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1) 以译文中标注的单词为重点;



P assage 1

“The word …protection? is no longer taboo(禁忌语)”. This short sentence, uttered by French President Nicolas Sarkozy late last month, may have launched a new era in economic history. Why? For decades, Western leaders have believed that lowering trade barriers and tariffs was a natural good. 1) Doing so, they reasoned, would lead to greater economic efficiency and productivity, which in turn would improve human welfare. Championing free trade thus became a moral, not just an economic, cause.

These leaders, of course, weren?t acting out of unselfishness. They knew their economies were the most competitive, so they?d profit most from liberalization. And developing countries feared that their economies would be swamped by superior Western productivity. Today, however, the tables have turned—though few acknowledge it. The West continues to preach free trade, but practices it less and less. Asia, meanwhile, continues to plead for special protection but practices more and more free trade.

That?s why Sarkozy?s words were so important: he finally injected some honesty into the trade debate. The truth is that large parts of the West are losing faith in free trade, though few leaders admit it. Some economists are more honest. Paul Krugman is one of the few willing to acknowledge that protectionist arguments are returning. In the short run, there will be winners and losers under free trade. This, of course, is what capitalism is all about. But more and more of these losers will be in the West. Economists in the developed world used to love quoting Joseph Schumpeter, who said that “creative destruction” was an essential part of capitalist growth. But they always assumed that destruction would happen over there. When western workers began losing jobs, suddenly their leaders began to lose faith in their principles. Things have yet to reverse completely. But there?s clearly a negative trend in Western theory and practice.

A little hypocrisy(虚伪)is not in itself a serious problem. 2) The real problem is that Western governments continue to insist that they retain control of the key global economic and financial institutions while drifting away from global liberalization. Look at what?s happening at the IMF

(International Monetary Fund). The Europeans have demanded that they keep the post of managing director. But all too often, Western officials put their own interests above everyone else?s when they dominate these global institutions.

The time has therefore come for the Asians—who are clearly the new winners in today?s global economy—to provide more intellectual leadership in supporting free trade. Sadly, they have yet to do so. 3) Unless Asians speak out, however, there?s real danger that Adam Smith?s principles, which have brought so much good to the world, could gradually die. And that would leave all of us worse off, in one way or another.


“‘保护’(protection)这个字再也不是禁忌语(taboo)了。”上月末法国总统Nicolas Sarkozy说出的短短一句话可能推动(launch)了经济史上一个新时代(era)的到来。原因何在?几十年(decades)来,西方领导人相信,降低(lower)贸易关税(tariff)和壁垒(barrier)是顺应天意(natural)的。他们觉得(reason),关税和壁垒降低会提高经济效率(efficiency),发展生产力(productivity),这有助于改善(improve)人类福利(welfare)。因此,捍卫(champion)自由贸易不仅成为一种经济需求,也是一种道义(moral cause)。


Sarkozy的言论举足轻重(important)的道理在此:他终于为贸易争辩(debate)输入(inject)了一些诚实(honesty)的元素。真相就是,西方大多数地区正在对自由贸易失去信心,尽管领导人不愿承认(admit)。有些经济学家表现得诚实许多。Paul Krugman就是仅有的几个愿意承认保护主义理由正在回归的学者之一。短期(short run)看,在自由贸易的状态下,有赢家也有输家。当然这也就是资本主义(capitalism)的要义。但是未来越来越多的输家会出现在西方。发达国家的经济学家经常喜欢引用(quote)Joseph Schumpeter的话,他说“创造性(creative)毁灭(destruction)”是资本主义增长的一个基本(essential)要素。但是他们总是假定(assume),毁灭不会发生在西方。当西方国家的工人开始失业时,他们的领导人就突然开始失去对某些原则(principle)的信心(faith)。情况还没有完全逆转(reverse),但是西方的理论(theory)和实践之间已经存在明显的逆向(negative)趋势(trend)。


因此,显然成为当今全球经济新赢家的亚洲人应该在支持自由贸易方面发挥(provide)更多的领导(leadership)作用。可悲的是,他们还没有做到这一点。但是,除非亚洲人发出自己的声音,否则会产生真正的危险:曾惠及世界的Adam Smith原则会逐渐消亡。那将使我们变得更加糟糕(worse off)。


1)Doing so, they reasoned, would lead to greater economic efficiency and productivity, which in turn would improve human welfare.

【解析】注意句中的插入语“they reasoned”,我们通常把这种插入语提前到句首翻译。那么整句的主语由分词结构“doing so”充当,语法上就称为动名词短语了。其次,句末还有一个由逗号分开的非限制性定语从句。


2)The real problem is that Western governments continue to insist that they retain control of the key global economic and financial institutions while drifting away from global liberalization.

【解析】典型的套句,即从句中嵌入从句的结构。对付这种复杂结构,关键要理清从句的位置和在句中的关联。insist that…从句中有一个虚拟的结构,省略了should这个标志词。“while drifting away…”是状语从句省略式,省略掉drift的主语Western governments。既然这个状语从句的位置处于insist that…的宾语从句内,只能理解为动词短语retain the control 部分的让步状语。


3)Unless Asians speak out, however, there?s real danger that Adam Smith?s principles, which have brought so much good to the world, could gradually die.


【参考译文】但是,除非亚洲人发出自己的声音,否则会产生真正的危险:曾惠及世界的Adam Smith原则会逐渐消亡。


assage 2

1) During the 1936 presidential campaign, the Chicago Tribune, under its archconservative owner, Colonel Robert McCormick, wholeheartedly endorsed the candidacy of the Republican Alf Landon. The paper was so vehemently anti-F.D.R. that 10 days before the election, switchboard operators at the news paper answered the phone by saying “Hello. Chicago Tribune. Only 10 days left to save the American way of life”.

In the next few weeks, newspapers in Ohio, Texas and Pennsylvania will endorse candidates for President. In fact, most of them will endorse both a Democrat and a Republican. In 2004, presidential candidates were endorsed by 418 newspapers across the country—29% of all the papers in the U.S.

I confess that I?ve never quite understood why newspapers endorse presidential candidates. Sure, I know the history and the tradition, the fact that newspapers in the 18th and 19th centuries were often affiliated with political parties, but why do they do it now? Why do it at a time when the credibility and viability of the press are at all-time lows? More important, why do it at a time when readers, especially young readers, question the objectivity of newspapers in particular and the media in general?

Young news consumers are suspicious about traditional authority. They prize objectivity,

straightforwardness and transparency. I doubt there?s a reader under 30 who gets why newspapers endorse presidential candidates—and most of the ones I talk to ask the following: How can a newspaper be objective on the front page when it endorses a candidate on the editorial page? 2) They?re dubious about whether the reporter who covers Hillary Clinton can be objective if his newspaper has endorsed Barack Obama—and vice versa. And they?re right. At a time when newspapers are trying to ensure their survival by attracting younger readers, the idea of endorsements is both counterproductive and an anachronism. It?s certainly the prerogative of newspapers and their owners to endorse candidates, but in doing so they are undermining the very basis for their business, which is impartiality. It?s a recipe for having less influence, not more.

I want our writers and reporters to express a point of view in their stories. They?re experts, they?ve done their homework, and 3) I think it?s fair for writers to suggest that after thoroughly reviewing the candidates?policies on health care, they find one more practical than another. That?s transparency. Media outlets should publish editorials and take positions, but the vote for President is the most personal decision we make as citizens. No one wants to be told how to vote—and we make all kinds of judgments about the people who do.

Journalists love to cite the fact that the press is the only industry protected by the Constitution. A free press, as Jefferson noted, is part of our system of checks and balances; it is one of the few guarantors of democracy. But for the press to remain free, we need to preserve both the reality and the appearance of that freedom, and endorsements undermine that.


在1936年总统大选(campaign)期间,芝加哥《论坛报》(Tribune)在极端保守党(archconservative)老板(owner)Robert McCormick上校的领导下全力(wholeheartedly)支持(endorse)共和党候选人(candidacy)Alf Landon。这份报纸激烈(vehemently)反对民主党人 F.D.罗斯福,结果在大选(election)前十天,报社的总机(switchboard)接线员(operator)回答电话时总说“你好!这里是芝加哥《论坛报》。要挽救美国的生活方式仅剩十天了”。

接下来几周,Ohio, Texas和Pennsylvania几个州的报纸纷纷表达对总统候选人的支持。事实上,其中大多数报纸既支持民主党(Democrat)又支持共和党(Republican)。在2004年,总统候选人们受到418家报纸的公开支持,占据全美报业的29%。


年轻的新闻消费者(consumer)对传统权威(authority)持怀疑(suspicious)态度。他们赞赏(prize)客观、直率、透明(transparency)。我怀疑是否有明白报纸为什么支持总统候选人的30岁以下的读者存在。我访谈过的大多数人都会问:一份报纸在社论部分(editorial)表达对候选者的支持,它怎么可以在头版(front)保持客观呢?他们怀疑(dubious)一份支持Barack Obama的报纸在报道(cover)Hillary Clinton时能否保持客观性。反之亦然(vice versa)。他们的怀疑有道理。现在报纸正在通过吸引(attract)年轻读者确保(ensure)生存(survival),支持候选人的做法既有违生产力(counterproductive),又不合适宜


我希望我们的作者们和记者们(reporter)在报道中表达一种观点。他们是专家。他们完成了自己的任务(homework)。在充分考虑(review)候选人关于医疗保险(health care)的政策之后,发现一个人的政策比另外一个更加切实可行(practical)。作者表达这种看法应该说是公平的(fair),也是透明的。媒体应该发表(publish)社论,选择立场(position),但是给总统投票(vote)是作为公民的私人(personal)决定。没人喜欢被告知如何投票,我们对自己选择的人有自己的评判(judgement)。



1)During the 1936 presidential campaign, the Chicago Tribune, under its archconservative owner, Colonel Robert McCormick, wholeheartedly endorsed the candidacy of the Republican Alf Landon.

【解析】句中有两个成分要注意。under…owner修饰Chicago Tribune,这个分割的逗号其实没必要。Colonel Robert McCormick作为同位语成分,和owner对等。报刊英语里经常出现这样的叠加修饰。

【参考译文】在1936年总统大选期间,芝加哥《论坛报》在极端保守党老板Robert McCormick上校的领导下全力支持共和党候选人Alf Landon。

2)They?re dubious about whether the reporter who covers Hillary Clinton can be objective if his newspaper has endorsed Barack Obama—and vice versa.

【解析】介词about后面的这个宾语从句是核心。be dubious about 相当于动词doubt。if 引导的条件状语从句被嵌套在whether的从句里面。

【参考译文】他们怀疑一份支持Barack Obama的报纸在报道Hillary Clinton时能否保持客观性。

3)I think it?s fair for writers to suggest that after thoroughly reviewing the candidates?policies on health care, they find one more practical than another.

【解析】for writers to suggest是一个完整的独立结构,被形式主语it所代替。另外,one 是代词,指代policies当中的某一项政策。



assage 3

Everyone, it seems, has a health problem. After pouring billions into the National Health Service, British people moan about dirty hospitals, long waits and wasted money. In Germany the new chancellor, Angela Merkel, is under fire for suggesting changing the financing of its health system. Canada?s new Conservative Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, made a big fuss during the

election about reducing the country?s lengthy medical queues. Across the rich world, affluence, aging and advancing technology are driving up health spending faster than income.

1) But nowhere has a bigger health problem than America. Soaring medical bills are squeezing wages, swelling the ranks of the uninsured and pushing huge firms and perhaps even the government towards bankruptcy. 2) Ford?s announcement this week that it would cut up to 30,000 jobs by 2012 was as much a sign of its “legacy”, health-care costs, as of the ills of the car industry. Pushed by polls that show health-care is one of his main domestic problems and by forecasts showing that the retiring baby-boomers(生育高峰期出生的人)will crush the government?s finances, George Bush is to unveil a reform, planning in next week?s state-of-the-union address.

America?s health system is unlike any other. 3) The United States spends 16% of its GDP on health, around twice the rich-country average, equivalent to $6,280 for every American each year. Yet it is the only rich country that does not guarantee universal health coverage. Thanks to an accident of history, most Americans receive health insurance through their employer, with the government picking up the bill for the poor and the elderly.

This curious hybrid(混合物)certainly has its strengths. Americans have more choice than anybody else, and their health-care system is much more innovative. 4) Europeans? bills could be much higher if American medicine were not doing much of their Research and Development (R&D) for them. But there are also huge weaknesses. The one most often cited-especially by foreigners-is the army of uninsured. Some 46 million Americans do not have cover. In many cases that is out of choice and, if they fall seriously ill, hospitals have to treat them. But it is still deeply unequal. And there are also shocking inefficiencies, by some measures, 30% of American health spending is wasted.

Then there is the question of state support. Many Americans disapprove of the “socialized medicine” of Canada and Europe. In fact, even if much of the administration is done privately, around 60% of America?s heath-care bill ends up being met by the government. Proportionately, the American state already spends as much on health as the OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) average, and that share is set to grow as the baby-boomers run up their medicare bills and even more employers avoid providing health-care coverage. America is, in effect, heading towards a version of socialized medicine by default.


看起来每个人都有健康问题。在投入(pour)了几十亿到国民健康保险服务之后,英国人民仍然在抱怨(moan)医院太脏(dirty),等待时间太长,以及浪费太多等问题。在德国,新首相Angela Merkel正遭受人们的炮轰(under fire),因为她建议改变当前卫生体制的投入方式(financing)。加拿大新任保守党首相Stephen Harper在竞选期间针对减少(reduce)医院排队(queue)太久的现象而大做文章(make a fuss)。在众多富裕国家,物质富足(affluence)、人口老龄化以及技术进步(advancing)都致使卫生投入(spending)上涨,增幅超过收入增长。

但是美国面临的卫生问题最严重。医疗账单的飞涨(soar)在挤压(squeeze)人们的工资,在增加(swell)未保险(uninsured)人数,迫使大型企业或者政府机构走向破产(bankruptcy)。福特公司本周宣布(announcement),到2012年将裁减(cut up to)约3万岗位,既表明汽车行业的衰败(ills),也揭示出它继承的“遗产(legacy)”——医疗卫生花费(cost)是如此沉重。民意调查(poll)表明,医疗保健是George Bush国内(domestic)

面对的主要问题之一。预测(forecast)也表示,即将退休(retire)的生育高峰期出生的人们将压垮(crush)政府的财政。因此George Bush被迫在下周的国情(state-of-the-union)咨文中公布(unveil)一项改革方案。

美国的卫生医疗体制与众不同。它每年在医疗方面投入GDP的16%,差不多是富裕国家平均(average)投入的两倍,等于(equivalent to)为每个美国人每年花费6280美元。但是美国也是唯一没有实行全民(universal)医保(coverage)的富裕国家。由于(thanks to)历史的机缘(accident),多数美国人由雇主(employer)支付医保费用,政府只为穷人和老年人的医疗买单(pick up the bill)。

这种奇怪(curious)的混合(hybrid)当然自有优势(strength)。美国人选择多,其医疗卫生体制也更加新颖(innovative)。假如美国人没有对医药进行研发(research and development),欧洲对此支出的费用(bill)肯定高出很多。不过这也存在巨大缺陷(weakness)。经常为人,尤其为外国人所诟病的一个缺陷就是无医保大军(army)。大约4千6百万人没有医保(cover)。其中很多人其实出于自愿选择。他们一旦病重(seriously ill),医院必须施救(treat)。这当然很不公平(unequal)。效率也惊人低下。根据某种测算(measure),大约30%的医疗投入被浪费掉了。

还有国家补贴(support)的问题。很多美国人不赞成(disapprove)加拿大和欧洲的“医疗社会化(socialized)”。事实上,即使政府行为(administration)大多私下(privately)进行,大约60%的医疗保健账单最终(end up)仍然由政府支付(meet)。相应地(proportionately),美国投入的医疗费用和经济合作与发展组织中所有国家投入的平均数一样多。随着生育高峰期出生的人们开始使用(run up)医保账单,更多的雇主避开医保支付,美国的医疗投入比例肯定会增加。实际上,美国正在走向一种变相(by default)的医疗社会化形式(version)。


1)But nowhere has a bigger health problem than America.



2)Ford?s announcement this week that it would cut up to 30,000 jobs by 2012 was as much a sign of its “legacy”, health-care costs, as of the ills of the car industry.

【解析】首先是一个that引导的同位语从句,和announcement意义对等。其次,as much…as 是一个平级比较结构,完整的比较应该是as much a sign…as a sign of…。其间还穿插了一个同位语成分,即health-care costs作为“legacy”的同位成分,解释legacy的具体指向。


3)The United States spends 16% of its GDP on health, around twice the rich-country average, equivalent to $6,280 for every American each year.

【解析】around twice the rich-country average是16%的同位成分,进一步明确16% of its GDP有多大的量。之后还有一个形容词短语equivalent to…再次解释这个数字的意义。


4)Europeans? bills could be much higher if American medicine were not doing much of their Research and Development (R&D) for them.

【解析】句子包含虚拟语气,由could be…if…were组成,表示与现实情况相反的假设。



assage 4

One of the least mentioned effects of change relates to how it affects the manager leading that change, and his or her ability to undertake the leadership role. We have already talked about the effects of change on the individual employee, and of course managers are subject to the same reactions, resistances and strains. Some types of change, such as restructuring or downsizing, can put considerable strain on the leaders of an organization.

One primary concern regarding change is the stress it imposes on those undergoing the change. 1) Managers, because they have obligations to their staff, not only have to deal with change as employees but also need to carry some of the concerns of their staff; in the case of downsizing, the stress levels can be extremely high, because the manager is charged with conveying very upsetting information.

2) Stress is part of the job, but in times of change, it is critical that you recognize that it may cause you to act in ways that are less effective than usual. As with anything connected with change, the major concern is not short term but long term. If your stress levels result in marked loss of effectiveness, the risk is that a vicious cycle will be set up, where ineffective leadership results in

creating more long-term problems, which increares your stress, which reduces your ineffectiveness even more.

A common response to unpleasant change is to ignore the situation. Avoidance can take many forms. Most commonly, the avoiding manager plays only a minimal role in moving the organization through the swamp. 3) After announcing the change and doing the minimum required, the manager “hides” from the change, through delegation, or attending to other work. This tactic involves treating things as “business as usual”.

The outcomes of this tactic can be devastating. By avoiding situations, the manager abdicates any leadership role, when staff needs it most, during and after significant change. In addition, the avoidance results in the manager?s becoming out of touch with the people and realities of the organization.

4) While avoidance serves a need for the manager in the short run, it destroys the manager?s credibility, and results in poor decisions. The long-term consequence of such action is that the organization tends to deteriorate in terms of morale, effectiveness and productivity. Sometimes this deterioration is irreversible.

Sometimes the manager deals with change by denying its impact. Usually, the denying manager takes a very logical approach to change. Decisions get made, systems are put in place, or new procedures are developed. Unfortunately, this “logical” approach denies the impact of change on the people in the organization.

The denying manager tends to refuse to unders tand “what the big deal is”, and shows little empathy with employees in the organization.


在变化产生的影响(effect)中,最少被人们提及(mention)的影响是这些变化是如何影响(affect)那些领导(lead)这种变化的管理人员(manager)的,以及如何影响他或她承担(undertake)领导(leadership)职责(role)的能力。我们已经谈论(talk about)了变化对个体(individual)员工(employee)产生的影响,当然,管理人员也会产生同样的反应(reaction)、抵抗(resistance)心理和压力(strain)。某些变化,比如改组机构(restructure),或缩减规模(downsize),可能给一个组织(organization)的领导者(leader)带来很大的(considerable)压力。

有关变化的一个主要(primary)问题(concern)就是它对那些经历(undergo)这种变化的人们产生(impose)的压力(stress)。由于管理人员要对其员工(staff)负责(have obligation to),所以,他们不仅要像员工那样应对(deal with)变化,还要考虑(carry)员工关心的事情(concern);在缩减规模的情况下,压力可能非常大(high),因为管理人员需要负责(charge with)传达(convey)非常令人苦恼的(upsetting)信息(information)。

压力是工作的一部分,但是,在变化时期,非常重要的(critical)是,你应该认识到(recognize)变化可能导致(cause)你以比平常效率(effective)低的方式(way)工作(act)。至于与变化有关的(connected)任何事情,主要的(major)问题不是短期的,而是长期的。如果你承受的压力导致(result in)你的工作效率明显(marked)降低(loss),那么危险(risk)就是,将会产生(set up)一种恶性(vicious)循环(cycle),在这种恶性循环中,低效的领导方法会导致更多的长期问题,从而降低工作效率。



这种策略产生的后果(outcome)可能非常严重(devastating)。在发生重大变动期间及发生重大变动之后,通过回避变化,管理人员放弃(abdicate)了领导职位,而此时员工最需要管理人员的领导。此外,回避可能导致管理人员脱离(out of touch)其员工,不了解组织的实际情况(reality)。


有时,管理人员通过拒绝承认(deny)变化产生的影响(impact)来应对变化。通常情况下,否认变化的管理人员采用非常合理的(logical)方式(approach)应对变化。他们作决策、制订合理的(in place)机制(system),或者开发(develop)新方法(procedure)。不幸的是,这种“合理的”方式拒绝承认变化对组织里的员工产生的影响。

否认变化的经理人员往往拒绝(refuse)考虑(understand)重大变化的内涵,也很少关心(show empathy with)组织里的员工。


1)Managers, because they have obligations to their staff, not only have to deal with change as employees but also need to carry some of the concerns of their staff; in the case of downsizing, the stress levels can be extremely high, because the manager is charged with conveying very upsetting information.

【解析】本句话的主句是“Managers not only have to...but also need to...; the stress levels can be extremely high...”。两个“because”都引导原因状语从句;“not only...but also ...”是并列成分,其中的“as employees”做状语;“in the case of downsizing”做状语。“have obligations to”应该译为“对……负责”;“carry”应该译为“考虑”;“concern”应该译为“关心的事情”;“in the case of”应该译为“在……情况下”;“downsize”应该译为“缩减规模”;“charge with”应该译为“负责……”;“upsetting”应该译为“令人苦恼的”。


2)Stress is part of the job, but in times of change, it is critical that you recognize that it may cause you to act in ways that are less effective than usual.

【解析】本句话的主句是“Stress is part of...”。“in times of change”是状语;第一个“it”做形式主语,真正的主语是后面的“that”从句;第二个“that”引导的是宾语从句,其中的“it”指的是“stress”;第三个“that”引导的定语从句修饰“ways”。“in times of”应该译为“在……时期”;“critical”应该译为“重要的”。


3)After announcing the change and doing the minimum required, the manager “hides” from the change, through delegation, or attending to other work. This tactic involves treating things as

“business as usual”.

【解析】本句话的主句是“the manager …hides?...; this tactic involves...”。“After announcing...”短语做状语,其中的“required”修饰“minimum”;“through delegation”是插入语,“or”引导的是并列成分;“this tactic”指的是前面句子提到的内容;“as...”短语做宾语补语。“do the minimum”应该译为“稍微安抚”;“hide from”应该译为“回避……”;“delegation”应该译为“委派”;“attend”应该译为“从事”;“treat as”应该译为“把……看成……”;“business as usual”应该译为“一切正常”。


4)While avoidance serves a need for the manager in the short run, it destroys the manager?s credibility, and results in poor decisions. The long-term consequence of such action is that the organization tends to deteriorate in terms of morale, effectiveness and productivity.

【解析】本句话的主句是“it destroys the manager?s credibility...the long-term consequence is that...”。“while”引导让步状语从句;“it”指的是“avoidance”;“such action”指的是“avoidance”;“that”引导的是表语从句,其中的“in terms of...”短语做状语。“serve”应该译为“满足”;“destroy”应该译为“损坏”;“poor”应该译为“拙劣的”;“in terms of”应该译为“在……方面”。



assage 5

Do women tend to devalue the worth of their work? Do they apply different standards to rewarding their own work than they do to rewarding the work of others? These were the questions asked by Michigan State University psychologists Lawrence Messe and Charlene Callahan Levy.

1) Past experiments had shown that when women were asked to decide how much to pay themselves and other people for the same job, they paid themselves less. Following up on this finding, Messe and Callahan Levy designed experiments to test several popular explanations of why women tend to shortchange themselves in pay situations.

One theory the psychologists tested was that women judge their own work more harshly than that of others. The subjects for the experiment testing this theory were men and women recruited from the Michigan State undergraduate student body. The job the subjects were asked to perform for pay was an opinion questionnaire requiring a number of short essays on campus-related issue. After completing the questionnaire, some subjects were given six dollars in bills and change and were asked to decide payment for themselves. Others were given the same amount and were asked to decide payment for another subject who had also completed the questionnaire.

The psychologists found that, as in earlier experiments, the women paid themselves less than the men paid themselves. They also found that the women paid themselves less than they paid other women and less than the men paid the women. The differences were substantial. The average paid to women by themselves was $2.97. The average paid to men by themselves was $4.06. The average paid to women by others was $4.37. In spite of the differences, the psychologists found that the men and the women in the experiment evaluated their own performances on the questionnaire about

equally and better than the expected performances of others.

On the basis of these findings, Messe and Callahan Levy concluded that women?s attachment of a comparatively low monetary value to their work can?t be based entirely on their judgment of their own ability. 2) Perhaps, the psychologists postulated, women see less of a connection than men do between their work (even when it is superior) and their pay because they are relatively indifferent to receiving money for their work.





基于(on the basis of)这些发现,迈斯和莱维得出结论(conclude):女性为她们的工作所付的报酬(monetary value)相对低,这不能完全以她们对自己能力(ability)的判断(judgment)为依据(base on)。心理学家推测,也许,与男性相比,女性认为她们的工作(即使她们的工作级别高(superior)时)与她们的报酬之间的联系(connection)小,因为,她们相对来说不关心(indifferent)工作所得(receive)的报酬。


1)Past experiments had shown that when women were asked to decide how much to pay themselves and other people for the same job, they paid themselves less.

【解析】本句话的主句是“Past experiments had shown...”。“that”引导的是宾语从句,其中的“when”引导的是时间状语从句,“how much”引导的是不定式短语。


2)Perhaps, the psychologists postulated, women see less of a connection than men do

between their work (even when it is superior) and their pay because they are relatively indifferent to receiving money for their work.

【解析】本句话的主句是“women see less of a connection than...”。“the psychologists postulated”是插入语;“than”引导的是比较状语从句;“because”引导的是原因状语从句。“postulate”应该译为“推测”。



assage 6

The estimates of the numbers of home-schooled children vary widely. The U.S. Department of Education estimates there are 250,000 to 350,000 home-schooled children in the country. Home-school advocates put the number much higher—at about a million.

Many public school advocates take a harsh attitude toward home schoolers, perceiving their actions as the ultimate slap in the face for public education and a damaging move for the children. Home schoolers harbor few kind words for public schools, charging shortcomings that range from lack of religious perspective in the curriculum to a herd-like approach to teaching children.

1) Yes, as public school officials realize that they stand little to gain by remaining hostile to the home-school population, and as home schoolers realize they can reap benefits from public schools, these hard lines seem to be softening a bit. Public schools and home schoolers have moved closer to tolerance and, in some cases, even cooperation.

Says John Marshall, an education official, “We are becoming relatively tolerant of home schoolers.” The idea is, “Let?s give the kids access to public schools so they?ll see it?s not as terrible as they?ve been told, and they?ll want to come back.”

Perhaps, but don?t count on it, say home-school advocates. 2) Home schoolers oppose the system because they have strong convictions that their approach to education—whether fueled by religious enthusiasm or the individual child?s interests and natural pace—is the best.

“The bulk of home schoolers just want to be left alone,” says Enge Cannon, associate director of the National Center for Home Education. She says home schoolers choose that path for a variety of reasons, but religion plays a role 85 percent of the time.

Professor Van Galen breaks home schoolers into two groups. Some home schoolers want their children to lear n not only traditional subject matter but also “strict religious doctrine and a conservative political and social perspective. Not incidentally, they also want their children to learn—both intellectually and emotionally—that the family is the most important institution in society”.

Other home schoolers contend “not so much that the schools teach heresy, but that schools teach whatever they teach inappropriately”, Van Galen writes. “These parents are highly independent and strive to …take responsibility? for their own lives within a society that they define as bureaucratic and inefficient.”






教育官员约翰·马歇尔说:“相对来说,我们在逐渐容忍(tolerant)家庭教育者。”其观念(idea)是,“我们给孩子提供机会接受(give access to)公共教育,这样,孩子就会发现公立学校并不像他们被告知的那么可怕(terrible),他们就会希望回到学校。”

家庭教育倡导者说,也许会这样,但不要有什么指望(count on)。家庭教育者反对(oppose)公立学校教育体系(system),因为他们深信(conviction),他们的教育方法是最好的——不论是受宗教激情(enthusiasm)的影响(fuel),还是受孩子个人的兴趣(interest)与天生的节奏(pace)的影响。

国家家庭教育中心副主任恩吉·卡兰说:“大多数家庭教育者只是希望他们不要受到干扰(leave alone)。”她表示,家庭教育倡导者选择(choose)这种教学方式(path)有许多原因(reason),但是85%的情况下是宗教(religion)原因。

万·加琳教授把家庭教育者分为(break)两类。一些家庭教育者希望他们的孩子不仅学习传统的(traditional)科目(subject matter),而且要学习“严格的(strict)宗教教义(doctrine)以及保守的(conservative)政治和社会观念(perspective)。另外,他们也希望自己的孩子认识到,无论从理性还是感性方面看,家庭都是社会中最重要的机构(institution)”。

其他的家庭教育倡导者“并不是太强调(contend)学校传授的是异端邪说,而是强调学校不恰当地传授了它们所传授的知识,”万·加琳写道。“这些家长非常有主见(independent),他们努力在一个社会中为自己的生活‘负责(take responsibility)’——他们把这个社会定义(define)为官僚政治、效率低下(inefficient)的社会。”


1)Yes, as public school officials realize that they stand little to gain by remaining hostile to the home-school population, and as home schoolers realize they can reap benefits from public schools, these hard lines seem to be softening a bit.

【解析】本句话的主句是“these hard lines seem to be softening...”。本句话中的两个“as”引导的都是原因状语从句;“that”引导的是宾语从句,其中的“by”引导的短语做状语;“they can reap benefits from public schools”是一个省略了引导词的宾语从句。“stand little”应该译为“没有什么好处”;“reap”应该译为“获得”;“hard line”应该译为“强硬立场”。



2)Home schoolers oppose the system because they have strong convictions that their approach to education—whether fueled by religious enthusiasm or the individual child?s interests and natural pace—is the best.

【解析】本句话的主句是“Home schoolers oppose the system...”。“because”引导的是原因状语从句,其中的“that”引导的定语从句修饰“convictions”;破折号里面的内容是在解释“approach to education”。“fuel”应该译为“影响”。



assage 7

1) I?ve heard many exasperated students and professionals express a desire to take a speed reading course so they can increase thei r knowledge at a faster rate, but the information I?ve collected over the last few years leads me to believe that “speed reading” may be less useful than most people think.

There are techniques that can be taught to help you move your eyes across a page in a more disciplined and efficient manner. When I taught at the University of Oklahoma, I always spent part of the first class period discussing some of these techniques. Primarily, I tried to make students more aware of how the eye tends to wander (usually backwards and upwards) when reading.

There are other bad reading habits that can be broken through instruction, but you don?t need a formal course to increase your reading speed. For a couple of dollars, you can buy any one of half a dozen books on speed reading. If you practice the techniques outlined in any one of those books, I?m certain you?ll learn to read somewhat faster than you do now. At least you?ll discover what you?re doing is wrong.

Don?t push yourself to read at an extraordinary pace. The cla im that you can read and fully comprehend 30,000 to 40,000 words per minute is a gross exaggeration. 2) One researcher proved this in a study in which irrelevant and illogical sentences were added to a passage of writing, the “speed readers” who were tested didn?t notice the irrelevant lines—the non-speed readers spotted them immediately.

And about the 40,000-words-per-minute readers. It was said that President Kennedy read three or four major daily newspapers each morning in just a few minutes. But he probably obtained all the information he needed from the headlines and topic paragraphs. 3) I wish I could have tested him after he completed his daily newspaper reading. I?m willing to bet he would not have known most details revealed in the body of the articles—except for those in stories he read completely. I suspect that?s also true of most persons who make claims to great reading speeds. I?ve never taken one of the reading courses that promise to increase your reading pace astronomically, but I?ve spoken a t length to many persons who have. Virtually all of them felt the courses had been helpful but, in the long run, didn?t make them faster readers.







我们来谈谈每分钟读4万个字的人。据说,肯尼迪总统每天早上只用几分钟就可以阅读3份或4份主要的日报。但是,他可能从标题(headline)或主题(topic)段落(paragraph)中获得(obtain)了他所需的所有信息。我希望在他看完(complete)每天的报纸后我测试一下他,我敢打赌(bet),他肯定不了解这些文章所表露(reveal)的大多数细节(detail)——除了他完全读过的新闻报道(story)中的细节。我猜想(suspect),那些大多数声称能够快速阅读者也是这样。我从来没有上过一节保证(promise)大幅度提高你阅读速度(pace)的阅读课程,但是,我同那些上过这类课程的人进行过详细(at length)的交谈。实际上,他们所有人都觉得(feel)这类课程有帮助(helpful),但是,从长期来看,并没有使(make)他们成为快速阅读者。


1)I?ve heard many exasperated students and professionals express a desire to take a speed reading course so they can increase their knowledge at a faster rate, but the information I?ve collected over the last few years leads me to believe that “speed reading” may be less useful than most people think.

【解析】本句话的主句是“I?ve heard..., but the information...leads me to believe...”。“many exasperated students and professionals express a desire...”是一个省略了引导词的宾语从句,其中的“to take a speed reading course”短语修饰“desire”,“so”引导的是目的状语从句;“but”引导的句子表示转折,其中的“I?ve collected over the last few year s”是一个省略了引导词的定语从句,修饰“information”,“that”引导的是宾语从句,“than”引导的是比较状语从句。“exasperated”应该译为“恼怒的”。


2)One researcher proved this in a study in which irrelevant and illogical sentences were

added to a passage of writing, t he “speed readers” who were tested didn?t notice the irrelevant lines—the non-speed readers spotted them immediately.

【解析】本句话的主句是“One researcher proved this...”。“in which”引导的定语从句修饰“study”;“who”引导的定语从句修饰“speed readers”;破折号后面的内容是在补充说明前面的句子。“irrelevant”应该译为“不相关的”;“spot”应该译为“识别”。


3)I wish I could have tested him after he completed his daily newspaper reading, I?m willing to bet he would not have known most details revealed in the body of the articles—except for those in stories he read completely.

【解析】这两句话的主句是“I wish I could have tested him... I?m willing to bet...”。“I could have tested him”是一个省略了引导词的宾语从句,其中的“him”和“he”指的是前面句子中提到的“President Kennedy”,“after”引导的是时间状语从句;“he would not have known most details...”是一个省略了引导词的宾语从句,其中的“revealed in the body of the articles”短语修饰“details”;破折号后面的内容是在补充说明前面的句子。“reveal”应该译为“表露”;“story”应该译为“新闻报道”。



assage 8

1) It remains to be seen whether the reserves of raw materials in the year 2000 will be sufficient to supply a world economy which will have grown by five hundred percent. Southeast Asia alone will have an energy consumption five times greater than that of Western Europe in 1970. Incidentally, if the underdeveloped countries started using up petrol at the same rate as the industrialized areas, then world reserves would be exhausted by 1990. 2) All this only goes to show just how important it is to set up a plan to conserve and divide up fairly natural resources on a worldwide scale.

This is a matter of life and death because world population is expanding at an incredible rate. By the middle of the next century population will expand every year by as much as it did in the first 1500 years after Christ. In the southern, poor parts of the globe, the figures are enough to make your hair stand on end. Even supposing that steps are taken to stabilize world population in the next fifty years, the number of inhabitants per square kilometer will increase by from 4 in the United States to 140 in Southeast Asia. What can we do about it?

In the first hypothesis we do nothing. By the year 2000, the southern parts of the world would then have a population greater than the total world population today.

Alternately we could start acting right now to bring birth rate under control within fifteen years so that population levels off. Even then the population in the southern areas would not stop growing for seventy-five years. And the population would level off at something like twice today?s figure.

Finally, we could wait ten to twenty years before taking action. If we wait ten years the population of the southern area would stabilize at 3,000 million. Even today the number of

potential workers increases by 350,000 people per week. By the end of the century this figure will reach 750,000. In other words, it will be necessary to find work for 40 million people per year—not to speak of food.

What this means in practical terms we can scarcely imagine. But clearly if we do nothing, nature will solve the problem for us. But at what cost!


有待(remain)探寻的是,到2000年时,原(raw)材料(material)的储存(reserve)是否足够(sufficient)供应(supply)全球经济(economy)的需求——到那时,世界经济将增长5倍。仅东南亚的能源(energy)消耗(consumption)就会比西欧在1970年消耗的多5倍。顺便提一下,如果不发达(underdeveloped)国家开始以工业化(industrialized)国家那样的速度(rate)用光(use up)石油的话,那么到1990年时,世界的石油储备就会枯竭(exhaust)。所有这些只是为了表明,在全球(worldwide)范围(scale)内,实施(set up)一套储存与合理分配(divide)自然(natural)资源的计划(plan)是多么重要。



另一种假设是:我们现在就可以开始行动(act),在15年内控制(control)出生率,以便世界人口达到平衡(level off)。尽管那样,南半球的人口75年内也不会停止增长。人口将以现在总(total)人口的两倍数量保持平衡。




1)It remains to be seen whether the reserves of raw materials in the year 2000 will be sufficient to supply a world economy which will have grown by five hundred percent.



2)All this only goes to show just how important it is to set up a plan to conserve and divide up fairly natural resources on a worldwide scale.

【解析】本句话的主句是“All this only goes to show...”。“all this”指的是前面句子提到的内容;“how important”引导的是宾语从句,其中的“it”是形式主语,真正的主语是

“to set up a plan”这个短语;“to conserve and divide up...”短语修饰“plan”。“set up”应该译为“实施”。



assage 9

1) It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the organizational constraints influence wage increases. One thing, however, is certain: your chances of getting the raise you feel you deserve are less if you don?t at least ask for it. Men tend to ask for more, and they get more, and this holds true with other resources, not just pay increases. Consider Beth?s story:

I did not get what I wanted when I did not ask for it. We had cubicle(隔间)offices and window offices. I sat in the cubicles with several male colleagues. One by one they were moved into window offices, while I remained in the cubicles. Several males who were hired after me also went to offices. One in particular told me he was next in line for an office and that it had been part of his negotiations for the job. I guess they thought me content to stay in the cubicles since I did not voice my opinion either way.

2) It would be nice if we all received automatic pay increases equ al to our merit, but “nice” isn?t a quality attributed to most organizations. If you feel you deserve a significant raise in pay, you?ll probably have to ask for it.

Performance is your best bargaining chip(筹码)when you are seeking a raise. You must be able to demonstrate that you deserve a raise. Timing is also a good bargaining chip. If you can give your boss something he or she needs (a new client or a sizable contract, for example) just before merit pay decisions are being made, you are more likely to get the raise you want.

Use information as a bargaining chip too. Find out what you are worth on the open market. What will someone else pay for your services?

Go into the negotiations prepared to place your chips on the table at the appropriate time and prepared to use communication style to guide the direction of the interaction.


协商(negotiate)起(initial)薪(salary)可能更容易,因为一旦你进入公司,公司的(organizational)约束就会影响(influence)工资(wage)的增长(increase)。不过,有一点是肯定的(certain),如果你自己不主动要求(ask for)加薪,你得到你觉得应该(deserve)涨(raise)的工资的机会(chance)就会更小。男性往往要求得更多,他们得到的也更多,这种情况在其他方面(resource)也是如此,不只是在涨工资(pay)方面。我们来看看贝丝的故事:



如果根据我们的贡献(merit)我们都可以自动(automatic)涨工资,那当然美好,但是,“美好”并不是属于(attribute to)大多数公司(organization)的一种品质(quality)。如果你觉得你的工资应该大幅度(significant)增长,那么你就必须去提要求。





1)It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the organizational constraints influence wage increases. One thing, however, is certain: your chances of getting the raise you feel you deserve are less if you don?t at least ask for it.

【解析】本句话的主句是“It is easier to negotiate...; one thing is certain...”。第一个“it”做形式主语,真正的主语是后面的“to negotiate...”短语;“because”引导的是原因状语从句,其中的“once”引导的是时间状语从句;“however”是插入语;冒号后面的句子是在解释前面的句子;“you feel you deserve”是一个省略了引导词的定语从句,修饰“raise”,其中的“you deserve”是一个省略了引导词的宾语从句;“if”引导的是条件状语从句;第二个“it”指的是“the raise”。“initial salary”应该译为“起薪”;“wage increase”应该译为“工资增长”;“raise”应该译为“加薪”;“ask for”应该译为“要求”。


2)It would be nice if we all received automatic pay increases equal to our merit, but “nice” isn?t a quality attributed to most organizations. If you feel you deserve a significant raise in pay, you?ll probably have to ask for it.

【解析】本句话的主句是“It would be nice..., but …nice? isn?t a quality”。第一个“it”指的是“if”引导的从句;“equal to our merit”修饰“pay increases”;“but”引导的句子表示转折,其中的“attributed to most organizations”短语修饰“quality”;后面的“if”引导的也是条件状语从句,其中的“you deserve a significant raise in pay”是一个省略了引导词的宾语从句;第二个“it”指的是“raise”。“pay increase”应该译为“涨工资”;“equal to”应该译为“与……相等”;“attribute to”应该译为“属于……”;“significant”应该译为“大幅度的”;“ask for”应该译为“要求”。



MBA面试英文自我介绍(英文简历)两篇 之一:MBA复试英语口语真题! 南京大学复试英语口语(自我介绍)真题! Brief In troducti on I ' m Feng yu jia. You can call me Dirk, which is my English name. I was born in 1972 and now I am 31 years of age.After 6 years learning in the Yuyao No. 1 high School, I en rolled as a stude nt in the Nin gbo Acca ntancy School in 1990 major ing in Finance and Accou nti ng. As both an excelle nt stude nt and activist in the school, I was a No.1 winner in the "Nati onal Day Speech Con test" and a vice-preside nt of the first literature Society of our school. I took my first work immediately after graduation in 1992. However I am not satisfied with my education background. Therefore I took part in the Self-Qualificati on Exam in ati on. It is a 6 years hard work and I was rewarded a Bachelor ' s degree of Economics majoring in Accounting as well as a Bachelor ' s degree of Literature majoring in English. Now I have two Bachelor degrees.My first job starts with Ningbo Furniture Cooperation, which is a big state-ow ned en terprise. Work ing as an accou ntant there for almost 6 years I acquired a lot of experience in the accounting fields. However I am not very happy with the management style of the state-owned enterprise. So I took my own advice and joined Ningbo KK Color Display Co. Ltd., a color monitor manufacturer from Japan. I was primarily responsible for cost accounting and accounts receivable man ageme nt. KK is a well-k nown electro nics gia nt. 1 lear ned a lot there on how to operate a moder n factory .It is in 1999 that I had big cha nge in my career. I was in vited to join Suzhou Sunny Air Tools Co. Ltd. and work ing there as a Finan cial Man ager. Sunny is a subsidiary of world famous man ufacturer Sears. As a listed compa ny from the States, Sears has about 141 pla nts all the world with ann ual sales approximates 12 billion US$. We have 9 plants in China. It is with Sunny that I improved myself a great deal. Not only had I the chances to touch the financial report ing and the in ter nal con trol system, I also got experie nce in impleme nting ERP system. Because of my outsta nding job, I was held resp on sible for the IT fun cti on and Warehouse fun cti on too. Despite the fact I am pretty successful with Sears, I decided to move back to Nin gbo in the beg inning of this year. Now I am the Finance Director of Nin gbo Funny. Funny is the sec ond largest fast food supplier in the world. It has two pla nts in Ningb Nin gbo Brow n and Nin gbo Yokey. You may know about or eve n are a con sumer of our product: Yokey Coca.As a professi onal I want to contin uously challe nge myself and con tribute more to my compa ny. That is the reason why I never stopped learning and worked very hard. I am a certified public accou ntant of China and now I want to get a CPA lice nse of the U.K. I hope that one day I could have a regi onal resp on sibility in my compa ny. e.g. to be the Asia-Pacific Financial Director. In order to live up my dreams, I need to endeavor in many directions, first and foremost, to improve my leadership and communication skills and keep abreast of latest developme nt of man ageme nt scie nee. This could be


MBA英语口语面试技巧 MBA英语口语是大家最为害怕和关心的了,那么,这个面试有何技巧可以去呢?下面搜集整了MBA英语口语给大家,欢迎阅读,供大家参考。 无论参加哪种形式的口语考试,说一口流利、准确的英语都是通过考试的关键所在。因此,语言的基本功与长期的口语素材积累至关重要。一般性备考可以分为下面几个部分: 为了准备口语考试,可以准备一些材料,如《英语中级口语教程》、《四、六级英语口语应试》等。当然如果确定参加哪种英语口试,又了解其口语考试的形式与内容,选择针对其考试的口语材料更为有效,如雅思口语、托福口语等。 根据备考时间与所要参加的口试类型制定复习计划。可以每天准备一个话题,话题的内容最好是热门话题或常考话题。常见口语话题总结如下:Laid-off worker'sproblem、Reformsofhousingpolicy、Goingabroad、Globalization、Informationage、Environmentalprotectionandeconomicdevelopment、Onlinelearning、xxOlympic,Bei ___g、Economirisis。热点话题在报纸、杂志上大多可以找到,也是很多考试写作部分常出的题

目,因此也可以参照考研或四、六级范文。但切忌全篇背诵所找到的材料,最好只借用其中某些素材,然后用自己的语言重新。 小组成员可先模拟一下考试过程。让自己进入状态,而后可谈一些其他话题,放松一下。 入室前要敲门,虽是小节,但关系到你给考官的第一印象。 衣着得体,落落大方。 向考官问候:Good morning/afternoon。 如果可以,微笑,但绝不可勉强。 要求简洁、有新意,能够让考官记住你。最重要的是,发音要准,不要太快,以别人听懂为目的。但注意一定要听考官的指示语,听到考官说:Can you in troduce yourself briefly/say something about yourself后再开始。其实现在许多口语考试为了避免考生背诵准备好的自我介绍,都去除了这个部分,而是由一些简单问题来代替,如:


个人信息方面的问题: 针对personal data 1. What’s your name? 8. Please give me your name. 2. May I have your name, please? 9. May I ask your name? 10. I believe you’re Mr.…., aren’t you? 3. Are you Mr./Miss? 4. What’s your surname? 11. Your name, please. 12. How do you do, and you are…? 5. What is you family name? 6. What’s your full name? 13. Miss... , I presume. 7. How do you spell your last name? 14. Would you give me your name? Answers: My name is …/ I’m… My full name is… My surname is… How do you do, I’m .. 针对personal qualities 1. What kind of personalities do you think you have? points? 2. What kind of person are you? 8. What do you think is the most important thing fo you 3. What types of people do like to work with? to be happy? 4. What types of people don’t you like to work with? 9. What basic principles do you apply to you work? 5. Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? 10. What do you think a job is? 6. Would you like to describe yourself as what kind of 11. Are you more a follower or a leader? person you are? 12. What attitude do you take towards life? 7. Would you like to tell me your weak points and strong Answers: 1. I think I’m honest and reliable. 2. I feel I’m initiative and aggressive, responsible in doing things. 3. To tell you the truth, I think I’m imaginative and creative. 4. I like to work with imaginative and creative persons. 5. I don not like to work with the introverted people. 6. I believe I’m extroverted, easy to approach and friendly to everyo ne. 7. Frankly, I think I’m quite outgoing and I enjoy mixing and doing things with others. 8. I wouldn’t call myself introverted though some times I’m inclined to think independently and enjoy staying all by my self, often and often I like sharing activities with others. 9. I approach things very enthusiastically and I can take on jobs that bother other people and work at them slowly


2018年常见M B A考研复试英语口语答题 模板

2018年常见MBA考研复试英语口语答题模板 一、考场注意 1、第一句话。见到考官的第一句话,很关键,不用说的很复杂。可以是一个简单句,但一定要铿锵有力。展示出自信和实力。千万不要来一句“Sorry, my English is poor”。 常见的开头有:I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me intr-oduce myself. I’m ...(姓名), my Number is…(编号). 因为大多数高校,会让不少同学通过复试,所以参加面试的同学可能会有很多,每位同学可能会有一个考生编号,说一下自己的编号会显得很职业,正式。 2、自我介绍。作自我介绍——成长经历(making a self-introduction ——developing history),有很多学校要求做一个自我介绍,但是你要注意的是,这 个问题并不是在请你大谈你的个人历史。而是考官要在你的介绍中,找到有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力等的线索。另外在介绍性格和爱好的时候,可以适当地结合一下家庭介绍,可以说说父母给了你哪些良好的影响,千万不要流水帐似的介绍家庭成员…… 3、没听懂问题怎么办?如果考官问其他的问题,但是没有听明白,一定要保持微笑,然后用任意一句回答:"Could you speak slowly ?";“I am sorry! I beg your pardon? ";"I don't understand your question,could you repeat it again?" 二、常见问题 在准备的过程中,一定不要光抄模板,要结合自己的经历和见解来准备,要让自己回答的问题和自我介绍融为一体,时刻都在加强考官对你的印象。如果你的回答没有圆回来,是很容易被考官抓住把柄,然后问个没完的,你再一紧张那现场的表现就有些不可控了。不过其实每一年的面试中,很多问题都是相同的,因为这些问题看起来很平常,但实际上是有很多陷阱的,比如下面这15个问题。(PS:划线的部分可代替) Q1、"What can you tell me about yourself?" ("关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?") 不完全等同于自我介绍,选一部分。(character, qualifications, ambitions, and motivations) Q2、"What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?"("毕业5 年后你的计划")


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 mba面试英语口语 篇一:mba英语面试范文 mba的英语面试自我介绍(一) goodmorning.iamgladtobehereforthisinterview.Firstle tmeintroducemyself.mynameis***,24.icomefrom******,thecapitalof*******province.igraduatedfromthe****** *departmentof*****universityinjuly, 20xx.inthepasttwoyearsihavebeenpreparingforthepostg raduateexaminationwhileihavebeenteaching*****inno.* ***middleschoolandiwasahead-teacherofaclassinjunior gradetwo.nowallmyhardworkhasgotaresultsinceihaveach ancetobeinterviewedbyyou. iamopen-minded,quickinthoughtandveryfondofhistory.inmysparetime,ihavebroadinterestslikemanyotheryoungers.ilikereadi ngbooks,especiallythoseabout*******.

Frequentlyiexchangewithotherpeoplebymakingcommentsi ntheforumonline.inaddition,duringmycollegeyears,iwasonceanet-bartechnician.so,ihaveacomparativegoodcommandofnetworkapplication.ia mabletooperatethecomputerwell.iamskillfulinsearchin gforinformationoninternet.iamafootballfanforyears.i talianteamismyfavorite.anyway,ifeelgreatpityforourcountrysteam. ialwaysbelievethatonewilleasilylagbehindunlesshekee psonlearning.ofcourse, ifiamgivenachancetostudy******inthisfamousuniversit y,iwillspare noefforttomasteragoodcommandofadvance******. mba的英语面试自我介绍(二) goodmorning,mydearteachers, mydearprofessors.iamverygladtobehereforyourintervie w.mynameissongyonghao, iam22yearsold.icomefromluoyang,averybeautifulancientcity.myundergraduateperiodwill beaccomplishedinchanganuniversityinjuly,20xx;andnow,iamtryingmybestforobtainingakeytotongjiuniversity.


1.自我介绍(self-introduce) Good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors. I am very glad to be here for your interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is You HengBo. I was born in Shandong linqing in 1984, a small city which is in the northwest of Shandong province. I graduated from North China Electric Power University and get the bachelor degree, with the major of Finance in 2007. I was diligent in u niversity and my grades were among the tops. In fact, I was awarded scholarships for 3 times during the (four) years of u niversity life. After my graduation, I joined China Galaxy Securities in May ,2007, which is one of the top Security company in China. My position is Securities trader, and My job is to open a security account and Maintenance of customer. In Feburary ,2008, for some reasons, I changed my job to another company, ZMAY Holdings limited company, which is an Investment company in Beijing. My responsibility is to Search for project, negotiate, Draft agreement and maintain follow-up relations. In Feburary ,2009, I joined Datang Telecom Technology Industry Holdings Limited corporation. From then to now,I have been in DaTang as a investment manager. My responsibility is to Investment management。(such as Investment work and Investment approval )。 That is all,thank you for your attention. 2.第一次跳槽及第二次跳槽的原因 The reason that I changed my job from China Galaxy Securities to ZMAY Holdings limited company is that I don,t like Securities work .My deal job is Industrial investment. The reason that I changed my job from ZMAY Holdings limited company to Datang corporation is that By the financial crisis has seriously affected ZMAY business, The company went bankrupt. 3.考MBA原因(reasons for my choice) There are several reasons. I have been deeply impressed by the academic[,?k?'d?m?k]atmosphere ['?tm?s,f?r]of BeiHang university. In my opinion,as one of the most famous polytechnic university in our country,it provides people with enough room to get further enrichment. This is the first reason. The second one is I learnt a lot from my present job during the past three years. However,I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is


mba面试中文自我介绍范文 MBA是工商管理硕士的简称,工商管理硕士是一种源于欧美国家的一种专门培养中高级职业经理人员的专业硕士学位。但是你有了MBA的学位,不代表你不用参加面试。相反,面试就显得更为重要,在面试中你的学习能力也许表现得不是很明显,但是语言表达能力,交际能力确实是可以体现出来的。而面试中自然是少不了自我介绍的。下面是小编为大家整理的mba面试中文自我介绍范文,仅供参考。 mba面试中文自我介绍范文一: 早上好,我亲爱的老师,我亲爱的教授。我很高兴在这里为你的面试。我的名字叫歌永好,我22岁。我来自洛阳,一个非常美丽的古城。我的本科阶段将完成在长安大学今年7月,20xx;而现在,我在我最好的获得同济大学的关键。 一般来说,我是一个努力工作的学生尤其是做我感兴趣的东西。我将尽我最大的努力完成它无论多么困难。我二年级的时候,我发现网页设计很有趣,所以我学到的是非常困难的。为自己编织一个主页,我和我的个人电脑待了半个月,我班里第一个他自己的主页。此外,我是一个有大毅力的人。在天准备第一次考试,我

坚持每天跑步,不管天气是什么样子。就拥有,我可以专注于我的研究,最终获得了成功。 嗯,在我的业余时间,我喜欢篮球、网球和中国象棋。也英语是我最喜欢的。我经常去英语角练习我的英语口语在每个星期四,和写作文要提高我的书写能力。但我知道我的英语不够好,我将继续学习。 好的,那是所有,谢谢您的关注。 mba面试中文自我介绍范文二: 大学好,我叫刘明杨,20XX年毕业于辽宁财政高等专科学校企业管理专业。同年就职于一家仅有四人、销售额不足1000万元的外贸公司,并一直工作至今。 我的教育背景和最初的工作背景都算不上优秀,但是我用自己的努力证明了这样一个道理-------大专生并不比本科生差,小公司一样会有大发展。下面请老师允许我举三个小例子来证明我的观点。 我的家乡在辽西的一个偏远小山村,十年九旱,家境贫寒,高考前夕,为了筹集上大学的学费,改善家里的经济条件,我在家里办起了“酿酒厂”,进行粮食加工转化,饲料喂猪牛,后来的结果证明,这个小厂极大改善了家里的经济状况,也在封闭落后的乡村掀起了科学致富的春风。这是我人生第一次创业尝试。


英语口语题库 1.What can you tell me about yourself? 请介绍一下自己。 I’m a person with fast-learning ability. When in college, I got a part-time job in a clothing store in my spare time. In several weeks, few customers trusted me because I was a green-hand. In order to have some selling skills, I listened to and learnt from other colleagues. Gradually, some old customers came back, asking me for a piece of advice, which gave me a sense of accomplishment. This sort of approval sounded trivial, perhaps, but it meant a lot to that student me. 我是一个有较强学习能力的人。大学时,我利用课余到一家服装店做兼职。因为我是一个新手,好几周过去了,都没有什么顾客理会我。于是我向同事学习,听他们讲销售技巧。渐渐地,一些老顾客回头找我提供购买建议,这样让我很有成就感。虽然这种认可看起来很微小,但是对于那时的我而言却意义非凡。 2.What would you like to be doing five years after graduation? 在毕业以后五年内想做什么? I hope to do the current job better. Because many in this line of work have been promoted to area managers, I am planning on that also. 我希望我的工作能做到最好。因为在我们这个行业很多人都被提升为区域经理,我也有这个打算。


1. Would you please make a brief introduction about yourself? 请做一个自我简介。 Good morning,it’s my great honor to be here for your interview today. My mumber is XXX,and come from Yunnan yuxi. I’m graduated from Yunnan Police Officer Academy a few years I graduated from college, I went to Xiamen university to continue my second bachelor's degree that majoring in business administration. Now I’m working as the (quality) manager in a pharmaceutical chain retail . Many years hard working made me a positive,responsible and dynamic person. I choose XXX university as my ideal one is because her great fame and pleasant learning atmosphere. I want to be a member of MBA to have further education. Thank you for giving me the chance. If I am admission, I will treasure the opportunity to learn and do to seek truth from facts, hard work, great glory for our University. Thank you! 2.If you failed this time what will you do in the near future? 如果这次考试 未通过,以后你打算怎么办?I’ll try it next year. I won’t give up!明年再考,我不会放弃的! 3.Why do you want to be a part of MBA students? 为什么想读 MBA? MBA 可以让我学到很多管理知识。MBA give me the chance to learn more knowledge of management. 5.Do you have a career plan in 5 years? 在未来 5 年内,你有职业规划吗?成为总经理To be a general manager. 6.Do you have a study plan if you were accepted as a MBA student? 如果你 被录取了,你会有学习计划吗? 有的,我会就一个适合我职业规划的方向做学习计划。Yes, I have. I will make a which is suit my career planning closely.


mba面试中英文自我介绍范文 准备mba面试自我介绍的时候,一定要通俗、易懂。下面是小编收集整理的mba 面试中英文自我介绍范文,希望能帮到你。 mba面试中英文自我介绍范文1 Good afternoon, teachers. I am very glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is abc, 25 years old. I come from Weifang, a beautiful city of Shandong Province. I graduated from Commercial College in July, 2001 and major in finance. Then, I was a teacher in abc, When I was a senior school student, I am interested in thought and began to read a certain classic work of Marxism, especially I finished reading “;the florilegium of Mao ZeDong”;. From then on, I have dabbled in more and more theoretical works and accumulated great interests in theory study, especially in Marxism. I have a dream, a dream of my study. I wish devote my whole life and energy into the development of the Marxism. If I have the opportunity to study in abc University, I’ll dabble in as much as document about the specialty as possible. If it is possible, I want to get the primary accomplishment in my major, at least, a stable basis. Personally, for today’s China, the first task to the development of Marxism is a process of construction. That’s to say, we should understand Marxism mostly from the aspect of construction and development of social society. Only when our socialistic country has a more rapid and balance development than the capitalistic, we can enhance the attractiveness and persuasion of Marxism eventually. mba面试中英文自我介绍范文2 大学好,我叫刘明杨,2020年毕业于辽宁财政高等专科学校企业管理专业。同年就职于一家仅有四人、销售额不足1000万元的外贸公司,并一直工作至今。


mba面试常问英语对话 工商管理硕士(MBA)是一种专业硕士学位,与一般硕士研究生有所不同。下面就是的mba常问英语对话,一起来看一下吧。 一、在短期内,重要的是要把熟悉的已知词汇掌握好。有的白领觉得自己的英语不够好,对于自己掌握的词汇量还不满足,冲进书店就把词汇书买回家猛背单词。其实,这样的方法很不可取。中国学生大学毕业后已经积累了一定量的单词,但是大部分学生却总是满脑子单词,真到开口说的时候,一句句子都说不完整。据统计,外国(特指说英语的国家)人每天日常使用的词汇量约在800-1000个之间。因此,只要我们把握好平时最常用的词汇,日常交流就能得心应手。 二、要学会在句子中掌握词汇。可以尝试着把词汇放在特定的句子中记忆,并且反复练习。 三、背诵实用的短文。俗话说得好:“熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会吟”。背诵是练习英语口语的前提。把一些非常实用、适合自己层次的句型背诵下来,熟练之后就可以加以应用并脱口而出。例如,你可以选择一篇关于如何陪同客人吃饭对话形式的短文,并背诵下来。以后在工作中遇到类似的情况,你就学会了该如何打电话、安排时间、联络客户等等。又比如,给上级作年度评估报告的

时候,你可以事先背诵一篇相关的短文,在实际工作中,只需要把一些数字变通一下即可。 四、在业余时间多听。可以在上下班的路上,在MP3里存上大量的内容,如新闻、原版电影、电视剧、听力教材等等。当你刚摘下耳机的时候,那个状态是最棒的。无论见到谁,你的流利口语就会脱口而出。事实上,大多数的培训机构都开设针对白领的商务英语课程,其中也会涉及到如何应对的内容。只要你愿意花时间多听、多背、多练,就一定会有所提高。 平时也注意多和老外进行交流,熟悉语境,建议大家安装下Skype,Skype全球拥有6.63亿用户。拨打国际长途最低1分钱/分钟起,可在电脑、平板电脑、手机、电视、PSP等多种终端上使用。其通话时长已占全球国际通话总时长的25%。Skype 用户通话时长和计费时长累计已经超过了2500亿分钟。37%的Skype用户用其作为商业用途,超过15%的iPhone 和iPod touch 用户安装了Skype。可通过官网方便下载。 有一句中国话说得好:“临阵磨枪不快也光”。真要是到了非上不可的`地步,你也要厚着脸皮往前冲了。但是漫无边际的准备更会消磨你的斗志,于是,我特意精选了面试的10大问题,也许对你有所帮助。


如何自我介绍:MBA复试英语口语范文推荐 [] [] [] [] [] 良好的英语听说能力是复试成功的保证。复试中对英语的听说能力考查比较多,有时会涉及一些专业性的内容。导师也会比较在意考生们的英语水平。现在过了复试分数线的考生要开始准备英语听力和口语了。(特别提醒:以下内容请不要全盘照抄,根据自己个人情况作修改) 经典范文: 1.自我介绍(self-introduce) Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is ***,24. I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July,2001. In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO. ****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two. Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interviewed by you. I am open-minded,quick in thought and very fond of history. In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books,especially those about *******. Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line. In addition,during my college


MBA面试英语口语:经典口语词汇 1 it’s just my cup of tea(正 合我的口味,指人,事等) 2 Take it easy. easy dose it。(慢慢来,别着急) 3 Do as i said(照我的意思做) 4 Let’s roll up our sleeves。(大家一起干吧,有时候指大家一起拼搏) 5 Put it in my hands。(交给我好了。有时候指帮助别人做一些琐碎的小事) 6 。..is now in season。(正是吃。..的好季节,比如一些刚刚换季的水果) 7 Let’s grab a bite to eat(让我们赶紧吃点东西吧,一般指时间很 紧张) 8 This food is out of the world(此食只应天上有,人间哪得 几回吃) 9 What a bummer!(太扫兴了,也指对一些事情期望过 高但事实上并没有达到预期的效果) 10 First things first (先做要 紧的事,很多场合都很适用) 11 Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you。(不要杞人忧天) 12 Did you get the picture(你明白了没有?适用于给某人讲解一些东西后问其是否理解) 13 Be back in.。.minutes!(必须在。..分钟内回来!命令的口吻。通常是指领队人对队员说的话) 14 Time is running out。(没 时间了) 15 Great minds think alike. (英雄所见略同) 16 Get going!(赶快动身吧!用在开始行动时) 17 We’ve got to hit the road。(我们要赶快了,hit the road表现出紧急,很形象) 18 I can’t place his face。(碰见某人和你打招呼而你不记得他是谁的 时候,可以用这个句子) 19 Once bitten , twice shy(一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳) 20 I’m exhausted。(筋疲力尽,形容非常疲惫) MBA面试英语口语:常见问题汇总 1.Where do you live?

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