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水利水电科技进展,2016,36(3)一Tel :025********一E-mail :jz @https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2812487477.html, 一http ://https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2812487477.html, 第36卷第3期Vol.36No.3水利水电科技进展Advances in Science and Technology of Water Resources 2016年5月May 2016基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51239001);湖南省教育厅科学研究项目(14C0024);湖南省研究生科研创新项目(CX2015B348)

作者简介:伍志元(1989 ),男,博士研究生,主要从事河流二海岸动力过程及其模拟技术研究三E-mail:wuzhiyuan89@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2812487477.html,

通信作者:蒋昌波(1970 ),男,教授,主要从事河流二海岸动力过程及其模拟技术研究三E-mail:jcb36@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2812487477.html, DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10067647.2016.03.015泄水闸开启方式对通航水流条件的影响





Influence of sluice gate opening mode on navigation flow condition //WU Zhiyuan 1,JIANG Changbo 1,2,CHEN Jie 1,2,DENG Bin 1,2,YANG Wu 1(1.School of Hydraulic Engineering ,Changsha University of Science &Technology ,Changsha 410004,China ;2.Key Laboratory of Water and Sediment Sciences &Flood Hazard Prevention of Hunan Province ,Changsha University of Science &Technology ,Changsha 410004,China )Abstract :The sluice gates of the Baishiyao Hydro-Junction in the Beijiang River were selected to study the influence of the sluice gate opening mode on flow features and navigation flow conditions in the entrance area of an approaching channel downstream of the hydro-junction.Three-dimensional (3D)numerical simulation was conducted on the influence of different sluice gate opening modes on the navigation flow conditions in the entrance area of the downstream approaching channel.The results show that the influence of sluice gate opening modes on the navigation conditions is small when the flow is low,and the influence of sluice gate opening modes on the navigation conditions is large when the flow is high.For the sluice gates of the Baishiyao Hydro-Junction,a single opening of the left sluice gate or intensive opening of the left sluice gate with opening at intervals of the right sluice gate will prevent the navigation flow conditions of the right side of the first-line ship lock from meeting the requirements in the entrance area of the downstream approaching channel.To ensure the safety of navigation,it is suggested that the right sluice gate of the Baishiyao Hydro-Junction be opened or else all the sluice gates be opened during flood drainage.Key words :navigation condition;3D numerical simulation;sluice gate;entrance area;Baishiyao Hydro-Junction



素三GBJ 50139 2004‘内河通航标准“[2]对水流在

引航道口门区3个方向上的流速都有相应规定,对Ⅰ~Ⅳ级船闸而言,口门区纵向流速不大于2.0m /s,横向流速不大于0.3m /s,回流流速不大于0.4m /s三



