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高中英语 unit4 making the news单元测试1 新人教版必修5

高中英语 unit4 making the news单元测试1 新人教版必修5
高中英语 unit4 making the news单元测试1 新人教版必修5

必修五Unit 4《Making the news》单元测试1


I. 单项选择

1. We have tried several means but failed. Now it is clear to us that only in that way _________

the event from the onlookers.

A. we will be able to find out about

B. will we be able to find out about

C. do we find out about

D. we find out about

2. He has travelled to many countries. Not only _________ his view, but also _________ several

foreign languages.

A. he has broadened; he has picked up

B. he has broadened; has he picked up

C. has he broadened; he has picked up

D. has he broadened; has he picked up

3. Not until _________ how difficult it was to be a good reporter.

A. did the chief editor tell me I realized

B. the chief editor told me I realized

C. the chief editor told me did I realized

D. the chief editor told me did I realize

4. He is mean about money. On no condition_________ even a cent from him.

A. you can borrow

B. you can lend

C. can you borrow

D. can you lend

5. Zhou is to interview a teacher who lives in a small village. He is told that in front of the

teacher's house _________.

A. stand two stone lions

B. stands two stone lions

C. two stone lions stand

D. lies two stone lions

6. When applying for the position, he was asked to fill in a form, in which he should write down

his name, age, address, _________ and marital(婚姻的)status.

A. occupation

B. trade

C. business

D. career

7. Yang is to study abroad to get his doctor's degree in journalism. Now he

_______ the exam.

A. is concentrating to pass

B. is concentrating on passing

C. is concentrated on passing

D. is concentrated to pass

8. Amy wants to choose Spanish as her major when studying in college. However, she finds it is

not easy to find a college that offers Spanish_________.

A. lessons

B. lectures

C. speeches

D. courses

9. _________ cover the events accurately, a journalist has to do a lot of work to acquire all the

information he or she needs to know.

A. So that

B. So as to

C. In order that

D. In order to

10. In no case does a person look forward to_________.

A. accuse of guilty

B. being accused of being guilty

C. accuse of being guilty

D. being accused of guilty

11. Not a single song at yesterday's party.

A. she sang

B. sang she

C. did she sing

D. she did sing

12. ―You forgot your purse when you went out.

―Good heavens, .

A. so did I

B. so I did

C. I did so

D. I so did

13. Only when your identity has been checked .

A. you are allowed in

B. you will be allowed in

C. will you allowed in

D. will you be allowed in

14. Which one is more important, the or the final result?

A. procedure

B. meanwhile

C. process

D. procession

15. He is the lawyer for a big Olympic project.

A. chief

B. main

C. leading

D. major

II 根据汉语提示及所给的重点词语完成下列句子

1. —It's burning hot today, isn't it?


2019版人教版数学四年级下册第一单元《四则运算》单元测试卷A卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、选择题 1 . 计算73+27×54﹣14的第二步运算是() A.加法B.乘法C.减法 2 . 学校买3套桌椅一共花了720元,每套桌椅多少钱?正确列式为()。 A.720-3B.720÷3C.720×3 3 . 下面的运算顺序与其他选项不同的一个算式是()。 A.2×12÷3B.15+12-3C.12+15÷3D.36÷3×2 4 . 有3根钢材,每根都锯成5段,每锯开一处需要工时费2元.全部锯完应付工时费()元. A.8B.10C.24D.30 5 . 某超市5月份平均每天卖出牛奶25箱,果汁18箱,5月份这个超市共卖出多少箱?列式是()。A.(25+18)×5B.(25+18)×31C.(25+18)×30 二、填空题 6 . 在一万米长跑比赛中,运动员跑到离起点5000米处要返回跑到起点。领先的运动员每分钟跑320米,最后的运动员每分钟路305米.则出发________分钟后,这两个运动员相遇. 7 . 修路队要修一条长786米的路,4天修了262米,照这样计算,剩下的还要(______)天完成。 8 . 把46+30=76,76÷19=4,20×4=80改写成综合算式是_____. 9 . 把算式18×57﹣27÷3的运算顺序改成先算减法,再算除法,最后算乘法的算式是_____,其结果是_____. 10 . 已知28×35=980,那么980÷28=(______),980÷35=(______). 11 . 根据32×21=672,写出两道除法算式分别是(_____________________)和(______________________)。


Unit4 单元检测卷 一、听力 (I) 录音中有五个句子,听一遍后,选择与其相符的图片。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (Ⅱ) 录音中有五组小对话,听一遍后,选择最佳答案。 6. Where’s Mike’s baseball? A. On the bed. B. Under the bed. C. Under the table. 7. Where’s Alice’s model plane? A. On the desk. B. Under the desk. C. In the bookcase. 8. Where are Helen’s tapes? A. In her schoolbag. B. On her bed. C. In the bookcase. 9. Is the tape player in his parents’ room? A. Yes, it is. B No, it isn’t. C. We don’t know. 10. What’s on the sofa? A. An English dictionary. B. A Chinese dictionary. C. An English book. (Ⅱ) 录音中有一段对话,听两遍后,选择最佳答案。 11. Who is talking to the woman? A. Her cousin. B. Her son. C. Her brother. 12. Where’s the boy’s baseball? A. Under the desk. B. Behind the door. C. Under the bed. 13. Who’s Jim? A. He is the boy’s brother. B. He is the boy’s cousin. C. He is the boy’s uncle. 14. Where are Jim’s books? A. They’re on his bed. B. They’re under the chair. C. They’re in his bookcase. 15. Whose(谁的) room is tidy? A. The boy’s room. B. The boy’s cousin’s room. C. We don’t know. (Ⅱ) 录音中有一篇短文,听两遍后,选择正确答案。


第二单元友谊的天空单元测试题 ( :60 分分: 100 分 ) 一、。(每小 2 分,共 50 分) 1、小雨和小是好朋友,期中考,小有一道不会做,而小雨会。作好朋友的小 雨(B) ①好朋友就互相帮助,小个条告他②好朋友也究原,是考, 不能帮他作弊③考后再帮助小解④故意告他,自己也不会 A. ①②③ B. ②③ C.③④ D. ①④ 2、子晴是父母的“掌上明珠”,衣来伸手、来口。住学校的集体宿舍后,子晴得到朋 久而久之,朋友友的多关照,却人漠不关心,得他人做的一切都是理所当的。 疏了她。材料启示我(B) A .争会害友 B.友是平等的、双向的,接受帮助,也要学帮助方 C.朋友一个人的影响很大 D.友是一种密的关系 3、“友的小船翻就翻”,一网流行启示我 (B) A .世界上没有真正的友 B.珍惜友,用心呵友 C.朋友之坦,毫无保留 D.切莫交甚至交朋友 4、友就像零存整取的行存折,若你平不充情感去,一旦需要朋友的支援来渡 关,才存上一片空白。句告我( C ) A.呵友,需要学会理交友中遇到的害 B.呵友,需要用心去关方 C.呵友,需要学会理冲突D.呵友,需要方一 些空 5、某校七年( 1)班的同学就“网交往的利与弊”展开,同学表不同的 解。于同学的不同点,你正确的是(D) A.小:虚世界的交往都是人的,不要相信任何人 B.小:网交往十分便利,我只有好,没有坏 C.小:网交往没有任何意,我拒网交往 D.小芳:网交往可以足我的一些心理需要,但是虚的交往以触摸到生活中的真 6、网交往象看不,摸不着。网友在网上可能表得温柔体,善解人意,他或出 于真心,也可能故意装起来以取我的信任,因此,我必(A) ①提高自己的安全防范意②不易泄露个人料 ③不随意答网友的要求④不要网友任何 A. ①②③④ B. ①②③ C.②③④ D. ①③④ 7、嗷嗷待哺的儿主要是与交流,跚学步的孩子主要在父母的引下逐步跑跳自如, 咿呀学的幼儿开始与熟悉的小朋友一起嬉??上述象( A ) ① 明了人随着年的增,交往的范会逐步展②启示我极交往,不断大交往 范,提高交往能力③ 明了大交往范,越快越好④ 明了人都会交往 A .①②B.③④C.①③D.②④ 8、“世界上没有比友更美好、更令人愉快的西了;没有友,世界仿佛失去了太阳。” 一名言告我 ( C )


四则运算测试卷 一、填空题。 1.()÷12=25 248+()=560 ()÷25=14 (19) 2.被减数和减数相等时,差是();被除数和除数相等(均不为0)时,商是()。 3.36与24的和除以它们的差,列式为()。 4.在计算36+(48×30-40)÷7时,先算()法,再算()法,然后算()法,最后步算()法。 5.根据三个式子“489+51=540,540×7=3780,3780÷42=90”列出的综合算式是()。 6.在圆圈里填上“>”“<”或“=”。 72÷2÷3○72÷(2×3) 800÷4×5○800÷(4×5) 42×5+42×6○42×(5+6) 815-405+240○815+405-240 58+121+0○58×121×0 30+(200+132)×0○31-0÷(48÷4) 7.如果要把算式492-238+192×26的运算顺序改成先算加法,再算减法,最后算乘法,那么该算式应改为()。 8.经过怎样的运算才能得到24呢?在□中填运算符号,可以使用小括号。 8□4□6□2=24 二、判断题。 1.25×4÷25×4=1。() 2.在除法计算中,0不能作除数,也不能作被除数。() 3.(64-16)×18÷6与(64-16)×(18-6)的结果相同。() 4.60×6÷3和60×(6÷3)的运算顺序相同。() 5.算式“810×(42÷7)”去掉括号后,计算顺序不变。() 三、选择题。 1.已知▲+●=★,下面算式正确的是()。 A.★+●=▲ B.▲-★=★ C.★-●=▲ 2.下列算式得数最小的是()。 A.320÷20-4×2 B.320÷(20-4)×2 C.(320÷20-4)×2 3.50减去25的差乘20加上13的和,积是多少?正确的算式是()。 A.50-25×(20+13) B.(50-25)×20+13 C.(50-25)×(20+13) 4.四(4)班有69人,每人发3本语文作业本4本数学作业本,这个班一共要发多少本作业本?正确的算式是()。 A.69×(3+4) B.69×3+4 C.69×4+3 5.○和□分别代表不同的数,若○+□=150,○÷□=5,则○=()。


八年级英语综合作业(三) I.单项选择 ( )1.Nothing will make me my mind. A.to change B.changed C.changes D.change ( )2.—The boy can speak both Enghlish and Japanese he is only ten. --Wow, what a clever boy! A.if B.because C.although D.but ( )3.A student in Fudan University was killed by his roommate just because of small things in daily life. It is important for students to learn how to each other. A.get on with https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2416196264.html,e over to C.stay away from ( )4.—The meat is delicious.—Yes, but don’t eat . A.too much;too much B.much too;too much C.too much;much too D.much too;much too ( )5.-- --My bike doesn’t work. A.What’s matter B.What’s the wrong C.What’s trouble D.What’s wrong ( )6.-- go and help Huihui,a little girl who is badly ill in Zhaoyuan, Shandong.--That’s a good idea. A.What about B.Why don’t C.Can you D.Why don’t you ( )7.Look at the child in the corner. Let’s go and help him. A.cry B.to cry C.crying D.cried ( )8.—What should I do?—go and say sorry to him.? A.How about B.Could you C.Why not you D.Why not ( )9. he is wrong, you should be friendly to him. A.Although;/ B.Although;but C.But;although D./;although ( )10.—It’s much to have a small lovely room than a big cold one. A.good B.well C.better D.best ( )11.It’s time lunch.Let’s stop working. A.to B.for C.of D.to having ( )12.The TV is too loud. Could you please ? A.turn it on B.turn it up C.trun it down D.turn down it ( )13.My little girl saw outside. Shall we go and have a look? A.strange something B.something strange C.anything strange D.strange nothing ( )14.The dining hall is to hold 300 people .


高中英语(必修4)单元测试(能力卷) Unit 2 Working the land 班别:________ 座号:_______ 姓名:________ 评分:________ 一、基础测试 A. 单词拼写:请根据汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式(10分) 1.We had a ___________(努力) to stop the criminal. 2. Our farm s___________ the market with fruits and vegetables. 3. Our arm is well ___________(装备). 4. We should s__________ the results of the exam briefly and report to the headmaster. 5. We took the opportunity to ___________ (交流) experience with them. 6. The plane r_________ speed as it was approaching the airport. 7. Our country has become self-sufficient in __________ (粮食). 8. Not having had food for over forty hours, we were all weak from h_________. 9. Farmers consider rabbits to be p________, because they destroy some crops they grow. 10. It was a new form of ________ (细菌) and nobody knew how it would affect humans. B.用所给词的适当形式填空(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分) 11.He has a ________ (hungry) for knowledge. 12. I am a bit ____________ (confuse). Is that her husband or her son she is with? 13. It’s no use _____________ (complain). 14. __________(collect) information is very important to every businessman. 15. Tom could not help _________ (jump) when he heard the good news. A farmer once organized a competition between his dog and his rabbit. He dug a hole in one of his biggest fields, and hid a carrot and a bone in it. He wanted to see ___16___ animal would find them first. The ___17___ (cheer) and optimistic rabbit threw himself into looking for the carrot, ___18___ (dig) here and there, totally convinced that he would find it. But the dog, after sniffing (嗅) around for a bit, ___19___ (lie) down and began to complain about how difficult it, was to find one bone in such a big field.


第二单元友谊的天空单元测试题 (时间:60分钟满分:100分) 一、单项选择题。(每小题2分,共50分) 1、小雨和小强是好朋友,期中考试时,小强有一道题不会做,而小雨会。作为好朋友的小雨应该( B ) ①好朋友就应该互相帮助,给小强传个纸条告诉他②好朋友也应该讲究原则,这是考试,不能帮他作弊③考试后再帮助小强讲解难题④故意告诉他,自己也不会 A.①②③ B.②③ C.③④ D.①④ 2、子晴是父母的“掌上明珠”,衣来伸手、饭来张口。住进学校的集体宿舍后,子晴得到朋友们的许多关照,却对别人漠不关心,觉得他人做的一切都是理所应当的。久而久之,朋友们渐渐疏远了她。材料启示我们(B) A.竞争会伤害友谊 B.友谊是平等的、双向的,接受帮助,也要学习帮助对方 C.朋友对一个人的影响很大 D.友谊是一种亲密的关系 3、“友谊的小船说翻就翻”,这一网络流行语启示我们(B) A.世界上没有真正的友谊 B.珍惜友谊,用心呵护友谊 C.朋友之间应该坦诚,毫无保留 D.切莫轻交甚至滥交朋友 4、友谊就像零存整取的银行存折,若你平时不补充情感进去,一旦需要朋友的支援来渡过难关时,才发现存单上一片空白。这句话告诉我们( C ) A.呵护友谊,需要学会处理交友中遇到的伤害 B.呵护友谊,需要用心去关怀对方 C.呵护友谊,需要学会处理冲突 D.呵护友谊,需要给对方一些空间 5、某校七年级(1)班的同学就“网络交往的利与弊”展开讨论,同学们纷纷发表不同的见解。对于同学的不同观点,你认为正确的是( D ) A.小军:虚拟世界的交往都是骗人的,不要相信任何人 B.小红:网络交往十分便利,对我们只有好处,没有坏处 C.小刚:网络交往没有任何意义,我们应拒绝网络交往 D.小芳:网络交往可以满足我们的一些心理需要,但是虚拟的交往难以触摸到生活中的真实 6、网络交往对象看不见,摸不着。网友在网上可能表现得温柔体贴,善解人意,他或许出于真心,也可能故意伪装起来以骗取我们的信任,因此,我们必须( A ) ①提高自己的安全防范意识②不轻易泄露个人资料 ③不随意答应网友的要求④不要对网友说任何实话 A.①②③④ B.①②③ C.②③④ D.①③④ 7、嗷嗷待哺的婴儿主要是与妈妈交流,蹒跚学步的孩子主要在父母的引导下逐步跑跳自如,咿呀学语的幼儿开始与熟悉的小朋友一起嬉戏……上述现象( A ) ①说明了人随着年龄的增长,交往的范围会逐步扩展②启示我们积极交往,不断扩大交往范围,提高交往能力③说明了扩大交往范围,越快越好④说明了人们都会交往 A.①②B.③④C.①③D.②④ 8、“世界上没有比友谊更美好、更令人愉快的东西了;没有友谊,世界仿佛失去了太阳。” 这一名言告诉我们( C )


第二周周测:第一单元综合测试 班别:姓名: 一、口算。(9分) 42÷6+43 = 9×8÷12 = 125-5×5 = 54-18+9 = 48÷6×5 = 36×0+64 = 0÷12÷6 = 35÷7×16 = 17+0÷17 = 二、填空。(22分) 1、被减数等于减数,差等于(),一个数加上(),还得原数;一个数和0相乘,得(); 0除以一个()的数,还得0;()不能作除数。 2、( )法、( )法、( )法和( )法统称四则运算。 3、.在一个算式里只有加、减法或只有乘除法的运算,应( )按顺序计算,既有加法又有乘除法的运算应先算( ),再算( ),有括号的要先算( )里面的,再算( )外面的。 4、除数=() 5、在计算147+(251-51)时,第一步要先算(),再算()。 6、小明6分钟跑300米,照这样的速度填写下表: 三、选择(6分) 1.计算24+24÷24 ×24,应先算( )。 A.加法B.除法C.乘法 2.(7—7÷7) ×7的计算结果是( )。 A.0 B.42 C.49 3.120+240÷240—120○(120+240)÷(240—120)填( )。 A.> B.< C.= 四、先想一想下面各题的运算顺序,然后计算。(24分) 250×4-560÷7 5847-4×(470+530)35×8+350÷50

195-(45+45÷9)43×(324-298)(79+21)×(96÷12) 五、列式计算。(9分) 1、45与15的商,再加上84与12的商,和是多少? 2、78与42的和,除以5,商是多少? 3、12与15的积,减去540除以9的商,差是多少? 六、应用题。(30分) 1、学校食堂买来大米970千克,吃了3天,还剩430千克。平均每天吃多少千克? 2、水果店运来苹果和梨各25箱。苹果每箱16千克,梨每箱20千克。一共运来水果多少千克? 3、前进路小学去年有学生1548人,六年级毕业离校263人,今年又招一


人教版新目标七年级英语下册U n i t4单元检测卷(含答案详解)

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class UNIT 4 Don’t eat in class.检测题 (时间:60分钟;满分:100分) 二、笔试部分(满分80分) Ⅰ.单项填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分) 1.I often go to bed late because I have homework to do every day. A.too many B.too much C.many too D.much too 2.Look at the school rule.It ,“Don’t eat in class.” A.write B.writing C.says D.was 3.The teacher is very strict his students. A.with B.in C.for D.to 4.Dave,you have to wear shoes for P.E. A.sport B.sports C.to sport D.sporting 5.Don’t listen to music in the classrooms the hallways. A.and B.or C.yet D.but 6.Sorry,you play basketball in the classroom. A.can’t B.don’t C.don’t have to D.aren’t 7.Don’t eat in class don’t leave your seats in class. A.or B.so C.but D.and 8.He does his homework before going to bed school nights. A.for B.in C.at D.on 9.Don’t in the classroom. A.noisy B.be noisy C.is noisy D.be noise 10.Daisy has to the classroom after school. A.cleans B.cleaned C.cleaning D.clean Ⅱ.完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分) John is an American boy. He likes 11 football matches, 12 he doesn’t h ave enough money to buy tickets. He has to watch the matches 13 TV at home when

新外研版 高一必修二 Unit 4 单元测试题

一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)。 ( ) 1. ---May I use your cellphone, Tina? Mine went dead. ---____________. It’s on the sofa. A.Never mind B. Go ahead C. I’m terribly sorry. D. It doesn’t matter ( ) 2. It was difficult for me to _____________ in the speech, because I didn’t know about the local culture. A.make up B. catch up C. get across D. get along ( ) 3. Our class teacher made a special ____________ for us to discuss one hot topic in class once a month. A.arrangement B. fortune C. mistake D. process ( ) 4. Having been used by David for years, the land was finally returned to its ___________ owner. A.retired B. normal C. energetic D. original ( ) 5. I’m surprised that he ____________say those impolite words to his deskmate. A.must B. can C. will D. should ( ) 6. Knowing that it would be ____________ the wishes of his parents, Jack still quit his job in the bank. A.after B. against C. beyond D. over ( ) 7. ---Mom, I’ve decided to take a part-time job during the winter holiday. --- ____________. I’m sure you will experience something different. A.No way B. It depends

人教版道德与法治(五四学制)六年级全一册 第二单元 友谊的天空 测试卷

人教版六年级(五四学制)道德与法治 第二单元测试卷 (时间:60分钟满分:100分) 一、选择题(每题4分,共60分) 1. “一个缺少友情,长期得不到这方面满足的人,容易产生心理异常。”这句话说明的道理是() ①心理疾病是由于缺乏友情而导致的②同学友情是中学生特别渴求的一种心理需求 ③拥有了友情,就拥有了健康④友情是一种正常的心理需要 A.①③B.①②③C.②④D.②③④ 2. 著名作家大仲马说:友谊像花朵,好好地培养,可以开得心花怒放,可是一旦任性或者不幸从根本上破坏了友谊,这朵心上盛开的花,可能立刻萎颓凋谢。这句话主要启示我们中学生( ) A.友谊之花会经常凋谢B.维护友谊需要讲究原则 C.离开友谊人们无法生活D.友谊需要精心养护 3. 李明因病住进了医院,整天住在病房里,又耽误了功课,心情真是糟糕到了极点,一点好情绪都没有。这时候他的朋友刘杰来到了他身边,不仅帮他补习功课,而且还不断地鼓励他和病痛作斗争。刘杰的鼓励和帮助使他获得了力量,他积极配合医生战胜了病魔,得以早日康复出院。这一事例说明() ①我们轻易就能获得友谊②友谊能够给我们带来帮助、支持和力量 ③人生离不开友情,朋友伴我们同行④任何事情都必须依靠他人,否则将一事无成A.①②③④B.①②④C.①②③D.②③ 4. 有一份调查报告显示,51.1%的中学生认为,知心朋友在自己未来的生活中最重要,59%的学生表示快乐的时刻是“与朋友在一起”。这反映了() A、交朋友已成为当今青少年的时尚 B、朋友已成为青少年社会生活中必不可少的部分 C、青少年与父母之间存在冲突,没法与父母交往 D、中学生兴趣、爱好广泛 5. 《伟大的友谊》讲的是马克思和恩格斯二人的故事。马克思在搜集、创作、编写《资本论》及其他理论著作的过程中,因为没有稳定生活来源,自己的七个孩子只有三个女儿活下来,另几个先后饿死、病死。恩格斯是个富二代,他与马克思相识相知后,放弃优越的生活条件,不仅从经济上散尽家财资助马克思,而且充当马克思的翻译和强有力的助手,在马克


苏教版四年级上册数学四则混合运算单元测试卷 (时间:60分钟分值:100分) 一、填空。(每空1分,共12分) 1、再一个算式里,既有小括号,又有中括号,要先算()里面的,再算()里面的,最后算()外面的。 2、括号的作用是()。 3、在计算“240÷40+20×2”时,可以先算()法,再算()法,最后算()法;也可以同时算()法和()法,再算()法。 4、如果把算式“16×500-200÷50”的运算顺序改变为先算减法,再算除法,最后算 乘法,则原式变为()。 5、杨村小学买了2个大鼓和4个小鼓,一共花了310元。一个大鼓65元,求一个小 鼓多少钱?列式为()。 二、判断题。(对的打“√”错的打“×”)。(12分) 1、120-60×2+8与(120-60)×(2+8)计算结果相同。() 2、90-80×90-80=10×10=100 。() 3、再四则混合运算中,“先乘除后加减”就是指:先算乘法,再算除法,然后算加法, 最后算减法。()4、在计算“1450÷2×16+9”时,小华说:“四则混合运算的顺序是先乘除后加减, 因此这题应先算2×16这一步。”() 5、80减60的差乘这两个数的和,结果是多少?列式为:(80-60)×(80+60)。() 6、甲数是乙数和丙数的和的2倍,甲数是60,乙数比丙数多4,丙数是多少?列式为: (60÷2-4)÷2 。() 三、选择题。(将正确答案的序号填在括号里)(10分) 1、计算127×(500-32)时,第二步算() A、减法 B、、乘法 C、加法 2、要表示“610减去36的差除以4,商是多少”,正确列式是() A、(610-36)÷4 B、610-36÷4 C、610-(36÷4) 3、下列算式中,去掉括号后运算顺序不变的是() A、70÷(36×4) B、89+(320÷4) C、(56+40)÷6 4、下列算式中,的运算顺序是先加、再乘、最后除。() A、a×(b+c÷d) B、(a×b+c)÷d C、a×(b+c)÷d 5、小芳在计算除法时,把除数36写成了63,结果得到的商是12,余数是18,正确的 结果是() A、21 B、21......15 C、21 (18) 四、计算题。(38分) 1、直接写出得数。(10分) 25×40= 8×125= 40+40÷40+40= 25×(13-100÷20)= (312÷12-10)×0= 321-21÷7= 0÷(20+480÷12)= 2×40+60= 80-40×2= 8×4÷8×4=


Unit4 单元测试卷 一、选择画线部分的读音与所给词画线部分读音相同的一项 1.vegetable A.big B.bag C.manager 2.company A.you B.library C.my 3.horse A.actor B.worker C.eporter 4.home A.hotel B.ompany C.shop 5.blouse A.you B.about C.young 二、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子 1.My g________ is my father’s father. 2.I s________ at Hope School. 3.Come here, Lisa. Look, my dad is o________ TV. 4.He is a famous TV reporter. He works at C________. 5.Mum, I like Wang Fei best. I want to be a s_________ in the future. 三、单项选择 1.My father is the leader (领导者)of his company. He’s a __________. A.policeman B.writer C.manager 2.Hello! I am a new reporter and I work __________ TJTV.

A.at B.with C.of 3.-__________ do you work? -I work in a shopping mall. A.Who B.What C.Where 4.-Where __________ your brother live? -He lives in Chongqing. A.do B.does C.is 5.My friend, Lucy, __________ she likes reading very much. A.say B.saying C.says 四、按要求完成句子 1.My son works at the Bank of China. (改为一般疑问句) __________ __________ son work at the Bank of China? 2.What does your uncle do? (改为同义句) What __________ your __________ job? 3.Amy comes from Canada. (改为同义句) Amy __________ __________ Canada. 4.My mother works in a hotel. (对画线部分提问) __________ __________ your mother work? 5.They are nurses of that hospital. (用“Helen”改写) Helen __________ a __________ of that hospital. 五、阅读短文,选择正确答案 Tom is a schoolboy. He’s twelve years old. He comes from England. He’s a primary school student. There are four people in his family. They are his father, his mother, his brother and Tom. His father is an engineer (工程师). He’s forty years


Book 4 unit 2 单元检测 单项选择 21. ---Shall we eat out this evening, dear? ---_________ How about the restaurant we went to last weekend? A.What for. B. Its up to you. C. That all depends. D. Why not? 22. It’s said that Mr. Smith has made ______ important new discovery in the field duri ng ____ past decade. A. an; the B. an; a C. /; the D. /; a 23. ---Do you know what Jim’s _______ is ? ---He’s a dance, if I remember rightly. A. occupation B. summary C. root D. nationality 24. ---Mary has caught a bad cold. ---Has she? I regret ____ her to put on more clothes yesterday. A. not to remind B. not to be reminded C. not reminding D. not being reminded 25. The book is really ______; I kept forgetting who the characters were. A. disturbing B. confusing C. shocking D. upsetting 26. Tom would rather ______ poor than ______ money by dishonest methods; we all admire him. A. to be; get B. be; get C. to be; getting D. be; getting 27. _____ the mistakes in red ink is one of the ways that teachers usually use to remin d students to pay attention to them. A. Underlined B. Underline C. Being underlined D. Underlining 28. Brain wouldn’t leave work until he was satisfied _____ the job he’d done. A. in B. with C. on D. about 29. Those present on the spot refused to ____ the accident when interviewed. A. build up B. focus on C. comment on D. lead to 30. Statistics show that house prices in the last two years has risen ____ they had exp ected. A. as much as twice B. as twice much as C. twice as much as D. as much twice as 31. We do not have enough money. _____, we cannot afford to buy the new car. A. Therefore B. Besides C. However D. Instead 32. Mary speaks with a strong southern accent so that she’s taking classes to ____ her self of it. A. support B. struggle C. rid D. equip 33. ____ student numbers in the city are expanding rapidly, no more money is provide d to build mor e schools. A. Though B. If C. Because D. Unless 34. Today ____ the Internet, we can do all our Christmas shopping at home. A. as for B. according to C. except for D. thanks to 35. According to the report, the number of animals used in experiments _____ by 30% over the years. A. was reduced B. has been reduced C. were reduced D. have been reduced 语法填空:

部编版2020七年级道德与法治上册 第二单元 友谊的天空单元综合测试题(无答案) 新人教版

第二单元友谊的天空单元综合测试题 1. 随着年龄的增长,我们发现自己的交往范围和朋友圈发生了变化。有的朋友圈扩大了,交往内容丰富了;有的朋友圈变小了,但交往更加深入。下列对于这种变化认识正确的是 A.交往范围过大必然导致无法获得更加深入的友谊 B.朋友圈的缩小不利于构建深入、密切的朋友关系 C.朋友圈的扩大会让我们的交往内容更加丰富 D.朋友圈的缩小表明我们对友谊的渴望在减少 2.在与朋友的交往中,有欢笑、也有泪水;有甜蜜,也有苦涩。这说明了 A.我们要学会处理交友中遇到的各种问题 B.友谊能让我们时时刻刻都感到快乐和甜蜜 C.友谊会给我们带来无尽的烦恼和苦涩 D.不要与带给自己泪水和苦涩的朋友交往 3.小明在上中学后,跟自己的同桌成了好朋友。同桌喜欢动漫,小明也开始喜欢上了动漫;同桌参加了校环保社团,小明也参与到其中;连同桌喜欢看什么书,小明也会关注。这说明了21教育网 ①朋友对一个人的影响很大 ②朋友丰富了我们的生活经验 ③友谊只有欢笑没有苦涩 ④朋友让我们更加深刻地体悟生命的美好 A.①③④ B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①②③④ 4. “如果你把快乐告诉一个朋友,你将得到两个快乐;如果你把忧愁向一个朋友倾吐,你将被分掉一半忧愁”,对这句话理解正确的是 ①友谊会让我们生活得更加温暖和自在 ②拥有友谊我们就拥有一切 ③友谊有助于我们排解烦恼和忧愁 ④友谊能够使人分享更多的欢乐和幸福 A.①③④ B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①②③④ 5. 进入中学后,小琴很想交到知心朋友。但是从小娇生惯养的她住进学校的集体宿舍后,在得

到同学们的很多关照时,却对他人却漠不关心。久而久之,同学们渐渐疏远了她,她想结交好朋友的愿望也一直未能达成。小琴交友失败的原因是 A.她缺乏独立生活的能力 B.她的家庭条件太过优越 C.她忽视了友谊是平等的、双向的 D.宿舍里的同学对生活小事斤斤计较 6.在友谊中,我们要 ①接受帮助,也学习帮助对方 ②友谊不能超越物质条件 ③感受关怀,也学习关怀对方 ④友谊就是接受别人的帮助 A.①③ B.①④ C.②③ D.③④ 7. 升入中学后,小玲结交了许多新朋友,与此同时小学时的一些好朋友却变得日益淡漠。对于小玲的变化,下列认识正确的是 A.小玲喜新厌旧,不值得交往 B.人的改变使得友谊无法得到保持 C.世界上没有永恒的友谊 D.友谊不是一成不变的 8. 小明和小军是好朋友,在校运动会上,两人同时参加了长跑 比赛,结果小明拿到了第一名,小军拿到了第二名。小军从心里也 非常想得到第一,这时小军的做法错误的是 A.坦然接受并欣赏朋友的成就,为小明感到高兴 B.认为是小明阻碍了自己拿第一,对小明不理睬 C.反省自己没有小明训练得多,以后要加强训练 D.小军认识到自己的差距,激励他更加努力锻炼 小红这个学期转到新的学校,以前她的朋友很多,可现在她一个人都不认识,经常孤零零一个人,有了苦恼也无从倾诉。回答9、10题。 9.小红要想改变自己孤单的现状,正确的做法是 A.封闭自我,我行我素 B.谁主动接近,才跟谁交往

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