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DAY 3 Fashion Segmentation Vision


Money Q: What do you think about pocket money? We should learn how to use money and how to manage mone y. I like to have pocket money. I use pocket money to buy toys I like. I also save my pocket money for some big plans. Now, I wa nt to buy a camera. I lost one when I went on vacation last year. My Mom told me if I save 500 yuan, she would like to pay the r est for me to buy a camera for less than 1500 yuan. Q: Does your father often give you some pocket money? No, my mother gives me pocket money every month. I need t o make my bed every morning, go shopping once a week, and the n my mother gives me 30 yuan a month. I also get some pocket money from my aunt if I help baby-sit my cousin. Q: Do you have red-envelope money in Spring Festival? Yes, I get red-envelope money from my father, my mother, my grandparents, my aunt and other relatives. I got 4200 yuan this Sp ring Festival. My Mom helped deposit the money into my bank ac count. It will be used to pay for my education. Q: How to spend your red-envelope money?


法国化妆品品牌排名 在西方的化妆品中,法国化妆品的地位相当于东方的韩国,所以法国化妆品品牌排名也受到很多女性的关心。对于法国来说也是出名的浪漫之都,化妆品也是这个地方不可或缺的一部分,是不是开始感兴趣了,跟着时尚女人网小编一起来看看法国化妆品品牌排名吧!一定让你大开眼界。 法国化妆品品牌排名一 兰蔻,创办于1935年,是根据法国中部的一个城市而命名的,创办人觉得每一个女人就像是玫瑰一样,所欲选择了“兰蔻”这个被玫瑰环绕的城市来命名。 法国化妆品品牌排名二 香奈儿的创始人出生在法国,当时是一个非常平常的巴黎少女,父亲只是个流动的商人,她和姐姐相依为命长大,创立香奈儿是改变了她和不少女性的一个壮举。 |

法国化妆品品牌排名三 迪奥的创始人在1947年成立了属于自己的时装店,在之后的日子里,他的不断发展成为世界著名的时装设计师。 | 法国化妆品品牌排名四

薇姿在法国的名气很大,创立于1931年,薇姿的实验室表示,要一直努力的了解人类的皮肤,永远的和医院合作,这是他们的使命。 | 法国化妆品品牌排名五 碧欧泉起源于法国,是欧洲三大化妆品品牌之一,该品牌一贯主张的健康理念一直受到全球女性的追捧,所以称为了世界知名的品牌。 |

法国化妆品品牌排名六 欧莱雅同样起源于法国,展示了法国的成熟气质和优雅的感觉,平时注重自我形象的人都会选择这款,这是姐姐泉眼品牌与高品质的产品。 | 法国化妆品品牌排名七 雅漾是法国皮尔法伯医药集团下的护肤产品,结合的药品的精华,主要在药店和健康馆销售,有兴趣的女性也可以尝试一下。 | 法国化妆品品牌排名八

依云是法国历史上很悠久的品牌,这是一个法国小镇的名字,在2001年出现化妆品的系列,是纯天然的化妆品系列。 本文来自时尚女人https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2715603172.html,/New/NewsContent_4754.html


三一口语六级话题--Money ★以下是###少儿英语频道为大家整理的《三一口语六级话题--Money》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站频道。 Money Q: What do you think about pocket money? We should learn how to use money and how to manage money. I like to have pocket money. I use pocket money to buy toys I like. I also save my pocket money for some big plans. Now, I want to buy a camera. I lost one when I went on vacation last year. My Mom told me if I save 500 yuan, she would like to pay the rest for me to buy a camera for less than 1500 yuan. Q: Does your father often give you some pocket money? No, my mother gives me pocket money every month. I need to make my bed every morning, go shopping once a week, and then my mother gives me 30 yuan a month. I also get some pocket money from my aunt if I help baby-sit my cousin. Q: Do you have red-envelope money in Spring Festival? Yes, I get red-envelope money from my father, my mother, my grandparents, my aunt and other relatives. I got 4200 yuan this Spring Festival. My Mom helped deposit the money into my bank account. It will be used to pay for my education. Q: How to spend your red-envelope money? I got 4200 yuan this Spring Festival from my father, my mother, my grandparents, my aunt and other relatives. My Mom

三一口语六级话题 Motivation

三一口语六级话题 Motivation Have you ever tried to lose weight? What motivated you to start a diet? Is it important to motivate children? How do you motivate children? Can some people destroy your motivation? What is something a boss can do to motivate his workers? How are you best motivated? How do you motivate your friends? Have you ever tried to quit smoking? How do you define motivation? What are some of the factors of motivation? What part does motivation plays in effective teaching? What is the role of motivation for slow learners? What are three things that motivate you? Do you feel motivated when you are at school? Do you feel motivated when learning something new? How would you describe motivation? Does motivation affect learning? In what way can we help people to increase their motivation?


中国十大名牌化妆品榜中榜(化妆品品牌,名牌化妆品) 欧莱雅L'OREAL(于1907年法国,世界化妆品行业的领先者,中国驰名商标,欧莱雅集团) 雅芳A VON(于1886年美国纽约,世界十大品牌品牌,世界上最大的美容化妆品公司之一) 妮维雅NIVEA(于1911年德国汉堡,欧洲全球护肤专家,BDF(拜尔斯道夫)公司旗下品牌) 玫琳凯Marykay(于1963年美国,世界上最大的护肤品和彩妆品直销企业之一,玫琳凯公司) 玉兰油OLAY(于1950年代,世界上最大最著名的护肤品牌之一,宝洁公司旗下品牌) DHC蝶翠诗(1972年日本,跨化妆品/医药保健/翻译出版/美容院/水疗领域的综合性企业) 露得清(分别创立于1954年和1992年美国,著名化妆品品牌,强生公司旗下品牌) 薇姿Vichy(于1931年法国,将药房专销护肤品的概念带入中国,欧莱雅集团旗下品牌) 旁氏POND'S(于1846年美国,1987年由联合利华收购,联合利华的成功典范之一,护肤佳品) ZA姬芮(真皙)(资生堂(1872年东京)和卓多姿(1932年纽约)合作创建,美颜产品的前沿) 八大高端化妆品品牌榜中榜 迪奥Dior(Christian dior始于1946年法国,代表高贵典雅生活风格精华的品牌) 香奈儿(尔)***el(于1913年法国巴黎,旗下产品繁多,法国著名奢侈品牌,巴黎***el集团) 雅诗兰黛Estee Lauder(于1946年美国纽约,全球领先的化妆品品牌,美国雅诗兰黛公司) 兰蔻Lancome(于1935年创于法国,全球知名的高端化妆品品牌,法国国宝级化妆品牌) 资生堂/欧珀莱AUPRES(于1872年日本,中国名牌,欧珀莱属于资生堂Shiseido集团旗下品牌) 倩碧Clinique(于1968年美国,世界顶级化妆品品牌,一线牌子,美国雅诗兰黛集团旗下品牌) 碧欧泉Biotherm(于1950年法国,欧洲三大时尚护肤品牌之一,属L'Oreal化妆品集团) 安娜苏Anna Sui(有彩妆,护肤品和香水,其中化妆品1998年在日本诞生,时尚设计的领先品牌) 十大大众化妆品品牌榜中榜/名牌化妆品 小护士(于1992年,国内著名化装品牌,欧莱雅集团在中国收购的第一个本土品牌) 隆力奇(中国名牌,中国驰名商标,民族品牌,技术力量先进的日化企业,江苏隆力奇集团) 大宝Dabao(中国名牌,中国驰名商标,北京市著名商标,强生旗下品牌,北京大宝公司) 丁家宜TJOY(中国药科大学丁家宜教授始于1987年,民族品牌,苏州珈侬生化有限公司) 李医生(始于1991年澳洲,受消费者喜爱的日化品牌,西婷美容保健有限公司) 美体小铺(The face shop,于1976年英国,天然/活性健康化妆品,国际化妆品品牌) 佰草集Herborist(国内最著名的化妆品企业,民族品牌,上海家化旗下中草药中高档护理品) 相宜本草(于1999年上海,民族品牌,上海名牌,高新技术企业,中华本草美容护肤品品牌) 自然堂CHCEDO(于2001年中国,中国著名品牌,民族品牌,上海市名牌产品,伽蓝集团) 采诗Caisy(大型日化公司,大众化妆品品牌,民族品牌,广州市采诗化妆品有限公司) 2010年国际化妆品排行榜 1 香奈儿(尔)***el (于1913年法国巴黎,旗下产品繁多,法国著名奢侈品牌,***el集团) 2 雅诗兰黛Estee Lauder (于1946年美国纽约,全球领先的化妆品品牌,美国雅诗兰黛公司) 3 兰蔻Lancome (于1935年创于法国,全球知名的高端化妆品品牌,法国国宝级化妆品牌) 4 迪奥Dior (于1913年法国巴黎,华丽与高雅的代名词,著名时尚奢侈消费品品牌) 5 娇兰Guerlain (于1828年法国,以香水起家的巴黎皇室贵族保养品品牌,法国娇兰集团)

完整word版,三一口语六级自选话题MY hobby

My hobby---collecting cards of figures of Three Kingdoms What it is and reasons why I like it How I started collecting them When, where, with whom I exchange my cards My favorite character in Three Kingdoms What I learn from my hobby What I will do about my hobby What it is and reasons why I like it Different people might have different hobbies, some like singing, some like reading, some like playing basketball and so on. As far as I am concerned, my hobby is collecting magazine cards about characters in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I have been collecting magazine cards for 2 years and now I have about 50 cards. They are about different figures in this famous novel of China. I like collecting history magazine cards, because it teaches me history knowledge. When I was collecting and putting them in order, I felt happy. When I got a new one, I felt excited. When I was showing them to my friend and talking about them with my parents, I had a feeling of success. It’s wonderful and fun. Besides, in order to collect more cards, I often ask people if they have history magazine cards and make new friends with them. It’s often the topic when I begin a conversation with others. Miss/Sir, What is your hobby? How I started collecting them Last year, I subscribed a history magazine named History Study at school. When I was reading it, to my surprise, I found some pictures of cartoon figures in Three Kingdoms. I used to be interested in this classical book of China, so I went to pick up the scissors to cut the pictures down, then put them up on a booklet. Next month, I also found new pictures in this magazine. So, little by little, I collected more and more figures. Now, I have collected more than fifty cards. You know, I used to be a shy girl. When I began to collect these cards, in order to get more or exchange cards with them, I need to talk with others. I think I am not shy any more. There are two reasons why I began to collect them. First, I think these cartoon cards are very colorful and attractive. They make those figures cute and vivid. So they are popular with kids. second, I like the short story in the card. It can tell me the figure’s personality and life. Miss/Sir, do you think they are interesting? When, where, with whom I exchange my cards Not only I, but some of my classmates have the cards. So, in order to get more different cards, we need to exchange them. we make a date to share our cards every month. Usually, if we have spare time, at the end of each month, we will find a nearby park to exchange cards and communicate with each other. I like this date, because I think it’s interesting and meaningful. When we were talking about the stories of our


Trinity College Examination-Graded 6 Part one 一.Travelling Questions: 1.How often do you travel around? I often take a trip every summer vacation 2.Why do you like travelling? Traveling is so popular and prevalent in the modern society. Traveling is considered as a style of fashion. Traveling can widen my knowledge and broaden my visions. Through traveling we can acquire the knowledge of geography, customs, local distinctive. 3.Where did you go last summer/winter? 4.Who did you travel with? 5.How long did you stay there? 6.Why did you choose that place? 7.Tell us your experiences about that place (food, accommodations, sceneries, public transport, local customs & residents) 8.What is the special about that place 9.Where are you going to travel next vacation? 10.H ave you ever been abroad before? 11.H ow is that place comparing with Beijing?


国际顶级化妆品公司排行 1.法国欧莱雅集团(L'Oreal Groug) 顶级品牌 HR(赫莲娜) 二线产品 Lancome(兰蔻)、Biotherm(碧欧泉) 三线或三线以下产品 LOreal Pairs(欧莱雅)、kiehls(契尔氏) Garnier(卡尼尔)、羽西、小护士 彩妆品牌 shu unemura(植村秀)、Maybelline(美宝莲) 香水品牌 Giorgio Armani(阿玛尼)、Parfums(纪梵希) Ralph Lauren(拉尔夫·劳伦)、Polo(保罗)、cacharel(卡夏尔) 2.宝洁公司(The Procter & Gamble) 顶级品牌 SK-II(Maxfactor)蜜丝佛陀 二线产品 Olay(玉兰油)、lllume(伊奈美) 男士品牌 Boss Skin 彩妆品牌

Cover girl(封面女郎) 亚洲第一彩妆品牌 ANNA SUI(安娜苏) 香水品牌 ANNA SUI(安娜苏)、Escada(艾斯卡达)、Dunhill(登喜路) Lanvin(朗万)、Paul Smith(保罗史密斯) 3.美国雅诗兰黛(Estee Lauder Cos Inc) 顶级品牌 La Mer(海蓝之谜) 一线品牌 雅诗兰黛 二线品牌 Clinique(倩碧) 彩妆品牌 Bobbi Brown(芭比波朗)、M.A.C(魅可) 香水品牌 Tommy Hilfiger(唐美希绯格)、DKNY(唐可娜儿)、Aramis(雅男儿) 4.日本资生堂(Shiseido Co Ltd) 顶级品牌 IPSA(茵芙莎) 中国专售

AUPRES(欧珀莱)、Za(姬芮) 香水品牌 三宅一生 5.法国LVMH集团 护肤品牌 Guerlain(娇兰)、Chiristian Dior(迪奥) 纪梵希(Givenchy)、CLARINS(娇韵诗) 彩妆品牌 Makeup forvever(浮生若梦)、BENEFIT、SEPHORA(丝芙兰) 香水品牌 KENZO(高田贤三)、fendi(芬迪) DOLCE&GABBANA(杜嘉班纳)、CalvinKlein(CK)、LOEWE 6.英国联合利华(Unilever) 护肤品牌 Elizabeth Arden(伊丽莎白.雅顿) 7.法国Chanel(香奈儿)集团


三一口语六级常见问题 Travel 1.Do you like traveling? Answer 1: Of course, I really like traveling. I like to see how people live in other places, and it’s amazing to learn about different cultures—much more exciting than just reading about them in a textbook. I’ve been to quite a lot of places and I’d like to share my experience with you. Answer 2: I’m afraid I don’t like traveling at all because it’s too time-consuming. I’d rather stay at home and do some reading when I’m free. 2.Can you talk about one of your happiest traveling experiences? I enjoyed my trip to Hong Kong very much. I went there with my mom by plane last year. The sights were really wonderful. I remember a place called Sai Kung. The sea there was so blue and clear. We were taking photos all the way. We also went to the Disneyland. It was so much fun. My mom bought a lot from the shopping malls in Causeway Bay. She said things were much cheaper in Hong Kong than in my hometown. We tasted a variety of delicious Cantonese Foods as well. The hotel where we stayed was in a convenient location. It was only 10 minutes’ drive from the city center. I like Hong Kong so much and my mom says we’re going there again next year. 3.What are the differences between your hometown and Hong Kong? There are a lot differences between my hometown and Hong Kong. First, people in Hong Kong speak Cantonese, which is different from Mandarin my mother tongue. I could hardly understand the local people, so I spoke English most of the time. Second, Hong Kong is in the south of China and it’s close to the sea, so the weather there is warm and humid. My hometown is in the north and the weather is cool and dry. Finally, the foods are also different. People in Hong Kong like to eat dim sum for lunch, while people from my hometown prefer noodles and rice. 4.If you have enough time and money, where will you go on your next trip? If I have enough time and money, I’d like to go to Hangzhou on my next trip because I heard it’s a lovely city with many cute terraces. The best season to visit is spring, when flowers bloom and trees turn green. My friends recommended a nice hotel located near the West Lake. I can stay in a lake-view room to enjoy the beautiful sights through the window. 5.Which do you prefer: traveling to big modern cities or to small remote villages? Answer 1: I prefer to travel to small villages rather than big cities. Villages have slower pace of life than cities, which makes me feel more relaxed. And there are clear lakes, little hills and green forests in many villages. The sights are beautiful. Moreover, the air quality in villages is much better than that in big cities. I think that’s the reason why many people from villages are healthier than city dwellers.


[法国护肤品适合中国人吗]适合在法国买 的护肤品有哪些(2) (最新版) -Word文档,下载后可任意编辑和处理- 法国购买护肤品的地方推荐 Choice1:【百货公司】 百货公司是大而全的代名词。一般的百货公司都可以囊括大部分的名牌化妆品和护肤品。所以目标是名牌的消费者大可认定一家百货公司,即可搜罗到几乎所有你想要的宝贝。在百货公司中售卖的美妆品牌都有一个独立的专柜,专柜小姐对本品牌的产品特点非常的熟悉,可以根据您的需求做出个性化的推荐。在减价销售期间,百货公司中的各个美妆品牌常常会推出优惠大礼包,超值的组合绝对不能错过。另外在百货公司购物还有一个好处就是,可以享受百货公司提供的优惠和服务,比如礼品包装、参加购物抽奖活动等。 到巴黎必逛的百货公司当属闻名遐迩老佛爷和春天百货,这两家店比邻而居,都位于加尼叶歌剧院附近,一家没逛过瘾可以迅速杀进另一家,一定能满足你购物的欲望。此外,巴黎市政府旁边的BHV也是一座大型的综合性百货公司,路过的话不妨进去看看。

如何到达: 去老佛爷和春天百货,可以乘坐地铁7号、9号线到Chaussee d' Antin La Fayette站。 到BHV,可乘坐地铁1号或11号线,到Hotel de ville站下,从地铁的BHV百货出口即有通道通向商场地下一层。 Choice2:【品牌专卖店】 百货公司的货物虽全,但若只逛百货公司,难免会错过一些遗珠。比如法国的几家以纯天然原料著称的化妆品品牌,它们大多不会在百货公司里设置专柜,而是开设自己的独立连锁专卖店,例如YVES ROCHER和L'OCCITANE等。 在品牌专卖店购买化妆品最好办理相关品牌的会员积分卡,可以享受更多优惠,如YVES ROCHER就采用会员积分制度,只要在YVES ROCHER购买产品时办理一张会员积分卡,就可以将本次的消费积分登记上去。当积分达到一定的额度,即可获赠礼品并享有其他优惠。 在新年和大减价期间,各个品牌专卖店也会推出很多活动。其中YVES ROCHER的大减价就非常实在,是少数对旗下所有化妆品都进行打折的品牌,折扣力度可达五折,在此期间购买是最划算不过的了。L'OCCITANE的各专卖店则会推出一些限定特惠产品和套装礼品盒。特惠产品虽然种类有限,但价格都相当诱人。值得一提的是它的礼品盒,包装精致大方,是馈赠亲友的佳品。 如何到达: 各品牌专卖店分布很广,您可以提前在官网上查找地址,也可以


Learning a foreign language 1. Why do you want to learn a foreign language? I learn English . First of all, English has become an international language. It’s more and more important . second, I can get more knowledge and information if I learn English well. At last, I can make friends with foreigners. 2. What should you do when you learn a foreign language? First, we should become interested in the foreign language because interest is the best teacher. Then we also should spend lots of time on it . we should read and listen as much as possible, such as reading newspapers and magazines, watching foreign films. We should speak English with our teachers ,our classmates and even with foreigners.. 3. What methods do you use to learn a foreign language? I make sentence in order to remember new words and I read them many times. I often watch American cartoons and listen to some English songs.This can improve my listening .I speak English with my teachers and friends. 4 Is it easier for younger people to learn a foreign language than older people? yes , I think it’s easier for younger people to learn a foreign language,


Topic: Money Money is regarded/ as the most powerful and very important thing in our life. In my opinion, most things in the world,such as luxurious cars, magnificent mansions and other beautiful and wonderful things can be bought with money. But there are certain things that cannot be bought with money. A millionaire who suffered from AIDS was willing to buy his health with all his property, but maybe at last, he died in despair. And money can’t buy true love, devoted friendship, real honor, a warm family life or skills. So money is far away from omnipotent.钱并不是万能的。 Like everything else, money has two sides, positive and negative. It can bring happiness as well as ruin. Those people who make money /through their own mental or physical labor usually have a kind of happy life. But “money can talk” and it is the major cause of crime and violence in the world today. Robbery, thief, burglary, and even murder are most commonly for the sake of money. Money can also drive some powerful officials to corrupt.贪污 Discussions: 1. What’s your opinion on “money”? Do you thin k it is everything? 2. Can you give me some examples to support your idea? 3. As a coin has two sides, can you explain it from the positive sides and negative sides individually? 4. Which do you think is more important: wealth or health, why? 5. What kind of the things can be bought with money? 6. What kind of the things cannot be bought with money? 7. Do you think money is the major cause of crime and violence in the world today? (negative things) 8. Can you tell me the right use of money? How to use money correctly? 9. Should students take any pocket money with them? Why? If they should, how much do you think they should take? 10. Are there some special classes in you school to guide you guys how to spend or arrange your money properly? No,转8答案。 I’d like to share my experience of managing money. First of all, I think if you make a money plan, it can help you get it worth. Also, I put my pocket money into the piggy bank, because I think it is a good way to develop good saving skills. Remember: You’d better not borrow money too often,or you can't save any, and you shouldn't spend money like water, or you must waste a lot. I believe these habits are gifts that can last a lifetime. 2. Have you ever earned money before? I have a few experiences of earning money. Last summer vacation, if I helped my mother do some housework, she would give me a card, you know, every card costs one Yuan, if I sweep the floor、wash dishes、clean the table、feed the fish、


化妆品国际五大品牌 国际化妆品五大品牌 兰蔻 诞生于法国的兰蔻,在护肤、彩妆、香水等多个领域都有涉及,主要是针对年龄在25-40岁的成熟女性,是全球知名的高端化妆品品牌。 倩碧 倩碧是美国雅诗兰黛集团推出的护肤品品牌,其产品系列有香水、彩妆、护肤、美体。倩碧护肤产品都通过了过敏性测试,产品除香氛外更是百分百不含香料,独有的皮肤分析器更会帮助消费者选择正确的适合自己的护肤产品。 香奈儿 香奈儿品牌涉及了服装、珠宝、化妆品、香水、护肤等,简单舒适、时尚简约永远是香奈儿品牌的目标,香奈护肤产品更是由尖端科技打造的高端护肤品牌。 雅姿 雅姿是安利公司的五大类产品之一,是世界著名的美容化妆品牌。雅姿诞生以来就是为美丽而生的,经过50多年的不懈努力,雅姿品牌发展到现在,产品遍及全球多个国家和地区。雅姿品牌的系列包括基本护理、男士护肤、美白、全新滋养、特别护理等多个系列,其产品配方和成份更是美国专利认可的,为消费者带

来与众不同的美容新享受。 雅诗兰黛 雅诗兰黛夫人创立的雅诗兰黛品牌,在经过半个多世纪的时间,以其卓越的功效和领先的科技在全球受到广泛的认可。现在,雅诗兰黛的产品包括护肤、彩妆及香水,产品遍及全球130多个国家。 韩国化妆品牌排名 1.hera/赫拉 赫拉是韩国爱茉莉集团旗下的顶级品牌,hera适合30+,或是25+有经济实力的mm. 推荐单品hera 气垫bb霜 赫拉uv多功能防晒保湿气垫粉饼bb霜是韩国最高人气粉饼,化妆巨头的高端定位~ 赫拉、iope和兰芝是同属于太平洋爱茉莉集团 (所属这个集团的著名品牌还有雪花秀、韩律、悦诗风吟、爱丽小屋、梦妆等等)。最近持续走火的iope定位要比兰芝高一个档次,iope各方面技术基础都完胜兰芝这是毋庸置疑滴~不过,"赫拉"最近货比较紧缺,各大免税店更是限量销售(每个护照一个月只可以买6个),集隔离、保湿、防晒、美白、舒缓五大功效于一身的赫拉/hera,一直都被爱茉莉集团冠以高端定位,档次要比iope还要来的高喔~(这也是赫拉的价格比iope来的高一点的原因哈)对于赫拉的技术基础mm们大可放心哈~spf50+/pa+++的超强防晒指数,用过iope的mm肯定都知道,赫拉的防晒指数也是不输给iope。 2.爱丽/etude

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