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Duke’s Son

Brief Introduction

Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son is also called Duke’s Son, which was written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,a English famous writer. The novel was originally published by Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street in 2002. But the book I read is published by Foreign Language And Research Press in the People’s Republic of China in 2003. The book I read has 66 pages.

Main Contents

The story is about how Sherlock Holmes works on the mysterious cases. The writer wrote the story of Sherlock Holmes in his friend’s voice.His friend was named Watson.

Duke of Holderness was one of the greatest and the richest men. But his family was not very happy. The Duchess didn’t live with Duke. She left Duke for Paris. However his son loved his mother and was very unhappy when his mother left. Because of this, the Duke sent him to Dr Huxtable’s school. But on the night of the 13th of May the young Arthur disappeared. The Duke was very worried. The Duke promised to offer five thousand pounds for the news of his son, and another one thousand pounds for the name of his kidnapper.

Sherlock Holmes was a famous detective so they asked Holmes for help.Holmes and Watson went to Dr Huxtable’s school. At the same time they got the worse news that Heidgger, the German teacher was missing, too. Holmes began to ask something about the boy and the German teacher. At last he determined to go off to the north with Dr Huxtable to find some answers to this mystery.

They arrived at Dr Huxtable’s famous school in the northern hills. They met the Duke. Holmes asked the Duke something about the case. Then at once Holmes began to work carefully to investigate the boy’s bedroom and the German teacher’s room. They looked at the ivy on the wall and they saw the footprints under the German teacher’s window.But they learned about nothing.

Holmes and Watson analysised the case when Dr Huxtable brought the boy’s hat.

Dr Huxtable said that he found it at north of Ragged Shaw,so they determined to walk north,across the moor.

The next day they moved slowly across the moor, looking at every centimeter of mud. At last they found the track of a bicycle. After assisting the track of a bicycle Holmes knew the bicycle was not Heidgger’s. Then he found the right track. Suddenly the track stopped. He found some blood. Following the blood, he found much blood. Behind a bush they saw a shoe and found a body. But they still couldn’t who is the Crime.Watson was a little discouraged. Holmes said every mystery had an answer. They found tyre again. However, the Palmer Tyre can tell them nothing more, so they must go back to the Dunlop Tyre.They found the Dunlop track again and lost it again. They walked down to the Chesterfiled road and along to the Green Man Inn. Holmes found something from Hayes’s words, behaviors and his horses when they arrived at Hayes’s house. They found James Wilder, the Duke’s secretary came into Hayes’s house and Hayes escaped.

The next day the answers were obvious. Holmes was surprised about the answers. I was surprised, too. James was Duke’s elder son. James hated Duchess because she was not his mother. James hated Arthur because Arthur had everything that James never could have.And because of this, Duke sent Author to Dr Huxtable’s school. James asked Hayes for help to catch Arthur. James made the most of it that Arthur missed his mother. He cheated Arthur and let him go to the Green Man. When Arthur left the school, the German teacher found him. It was Hayes who killed him because Hayes let his deed out. All the mysteries were clear. Arthur and Duchess would return home. James was leaving for Australia. Sherlock Holmes got twelve thousand pounds and began to work the next case. The story was over.

Excellent episodes

1.When visitors came to see Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street, they often did

surprising things, Sometimes they put their heads in their hands and cried.

Sometimes they talked and talked, and couldn’t stop. And sometimes they just sat there and didn’t say a word. But nobody was more surprising than Dr Huxtable. 2.We moved slowly across the moor, looking at every centimeter of mud. We found

hundreds of sheep tracks,and some cow tracks—but no bicycle tracks. And then at last we found something. Not far form the little river,right across some nice black mud, was the track of a bicycle.

3.Because the ride sits over the back wheel. The deeper track is the one on top, so

this bicycle went that way, across the moor away from the school. But who was the rider? Where did he come from?

4.Heidegger died eight kilometers from the school. So the boy is moving very fast,

because it is eight kilometers before a man on a bicycle can get near him. And Heidegger died because someone hit him very hard on the head. A boy can’t do that, so there was someone with the boy—a man,let’s say.

5.When I was a young man, Mr Holmes, I was in love-- oh, so much in love. It only

happened to you once, and this woman was the love of my life. I wanted her to be my wife—but she died. She left me this one child, and I loved him because of her.

When I look in his face, I see her, and remember her, and can’t stop loving her. I must have the boy near me because of this. But a government minister cannot tell the world about a love—child like this. So, to the world, James is my young secretary,not my son.


Reading this fiction, I was completely immersed in the mysterious story presented by the book. At the beginning of the story, author gives us a brief description of the client’s strange behavior at length in order to attract the readers to continu e reading it. As it is known to all, clear description is necessary to detective stories since it can help the readers to understand each figure’s characteristics and all the cases, thus making the story more attractive.

Watson was Sherlock Homes’s friend.And the novel was told to Watson’tone. Sherlock Homes was wise and clever. Watson was lucky to have so wise a friend. They have the valuable friendship. When Homes handled a case, Watson helped him much. I think Watson could learn much from Homes. I think if you have virtuous friends, we can improve ourselves, or we will change our good nature. So I envy Watson because he had so good and wise a friend.

Sherlock Homes was not a real person. However, Sherlock Homes had became the representative of wisdom. We all envy Sherlock Homes because of his wisdom and high abilities. Whether the case was mysterious, Homes could found its answer.

I like the words that Homes said. That was every mystery had its answer. Right! So when we have puzzles, we shouldn't give up. Maybe Sherlock Homes was every one.

I think every one has the right to become a wise and clever man.

Nothing is more admirable and surprising in the hero, Sherlock Homes, than his illimited knowledge which has certainly helped him a lot when he was studying the case. For instance,taking the bicycle tyers, Holmes actually is able to recognize 42 different varieties of bicycle tyers. What’s more,according to his other stories, Holmes has studied different kinds of newspapers,cigarettes, p eople’s footprints and other special things as well. So he seemed to know anything of everything.

From the incident that Sherlock Homes study with his illimited knowledge, we understand we should learn about something extracurricular. And maybe we can be knowledgeable like Sherlock Homes.



福尔摩斯探案集读后感600字六年级范文 福尔摩斯探案集读后感600字1 在著名侦探小说家亚瑟·柯南道尔的笔下,歇洛克·福尔摩斯是一位断案如神的、大名鼎鼎的私人咨询侦探。在伦敦的各式各样的离奇案件中大显身手。今天我又津津有味地拜读了这本《福尔摩斯探案集》。福尔摩斯在平常的生活中,是一位性格古怪的绅士,他爱拉小提琴,对化学实验很疯狂,又很孤僻。但在一桩桩离奇的案件面前,他又是一位推理专家,破案能手。他接手的案件几乎样样都离奇,诡异。其中的一个,充分的向我们展现了福尔摩斯的超强观察能力。 这个案子名为“诺伍德的建筑师”。案情是这样的:一日上午,一名叫约翰·麦克法兰的小伙子委托福尔摩斯帮助他,因为警方误认为他是杀死了奥德克先生(一位很有钱的建筑师)的凶手,要将他逮捕。于是,福尔摩斯便去搜集证据,来证明委托人的清白。他拜访了委托人的家属,得知了他的母亲与奥德克的仇恨。又去搜查了现场,但没有什么收获,直到苏格兰场警官发现一个指纹,并确定指纹是麦克法兰时,福尔摩斯就找到了破绽:麦克法兰昨日在狱中,不可能跑出来,福尔摩斯昨天的观察中却没在同样的地方发现指纹,在这里我感受到了福尔摩斯的敏锐的观察力,他那鹰一般什么也瞒不过的眼睛着实让我佩服。他还发现一楼的走廊比二楼短六英尺,根据这些现象,他假装大叫救火,把躲藏在密室的奥德克先生“逼”了出来。原来,他是因为委托人的母亲拒绝嫁与他而想出的坏招,——让旧情人的独生子被送上绞刑架,幸亏福尔摩斯看穿了他的诡计,没让他的阴谋得逞。

可惜,事实上世上没有福尔摩斯。如果有,他便是英国最伟大的护法卫士!最严明的维和者! 福尔摩斯探案集读后感600字2 “侦探在此!”哈哈,最近我读了一本书:《福尔摩斯探案集》,让我迷上了侦探小说。 《福尔摩斯探案集》讲了福尔摩斯与助手华生医生侦破各种离奇古怪的事件,偷窃案、谋杀案在福尔摩斯面前都是小菜一碟。让我给大家娓娓道来吧。 “五枚橘核”案中:一位客人急匆匆的到贝克街福尔摩斯家,并讲述一件离奇的案件。他说他最近接收到一封信,信里没有写字,却有几枚橘核。不久他的家人接二连三地被杀给了他万分的恐惧。福尔摩斯到了客人的家去调查找线索,最后发现这五枚橘核就是给他们家个信号。让他们早些离去,告别家园,不久那帮团伙就会接二连三地出现,杀人…… “奇妙的斑点带子”案中:以为黑衣女士早上急急忙忙地赶到贝克街,向福尔摩斯讲述一件恐怖奇怪的事,她快速地讲述:“我的姐姐三年前被杀了。医生说她身上没有枪击或碰撞的痕迹。我姐姐死的那天晚上,她来过我的房间。问我有没有听到开水烧开与金属碰撞的声音。我因为睡得太死,并非听到。我对姐姐说让她回房间睡觉。我们家族睡觉前都把门锁住,窗户锁住。最近,我爸爸说他让我搬到曾经姐姐住过的房间,晚上我也听到了同样的声音。我太害怕了,早上就偷偷的到了你这里。”


福尔摩斯读后感(共9篇) 福尔摩斯本来是一个在研究室里热衷于化学实验的研究员。在一次偶然的机会里,侦破了桩离奇的案件,从此号称名侦探。他有着智慧超人的脑子,能观察细微事件的眼睛和超乎常人的体能和武功。但是骄傲就会使人落后。福尔摩斯骄傲时也会出错,在窗口的黄色脸孔那一案时,他下定论下早了,所以失败了。 谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人。无论是谁,也都不能骄傲,骄傲使人落后。骄傲会使人粗心大意,让许多你平时能觉察到的事情在你眼中消失;许多在平常看起来得心应手的事情,却经常出错。很多事情只要很细心就会干成,哪怕你从没有做过。所以千万不能粗心,也不能骄傲。若想真的骄傲,还是有难度的,因为要把握好尺度,量好自己的实力,但了解自己的实力总是很少数人才做得到,而且那不一定准确,因为人类有潜力的存在。做人要保持谦虚,不能自做聪明,不要以为自己比别人多一点智慧。谦虚的目的,并不是使我们觉得自己的渺小,而是为了更好地了解自己。在我们身边,成功的人都是谦虚的人,他们能给自己一个准确的定位。 这本书写了咨询侦探福尔摩斯聪明,机智地破了许许多多的奇案,怪案,疑案。这本书写得真不错,场景惊险,情节跌宕,扣人心弦,讲述了一个又一个精彩的故事,使读者身临其境。福尔摩斯有点怪,他精通解剖学,也是一流的药剂师,但他从来没有系统地学

过医学。他孜孜不倦地研究一些科学,但研究的东西十分杂乱。而且每天都要服用三次可卡因(服用可卡因后,使人感到一时的快感,但损失自己过人的精力)。他也很离奇,从不轻易说出自己的心里话,但高兴时,却滔滔不绝。他遇到危险时很沉着,临危不惧,遇到任何困难,看上去却若无其事,根本不是装出来的。 我觉得看了《福尔摩斯探案全集》这本书,有助于我们青少年养成注重观察,思维缜密的好习惯。我们应该好好学习福尔摩斯他的优点! 作文800字:读福尔摩斯探案集有感福尔摩斯读后感(2)| 福尔摩斯探案集主要讲述了神探福尔摩斯及其助手毕生依靠逻辑分析推理手段侦破系列悬案的故事,内容涉及英国社会各个阶层及人物,情节跌宕起伏,曲折迷离,富有神秘感。 读了《福尔摩斯探案集》后,我发现福尔摩斯是一个机警,敏捷,思考严密,细致入微的侦探形象。你会发现福尔摩斯在每一个案件中,对人物看得很准,总让人觉得不可思议,为什么他会知道自己以前怎样,现在怎样,简直像是在算命,什么都算得出来,可是当福尔摩斯把那些不可思议的问题,一一讲出个道理来。人们才恍然大悟,那些看起来神秘的像算命一样的东西居然这么简单,只要我们留意观察,留意我们的生活就可以找出答案来。但不是每一个人都可以做到那么细心地观察,并把观察到的事物紧密地联系在一起,那些看起来深不可测的问题也就随之而解了。他像算在告诉我们,对待生活的事,要处处留心,处处留神,你便会发觉原来处处是学问,你不要不信,


福尔摩斯读后感优秀作文10篇 《福尔摩斯探案集》讲述了一位名叫福尔摩斯的侦探家,他用智慧解开了一件件谜案。下面是橙子为大家整理的福尔摩斯读后感,希望对大家有帮助。 福尔摩斯读后感 他是一本外国小说中的人物,总喜欢叼着一只烟斗,你找不出线索的地方,他却能发现许多蛛丝马迹。他和助手华生了一个又一个扑朔迷离的案子,他就是一个家喻户晓的神探——歇洛克?福尔摩斯。 这本书之所以能成为名著,那是因为作者柯南?道尔将福尔摩斯这个人物形象刻画得淋漓尽致。福尔摩斯头脑冷静,思维清晰,逻辑严谨,行动迅速。探案时,他不放过任何一个细节:地上脚印的深浅,靴子底下的泥土,纸上的字迹……这些微不足道的细节都能引起他的兴趣。当他将毫无关联的几条线索串联到一起,经过层层抽丝剥茧,一件看似毫无头绪的案子变得一目了然。《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》中,从华生写的两份报告中,你会感觉没有一个人像凶手。可福尔摩斯通过斯特顿对他哥哥的百依百顺察觉到这对兄妹其实是夫妻,又用亨利爵士作为诱饵,让斯特顿现出了原形,掌握了他的罪证,最终破获了这一谋财害命的案件。这个案子很复杂,就连华生在案后仍然百思不得其解,可见福尔摩斯头脑的敏捷。 读完此书,我发现福尔摩斯身上值得我学习的地方很多:他注重观察、聪明机智、思维缜密、临危不惧……我相信,只要我做到了这

几点,也能去解决学习中的各种问题! 福尔摩斯读后感 >的作者是阿。柯南道尔,生于1859年,死于1930年,是英国最负盛名的侦探小说家,被人们誉为“侦探小说之父”。他的代表作有>问世到至今,已经有100多年的历史了。 这本书的故事情节极富传奇性,一波未平,一波又起,起伏跌宕,每一案件的高潮,都紧扣在读者的心弦——如:“劳瑞斯花园街的惨案”“樱沼别墅的惨案”“博斯科姆比溪谷秘案”等等,每一个案件都令人惊心触目。 让我记的最深的就是“劳瑞斯花园街的惨案”这个案件非常难,因为在死者身上没有一点受伤的痕迹,于是福尔摩斯就细心寻找,突然他找到了一个戒指,他就想:这戒指是谁丢的,后来他使出妙技,终于在火车站找到了他,他就是元凶——侯波,看!福尔摩斯经过细心的观察,最终找到了凶手,多么令人高兴啊! 读了这本书后,我感到福尔摩斯是一个英雄,因为他智勇双全,具有非凡的智慧和才干,并且他以丰富的科学知识、严密的逻辑推理,使广大读者对他有所敬佩,所以我长大以后也要做一位对人类有贡献的人。 >真不愧是世界文化名著之一! 《福尔摩斯探案集》读后感 《福尔摩斯探案集》是柯南道尔的经典之作,它以起伏不定的情节、缜密的逻辑推理、细致的心理分析以及福尔摩斯这个家喻户晓的


福尔摩斯探案集英文读后感 sherlockholmes,doesnotneedtosayyouknew.heisoneworldfamous,thewidel yknownfamousspy.whothenportrayshimis?isf.conandoyle,(1859~1930),eng lishoutstandingspyingwriteroffiction,playwright.byfoursigns,returnrecords, terroristvalleyandsoonisworldfamous.sherlockholmesdetectivecasecollecti onmainlysaysis--sherlockholmesisavillagegentleman'sdescendant,bothund erstandsthevillagethecustom,howandunderstandsinthecitylife.sherlockhol mesthroughstudied,unceasinglythestudyunceasinglyandpracticesunceasin glyonlythenenableoneselftohavetheastonishingspyingability.therefore,hec arriesoneachkindofspybothlogical,andgathersthereason;hetoeachkindofca seexplanationandthejudgmentonlythencanrationally,onlythencausetheque stionwhichoneallhangsalsohangstobeeasilysolved,onlythencausesanancest ortoconfusethedocumenttorestorejustice.notonlythisbookisfascinatingbyt heinsidevividstory,thestructurefallsextendsthefluctuationintense,theplotwi nding,exciting,soul-stirring,causesmetobeunabletoputdown,butalsomanife stedameaningfamoussaying--everyisthediligentperson,allhadthespiritwhic hneversaiddie.sherlockholmesisasuchperson.althoughhehadbecomefamou satthattimeinenglandthespying,butheinunceasinglyassiduousstudy.hehass peciallyrentedbetweenasmallhousenearbyenglishfineartsmuseum,theuse materialandtheopportunityresearchrelatedspyingaspectscienceandtheexp


福尔摩斯探案读后感(共8篇) 本文是关于福尔摩斯探案读后感(共8篇),仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 《福尔摩斯探案全集》是由英国人阿瑟 . 柯南道尔所著。1886年4月,他完成了他的第一部中篇小说《血字的研究》,主人公福尔摩斯亮相。作者笔下的大侦探是一个瘦高的中年男子,极具穿透力的眼下是一个鹰钩鼻子,叼着烟斗,经常带着雨伞穿梭在伦敦大街上。 我觉得,无论是谁,也不能骄傲,骄傲使人落后。骄傲会使人粗心大意,让许多你平时能觉察到的事情在你眼中消失;许多在平常看起来得心应手的事情,却经常出错。很多事情只要很细心就会干成,哪怕你从没有做过。所以千万不能粗心,也不能骄傲。 整部小说给我影响最深刻的是福尔摩斯说过一句话:“只要你从另一个角度观察这件事就会发现很多漏洞。”当我看到这句话的时候,仔细想了想自己生活中所听说的事:xx这次进监狱,有可能在监狱里想改过自新;也有可能在监狱里策划如何逃跑,这要看想这件事情的人是恨水扁还是不恨。往往一念之差可以把好人想成坏人或把坏人想成好人,往往结果就会让人不可思议。甚至有可能今天暴富,明天就可能被窃。很多事情就是这么不可思议。 初二读后感:读福尔摩斯探案集后的心得体会 读了《福尔摩斯》系列小说后,我知道很多关于侦探的故事。 在以前,我做事都马马虎虎的,总是随随便便的,做一样又漏了一样。现在看了这本书后,我从中知道和学到了好多东西,知道了如何思索,怎样分析前因后果,做事也仔细了很多。 福尔摩斯在仔细找真时,往往要收集大量的认证和物证,虽然有人在暗中阻止他们,但是他们也不会放弃,还会继续查找、分析,直到找到真相为止。 正因为如今的刑侦人员没有福尔摩斯般的传奇,倘若人人都能学福尔摩斯,谁人还敢伸出贼手。我很敬佩福尔摩斯,我要学习他那些好的地方。比如,他丰富的科学知识,严密的逻辑推理,细致的调查研究。我觉得看了《福尔摩斯探案》


英文读后感之舍洛克·福尔摩斯和公爵的儿 子 ABookofAllTimes ——ThoughtsgivenbySherlockHolmesandtheDuke’sSon WritteninthefirstchapterofthebookPrideandPrejudiceisa nextraordinarysentenceofwhichevenapersonwhohashadonly abrieflookuponthebookwillnotfailtoreceiveadeepimpress ion-Itisatruthuniversallyacknowledgedthatasinglemaninposs essionofagoodfortunemustbeinwantofawife.IntermsofSher lockHolmes,we’dbetteralterthesentenceinto “Itisafactuniversallyacceptedbyreadersthroughoutthew orldthatanexcellentbookinpossessionofourfamousdetecti veSherlockHolmesisundoubtedlyamasterpieceofalltimes.”Perhapsthisisoneofthemostobviousexplanationsfortheunr ivaledpopularityof“Holmesseries”inthefieldofdetectivestories.Overwhelmedbytherecommen dationsprovidedbymyfriends,IdecidedtotakealookonthisS herlockHolmesandtheDuke’sSonoriginallypublishedbyOxfordUniversityPress. Asawhole,thisbookisaboutacaseconcerningtheDuke’smissingson.Arthur,theDuke’ sson,wasfoundoutinacertainmorningtohavedisappeared,ac companiedwithwhichwasalsothedisappearanceoftheGermant eacher.TheschoolmasterDr.Huxtablethenturnedtothefamou sdetectiveofthetimeSherlockHolmesforhelp.Realizinghow


小学生关于《福尔摩斯探案集》的读后感《福尔摩斯探案集》是英国的柯南道尔创作的不朽的经典小说。书中的一个个案情扑朔迷离。下面是橙子为大家整理收集的小学生关于《福尔摩斯探案集》的读后感,欢迎大家阅读! 小学生关于《福尔摩斯探案集》的读后感 书是知识的海洋,只要用心去看就会有所收获。《福尔摩斯探案集》是我喜欢的一本书,它是英国的柯南道尔创作的不朽的经典小说。书中的一个个案情扑朔迷离,吸引着我一页页的往下翻看着.... 福尔摩斯是个面对困难还是会坚持不懈,勇往直前的人。他每接一个案子都会细致地去观察,不放过任何一个角落。在生活中,有很多人失败了就会气馁,而福尔摩斯却是个敢于接受失败和挑战的人,对于每一个离奇的案子都可以通过他的努力,在他细心地观察下水落石出。最让我佩服的是他面对凶手的威胁毫不畏惧,在斑点案子中他为了解救罗伊斯小姐和凶手玩起了智力游戏,最终让凶手自食其果。在他的身上我看到了正义的力量有多么的强大。他的冷静,勇敢的处事方式更是值得我学习的。 世上无难事只怕有心人,看了《福尔摩斯探案集》我相信:任何事情只要认真细致地去做,还有坚持不懈的精神终究会有成功的一天。 《福尔摩斯探案集》读后感 相信大家都知道举世闻名、机智勇敢、嫉恶如仇的大侦探夏洛克·福尔摩斯先生,他的作者是英国侦探小说之父阿瑟·柯南·道尔。他创造的《福尔摩斯探案》风靡全球100多年。直至今天,当人们提

到侦探小说,第一时间就想到了这位令人喜爱的大侦探。 这套书情节惊险刺激,每一个匪夷所思的案件,福尔摩斯总能破解谜团,找出凶手。他破案的秘密武器就是——推理。他可以通过观察一个物体,推理出物主的性格、外貌。就像他的搭档华生说的:“他简直就像一架用于观察和推理的最完美无瑕的机器!” 令我印象最深的就是《血字的研究》。 《血字的研究》讲的是英国首都伦敦发生了一起谋杀案,在一间总来没有人住过的别墅里,一位名叫锥伯的人被杀,尸体衣衫整齐,案发现场没有打斗痕迹,尸体没有伤痕,但屋里其他几处地方有血迹。英国皇家警察局苏格兰场动用了雷斯垂德和葛莱森两位大侦探都未能破解此案。他们无可奈何,只好去找福尔摩斯帮忙。福尔摩斯细心调查,最后设置陷阱,捉住了罪犯杰克逊·侯波。 福尔摩斯曾说过:“排除一切不可能,余下的那个,不论有多不可思议,也一定是真相。这句话使我受益匪浅。 《福尔摩斯探案集》读书心得体会 “书籍是人类进步的阶梯”;“书籍是人类智慧的源泉”;“书籍是人类的营养品”……书,历来被无数文人雅士所钟爱。 在这个丰富多彩的寒假里,我看了《福尔摩斯探案集》这本书,它由柯南道尔所写。这本书主要写了英国著名侦探福尔摩斯通过敏锐的观察力和逻辑推理解决了4个神秘又搞脑的杀人事件的故事。使我不由得佩服的五体投地。 读完这本书,我常常寻思:难道福尔摩斯天生就有侦探的天赋吗?


福尔摩斯英语读后感 Written in the first chapter of the book Pride and Prejudice is an extraordinary sentence of which even a person who has had only a brief look upon the book will not fail to receive a deep impression-It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. In terms of Sherlock Holmes, we’d better alter the sentence into “It is a fact universally accepted by readers throughout the world that an excellent book in possession of our famous detective Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly a masterpiece of all times.” Perhaps this is one of the most obvious explanations for the unrivaled popularity of “Holmes series” in the field of detective stories. Overwhelmed by the recommendations provided by my friends, I decided to take a look on this Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son originally published by Oxford University Press. As a whole, this book is about a case concerning the Duke’s missing son. Arthur, the Duke’s son, was found out in a certain morning to have disappeared, accompanied with which was also the disappearance of


福尔摩斯探案集读后感600字5篇 《福尔摩斯探案集》讲述了许多有趣的故事,但最令我难以忘怀的是他那惊心动魄的 案件———《血字的研究》这一个案件。下面是小编收集推荐的福尔摩斯探案集读后 感600字,仅供参考,欢迎阅读参考。 福尔摩斯探案集读后感600字(一) 每个人的灵魂深处都是孤单寂寞的,轻拨着伤感的琴音,听寂寞在耳边浅唱,流年辗转,人醉、杯醉,几多落寞,尘世终虚化,我们因为知己,而让岁月风光无限。 知己,让我们在黑暗中找寻到了光明,让我们饥渴的身躯得到了雨水的滋润,让我们 空虚的心灵得到抚慰,让我们疲惫的身心能够找到一个停泊的港湾。 可遇不可求的知己。福尔摩斯是小说中的天才,是一个神探,几乎有着各个领域的学识,超乎常人的逻辑思维和卓越的演绎推理,这一切的一切铸就了他的成功,也造成 了他的孤单。因为优秀导致了他的骄傲,目空一切,生活中没有什么事能够被他放在 心上的。为了排遣孤单,他选择用吸毒来解脱精神的束缚;因为孤单,他染上了生活 中的许多陋习……可是又有谁能够体会到他的苦衷?千金易寻,知己难求。寂寞路漫漫,天下之大,福尔摩斯的知己真的就不能找到吗? 因为知己。福尔摩斯终于在寂寞的岁月里遇到了他——华生。为了知己,纵负天下又 如何?他是你的知己,工作的助手,心灵栖居的港湾,也是可以倾听你心声的人。但 是你却是那么的“可恶”,尽管那是你的习惯,但是你不应该把一切矛头对向他。你看 不起他,还总是讥讽他、挖苦他,尽管那是常人所不能忍受的,但是华生却包容了你。你的伤害也许不是有意。要知道“杨意不逢,抚凌云而自惜;钟期既遇,奏流水以何

惭”,俞伯牙高山流水觅知音,知音逝去,摔琴以谢知音;而你也因为华生而戒掉了毒瘾,一步步努力改掉自己的陋习。来往此生,只为寻一知己,但是你又能为你的知己 做些什么呢?因为知己,我们可以不顾一切,即使倾尽所有也在所不惜。 因为知己,我们改变了许多,漫漫人生,不为知己还能为谁?你又能拥有几个知己呢?生活因你而风光无限,谁可曾读懂过你,谁又曾体谅过你,还有谁能够给你停泊的港湾? 因为知己,我们可以说:“在孤单的漫长人生中,只因为有你,我才有了人生的幸福。”福尔摩斯探案集读后感600字(二) “侦探在此!”哈哈,最近我读了一本书:《福尔摩斯探案集》,让我迷上了侦探小说。《福尔摩斯探案集》讲了福尔摩斯与助手华生医生侦破各种离奇古怪的事件,偷窃案、谋杀案在福尔摩斯面前都是小菜一碟。让我给大家娓娓道来吧。 “五枚橘核”案中:一位客人急匆匆的到贝克街福尔摩斯家,并讲述一件离奇的案件。 他说他最近接收到一封信,信里没有写字,却有几枚橘核。不久他的家人接二连三地 被杀给了他万分的恐惧。福尔摩斯到了客人的家去调查找线索,最后发现这五枚橘核 就是给他们家个信号。让他们早些离去,告别家园,不久那帮团伙就会接二连三地出现,杀人…… “奇妙的斑点带子”案中:以为黑衣女士早上急急忙忙地赶到贝克街,向福尔摩斯讲述 一件恐怖奇怪的事,她快速地讲述:“我的姐姐三年前被杀了。医生说她身上没有枪击 或碰撞的痕迹。我姐姐死的那天晚上,她来过我的房间。问我有没有听到开水烧开与 金属碰撞的声音。我因为睡得太死,并非听到。我对姐姐说让她回房间睡觉。我们家 族睡觉前都把门锁住,窗户锁住。最近,我爸爸说他让我搬到曾经姐姐住过的房间, 晚上我也听到了同样的声音。我太害怕了,早上就偷偷的到了你这里。” 福尔摩斯问:“你真的听到了金属碰撞与开水烧开的声音了吗?” “是的”。 方便的话我们能去你家看看吗?“侦探又问。 达成共识后,福尔摩斯说:”晚上我到你家对面的包房你会到你原来的屋里。“晚上福 尔摩斯和华生到了家里听到了声音,变相隔壁走去…后来才知道是她姐姐的未婚夫杀 害她姐姐。那个金属碰撞的声音就是他从箱里掏出蛇的声音。开水沸腾的声音就是蛇 发出的叫声……


《福尔摩斯探案集》读后感 《福尔摩斯探案集》读后感 看完一本名著后,你有什么领悟呢?这时最关键的读后感不能忘了哦。你想知道读后感怎么写吗?以下是我们为大家整理的《福尔摩斯探案集》读后感,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 《福尔摩斯探案集》读后感1 老子曾说:“天下难事,必做于易;天下大事,必做于细。”的确如此,想做大事的人何其多,愿意把事做细的却很少。读了《福尔摩斯探案集》,我深受启发。这套书是由阿瑟柯南道尔写的,分四大本,就因为这套书,让我明白细节成就未来。 这套书是以华生的视角来写的,华生是第一人称。描述了夏洛克福尔摩斯先生调查身边各种稀奇古怪的案件,以及他那无人能比的探案能力。福尔摩斯的地质学特别厉害,一眼就可以分辨出是伦敦哪个位置的泥土,因为他每到一个地方,都会细心观察,每一个案件都会发现到那些并不引人注意的细节,所以他才有了如此强的探案能力。 看完了这本书,我对福尔摩斯更加崇拜,他也告诉了我们观察是很重要的,在生活中留心观察,对你有很大的帮助,它就能使你成就美好的未来。我的爸爸就是一个好例子。别人说话时他从不插嘴,一直注意观察说话者的神情动态,思考那人讲述的内

容,所有细节他都注意到,并学习了……久而久之,一个个别人没在意的小细节记在脑海中,并注意把各个细节做好。他还将这些细节亲切地称为“成长维生素”。因此,爸爸无论做什么事都十分妥当,领导称赞,同事佩服,家人叫好。 “没有抓住一个细节,你就可能错过一个成功。”这句话给了我很大的启发,细节总是与成功挂勾的,我们只要认真地做好每一个细节,那么我们就一定会成功的。完美的细节代表着永不懈怠的处世风格,是一个人积极,实干、优秀的象征。细节像一把戒尺,量出一个人成绩的高低,细节可以改变生活,成就未来。细节虽然不引人注意,但我们要注重,还要把它做好,它可以让我们成功。 中国的辉煌离不开一个个细节,我们的成绩能离开一个个小细节吗?读了《福尔摩斯探案集》后,我决心要做一个关注细节,认真做事的人。 《福尔摩斯探案集》读后感2 我给大家介绍一本十分有趣的书,里面的每一个故事都十分精彩,尤其是故事中逻辑推理的部分,每次都会让我拍手叫好,它就是《福尔摩斯探案集》。这本书讲的是大侦探福尔摩斯和他的助手华生一起探案的故事,在每次案件中,福尔摩斯都能通过他细致的观察和严密的逻辑推理发现事情的真相。


Duke’s Son Brief Introduction Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son is also called Duke’s Son, which was written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,a English famous writer. The novel was originally published by Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street in 2002. But the book I read is published by Foreign Language And Research Press in the People’s Republic of China in 2003. The book I read has 66 pages. Main Contents The story is about how Sherlock Holmes works on the mysterious cases. The writer wrote the story of Sherlock Holmes in his friend’s voice.His friend was named Watson. Duke of Holderness was one of the greatest and the richest men. But his family was not very happy. The Duchess didn’t live with Duke. She left Duke for Paris. However his son loved his mother and was very unhappy when his mother left. Because of this, the Duke sent him to Dr Huxtable’s school. But on the night of the 13th of May the young Arthur disappeared. The Duke was very worried. The Duke promised to offer five thousand pounds for the news of his son, and another one thousand pounds for the name of his kidnapper. Sherlock Holmes was a famous detective so they asked Holmes for help.Holmes and Watson went to Dr Huxtable’s school. At the same time they got the worse news that Heidgger, the German teacher was missing, too. Holmes began to ask something about the boy and the German teacher. At last he determined to go off to the north with Dr Huxtable to find some answers to this mystery. They arrived at Dr Huxtable’s famous school in the northern hills. They met the Duke. Holmes asked the Duke something about the case. Then at once Holmes began to work carefully to investigate the boy’s bedroom and the German teacher’s room. They looked at the ivy on the wall and they saw the footprints under the German teacher’s window.But they learned about nothing. Holmes and Watson analysised the case when Dr Huxtable brought the boy’s hat.


福尔摩斯探案集读后感_700字 《福尔摩斯探案集》这本书虽然我已经读过了许多遍,但仍百读不厌,每次的阅读都能有更加深刻的感悟和新发现,书中人物的精神品质,也使我受益匪浅。 《福尔摩斯探案集》这本书由世界著名的侦探悬疑小说家柯南·道尔写的。这本书的内容讲述了福尔摩斯与他的好助手华生竭尽全力地侦破所接到的谜案,用他敏捷的思维和过人的智慧抓住一个又一个无比狡猾的犯人,并奋不顾身地与恶势力作斗争,直至牺牲的故事。而让我感触最深的,还是《回忆录》中的《最后一案》。 《最后一案》讲述了当时在侦探中赫赫有名的福尔摩斯,与全欧洲最大的犯罪团伙,堪称“犯罪界的拿破仑”的莫里亚蒂教授之间进行的生死攸关的决战。在莱辛巴赫瀑布时,福尔摩斯早早料到这是一个骗局,但依然让自己的朋友华生走开,免于这场灾难,自己最后则与莫里亚蒂教授同归于尽。虽然在柯南·道尔之后的小说中证明了福尔摩斯的死里逃生,但他的敢于牺牲的大无畏精神仍然使我内心久久不能平静,福尔摩斯的一句话也是他伸张正义,时刻准备着与恶势力同归于尽的精神品质的见证:“If I were assured of the former eventuality I would,in the interests of the public,cheerfully accept the latter。”(“如果可以将你确实的毁灭,

为了公众的利益我很乐意迎接死亡”) 纵观福尔摩斯的一生,他那细致入微的观察,遇事沉着镇定,并且能坚持不懈,运筹帷幄,如抽丝剥茧一般的解开谜题,谦虚,为朋友挺身而出,坦然面对死亡等等的许多精神品质都很令人赞叹,同是也很值得我们学习。生活中,学习上,我们不正缺少这些可贵的精神吗?学会了仔细观察,就会有新的发现,往往一些奥秘都蕴藏在司空见惯的事物中;学会了遇事沉着镇定,就能稍许多因急躁带来的失误,有时,一次小小的失误就可能带来终生的遗憾…… 《福尔摩斯探案集》中,福尔摩斯所侦破的一件件案件,让我们懂得了真善美,假丑恶,同时也领略到了他的高超智慧与精神品质,愿这本书也能给你带来深刻的启发。


Reading notes on Shylock Holmes Shylock Holmes is created by the novelist Conan Doyle's detective, GM has now become the world's best detectives were synonymous! He not only cool-headed Holmes, keen observation, reasoning ability and also no one can. (In addition, he's also very clever fencing) he usually leisurely pace in Baker Street, 211, the B room,Smoking Bucketawaiting commissioned by the door. But once received the case, he would immediately become a dog chasing a wolf, began locking the target and the entire incident boils, layers of filtration, until the final truth! Written in the first chapter of the book Pride and Prejudice is an extraordinary sentence of which even a person who has had only a brief look upon the book will not fail to receive a deep impression-It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. In terms of Sherlock Holmes, we’d better alter the sentence into “It is a fact universally accepted by readers throughout the world that an excellent book in possession of our famous detective Sherlock Holmes is undoubtedly a masterpiece of all times.” Perhaps this is one of the most obvious explanations for the unrivaled popularity of “Holmes series” in the field of detective stories.


福尔摩斯探案全集英文读后感 导读: 福尔摩斯探案全集英文读后感 Sherlock Holmes, does not need to say you knew.He is one world famous, the widely known famous spy.Who then portrays him is? Is F. Conan doyle, (1859 ——1930),English outstanding spying writer of fiction, playwright.By "Four Signs", "Return Records", "Terrorist Valley" and so on is world famous. "Sherlock Holmes Detective case Collection" mainly says is - - Sherlock Holmes is a village gentleman's descendant, both understands the village the custom, how and understands in the city life.Sherlock Holmes through studied, unceasingly the study unceasingly and practices unceasingly only then enable oneself to have the astonishing spying ability.Therefore, he carries on each kind of spy both logical, and gathers the reason; He to each kind of case explanation and the judgment only then can rationally, only then cause the question which one all hangs also hangs to be easily solved, only then causes an ancestor to confuse the document to restore justice. Not only this book is fascinating by the inside vivid story,


《福尔摩斯探案集》读后感350字_400字读后感 假期里,我读了英国著名作家柯南·道尔的《福尔摩斯探案集》。我十分佩服小说中的大侦探福尔摩斯,他很勇敢,很聪明,看了他的各个故事是我明白了一个道理:只有努力、细心才能成功。让我来大体介绍一下书中的福尔摩斯,他在华生医生的帮助下,破了许多的案子,推算能力可好了! 我印象最深的是《五个橘核》,这个故事既可怕又有趣,让我来给大家说一说吧! 在一个九月的中旬,约翰来到福尔摩斯的家里拜托一个很奇特的案子,就是约翰的父亲和伯父都离奇的死亡了,他们在临死之前收到有五个橘核的信。约翰继承了父亲和伯父的遗产也收到了这种信,所以他来找福尔摩斯帮忙,结果在回去的路上约翰也死了。福尔摩斯毫不犹豫地接下查清事实真相的任务,发现主谋是臭名昭著的“三K 党”,于是他就和“三K党”斗智斗勇,深入险境,运用智慧揭开了谜底。还“以其人之道还治其人之身”的办法来对付主谋,也写了一封信给主谋,两个月后主谋的船在荒岛上被发现,福尔摩斯圆满的完成了案子的侦破,结束了可怕的暗杀。 在看故事的时候,我整个人的情绪随着故事案情的波折而起伏,一会儿害怕一会儿高兴,一会儿看到了希望一会儿又为福尔摩斯而担心。让我害怕的地方是连环的杀人案,人被杀了还看不出是谋杀大家都以为是不小心的意外。但是随着福尔摩斯慢慢的去发现事实的真相又很有趣,到了最后才发现原来是这样呀! 《福尔摩斯探案集》读后感300字_读后感 【第1篇】 一本好书,就是一轮太阳,今天我借了一本《福尔摩斯探案集》。 这本书的原著是【英】柯南道尔,福尔摩斯众所皆知可他却是个小说中的人物,在每个故事里,福尔摩斯和他的助手华生一起,出乎意选料的拨开重重迷雾。在破案过程中,福尔摩斯那种在任何情况下都沉着冷静而幽默的绅士风度强烈的留在了读者的脑海中。同时,他在面对复杂的案件中和往往就隐藏在身边狡猾罪犯,福尔摩斯可以从一个人的外貌和穿着就可以判断出一个人的职业习惯和喜好,小说塑造的福尔摩斯形象集正义、智慧、勇敢和幽默于一身,几乎成了神探的化身,以至于许多人都把他当做现实存在的英雄来看待,另外小说设置了医生华生这个诚实、勇敢的助手,很好的衬托了福尔摩斯的智慧和过人之处。


Level 4 Sherlock Holmes < Answer Key > Silver Blaze Chapter 1 Preview questions 1.I have heard of Sherlock Holmes. He is famous for being an excellent detective. 2.I do not know any detectives in real life, but I read a book about a girl detective called Nancy Drew. 3.I think Silver Blaze is the name of a thoroughbred racing horse. Review questions 1.Colonel Ross, a rich man who owns King?s Pyland farm, owns Silver Blaze. 2.Dr. Watson found out that John Straker was murdered when he read it in the newspaper. 3.John Straker was responsible for looking after Silver Blaze. He also trained it and exercised it. Chapter 2 Preview questions 1.I think the curry dinner will be important because it will provide Sherlock Holmes with a clue toward solving the mystery. 2.At King?s Py land, I think Watson and Holmes will find some clues about what happened to Silver Blaze. 3.I think in this chapter, Holmes and Watson will talk to Colonel Ross and Edith Baxter, in order to find out what happened to Silver Blaze. Review questions 1.Edith did not like the look of the man who talked to her because his face was white and he was very nervous. Also he took an envelope from his pocket and offered her money if she would give it to Ned Hunter. 2.When Ned found out about the man, he shouted at the man and undid the rope that tied up his dog. He set the dog on the man. 3.John Straker couldn?t sleep because he was worried that something was going to happen to Silver Blaze. 1

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