart D. friendly ( ) 5. A. What B. Who C. Why D. Which ( ) 6. A. stories B. reasons C. excuses D. conclusions ( ) 7. A. although B. since C. because D. unless ( ) 8. A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth ( ) 9. A. me B. you C. my mother D. my son ( ) 10. A. true B. hard C. cool D. fair ( ) 11. A. greets B. doubts C. meets D. knows ( ) 12. A. broke B. hurt C. pleased D. treated ( ) 13. A. emptier B. busier C. luckier D. happier ( ) 14. A. write B. hear C. play D. believe


一 Years ago, I lived in a building in a large city. The building next door was only a few feet away from mine. There was a woman who lived there, whom I had ______(1) met, yet I could see her seated by her window each afternoon, sewing or reading. After several months had ______(2), I began to notice that her window was dirty. Everything was unclear ______(3) the dirty window. I would say to ______(4), “I wonder why that woman doesn’t wash her window. It really looks ______(5).” One bright morning I decided to clean my flat, ______(6) washing the window on the inside. Later in the afternoon when I finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a rest. What a ______(7)! Across the way, the woman sitting by her window, ______(8) all the time I was watching hers through my own dirty window. That was ______(9) an important lesson for me. How often had I ______(10) and criticized others through the dirty window of my heart, through my own shortcomings? Since then, whenever I wanted to judge someone, I asked myself first, “Am I looking at him through my own dirty window?” Then I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see the world about me more clearly. 1. A. ever B. before C. never D. once 2. A. gone B. gone by C. gone off D. gone away 3. A. in B. across C. through D. on 4. A. me B. myself C. I D. my 5. A. terrible B. ugly C. good D. surprising 6. A. containing B. includes C. contains D. including 7. A. shock B. excitement C. surprise D. joy 8. A. however B. but C. though D. because 9. A. so B. very C. quite D. too 10. A. looked B. looked at C. looked for D. looked into 二 Once there was a king who told some of his people to dig a pond. The king then told his people that one person ______(1) each family had to bring a glass of milk during the night and put it into the pond. So, by the morning, the pond should be ______(2) of milk. After ______(3) the order, everyone went home. As one man prepared his milk, he thought that since everyone was bringing milk, he would just ______(4) a

2018中考英语 完形填空训练16篇(含答案)

中考完形填空训练16篇 训练(一) It is well known that everyone has his own future as well as his own dream. But do you know what future is? I have 1 that future is now. That means we must treasure every minute every day. If we want to have a bright future, we should know 2 and use it well. There is an old English saying, “Gain time, gain life.”Then what’s time? Time is something that we can’t see or touch, but we can’t feel it 3 by. Time is always with us. When we are at table, time passes, when we play, time goes by 4 . We always say “Time is money.” But time is even 5 . When money is spent, we can make it back. But if time is gone away, it will 6 return. So some of us even say time is priceless. We should always remember: future is now. For 7 students, we should try our best to work hard in order to create a great future of our own. We should make the best use of every hour and be the master of today. We should do 8 before us as well as possible. And we shouldn’t put off what can 9 today till tomorrow. As we all know, “Time and tide wait for no man.”If you waste today, you will regret tomorrow. So 10 , work hard. Tomorrow will be better, and your future will be brighter. Today’s hard work is the cause of tomorrow’s harvest. Remember: No pains, no gains. ( ) 1. A. say B. to say C. saying ( ) 2. A. how time is important B. how is time important C. how important time is ( ) 3. A. passed B. passing C. to pass ( ) 4. A. quietly B. carefully C. loudly ( ) 5. A. valuable B. more valuable C. the most valuable ( ) 6. A. always B. sometimes C. never ( ) 7. A. we B. us C. our ( ) 8. A. everything B. nothing C. anything ( ) 9. A. do B. to do C. be done ( ) 10. A. from now on B. from then on C. in the future 训练(二) Happiness is a strange thing – we’re all looking for it, but how many of us really 1 it? And what is the real happiness? The first is to enjoy the simple (简单的) things in life. Too often, we 2 so much time thinking about the future. For example, getting into college or getting a good 3 . But we fail to enjoy the present. You should enjoy life’s simple pleasures, such as reading a 4 book, listening to your favorite music, or sp ending time with good friends. The second is to live a happy and active life and have 5 . Many people experience dancing or playing a sport. You can 6 your problems, and only think about the activity. Finally, many people find happiness in helping other. Studies show that people feel good 7 they spend their time helping others. If you want to feel happier, do good things for someone. You can 8 a friend with his or her studies. You can also go shopping to 9 food for an elderly person. If you’re feeling down, there is one simple way to make 10 feel happy: Smile! Research has shown that if you force yourself to smile, you will start feeling more hopeful and happy. ( ) 1. A. take B. make C. find ( ) 2. A. spend B. use C. cost

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