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pentax k5使用手册简体中文版 part 1

pentax k5使用手册简体中文版 part 1
pentax k5使用手册简体中文版 part 1


PART1 Names 1.Who gave you your name? The name was given by my parents. 2.Does your name have any particular (or special meaning? I don’t know about that. 3.Do you like your name? I guess yes. 4.In your country do people feel that their name is very important? Most of people think so, because names are the first impression to other people. 5.Would you like to change your name? I don’t think it’s necessary. 6.Is it easy to change your name in your country? Maybe there will be some procedures to do. 7.Who usually names babies in your country? Parents or grandparents. 8.Do you have any special traditions about naming children? It depends on the tradition of the hometown. 9.What names are most common in your hometown?


Advertisement广告 1. Do you like advertisements on TV? Oh no, TV is a purgatory. The TV advertisements today appear to be not only boring but also disturbing. They interrupt in the midst of our enjoyment of a game or a film. Most of the advertisement materials are irritating and of course of low taste. The presentation is mostly awkward and obscene. 绝不,电视简直就是炼狱。现在电视上的广告变得不仅仅是无聊了,而且还特别烦人。这些广告往往在我们欣赏比赛或电影时候的中间跳进来。大多数广告特别让人愤怒,当然品味还很低。这些广告的描述又傻又低俗。 2. What kind of advertisement do you like the most? Word of mouth is hands down the BEST advertising. It's one of the most credible forms of advertising because every time people make a recommendation, they have nothing to gain but the appreciation of those who are listening. 口碑绝对是最好的广告。这是最可信的广告方式之一,因为每当人们对一个产品做出评价时,他们除了能得到听者的感谢外,得不到任何其他好处。 3. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now? Whether you do like them or not, whenever and wherever it's possible that you can meet them. For biz sellers, ad could be very helpful to promote their products. For acceptors, ads might show some latest information. To buy or not to buy, to be fond of or not, all depend on your decisions. 无论你是否喜欢广告,你都有可能随时随地遇到它们。对于那些销售人员来说,这也许对推销商品有帮助。对于接收者来说,广告或许能展示给他们最新的信息。买或者不买,喜欢或不喜欢,就取决于个人决策了。


雅思口语Part1答案:Concentration专心 1. Is it important to focus on things? Most likely yes. For most of us, if we don't focus on anything, we start to feel empty, question life and lose the will. Like how a shark dies if it stops swimming. 可能是重要的。对于我们多数人来说,如果我们不集中在任何事情上,我们会觉得空虚,会质疑生活并丧失意志。这就好比鲨鱼停止游泳会如何死去一样。(鲨鱼必须不停游泳,让水通过鳃,否则就会下沉窒息。) 2. When do people need to focus? Well, we don’t actually need to focus on almost everything. Keeping your attention on what is most important in your life is one of the most essential ingredients if you want to be able to stick with your goals. 其实,我们不需要对任何事情都集中精神。如果你想坚持自己的目标,那么保持注意力在生活中最重要的事情上是必备要素之一。 3. Is it easy to concentrate on things? As long as you understand the word “concentration”, then yes. Concentration means:“great and constant diligence and attention” This is interesting! If concentration is related to attention then that means that we should be able to improve our concentration by simply becoming more attentive. 如果你能明白“专心”的意思,就没问题。专心是指:持续强大的勤奋和专注。这很有意思。如果专心和专注是相关系的,那就意味着我们若想更专心,那么很简单,更专注些。

雅思part 1 基础答案解析

Study Can you tell me something of your study? Yes, sure, I am a college student and IBMS is my major, what’s more? Oh, yeah, I am doing quite well in business case studying What’s your major? I am majored in International Business and Management which is what I and my parents have long expected for. But IBMS is a great challenge to me since it requires a smart me. Anyway, I think I can do it well. Why did you choose this major? Actually, my father is a successful business man who I admire pretty much. And I believe that IBMS is the right choice for me and my family. What subjects do you like or dislike? For high school: ** is my favorite subject, I think I have the talent to it, I can do it really well. I really hate maths, I have done my best, but I still fail this subject. God, it bothers me too much. Tell me about your primary school? Okay, I graduated from a well-known primary school in my hometown. It used to have over 1000 students, lots of respectable teachers and a charming campus, but now it has been renovated to a factory. I feel really sad for that. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your university? Language Do many foreigners speak your native language? Yes, I think so, when I go to some universities in Beijing, there’s


雅思口语Part1答案:Friends朋友 1. Do you have many close friends? Well, I have several lifelong friends who are very dear to me. Actually, we have been good friends since we were in primary school and we hit it off immediately. 我有一些对我很珍贵的一辈子的好朋友。其实,我们从小学时候就是 好朋友了,那时候大家很快就打成一片了。 2. Do you think friendship is important? Sure, definitely, a friend is someone who gives a hand in an emergency. On top of that, friends can also give you valuable and helpful advice and comfort you to overcome problems. Actually, I think real friends never separate from each other and never blow you off. 当然,绝对的。朋友是在危急时刻伸以援手的人。而且,朋友还能给 你有协助有价值的建议,并在你有困难时安慰你。我认为真正的朋友 不会彼此分开对对方置之不理。 3. Which do you prefer to spend time with friends or spend time alone?


Confirmation Questions Good morning/afternoon. How are you? Morning/afternoon. Fine, thank! How do you do? How do you do? Hi, good to meet you. Good to meet you too. Hi, how are you doing? Not too bad. And you? 1.Can I see your ID card please? Sure, here you are. 2.Could you tell me your full name please? My full name is ……. But you can call me…. 3. And what shall I call you? Mo st people call me …... Hometown Questions 4. Whereabouts is your hometown? Xian is located in Shanxi province, which is in central China. 5. Let's talk about your hometown or village. What kind of place is it? My hometown is a small place, just outside of Beijing. It takes about an hour to reach/get to there. The people there are mostly farmers, but a lot of the young people work in Beijing. It's a quiet place and I like it. 6. Could you tell me something about your hometown? a. Well, it's quite big and it's the capital of Shanxi province. The population's about 6 million and it's famous for its historic sites, especially for the Terracotta Warriors. Xi' an used to be the capital of China, and it's the beginning of the famous Silk Road. b. Okay. Well, my hometown is Beijing and I live just outside of it near the 4th ring road. As you probably know, Beijing's the political and cultural center of China, and it's quite a historical place as well. It's huge-about 12 or 13 million people live in it now-and it seems to be getting bigger every year. 7. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? a. Harbin's right near the Song Hua Jiang River and it's kind of in a flat area, with mountains in the distance. b. Indio's a coastal city near the sea, so the main landscapes are the beaches and bays. There are also some nice hills nearby. 8. What are the main tourist attractions in your hometown? There's the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. These are the two that are most well known. They are also symbols of China. They attract most visitors, but there are quite a lot of other famous sites as well. 9. What are the people like in your hometown? They're usually very friendly, but a bit conservative. People still hold onto a lot of old customs and traditions, which is what I mean by conservative. But I think people there are very hospitable and kind. If you ask someone for directions, they'll always try to help you out, or find someone else who can. 10. What places in your hometown do you like best and tell me why? I like the Temple of Heaven best because it's very beautiful. It has a lot of space and there are lots of really nice and old trees there. In the early morning, it's very peaceful.


雅思口语Part1 答案:Weekends 周末 1. Are weekends important to you? Well, it 's quite important. I normally work round the clock on workweek; so sleeping all-day and chilling out during weekends are just right for me. Plus, I may go clubbing with close friends though I need a couple of days to sleep it off. 非常重要。我经常在周中持续工作,所以周末全天睡觉及出去放松对我来讲是必须的。而且我还能够在周末跟好朋友去泡夜店,虽然需要睡几天才能缓过来。 2. How do you (usually) spend the weekend? Well, the best thing to do is to treat my friends to a night out. I normally take my friends out for dinner; finding some best-kept secret restaurants is the most interesting thing we often do. After that, we usually go to a jazz club or live house, as I 'm a die -hard jazz fan. 的方式就是请朋友们晚上出去玩儿。我一般带朋友们出去吃饭,找一些不为人知的好餐厅吃饭是我们常干的最有意思的事情。这之后,我们经常去爵士乐俱乐部或现场,因为我是个铁杆爵士乐迷。 3. Which do you prefer, Saturday or Sunday? I love Sunday. I don ' t need to hang out with friends and lie-in, as I have to shoot off early on the next day, otherwise I will be late for work. Plus, listening to some ambient music or reading literature at home is like a good day for me. 我喜欢周日。因为第二天得很早出门,周日晚上我就不用和朋


雅思口语Part1答案:History历史 1. Do you like (to learn about) history? I love history it shows us where we come from. People say history always repeats itself and it does. I think it’s important to look back so we can learn from past mistakes and make sure we don't make the same ones as ancestors did. My favorite time in history would have to be the medieval times. 我喜欢历史,它让我们知道自己来自何处。人们说历史总是重演,是,确实是这样的。我认为回顾历史非常重要,这样我们就能够从过 去的错误中汲取教训,确保不再犯先人们犯过的同样错误。我最喜欢 的时代应该是中世纪了。 2. Do you think history is important? History is the record of events of what had happened in the past. In a sense all developments in politics, government, society, inventions and discoveries are part of human history. History helps you understand yourself better and understand others around you better. 历史是过往曾发生事件的记录。某种意义上讲,政治、政府、社会、发明和发现的发展过程都算是人类历史的一部分。历史能协助你 更好了解自己,也更好地了解周围的人。 3. Do you think you can learn history from films or TV programs? No. Unless the film is presented as a documentary, no strict adherence to the historical record is mandated. You go to movies not to learn about history but to be entertained, frightened, thrilled. That’s all great. But there’s no


雅思口语题库part1话题范文整合 如何在雅思口语中拿高分?今天和大家分享雅思口语Part1话题答案,一起来学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 1. How often do you look at yourself in the mirror everyday? I would say, counteless times. I think it is very mon for a girl/boy to do so. In addition, I am a big fan of makeup, so I would like to treat my face better. 2. Have you ever bought mirror? Surely, I have to say that I can't live without a mirror. From time to time I need to check my makeup and how I look in front of others. I think caring about your own image is a kind of showing respect to others. 3. Would you use mirrors to decorate rooms? Yes, actually, I once installed a mirrored wall to decorate my study. You know, this room looks really larger than


雅思口语Part1答案:Clothes衣服 1. What styles of clothes do you like to wear? The style of clothing I like is modern and kinda vintage. I love the modern-vintage look with the denim jacket or crop jacket and shirts. 我喜欢的衣服风格是有些现代有些复古的。我喜欢粗棉布夹克或短夹 克配上T恤的现代复古混搭。 2. Do you think it's important what clothes a person wears? I think that a person's clothing is important in matters of taste and cleanliness. I'm all for personal style and whatnot, but I don't appreciate it when people look like they've just dragged themselves out of the laundry hamper. I'm not a label snob or anything, far from it. 我觉得就一个人的洁净水准和品味来说,衣服很重要。我喜欢个性风 格相类似的东西,但我欣赏不了那些像刚从脏衣篓里爬出来的人。我 不是追求品牌的人,远不是。 3. Do you wear the same clothes both at work and after work?

【参考借鉴】雅思part 1 基础答案.doc

StudR CanRoutellmesomethingofRourstudR? Res,sure,IamacollegestudentandIBMSismRmajor,what’smore?Oh, Reah,IamdoingquitewellinbusinesscasestudRing What’sRourmajor? IammajoredinInternationalBusinessandManagementwhichiswhatIa ndmRparentshavelongeRpectedfor.ButIBMSisagreatchallengetome sinceitrequiresasmartme.AnRwaR,IthinkIcandoitwell. WhRdidRouchoosethismajor? ActuallR,mRfatherisasuccessfulbusinessmanwhoIadmireprettRmu ch.AndIbelievethatIBMSistherightchoiceformeandmRfamilR. WhatsubjectsdoRoulikeordislike? Forhighschool: RRismRfavoritesubject,IthinkIhavethetalenttoit,IcandoitreallRwell. IreallRhatemaths,IhavedonemRbest,butIstillfailthissubject.God,itb othersmetoomuch. TellmeaboutRourprimarRschool? OkaR,Igraduatedfromawell-knownprimarRschoolinmRhometown.I tusedtohaveover1000students,lotsofrespectableteachersandacharmi ngcampus,butnowithasbeenrenovatedtoafactorR.IfeelreallRsadfort hat. WhataretheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofRouruniversitR? Language DomanRforeignersspeakRournativelanguage? Res,Ithinkso,whenIgotosomeuniversitiesinBeijing,there’salwaRsab igchancetoseegroupsofforeignersstudRingChineseallaroundme. HowimportantisRournativelanguageintheworld? IamnotsosureabouttheimportanceofChinese,butithasbeenacommon knowledgethatasecondeventhirdlanguageabilitRisastrongplusinstud Randcareerpath.SolotsofwidelRusedlanguagesarebecomingmorean dmorepopular,andChineseisdefinitelRoneofthem. HowlonghaveRoubeenstudRingEnglish? NotverRlong,abouttwoRears,but,totellRouthetruth,IofficiallRstarte ditlastRearduetomRignoranceinthefirstRears. DoRouthinkRournativelanguageiseasierthanEnglish?


雅思口语Part1参考答案之Cars 1. Can you drive a car? No, I don’t have a driver’s license. Actually I don’t think I can handle the steering wheel properly and keep the car going straight. Also, I am bad at locality so driving would be the last thing I want to do. 我不会开车因为我没有驾照。其实,我觉得我掌控不好方向盘,没法让车向前直行。而且,我方向感很差,所以开车是我最不喜欢的事情。 2. Do you like cars? Yes, I like cars. There are different types of cars, such as sports car; limousine, truck, van, wagon etc. but I like SUV most. 我喜欢车。车的种类很多,比如跑车、加长轿车、卡车、厢式货车、两厢轿车等等。但我最喜欢SUV(运动多功能车)了。 3. If you wanted to buy a car, what kind of car would you choose? My dream car is BMW X6 and because it’s multi-functional. It has got 5 leather seats and an enlarged sky window. It’s cool and the flashiest thing is that a GPS system was installed in it, so I do not need to locate the route. 我的梦想之车是宝马X6,因为它是多功能的。它配有五座全皮座椅和全景天窗。它很酷,而且最炫的是它装有卫星定位系统,我不用自己定位路线了。


雅思口语Part1参考答案大全 Advertisement广告 1. Do you like advertisements on TV? Oh no, TV is a purgatory. The TV advertisements today appear to be not only boring but also disturbing. They interrupt in the midst of our enjoyment of a game or a film. Most of the advertisement materials are irritating and of course of low taste. The presentation is mostly awkward and obscene. 绝不,电视简直就是炼狱。现在电视上的广告变得不仅仅是无聊了,而且还特别烦人。这些广告往往在我们欣赏比赛或电影时候的中间跳进来。大多数广告特别让人愤怒,当然品味还很低。这些广告的描述又傻又低俗。 2. What kind of advertisement do you like the most? Word of mouth is hands down the BEST advertising. It's one of the most credible forms of advertising because every time people make a recommendation, they have nothing to gain but the appreciation of those who are listening. 口碑绝对是最好的广告。这是最可信的广告方式之一,因为每当人们对一个产品做出评价时,他们除了能得到听者的感谢外,得不到任何其他好处。 3. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now? Whether you do like them or not, whenever and wherever it's possible that you can meet them. For biz sellers, ad could be very helpful to promote their products. For acceptors, ads might show some latest information. To buy or not to buy, to be fond of or not, all depend on your decisions. 无论你是否喜欢广告,你都有可能随时随地遇到它们。对于那些销售人员来说,这也许对推销商品有帮助。对于接收者来说,广告或许能展示给他们最新的信息。买或者不买,喜欢或不喜欢,就取决于个人决策了。 4. What are the various places where we see advertisements? Today, media is so blatantly filled with advertising: TV, radio, magazine, newspaper, billboards. Even more pathetic when I recently watched a 16 second clip with a two-minute commercial without the option to skip. I think many advertisements are brain-washing us. 当今,媒体上公然大量充斥着各种广告:电视里、广播里,杂志里,报纸里,广告牌上。可悲的是,连我要看一个16秒的视频都得先看完一个两分钟的广告,而且无法选择跳过。我觉得大量的广告正在给我们洗脑。 5. How do you feel about advertisements? I hate advertising because the people behind it are so good at making us feel or think a certain way. They are good at getting our attention and planting the seeds of emotion and through that they can convince us of non-truths: We’re too old, too fat, too ugly, behind the times, unintelligent, our car is too slow, TV too small, couch too hard, x too y, y too x. 我讨厌广告,因为广告的策划者太擅长引导我们的思维了。他们擅长于抓取我们的注意力然后在情感上给我们种上一颗种子,然后他们就能迫使我们相信一些非事实,比如:我们太老、太胖、太丑、落伍、不聪明、车太慢、电视太小、沙发太硬、这个太那个、那个太这个…… 6. Do advertisements influence your choice about what to buy? No. I don't let some schmucks tell me what I'm going to buy, cars, computers, or whatever. If I'm interested in a product, a car for example, I will look at the comments on line in advance, but I don't make a decision based on an advertisement. 不会的。我不需要一帮傻帽来告诉我该买什么,无论是汽车,电脑还是什么其他东西。如果我对一件商品有兴趣,比如一辆车,我会事先上网看看大家的评论,但我不会基于广告做出购买决策的。


Part1 话题及素材 Study 2、What subject are you studying? I'm doing arts in Peking University. Th e subject is not what I'm concerned about, it doesn 't actually bother me that much. I focus on the ca mpus life. 3、 Why did you choose to study thatsubje ct? English sounds beautiful and knowing English means more opportunities whil e you hunting a job in China. 4、 Is that a popular subject in your countr y?

Yes. Language is the most effective w ay of learning other culture. Knowing E nglish means you can read more and understand mo re since it is the world language. More over, it gives you more chance when hunting jobs. . 5、 What are the most popular subjects in China? Anything related to finance is popular i n china, like marketing and accounting. Accommodation Can you describe the place where you live? Well, the room I live in is really nice, it’s bright and spacious. What


part 1 Name:(meaning/ who give name/ tradition of naming babies) Work or study/school :( what work/ study/subject/like or not/ why) Future plan:(plans for near future/ how to achieve/ countryside vs. big city overseas/spend years overseas?) Well, you know, I need to find a job when I graduate from college next year, so my near future plan is to find decent job, a teacher, exactly, a college teacher is my ideal. The first thing that I must to do is getting a doctor degree overseas. If I got a 7 point IELTS score, I would be able to apply for a good university. (people who have overseas academic experience are easier to be accepted by domestic universities). I will choose big city, Qingdao is one of the best choices, I like coastal cities. May be I will spend 2-3 years working overseas before getting back to china. Teacher: (favorite teacher/ why like/ what the teacher do to help u/would like become a teacher) Talking about my favorite teacher, I’d like to say my high school chemical teacher, Mr. Li, I like him not only because he is humorous and his class is very interesting but also we have the same sports hobby. We often played together on weekends, he just like a good friends. I clearly remembered that I suffered food poisoning , because I was a boarder, my parents were not with me that time, it is Mr. Li that he gave me financial help and accompanied me until I am fine. I like the career to be a teacher, there are many reasons for me to have this decision, on the one hand, campus is a good place to work and you will feel younger when you stay with students. On the other hand, teachers have a long vacation every year. But the most important factor is the teacher is an essential position that have a great contribution to society. Friend: (have many close friend?/ what qualities make them good friend?/ spend time with friend or families?/ what do with friends/time prefer to be alone?) I have many friends, but only a few have intimate relationship with me, We grew up together, I appreciate their honest, optimistic and cheerful, Compared with the family, I stay longer with my friends, Because we have many common topics and interests. We often do homework together, playing games and sports, we often hanged out or played basketball on weekends.I like sleep alone in the room when I am not happy, I don't want to bring other negative emotions. But my friend will come to me and cheer me up. Visitors: (like visitors coming? /how often have visitors/how to show your hospitality/manners of visitors/ bring gifts when you visit others?) I'm a person who like lively, so I like guests to my home. Almost every holiday ,my relatives and friends came to my house. Every time before the guests come, we will clean the house, In addition, I will go to buy some fresh fruits and vegetables, my mom will do a lot of delicious food to treat the guests. I think the guests should pay attention to health, besides, they are supposed to not move the things in the house, especially personal belongings. I like to take some fruit and flowers when I visit friends and relatives, if they have children I will bring some candy. Hobbies & Leisure: Relax: (what do/out vs. home/ modern life enough time to relax?/more time than in the past/ young vs. old/) I’d like hang out with my friends on weekends than stay at home, there are many things we can do, such as chatting, playing games or sports, even having a picnic. I don’t think there is enough time for people to relax themselves, especially those who worked in the big cities. Hobbies:(got a hobby?what?/expensive hobby in your country?/teenagers like to do?/what hobbies are expensive/new hobbies would like to take up?) I have many hobbies, in spare time I like playing basketball, reading and playing the guitar, but my favorite one is playing

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