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编码(字符型,设置为必填字段),名称(字符型,长度30) , 分类级别(整型)

















string a = richTextBox1.Text;

int start_position = a.IndexOf(":")+1 ;

string b = a.Substring(start_position);

textBox2.Text = b;//获取诊断病名结束

String conn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=icd.mdb";



OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(conn);

string sql = "Select BM from ICD10 where MC='"+ Convert.ToString(textBox2.Text) + "'";

OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(sql, connection);


OleDbDataReader reader;

reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

if (reader.Read())


textBox3.Text = reader.GetString(0);





catch {

throw (new Exception("对不起,没有找到你想要的记录,请使用规范的诊断书!"));



2)利用病名,用数据库里SNOMED的D,G,C,T,M数据表来表达该诊断的意思,,SNOMED 最后的表达方式为病= 诊断D+连接词G+ 物品C

D0-10322 contact dermatitis due to cosmetic 可以自行组配为:


=[contact dermatitis,NOS][due to][cosmetic]


=[skin][inflammation][due to][pigmenting agent]

3)如果知道客户在界面输入了信息,例如,[T01000]+[M4000]+[GC001]+[C525501] 那请按以下按钮,就能显示出具体的英语意思。


《心脏起搏与ICD》翻译规范 一、翻译范围 1.封面、封底文字,图书正文前的全部内容(包括注意、原著前言、目录等内容),书后 索引不必翻译。 2.正文章节中,需翻译除“资料来源(from…)”外的全部内容,包括图题、图中英文、 表头、表中英文、表下注释的翻译。注意切勿漏段、漏句、漏表、漏图。 3.交稿时另附本书的译者名单及译者前言,同时于各章节后附上相应译者及审校者姓名。 二、翻译流程 为保证稿件质量,请务必每一章节由一名或多名译者与审校者组成团队,共同负责。 1.首先由各章节译者进行翻译,自校。 2.各章节相应审校者进行复核、通读并解决译者在翻译过程中所提出的问题。请确保交 稿时不遗留问题或打问号之处,全部问题在交稿前解决。 二、翻译要求 1.内容要求“信、达、雅”,即在通读全章节后,在充分领悟文意的基础上准确地逐句翻 译,力求译文准确无误,无逻辑语法错误,避免错译、漏译。对于把握不准的地方要用红笔在旁边标出,以提醒审校者审查。如发现原书有误,经审校者审核后可直接译为正确内容,并于括号内注明原书有误及译者观点。 2.标准医学名词是以全国自然科学名词审定委员会公布的《医学名词》为依据的,《全医 药学大词典》和《金山词霸2003医学版》均收入了标准医学名词,可供查询。有些名词并不包括在标准名词里,这就需要通过查询多种工具加以确认,如词典。对词典中查不到的名词,可查询网络,如百度、Google等。 (1)常用医学术语应全稿统一。 (2)如为常用人名,只有一个字的,其后应加“氏”字,如“Down syndrom”译为“唐氏综合征”;两个及两个字以上的,不加“氏”字,如“Mull er’s Disease”译为“米勒病”;“革兰氏阳性”应为“革兰阳性”;“林格氏液”应为“林格液” (3)临床用药途径要求用全称:肌内注射、静脉注射、静脉输注、静脉滴注。 (4)临床医嘱和处方在正文中用文字叙述,尽量不用Am、Tid、iv、i.m. 3.对标准药名,需翻译为该药的通用名而非商品名,可查询《全医药学大词典》,也可查 询人民卫生出版社出版的《新编药物学》第16版。

八年级上册英语Unit 1-4易错单选题期中复习基础训练-译林版(无答案)

Unit 1-4易错单选题期中复习基础练习 ( )1. Mr Lin is one of_______ in our school. A. good teachers B. better teachers C. the best teachers D. the best teacher ( )2. Our hometown is famous_______ tea and rice. A. with B. by C. for D. as ( )3. You'd better try_______ again. A. don't be late B. not to be late C. aren't late D. to not be late ( )4. I think this song is popular _______young people. A. to B. for C. from D. with ( )5. Sorry. Would you please_______ it in English again? A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell ( )6. How did you make him _______? A. stop talking B. to stop talking C. stop to talk D. stopped to talk ( )7. I'm too hungry. How nice the food_______! A. feels B. sounds C. looks D. smells ( )8. Tony is a_______ boy. He always gives his picket money to the children in need. A. funny B. patient C. generous D. hard-working ( )9. Both beef and pork _______ my favourite. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( )10.There is a big cake. ____________ share it. A. May be we can B. We may be C. Maybe we can D. Maybe can we ( )11.What’s your best friend like? ___________ A He’s fine, thank y ou B. He likes watching TV C. He’s a teacher D. He’s helpful and generous ( )12. —Which of the two T-shirt will you take? —I’ll take _________. One is for my brother and the other is for myself. A either B. both C. all D. every ( )13. The English story is very easy for me. There are ________ new words in it. A. a little B. little C. many D. few ( )14. They do eye exercises twice a day, so ________ of them ________ glasses. A. a few; put on B. a few; wear C. few; put on D. few; wear ( )15. Things are ________ on the moon ________ on Earth. A. much lighter; than B. much heavier; than C. as heavy; as D. not so light; as ( )16. I have ________ money than you, but I have ________ friends than you. A. more; more B. less; more C. fewer; more D. more; less


第一课:照片虚化处理 为了提高大家的学习兴趣,我们先不去学那些枯燥乏味的概念和理论,我们来做一个有用的工作——照片的虚化处理。请看原图与经过处理的图。这样处理的目的是把四周杂乱的东西去掉,更加突出人物面部。虚化后,使得画面消去了四方的棱角,与周围更加和谐,看上去更舒服一些,更富有情调。在很多地方都用得上,所以非常值得一学。其实也并不难学。 " q! m1 Z6 q; n- D& m. V

这是最常见的一种方法。现在我们来制作,一边制作,一边学习新知识。 7 c1 Q4 K0 ?! e 1、打开PS。在菜单“文件”下的“打开”,找到自己电脑硬盘上的原图后打开。 2、在工具栏上,按下第一排左边的虚线矩形按钮不放,(工具右下角有小三角的,表明这里面还有同类的工具), 会出来四种选框工具。点“椭圆选框工具”,然后到照片上画个椭圆。在照片上出现一个虚线画成的椭圆。这时,画得不准确没有关系,一会儿就来调整。这个虚线框就是选区,这是一个非常重要的概念。一定要记住它。今后几乎每一堂课都要提到“选区”的。选区就是我们要进行处理的范围。

3、到菜单“选择”下的“变换选区”点一下,在选区的四周出现了大方框(调整框),它有一个中心点与八个方点(调整点)。 4、现在可以拉动右边的小方点,会把椭圆拉宽;再拉下面的小方点,可以把椭圆拉长一点;拉四角的小方点,可以放大缩小框子;在框外移动鼠标,可以旋转调整框;点框内空白处,可以移动整个调整框。这样,不断地调整,直到满意为止。不过,不要拉到离照片边缘太近的地方,需要留出一点余地。按一下

回车,调整框就消失了。 5、现在选区的位置已经定好了。我们来制作边界的虚化效果。到菜单“选择”点“羽化”。 在羽化半径中填写20。这个20是指我们需要虚化的边缘的宽度,就是从清晰到不清晰直到消失的一个过渡的宽度值,这是一个估计值,这个估计值与原图的尺寸有关。如果不合适,可以回过头来改成30或者是任何数,主要是观察效果好不好再说。可是,现在是看不出来任何效果的。只好继续往下做,做好了再说了。


Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.(讲义)Words and Expressions rule /ru?l/ n. 规则;规章 arrive /?'ra?v/ v.到达 (be) on time 准时 hallway /'h??lwe?/ n. 走廊;过道 hall /h??l/ n. 大厅;礼堂 dining /'da?n??/ hall 餐厅 listen /'l?sn/ v. 听;倾听 listen to…听…… fight /fa?t/ v. & n. 打架;战斗 sorry /'s?ri/ adj. 抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的outside /,a ?t'sa?d/ adv. 在外面adj. 外面的 wear /we? / v. 穿;戴 important /?m'p??(r)tnt/ adj. 重要的 bring /br??/ v. 带来;取来 uniform /'ju?n?f??(r)m/ n. 校服;制服quiet /'kwa ??t/ adj. 安静的 out /a?t/ adv. 外出 go out 外出(娱乐) practice /'pr?kt?s/ v. & n. 练习 dish /d??/ n. 碟;盘 do the dishes 清洗餐具 before /b?'f??(r)/ prep. & conj. 在……以前adv. 以前 make (one’s) bed 铺床 dirty /'d??(r)ti/ adj. 脏的 kitchen /'k?t??n/ n. 厨房

more /m??(r)/ adj. & pron. 更多(的) noisy /'n??zi/ adj. 吵闹的 relax /r?'l?ks/v. 放松;休息 read /ri?d/ v. 读;阅读 terrible /'ter?bl/ adj. 非常讨厌的;可怕的 feel /fi?l/ v. 感受;觉得 strict /str?kt/ adj. 严格的;严厉的 be strict (with sb) (对某人)要求严格 remember /r ?'memb?(r)/ v. 记住;记起 follow /'f?l ??/ v. 遵循;跟随 follow the rules 遵守规则 luck /l?k/ n. 幸运;运气 keep /ki?p/ v. 保持;保留 hair /he?/ /her/ n. 头发;毛发 learn /l??(r)n/ v. 学习;学会 Clark /klɑ?(r)k/ 克拉克(姓;男名) Amy /'e?mi/ 埃米(女名) Molly /'m?li/ 莫莉(女名) New York /,nju?'j??(r)k/ 纽约 Role-play John: Hi, my name’s John. It’s my first day at school. Alice: Hi, John. I’m Alice. This is a great school, but there are a lot of rules. John: Really? What are some of the rules? Alice: Well, don’t be late for class. This is very important. John: OK, so we must be on time. Can we bring music players to school? Alice: No, we can’t. And we al ways have to wear the school uniform. John: I see. Alice: Oh, and we also have to be quiet in the library.


Unit 1 1. Although most dreams apparently happen__, dream activity may be provoked by external influences. A. spontaneously B. simultaneously C. homogeneously D. instantaneously 2. She let out a terrified __ when she heard the news of the tragedy happened on September 11 in USA, A. cheer B. yell C. sigh D. curse 3. The ties that bind us together in common activity are so __that they can disappear at any moment. A. trivial B. fatal C. tentative D. feeble 4. She __ the person who was in her way A, swore at B. promised C. swore in D. sworn at 5. Mary made steady __ in English after she put her heart into it. A. advance B. improvement C. progress D. program 6. He is the __ husband for her. A. idea B. ideal C. idle D. idiot 7. We naturally __ the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution. A. associate B. vain C. reveal D. worship 8. When we had finished dinner, Mary asked the waiter for the __. A, note B. cheque C. bill D. tip 9. The murderer __ a dagger into her heart. A. plugged B. penetrated C. pressed D. thrust 10. The women were able to equal or __ the men who worked beside them. A. surpass B. exceed C. overtake D. lagged Unit 2 1. For many patients, institutional care is the most __ and beneficial form of care. A. pertinent B. appropriate C. acute D. persistent 2. Several international events in the early 1990s seem likely to ___ , or at least weaken, the trends that emerged in the 1980s. A. revolt B. revolve C. reverse D. revive 3. The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state __ . A. pensions B. earnings C. salaries D. donations 4. There is no __ attached to what you are doing, so you shouldn' t be ashamed. A. stigma B. enigma C. dilemma D. aroma 5. The boat ___ down the river. A. drifted B. floated C. drove D. drilled 6. The conditions of the contract must be __ exactly. A. achieved B. completed C. fulfilled D. finished 7. One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a __ operation, he quickly recovered his sight. A. delicate B. considerate C. average D. general


ps新手入门实例大全详细教程(二) 来源:网络作者:admin 发布时间:2011-06-29 点击:1262 目录 4.照片边框处理 5.简单照片合成 6.快速蒙版教程 7.认识色阶——————————————————————————————————————(4):照片边框处理 今天我们来学习制作一个简单的照片边框,通过制作过程,来熟悉PS的一些工具与制作手法。 1、打开PS,打开一张照片。现在我们要为这张照片做一个背景图,并改变一下照片的边框。 2、为背景层改名。在图层面板,现在有一个图层名为“背景”。这个背景层的右边有一个小锁。凡是第一次打开一个图片总是有这样一个上了锁的背景层。现在我们要改变它的名称。双击背景层,弹出一个对话框。在名称中写上“照片”后按“好”字。 3、创建新的图层。按一下图层面板最下面的“创建新的图层”按钮,在背景层的上面出现了一个新图层,名称为“图层1”。新图层是不会上锁的,改名就比较容易。我们可以双击这三个字,改名称为“新背景”。

4、凡是新建的图层,都是全透明的。我们可以看到在“新背景”这三个字左边有个小图,全是格子,这表示它是透明的。 我们还可以把“照片”层前的小眼睛关闭,这时,工作区中只有透明的格子样子了。现在我们要把“新背景”层填上颜色。 填充颜色分为两个步骤: A、第一步:要确定前景色还是背景色。 现在到窗口菜单下点“颜色”,出来一个颜色面板。在颜色两字的下面,有二个方的色块。前面黑色的是前景色,后面白色的是背景色。你需要设置前景色时(多数情况下我们是设置前景色),就点前面那块。现在我们按下前景色按钮。黑色的方块的外面多了一个外框,表示现在是设置前景色。 B、第二步:选择颜色。可以选择颜色的地方有好几个。右边的R右边由黑到红的长条下面,有一个小三角形,可以拉动它来改变颜色。你可以把这三条都拉一下,再看前景色有什么变化。 最右边的数字框也可以直接填入由0到255之间的数字。例如:在R(红)里,填入217;在G (绿)里,填入253;在B里填入249,现在前景色变成了浅绿色。这是RGB三原色组合表示一种颜色的方法。最下面有一个多彩的粗条,在这里可以多选一些颜色。最右边是黑白两色。这个颜色面板是非常方便来选择颜色的。更直观的方法是点“色板”标签。

广州牛津版九年级下 Unit 4 Natural disasters 基础训练(包含答案)

九年级下 Unit 4 基础训练 一、语法选择 Campbell Remess is a teenager from Australia. He has been sewing (缝制)teddy bears for sick children __1__ several years. The story __2__ in 2019 when Campbell was nine years old. He told his parents __3__ he wanted to give Christmas gifts to children in hospitals. __4__ his parents said no, because with nine children of their own, buying presents for sick children would just cost too much. However, the little boy didn’t give up. He decided to make their presents by __5__. Campbell made his first teddy bear with his mother's sewing machine in his bedroom. It was __6__ for him as he had never done this before. He downloaded(下载) patterns from the Internet and learned __7__ to make a teddy bear by watching videos online. It took him five hours __8__ his first teddy bear. He __9__ now make a teddy bear in an hour. He has also started a project called “Project 365 by Campbell” in which he tries to make __10__ teddy bear every day. Young Campbell uses his pocket money to buy materials for making teddy bears. To make __11__ pocket money, he helps his parents with housework whenever he is free. Sometimes, he __12__ sells his teddy bears online to raise money for sick children. Many people __13__ by Campbell's story and they give away free materials to him. Campbell __14__ away about 1, 300 teddy bears so far. He is now busy __15__ this year's teddy bears. He said that he had never thought of stopping and he would keep putting smiles on people's faces. 1. A. at B. for C. in D. on 2. A. begin B. begins C. began D. has begun 3. A. that B. what C. whether D. if 4. A. And B. But C. As D. So 5. A. he B. his C. him D. himself 6. A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. hardly 7. A. how B. why C. where D. when 8. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. to finshing 9. A. should B. must C. need D. can 10. A. a B. an C. the D. / 11. A. few B. little C. many D. more 12. A. also B. too C. either D. neither 13. A. encouraged B. are encouraged C. have encouraged D. were encouraged 14. A. gives B. has given C. gave D. will give 15. A. make B. made C. making D. to make 二、完形填空


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation 一、英汉互译。 1. stay at home ________________________ 2. 去夏令营________________________ 3. go to New York ________________________ 4. 去海滩________________________ 5. visit my uncle ________________________ 6. 去山里________________________ 7. go on vacation ________________________ 8. 参观博物馆________________________ 二.单项选择。 1.It is raining hard outside. You’d better bring _____ umbrella with you .. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2.—Do you know the _____ between these two words? ---Yes ,I do. A. different B. difference C. bicycle D. building 3. ____seems very hard to reach the top of the mountains. A. That B. This C. I D. It 4. The little boy isn’t ______ to pick the apples on the tree. A. short enough B. enough short C. tall enough D. enough tall 5. This is a good chance. Does ____ want to have a try? A. someone B. anyone C. everyone D. no one 6. My parents will be away for a week, I must look after ____ well. A. myself B. me C. my D. mine 7. – Where did you go last vacation? -- I ______. A. go to the beach B. went to doctor C. went to the mountains D. went to school 8. He decided ________ tomorrow morning.


】【共享】[4-17]photoShop基本制作技能大集合 我感觉很精典的教程: 下载地址:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3b220273.html,/softdown ... /200510/IT_yyjz.rar 1 Photoshop只是一个工具而已,不要把它看成神物。 2 看5本书不如自己动脑筋分析一个例子。 3 学Photoshop并不难,难的是学会怎么用。 4 不要试图掌握photoshop的每一个功能,熟悉和你工作最相关的部分就可以了。 5 不要看不起最基本的元素,往往看起来比较复杂的图像就是这些基本元素构成的。 6 不要问:有没有XXX教程--耐心的人会自己打开photoshop尝试。 7 不要说:不要让我用英文的photoshop,不要让我看英文的网站,我看不懂--谁都是从不懂到懂的8 不要担心:我没有学过美术,我一定用不好photoshop。 9 不要只问不学 10 学photoshop要坚持,要有耐心 11 看到某个图像的教程请试着用同样方法作出其他的图像 12 时常总结、吸收自己和其他人的小敲门、技巧 13 有了问题先自己想,察看帮助,1个小时后没有结果再问别人 14 学会用搜索引擎,很多知识在网上可以轻松得到 15 花3个小时做10张图,不如花10个小时做3张图。 16 不要总想在图片中赋予什么意义,好看就行 17 学photoshop首先掌握功能,然后掌握方法 18 先会走再会跑 19 明白了以上18条,你会觉得photoshop不过如此 1.如何制作晕映效果? 如何制作晕映效果?

晕映(Vignettss)效果是指图像具有柔软渐变的边缘效果。使用Photoshop制作晕映效果非常容易,下面介绍如何使用Photoshop5.5制作图像的两种晕映效果。 1.椭圆晕映效果 1)使用Photoshop5.5打开一幅图; 2)在工具栏中选择椭圆套索工具; 3)用椭圆套索工具在图像中选取所需的部分;

必修(一)Unit 4基础训练英语试题

谷城三中高一英语必修(一)Unit 4基础训练 一、单词拼写 1. After ________(电) was cut off, the lights went out. 2.The audience ________(爆发) into cheers. 3.We were ________(震惊) at the bad news. 4.The flood ________(毁坏) a lot of houses and many people became homeless. 5.The people ________(受伤) in the accident were sent to hospital without delay. 6.Fires, floods and earthquakes are __________(灾难). 7.Many men were________(埋葬)underground when the accident at the mine happened. 8.Trees along the road provide ________(掩蔽处) from the sun for the farmers. 9.The ________(受惊的) girl was speechless after she saw the terrible scene. 10.The bridge was badly ________(损坏) by the flood. 11.The boiling kettle(水壶) was giving off ________(蒸汽). 12.The workers are ________(挖) a well in the desert. 13.The park is beautiful,________(尤其是) in spring. 14.His views have been ________ (表达) in numerous speeches. 15.I can't ________ (判断) whether he is right or wrong. 16.Give Marie my ________ (祝贺) and tell her I'll come soon. 17.I ________ (真诚地) hope I'll see her again. 18.You should draw up a plan or ________ (大纲) for the essay. 二、选词填空(who, whom, whose, that, which) 1.The house ________ we live in is very small. 2.This is the best TV play ________ I've ever watched. 3.The only thing ________ I can remember is the big fire. 4.Is there anything ________ you want to buy? 5.He asked about the factories and workers ________ we had just visited. 6.The girl ________ hair is golden is from England. 7.Our school is not the one ________ it used to be. 8.My grandparents live in a house ________ was built 20 years ago. 9.I have a friend ________ likes listening to classical music. 10.Yesterday, Emily was wearing the new dress ________ I gave to her. 11.This is the scientist ________ name is known all over the country. 12.Do you still remember the chicken farm ________ we visited three months ago? 13.Some countries ________ names I had never heard of before were shown on the map. 14.Anyone ________ failed to come to the meeting yesterday must give his reason. 15.On the train I saw a girl ________ you worked with. 16.The pen ________ he bought yesterday is the same as mine. 三、单句语法填空 1.People were ________ (shock) by the eruption of the volcano, for it was even greater than they had expected. 2.He was dead and ________ (bury) at the top of the hill. 3.The child was ________ (frighten) by the ghost story. 4.An old Roman vase was ________ (dig) up here last month. 5.It made the headlines in the ________ (nation) newspapers. 6.________ (judge) by what everyone says about him, he has a good chance of winning. 7.Luckily, the traffic accident didn't do much damage ________ either of the cars. 8.— Can you introduce yourself to others in English? — Sorry. I can't express ________ (me) in English. Chinese, OK? 9.He is ________ of his daughter, which makes his daughter become too ________ of herself and finally this ________ ruined her. (proud) 10.He ________ his thanks to us, with a thankful ________ on his face. (express) 11.Ten more deaths had been dug ________ by the time the chairman arrived. 12.A great number of tents were built ________ the survivors. 13.All of a sudden, the huge building lay ________ ruins. 14.He thought little of his daughter's illness and fell fast asleep ________ usual. 15.You must come to the ceremony ________ that special day. 课文缩写语法填空(一) At about 3:00 a.m. on July 28, 1976, people in Tangshan, Hebei Province, woke up and saw bright lights in the sky. They didn't pay much attention and went back to bed as __1__ that night. At 3:42 a.m. everything began to shake. Eleven kilometers __2__(direct) below the city the __3__(great) earthquake of the 20th century began. It was heard in Beijing, __4__ is more than two hundred kilometers away. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay __5__ ruins. Two-thirds of the people died or were __6__(injure) during the earthquake. The survivors couldn't believe it was natural. Nearly everything __7__ (destroy). Most of the buildings were gone and many farm animals died. Then later that afternoon, __8__ big quake shook Tangshan. Some rescue workers and doctors __9__(trap) under the ruins. Not all hope was lost. The army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan. Hundreds of thousands of people were helped. Slowly, the city began __10__(breathe) again.


作为基本几何体的球体,是初学美术的朋友必须绘制的物体,它可以直观地表现“五调”的特征,也是我码设计软件鼠绘或者手绘的基础。 图2.1-19为本小节实例完成的效果。 图2.1-19球体绘制完成的效果 下面是实例的制作方法及过程: 按下键盘上的Ctrl+N组合键,或执行菜单栏上的“文件→新建”命令,打开“新建”对话框,设置参照图2.1-20所示。 图2.1-20球体“新建”对话框的设置

设置前景色和背景色分别为浅灰和白色,如图2.1-21所示 图2.1-21设置前景色和背景色 按下键盘上的Ctrl+R组合键,打开标尺,从标尺处拖出横、纵两条辅助线,以它们的交点为圆心,按下Alt+Shift键不放,按下鼠标左键并拖动,得到一个圆形选区。选择“渐变工具”(快捷键G),在选项栏上设置这个工具,如图2.1-22所示。新建一个图层,用“渐变工具”在圆形选区内创建一个渐变,如图2.1-23所示。 图2.1-22设置“渐变工具”的选项 图2.1-23在圆形选区内创建渐变 此时的球体已经具备了“高光”、“亮部”和“暗部”三个调子,下面我们继续绘制它的“反光”调子。 选择“减淡工具”(快捷键O),在选项栏上设置“曝光度”为30%,如图2.1-24所示。 图2.1-24在选项栏上设置“减淡工具”的“曝光度” 右击文档窗口,按图2.1-25所示方法设置“减淡工具”的主直径和硬度。

图2.1-25置“减淡工具”的主直径和硬度 用“减淡工具”涂抹球体的右下方向,做出“反光”的效果,如图2.1-26所示。 图2.1-26用“减淡工具”做出“反光”的效果 图2.1-27加上“反光”调子的球体


Unit 4Section A复习 版 一、单词 1.滑稽有趣的adj. humorous 2.沉默的adj. silent 3.有帮助的adj. helpful 4.背景n. background 5.面试n.& v. interview 6.亚洲人(的)n.& adj. Asian 7.害羞n. shyness 8.人群、群众n. crowd 9.私密的adj. private 10.警卫,守卫n.&v. guard11.需要,要求v. require 二、短语 1.在游泳队on a swim team 2.时常,有时from time to time 3.脸红face turns red 4.处理deal with 5.敢做某事dare to do sth. 6.大量的,很多的tons of 7.(在某学科)取得好成绩get good grades in…8.(在考试中)取得好分数get good scores on… 9. 到达顶峰make it to the top10.当众演讲give a speech in public 三、句子 1.---你曾经很矮,是吗?---是的。 ---You used to be short,didn’t you? --Yes,I did. 2.Bill变化如此大!他曾经是那么的害羞和安静。 Bill has changed so much! He used to be so shy and quiet. 3.Candy告诉我她曾非常害羞,于是她开始用唱歌来克服她的羞涩。 Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness. 4.我总是要担心我如何面对别人,我必须非常小心我说什么或做什么。 I always have to worry about how I appear to others,and I have to be very careful about what I say or do. 5.很多次我考虑放弃,但我还是坚持了下来。 Many times I thought about giving up,but I fought on. 四、词性(形)转换 1.humorous adj. humor n. 2.silent adj. silence n. 3.help v. helpful adj. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3b220273.html, n. Asian adj. 5.shy adj. shyness n. 6.require v. requirement n.
