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1.The Capital of Wales is _____.

A Swansea

B Cardiff

C Rhonda

D Belfast

2.There are two major national parties in Britain: the Conservative party and _____.

A the Liberal Party

B the Democratic Party

C the Labour Party

D the Republican Party

5. In 1653 _____ was made Lord Protector for life.

A. Oliver Cromwell

B. Charles I

C. William II

11. Norman Conquest began in _____.

A. 1016

B. 1066

C. 1035

16. Charles I was beheaded in _____.

A. 1649

B. 1648

C. 1653

22. The Industrial Revolution laid a good foundation for the _____.

A. factory of the world

B. expansion of markets

C. social upheaval

25. The Great Charter was signed by _____ in 1215.

A. King Henry II

B. King Richard

C. King John

26. In the early 14th century feudalism began to _____ in


A. grow

B. flourish

C. decline

D. end

30. The Anglo-French hostility which began in 1337 and ended in 1453 was known as _____.

A. the Wars of Roses

B. the Hundred Years’ War

C. Peasant Uprising

31. In the first half of 17th century _____ grow rapidly in England.

A. feudalism

B. capitalism

C. Catholicism

41. In 1689 the ―Bill of Rights‖ was passed. _____ began in England.

A. The Constitutional Monarchy

B. All Estates Parliament

C. House of Lancaster

53. The Seven Years War between England and France lasted from _____ to _____.

A. 1756, 1763

B. 1713, 1720

C. 1754, 1761

C. G. B. Shaw & H. G. Wells


2.C 5A 11. B 16 A. 17 A 21. A 22. A 25 C 26.C 30B 31.B 41. A 5


10. In 1086 William had his official to make a general survey of the land, known as _____ Book.

11. The most famous scholar during Anglo-Saxon Times was _____.

12. The Battle of _____ paved the way for the Norman Conquest to England.

13. The Norman Conquest increased the process of _____ which had begun during the Anglo-Saxon Times.

14. Duke William was known in history as William the _____.

15. Along with the Normans came the _____ language.

18. The _____ _____ in 1688 was in nature a coup d’etat.

25. By the treaty of _____ in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of the US.

26. In _____ Britain launched the Opium War against China.

32. The nature of the Wars of the Roses was a _____ _____ war.

33. By the beginning of the Tudor reign the manor system was replaced by the _____ system.

34. In the summer of 1588 the Spanish ships, the _____ _____ was defeated by English ships.

38. During the Civil Wars (1642 – 1648) the supporters of Parliament were called _____ while the supporters of the King Charles I were called _____.

39. In 1653 Cromwell was made _____ _____ for life and started his military dictatorship openly.

1.II. Iberians Romans 43 A.D John Milton Anglo-Saxon Alfred William Lackland Magna Carta Domesday Bede Hastings feudalism Conqueror French Great Council Church Glorious Revolution 6 Nanjing Russia Watt Tyler’s

2. Lancasterians, Yorkists 15th Paris 1840 Chartered international, national Bloody rebirth humanists feudal civil money Invincible Armada Thomas More, Utopia 16th Stuart Roundheads, Cavaliers Lord Protector Paris T ory, Whig universal suffrage Spinning Jenny splendid isolation

Settlement Commonwealth Poland 18th James Watt Spinning Mule Power Loom Industrial Revolution Manchester Act of Supremacy Italy world, 4 Paris Peace Conference Locarno Treaty Germany Winston Churchill cabinet

Political System

1. The British Monarchy is _____.

A. elective

B. democratic

C. hereditary

2. The Constitutional Monarchy started at the end of the _____ century.

A. 17th

B. 16th

C. 15th

3. The _____ is used as a symbol of the whole nation and is described as the representative of the people.

A. Prime Minister

B. Crown

C. Parliament

4. The oldest part of British Parliament is _____.

A. the House of Commons

B. the House of Lords

C. the Charmer

D. the Shadow Cabinet

5. The decision making organ in British Parliament is


A. the Crown

B. the Cabinet

C. Shadow Cabinet

7. The House of Commons consists of _____ members who are elected from the _____ electoral districts.

A. 651, 651

B. 535, 535

C. 635, 635

10. The _____ _____ is the supreme administrative institution.

A. British government

B. British Parliament

C. Opposition

D. Privy Council

11. The _____ is the core of leadership of the British government.

A. Cabinet

B. Privy Council

C. Crown

15. The president (or head) of the House of Lords in Britain is _____.

A. Lord Chancellor

B. Speaker

C. Prime minister

16. _____ was formed by the trade unions, cooperatives,

the Social Democratic Federation, the Independent Labour Party and the Fabian Society in 1900.

A. The Conservative Party

B. The Labour Party

C. The Liberal Party.

17. It is the _____ who organizes the Cabinet and presides over its meetings.

A. Prime Minister

B. Lord President

C. Speaker

28. During the Civil War, the supporters of the King and the Church were known as _____. A. Roundheads B. Loyalists C. the Whigs

1-5CABBB 6-10CAABA 11.A 15.A 16.B 17.A 28.B

I. Fill in the Blanks

23. The two major parties in Britain are the _____ Party and the _____ Party.

24. During the Civil War, the non-Puritan Anglicans who

supported the king and church were known as Cavaliers or _____, the Puritans who supported Parliament were known as Roundheads or _____ _____.

25. In 1833 the T ory changed its name to the _____, and in 1860s the _____ became liberals.

1. Queen Elizabeth II 1952 Prime Minister Crown Crown, Lords, Commons Parliament Queen 13th Commons finance Upper Westminster Palace 1911, 1949 constituencies President of the Chamber Government, Opposition Privy Council No. 10 Downing Street executive, clerical parishes chairman borough, city Conservative, Liberal loyalists, Parliament Men Conservative, Whig grants 5 18 Returning Officer 651 Lords Criminal jury 15, 12 Court, Bar Home Secretary Scotland Yard


12. London is situated on the River of _____.

A. Parret

B. Thames

C. Spey

13. Edinburgh is the capital of _____.

A. England

B. Scotland

C. Wales

33. The contribution made by the Normans to Britain is

the following except _____.

A. final unification of England

B. foundation of aristocracy

C. great administrative progress

D. some peculiarities of dialect

36. The highest mountain in England is _____.

A. Mt. Mourne

B. Mt. Snowdon

C. Mt. Seafell

14. The climate of Britain is moderated by the _____ _____ _____ and is much milder than that of many places in the same latitude.

15. Britain’s Industrial Revolution took place between _____ and _____.


Northwestern Great Britain, Northern Ireland Scottish, Welsh England London Northern Ireland 1921 Ben Nevis Pennines North Sea Thames London Northern Ireland Atlantic Gulf Stream 1750, 1850 1694 57 manufacture Irish Welsh English dark

Scots, Irish Welsh Inner, 20 Edinburgh God Save the Queen North West Clyde England Thames Cardiff coal

15. The English Civil War is also called _____

A. the Glorious Revolution

B. the Bloody Revolution

C. the Catholic Revolution

D. the Puritan Revolution

16. In _____, a small group of Puritans sailed from _____ in the Mayflower to be the first settlers in the New Land.

A. 1620, London

B. 1620, Plymouth

C. 1720, London

D. 1720, Plymouth

17. In the 18th century, there appeared ____ in England, which owed a great deal to the invention of machines.

A. the Industrial Revolution

B. the Bourgeois Revolution

C. the Wars of the Roses

D. the Religious Reformation

14. C 15. D 16. B 17. A

1.Choose the best answer for each of the question


4.Christianity was brought to Britain__________.A.directly by the Roman priests B.directly by traders and soldiers C.directly by the Pope D.indirectly by trader and soldiers

12.The Doomsday Book was completed in__________.A.1083 B.1084 C.1085 D.1086

16.King John was forced to put his seal to Magna Carter__________.

A.on July 9,1215 B.June 19.1215 C.June 14,1381 D.July 15,1318

17.The spirit of Magna Carter was__________.

A.A limitation of the powers of the king B.the foundation of English liberties

C.a limitation of the powers of the barons D.an expansion of the powers of tie king

22.William,Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in

A.1065 B.1066 C.1067 D.1068

60. Parliament has the following functions except______.

A. making law

B. authorizing taxation and public expenditure

C. declaring war and making peace

D. examining the actions of the Government

65. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from the______centuries.

A.l2th and 13th

B. 13th and 14th

C. 14th and 15th

D. 15th and 16th

1A 4 D 9.B 12 D 15 C 16. B 17.A 22. B 36. C 41. A 60. C 65 . A

42. All the following universities and colleges are located in New England, except _____.

A. Yale

B. Harvard

C. Oxford

D. Massachusetts Institute of T echnology

43. The nation’s capital city Washington D.C. and New York are located in _____.

A. the American West

B. the Great Plains


the Midwest D. the Middle Atlantic States

44. The Midwest in America’s most important _____ area.

A. agricultural

B. industrial

C. manufacturing

D. mining industry

51. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by _____.

A. James Madison

B. Thomas Jefferson

C. Alexander Hamilton

D. George Washington

52. On July 4, 1776, _____ adopted the Declaration of Independence.

A. the First Continental Congress

B. the Second Continental Congress

C. the Third Continental Congress

D. the Constitutional Convention

42. C 43. D 44. A 51. B 52. B 55. B 58. C 60. D

II. Fill in the blanks:

11. James I and his son Charles I both believed firmly in ______.

12. During the Civil War, the Cavaliers supported

________, while the Roundheads supported _______. 13. After the Civil War, Oliver Cromwell declared England a ______, later, he became _________.

33. Education after 16 in the UK is divided into _____ and ______.

34. The most-known universities in Britain are _____ and _____ which date from the _____ and _____ centuries.

11. the Divine Right of Kings 12. the king, the Parliament 13. Commonwealth, Lord Protector 33. further education, high education

34. Oxford, Cambridge, 12th, 13th


1 The following were the founding fathers of the American Republic except _____.

A George Washington

B Thomas Jefferson

C William Penn

D Benjamin Franklin

2 The New Deal was started by _____.

A Franklin Roosevelt

B J.K. Kennedy

C George

Washington D Thomas Jefferson

3 The United States was rated _____ in the world in terms of land areas.

A second

B third

C fourth

D fifth

5 The Bill of Rights consists of _____.

A 10 very short paragraphs in an amendment

B 10 amendments adopted in 1787

C 10 amendments added to the Constitution in 1791

D the amendments concerning the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press and the freedom of religion

10 The seats in the Senate are allocated to different states_____.

A according to their population

B according to their size

C according to their tax paid to federal government

D equally

1 C, 华盛顿、杰弗逊和弗兰克林都是美国创建时的元老功勋、而William Penn 是美国宾州的创始人。

2 A, 新政是罗斯福为了应对美国经济大萧条而提出的。

3 C, 就面积而言,美国是世界第四大国。

5 C, 人权法案是于1791年增补到宪法法案上来的前十条


8 D, 美国的许多政治观念都是来源于英国著名哲学家约翰?洛克。

9 C, 曼哈顿是纽约市的著名经济和商业区,也是纽约的中心地带。

10 D, 美国每一个州在参议院中均有两位议员作为代表,与各州人口无关和众议院不同)。

4 The U.S. is called a ―melting pot‖ because _____.

A its steel industry is highly developed C it is an important economic center of the world

B it has great influence on the world D people from different races live there together

5 The first Puritans came to America on the ship _____.

A Codpeed

B Susan Constant

C May Flower

D Discovery

4 D, 美国被称之为―大熔炉‖是因为来自世界各地的人们所带来的各自的文化在此交融形成独特的多元文化特征。

5 C, 首批清教徒到美国时乘坐的船是―五月花号‖。

1. The Judicial Branch is headed by _____.

A. the Supreme Court

B. Congress

C. President

2. The general election in America is held every _____ years.

A. 5

B. 4

C. 6

D. 3

6. The political system of the US is based on the following except _____.

A. federalism

B. the constitutional monarchy

C. the separation of powers

D. respect for the constitution

E. the rule of law

11. The law-making or the legislative body in the government is _____.

A. the Supreme Court

B. the Congress

C. the Cabinet

D. the president’s committee

14. The members in the Senate must be at least _____ years old and those in the Representative _____ years old.

A. 40, 30

B. 30, 26

C. 30, 25

19. If the president wants to put a treaty into effect, he has to get the approval by two thirds of the _____.

A. Senate

B. Cabinet

C. Congress

I. Fill in the Blanks

2. There are _____ voting members in the House of Representatives.

3. Each of the fifty states of US elects _____ senators.

4. There are _____ judges in the Supreme Court of America.

7. The balance is always kept among the three branches of the power of the government and this is called the ―System of _____ and _____‖.

8. The _____ determines the government and divides the power of the government into three branches.

14. The president who was first assassinated in 1865 was _____ _____.

15. The American Congress is made up of two houses: the _____ and the House of _____.

16. In the US the chief function of _____ is to make laws.

17. The Democratic Party grew out of the _____.

20. The head of he House of Representatives is called the _____.

1-5ABABB 6.B 11.B 14.B 19.A

II.1. Supreme Court 435 2 9 Bill of Rights 7, 26 Checks, Balance Constitution White House Impeachment Nixon primary election 4 Abraham Lincoln Senate Congress Anti-Federalism 12 100 Speaker Constitution Republican

17. American Independence Day fall on _____.

A. the 4th of July

B. October 31st

C. March 20th

18. Halloween is a _____.

A. summer festival

B. night-time festival

C. sweethearts’ holiday

D. pilgrims holiday

23. In the US about _____ of all the property is in the possession of one-tenth of the population.

A. half

B. one third

C. two thirds

27. The outstanding characteristic of American society is the diversity of _____.

A. climate

B. industry

C. people

12. _____ is the most popular American drink.

13. The most typical and true national holiday in the US is _____ _____.

15. American children suffer most for their parents’ _____.

16. The American’s favourite meat is _____.

17. The peculiarity of American history made the American spirit of _____ come into being. This spirit is reflected in many aspects of American life.


II.1.baby sitter first nucleus senior 40 hamburger cheese black nigger loneliness new morality coffee Thanksgiving Day self-made divorce steak do-it-yourself New York


2. The following states are among the first thirteen colonies except _____.

A. Maryland

B. South Carolina

C. Delaware

D. Colorado

3. _____ was the first man who sailed around the earth.

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