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初三中考 (2)

初三中考 (2)
初三中考 (2)

B 卷

一、选择题(每题3分,共30分) 1.图中三角形的个数是( ) A .8 B .9 C .10 D .11 2.下面四个图形中,线段BE 是⊿ABC 的高的图是( )


3.以下各组线段为边,能组成三角形的是( )

A .1cm ,2cm ,4cm

B .8cm ,6cm ,4cm

C .12cm ,5cm ,6cm

D .2cm ,3cm ,6cm 4.三角形一个外角小于与它相邻的内角,这个三角形是( )

A .直角三角形

B .锐角三角形

C .钝角三角形

D .属于哪一类不能确定 5.如图,在直角三角形ABC 中,AC ≠AB ,AD 是斜边上的高, D

E ⊥AC ,D

F ⊥AB ,垂足分别为E 、F ,则图中与∠C (∠C 除外)相等的角的个数是( )

A 、3个

B 、4个

C 、5个

D 、6个

6.下面说法正确的个数有( )




∠C ,那么△ABC 是直角三角形;⑤若三角形的一个内角等于另两个内角之差,那么这个三角形是直角三角形;⑥在?ABC 中,若∠A +∠B=∠C ,则此三角形是直角三角形。 A 、3个 B 、4个 C 、5个 D 、6个

7.在?ABC 中,C B ∠∠,的平分线相交于点P ,设,?=∠x A 用x 的代数式表示BPC ∠的度数,正确的是( ) (A )x 2190+

(B )x 2


90- (C )x 290+ (D )x +90 8.如图,将一副三角板叠放在一起,使直角的顶点重合于O ,

则∠AOC+∠DOB=( ) A 、900 B 、1200 C 、1600 D 、180

0 9.以长为13cm 、10cm 、5cm 、7cm 的四条线段中的三条线段为边,可以画出三角形的个数是( )(A)1个 (B)2个 (C)3个 (D)4个 10.给出下列命题:①三条线段组成的图形叫三角形 ②三角形相邻两边组成的角叫三角形的内角 ③三角形的角平分线是射线 ④三角形的高所在的直线交于一点,这一点不在三角形内就在三角形外 ⑤任何一个三角形都有三条高、三条中线、三条角平分线

⑥三角形的三条角平分线交于一点,且这点在三角形内。正确的命题有( )





第2题图 第1题图 第5题图



11.如图,一面小红旗其中∠A=60°, ∠B=30°,则∠BCD= 。


13.把一副常用的三角板如图所示拼在一起,那么图中∠ADE 是 度。


15.若三角形三个内角度数的比为2:3:4,则相应的外角比是 .

16.如图,⊿ABC 中,∠A = 40°,∠B = 72°,CE 平分∠ACB ,CD ⊥AB 于D ,DF ⊥CE ,

则∠CDF = 度。

17.如果将长度为a-2、a+5和a+2的三根线段首尾顺次相接可以得到 一个三角形,那么a 的取值范围是 18.如果三角形的一个外角等于和它相邻的内角的4倍,等于与



19.如图,△ABC 中,∠A=1000,BI 、CI 分别平分∠ABC ,∠ACB ,

则∠BIC= ,

若BM 、CM 分别平分∠ABC ,∠ACB 的外角平分线,则∠M= 20.如图?ABC 中,AD 是BC 上的中线,BE 是?ABD 中AD 边上 的中线,若?ABC 的面积是24,则?ABE 的面积是________。

三、解答题(共60分) 21.(本题6分)有人说,自己的步子大,一步能走三米多,你相信吗?

用你学过的数学知识说明理由。 22.(本题6分)小颖要制作一个三角形木架,现有两根长度为8m 和5m 的木棒。如果要 求第三根木棒的长度是整数,小颖有几种选法?第三根木棒的长度可以是多少? 23.(本题7分)小华从点A 出发向前走10m ,向右转36°然后继续向前走10m ,再向右转36°,他以同样的方法继续走下去,他能回到点A 吗?若能,当他走回到点A 时共走多少米?若不能,写出理由。 24.(本题7分)⊿ABC 中,∠ABC 、∠ACB 的平分线相交于点O 。 (1)若∠ABC = 40°,∠ACB = 50°,则∠BOC = 。


第11题图 第12题图 A B C D E



第14题图 第16题图 A B



E 第20题图

1 2 B A E C D M



(2)若∠ABC +∠ACB =116°,则∠BOC = 。 (3)若∠A = 76°,则∠BOC = 。

(4)若∠BOC = 120°,则∠A = 。

(5)你能找出∠A 与∠BOC 之间的数量关系吗?

25.(本题8分)一个零件的形状如图,按规定∠A=90o ,∠ C=25o,∠B=25o,检验已量得∠BDC=150o,就判断这个零件不合格,运用三角形的有关知识说明零件不合格的理由。

26.(本题8分)已知,如图,在△ ABC 中,AD ,AE 分别是 △ ABC 的高和角平分线, 若∠B=30°,∠C=50°. (1)求∠DAE 的度数。

(2)试写出 ∠DAE 与∠C-∠B 有何关系?(不必证明)

27. (本题9分)如图,已知D 为△ABC 边BC 延长线上一点,DF ⊥AB 于F 交 AC 于E,∠A=35°,∠D=42°,求∠ACD 的度数.

28. (本题9分)如图,在△ABC 中,∠B=∠C,∠BAD=40°,且∠ADE=∠AED,

求∠CDE 的度数.


D B 第25题图


B 第26题图 F



B E A 第27题图















24.(1)135°;(2)122°;(3)128°;(4)60°;(5)∠BOC = 90°+ 1



25.零件不合格。理由略26.(1) ∠DAE=10° (2)∠C - ∠B=2∠DAE

27.解:因为∠AFE=90°,所以∠AEF=90°-∠A=90°-35°=55°.所以∠CED=?∠AEF=55°, 所以∠ACD=180°-∠CED-∠D=180°-55°-42=83°.

28.解:设∠DAE=x,则∠BAC=40°+x. 因为∠B=∠C,所以2∠2=180°-∠BAC,






(40°+x). 同理∠AED=90°-













C 卷

1. 你能将下图分成形状相同、大小相同的12块吗?


2. 想一想,画一画,下面各题的三条线段能组成三角形吗?如

果能,会组成什么样的三角形? 1) 6cm ,9cm ,5cm ; 2) 6cm ,8cm ,10cm ; 3) 5cm ,7cm ,5cm ; 4) 12cm ,3cm ,7cm 。

3. 如果在一个三角形中,其中一个内角是另一个内角的4倍,那么这个三角形可能是


4. 如图:AB ∥CD ,GO 和HO 分别是∠BGH 和∠GHD 的角平分线。你能算出∠GOH

的度数吗?如果作OP ⊥AB ,OQ ⊥CD ,OR ⊥EF ,你能找到图中的全等三角形吗?说明理由。

5. 若∠B =40°,∠C =71°,∠BME=133°,∠EPB

=140°,∠F =47°。求∠A ,∠D 。















6. 图中△ABE 和△ACD 都是等边三角形。△AEC 和△ABD

全等吗?如果要△ABE 和△ACD 全等,则还需要什么条件?

7. △ABC 中,AB=AC ,BD 和CE 分别是∠ABC 和∠ACB 的角平分线。

则△ABD 和哪个三角形全等?为什么?△BEC 和哪个三角形全等?为


8. △ABC 是等边三角形,且AD=BE=CF 。那么△DEF 是等边三角形


9. 已知三角形的两条边和其中一条边上的中线,你能用尺规作图画出这个三角形吗?



















2016年云南省初中学业水平模拟考试 英语试题卷(2015年听力) (全卷四个部分,共8页;满分120分,考试用时120分钟) 第一部分听力(共四节,满分30分) 第一节听句子,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出与所听句子内容相关的图画。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C.

第二节听句子,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 6. A. That’s right. B. It’s a pleasure. C. The same to you. 7. A. Sure, go ahead. B. Oh, I know. C. Sorry, I can’t. 8. A. I played soccer. B. I like basketball. C. It was great. 9. A. You’re welcome. B. Thank you all the same. C. I t’s very kind of you. 10. A. Well done. B. Have a good time. C. Best wishes. 第三节听对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答问题的正确选项。每段对话听两遍。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 听第一段对话,回答第11、12小题。 11. Where did Jim go yesterday? A. To a zoo. B. To a farm. C. To a village. 12. What did Jim do there? A. He fed chickens. B. He milked a cow. C. He rode a horse. 听第二段对话,回答第13~15小题。 13. What exercise does Alice do? A. Dancing. B. Playing badminton. C. Singing. 14. Why does the man become a little fat? A. Because he does little exercise. B. Because he eats too much. C. Because he doesn’t think exercise is important. 15. What time will they meet in the afternoon? A. At 4:00. B. At 4:30. C. At 5:00. 第四节听短文,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能完成下列信息表格的正确选项。短文听两遍。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 16. A. On March 16th B. On April 16th C. On May 16th 17. A. playing basketball B. having picnics C. picking fruits 18. A. Football games B. V olleyball games C. Basketball games 19. A. pictures B. food C. games 20. A. A sports meeting B. A school meeting C. A school day


Passage 1 (2015 广东,B) It is reported that some developed countries have shipped broken parts of computers to China.Such a thing can be can be found almost every day although it is against international laws. Last month Hong Kong officers found 131,000 kilograms of broken computers, TVs and phones sent from Japan. Things like these are called electronic waste, or e-waste. Dealing with them is not an easy job because dangerous poisons like mercury (汞) and lead (铅) can be found in them. Every time an old computer breaks down, it needs to be dealt with safely. But at present, broken computer parts are usually buried. It maybe hundreds of years before they are really gone in the earth. Many places in China are polluted by e-waste. Guiyu in Guangdong Province is one of them. This town is named as”the e-waste capital of the world”. It has to deal with 1.5 million kilograms of e-waste every year, from which it makes 75 million yuan. But it comes at a cost. Many of the poisons in e-waste find their way into environment. Plastic is burned outdoors and chemical water is poured into rivers. Greenpeace, an environmental group, has found the air, the earth and the rivers in Guiyu badly polluted. The Chinese government wants the country to develop, but in a way that doesn’t do harm to the environment and people’s life. This year, China passed a new environmental protection law, the strictest one we have ever had Computer companies like Lenovo and Dell will be asked to take back their old computers. This is because the companies that make computers know best how to deal with them safely. Hopefully, the problem with e-waste will be solved in the near future. 1.The e-waste found in Hong Kong last month was from . A. France B. Japan C. Germany D. Australia 2.The underlined word buried probably means in the passage. A.焚烧 B.降解 C.回收 D.掩埋 3.The town of Guiyu in Guangdong Province . A.is the e-capital of the world B.has serious e-waste pollution

最新中考英语 英语阅读理解(及答案)

最新中考英语英语阅读理解(及答案) 一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷 1.阅读理解 Sitting among the cheering fans of the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team in Rio de Janeiro, a Polish fan caught a lot of attention. It is not because he is not Chinese, but because he has followed the team closely from the very beginning The 60-year-old Jozef fell in love with the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team at the first sight when he watched the girls at the London Olympics on TV in 2012. The Polish man was crazy about the performances of the young team, especially by its core player Hui Ruoqi. Before that Jozef was a loyal fan of his home team﹣ the Polish men's volleyball. Since then, Jozef has become crazy about the team and has kept track of almost all their international competitions. Back in the 2013 Montreux Volley Masters of Switzerland, the Polishman, for the first time, came to cheer up for the team on site. He also drove all the way from Polandto Italy to lend support for the girls during the 2014 Women's World Volleyball Championship. The hardcore fan traveled hundreds of miles from Poland to Brazil, and booked tickets for allmatches of the Chinese Women's Volleyball. This time, Jozef was interviewed by TV and has been recognized by not just fans, but millions of Chinese TV audience. The" Polish grandpa" was a nickname given by Chinese volleyball fans. He has 18,000 followers on Sina Weibo, China's answer to Twitter, where Jozef has been sharing his obsession with Chinese internet users since 2013. (1)Why did Jozef get much attention? A. He was interviewed by Chinese TV. B. He is a famous and loyal Polish fan. C. He has supported the Chinese team from the start. D. He was sitting among the fans of the Chinese team. (2)When did Jozef first become interested in the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team? A. In 2012. B. In 2013. C. In 2014. D. In 2015. (3)How did Jozef come to Italy to support the Chinese Woomen's Volleyball Team? A. By car B. By bus C. By bike D. By plane (4)What can we learn from the passage? A. Jozef has already had millions of fans in Poland. B. Jozef has been a fan of his home team since 2012. C. Jozef first cheered up for the Chinese team on site in 2014. D. Jozef has followed most of the international matches of the Chinese team. (5)What has Jozef been doing on Sina Weibo? A. Giving support to the Polish team B. Sharing his love for the Chinese team C. Answering questions about playing volleyball D. Booking tickets for matches of the Chinese team


中考说明文阅读训练 (一)气候变化影响水资源 ①水资源是指可以不断更新、具有一定数量及可用质量、能直接使用的淡水。 ②淡水资源都来自大气降水。江、河、湖、水库中的水来自大气降水,地下水和土壤中的水分也依赖于大气降水,甚至冰咱和永久雪盖也源自千万年前的大气降水。因此,尽管某一地区的水资源与气候、土壤、植被、地貌、地质等多种自然因素有关,但最终还是气候起决定性的作用。 ③气候变化将引起降水的地区、时间以及年际之间更加不平衡,将会使许多已经受到水资源胁迫的国家更加困难。由于水温升高,一般来说水质也会下降。气候变化对水短缺、水质量以及洪灾和旱灾的频度和强度的影响,都对水资源管理和洪水管理带来更大的挑战。管理较差的水系统在气候变化带来负面影响的时候,表现得最为脆弱。 ④我国的水资源总量居世界第六位,但人均水资源只有世界人均量的26%,居世界第109位,中国属于人均水资源最少的13个贫水国家之一。中国的水资源分布也极不平衡。南方水多经常闹水灾,北方水少经常闹旱灾。由于受季风气候影响,我国洪水径流量约占年径流量的2/3,虽然现有的8万座水库有一定的蓄洪作用,但大部分洪水没有被利用就奔向了大海。 ⑤我国水资源的这些特点决定了我们更容易受到气候变化的影响。有关研究表明,全球性的气候变暖将会使我国天然河流的年径流量整体减少。特别是淮河及其以北地区的变化幅度较大,其中辽河流域变化幅度最大,黄河上游次之,松花江最小。 ⑥气候变化还会使我国各流域年平均蒸发量增大,其中黄河及内陆河地区的蒸发量可以增加15%左右。因而,随着径流量减少,蒸发量增多,气候变化将加大我国水资源的不稳定和更加突出的供需矛盾。 ⑦为应对气候变化对我国水资源的不利影响,重要的是充分、合理地利用水资源,增强节水措施,提高水资源的利用率,保护好雪山、冰川、湿地、河流、湖泊、森林、草原,让水资源在健康的生态中持久保存,永续利用。 1、本文说明的主要内容是什么? 2、第②段中“因此”的“此”所指代的内容是什么? 3、请简要概括我国水资源的特点。


A B C D P E 第12题图 1.已知一条线段,求以该线段为边的等腰三角形 如图所示,矩形ABCD 中,AB =4,BC =E 是折 线段A -D -C 上的一个动点(点E 与点A 不重合), 点P 是点A 关于BE 的对称点.在点E 运动的过程中,使△PCB 为等腰三角形的点E 的位置共有 A .2个 B .3个 C .4个 D .5个 构造以B 为圆心,以AP 为半径的圆,结合两个圆和一条中垂线 2.确定直角三角形或者是90°角的问题 (济南市)27.(9分)如图,在矩形OABC 中,点O 为原点,点A 的坐标为(0,8),点C 的坐标为(6,0).抛物线y =- 4 9x 2+bx +c 经过点A 、C ,与AB 交于点D . (1)求抛物线的函数解析式; (2)点P 为线段BC 上一个动点(不与点C 重合),点Q 为线段AC 上一个动点,AQ =CP ,连接PQ ,设CP =m ,△CPQ 的面积为S . ①求S 关于m 的函数表达式; ②当S 最大时,在抛物线y =- 4 9x 2+bx +c 的对称轴l 上,若存在点F ,使△DFQ 为直角 三角形,请直接..写出所有符合条件的点F 的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由. 构造两条垂线一个圆 3.以圆外一点到圆上一点为依托的最短距离 以直径所对的圆周角是直角构造圆. (1)如图,E ,F 是正方形ABCD 的边AD 上两个动点,满足AE =DF . 连 备用图

接CF交BD于G,连接BE交AG于点H.若正方形的边长为2,则线段DH长度的最小值是 构造以AB为直径的圆 (2)烟台市第25题,第4问 构造以AD为直径的圆 以对称为依托构造圆 (3)如图,在边长为2的菱形ABCD中,∠A=60°,M是AD边的中点,N是AB边上一动点,将△AMN沿MN所在的直线翻折得到△A′MN,连接A′C. 则A′C长度的最小值是 A 第(2)题图


初中英语中考模拟试卷 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必用0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡的相应位置上;并认真核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号是否与本人的相符合。 2.答客观题必须用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的准确选项涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3.答主观题必须用0.5 毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷(客观题共50 分) 一、单项填空在A 、B、C、 D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共14 分,每小题1 分) ( )1. —I hear there’ll be talk on teenage problems next Monday. —Do you mean talk our teacher asked us to listen to? A. a; the B. a; a C. the; the D. the; a ( )2 ---- What is the people in the village ? ----I am sorry. I don’t know. I only know that people like living in village. A. the number of , the number of B. a number of , the number of C. the number of , a number of D. a number of , a number of ( )3. You could hardly imagine amazing the Great Wall was you saw it with your own eyes. A. how, unless B. what, unless C. how, if D. what, until ( )4. The research he had devoted all his life to be a perfect success. A. to proved B. proved C. to prove D. to proving ( )5. —You won’t follow his example, will you? —. I don’t think he is right. A. No, I won’t B. Yes, I will C. No, I will D. Yes, I won’t ( )6. —How do you find the concert in the Beijing Grand Theatre last night? —. But the male singer was perfect. A. I couldn’t agree more B. I don’t think much of it C. I was crazy about it D. I really like it ( )7. Look, the students are discussing . A. about which super star to vote for B. to vote for which super star C. about to vote for which super star D. which super star to vote for ( )8. --Let’s fly kites if it this weekend. -- But nobody knows if it . A. is fine, rain B. will be fine, rains C. will be fine, will rain D. is fine, will rain


初三中考初中语文阅读理解专题训练含答案 一、现代文阅读 1.现代文阅读阅读下面文章,完成后面小题 向大海也能要“药” 刘诗瑶 ①前不久,由中国海洋大学、中国科学院上海药物研究所和上海绿谷制药联合研发的治疗阿尔茨海默症新药“甘露寡糖二酸”(GV—971)顺利完成临床Ⅲ期试验,在新药研制上迈过了最关键的一步。该药物是从海藻中提取的海洋寡糖类分子,其新颖的作用模式与独特的多靶作用特征,为阿尔茨海默症药物研发开辟了新路径。 ②海洋约占地球表面积的71%,是巨大的生物资源库。以海洋生物和海洋矿物中的有效成分为基础开发的药物就是海洋药物。据中国海洋大学、青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室学委会主任管华诗院士介绍,目前认识和开发的海洋药物主要来自海洋生物资源。 ③人类主要生活在陆地上,所研发的药物主要来源于陆地,但使用多了,就有可能产生耐药性。于是,人们将目光转向了浩瀚深邃的海洋。 ④除了够新,海洋药物还够“奇”。据管华诗介绍,为了适应在深海环境中的生存、繁衍、防御等活动,深海生物进化出了独特的基因,耐寒耐热耐高压等,能够产生结构奇特、活性多样显著的海洋天然产物,它们为现代创新药物研发提供了重要结构信息,是肿瘤、心脑血管疾病、免疫性疾病、神经系统疾病等人类重大疾病药物先导化合物发现的重要源泉。 ⑤半个多世纪以来,全球共有13个海洋创新药物被批准上市,其中管华诗院士1985年开发上市的我国首个海洋新药藻酸双酯钠(PSS)就是其中之一。进入21世纪后,海洋药物的开发和上市速度明显加快,十几年间,先后有8个海洋药物被美国FDA(食品药品监督管理局)或欧盟EMEA(欧洲药品评估局)批准上市。到2016年,海洋药物的全球市场达到86亿美元,已成为蓝色经济发展中的重要一极。 ⑥据了解,世界各国尤其是美国、日本及欧盟等国家纷纷制订相应计划,斥巨资开发海洋生物资源,海洋药物已经成为国际医药领域竞争的热点。 ⑦但向大海要“药”,并不容易。 ⑧首先是采样难。要“药”的第一步是到海里获取海洋天然产物,海洋生物活性物质结构特异而复杂,且含量极微。这需要深海设备的支撑,这对于任何国家来说都是一笔不小的投入。其次是培养难,从海洋采集完生物资源,仅仅是完成了最前端步骤,还需在陆地上充分模拟海洋环境,对生物进行培养,延续研究。 ⑨“再次是研发难,从化合物到活性化合物、先导化合物、候选药物,最终通过Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ期临床试验形成市场上的药物,链条上任何一个环节出问题,都会让新药‘夭折’。”自然资源部第三海洋研究所杨献文研究员表示,若无企业参与,单纯依靠高校和科研院所很难进行新药研发。 ⑩尽管困难重重,我国科研人员和制药公司依然坚持不懈地进行海洋药物开发,并取得了一定成果。自然资源部第三海洋研究所、中科院海洋所、中国海洋大学、中山大学等科研院所及高校都是海洋药物开发的重要力量。

中考英语 英语阅读理解(含答案)

中考英语英语阅读理解(含答案) 一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷 1.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 As December comes to an end, you think about the new year and all the ways you want to improve your life. But as you start to write down your hopes for the new year, you think about the last year. You excitedly write down all the changes you are going to make, but by the end of January those ideas get lost in your busy life. Here's a suggestion: Forget the too big, hard to achieve goals and just think about the small ones. “We often think that we ha ve to do everything in big steps, even though it's so hard for us to reach it, said Robert Maurer, who recently wrote the book One Small Step Can Change Your Life. “What we try to do is to begin with such a small step that we can't find any excuse not to d o it.” “Kaizen”, a Japanese word, is used to mean to change behavior and attitudes. During World WarⅡ, American factory managers were able to increase productivity by trying small, continuous improvements instead of sudden changes. After the war, the idea was brought to a rebuilding Japan. It made Japan develop fast. The Japanese called it “Kaizen”, which means “improvement”. Maurer studied the idea and did some experiments with it. “Kaizen” could possibly help people succeed in doing everything. (1)Robert Maurer wrote a book to tell us ______. A. we should do everything in big steps B. how to change one's life with one small step C. we should try a lot of sudden changes D. how to find a small step without any excuse (2)The underlined part “increase productivity” in the passage means “______”. A. 提高生产率 B. 增加成本 C. 增加出口量 D. 提高待遇(3)The writer of the passage suggests we should ______. A. make changes at the end of the year B. do few experiments with “Kaizen” C. do things with hard to achieve goals D. take a tiny step to achieve big goals (4)Which of the following is TRUE from the passage? A. You can achieve your goals if you are not too busy. B. Robert Maurer studied “kaizen” and found it helpful. C. You can't find any excuse not to reach a big goal. D. “Kaizen” was brought to Japan during World WarⅡ. 【答案】(1)B (2)A (3)D (4)B 【解析】【分析】本文主要讲述了应忘记太大的、难以实现的目标,只想想小的目标,一步步地去实现它。 (1)B细节理解题。根据who recently wrote the book One Small Step Can Change Your Life (最近写了一本书《一小步可以改变你的生活》)可知,故选B


初三英语中考模拟试题(一) Ⅰ.词汇(15分) A.根据所给汉语意思,完成句子(5分) 1.I was _____(惊奇的) to see that he was badly hurt in the accident. 2.I don’t like eating apples _____(和) oranges. 3.“Help yourselves to some bananas.”Mother said to the _____(孩子). 4.What is the _____ (天气)like today? 5.There are _____(百)of people in the hall. B.用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1.The TV play is so _____(interest) that I want to see it again. 2.Look! How _____(happy) the children are dancing! 3.Many _____(travel) have visited the Great Wall of China. 4.The room next to mine is always _____(noise). 5.Don't open your books.Please keep them _____(close). 6.The dictionary is very _____(help) to my study. 7.Mr.Read learns Chinese as his _____(two) language. 8.In our class about two _____(three) of the students are boys. 9.English is spoken by the _____(large) number of people in the world. 10.I hear Tom is good at _____ (surf). Ⅱ.选择(15分) 1.Which of the following signs is often found in a doctor’s waiting room? 2.Meimei is not here.She _____ to the school library. A.is going B.will go C.has gone D.has been 3.—_____ is your school? —It's about ten minutes' walk. A.How soon B.How long C.How often D.How far 4.Lin Tao jumped _____ than Bill at the sports meeting. A.higher B.high C.highest D.the highest 5.This box is _____heavy_____ I can't carry it. A.too; to B.so; that C.too; that D.very; that 6.If I _____ free next Sunday, I _____ to the farm with you. A.will be; will go B.am; will go C.am; go D.will be; go 7.I don't feel very well.Mother asked me _____.


2020-2021中考英语英语阅读理解精选及答案 一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷 1.阅读理解 At some point in life, many people develop a mental (精神) problem. While most people get over it, for others it doesn't go away easily. The WHO says that about 20 percent of teenagers worldwide suffer from mental illness. It's thought that the number of teenagers with mental illness around the world will increase by half by 2020. It will become one of the main causes of illness, and even death. In China, the picture isn't bright, either. About one tenth of teenagers under the age of 17 have a mental health challenge. The world is changing fast. Study and relationships have always caused stress, but today the stress is much higher than before, the WHO said. A research centre in Oxford University says that young people today have big stresses at school. For example, they experience bullying (欺凌). In a 2017 report, the centre noted that the Internet was a special source (渠道) of stress. Online, young people often see "messages about perfection" and this causes the young "great uncertainty about their futures", says the centre. Also, according to China Daily, Chinese people don't ask for help with their mental problems. They fear that others will think less of them if they say that they are in mental trouble. Elaine Peng, a US mental health educator, makes a similar point. And in the UK, over three quarters of young people believe their mental problems have a social stigma. It is reported in 2017 that a quarter of young UK people wouldn't ask for help if they developed a mental problem. Young people who don't ask for help for their condition may be creating problems for themselves in the future. Elaine Peng warned that, "If we hide our mental health, it may remain a problem forever." "My message for young people is, if you feel something is wrong within you—ask for help," he told China Daily. (1)Which of the following is NOT the cause of stress according to the passage? A. Heavy schoolwork B. Being bullied at school. C. Some information from the Internet. D. Certainty about the future. (2)Why don't Chinese people ask for help with their mental problems? A. They don't think them serious. B. They can get over them in time. C. They can keep their mental health secret. D. They are afraid of being looked down upon.


2017中考专题复习——圆 知识梳理: 1、、定理 不在同一直线上的 确定一个圆。 2、垂径定理 垂直于弦的直径 这条弦并且平分弦所对的两条弧 3、平分弦(不是直径)的直径 于弦,并且 弦所对的两条弧 4、在同圆或等圆中,相等的圆心角所对的弧 ,所对的弦 ,所对的弦的弦心距 5、在同圆或等圆中,如果两个圆心角、两条弧、两条弦或两弦的弦心距中有一组量相等那么它们所对应的其余各组量都 6、定理 一条弧所对的圆周角等于它所对的圆心角的 推论1 同弧或等弧所对的圆周角 ;同圆或等圆中,相等的圆周角所对的弧也 推论2 半圆(或直径)所对的圆周角是 ;90°的圆周角所对的弦是 推论3 如果三角形一边上的中线等于这边的一半,那么这个三角形是 7、定理 圆的内接四边形的对角 8、切线的判定定理 经过半径的外端并且 于这条半径的直线是圆的切线 9、切线的性质定理 圆的切线 于经过切点的半径 推论1 经过圆心且垂直于切线的直线必经过切点 推论2 经过切点且垂直于切线的直线必经过圆心 10、切线长定理 从圆外一点引圆的两条切线,它们的 相等圆心和这一点的连线 两条切线的夹角 中考回顾: (16年)在⊙O 中,AB 为直径,C 为⊙O 上一点. (Ⅰ)如图①,过点C 作⊙O 的切线,与AB 的延长线相交于点P ,若27CAB ∠=?, 求P ∠的大小; (Ⅱ)如图②,D 为上一点,且OD 经过AC 的中点E ,连接DC 并延长,与AB 的延长线相交于点P ,若10CAB ∠=?,求P ∠的大小. (15年)已知A ,B ,C 是⊙O 上的三个点,四边形OABC 是平行四边形,过点C 作⊙O 的切线,交AB 的延长线于点D .(Ⅰ)如图①,求ADC ∠的大小; (Ⅱ)如图②,经过点O 作CD 的平行线,与AB 交于点E ,与交于点F ,连接AF , 求FAB ∠的大小. (14年)已知⊙O 的直径为10,点A ,点B ,点C 在⊙O 上,CAB ∠的平分线交⊙O 于点 D . (Ⅰ)如图①,若BC 为⊙O 的直径,6AB =,求AC ,BD ,CD 的长; (Ⅱ)如图②,若60CAB ∠=?,求BD 的长. 图① 图② O A B D C O A B D C E 图① 图② F 图① 图②


初三英语中考模拟试题 (一) I .词汇(15分) A. 根据所给汉语意思,完成句子(5分) 1.1 was ____ (惊奇的)to see that he was badly hurt in the accident. 2」don ' t like eating apples ____ (和)oranges. 3. “ Help yourselves to some bananas.” Mother said to the ___ (孩子). 4. What is the ___ (天气)like today? 5. There are ___ (百)of people in the hall. B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. The TV play is so ___ (in terest) that I want to see it aga in. 2. Look! How ___ (happy) the childre n are dancing! 3. Ma ny __ (travel) have visited the Great Wall of Chi na. 4. The room next to mine is always___ (no ise). 5. D on't ope n your books.Please keep them ___ (close). 6. The dicti onary is very ___ (help) to my study. 7. Mr.Read lear ns Chin ese as his ___ (two) Ian guage. 8.ln our class about two _____ (three) of the stude nts are boys. 9. ________________________ E nglish is spoke n by the (large) nu mber of people in the world. 10.1 hear Tom is good at ____ (surf). n .选择(15分) I. Which of the following sig ns is often found in a doctor ' s waiting room ? 2. M eimei is not here.She ___ A.is goi ng C.has gone 3. ______ —is your school? —It's about ten minu tes' walk. to the school library. B.will go D.has bee n A.How soon C.How ofte n B.How long D.How far 4. L i n Tao jumped A.higher C.highest 5. This box is heavy A.too; to C.too; that 6.lf I _____free next Su nday, I A.will be; will go C.am; go than Bill at the sports meeti ng. B.high D.the highest I can't carry it. B.so; that D.very; that ___ to the farm with you. B.am; will go D.will be; go G

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