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9The Luckless Monster

1 Monsters

Do you think you know all about monsters?

You’ve probably heard of the deadly dragon. It was famous for fighting knights.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the Loch Ness Monster. She’s famous for...being spotted.

The Loch Ness Monster is so famous she’s even got her own nickname. They call her Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster.

She calls me Luckless because I never seem to have any luck at all, but Luckless isn’t my real name.

My real name is Flossie.

This is where we live.

It’s a bit wild...a bit windy...a bit wet, but it’s home to us. I love it here.

But it can be lonely.

I belong to the same family as Nessie. I live in the same loch as Nessie. I live in the same water. I hunt for the same fish. But we’d have our differences.

For instance, the Loch Ness Monster is huge and scary.

But I’m a bit on the small side. Sometimes Nessie calls me Scaredy Cat.

The Loch Ness Monster swims swift and sure.

But I’m not all that keen on water.

I don’t like the cold and wet. I don’t like the high waves. I don’t like the deep pools and I HATE the whirlpool.

This is the whirlpool.

It goes round and round, and whatever is in the whirlpool goes round and round with it.

Nessie LOVES it. ‘Wheee!’ she yells.

‘Yeeeeeeeeh!’ she yells, and, ‘Come and have a go if you think you’re brave enough!’

I had a go once. I HATED it. The water went up my nose, I couldn’t see anything and I felt dizzy and sick.

‘You’re scared!’ Nessie teased. ‘You’re frightened!’

But I wasn’t frightened.


Nessie called me a landlubber, a chicken.

Nessie calls me lots of names: Titch! Scaredy cat! Cry baby!

To tell you the truth, Nessie is a bit of a bully. But nothing Nessie can do would make get back in that whirlpool again.


2 No one cares about YOU!

You probably know that the Loch Ness Monster (or Nessie for short) is good at hiding. We monsters have learned the art of camouflage. This means we can hide by changing our colour or making ourselves look like other things.

If someone spots Nessie, she changes.

People who make films, and people who write for newspapers and magazines, are always trying to stop Nessie. They want to take her photo. They want to make a film about her. They want her to be in their newspapers or magazines. She’s famous. She’s a celebrity. Everyone tries to spot Nessie.

But nobody has ever tried to spot me.

I WANT to be made a fuss of. But no matter what I do, nobody notices me at all.

That’s why Nessie calls me the Luckless Monster. ‘No one knows you exist. No one cares if you exist!’ she says.

‘Na na na na na,’Nessie sings.

No one tries to take photos of you!

No one talks about you.

No one cares about YOU at all.’

It’s true. I don’t have any real friends.

There’s Nessie of course ---but she only talks to me when she feels like it. She only plays with me when she feels like

playing. So I’m lonely, and that’s why I think Nessie is right when she calls me the Luckless Monster.

3 How do you find a friend?

One day, I woke up and I said to myself, ’Enough is enough. Today is the day I will find a real friend, a good friend. Nessie doesn’t care if she has a friend, but I do.’

I want someone who cares for me. I want someone who can see the real me.

But how do you find a friend?

What exactly is a friend?

I thought about this for a long, long time. I even asked Nessie.

‘What exactly is a friend?’ I asked.

‘A friend is someone who is like you, just like you,’ she said. ‘But none is like us, so we CAN’T have friends. Better just to settle for scaring people.’

Then she gave a roar that sent me skittering away.

‘It works for me. ’She grinned. ‘I love scaring people!’

But I didn’t give up. I was determined to find a friend.

I asked all the animals I met, ‘Please be my friend.’

This is what they said: They thought I was too big, too wet, too scary looking and too fishy smelling.

Then I asked some children and this is what they said:

The grown ups said, ‘Don’t be silly. There are no such things as monsters. That’s just a shadow. Come along, now. Hurry up.’

People were either scared of me --or they didn’t believe in me.

It was hopeless. So I sulked. I’m very good at sulking. I can do it for ages.

I stayed perfectly still, crossed my arms, drooped my bottom lip and got ready for a HUGE sulk. I was just getting into it, when I heard a noise.

A group of children were going up to a little girl. They were saying things that sounded very familiar to me.

The girl was crying and she was wearing glasses--but not for long.

The other children took her glasses and started to pass them to each other.

Each time she tired to grab them back they threw them to someone else. They were throwing faster and faster and harder and harder until-

SPLASH! The gasses landed in the water.

They were light and plastic landed in the water.

They were light and plastic. So they bobbed about on the surface. Then they drifted in little circles.

The girl cried, ‘Oh! No!’

Some of the children said, ‘Ha ha!’

Some said, ‘Oh, no! Sorry.’

Then all of the children went away, except for the girl, who stood peering at her glasses in the water.

First she tried reaching for them, but they were too far out.

Then she tried to hook them with a branch, but that didn’t work. The glasses drifted further and further out.

Then the girl took a deep breath, and waded in after them. They were going towards the whirlpool.

That’s when she should have given up--but on she went and...You can guess what happened next.

‘Aaahh!’ screamed the girl as she slipped and her head went under the water.

‘AAAGH!’ She cried out again, and down she went for the second time.

Well, I had no choice. A monster’s got to do what a monster’s got to do!

I grabbed her and kept her head out of the water.

Then off we went.

First we swirled, then we whirled.

Then we swooshed and we whooshed.

Funnily enough, after a while......we almost started to enjoy it.

At last we landed in a soggy heap.

We were out of breath but safe and sound and the girl was still holding onto her glasses.

She put her glasses on and peered at me. It must have been the first time she had seen me clearly and she looed a little surprised.

‘I know I look a little bit...different,’ I apologized.

‘That’s what people say about me!’ she said, ‘They think I’m different!’

‘Is that why those children were calling you names?’ I asked.

She nodded.

‘I get called some of those same names,’ I said, sadly.

‘My rea name is Flossie,’ I told her.

‘My real name is Fran,’ she said. Then she smiled a little and said, ‘We should be friends! Will you be my friend?’‘But I’m too big! I’m too wet! I’m too weedy,’ I said. ‘I’m different, too.’

‘We’re both different,’ Fran said. ‘So, in a way...we’re both the same!’

She went on, ‘I like you. You’re kind and you’re friendly. That’s what makes a friend for me.’

So we decided to be friends.

4 Can you see me?

Just then, the other children came rushing up t Fran.

Quick as quick, I made myself look like a very handsome tree. Well, I don’t want them screaming and running away or calling me names, do I?

The other children ran up to my new friend.

Sometime I can hide myself just too well. But I don’t mind.

Now, Fran and I often play together. We swim. We play tig and hide and seek and skipping and football. I help her--and she helps me.

Yes, she’s taught me to look at things differently.

Fran has lots of friends now but she’s still my friend too.

I’m often around. But not everyone can spot me.

It takes a real friend to see me.

Can you?


典范英语6 1、《海象加入了“表演”》 2、吵闹的邻居 3、皮皮公主的假期 4、《哦!奥托》 5、《科密特船长与紫色星球》 6、《丛林短裤》 7、《来自奥姆的蒙面清洁女工》 8、《蒙面清洁女工反败为胜》 9、《蒙面清洁女工面对海盗》 10、《水母鞋》 11、花朵街的狗老大 12、玉米片硬币 13、幽灵船 14、机器狗 15、球王贝利 16、北极英雄 17、拓荒女孩 18、我的朋友曼德拉 每个身处北极的动物都很兴奋,因为这里即将举行一场人人都可以参加的演出。 “我要表演滑雪”北极狐说,“我对此很在行”。 “我要表演翻筋斗”,北极熊说,“没人翻筋斗能比我好” “我唱歌吧”,海豹说,“每个人都说我嗓音很美。 “那我就表演潜水吧”鲸鱼说,“你们知道,我以前在学校可是拿过潜水奖牌的” 之后大家都看着海象,问他:你表演什么呢? 但是海象什么都不擅长,既不会滑雪也不会翻筋斗。 他的歌唱的很糟糕,而他潜水时,鼻子也是露在水面上的。 于是海象难过的坐在那里,嚼他的胡子。 “没关系”,北极狐说,“你可以看我们表演啊”。 北极狐,北极熊,海豹和鲸鱼都在为那场大型远处而努力练习着,而海象却躲在一个雪堆后面边看着他们,边嚼着他的胡子。 他真希望自己能擅长些什么。 2。盛大的夜晚 终于,表演的盛大夜晚到来了,每个人都坐下来等待演出的开始。 还想坐在最前排,他很激动,狐狸走到冰上向大家示意,众人都欢呼着。 狐狸开始表演滑冰了,他时而前滑,时而后退,时而向两边滑去,他滑出一个优美的圆圈,并8字型的滑着,她的表演简直是无与伦比的完美,海象非常喜欢她的表演,狐狸表演这一切似乎都是那么的简单轻松。 海象认为如果自己也真正的去尝试,一定也能像狐狸表演的那么好。 海象情不自禁的跳到冰上和狐狸一起滑冰“我能滑冰了”他叫嚷着,“快,看我” 然而,海象并没能滑多久,他只是把一切搞砸,摔了一跤,他撞到狐狸,狐狸摔倒压在他的脸上,真糟糕! 狐狸被他搞得心烦。 “海象搞砸了我的演出”狐狸悲叹说


7.来自奥姆的蒙面清洁女工 1.城堡有麻烦了。 “我不干了”皇家清洁工宾斯太太说“这里一个人干的活太多了”宾期太太把城堡的钥匙交给诺拉王后,就走了。 诺拉王后告诉了其他的王室成员。“那我们该怎么办?”简公主问道。 “首先,你不能再带朋友到这儿来了,”诺拉王后说 “为什么不能?”简公主问。“因为他们把这里搞得乱七八糟” “也许我们能试着自己让城堡保持整洁”哈利国王说。“我相信琼期上尉和史密斯上尉也会搭把手,我自己也能洗盘子” “什么?”诺拉王后大叫“人们会说,哈利国王要自己洗衣服,绝对不行” “我们可以张贴启事招聘清洁工”简公主说。 “好主意,”诺拉王后说“现在就写招聘启事”简公主写了张启事,并把它钉在城堡的门上。 日子一天天过去,却没有人来询问招聘清洁工的事,城堡变得越来越脏,没有干净的衣服可穿没有干净的盘子可用。 一天早上,诺拉王后听到有歌声从厨房传来,她从门边探出头来,看到了令她吃惊的一幕:哈利国王在水池边上洗盘子。史密斯上尉在拖地,琼斯上尉在洗皇室的衬衫。“马上停下”诺拉王后大叫道“这可不是国王和他的上尉该干的活,他们应该去勇斗恶龙” “我们从来没有见过一只恶龙,亲爱的,”“那是因为你从来没有找过它们”诺拉王后说 诺拉王后十分难过,那一刻她决定来一次皇家旅行。“还有你们三个,别再想着干那些洗洗涮涮的活儿了,”她补充道:“当我离开时,你们要踏上寻找之旅” “寻找?”哈利国王问,他的脸变白了。“寻找恶龙?” “你们也可以去找恶龙”诺拉王后说,“不过主要工作是寻找清洁工” “那我呢?”简公主问。“你可以呆在家里,不要让贼或者你的朋友们进来” 诺拉王后让人去拿了她的皇家箱子和皇家手袋准备开启她的皇家旅行。 哈利国王、史密斯上尉、琼斯上尉动身去寻找清洁工。他们看上去很不高兴。 简公主跟他们每个人挥手再见。 “这不公平”简公主哼了一声,“每个人都走了,去寻找,去旅行。我一个人被困在这个臭哄哄的老城堡里”. 2.简公主噘起了嘴,生了好一会闷气。 当有人敲城堡门的时候,简公主已经不怎么生气了。 简公主找开了门,门前站了三个戴着面具的人,“我们是来自奥姆的戴面具的清洁工”其中一个人说。“我们是你父亲,哈利国王派来的”另一个说。 “这么快”简公主说,“我父亲在哪儿?” “追捕恶龙去了”第三个戴面具的人说。 “你们为什么要戴着面具”简公主问道 “我们得保护自己不吸入灰尘”其中一个人说道“我们可以开始了吗?” 一整天,戴面具的清洁女工们用力地擦洗地板,除尘,洗衣,擦亮餐具,到了傍晚,整个城堡焕然一新。


2.科密特船长与紫色星球 1.斯潘纳无聊了 星尘号空间站,一个宁静的早晨。史黛拉船长正在检查太空穿梭机,科密特船长在给植物浇水,机器人斯潘纳觉得无聊了。 “我能坐到控制台那儿吗?”他问道。 “可以”科密特船长说“但是不要碰任何东西,也不要按那个红色的按钮” 扳手坐在了控制台前,看着上面的各种按钮。有开空间站所有门的按钮,也有开所有灯的按钮。甚至有个按钮控制所有冲刷马桶的。还有一个红色的按钮,上面标注着“重力”。斯潘纳不明白这个“重力”是怎么回事。 “我很快地按一下”斯潘纳说“看看它到底是什么”,它按下了红色按钮。 科密特船长正给植物浇着水,忽然有了奇怪的感觉,他从地板上飘了起来,植物也飘了起来,他猜一定是有什么事发生了。 “斯潘纳”他大叫“我跟你说过,不要按那个红色按钮” 斯潘纳看到了,原来重力就是使物体留在地板上的东西。 由于太空没有重力,于是空间站自己制造了重力。斯潘纳按了下红色按钮使重力恢复,所有的盆栽植物跌回到了地板上。 科密特也跌回地板上,落到植物的旁边。 “斯潘纳”科密特抱怨道 2.那肯定是棵星球 早晨接下来的时间,斯潘纳都在清理刚才制造出的一地狼藉。当他关掉吸尘器,每个人都听到了哔哔的响声,那个哔哔声来自太空扫描仪。 每个人都停下了手里的活过来查看。 “扫描仪发现东西了”科密特说。他指着一个正在扫描仪屏幕上移动的闪烁光点。 “那是什么”史黛拉船长说 “是颗小行星吗?”斯潘纳问道“一颗小行星就是一块在太空飘浮的石头” “我知道”科密特船长说“不过,它太大了,不可能是一颗小行星” “那它肯定是个星球”斯潘纳说。 “它来自哪里呢”科密特说“它为什么移动的这么快”。 “你们最好去看看”史黛拉船长说。 科密特和斯潘纳坐着太空穿梭机出发去寻找那个新星球,斯潘纳非常的兴奋。 “我以前从来没有找到过一个新星球”斯潘纳说“我们叫它什么好呢?” “首先,我们得找到它”斯潘纳…… 但是斯潘纳根本就没在听“我要把它命名为斯潘纳星球”他说。 斯潘纳发出了嗡嗡的声音,从它胸前的卡槽里出来了一面旗子。 “你干什么呢?”科密特问他。 “我做了一面旗子,把它插到斯潘纳星球上,这样人人都知道是我们第一个发现它的”斯潘纳解释道。 他给科密特看它的旗子,红艳艳的旗子上面印着两个斯潘纳。


典范英语 6 1、《海象加入了“表演”》 2、吵闹的邻居 3、皮皮公主的假期 4、《哦!奥托》 5、《科密特船长与紫色星球》 6、《丛林短裤》 7、《来自奥姆的蒙面清洁女工》 8、《蒙面清洁女工反败为胜》 9、《蒙面清洁女工面对海盗》 10、《水母鞋》 11、花朵街的狗老大 12、玉米片硬币 13、幽灵船 14、机器狗 15、球王贝利 16、北极英雄 17、拓荒女孩 18、我的朋友曼德拉 每个身处北极的动物都很兴奋,因为这里即将举行一场人人都可以参加的演出。 “我要表演滑雪”北极狐说,“我对此很在行”。 “我要表演翻筋斗”,北极熊说,“没人翻筋斗能比我好” “我唱歌吧”,海豹说,“每个人都说我嗓音很美。 “那我就表演潜水吧”鲸鱼说,“你们知道,我以前在学校可是拿过潜水奖牌的” 之后大家都看着海象,问他:你表演什么呢? 但是海象什么都不擅长,既不会滑雪也不会翻筋斗。 他的歌唱的很糟糕,而他潜水时,鼻子也是露在水面上的。 于是海象难过的坐在那里,嚼他的胡子。 “没关系”,北极狐说,“你可以看我们表演啊”。 北极狐,北极熊,海豹和鲸鱼都在为那场大型远处而努力练习着,而海象却躲在一个雪堆后面边看着他们,边嚼着他的胡子。 他真希望自己能擅长些什么。 2。盛大的夜晚 终于,表演的盛大夜晚到来了,每个人都坐下来等待演出的开始。 还想坐在最前排,他很激动,狐狸走到冰上向大家示意,众人都欢呼着。 狐狸开始表演滑冰了,他时而前滑,时而后退,时而向两边滑去,他滑出一个优美的圆圈,并8字型的滑着,她的表演简直是无与伦比的完美,海象非常喜欢她的表演,狐狸表演这一切似乎都是那么的简单轻松。 海象认为如果自己也真正的去尝试,一定也能像狐狸表演的那么好。 海象情不自禁的跳到冰上和狐狸一起滑冰“我能滑冰了”他叫嚷着,“快,看我” 然而,海象并没能滑多久,他只是把一切搞砸,摔了一跤,他撞到狐狸,狐狸摔倒压在他的脸上,真糟糕! 狐狸被他搞得心烦。
