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Charapter 2 Phonology handout

Charapter 2 Phonology handout
Charapter 2 Phonology handout

Chapter 2 Phonology

2.1 Speech sounds

2.1.1 Speech sounds

Speech sounds: the individual meaningful sounds utilized by all human languages to represent meanings.

What is or is not an individual speech sound depends on the particular language.

2.1.2 Phonic medium:

The limited range of sounds which are meaningful in human communication constitute the phonic medium of language.

2.2 Phonetics

2.2.1 What is phonetics?

a) definition:

Phonetics is the science of the phonic medium of language, which aims to provide the set of features or properties that can be used to describe and distinguish all the sounds used in human language.

b) the branches of phonetics:

i)articulatory phonetics (the longest history and the main concern): The study

of how a speaker uses his speech organs to articulate the sounds.—from the speaker‘s point of view.

ii) auditory phonetics: The study of how the sounds are perceived by the hearer. —from the hearer‘s point of view.

iii) acoustic phonetics: The study of how sounds travel by looking at the sound waves, the physical means by which sounds are transmitted through the air from one person to another.

2.2.2 IPA

a) non-correspondences between sound and written symbol.

b) Representing speech on paper—IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) phonetic transcription: sets of symbols that can be used for transcribing sounds in language.

The present system of the IPA derives mainly from one developed in 1920s by the British phonetician, Daniel Jones (1881-1967), and his colleagues at University of London.

IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet): a standardized and internationally accepted system of phonetic transcription.

The main principles of IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)

i) there should be a separate letter for each distinctive sound

ii) the same symbol should be used for that sound in any language in which it appears iii) The alphabet was to consist of as many Roman alphabet letters as possible, using new letters and diacritics only when absolutely necessary.

Diacritics: As some speech sounds produced differ only in some detailed aspects, the IPA provides its users with another set of symbols called diacritics.

Broad transcription: The transcription with letter-symbols only.

Narrow transcription: The transcription with letter-symbols together with the diacritics.

2.2.3 Articulation

Speech organs are also known as vocal organs. They are those parts of the human body involved in the production of speech.

It is striking to see how much of the human body is involved in the production of speech: The Lungs, the Trachea (or windpipe), the Throat, the Nose, and the Mouth.

The pharyngeal cavity

throat—pharynx and larynx (containing the vocal folds or vocal cordsand glottis ). voicing: vibration of the vocal cords result in a quality of speech sounds voiceless: when the vocal cords are drawn wide apart, letting air go through without causing vibration, the sounds produced in such a condition are voiceless.

The oral cavity:

tongue, uvula, soft palate (velum ),hard palate, teeth ridge (alveolus ) ,teeth and lips The nasal cavity

2.2.4 Classification of English speech sounds: vowels and consonants:

(1) The classification of English consonants

a) definition:consonants are produced by constricting or obstructing the vocal tract at some place to divert, impede, or completely shut off the flow of air in the oral cavity.

voiced sounds: sounds produced with the vocal cords vibrating.

voiceless sounds: sounds produced without the vocal cords vibrating.

b) phonetic features

i) the presence or absence of voicing

the vocal cords are in the relaxed position to produce voiceless consonants. e.g. voiceless: [p] [t] [k] [f] [s]

the vocal cords are in the tense position to produce voiced consonants

e.g. voiced: [b] [d] [g] [v] [z]

ii) In terms of manner of articulation—the actions of the vocal apparatus as a sound is being produced.

1) plosives: produced by completely blocking the breath stream, then releasing it

abruptly. [p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g]

2) fricatives. In producing fricative sounds, one of the articulators is brought close to one of the points of articulation, creating a narrow opening. When the air stream is forced through this opening, a turbulence or friction is created. [θ] [e][f] [v] [s] [z] [∫] [З] [h]

3)affricates: affricates are complex sounds that merge two manners of articulation: a stop and a fricative. [t∫] [dЗ ]

4) liquids: When the airflow is obstructed but is allowed to escape through the passage between part or parts of the tongue (the tip or the sides) and the roof of the

mouth, the sounds thus produced are called liquids. [l] [r]

[l]lateral—air flows around one or both sides of the tongue

[r] retroflex—the tongue tip is turned back during its production.

5) nasals: When the velum is lowered, air resonates in the nasal as well as the oral cavities, and the air stream leaves the vocal tract through the nose rather than through the mouth. [m] [n] [? ]

6)glides: they are typically produced with the tongue moving, or gliding, to or from the position of a nearby vowel. [j][w]

iii) In terms of place of articulation—where articulation occurs in the vocal tract.

1)bilabial: the upper and the lower lips are brought together to create obstruction. [p]

[b] [m] [w]

2) labiodental : the lower lip is brought into contact with the upper teeth, thus

creating the obstruction. [f] [v]

3) dental :The obstruction is created between the tip of the tongue and the upper

teeth.[θ] [e]

4) alveolar: : The tip of the tongue is brought into contact with the upper teeth-ridge

to create the obstruction. [t] [d] [s] [z] [n] [l] [r]

5) palato-alveolar The obstruction is between the back of the tongue and the

palato-alveolus. [∫] [З ] [t∫] [dЗ ]

6) palatal: The obstruction is between the back of the tongue and the hard palate. [j]

7) velar: The back of the tongue is brought into contact with the velum, or soft palate.

[k] [g] [? ]

8) glottal: The vocal cords are brought momentarily together to create the obstruction.


see the table (p20)

(2) Classification of English vowels

vowel:a voiced sound is produced without obstruction, so no turbulence or a total stopping of the air can be perceived.

I. monophthongs

Phonetic features:

1) position of the tongue-- the part of the tongue that is raised:

front vowels [i:], [i], [e], [?], [a]

central vowels [?:] [?], [Λ]

back vowels [u:], [u],[?:], [?],[ɑ:]

2) the openness of the mouth:

close vowels: [i:], [i], [u:],[u]

semi-close vowels: [e], [З:]

semi-open vowels: [?], [?:]

open vowels: [?], [a], [Λ] , [?], [ɑ:]

3) the shape of the lips

rounded vowels—all the back vowels except [ɑ:]

unrounded vowels—all the front and central vowels

4)the length of the sounds

long vowels (tense vowels):

short vowels (lax vowels):

II. Diphthong

1) rising diphthong: [ei], [ai], [?i], [au], [?u]

2) centring diphthong: [i?], [??], [u?]

2.3 Phonology

2.3.1 phonology and phonetics

i) definition:

phonology: aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning.

phonetics: The study of the phonic medium of language; it is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world‘s languages.

Differences between phonetics and phonology:

1) phonetics is of a general nature—all the speech sounds; how they are produced, how they differ from each other, what phonetic features they possess, how they can be classified, etc.

phonology is concerned with the sound system of a particular language.

2)Phonetics concerned with the actual physical articulation of speech sounds (sound in the mouth).

Phonology is concerned with the abstract or mental aspect of the sound(sound in the mind).

2.3.2 phoneme, phone and allophone

1) phoneme: phonological unit; it is a unit that is of distinctive value. It is an abstract unit

a) distinctive value

If we substitute one sound for another in a word and there is a change of meaning, then the two sounds represent different phonemes.

phonemic contrast: If two phonemes are two distinctive phonemes, they are said to form a phonemic contrast.

b)an abstract unit

It is represented or realized by a certain phone in a certain phonetic context.

2) phone: a phonetic unit or segment. The speech sounds we hear and produce during linguistic communication are all phones.

a phone does not necessarily distinguish meaning.

3) allophones: The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments.

Complementary distribution

The allophones of the same phoneme do not distinguish meaning, but complement each other in distribution, they are said to be in complementary distribution.

The distinction between phonemes and allophones:

Substituting one phoneme for another will result in a word with a different meaning (as well as a different pronunciation).

Substituting allophones only results in a different (and perhaps odd) pronunciation of the same word.

Both phonemes and allophones are discussed in a particular language.

It is possible, of course, for two languages to have the same pair of phonetic

segments, but to treat them differently.

2.3.3 minimal pairs and minimal sets

1) minimal pairs:When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segment that occurs in the same place in the string, the two sound combinations are said to form a minimal pairs

?Which of the following words would be treated as minimal pairs?

?pat, pen, more, heat, tape, bun, fat, ban, chain, tale, bell, far, meal, vote, bet, pit, heel

2) minimal sets: When a group of words can be differentiated, each one from the others, by changing one phoneme (always in the same position), then we have a minimal set.

2.3.4 some rules in phonology

phonemes and distinctive features

The features that a phoneme possesses, making it different from other phonemes, are its distinctive features

1) sequential rules:

There are rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language. These rules are called sequential rules.

?In all of the following English words there is a consonant cluster with /r/ in second position. Is there any way (using voice, place and manner features) to describe the kind of consonant that can appear before /r/ in these clusters, and to exclude any other consonants?

?brave, crash, freak, growl, pray, shriek, three, trick, dress,brave, crash, freak, growl, pray, shriek, three, trick, dress

2) assimilation rule

The assimilation rule assimilates one sound to another by ―copying‖a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones similar.

3) deletion rule:

Deletion rule tells us when a sound is to be deleted although it is orthographically represented.

2.3.5 Suprasegmental features—stress, tone, intonation suprasegmental features: The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments.

1)stress: The location of stress in English distinguishes meaning.

word stress

sentence stress.

2) tone: Tones are pitch variations, which are caused by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal cords.

The meaning-distinctive function of the tone is especially important in what we call tone language, such as Chinese.

3) intonation: When pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the sentence rather

than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as intonation.

Chapter 2 Phonology

Exercise I:

1. Articulatory phonetics mainly studies .

A. the physical properties of the sounds produced in speech

B. the perception of sounds

C. the combination of sounds

D. the production of sounds

2. Where are the vocal cords?

A. In the mouth.

B. In the nasal cavity.

C. Above the tongue.

D. Inside the larynx.

3. The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in .

A. the place of articulation.

B. the obstruction of airstream.

C. the position of the tongue.

D. the shape of the lips.

4. Which of the following phonetic descriptions matches the English consonant [p]?

A. A voiceless bilabial stop.

B. A voiced bilabial stop.

C. A voiceless dental stop.

D. A voiced dental fricative.

5. What is the common factor of the three sounds: [p], [k], [t]?

A. V oiceless

B. Spread

C. V oiced

D. Nasal

6.What phonetic feature distinguish the [p] in please and the [p] in speak?

A. V oicing

B. Aspiration

C. Roundness

D. Nasality

7. Which of the following sounds is a vowel glide?


B. [ :]


D. [dau]

8. Which of the following is not a distinctive feature in English?

A. voicing

B. nasal

C. approximation

D. aspiration

9. Which of the following is not one of the criteria of vowel description?

A. The part of the tongue that is raised.

B. The extent to which the tongue rises.

C. The shape of the lips.

D. The extent to which the teeth draw together.

10.Which of the following sounds is a back vowel?





11 .The diphthong in the word bite is composed of: ___.

A. [a] and [i]

B. [e] and [i]

C. [a] and [e]

D. ,[ ] and


12. English consonants can be classified into stops, fricatives, nasals, etc. in terms of .

A. manner of articulation

B. openness of mouth

C. place of articulation

D. voicing

13. The phonetic features of the consonant [k] are .

A. voiced stop

B. voiceless stop

C. voiced fricative

D. voiceless fricative

14. [e] is different from [a] in .

A. the shape of the lips

B. the height of the tongue

C. the part of the tongue that is raised

D. the position of the soft palate

15. [p] is different from [k] in .

A. the manner of articulation

B. the shape of the lips

C. the vibration of the vocal cords

D. the place of articulation

16. Vibration of the vocal cords results in .

A. aspiration

B. nasality

C. obstruction

D. voicing

Exercise II:

1. is the branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of speech

sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription.

A. Phonetics

B. Phonology

C. Semantics

D. Pragmatics

2. studies the sound systems in a certain language.

A. Phonetics

B. Phonology

C. Semantics

D. Pragmatics

3. Which of the following groups of words is a minimal pair?

A. but-pub.

B. wet-which.

C. cool-curl.

D. fail-find.

4. Minimal pairs are used to .

A. find the distinctive features of a language.

B. find the phonemes of a language.

C. compare two words.

D. find the allophones of a language.

5. If two similar sound segments never occur in the same phonetic environment,

then they are .

A. two separate phonemes.

B. two allophones of a phoneme.

C. two free variations of a phoneme.

D. a minimal pair.

6. Which of the following distinctive features can be used to separate [k] from


A. Glottal (place of articulation).

B. Nasal.

C. V oiced.

D. Spread.

7. Where is the primary stress of the word phonology

A. pho.

B. no.

C. lo.

D. gy.

8. In isolated reading (i.e., without any specific context), the word in in the

sentence She is in the classroom should .

A. not be stressed

B. be stressed

C. be the primary stress of the sentence D be more stressed than is

9.1f there is an English adjective –?pornatial‘, is the most possible for negative form.




D. in-

10. is not a suprasegmental feature.

A. Aspiration

B. Intonation

C. Stress

D. Tone

Reading recommendation


P. Roach: Phonetics. Oxford University Press 2001;上海外语教育出版社,2003。

More challenging:

P. Roach: English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical Course (2nd edition). Cambridge University Press, 1991; 外语教学与研究出版社2000 (王嘉龄导读)。

Alan Cruttenden: Intonation (2nd edition), Cambridge University Press, 1997; 北京大学出版社,2002。

《语音学和音系学引论》 第二版

《语音学和音系学引论》(第二版) 分章导读 第一章导言 本章是全书的开篇,分为四个小题目:语音学和音系学,理论和分析,与其他领域的关系,全书的框架。 第一小节介绍本学科的研究范围。作者提出语音学和音系学从两个层面研究人类语音的发生和感知:第一个层面是语音的解剖和生理层面,涉及发音器官及功能、语音、传递语音的声波、听者对语音声波的分析和处理。在这一层面上的研究称为“语音学”,可以细分为语音的解剖学和生理学、发音语音学、声学语音学和听觉(或感知)语音学。在第二个层面上,语音被看作是一种有目的的人类活动,具有传达意义的目的,在这一层面上的语音研究称为“音系学”,因此音系学常被看作是与特定语言内部的语音构造有关的。 第二小节论述理论和实践的关系,指出本书旨在介绍一种科学的理论方法,是与会不会发音或会不会模仿截然不同的。普通人通过说话表达意义,从不有意识地考虑自己的哪些器官在做什么样的动作,但语言学家所感兴趣的恰恰是说话者的这些细微的过程和活动,并对此进行分析,对器官的动作和活动如何表达意义作出解释。 第三小节首先讲解语音学和音系学对口语的记录和描述以及对英语拼写的指导作用,然后讨论其在外语教学中的应用和有关英语标准发音(RP)的争论,最后说明语音研究与科学技术的相互联系。从事录音、语言描述和语言教学工作的人对语音知识会有一定的兴趣,而从事听力学、语言矫治和言语病理学的人员需要具备坚实的语音学和音系学基础。二十世纪的科技进步为语音研究提供了新的手段,使语音研究的成果与生理学、物理学和电子学有了更密切的关系。近年来语音研究与科学技术结合在语音合成和语音-文本转换方面也有了可喜的进展,具有很高的商业价值和对理论探索的兴趣,使语音学家和音系学家得以更加紧密地与计算机和人工智能方面的专家进行合作。 第四小节叙述本书的框架,指出各章的目的和方法。本书在结构上比较特别,语音学和音系学的内容交叉进行。第二、三、六、七、八章明显属于语音学的内容,其余各章属于音系学内容。这样做的目的是模糊语音学和音系学的界限,使这两个在很长一段时间独立进行研究的学科更加一致起来。 思考题: 1.语音学和音系学在对语音的研究上有哪些异同点? 2.语音学和音系学与我们平时发音的关系是什么? 3.语音学和音系学知识可以应用于哪些其他领域? 4.语音学和音系学与语言学的其他分支学科有什么关系?


音系学 一.音系学(Phonology)的定义: 音系学主要有以下两个任务:其一,发现某一特定语言中出现的所有能够区别意义的语音;其二,找出语音是如何组织起来表达意义的。 二.音素(Phone)、音位(Phoneme)和音位变体(Allophone): 音素(Phone):一个语音单元或音段。 音位(Phoneme):一个具有区别性价值的单位,是一组语音特征的抽象集合体。 音位变体(Allophone):同一个音位在不同语音环境下的实现的方式。 三.音位的分布(Distribution of Phonemes): 音位对立(phonemic contrast)以及互补分布(complementary Distribution):相似的音素之间相联系的方式主要有两种:如果它们是同一个音位的音位变体,不区别意义,就处于互补分布状态;如果它们不是同一个音位的音位变体,且能够区分意义,就构成了音位对立。 自由变异(free variation): 如果两个音素出现在一个相同的语音环境中,并不区别意义,换而言之,用一个音素替换另一个音素而不产生一个新词,仅仅产生同一个词的不同读音,那么这两个音素就处于自由变异。 最小对立体(minimal pairs): 如果两个单词,除了出现在同一个位置上的一个音以外,其余的都相同,则这两个词就构成了一个最小对立体。若最小对立体按照相同的条件进一步的扩展,扩展到多对,就构成了一个最小对立集(minimal set)。例如:hook和book,book和look,look和cook就构成了三对对立体,而这六个词则构成了一个最小对立集。 四.音系学的一些规则(Some Rules of Phonology): 在音系学中,孤立的音素是没有意义的。因此为了表达意义,音素必须组合在一起,但是也需要符合一定的组合原则。 1)序列原则(Sequential rules):即语音组成词在排列顺序上要受到一定的制约。音位系统规定了哪些音位可以放在词首,哪些可以放在哪些可以相互搭配。 2)同化原则(assimilation rule):一个音通过吸收其相邻音的特点,变得与其相似,这种音系规则叫做同化原则(assimilation rule)。如果后面的音同化了前面的邻音,这种同化叫做逆同化(regressive assimilation);反之,则叫做顺同化(progressive assimilation)。常见的同化有鼻音化(nasalization),齿音化(dentalization)和软腭 化(velarization)。 3)省略原则(deletion rule):有关于在什么条件下某个音被省略掉,即只有拼写形式存在而不发音的音系规则。 五.超音段特征(Suprasegmental Features): 超音段特征主要有音调(tone)、重音(stress)和语调(intonation)。 重音(stress):在产生一个音节过程中所用力的程度。重音分为两种:单词重音和句子


新编简明英语语言学知识点汇总1 Introduction 1.1 What is linguistics? Scientific study of language.

Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Characteristics: ①language is system,elements of language are combined according to the rules;

②language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between a linguistic symbol and what it stands for, A rose by any other name would smell as well; ③language is vocal because the primary medium for all language is sound; Language is a system which consists of two structures. At the lower level there is a structure of sounds,which are meaningless by themselves.But the sounds can grouped or regrouped together into a larger numbers of units of meaning such as morpheme or words,which are found at the higher level of system(carp & park).Then the higher level can be arranged and rearranged into an infinite numbers of sentences;

语音学和音位学 练习题

第2章语音学和音位学 Phonetics&Phonology 1.phonetics is the study of_______. A.all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages B.sppech sounds used by human languages to represent C.the differernces between sounds used in human languages and sounds in nature D.how phonological differences can lead to misunderstanding 2./m, n/ are ____. A.fricatives B.dentals C.glides D.nasals 3./w, j/ belong to ____. A.fricatives B. dentals C. glides D. nasals 4.Which of the following vowel is the rounded vowel? A.[i:] B.[u:] C.[i] D.[a:] 5.In the field of phonology, which of the following does NOT belong to the suprasegmental features? A.stress B.tone C.intonation D.syllable 6.Classification of vowels are made up of the followings EXCEPT____. A.the position of the tongue B.the openness of the mouth C.The shape of the lip D.The width of the vowels 7.A sound which is capable of distinguishing one word or one shape of a word from another in a given language is a______. A.phoneme B.allophone C.phone D.allomorph 8./p, t, k / are______. A.fricatives B. affricates C. glides D.stops 9./kuku:/ is a bird’s call. The name of such a bird is CUCKOO which is an example of ______. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2a16581810.html,nguage universals B.onomatopoeia C.teaching grammars D.morphs 10.The vowel [u:] in [fu:d] (food) is a____ vowel.

27037 本科自考英语语言学概论精心整理 Chapter 4 Phonology

Chapter 4 Phonology(音位学) 4.1 phonetics and phonology:语音学与音位学的区分 Both phonetics and phonology are concerned with speech.语音学和音位学都士对语音的研究。 定义区别 -Phonetics is a study of the production, perception and physical properties of speech sounds. 语音学是研究语音的生产、感知和物理性质的。 -Phonology studies how speech sounds are combined,organized,and convey meanings in particular languages.研究语音如何在在特定的语言中结合、组织和表达含义。 ---Phonology is language-specific.it is the study of how sounds are organized and used in natural languages.音位学是特定于语言的。它的研究对象是自然语言中的声音是如何组织和使用的。 ---Phonetics is a study of speech sounds while phonology is a study of the sound syst em of a language.语音学是一个研究语音的然后音位学是研究一种语言的声音系统的学科。 4.2 Phonemes,phones and allophones 音位、音子、音位变体 Different languages have different phonological systems.不同的语言有不同的语音系统。 定义: ①Phones are the smallest identifiable phonetic unit or segment found in a stream of speech. 音子就是在连续的发音中可辨认的最小语音单位或片段。 ②Allophones are the phones which represent a phoneme in a language and cannot change word meaning by substituting any of the set for another.音位变体是指代表语言中音位的音子,即使以一个取代另一个也不改变词义。 ③Phonemes are the minimal distinctive units in the sound system of a language.音位是语言系统中最小的独特的单位。 Allophones are the realization of a particular phoneme while phones are the realizatio n of phonemes in general.音位变体是一个特定音素的认知而音子则是一般的音素。 4.3Minimal pairs 最小对立体 The phonologist is concerned with what difference are significant or technically speaki ng, distinctive. Minimal pair---a pair of words which differ from each other by one sound. Three conditions(情况): 1)the two froms are different in meaning意义不同 2)the two forms are different in one sound segment声音片段不同 3)the different sounds occur in the same position of the two words.不同声音发生在两个单词的相同位置 Minimal set: a group of words can satisfy(满足)the three conditions . Minimal pairs help determine phonemes. 最小对立体用来定义音位。 4.4 identifying phonemes 识别音素 4.4.1 contrastive distribution,complementary distribution and free variation 对比分布,互补分布和自由变异 The distribution of a sound refers to the collective environments in which the sound concerned may appear.一个声音的分布是指其有关的声音可能出现的集体环境。 1)contrastive distribution对比分布 If two or more sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of on


语音学和音系学Phonetics and Phonology 一、自然属性--语音学 ?发音生理:发音语音学 1.发音器官:由动力(肺)、发音体(声带)、共鸣腔(口腔、鼻腔、咽腔)构成;包括主动或被动发音器官 2.音素(Phone):(1)定义:是从音质的角度划分出来的最小的线性的语音单位。 (2)分类:①元音(V owels):以共鸣腔的不同,主要口腔形状不同划分。 舌位高低(High\Mid\Low) 舌位前后(Front\Central\Back) 唇形圆展(Rounded\Unrounded) ②辅音(Consonants) :都是气流在一定的部位受阻碍,通过某种方式冲破阻碍而发出的音。 发音部位(place of articulation):唇齿鄂 发音方法(manner of articulation):清音(包括送气与不送气)和浊音; 塞爆擦; 鼻音口音; 颤音、闪音(搭音)、边音、近音、半元音(3)符号:[字母] 【PS:把音素、字母、音标三者合为一体来教学,才能使学生真正掌握字母和音标,才能学会独立地拼读单词,并由此过渡到记单词。】?传递物理:声学语音学→语音四要素:音质:发音体、共鸣器、发音方法不一样 音高:人们对于声音高低的感知,主要取决于声带振动频率的快慢 音强:人们对于声音强弱的感知,主要取决于声波的振幅大小 音长:声音的长短,取决于发音体振动持续的时间长短 ?感知心理:听觉语音学 二、社会属性--音系学(语音在具体语言中的作用)

→音位(Phoneme): (1)定义:是具体语言中有区别词的语音形式作用的最小语音单位。 (2)符号:/字母/ (3)音位变体(Allophone):同一个音位有不同但相似的音素。包括自由变体和条件变体。音素对立和互补关系。 (4)最小对立体(minimal pair): (5)分类:①音质音位:由音素构成 ②非音质音位(超音段音位Suprasegmental):音高、音强、音长;包括调位(声调)、重位(重音)、时位(长短音)(6)音位聚合 三、记音符号 (1)音标(phonetic symbols):记录音素的标写符号。 (2)国际音标:是国际语音协会于1888年制定并开始使用的表音系统。现通行的是1986年方案。其为全世界各种语言或方言所用。以“一个音素只用一个音标,一个音标只表示一个音素”为原则。为区分一般字母,标写音素[],标写音位//。所用符号大多数为拉丁字母,辅以希腊字母等补充。【PS:国际音标简表】 四、语音单位组合 音节(Syllable):音节是听觉能感受到的最自然的语音单位,有一个或几个音素按一定规律组合而成。 汉语中一个汉字就是一个音节,每个音节由声母、韵母和声调三个部分组成; 英语中一个元音音素可构成一个音节,一个元音音素和一个或几个辅音音素结合也可以构成一个音节。元音、辅音、重音 语流音变:人们在说话时,不是孤立地发出一个个音节,而是把音节组成一连串自然的“语流”。因发音器官的制约和发音方便的需要,音位与音位接续时发生临时的变化。 ①同化:追求发音的顺口;②异化:避免发音的拗口;③弱化:包括弱读和轻声,若程度加深,脱落-音节分界变动-合音。 韵律单元:


语音学与音位学的区别 在语音学(phonetics)里,偏重于发音部位,发音方式,语音特征的研究。在音位学(phonemics)里,偏重于各个独立的基本音在语音系统的重要性,语音结构及语音组合规律等。换言之,语音学里的工作较近于语言的具体面,音位学的工作较近于语音的抽象面。在音位学里,我们会去注意各种语音发音差异,在整个语音系统里是否有意义,在语音学里,说话者 ( 我们 ) 只注意它 ( 语音 ) 的实质不同,不去管它 ( 语音 ) 在整个语音系统里有无意义,我们听到别人怎么说,我们就跟着说。 ( 参考余光雄《英语语言学概论》) ?Phones :the sounds made by humans. [人类发出的语音] ?Phonetics:the study of phones; the study of human speech sounds; phonemics is the study of phones as they act in a particular language. [研究语音的学问;研究人类语音的学问;phonemics 是研究某一特定 语言的语音的学问] ?Phonemes :the smallest sound that contrasts meaning (they carry no meaning themselves); the smallest unit of sound in speech; the basic unit of spoken language; a member of the set of the smallest units of speech that serve to distinguish one utterance from another in a language or dialect. [区别意义的最小语音单位(本身不具意 义) ;语言中最小的语音单位;口语中的最基本单位;一个语言或方 言中用来区别语词的最小语音单位] ?Phonemics :the study of phonemes; studies only the significant sound contrasts of a given language. [研究音位的学问;专门研究 某一语言中语音对比的学问] 语音学主要处理语音的物理性质描述,而音位学主要处理一个语言系统中语音的功能。当然在音位学的分析中也会利用语音学的基本知识。举例来说,在语音学方面,可以看出有许多不同的't'的语音,例如在音节首、两个母音之间以及音节尾。换句话说,在这些情形下的't'的发音都不一样。以此例来说,音位学检验这三个音在功能方面上的角色,例如它指出了它们三个发音不同时个


猎头公司培训资料 第一章人才猎取 第一节猎取 1.猎取 ?确定目标客户名单 (Company List) ?猎取候选人的第一步工作是划定猎取范围。首先要明确客户所属行业,生产的产品,以此确定猎取范围。目标客户名单可以从〈行业网站〉,〈外资企业名录〉,〈展会名录〉以及平时积累中获取,也可以和客户讨论中获取,也可以从候选人那儿获取。 ?当某一产品的同行业资源非常有限时,可以寻找该产品的上游或下游产品的企业,尤其是Sales的职位可考虑相同或相似客户群的目标公司。 ?要深入分析所要招的职位,以确定可能存在候选人的职位。有些职位很明确,如财务经理,只能从财务经理人选中获得。有些职位界限不是很明确,如研发经理,可以从研发经理,技术经理甚至可以从售后服务,产品经理中获取,深入地职位分析有助于准确划定猎取范围。?和客户沟通,明确合适人选是否可以从不同级别物色。 ?确定猎取方法 ?猎取前要先计划好联系的理由,基于对职位工作内容的理解,确定该职位可能与外界联系的渠道。如猎取销售经理,可以说是客户,如财务经理,可以说是会计师事务所。猎取理由不可一概而论,以可信为准。 ?猎取前要先调整好心态,要理直气壮,坦坦荡荡,如果心虚就说明还未准备充分。要把可能出现的情况预演一遍,尽可能将自己设想成所要扮演的角色。 ?和总机小姐交谈要尽可能简短,说得越多,破绽越多。有些公司总机比较谨慎,理由要很充分,如实在不行,可以消费者身份转到销售部,或以银行身份转到财务部,然后以转错号码为由,询问相关部门电话或相关人员姓名。 ?将获得的信息及时做总结,以便于下一次猎取。 ?归根结底,关键是: ?一,猎取时心态要调整好-心理素质; ?二,要随机应变-应变能力; ?三,与对方交谈时,要友好坦诚–沟通能力; ?四,要了解所扮演角色应具备的知识–知识面与学习能力; ?五,平时要多注意搜集信息,如背景咨询人,财经访谈节目,杂志和报纸等-信息处理能力。 2.电话沟通 ?沟通的目的 ?建立专业形象 ?收集信息,拿到简历 ?要求推荐合适人选


Phonetics 1.The differences between consonants and vowels Consonants are produced by constricting or obstructing the vocal tract at some place to divert, impede, or completely shut off the airflow in the cavity. However, a vowel is produced without such obstruction so no turbulence or a total stopping of the air can be perceived. The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in the obstruction of airstream. 2.Manners of articulation It refers to the actual relationship between the articulators and thus the way in which the air passes through certain part of vocal tracts. There are several basic ways in which articulation can be accomplished: the articulators may close off the oral tract for an instant or a relatively long period; they may narrow the space considerably; or they may simply modify the shape of the tract by approaching each other. (1). Stop: complete closure of the articulators involved so that the airstream cannot escape through the mouth. It is essential to separate three phrases in the production of a stop: (a) the closing phase, in which the articulators come together; (b)the compression phrase, during which air is compressed behind the closure; (c)the release phrase, during which the articulators


如何让潜在的直接线人顺畅的介绍合适的人给你 2012.2.21 Kathy培训 介绍人可以节省猎头的时间,让职位的进度更加顺畅。介绍人有3个前提:行业正确,目标公司正确(指在产品,规模,核心技术和客户公司相似的公司),对的人。对的人即好的线人。线人可以分为好线人,坏线人。同时线人也分为直接线人,间接线人。Kathy今天讲的就是直接线人的沟通方式。 一般来讲,对猎头提供的职位客观冷静的人,相对推荐成功的几率比较大,前提是符合职位关键点。对于职位很积极向往的人往往在某一方面存在欠缺,进入客户公司会弥补他的欠缺,所以才会对机会积极,被offer的可能性相对小。 对于一个你不知道他是不是适合这个机会,不知道他考虑不考虑的时候,一定要穿插着问问题。首先是用职位关键点考察,工作几年,英语如何,负责什么产品,这个时候就要穿插着问其部门的情况(负责这块的有几个人啊?你是最资深的吗?),在明确其部门情况下可以拓展目标公司(你到公司多久啊,之前在哪家公司)。穿插着问过,再询问你现在考虑外面的机会吗?如果没有穿插问你想要的信息,直接问考虑外面的机会吗?如果那人不考虑,就会对你的接下来的问话提高警惕,介绍人的几率就渺茫了。 当然也有亡羊补牢的方法。就是在其不考虑的情况下如何扭转自己的被动局面。首先一定要了解清楚其不考虑的原因。举例: 1 老婆怀孕--客户公司远,想照顾老婆--理解候选人的苦衷,夸奖其是个负责人的好丈夫,将来肯定是个好爸爸----询问预产期----然后说介绍人。利用其虚荣心和父爱。 2 升职-----那恭喜你啊,现在公司发正式的文件通知了吗?---若发了,可以让其推荐,询问其之前在哪家公司,用打cc的方式去找上一家公司的人。若没发,就要挑拨其关系,没发文件口头承诺是没有用的,万一领导走了,谁给你升职啊。 3 加薪---薪水涨了多少啊?---跳一次槽能增长20-30%,能涨这么多吗? 4 不感兴趣----你这么年轻对什么感兴趣啊,对美女感兴趣吗?(前提是知道对方是个年轻人,若年纪大会不合适) 5 在这边挺好的---有多好啊?老板要给你升职加薪了?--如果真的判断其在这么很好,要以退为进,告诉他也许到其他公司还不如现在。恭喜他。让其推荐人。 做猎头要时刻头脑清醒,掌握话语主动权,没有沟通不下去的人。幽默化解话语中的尴尬,让他记住你。


《新编简明英语语言学教程》第二版第1-3章练习题参考答案 Chapter 1 Introduction P13 1. How do you interpret the following definition of linguistics: Linguistics is the scientific study of language? 答:Linguistics is based on the systematic investigation of linguistic data, conducted with reference to some general theory of language structure. In order to discover the nature and rules of the underlying language system, the linguists has to collect and observe language facts first, which are found to display some similarities, and generalizations are made about them; then he formulates some hypotheses about the language structure. The hypotheses thus formed have to be checked repeatedly against the observed facts to fully prove their validity. In linguistics, as in any other discipline, data and theory stand in a dialectical complementation, that is, a theory without the support of data can hardly claim validity, and data without being explained by some theory remain a muddled mass of things. 2. What are the major branches of linguistics What does each of them study 答:The major branches of linguistics are: (1) phonetics: it studies the sounds used in linguistic communication; (2) phonology: it studies how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication; (3) morphology: it studies the way in which linguistic symbols representing sounds are arranged and combined to form words; (4) syntax: it studies the rules which govern how words are combined to form grammatically permissible sentences in languages; (5) semantics: it studies meaning conveyed by language; (6) pragmatics: it studies the meaning in the context of language use. 3. In what basic ways does modern linguistics differ from traditional grammar 答:The general approach thus traditionally formed to the study of language over the years is roughly referred to as “t raditional gramma r.” Modern linguistics differs from traditional g rammar in several basic ways. Firstly, linguistics is descriptive while traditional grammar is prescriptive. Second, modem linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, not the written. Traditional grammarians, on the other hand, tended to emphasize, maybe over-emphasize, the importance of the written word, partly because of its permanence. Then, modem linguistics differs from traditional grammar also in that it does not force languages into a Latin-based framework. 4. Is modern linguistics mainly synchronic or diachronic Why 答:In modem linguistics, a synchronic approach seems to enjoy priority over a diachronic one. Because people believed that unless the various states of a language in different historical periods are successfully studied, it would be difficult to describe the changes that have taken place in its historical development. 5. For what reasons does modern linguistics give priority to speech rather than to writing 答:Speech and writing are the two major media of linguistic communication. Modem linguistics regards the spoken language as the natural or the primary medium of human language for some obvious reasons. From the point of view of linguistic evolution, speech is prior to writing. The writing system of any langu age is always “invented” by its users to record spee ch when the need arises. Even in today's world there are still many languages that can only be spoken but not written. Then in everyday communication, speech plays a greater role than writing in terms of the amount of information conveyed. And also, speech is always the way in which every native speaker acquires his mother tongue, and writing is learned and taught later when he goes to school. For modern linguists, spoken language reveals many true features of human speech while written language is only the “revised” record of spe ech. Thus their data for investigation and analysis are mostly drawn from everyday speech, which they regard as authentic.


【猎头业务培训手册】中国猎头行业高效运营sop手册如何有效的进行猎头市猎头业务知识培训手册二O0七年八月、一:扩大简历和推荐评估报告的影响力我们常会碰上一些背景很棒、但简历写的很糟糕的候选人。当我们感到成功有望时,我们会亲自帮他们写简历。别误会,我们可不做写简历的生意。但我们很高兴去花一些时间,帮助这部分有价值的候选人在招聘经理面前赢得良好的印象,也就是说,我们用这些修改和优化过过的简历,再加上专业而有力度的推荐评估报告,去为他们赢得职位。 现实问题是,随着人力资源市场渠道的发展,简历已经愈来愈成为招聘过程中的“硬通货”。前一两年,我们还可以对雇主说“我们的候选人没有简历,但我们可以安排你们在周五下午四点钟面谈”。但现在想回避简历就不太实际了。 反正你的候选人早晚得递送简历,你倒不如干脆放手一搏。尽管大家都知道,只有最适合或符合条件的候选人,才能赢得职位。但在现实生活中,往往是最适合或最符合条件的简历,才能使候选人顺利进入最初面试,以至影响到最后招聘成功与否。我们现在已经将人选的简历和推荐评估报告综合在一起了,但一开始可不是这样的,让我们先来说说简历吧!第一节打好简历这张牌多年前,我们已意识到一份简历对招聘经理的决策影响程度有多大,或者说,候选人的命运如何受到他们文字水平的制约,请看下面这个案例:

有一次,我们为客户访寻营销总监,我们共收到三位候选人的简历。客观地说,这三个人都很出色,他们很相似的背景也非常符合我们客户的需求。他们每一个人都能符合客户所提出的要求,因此我们认为他们都将大受欢迎。 在向客户电话通报情况之后,客户也认为这三名候选人都不错,因此,客户公司的刘总同意周三下午到我们写字楼来亲自面试。同时出于礼貌,他请我们把三个候选人的简历发给他,以便他更好地准备面试。周二,也就是面试的前一天,我们打电话给刘总,询问他是否已经看过这些候选人的简历,以及是否还有什么问题需要帮助。结果,他还真提出了问题:“我们可以取消第一位候选人的面试么?”我们感到困惑。“当然,刘总,我们可以通知他取消,可是他的能力与其他两位旗鼓相当呀!您是否可以告诉我们,为什么您会有这种想法呢?”“我也说不出确切的原因,只是感觉他经验不足。”刘总说。 的确,第一名候选人6年工作经验,是比其他两位8年的稍短,但他依然很适合这个职位啊。我们又问道:“好吧,那您感觉另外两个候选人怎么样?”“第二名候选人还行,但我认为第三名候选人是最好的。他完全符合我们所需要的条件。”“所以,如果您把他们排序的话,您认为他们分别是较好、好和最好。”“没错,第三号候选人将是我们的首选。”客户最看中第三号候选人,这一点我

语言学复习资料 音系学(英语)

Chapter 2:Phonology I. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False: 1. Voicing is a phonological feature that distinguishes meaning in both Chinese and English. 2 If two phonetically similar sounds occur in the same environments and they distinguish meaning, they are said to be in complementary distribution. 3. A phone is a phonetic unit that distinguishes meaning. 4. English is a tone language while Chinese is not. 5. In linguistic evolution, speech is prior to writing. 6. In everyday communication, speech plays a greater role than writing in terms of the amount of information conveyed. 7. Articulatory phonetics tries to describe the physical properties of the stream of sounds which a speaker issues with the help of a machine called spectrograph. 8. The articulatory apparatus of a human being are contained in three important areas: the throat, the mouth and the chest. 9. Vibration of the vocal cords results in a quality of speech sounds called voicing. 10. English consonants can be classified in terms of place of articulation and the part of the tongue that is raised the highest. 11. According to the manner of articulation, some of the types into which the consonants can be classified are stops, fricatives, bilabial and alveolar. 12. Vowel sounds can be differentiated by a number of factors: the position of tongue in the mouth, the openness of the mouth, the shape of the lips, and the length of the vowels. 13. According to the shape of the lips, vowels can be classified into close vowels, semi-close vowels, semi-open vowels and open vowels. 14. Any sound produced by a human being is a phoneme. 15. Phones are the sounds that can distinguish meaning. 16. Phonology is concerned with how the sounds can be classified into different categories. 17. A basic way to determine the phonemes of a language is to see if substituting one sound for another results in a change of meaning. 18. When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segment which occurs in the same place in the strings, the two words are said to form a phonemic contrast. 19. The rules governing the phonological patterning are language specific. 20. Distinctive features of sound segments can be found running over a sequence of two or more phonemic segments. II. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word which begins with the letter given: 21. A ____ refers to a strong puff of air stream in the production of speech sounds. 22. A___________ phonetics describes the way our speech organs work to produce the speech sounds and how they differ. 23. The four sounds /p/,/b/,/m/ and /w/ have one feature in common, i.e,
