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◆Geoffrey Chaucer ii

1.简介:Geoffrey Chaucer is the founder of English poetry and a forerunner of humanism.

He was regarded as the founder of English realism. 代表作:Troilus and Criseyde《特洛

伊斯洛与克瑞西达》(改变于意大利);The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》(包

括:“The Prologue”《总序》;“The Wife of Bath”《巴斯妇人》)。

●The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》的影响:①It shows a true-to-life picture

of Chaucer’s time. (之所以说乔叟是The founder of realism,是因为早期英国文学歌

颂英雄(Anglo-Saxon poetry),中期英国文学歌颂骑士精神(The Romance),之后虽然

有了piers the plowman,也不曾直接写社会不公,直到乔叟真实描写中世纪及各层人

民。) ②Taking from the stand of rising bourgeoisie, Chaucer affirms men and opposes

the dogma of asceticism preached by the Church. ③His tales expose and satirize the

evils of his time, attack degeneration of the noble, the corruption of the Church.

2.语言特色/贡献:①He is the first great poet who wrote in the English language. ②He

introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types, especially the Heroic couplet

to English poetry. ③He is good at the terza rima, which makes his language a high style.


◆Thomas More ii

1.简介:Thomas More is an English humanism churchman. 代表作:Utopia《乌托邦》。

2.评价:①More dared to fight against the feudalism ruler and he was a humanist. ②But,

he was no revolutionary in the sense of wishing to arouse the people or to start any

revolutionary movement. ③The system of bondsmen suggested to solve the problem of

social productivity still remains the features of class exploitation. ④He could never find

the means by which socialism could be realized.

◆Francis Bacon

1.简介:He is the founder of English materialist philosophy, the first English essayist and

the founder of English Modern Science. He is the one who introduced essay, the literary

form, to England. 代表作:Advancement of Learning《学问的演进》;New Instrument

《新工具》;The Essays《随笔》(58篇)“Of Studies”《论学习》;“Of Beauty”《论美》;

“Of Wisdom for a Man’s Self”《论自私》。

●“Of Studies”《论学习》:Its message is conveyed with sweeping effect and

overwhelming power, which lie in the unity of the message and the consistence of

forceful argumentations. 内容:The text focuses on one controlling idea——“studies

serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.”

●“Of Beauty”《论美》:Unlike many of his contemporaries, Bacon makes full use of so

meager a vocabulary to explicate his great theme: the criterion of beauty. He makes a

conclusion that only the beauty of virtue can “shine” eternally, beyond time and space.

2.主题/技法:Bacon’s essay writing is classified into Classic Essay. The classic essay is as

comprehensive in subject matters and styles as in all classic literature. In subjects, the

classic essay deals with a variety of themes: philosophy, literary criticism, arts, politics,

history, social problems, travels and other aspects of life. In style, Bacon is weight and

highly sententious. Many of his sentences have become wise old sayings.

◆Edmund Spenser

1.简介:Edmund Spenser was recognized as the “Poet’s poet”. 代表作:The Shepherd’s

Calendar《牧羊人日历》;Epithalamion《结婚曲》;Amoritti《爱情小唱》;The Faerie


●The Spenserian Stanza: It refers to a nine-line-stanza with the following rhyme

scheme: ababbcbcc. The first eight lines are written in iambic pentameter. The ninth line

is written in iambic hexameter which is called an alexandrine.

●The Faerie Queene《仙后》:①A long poem planned in 12 books, of which he

finished only six. ②It is set in the mythical world of King Arthur and his knights. ③

theme: Nationalism, Humanism and Puritanism.

2.地位:①The publication of The Shepherd’s Calendar marked the budding of the

Renaissance flower in the northern island of England(Ireland). ②The language had

changed into Modern English distinguished from the Middle English of Chaucer’s day.

Spenser is the first master to make that language the natural music of his poetic effusions.

③He invented the Spenserian stanza, which became a popular verse form in the historical

development of English poetry.

◆Christopher Marlowe ii

1.简介:Christopher Marlowe was the most preeminent figure among the “university wits”,

as well as the greatest playwright before the rise of Shakespeare. 代表作:Tamburlaine

《帖木儿大帝》(对权力的贪婪);The Jew of Malta《马耳他的犹太人》(对金钱的贪

欲);Doctor Faustus《浮士德博士》。

●Doctor Faustus《浮士德博士》:The play deals with themes including sin,

redemption, and damnation. The chief feature of Faustus’s character is an insatiable

thirst for knowledge. The tragedy of Doctor Faustus is characteristic of a humanist in the

age of Renaissance.

2.社会意义:①Marlowe’s plays show the spirit of the rising bourgeoisie. The heroes of his

plays are typical images of the era of the primitive accumulation of capital. ②The theme

of Marlowe’s plays is the praise of individuality freed from the restraints of medieval

dogmas and law. ③However, the heroes in Marlowe’s plays are merely individualists.

Their individualistic ambition often brings ruin to the world and sometimes to


3.文学成就:①Marlowe was the greatest of the pioneers of English drama. He reformed

the English drama and perfected the language and verse of dramatic works. ②He first

made blank verse the principal instrument of English drama. ③Although his plays lack

of variety in characterization and construction, he was famous for his “mighty line”.

◆William Shakespeare

1.简介:Shakespeare is the most remarkable playwright and poet all over the world. 戏剧


性不够,以诗剧为主要形式却无法摆脱押韵诗的死板僵硬。Henry VI《亨利六世》;

Richard III《理查德三世》;The Comedy of Errors《错中错》;The Taming of the Shrew

《驯悍记》;Love’s Labour’s Lost《爱的徒劳》;Romeo and Juliet《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。


痛,人物成熟饱满,史料丰富,采用马洛的无韵诗写法。Richard II《理查德二世》;

Henry IV《亨利四世》;Henry V《亨利五世》;The Merry Wives of Windsor《温莎的风

流娘们》;Julius Caesar《朱利尤斯·凯撒》;伟大喜剧“Great Comedies”——A

Midsummer Night’s Dream《仲夏夜之梦》,The Merchant of Venice《威尼斯商人》;As

You Like it《皆大欢喜》;Twelfth Night《第十二夜》。③1601-1607伟大悲剧时期,

由于社会剧变,作品悲观。All’s Well That Ends Well《终成眷属》;Measure for Measure

《一报还一报》;Antony and Cleopatra《安东尼和克里奥佩特拉》;伟大悲剧“Great

Tragedies”——Hamlet《哈姆莱特》;Othello《奥赛罗》;King Lear《李尔王》;Macbeth

《麦克白》。④传奇剧时代。Cymbeline《辛白林》;The Winter’s Tale《冬天的童话》;

The Tempest《暴风雨》;Henry VIII《亨利八世》。⑤诗歌:Venus and Adonis《维纳

斯和阿多尼斯》;The Rape of Lucrece《鲁克丽丝受辱记》;Sonnets《十四行诗集》。

◆Ben Jonson

1.简介:Ben Jonson was one of the leading dramatists of the Renaissance period. 代表作:

Every Man in His Humour《个性互异》;Volpone, or the Fox《福尔蓬奈》(或《狐狸》);

The Alchemist《炼金术士》;Bartholomew Fair《巴梭罗缪市集》。

2.作品特点:①Jonson’s comedies are “comedies of humours”. His portrayal of characters

is one-sided, flat, and lacking development instead of being round and flexible. ②

Jonson took a firm stand for the “three unities”(time, place and action) and strongly

disapproved of a mixture of serious and comic episodes in a play. ③He advocates a

truthful and realistic description of life and people. He was a forerunner of classicism in

English literature.


◆John Milton

1.简介:John Milton is the third greatest English poet after Chaucer and Shakespeare. 早期


his Deceased Wife”《致亡妻》;Areopagirica《论出版自由》;Defence of the English


处死查理一世,米尔顿写此文为英国人民辩护。);Paradise Lost《失乐园》;Paradise

Regained《复乐园》;Samson Agonistes《力士参孙》。

●Paradise Lost《失乐园》: 概况:Paradise lost, consisting of 12 books, naturally

divides into three equal parts of four books each. The stories were taken from the Old

Testament and written in blank verse. In this work Milton tried to answer the old

question challenging all Christians, namely: if God is all-good and all-powerful, why is

there so much suffering and evil in this world? 主题:There are three striking aspects of

his intention can be felt in this epic: his faith in God, his inclination for classicism, and

his yearning for reformation and freedom. 人物:①Satan, though defeated, still

sought revenge, is the most striking character in the poem. Though feebler in force, he

remains superior in nobility, since he prefers independence to happy servility. Satan is

the spirit of questioning the authority of God. ②In the poem God is no better than a

selfish despot, seated upon a throne with a chorus of angels about him eternally singing

his praises. However, we can never take it for granted that Milton is attacking God. The

God Milton cursed was, in fact, not the Christian Providence but a mere symbol for

anything he believed to be bad or immoral. ③Adam and Eve embody Milton’s belief

in the powers of man.

2.贡献/技法:①Milton was political in both his life and his art. ②He wrote the greatest

epic in English literature. He and Shakespeare have always been regarded as two patterns

of English verse. ③He is a master of the blank verse. He first used blank verse in

non-dramatic works. ④He is a great stylist. He is famous for his grand style. (a). His

style is characterized with the epic elements in it. (b). He always inverse the word order.

(c). His writing is circumlocution (累赘的陈述). (d). His use of immensely long sentences and

the epanalepsis (语句间隔反复) ⑤He has always been admired for his sublimity of thought

and majesty of expression.


◆Alexander Pope

1.简介:Alexander Pope was known as representative of the Enlightenment. He is one of

the first to introduce rationalism into England. He believed in the necessity of universal

education, especially that of social morality, classic culture and scientific knowledge. He

also assumed the role of champion of traditional civilization. (为什么说他是启蒙运动的

代表)。代表作:Essay on Criticism《论批评》(用英雄双韵体作);The Rape of the Lock

《卷发遇劫记》;The Dunciad《群愚史记》;Essay on Man《人论》(启蒙主义重要的


2.成就/局限性:①Pope was an outstanding enlightener and the greatest English poet of

the classical school in the first half of the 18th century. He usually writes in the form of

heroic couplets. ②His style is direct and compact. ③He was at his best in satire and

epigram. Almost all his works are satires. He is good at saying brilliant and true things in

a sparkling way. But he lacked the lyrical gift.

◆Daniel Defoe(赏析)ii

1.Desert Island Fiction:is a form of fiction in which a remote and uncivilized island is

used as the venue of the story and action. Usually it can be placed right outside the “real”

world and may be an image of the ideal, unspoiled or primitive existence, for it is often

presented as an example of inner goodness, bravery, dignity and nobility, or adolescent

innocence and purity uncorrupted by the evil force in civilization.

2.写作技巧:Defoe wrote in a plain factual, almost documentary style without elaborate,

romantic extravagances and encouraged the development of realistic fiction. His

vocabulary is colloquial, uncoloured and free-running, but firm and concrete. The

first-person narration is vivid, authentic and impressive with unadorned realism. Defoe

creates, with no sigh of deliberate intent, the realistic fiction——the dominant literary

form for the following centuries.

3.内容:Here Defoe describes how the hero, after years of solitude and hardships, managed

to construct for himself a habitable and even prosperous settlement by his unaided effort.

殖民主义表现:Actually Crusoe did more than mere survival, for he established a

plantation, opened up a colony, and created even a civilization in the wilderness. 人物精

神:Defoe presents here in Crusoe a heroic image of the bourgeois man, a man who is

daring, persistent, resourceful and ambitious, adventurous, enterprising as well; a man

who richly represents the spirit of capitalism. 赞颂了:The adventure romance becomes

an optimistic song of humanity, singing of man’s ability to survive, his courage to

struggle against nature, his ambition to conquer new land.

◆Henry Fielding

1.简介:Henry Fielding is the founder of the English realistic school in literature with

Samuel Richardson. 代表作:Joseph Andrews《约瑟夫·安德鲁》;Jonathan Wild《大

伟人乔纳森·魏尔德》;Tom Jones《汤姆·琼斯》。

2.特点:①Fielding is the founder of the English realistic novel and sets up the theory of

realism in literary creation. ②Fielding’s way in telling the story of a novel is the story

may be told by the author. ③Fielding’s way of satire is to slash the evils of the corrupt

ruling classes as in Jonathan Wild.

◆Jonathan Swift

1.简介:Jonathan Swift was an Irish satirist, essayist, poet and political pamphleteer. 代表

作:The Battle of the Books《书战》;A Tale of a Tub《一个木桶的故事》;Bickerstaff

Almanac《比克斯塔辅历书》;Gulliver’s Travels《格列夫游记》;The Drapier’s Letters

《一个麻布商的来信》;A Modest Proposal《一个小小的建议》。

2.风格:①Swift is one of the greatest masters of English prose. His language is simple,

clear and vigorous. He said, “Proper words in proper places, makes the true definition of a

style.”②He is a master satirist and his irony is deadly.

◆William Blake(前浪漫主义诗人)

1.简介:William Blake is a British poet, painter and engraver. 代表作:Songs of Innocence

《天真之歌》;Songs of Experience《经验之歌》;The Marriage of Heaven and Hell《天


2.地位:①The whole temper of Blake’s genius was essentially opposed to the classical

tradition of that age. ②His lyric poetry displays the characteristics of the romantic spirit.

③Blake’s revolutionary passion came near that of Shelly.



1.时间:At the turn of the18th and 19th centuries, romanticism appeared in England as a

new trend in literature. It rose and grew under the impetus of the Industrial Revolution

and French Revolution.

2.①The Romantic Period is one of poetical revival. It is a period of poetry. Emotion,

imagination and intuition of humankind are what the romanticists emphasize in their

works. ②The general feature of the works of the romanticists is the dissatisfaction with

the bourgeois society. ③They pay more attention to the spiritual and emotional life of

man. Nature plays an important role in their works.

◆William Wordsworth (湖畔诗人,消极浪漫主义诗人,早期浪漫主义诗人)

1.简介:The representative of the passive Romantic poets, who expressed the deepest

and Coleridge jointly published the Lyrical Ballads《抒情歌谣集》in 1798.

●The preface to the Lyrical Ballads: (诗歌创作原则) ①Wordsworth based his own

poetical principle on the premise that “all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of

powerful feeling”. He appealed to individual sensation as the foundation in the creation

and appreciation of poetry. ②Poetry “takes its origin from emotion recollected in

tranquility”. ③诗歌要用普通人的语言写普通生活中的普通事。

2.代表作:“To the Cuckoo”《致杜鹃》;“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”《我如行云独自

游》;“She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways”《独自幽居》(Lucy Poems中的一首);

“I Travelled among Unknown Men”《我曾在海外的异乡漫游》。

3.写作手法/特色:simplicity and purity of his language; His theme is “back to nature”

which is originated from his dissatisfaction with the social reality under capitalism;

Nearly all of his good poetry was written during the first decade of his literary career.

◆Samuel Taylor Coleridge

1.简介:Samuel Taylor Coleridge was the first critic of the Romantic school. 代表作:“The

Rime of the Ancient Mariner”《古舟子咏》;“Kubla Khan”《忽必烈汗》;Biographia

Literaria, or Sketches of My Literary Life and Opinions《文学传记或我的文学生涯和文


2.贡献:His Biographia Literaria afforded the new Romantic poetry a new principle of

criticism, whose task was not to judge but to appreciate and interpret.

◆George Gordon Byron (晚期浪漫主义诗人,积极浪漫主义时期)

1.简介:Byron is one of the greatest romantic poets in England. He created the “Byronic

hero”, which had a great influence in the literary field. 代表作:Childe Harold’s

Pilgrimage《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》;The Prisoner of Chillon《锡隆的囚徒》;Don Juan

《唐璜》;“She Walks in Beauty”《她走在美的光影中》;“Elegy on Thyrza”《赛沙挽

歌》(即:“And Thou Art Dead”《你已经长逝》);“Elegy”《挽歌》。

●“And Thou Art Dead”《你已经长逝》:It is an elegiac poem written by Byron who

attempts to express his feelings of loss upon the death of an oriental girl and also show

his great affection to this young beautiful lady.

●Byronic heroes(拜伦式英雄):It refers to characters described in Byron’s works

who are men with fiery passions and unbending will and express the poet’s own ideal of

freedom. 缺点:These heroes rise against tyranny and injustice, but they are merely lone

fighters striving for personal freedom and some individualistic ends.

◆Percy Bysshe Shelley

1.简介:Shelley and Byron are justifiably regarded as two great poets of revolutionary

romanticism in England. He loved the people and hated their oppressors and exploiters.

He called on the people to overthrow the rule of tyranny and injustice and prophesied a

happy and free future for mankind. 代表作:Queen Mab《麦布女王》;The Revolt of Islam

《伊斯兰的起义》;Prometheus Unbound《解放了的普罗米修斯》;The Masque of

Anarchy《假面的游行》;Adonais《阿多尼》(给济慈写的挽歌);A Defence of Poetry

《诗辩》(散文);“Ode to the West Wind”《西风颂》;“One Word is Too Often Profaned”

《有一个字常被人亵渎》;“To a Sky-Lark”《致云雀》。

●Queen Mab《麦布女王》:It is a revolutionary poem. It contains almost all Shelley’s

major social and political ideas. 缺:However,. Shelley in this poem was mealy a

Utopian-socialist in views, looking forward to a happy future for mankind but rejecting

the path of revolution by violence.

◆John Keats

1.简介:A representative of the second generation English Romantic poets. 代表作:长诗:

Endymion《恩底弥翁》(纪念Thomas Chatterton,女神与美丽的牧羊人);Isabella《伊


天守护他);The Eve of St. Agnes《圣阿格尼斯前夜》(与罗密欧朱丽叶的故事相似,


蛇传》,蛇女爱上凡人)。短诗:“Ode to a Nightingale”《夜莺颂》;“Ode on a Grecian Urn”《希腊古瓮颂》;“To Autumn”《秋颂》。

●“Ode on a Grecian Urn”《希腊古瓮颂》: (部分内容赏析)Though the sculpture on

the urn were quiet forms, the human beauty and love captured in the figures on its freeze

can never fade or die as they do in real life. Thus the urn remains forever a testimony

that “beauty is truth, truth beauty”, for its silent loveliness has the profound stability of

the eternal.

●“To Autumn”《秋颂》:(部分内容赏析)Although the last stanza falls on a mixed

note of subdued joy and mild melancholy, the whole poem gives us vivid and delightful

scenes of the rural environment in the autumn season. Keats celebrates the world of

nature in the autumn season, with “autumn” personified as a figure in various autumnal

landscapes. He describes the fruitfulness of autumn, the sound of autumn and the color

of autumn.

●“Ode to a Nightingale”《夜莺颂》:(部分内容赏析)In this ode, Keats not only

expresses his raptures upon hearing the beautiful songs of the nightingale and his desire

to go to the ethereal world of beauty together with the bird, bur he also shows his deep

sympathy for and his keen understanding oh human miseries in the society in which he


2.手法/特色:①独特之处:He belongs to the school of romanticism, but unlike Byron and

Shelley, he was not active in the expression of his radically political sympathies. He restricted his application of the principle of liberty to the sphere of art only. The artistic aim in his poetry was always to create a beautiful world of imagination as opposed to the sordid reality of his day. He wrote for beauty, his leading principle is: “Beauty in truth, truth in beauty.”②作诗技巧:He expresses the delight which comes not only through the eye and the ear but through the senses of touch, taste and smell. So Keats has always been known as a sensuous poet. ③对艺术执着的原因:At the bottom of his poems lies his dissatisfaction with the society in which he lived and experienced great miseries and sufferings.


1.时代背景:In the 19th century periodicals increased and modern magazines sprang up.

They were instrumental to the rapid development of essays, both formal and informal, which became very popular. 主要的散文家:Under this encouragement appeared a number of brilliant essayists, such as Lamb, Hazlitt, Hunt and De Quincy. 时代大事件:

These prose-writer worked under the influence of the French Revolution in politics and of the Romantic Movement in literature. 他们的风格:They did not write according to the old rules and models of classicism but made the informal essay a pliable vehicle for expressing the writer’s own personality, thus bringing into English literature the familiar essay(小品文). This new form of literature is best represented by Lamb.

2.Charles Lamb

①简介:Charles Lamb was important in English literature for his contribution to the

essays. 代表作:His most well known literary work is Tales from Shakespeare《莎士比

亚戏剧故事集》, which he wrote with his sister;Essays of Elia《伊利亚随笔集》。

②散文特点:A. The most striking feature of Lamb’s essays is his humor. Laughter in his

essays is often mingled with tears and there is sadness behind his humor. B. His essays

are full of long and curious words. C. He was a romanticist, but his romanticism was the

romanticist of the city. His imagination was fired with the busy life of London.

3.William Hazlitt

①简介:Hazlitt’s first fame came as literary critic. 代表作:Lectures on the English

Poets《评英国诗人》;The English Comic Writers《评英国戏剧作家》(对复辟时期喜

剧的评价);Table Talk《桌边闲谈》;Sketches and Essays《札记与散文》。

②浪漫主义文学批评的特点:Hazlitt is one of the representatives of Romantic criticism

who took individual taste as the foundation of literary criticism, instead of universal


◆Walter Scott

1.简介:Walter Scott fathered the historical novel in England and Europe. His chief

achievement was the 20 novels he wrote, which have given him a unique place in the

literary history. 代表作:Waverley《威弗利》(苏格兰史);Rob Roy《罗伯·罗伊》(苏


2.写作特征:①Scott has an outstanding gift of vivifying the past. ②In his novels,

historical events are closely interwoven with the fates of individuals. ③Scott’s literary

career marks the transition from romanticism to realism in English literature of the 19th



◆Charles Dickens(赏析)ii

1.Problem novel:(问题小说)Problem novel, “the type of prose fiction that derives its

chief interest from working out, through characters and incidents, some central problem”,

is often considered a sub-type of realism and naturalism. More or less it focuses on social

reality or actual experience rather than psychological presentation. Problem novels’

exposures are at most satiric, ironic and sometimes exaggerated to a dramatic extent.

2.背景:Hard Times is perhaps the most successful novel to satirize “the effects of the

Industrial Revolution in Northern England”. Under Dicken s’pen, Coketown, which is

portrayed as “a triumph of fact”and having “no greater taint of fancy in it,”gives a

striking impression of pollutedness and monotony——the negative effects of the

Industrial Revolution. 主题:The novel investigates the central issues of “the clash

between fact and fancy”and “the need for a healthy imaginative life with a proper

balance for work and play.”Here Dickens aims his criticism mainly at the theory of

utilitarianism——the keynote of the novel, which constructs the value problem of the

mid-nineteenth-century English society as well as the central theme of Hard Times. 工业

化的主要思潮实用主义对当时社会与人们带来的负面影响:The mentality of

industrialization, in Dickens’Hard Times at least, corresponds well with the idea of

utilitarianism, and as far as the city of Coketown is concerned, has produced devastating

effects, not only upon the city itself, but also upon the people who dwell there. For one

thing, Coketown is turned into a hell of filth, lacking diversity and liveliness; for another,

one group of people like Gradgrind act according to their principles of self-interest,

devoid of fancy, imagination and human compassions. Another group is rendered as

characters filled with kindness, forming a conspicuous contrast with the utilitarian and

selfish people.

3.简介:Charles Dickens was the greatest representative of English critical realism. 代表

作:Sketches by Boz《博兹随笔》;The Pickwick Papers《匹克威克外传》;Oliver Twist

《雾都孤儿》;Nicholas Nickleby《尼古拉斯·尼克尔贝》;The Old Curiosity Shop《老

古玩店》;Martin Chuzzlewit《马丁·瞿述伟》;A Christmas Carol《圣诞颂歌》;The

Chimes《钟声》;The Cricket on the Hearty《炉边蟋蟀》;Dombey and son《董贝父子》;

David Cropperfield《大卫·科波菲尔》;Bleak House《荒凉山庄》;Hard Times《艰难

时刻》;Little Dorrit《小杜丽》;A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》;Great Expectations《远

大前程》;Our Mutual Friend《我们共同的朋友》。

4.作品特色:①As a novelist, Dickens is remembered first of all for his character-portrayal.

Every character his creative finger touched comes alive. ②Another feature of Dickens’

fictional art is his humour and satire. ③In terms of the construction in Dickens’ novels,

the main plot is often interwoven with more than one sub-plot. ④Dickens is remembered

not for one masterpiece but for a creative world.

◆Charlotte Bronte(赏析)ii

1.Feminist novel:General speaking, the term “feminist novel”refers to works about

women by women novelists. It first appeared in England during the second half of the 18th

century and developed in the 19th and the 20th centuries.

2.总述:Jane Eyre is Charlotte Bronte’s best literary production. The novel is

autobiographical, in that it clearly leans on Charlotte’s own experience as a governess and

the feeling of humiliation it produces in her. It is a novel of passion, love and mystery. 人

物:Edward Rochester is a proud, masterful, sardonic character, seemingly harsh and

morose. Jane is plain and slight in build, but she has a willfulness and spiritedness of her

own and can give as good as she gets in a war of words, even with her domineering

master. Jane Eyre, through the first-person narrative, becomes an intensely real heroine.

From her speech about love, we can learn that the humblest person also has the right to

affection and self-realization, honesty and integrity. Love doesn’t mean an equality in a

legal or political sense, but an equality in emotion and spirit.

◆Emily Bronte (赏析)ii

1.Wuthering Heights is noted for its intense psychological description. 题目:“Heights”

means “high place.”“Wuthering” is a significant provincial adjective used to describe the

sound of north wind blowing in stormy weather. The author chose this title in order to tell

the readers about what happened in this terrible stormy weather. In this high place,

there’re few people, only this terrible sound “wuthering”. 叙事手法:Beginning near the

denouement and tracing back to the events long before, the story is unfolded in an

unusual way, and told chiefly by two narrators——Lockwood and Nelly Dean, with

supplementary material like Catherine’s diary. Having the story related to Lockwood by

Nelly removes the reader from direct contact with the wild and improbable events

described. Through these twin mediums, the events of Wuthering Heights are credible to

the readers. 场景:The two houses, Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, embody

the two major principles of life in this novel: storm and calm. The inhabitants of the

Heights seem to be creature of the storm and violence is their natural language. 人物名

称:Emily Bronte’s purpose in using the name Cathy for the first Catherine’s daughter is

to show the damage one generation does to the subsequent one. Cathy marries her cousin

and becomes Catherine Heathcliff, the name her mother might have had. The name

Heathcliff is the combination of heath and cliff, which means some weed growing on the

cliff. One can find that the road to Wuthering Heights was covered with heath. This name

indicates Heathcliff’s character: stubborn, self-reliance. 主题:The theme of this novel is

the extreme love and hatred.

◆George Eliot

1.简介:Most of George Eliot’s works dealt with moral problems and contained

psychological studies of character. 代表作:Adam Bede《亚当贝德》;The Mill on the

Floss《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》;Silas Marner《织工马南》;Middlemarch《米德尔马锲》。

2.特点:①Her characters were not grotesque types, but real common men and women,

whose psychology Eliot revealed very skillfully to the reader. ②Her works to some

extend marks retrogression: She shifted the centre of gravity in the novel from the social

problems to the problems of religion and morality. She cherished the illusion that

humanity and love could do away with the evils of capitalism.


◆Matthew Arnold

1.简介:As a poet, Arnold provides an example of “a sick individual in a sick society”.

Apparently dissatisfied with the reflective poetry he was writing, he turned to literary and

social criticism. 代表作:“Dover Beach”《多弗海岸》;Essays in Criticism《评论文集》;

Culture and Anarchy《文化与无政府主义》。

2.文学批评原则:①“Disinterestedness” is the first necessity in a literary critic. ②The

function of literary criticism is to find and propagate the best which has been thought and

said in the world. ③He paid great attention to the moral values of poetry.

3.社会批评:①Arnold’s social criticism deals with the whole structure of English

civilization and culture. ②According to him, English society of his time was composed

of “Barbarians, Philistines and Populace”. ③Arnold believed that the world of the future

would be a middle-class world and the middle classes could be educated to be better

qualified for the task of governing the country.

◆Alfred Tennyson

1.简介:Alfred Tennyson, the most important poet of the Victorian Age. 代表作:“Break,

Break, Break”《碎了,碎了,碎了》;Maud《莫德》;The Idylls of the King《国王叙


败笔。);In Memoriam《悼念》。

2.评价:Tennyson was a typical poet of the self-complacent Victorian middle-classes.

◆Robert Browning

1.简介:Browning and Tennyson were the two most important poets of the Victorian Period.

代表作:Strafford《斯特拉福》;Pippa Passes《皮帕经过》;The Ring and the Book《指

环与书》;Dramatic Lyrics《戏剧抒情诗》;Dramatic Romances and Lyrics《戏剧浪漫

诗与抒情诗》;Dramatic Personae《戏剧人生》。

2.特点:Browning’s principal achievement lies in his introducing to English poetry a new

form, the dramatic monologue.


◆Thomas Hardy(赏析)ii

1.地方色彩小说:角色:Tess was presented by Hardy as “a pure woman”. Her tragedy

exposes the prudery and hypocrisy of Victorian society and the injustice of society’s attitude to women. Her tragedy, in fact, is a tragedy of Victorian society which rejected a real human being. In this chapter, Hardy successfully exposed Angel’s psychological insight and created a person who is torn between the traditional dogma and his love to Tess. He refuses the traditional principle, but in his mind he cannot abandon its fetter. It is hi s conflict that makes him a suffering human being but also inevitably inflicts suffering on others.

2.简介:Thomas Hardy is one of the representatives of English critical realism at the turn of

the 20th century. 代表作:Under the Greenwood Tree《绿荫下》;Far From the Madding Crowd《远离尘嚣》;The Return of the Native《还乡》;The Mayor of Casterbridge《卡

斯特桥市长》;Tess of the D’Urbervilles《德伯家的苔丝》;Jude the Obscure《无名的


3.主题/人物:①The main theme of Hardy’s novels is the conflict between the necessity to

express honestly what human beings are actually like and the taboo on doing so in contemporary English society. (Tess and Jude are destroyed by Victorian prudery, hypocrisy, and intolerance, that’s why Hardy’s novels were attacked by the critics at his time.); ②Another theme of Hardy’s novel is oneness with Nature. ③Many of Hardy’s central characters were described as psychologically disturbed and spiritually anguished.

They pursue passionate emotion and rich spiritual life. They are tormented by the frustration in love and the difficulty in finding harmony of mind and body.

4.特点:①His principal works are the Wessex Novels, i.e. , the novels describing the

characters and environment of his native countryside. ②According to Hardy’s pessimistic philosophy, mankind is subjected to the rule of some hostile mysterious fate, which brings misfortune into human life.

◆John Galsworthy(赏析)ii

1.Saga Novels(世家小说)The saga is a medieval legend of Iceland and Scandinavia,

usually narrating about the life of a famous hero or the history of a prominent family or an expedition of legendary kings and warriors.

2.人物:The Man of Property, the first novel of the Forsyte Saga, presents John

Galsworthy’s definition of Fosytism referring to the typical English kind of bourgeois morality and social attitudes. Hereby, the author criticizes Forsytes’consciousness on property through a character names Soames Forsyte, who is a thoroughly materialist man with a compulsion to own things.

3.福尔赛世家代表了:Galsworthy saw the Forsytes as archetypically English, and their

dynastic development as a microcosm of English history in real time. The Forsyte sage preserves a view of the contemporary upper middle class in Galsworthy’s life.

4.技法:①Galsworthy is remarkable for his powerful, brilliant characterization with deep

psychological analysis. ②His calm, impersonal third person point of view contributes to the development of the plot with both round and flat characters. ③Galsworthy seldom resorts to modern techniques of symbolism. 主题:The man of property is typically a continuation of the 19th century critical realism aiming at offering a satirical portrayal of the falling English bourgeoisie and ruthless exposure of the greed and hypocrisy of the

ruling class.

5.简介:Galsworthy is one of the most prominent of the twentieth century English realistic

writers. 代表作:The Forsyte Sage《福尔赛世家》;A Modern Comedy《现代喜剧》。

◆James Joyce(赏析)I

1.Epiphany: means a sudden spiritual manifestation in which the whatness of a common

object or gesture appears radiant to the observer.

2.意识流:As a narrative approach, stream of consciousness was not developed fully until

James Joyce who used it in Ulysses. 作品地位:Ulysses, a modernist reconstruction of

Homer’s Odyssey, was James Joyce’s first epic-length novel. It is most famous for using a

variant of the interior monologue known as the stream-of-consciousness technique. 技法/

理念:To him : ①Words have shades of meanings and sound that release feelings below

your conscious awareness. ②Words can also release a chain of thoughts and memories.

③Words also have symbolic value.

3.简介:James Joyce was an Irish. His books were all written about Dublin and he believed

that by writing about Dublin he was at the same time penetrating the hearts of all cities

and all mankind. 代表作:Dubliners《都柏林人》;A Portrait of the Artist as an Young

Man《青年艺术家的肖像》;Ulysses《尤利西斯》;Finnegans Wake《芬尼根的觉醒》。

4.特点:James Joyce was one of the most original novelists of the 20th century, whose work

shows a unique synthesis of realism, the “stream of consciousness” and symbolism. His

masterpiece Ulysses has been called “a modern prose epic”.

◆George Bernard Shaw

1.代表作:Plays Unpleasant(不愉快的戏剧集):Widower s’ Houses《鳏夫的遗产》;Mrs.

Warren’s Profession《华伦夫人的职业》。Plays Pleasant(愉快的戏剧集):Candida《康

蒂坦》;Arms and Man《武器和人》。The Devil’s Disciple《魔鬼的门徒》;Pygmalion

《卖花女》;Major Barbara《芭芭拉上校》;Heartbreak House《伤心之家》;The Apple

Cart《苹果车》;Saint Joan《圣女贞德》;The Philanderer《登徒子》。

2.He achieved mainly by the brilliant dialogues between the characters, instead of the

structures of the plot. Shaw was against “art for art’s sake”.

◆David Herbert Lawrence(赏析)I

1.Psychological novel/fiction:(心理小说)Psychological novel is a vague term to describe

that kind of fiction which is for the most part concerned with the spiritual, emotional and

mental lives of the characters and with the analysis of characters rather than with the plot

and the action.

2.Oedipus Complex is a Freudian term originating from a Greek tragedy, in which King

Oedipus unknowingly killed his father and married his mother. Oedipus Complex is a

group of largely unconscious ideas and feelings which centers around the desire to

possess the parent of the opposite sex and eliminate the parent of the same sex. D. H.

Lawrence described this complex in his novel Sons and Lovers, in which the son has

passion toward his mother and desire to possess her.

3.主题:①The central theme of the novel is the intense relationship between mother and

son. ②The other theme is the polarity between conventional sexual purity and liberated

sexual response. To Lawrence, sexual desire was not just “normal”but a uniquely

precious thing. He opposed violently all restraints on the sexual life—religious, moral, or

merely social. Paul的女友们:Miriam and Clara symbolized two pole of an axis: one

spiritual and pure, the other lewd, representing a mistaken dualism of body and soul. Paul

could not gain complete satisfaction from either. What Lawrence managed to suggest in

this novel is “Life is only bearable when the mind and body are in harmony, and there is a

natural balance between them, and each has a natural respect for the other.”母亲这一角

色:In the background of the novel is the pain of Paul’s mother’s unfulfilled life, which

ends with the physical pain of cancer. Gertrude Morel tries to find in her sons the

fulfillment she has failed to find in her husband. In the course of her intense and

passionate devotion to them, she arouses in her sons a reciprocal attachment which is

essentially unhealthy and fails to establish her sons as self-sufficient and independent

individuals. Paul has to fight her to find his own life.

4.手法:①Lawrence employed a loose, few-flowing, episodic form of narration. ②He

rejected the literary tradition which assigns to each person a fixed and definite character.

③Lawrence is a master of the symbol in the psychological sense. He made the landscape

and the seasons appropriate to the mood of characters.

5.简介:Lawrence is a master of symbolism in the psychological field. Unlike later

psychological novelists, Lawrence never used any techniques like

stream-of-consciousness. 代表作:Sons and lovers《儿子和情人》;The Rainbow《虹》;

Women in Love《恋爱中的女人》;Lady Chatterley’s Lover《查特莱夫人的情人》;The

White Peacock《白孔雀》;The Rocking-Horse Winner《木马赢家》。

6.评价:For quite a long time, Lawrence’s novels were associated with pornography and

decadent morality. In fact, this is a misconception. Lawrence was dissatisfied with the

Western industrial civilization and advocated the principle of saving the decaying

civilization through a rearrangement of personal relationships, especially a rearrangement

of the relationship between men and women.


1.时代背景:Modernist poetry in England is generally considered to have emerged in the

early years of the 20th century with the appearance of the Imagists. At that time, science

and technology had advanced beyond the utmost bound of human thought. Evolutionism,

Skepticism and materialism brought pessimism, passivism and misanthropy. The poet,

however, immediately observed the humiliation and the degradation of man. To the poet,

a vision of the meaningless and trivial human world revealed itself. 代表人物:In

common with many other modernists, poets like W. B. Yeats wrote in reaction to the

perceived excesses of Victorian poetry, with its emphasis on traditional formalism and

ornate diction. The imagist poets represented by Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot employ new

methods to create their poems.主题:The poets paid more attention to the devastating

wars. Cares about the position of Modern Man; the alienation of Modern Man; the

psychological identity of Modern Man; the soul-body relationship (to the poets of modern

times the two are often separate from each other); the life-art relationship(In modern

poetry, man’s life is often practical, mechanical and trivial, deprived of artistic content.)

and the salvation of modern man. 特色:Much of early modernist poetry took the form of

short compact lyrics. As it developed, however, longer poems came to the fore. [具体人


◆Ezra Pound

1.Imagism(意象主义):The Imagist poem was the invention of a small group of English

and American poets who came together in the first years of the 20th century to work out some new way of writing poem. The Imagist poetry is a kind of free verse aiming at hard and dry clarity and precision in representing natural objects and ideas.

2.简介:Ezra Pound was identified as the father of modern American poetry and the most

influential leader of the Imagist Movement. 代表作:“In a Station of the Metro”《在地

铁站里》;The Cantos《诗章》(He is attempt to impose, through art, order and meaning upon a chaotic and meaningless world.)。

●“In a Station of the Metro”《在地铁站里》:This is a classic example of the Imagist

poetry. “The object” to be treated is the faces in that dim and damp context.

3.特色:He tried to derive standards from the cultures of the past and resurrect lost

principles of order. He is influenced by ancient Chinese culture and especially by Confucius.

◆William Butler Yeats

1.简介:Yeats lived in the time of Irish nationalist awareness and aspiration, entered the

nationalist movement, and gave leadership to the parallel cultural movement that was to be known as the Irish Revival. He is best remembered as a poet, and generally acknowledged as the foremost poet in modern times. 代表作:“Sailing to Byzantium”《航

向拜占庭》;“Leda and the Swan”《丽达与天鹅》;“The Tower”《塔》;“A Vision”《幻

象》;“The Second Coming”《二次圣临》;“The Winding Stair”《盘旋的楼梯》。

●“Sailing to Byzantium”《航向拜占庭》:In the mind of Yeats, Byzantium is the

symbol of art, of eternity, of oneness of material and spiritual worlds, and the world

beyond and above natural and social changes; The reaching in Byzantium depends on

oneness of the soul and flesh. The oneness is destroyed by the young and the old at the

same time, the former the flesh without soul, and the latter the soul without flesh;

Sailing to Byzantium is fulfilled when the speaker makes his soul eternal, and finds the

golden bird and reside the eternal soul in it; The golden bird is a symbol of art, of

eternity, of oneness of soul and flesh and of the poem itself.

●“Leda and the Swan”《丽达与天鹅》:History, according to Yeats, has been cycling

forward, or advancing in cycles. The bird’s rape of the human, the coupling of god and

woman, occurred at the moment at which one epoch ended and another began. And at

the end of this epoch, another Leda would open her knees to the swan and begins a new

age. And history, in its cycling forward, is marked by such antinomies (自相矛盾) as of

violence and gentleness of brute blood and civil property, of power and knowledge.

2.他的理论:Gyre Theory(螺旋理论):Gyre theory refers to an elaborate theory of history

developed by Yeats from his study of Irish history and legends. He believed that all history or human experience follows a circular, spiral pattern which repeats itself over and over on different levels.

◆Thomas Stearns Eliot【2009】

1.简介:T. S. Eliot, poet, dramatist and critic, was a leader of the modernist movement in

English poetry and a great innovator of verse technique. He profoundly influenced 20th

century English poetry between World Wars I and II. 代表作:The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock《杰·阿尔弗雷德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》;The Waste Land《荒原》;Murder in the Cathedral《大教堂凶杀案》(现代宗教剧);Four Quartets《四个四重奏》(哲学

诗歌);The Sacred Wood《圣林》;Tradition and the Individual Talent《传统与个人才


●The Waste Land《荒原》:It was a landmark in English poetry, ending the Romantic

period and signifying the emergence of Modernism. 包含五个部分The Burial of the

Dead《死者的葬礼》;A Game of Chess《对弈》;The First Sermon《第一个训诫》;

Death by the Water《水边之死》;What the Thunder Said《闪电的话语》。This poem gave

a picture of the spiritual ruins in Europe shortly after the end of World War I, and

expressed the disillusionment of a generation of intellectuals.

●The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock《杰·阿尔弗雷德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》:The

title implies the ironic contrast between the romantic suggestions of “the love song” and

the dully prosaic (平凡的) name of the persona, “J. Alfred Prufrock”. Prufrock’s speech is

of no clarity, connectivity or sequence at all. The poem introduces new techniques, and

the new techniques fit well with the new themes, among which is the modern

individual’s indetermination about his identification in the modern world and about his

emotional life.

2.主题:As a poet and critic living through two catastrophic world wars, his poems dwelled

upon people’s disillusionment toward modern civilization and spiritual emptiness.

Distressed with an exhausting quest for modern men’s personal identities and the

significance of life itself, he resorted to religion, so in his later critical works and poems,

there is abundant expression of his pious faith in religion.

3.在文学批评领域的贡献:Eliot’s poetry and criticism marked a break with 19th century

Romanticism started by Wordsworth and Coleridge. His contribution to modern criticism,

which is marked by his critical principle—impersonalism and his sense his of history. In

one perspective, he offered the reader a new approach to the appreciation of poetry:he

argued that the audience should pay much attention to the poetry itself instead of the poet.

In his critical work, The Sacred Wood, he declared “Poetry is not a turning loose of

emotion but an escape from emotion. It is not the expression of personality but an escape

from personality.”In another perspective, he was an heir to the traditional literature,

especially to the literature of Renaissance.



Works before and after the Second World War reflect the disillusionment of those who were optimistic with the society, and one of the main theme is to support the communist cause and to oppose the colonial and fascist activities.

◆Wystan Hugh Auden

1.Auden Group:During the 1930s, the most active of the English poets were the “Auden

Group”. They represented a new generation of poets who grew up after World War I.

They shared the left-wing point of view, employing their poetry to protest against the ills

of capitalism. When the World War II broke out, the group ended.

2.简介:An objective assessment could be made on Auden that he was T. S. Eliot’s

successor, just as Eliot was the successor of Yeats. 代表作:“Spain 1937”《西班牙


◆William Golding(赏析)ii

1.Desert Island Fiction:The beginning of the 20th century witnessed a turning point in

many fields including literature. The British writer William Golding made a big impact on

desert island fiction with his Nobel-prize winning book Lord of the Flies, it is a total

reverse of the traditional desert island fiction.

2.作者总的作品主题:Almost all of Golding’s works are imaginative fables, fantasy

presented in the conventions of realism, treating the similar theme of human depravity.

3.小说主题:Golding suggests here that it is man who creates his own hell, his own devil;

the evil is in man himself. He says, “the theme is an attempt to trace the defects of society

back to the defects of human nature.”小说独特之处:The story totally reverses the

traditional concept of man’s ability to survive and remain civilized in a primitive situation,

and challenges the popular conviction of the purity and innocence of the unspoiled youth.

The traditional survival adventure thus transforms into a political allegory in realistic

fantasy. 小说的象征运用:The whole book is highly symbolic. Every detail carries a

symbolic meaning and every character has a specific reference. 人物的象征:Ralph

represents civilization, Piggy reason, Simon knowledge and Jack passion. In the selected

chapter Ralph is impeached, Piggy is ridiculed, Simon is killed and Jack rules. Thus

civilization is deserted, reason is rejected, knowledge is ruined and passion prevails——a

complete reversion to savagery is accomplished. 题目的象征:The title “Lord of the

Flies,” which originally means the Devil in the Bible, is used to refer here to a fly-covered

pig’s head. The symbol indicates that the boys are the flies, and the evil, the senseless

passion that is in man, in each and every man, is the lord. 怪物的象征:The beast in the

novel turned out to be a dead pilot suspended from a parachute on the mountain. The

source of evil is traced to be a human corruption.

4.评价:The whole narration, in rigid structure and lucid style with rich symbolism, is a

powerfully ironic commentary on the nature of man, and an accusation leveled at the

contemporary western society.




●教义:predestination, original sin, total depravity and limited atonement.

●Idealism(清教徒的理想主义):It is a common place that Anglo-American literature

is based on a myth, that is, the Biblical myth of the Garden of Eden. This literature is in

good measure a literary expression of the pious idealism of the American Puritan

bequest. Under such influence and a mission of building a new Garden of Eden in

America, the Puritan looked upon even the worst of life in the face with a tremendous

amount of optimism.

●美国清教徒形象观察事物的方式导致了Symbolism的产生:To the pious Puritan

the physical phenomenal world was nothing but a symbol of god.




材也大多从欧洲大陆搜集撷取。如华盛顿.欧文(Washington Irving)的《见闻札记》

(The Sketch Book)。


布雷兹特里特(Anne Bradstreet)的诗歌和神学家乔纳森.爱德华兹(Jonathan

Edwards)的宗教著作是清教传统中虔诚精神和理想主义的代表(religious idealism);

另一方面本杰明.富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)的《自传》(The Autobiography)则

体现了清教传统中“务实以奉上帝”的思想(levelheaded common sense)。



◆James Fenimore Cooper(赏析)ii

1.Frontier Tale:Frontier tales adopted a form of the western novel, inscribing the whole

process of the westward movement of the frontier, which remains a far-reaching and

richly touching symbol to Americans. Starting from the 1860s, appearing as dime novels,

the “West Novel”reached a large number of audiences and described all kinds of

characters in a westward expansion like folks, outlaws and cowboys.

2.The Leather-Stocking Tales views with ambivalence the progress of civilization at the

cost of native life. 人物:The central figure Natty Bumppo is presented as painfully

aware that he has no place in the civilization whose frontier he advances. He is the first

embodiment of a powerful American dream yearning for a myth of “virgin land”an

America unspoiled by man’s encroachment. 现代化与部落生活的矛盾:In the “noble

savage”is shown the tense clash between the wilderness and civilization, between the

civil law and natural rights. 作者的态度:Cooper believed that a people living close to

the soil was living more wholesomely than a city people immersed in trade and

manufacture. But he saw what he disliked was happening energetically.

3.技法:The descriptions of the fighting scenes are brisk and fast-moving, well matching

the actual happening. Lyrical descriptions follow the brutal and cruel fighting, such as the

“display of emotions”of the two sisters. Here we see Cooper’s ability to combine the

qualities of realism and romanticism in typical American writings.

4.简介:Cooper was one of the first authors to write about the American Westward

movement. He was a representative writer of the American Romantic period. 代表作:

Leatherstocking Tales《皮袜子故事集》(包括The Pioneers《拓荒者》;The last of the

Mohicans《最后的莫西干人》;The prairie《草原》;The pathfinder《探路者》;The


5.贡献/风格:He created a myth about the formative period of the American nation. ①

Cooper is good at inventing plots. ②His landscape descriptions are majestic and

suggestive of Sir Walter Scott. ③He was quite conscious of the association of locales.

He had never been to the frontier which is an eloquent proof of the richness of his

imagination. 缺点:His style is dreadful. His characterization seems wooden and lacks

probability, and his language, his use of dialect, is not authentic.



It is the time of American renaissance or called high Romanticism.

◆Ralph Waldo Emerson

1.简介:American essayist and philosopher. He is the most eloquent spokesman of New

England Transcendentalism. 代表作:“The American Scholar”《美国学者》(美国人应




●Nature《论自然》:①Nature is generally regarded as the Bible of New England

Transcendentalism. ②He emphasizes the transcendence of the “Oversoul”. He holds

the universe is composed of Nature and Soul. ③He insists that the spiritual God is

operative in the soul of man, and that man is divine. ④He holds that nature is the

emblematic of God.

2.超验主义:In the 1830s and 1840s some New Englanders, not quite happy about the

materialistic-oriented life of their time, formed themselves into an informal club, the

Transcendentalist Club, and met to discuss matters of interest to the life of the nation as a

whole. They expressed their views, published their journal, the Dial, and made their voice

heard. 特征:①The Transcendentalists placed emphasis on spirit, or the Oversoul, as the

most important thing in the universe. ②The Transcendentalists stressed the importance

of the individual. The individual soul communed with the Oversoul and was therefore

divine. ③The Transcendentalists offered a fresh perception of nature as symbolic of the

spirit or God.

◆Nathaniel Hawthorne(赏析)ii

1.Morality Fiction:(说教小说)The Morality Fiction usually changed the way that the

readers see or understand their world by criticizing the reality and giving religious or

moral influences didactically. This pragmatic approach of literature has in a broad sense

become the main aesthetic attitude in the West.

2.内容:“Young Goodman Brown”is considered as Hawthorne’s most successful

psychological story. It describes the “Goodman” Brown’s adventure into the forest——a

legendary meeting with the ghosts. 主题:The name of the hero carries sort of universal

sense. This story pinpoints Hawthorne’s favorite theme: the evil conscience of a usually

isolated person. In this tale, realism, allegory and symbolism fused into an organic whole.

Hawthorne explores the dark side of Brown’s nature and expresses an extraordinary

“power of blackness” that is central to American imagination. 作者的加尔文主义观:In

this fiction, Hawthorne is habitually reacting to the Calvinist tradition, the writing is thus

theologically rooted and the author’s belief in the Calvinistic “original sin” is fully shown.

技法:This fiction serves to be a typical Hawthornian “psychological romance”.

Psychological depiction of the hero Brown is subtle and impressive. The whole tale is

tense and compact in structure.

3.简介:Hawthorne is a writer in American High Romantic period. He was a leader in the

development of the short story as a distinctive American genre. 代表作:The Scarlet

Letter《红字》;The House of the Seven Gables《带有七个尖角阁的房子》;The Blithdale

Romance《福谷传奇》;The Marble Faun《玉石雕像》;“Young Goodman Brown”《年

轻人古德曼布朗》;“The Minister’s Black Veil”《牧师的黑面纱》。

4.思想:①He was haunted by his sense of sin and evil in life. Evil seems to be man’s

birthmark. In almost every book he wrote, Hawthorne discussed sin and evil. He thought

sin or evil can be passed from generation to generation. ②He rejected the

Transcendentalists’transparent optimism about the potentialities on human nature. ③

He believed that romance was the predestined form of American narrative.

5.风格:①Ambiguity ②Multiple views ③Mental activity ④Symbolism

◆Walt Whitman

1.简介:Whitman has been compared to mountain in American literary history. He is the

most courageous native voice the States had ever heard. He added both new forms and

new subject matter to poetry. 代表作:Leaves of Grass《草叶集》;“Song of Myself”《自

我之歌》;“When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d”《当紫丁香最近在庭院开放》;

“I Sit and Look Out”《我坐而观望》。

●Leaves of Grass《草叶集》:草的象征意义:Grass, the most common thing with the

greatest vitality, is an image of the poet himself, a symbol of the then rising American

nation and an embodiment of his ideals about democracy and freedom.

●“Song of Myself”《自我之歌》:This poem is filled with the vehemence of the pride

of the persona himself, and with the vehemence of the audacity of freedom. The persona

is Walt Whitman, is every American, and is every human being. The “Song of Myself”,

is the song of oneness, of the persona with every American man and woman and with

every human being, in terms of the sense and the sound. “Song of Myself”is

characterized by its simplicity and art.

●“I Sit and Look Out”《我坐而观望》:a short poem of 10 lines, opens with immediate

presentation of the speaker’s stance and frame of view. The stance, sitting, is fixed, and

within the frame are placed “all the sorrows of the world”.

2.主题:He shows concern for the whole hard-working people and the burgeoning life of

cities; He advocates the realization of the individual value; Pursuit of love and happiness

is approved in his lines.


4.写作风格:①Whitman broke free from the traditional iambic pentameter and wrote

“free verse”. ②His poems own a strong sense of being rhythmical and musical. ③

Whitman’s language is relatively simple and even rather crude and there is a strong

tendency to use oral English.

5.影响/为什么是美国文学之父:His innovations in diction and versification; his frankness

about sex; his inclusion of the commonplace and the ugly; his censure of the weakness of

the American democratic practice —These have paved his way to a share of immortality

in American literature.

◆Emily Dickinson

1.简介:Emily Dickinson is regarded as the precursor of Imagism. Her creation of new

syntactic and rhythmic possibilities had a tremendous influence on many important 20th

century poets. 代表作:“The Soul selects her own Society”《心灵选择了自己的友伴》;

“Because I could not stop for Death”《因为我不能等待死神》;“I heard a fly buzz when

I died”《我死时听到了苍蝇的嗡嗡声》;“My life closed twice before its close”《我的

生命在结束之前已结束了两次》“There Was a Child Went Forth”《有一个孩子向前走》。

2.风格:①Her poetry abounds in telling images. ②Her poetic idiom is noted for its

conciseness, directness and plainest words. ③She and Whitman both added to the

literary independence of by breaking free of the convention of the iambic pentameter and

exhibiting a freedom in form. They pioneer in American poetry. ④Religious and

metaphysical themes such as God, death and immortality frequented her writing.

◆Edgar Allan Poe

1.简介:Edgar Allen Poe has been recognized as a great writer of fiction, a poet of the first

rank, and a critic of acumen and insight. Poe is the father of many things, one of which is

psychoanalytic criticism, the other being the detective story. (For a long time after his

death Poe remained probably the most controversial and most misunderstood literary

figure in the history of American literature.) 代表作:Tales of the Grotesque and the

Arabesque《奇异怪诞故事集》;“The Fall of the House of Usher”《厄舍古屋的倒塌》;

“To Helen”《致海伦》;“The Raven”《乌鸦》(体现了艾伦坡的诗歌创作理论)。

2.主题/风格:He is a romantic poet who is preoccupied with the subject of the death of

one’s beloved lover of great intelligence. He wrote Gothic Novels. Poe’s style is



●短篇小说:①The short story must be such length as to be read at one sitting. ②

The very first sentence ought to help to bring out the “single effect” of the story. ③A

tale should be logical and the last sentence should leave a sense of finality with the


●诗歌:①Poems should be short. ②The aim of poem writing is beauty. The tone is

melancholy. ③He opposed didactic poems. ④He stressed the form of poem. He

defined poetry as “the rhythmical creation of beauty”.


◆Henry James

1.简介:He settled down in London and then became a naturalized British citizen. He lived

a life of an observer of his limited world of Americans in Europe and is the forerunner of

the “stream of consciousness”literature. He is considered the founder of psychological

realism. He was the first American writer to conceive his artistic work in international

themes.代表作:The American《美国人》,Daisy Miller《黛西·米勒》,The Portrait of

a Lady《贵妇人的画像》,The Ambassadors《专使》,The Wings of the Dove《鸽翼》,

The Art of Fiction《小说的艺术》;The Golden Bowl《金碗》;Washington Square《华



●Daisy Miller: 弗雷德里克到欧洲旅行,在旅馆认识了米勒先生一家,并爱上了



下一张纸条表达了自己的忠贞爱情,弗雷德里克懊悔莫及。Daisy Miller, the young

and innocent American Daisy finds her values in conflict with European sophistication.

●The Portrait of a Lady: A young American woman is fooled during her travels in


3.主题:His fame rested largely on his handling of his major fictional theme, “the

international theme”: the meeting of America and Europe, American innocence in contact

and contrast with European decadence, and its moral and psychological complications.

He wrote about the wealthy, deep-rooted leisure class. 他的写作重点还是放在美国人身

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