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9. there be,

help , last yesterday, but, today


be good at

go, turn

run, it's time, lunch

hiking, spring


11. visit, next week


swim, pool


woman, play, now



should, save



listen, class

rain, shoes, bed how about, perform, party


sell fruit, yesterday 19.good at


ball, chair

21. invent, in 1876


go, last Sunday

23.have lunch, twelve 24. work, car

25.basketball, school

26. busy, homework

27. family ,watch TV

28.a rtist, future




七选五练习 1、Lana went to see a new movie in the morning. But she didn't enjoy it. She's talking to Jenny about what happened. Jenny: You look unhappy. 1 Lana: I watched a movie in the morning. Jenny: 2 ] Lana: No. The movie was great. It was the audience (观众)..Some people were late for the movie, some took phone calls during the movie, some made noise while eating snacks and some talked loudly. 3 Jenny: That's too bad! People should obey certain rules while watching a movie. Lana: Yes. The first thing is to keep the theater quiet. We should sit down before the movie begins. 4 We should eat snacks quietly. And we should talk as little as possible. Jenny: 5 And we should take away our rubbish when we leave. Lana: I hope everyone should do these things so that we can enjoy the movie better. ~ Jenny: Me too. A. I was annoyed all the time. B. Who did you go to the movie with C. Yes, you are right … D. How wonderful the movie was! E. What's wrong with you F. We should turn off our mobile phones. G. So the movie was boring, wasn't it 》 2、Three Apples changed the world. The first one seduced(诱惑)Eve. The second one awakened Newton. 71 Here are some famous words from Steve Jobs to share. On character I’m the only person I know that’s lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year. 72 On good design That’s been one of my mottos-focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex;You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there,you can move mountains. 【 On his outlook 73 Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful,that’s what matters to me. On your working life Your work is going to fill a large part of your life,and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. 74 If you haven’t found it yet,keep looking. Don’t settle. On the importance of death -

中考英语 如何抓好初三英语考前总复习

如何抓好初三英语考前总复习 九年级是初中学习生活的关键年级,学习内容多,要求高,强度大。三个多月后同学们就要参加中考,进入状态越早,就会越主动,效果就会越好。初三的状态是指:树立明确的人生目标,拥有足够的学习动力,具有强烈的自信心;变“要我学”为“我要学”,时间安排合理,学习效率高;学习得法,不搞题海战术,既会学习,又会考试。多年的工作实践使我认识到,得当有序地抓好中考前的综合复习对于学生在这一学科考试中取得好成绩是多么重要。在此,总结老教师的教学经验和自身体会,就如何抓好中考前的英语总复习谈三点体会: 一、制定复习计划,注重科学性 制定一个科学的复习计划,对于搞好英语总复习是非常关键的。那么,什么样的计划才算是科学的呢?我认为,至少要做到以下两个方面: 一方面,要紧扣新课标。众所周知,《英语课程标准》是教材的纲要,也是教学的依据。同样,中考命题理所当然地要体现、落实《英语课程标准》规定的要求。因此,在考前组织英语总复习时就要扣“纲”依“本”,有的放矢。所谓扣“纲”依“本”,有的放矢就是指以英语《英语课程标准》为纲,以现有英语教材为本,有计划、有针对性地组织复习。首先,应反复多次地学习分析《英语课程标准》,明确学生在初中各阶段应达到的综合语言应用能力目标,并根据其中的听、说、读、写的级别要求,将知识点(大到语法体系,小到重点单词)编排成一个“知识结构表”,老师依据所编知识网络来制定总复习计划,学生也可以按图索骥;其次,应讨论研究近几年的中考英语试题,对照《英语课程标准》的要求和自己所编“知识结构表”,列出所考查的高频率的知识点和未考查到的知识点,从中领会到中考命题的思路和意图,据此揣摩当年的中考命题走向,进而确定总复习的策略和着重点;再次,测试命题也要做到“纲举目张”。每次在自己的测试命题中,运用“双向细目表”确定测试内容要点(体现“双基”要求)和题型要求及其分数分布。这样坚持下来,测试命题就自然地形成了一个知识体系,根据该体系,不仅明确地知道复习中落实了什么和未落实什么,牢牢驾驶复习方向,而且还准确地掌握了学生在复习过程中的遗漏和欠缺,以便有效地进行补救。 另一方面,要做到因材施教。教师在制定整个班级的英语复习计划的同时,还要指导、帮助每一个学生根据总复习计划制定适合各自特点、需要的复习计划。大家知道,一份标准的试题都是由三大块组成的:即基础题、中档题和难题。鉴于此,在组织复习过程中,应采用分层指导的方法:即根据学生的成绩将学生分成上、中、下三个不同层次,制定不同要求来指导学生复习。首先,狠抓基础知识,要求各层学生一定要把基础知识学得扎实,达到人人过关;其次,规定下层学生以保基础知识为首要任务,然后是掌握教材里的中档题的解题规则,而且还要善于运用这些规则来解教材以外的中档题,同时要求他们掌握教材里难解题的规则;对成绩好的学生,要求他们在顺利通过基础、中档题的前提下,不仅要掌握教材里的难题的解题规则,而且还要善于运用这些解题规则来解决教材以外的难题,以争取得高分。对此,应该编一些有代表性、具有相当难度的训练题供他们练习。我就是这样通过保基础、抓中档、争高分以确保少失分来提高成绩的。 二、改进复习方法,注重有效性 1、要尽量化繁为简。复习实际上在很大程度上是在考验教师的归纳能力。在归纳三年来所教学知识的过程中,我特别注意做到化繁为简,让学生便于记忆,取得实效。 一是采取归纳、汇集法复习单词、短语。单词是学习英语最基础知识,学生必需掌握好每一个词,同义、反义、形容词、副词比较级、最高级、前缀、后缀等构词法及不规则动词、过去式、过去分词、名词复数等系统归纳。考查学生,学生感到最大困难就是单词记不住,词汇学多了,会形成干扰、造成遗忘。针对这种情况,我做了词汇分类复习,以便学生记忆。(1)将单词按所属类别归类:表示人物性格特征的描述性词:outgoing, serious, smart, quiet;表示人物外貌特征的描述性词:tall, short, thin, heavy;身体部位:hand , foot, ear, face;表示食物:hamburger, tomato, banana, salad ;表示职业:worker, teacher, police。(2)反义词归类:quiet-outgoing, cold-hot,heavy-thin。(3)同义词归类:


九年级英语综合练习题(一) II. 知识运用: A. 单项填空:从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。 21. This is ____________8-year-old boy. A. a B. an C. the 22. There are many ____________in the hospital. A. people B. womans C. news 23. There isn’t ____________with your back. A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothing C. anything wrong 24. Turn left ____________the traffic lights. You’ll see the station ____________the right. A. on, in B. by, on C. at, on 25. You must finish your homework ____________you go home. A. after B. before C. until 26. —Are you feeling a bit ____________? —No, even worse. A. worse B. well C. better 27. What a ____________snow! It is snowing ____________. A. heavy, heavy B. heavy, heavily C. heavily, heavy 28. We ____________at the school ____________two years. A. have come, since B. have been, for C. have been, since 29. —When____________you ____________this nice computer? —Last summer. A. have, bought B. did, bought C. did, buy 30. The watch ____________in five minutes. A. can be repaired B. repairs C. can repair 31. Tell Li Ming ____________the window. A. not open B. not to open C. to not open 32. There is little water in that bottle, ____________? A. is there B. isn’t it C. isn’t there 33. Do you know the most beautiful girl ____________wears a red coat? A. who B. when C. which 34. ____________wonderful the trip was! A. What B. How C. What a 35. I want to know ____________. A. when he will leave B. when does he leave C. when will he leave B. 完形填空:通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,选择最佳答案。(15分) (A) Last night, as 36 as I fell asleep, I dreamt that I went to the garden. I dreamt that I was busy 37 trees all night long! Then a few nights ago, I dreamt I was 38 an old ship. There was a terrible storm. We 39 to work for hours to stop the ship from going down. It’s always like that. In my dreams. I always have very difficult jobs 40 do. ()36. A. soon B. quick C. far


句型转换 一、同义句改写,每空一词(20分) 1.This is the most boring journey that I have ever heard of. I have ________ heard of ________ a boring journey before. 2.My father seems to be very angry. ________ seems that my father ________ very angry. 3.The man made his baby laugh. The baby was ________ ________ laugh. 4.The captain is the happiest of all the players. The captain is ________ ________ any other player. 5.Taking exercise often can make you healthy. It’s good ________ your ________to ta ke exercise often. 6.The children played happily in the zoo yesterday. The children ________ ________ in the zoo yesterday. 7.The problem is too difficult for me to work out. The problem isn’t ________ ________ for me to work out. 8.Hurry up, and you’ll be on time for the party. ________ you ________ hurry, you’ll be late for the party. 9.It is five years since he left his hometown. He has ________ ________ from his hometown for five years.


中考中考英语总复习名词专题练习 一、初中英语名词 1.——Canada is one of the largest______ in the world. ——That is, it is larger than ______ country in Asia. A. country; any other B. countries; any other C. countries; any 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——加拿大是世界上最大的国家之一。——那就是,它比亚洲任何一个国家都大。one of the+最高级+名词复数,最……之一。根据结构及句意,故填countries。同一范围相比时不能自己和自己比较,所以用any other+名词单数;不同范围相比时可以和任意一个进行比较,所以用any+名词单数。加拿大不属于亚洲,所以填any,故选C。 2.(?徐州)My cousin works for an airline. He flies planes. He is __________. A. an inventor B. a scientist C. an explorer D. a pilot 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:我的表弟在航空公司工作。他驾驶飞机。他是一名飞行员。an inventor一个发明家;a scientist一名科学家;an explorer一名探险员;a pilot一名飞行员。根据句意可知在航空公司上班,而且又驾驶飞机的,应是飞行员,故选D。 【点评】此题考查关于职业的名词辨析,注意根据句意选择正确的职业。 3.(?黔南州)—There are a lot of ______ of bike riding. —I agree. It's good for environment and it saves money. A. products B. advantages C. instruments D. instructions 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:-骑车有许多好处。-我同意,对环境有好处而且省钱。A. products产品;B. advantages优点,好处;C. instruments乐器;D. instructions说明。有利于环境及省钱是骑车的优点、好处,故选B。 【点评】本题考查名词词义辨析,以及. products;advantages;instruments;instructions。四个词的词义和用法。 4.—Whose jackets are these? —They said they are______. They lost them yesterday. A. Ours B. Li Lei and Li Tao's C. Li Lei′s and Li Tao's 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——这些是谁的夹克衫?——他们说是李雷和林涛的。他们昨天丢了。句中jackets是复数,说明夹克衫是李雷和林涛各自所有的,所以分别都要用所有


中考英语综合填空练习题 一. 阅读下面短文,然后从文前方框内所给的词中选出适当的词,并用其正确形式填空(每空限选一词)。 (一) ----------------------------------------------------------- call , swim , anything , clever , bear , can , his , give , girl , something , read , take ------------------------------------------------------------- Many years ago , there was a family ___1___ Franklin . They lived in Boston . There were five ___2___ and six boys in the family . On a January day in 1760 , another baby boy ___3___ . They boy’s mother and his father ___4___ the boy a name — Benjamin . Benjamin was the ___5___ of all the children . He could read when he was five and he ___6___ write by the time he was seven . When he was eight he was sent to school . In school Benjamin had been good at ___7___ and writing but not good at maths . He read all of ___8___ father’s books . And whenever (每当)he had a little money , he bought a book with it . He liked books . They told him how to do ___9___ . At that time he invented the paddles (脚蹼)for ___10___ . (二) ------------------------------------------------------ say , surprise , do , in , friend , to , visits , we , usual , or , welcome , time , for , but , ideas ------------------------------------------------------- Manners are important in every country , ___1___ people have different ___2___ about their manners . What is good in one country may not be ___3___ in another . Chinese people are ___4___ to know the fact that an Englishman ___5___ stop to talk and shake hands with his friend ___6___ the street . They just say hello ___7___ each other and then pass on . English people think that ___8___ Chinese end our ___9___ to friends all of a sudden . They ___10___ begin to show that they want to go 15 ___11 20 minutes before they leave their ___12___ house . And they do this two or three ___13___ within 20 minutes . It is important ___14___ people to understand each other . Here is a ___15___ , “When in Rome , do as the Romans do .” (三) ---------------------------------------------------------- need , animal , I , put , make , except , find , end , look , since , little , enough


2010年九年级英语中考单项选择专项训练 2010-04-29 07:44:56| 分类:英语试题集锦 |字号大中小订阅 1. English _____ in many countries, but Chinese ______ their own language. A. is spoken, speaks B. speaks, is spoken C. is spoken, speak D. is spoken, is spoken 2. Don’t worry! I’m sure you’ll _______ your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them. A. catch up with B. get on well with C. agree with D. make friend with 3. —What would you do _____broken eggs?—I would ask my parents to pay for them____ me. A.about;to B.for;to C.like;to D.with;for 4. A third of the population of the city _____ their own cars. A, has B. have C. had D. is 5. --- How do you like this TV play? --- _________ A. It’s wonderful B. What about you? C. Yes, I like it D. No, I don’t like it at all 6. --- Your sister isn’t a nurse, is she ? --- ______. She teaches English in a middle school. A. Yes, she is B. No, she isn’t C. Yes, she isn’t D. No, she is 7. --- When shall we meet again, this afternoon or tonight? --- I don’t mind. _______ time is OK. A. Either B. Every C. Neither D. Both 8.Meimei's handwriting is better than any other ______ in his class. A. students B. students C. student's D. students' 9. --- Tom and Jack? I didn’t believe they could do the work. --- ________, but they really did it well. A. So did I B. So I didn’t C. Neither did I D. Me too 10. The conductor kept _______ hot water to us. A. give B. bring C. taking D. giving 11. --- Where do you think _________ he __________ the TV set? --- Sorry. I have no idea. A. /, bought B. has, bought C. did, buy D. did, bought 12. --- Listen! Somebody is singing in the next room. Who ____ is be? Is it Wei Fang?


初三英语练习题 一、单项选择 1. They are going to _______ Japan. A. visit B. visit to C. visiting D. visiting to 2. One of my best friends ______ in Shanghai a month ago. A. is B. are C. was D. were 3. The twin’s from _______. A. Sweden B. Swedenish C. Swedish D. Swede 4. He isn’t good at languages ________ science. A. and B. with C. but D. or 5. Did you learn any ________ languages at school? A. other B. the other C. another D. others 6. One of the students, Sam, _______ yesterday. A. has a accident B. had a accident C. had an accident D. has an accident 7. Were there any football players in your school last term? ________ . A. Yes, there is B. Yes, there was C. No, there were D. No, there weren’t 8. My father started to play ______ the Stockholm when he was only fifteen. A. in B. for C. at D. of 9. Did he visit another part of China ________ he came to Turfan? A. when B. as C. because D. after 10. They loved each other and soon _______ . A. get marry B. get married C. got marry D. got married 11. There _____ an accident ______ the end of the match. A. had; in B. was; in C. had; at D. was; at 12. There ________ someone in my heart. A. has B. was C. were D. had 13. My mother is ill. I must take her ________ . A. in hospital B. to the hospital C. to hospital D. in the hospital 14. What ________ there yesterday? A. did happen B. was happen C. happens D. happened 15. My father ______ like football _______ music. A. wasn’t, and B. didn’t, or C. wasn’t, or D. didn’t, and 16. ______ your sister? She is a nurse.


初三英语综合训练 一、单项填空(共15分,每小题1分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. Kate is an English teacher and ______ is very popular in our school. A. she B. her C. it D. its 22. Lessons start at eight o’clock ______ the morning. A. to B. at C. on D. in 23. Bad weather. Put on your coat, ______ you’ll catch cold. A. and B. but C. so D. or 24. — ______ did they stand in the sun? — About an hour. A. How long B. How many C. How much D. How far 25. Which scarf is ______, the green one or the blue one? A. good B. better C. best D. the best 26. — ______ you finish the work in time? — Yes, I can. A. May B. Need C. Can D. Must 27. Come here, Lily. I want to show you______ interesting. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything 28. Paul ______ a cake for his mother last weekend. A. makes B. will make C. made D. has made 29. — Tom, are you listening to music? — No. I ______ my homework. A. am doing B. will do C. have done D. did 30. The show is starting. The teacher is telling the children ______ quietly. A. sat down B. sit down C. sitting down D. to sit down 31. Tony knows China very well because he ______ in China for more than twenty years.


英语初三中考专项练习含答案 命题点一:实义动词辨析 1. Don't ______ any more time, or we will miss the meeting. A. save B. trust C. waste D. love 2. You must be more careful and ______ the same mistakes you've ever made. A. plan B. follow C. avoid D. enjoy 3. (2018 安徽)For our own safety, it's important to______ the traffic rules on the way to school. A. follow B. change C. make D. break 4. (2018河南)My parents said they would come to visit me. I couldn't ________ to see them after several months away from home. A. wait B. help C. expect D. afford 5. (2018山西)In our life, we need to ________ those people who help us, such as our parents, teachers and friends. A. thank B. remind C. teach 6. (2018南京)Can you help me ________ those exercise books? I got a different number each time. A. carry B. move C. write D. count 7. (2018武汉)—Come home before dinner time, Peter!


初中英语语法综合练习题 1、The boy likes questions. A.ask B.an swer C.to ask 2、We'll try there on time. A.to get B.getting C.got 3、They hoped their mother soon. A.to see B.saw C.seeing 4、I'm glad you again. A.meet B.met C.to meet 5、He often helps me my bike. A.mending B.to mend C.to mended 6、I heard Alice in the next door. A.sings B.sang C.sing

7、The work is easy. Let him it by himself. A.do B.to do C.doing 8、He saw Dick in and take a book away. A.came B.coming C.come 9、Does Jack want a writer? A.be B .is C.to be 10、The boss had them from morning to night. A.worked B.working C.work 11、It's time home. A.to go B.went C.going 12、Tom is kind. He would like you. A.to help B.help C.helped 13、Don't forget your books to school.


初三英语语法复习练习题 一.人称代词: 要注意它们在句中是在主格位置还是宾格位置,来确定用什么格,并注意变化,反身代词对主语、宾语起着强调作用,名词性物主代词起着名词作用,它后面不要再加名词了。而形容词性的物主代词要修饰名词,句中没有被修饰的名词就应该用名词性的物主代词。 ( )1. She is a student, _____ name is Julia. A. its B. her C. hers D. his ( )2. Could you help _____ with ___ English, please. A. I, my B. me, me C. me, my D. my, I ( )3. A friend of _____ came here yesterday. A. my B. his C. him D. himself ( )4. ______ pencil-box is beautiful. But ____ is more beautiful than ______. A. Toms, my, he B. Tom's, mine, his C. Tom's, mine, him D. Tom's, my, his ( )5. Most of ______like Chinese food. A. they B. Their C. Them D. theirs ( )6. Don't you let ____ help you ? A. I and my friend B. my friend and I C. my friend and me D. my friend and I to ( )7. How hard______ works! A. we B. him C. he D. his ( )8. __ have been chosen. A. I, you and he B. He, you and I C. You, he and I D. You,and me ( )9. She gave the erasers to Lucy and _______ . A. I B. me C. my D. mine . ( )10. That's not ______, it is_______. I made it ______ . A. ours, mine, myself B. your, mine, myself C. yours, her, myself D. yours, my, myself ( )11. We bought _____ English-Chinese dictionaries. A. us B. ours C. ourselves D. to us ( )12. Most people think ______ are winning SARS. A. ours B. ourselves C. we D. us 答案:1―6:BCBBCB 7―12:CCBAAC 二.名词: 在名词中要注意的是名词的可数与不可数,单、复数形式及所有格问题。常用的不可数名词:milk, orange(橘子), meat, fruit, food, paper, weather;单复数一致:sheep, fish(做鱼肉讲时,不可数), Chinese, Japanese;本身就是复数形式:people ( )1. There are some ________ on the hill. A. sheeps B. a sheep C. sheep D. sheepes ( )2. Mr Black often gives us ________ by Email. A.some good information B.some good informations C. good informations D. a good information ( )3. There are some new books in the school library. They are ____ books. A. child B. childrens' C. children D. children's ( )4. I have worn out my shoes, so I want to buy a new ___ .A. pair B. one C. ones D. trousers ( )5. Meimei's handwriting is better than any other ______ in his class. A. students B. students C. student's D. students' ( )6. The hospital is a bit far from here. It's about ___ . A. forty minutes's walk B. forty minute's walk C. forty minutes walk D. forty minutes' walk ( )7. How many__ are there in your class ? A. Japanese B. American C. Australian D.


初三英语选词填空专项训练 一、选词填空。 The 26-year-old Sui Feifei who is known as “beauty” on the sports ground shines in basketball games. 1 her pretty face and her talent(才能) attract many sports fans. Because Sui is one of the top basketball 2 in Asia (亚洲),she was chosen to play in the WNBA(Women’s NBA) in the US. It’s the 3 time she has worked abroad. She said she was ready for the challenges ahead. She find friendship and help from her teammates and fans. So she always has confidence in 4 . Much of her confidence comes from her good 5 English. “My best point is that I enjoy speaking-I’m never afraid 6 my mouth!” She likes speaking English to 7 . Off the sports ground, she is a good writer. She reads 8 , from foreign novels to Chinese Kungfu stories. That makes her love writing very much, She writes for many newspapers, and she enjoys 9 diaries. She feels free to put her 10 down on paper. This is Sui Feifei, a popular new star. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 二、选词填空。 All the students at school 1 Mr Green. He 2 at the school for a long time. Mr Green cleans the floors and keeps everything 3 . He is very nice too 4 , too. He helps them 5 their work and often finds things 6 have lost in school. One day the students 7 , “Let’s do 8 nice for Mr Green.” They bought him a 9 shirt, The 10 morning when Mr Green came to work, everyone shouted, “Surprise!”Mr Green said it was the surprise he ever had. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 三、选词填空。 Many years ago, there was a family 1 Franklin. They lived in Boston. There were five 2 and six boys in the family. On a January day in 1760, another baby boy 3 . The boy’s mother and his father 4 the boy a name-Benjamin. Benjamin was the 5 of all the children. He could read when he was five and he 6 write by the time he was seven. When he was eight he was sent to school. In school Benjamin had been good at 7 and writing but not good at math. He read all of 8 father’s books. And whenever(每当) he had a little money, he bought a book with it. He liked books. They told him how to do 9 . At that time he invented the paddles(脚蹼) for 10 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 四、选词填空。 Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably say that they go to school to learn languages, geography(地理), history, science and many other subjects. That is 1 true. But 2 do they learn these things for ? And are these things all that they learn at school? We send our children to school to get ready for their future(未来的) work and life. Many of the things they study at school are useful 3 their life, but is that the 4 reason why they go to school? There is more in education than just learning facts. We go to school above all to learn how to learn or teach 5 . If a man really 6 how to learn, he will 7 to do 8 new, he will quickly teach himself how to do it in the 9 way. The uneducated(没受过教育的) person, on the other hand, is 10 unable to do it, or does it badly, So the purpose(目的) of modern education is not only to learn languages, geography, history, science and many other subjects, but to teach students the way to learn. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 7. 8. 9. 10. 五、选词填空。 Today the roads which was 1 of cars are 2 places in the world. Thousands of people 3 or hurt by them. 4 in the US, a large number of people are killed on Christmas every year. Children always cross the roads 5 . Of course, everything possible is done 6 dangers. Parents and teachers tell them 7 away from the dangers ad warn them to be careful. But little children and pupils 8 forget what they 9 and step off the pavement(人行道) or start to cross the road without 10 whether anything is coming. One of the best ways to prevent children and pupils from losing their lives on roads is to help them form certain habits. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 六、选词填空。 one she other play open think speak keep both wide work next love something with student beautiful clean they call swim anything clever bear can his give girl read only either what learn good something quite know in always fill care look easy tell be prevent kill especial danger hear happy understand win make use be good consider write

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