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Journal of Changzhou College of Information Technobgy

VoL17 No.3

Jun. 2018




摘要:教师的教学水平影响着学校的人才培养质量激发教师的教学动力可以提升其教学水平。通过分析当前大学教师教 学动力不足的影响因素,结合激励理论,提出大学教师教学动力的提升策略,g卩加强对教师内在需求的引导,改变重 科研轻教学的取向,在教学评价中做到主客观相结合,注重差异性与针对性,完善情感激励机制。


中图分类号:G645.1 文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-2434(2018)03-0084-03

Anatysis on the Teaching Motivation of Coflege

and University Teachers from the Perspective

of Incentive Theoiy

LI Yumei

(School o f Educational Science, Hubei Norm al University, Huangshi 435002, China)

Abstract:The teaching level o f teachers influences the quality o f talent cultivation, and the teaching motivation o f the teachers could im- prove their teaching level* B y analyzing the influencing factors o f current college and university teachers, insufficient teaching power, combined w ith the incentive theory, this paper puts forw ard the strategy o f inproving the teaching motivation o f college and university teachers. That is to strengthen the guidance o f teacher's internal demand, change orientation o f focusing on scien-tific research rather than teaching, achieve the combination o f subjective and objective teaching evaluation, pay attention to diver-sity and pertinence, and inclem ent emotional incentive mechanism.

Key words:incentive theory; college and university teachers; teaching motivation; teacher development

激发大学教师的教学动力,可以通过调动教师 的积极性和创造性来实现。当前大学教师教学动力 不足的现象普遍存在,本文借助激励理论来探究大 学教师教学动力不足的原因,并提出大学教师教学 动力的提升对策。


随着大数据时代的到来,各类文化、思想呈现出开放的状态,大学生可以快速、便捷地获取需要的信 息。大学教师必须具有相应的知识储备以满足学生 对知识的需求。教师要将知识系统地传授给学生,还必须掌握因材施教、启发学生等技能。如果大学 教师在教学技能方面经验不足,则会影响教学效果[1]。教师从课堂教学中得到的消极反馈,则会对 教师的教学热情产生负面影响,从而阻碍了教师自 身教学动力的激发。



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