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leave, keep使/让…处于某状态









leave表示―使/让(某人/某事物)处于某状态,听任‖等,其后可跟复合宾语结构。---cause or allow (sb/sth) to be or remain in a specified state, condition or position

leave+sb/sth[宾语]+adj./adv./介词短语/现在分词/过去分词/不定式(to do sth)/wh-…/as….[宾补]

<一> leave+sb/sth+adj./adv./介词短语

1 [VN-ADJ] Leave the door open, please. 请把门开着吧。?He left the album open/closed on the table.? The bomb blast left 25 people dead. 那颗炸弹炸死了25 个人。?Violent disturbances have left at least ten people dead. ? His illness has left him weak. ? His betrayal left her heartbroken. ? The big flood/The tarnado left hundreds of thousands of people homeless. ? This leaves the patient awake.这使病人醒着。?Remember to leave your bedroom clean and tidy. ? Frankly, his rudeness left me speechless. ? The president‘s sudden death has left the country leaderless. ? He has left his wife and children penniless.?His father‘s will left Marcia secure.他父亲的遗嘱使玛西娅有了保障。? She left him vaguely suspicious. ?The dust storm left everything in the house dirty. ?The decision by his superiors left him powerless to act. ? The tragic news left him numb. ? This left Athens the strongest of the city-states. (MCE)这使雅典成为最强的城邦。?

被动: The children were left motherless.这些孩子都没有了母亲。?Michelangelo was left unchallenged as the greatest Florentine artist.米开朗琪罗成了无可争议的佛罗伦萨最伟大的艺术家。? I understand you have been left a very rich youth.我知道你已成为非常有钱的年轻人。

(1) leave sth on/off/out/in etc

leave on让(灯)开着? She left the bedside lamp on all night.她让床头灯一夜都亮着。被动: Why are these lights left on?这些灯为什么没关?? She must have left the phone off the hook.她一定是没挂好电话。

leave out留在外面;省略;遗漏;不考虑;不包括在内;不理会,忽视leave one‘s bicycle out at night晚上把自行车留在外面/ Don‘t leave me out, please!请不要把我忘了!

(2) leave sth open/empty/untidy etc:Leave the door open, please.让门开着吧。被动: The door was left open.门敞开着。? The government left its policy open to various interpretations.政府听凭人们对它的政策作各种各样的解释。

(3)leave alone让独自呆着;不干扰,不干预;更不用说

leave/let sb a'lone; leave/let sb 'be不打扰;不干预--stop annoying sb or trying to get their attention: She‘s asked to be left alone but the press photographers follow her everywhere.她希望不被打扰,但是摄影记者还是对她穷追不舍。

Leave him be—he obviously doesn‘t want to talk about it.不要打扰他,他显然不想谈这事。

leave/let sth a'lone; leave/let sth 'be不碰;不改变;不移动--stop touching, changing or moving sth: I‘ve told you before—leave my things alone!我跟你说过,不要碰我的东西!? Leave us alone, please.请不要打扰我们。? Leave the box alone.别动那箱子。? Now she was left alone with her little child.现在只剩下她和她那个小孩在一起了。?

leave well (enough) alone见好就收;不要弄巧成拙;不要画蛇添足--stop changing sth that is already good enough: He just doesn't know when to leave well enough alone.

(4)leave the 'door open (for/on sth)让(谈判、协商的)门敞开着,使…成为可能;(为某事)留有余地--make sure that there is still the possibility of doing sth:The door was left open for further negotiations as the bosses were not completely stubborn at the end of talks.进一步谈判的门还敞开着,因为头头们在会谈结时态度并不完全那么没有挽回余地.?


(5)leave the field 'clear for sb; leave sb in possession of the 'field为…的成功扫清障碍;清除对手(以确保其成功)--enable sb to be successful in a particular area of activity because other people or groups are not competing with them any longer: Many of our more experienced players are injured or resting, which leaves the field clear for new talent.很多经验丰富的选手都有伤在身或正在休养,这样就给了新秀上场的机会。

(6)(sth) leave sb 'cold未能打动某人;不能引起某人的兴趣--fail to affect or interest sb: His story left me cold; I have heard too many of these begging tales.他的故事打动不了我,这些乞讨的故事我听得太多了。? Classical music leaves me absolutely cold, but I love rock.古典音乐一点也引不起我的兴趣,我喜欢摇滚乐。?

(7)leave sb speechless使某人(惊吓、高兴、愤怒得)说不出话来,使某人目瞪口呆

2 [VN-ADV]

leave things about/around(=here and there)把东西到处乱放

leave behind未带,遗忘;把…丢在后面: Take care not to leave anything behind.当心别丢下东西。/ Don‘t leave me behind.别把我留下。My bag has been left behind.我的包忘拿了。/He left his wife and children behind.他拋下了妻子儿女。/ He has left a sweet memory behind.他留芳百世。/I was left behind in the race.我在赛跑中落在后面。?So where does that leave me?? I can‘t remember where I left my keys.

leave sb up in the air

Fig. leave sb waiting for a decision: Please don't leave me up in the air. I want to know what's going to happen to me. ?Nothing was decided, and they left me up in the air.


leave newspapers about/around one‘s house在屋子里到处乱放报纸?I don't want to leave my mother at home on her own. ? I decided to leave the car at home. ? leave it in one‘s care把它交托给某人照管? leave the child in my care/charge把孩子托付给我/ leave sb in the charge of the matter 委托某人负责办理某事/ leave a sum in the bank把一笔款子存在银行里/I will leave the arrangements in your hands.我将把准备工作交给你办。/ He left me in the dark about the matter.这事我被他蒙在鼓里[瞒着我]。?I don‘t like leaving her in that state.?The documentary left me in a state of shock. ?The previous government left the economy in ruins. ?The strike left the railway system in (utter) confusion.罢工使铁路系统陷于一片混乱。? When Butterworth went sick, they left him in charge.巴特沃思生病时,他们让他来负责。? Why can‘t you leave her in peace?你为什么不能让她安宁? ?We‘ve left her name off the list. ?The matter is left entirely to your arrangement/disposal.这事全由你去安排[处理]。?He quietly slipped away and left me to my tears.?His illness left him with a weak heart.他的病使他的心脏很弱。? Paying for the apartment has left the young couple without a penny/cent. ? The storm left 50,000 homes without power.

(1) leave it at 'that (informal) <口>行了;到此为止;就这样吧--say or do no more about sth: We talked about it for a few minutes, I made a few suggestions, and we left it at that.我们就这个问题讨论了几分钟,我提出了一些建议,然后就没有再过问。?We‘ve done enough for today. Let‘s leave it at that, shall we? 我们今天已经做得够多了,就到这儿,好吗?行啦[到此为止吧。?There is nothing we can do; we must leave it at that.我们无能为力,只好听其自然。

(2)leave sb in the 'lurch(在某人需要帮助时)弃而不顾,见死不救,抛下不管--(informal)leave sb who is in a difficult situation and needs your help: I don‘t think much of a person who leaves his friends in the lurch when troubles arise.我对于一个在困难的时候丢下朋友不管的人没有什么好感。?You can‘t resign now and leave us all in the lurch. It wouldn‘t be fair.你不能在这个时候辞职,抛下我们大家不管,这不够仗义。? They will not leave you in the lurch.他们不会在你有困难时撇下不管的。? Bill quit his job,leaving his boss in the lurch.比尔辞去了工作,使老板处境困难。?His advisers left him in the lurch when he needed them the most.

(3)leave sb/sth standing(BrE informal);leave sb/sth in the 'dust (AmE informal)把…远远抛在后面;远

else;go far ahead of sb, be much more advanced than sb; leave sb/sth far behind:In terms of fitness, he discovered that Kate left him standing. ?He didn‘t know much about football, but his knowledge of cricket left us all standing.他的足球知识并不多,但他的板球知识却远远超过我们。?The company has left its competitors in the dust. ?In the local elections, Jackson won easily, leaving all other candidates in the dust.在当地选举中,杰克逊轻松取胜,把其他的候选人远远地甩在后面。

(4)leave sb (out) in the cold冷落某人,不理睬某人,把某人丢在一边

(5)leave sb/sth in sb‘s care/charge 把某人/某物留给某人照看[照管,照料;负责]:Make sure that you leave the children in the care of a very responsible person.你务必把孩子们交给一个非常负责的人照料。?We left the house in my mothers‘ charge while we were away.我们不在家时把房子交给我的母亲照看。

(6)leave sb in the dark[字面]使某人处在黑暗中;[比喻]使某人一无所知,把某人蒙在鼓里:The light went out and left us in the dark.灯熄了,我们处在黑暗之中。He said nothing, leaving me in the dark about his plans.他什么也没有说,我对他的计划一无所知.

(7)leave sth to chance/fate(不作为而)任…去自然发展[顺其自然];听天由命--not try to change the way something is developing or happening: You can‘t leave your whole future to chance, but must work hard in order to succeed.你不能对你整个未来听天由命,而必须努力工作去争取成功。? They planned for every possibility and left nothing to chance. ? John prepared against every contingency, but recognized that something nust be left to chance.约翰准备应付一切紧急情况,但意识到有些事只得顺其自然。?He's not the sort to leave things to chance (=take no action and just wait to see what happens) .

leave sb to one's fate--abandon sb to whatever may happen—possibly death or some other unpleasant event: We couldn't rescue the miners and were forced to leave them to their fate. ?Please don't try to help. Just go away and leave me to my fate.

(8)leave sb to oneself/to one‘s own devices/resources听任某人自行其是;对某人不加干涉[控制]: If someone leaves you to your own devices or you are left to your own devices, you are allowed to do what you want or what you are able to do without being controlled or helped by anyone else. ?They left me to myself.他们任我自由行动。? Left to its own devices, the school would accept only the most advanced students. ? The students were left to their own devices when the teacher failed to appear on time. ? Members of the party were left to their own devices.该党的成员不受任何管束。

(9)leave(also trust) sb/sth to (tender) the mercy/mercies of sb/sth把某人/某物留在危险的环境中,使任由…摆布--leave sb/sth in a situation that may cause them to suffer or to be treated badly: The soldiers had no choice but to run across open fields, which left them to the mercy of enemy gunners.士兵们别无选择,只能跑着穿过开阔地,将自己暴露在敌人的火力之中。I can hardly imagine anything worse than being left to the tender mercies of that dreadful woman.听任那个可怕的女人的粗暴对待。

(10)leave sth out of account/consideradon/reckoning 对…不加考虑,没有考虑

比较: take sth into account/


Don‘t leave the cost out of consideration.不要不考虑成本。

(11)leave sb with no choice/option让某人别无选择(=force sb to take a particular action): You leave me with no choice but to fire you.? I had no choice but to fire you.

<二>[VN -ing] leave+sb/sth+现在分词

leave sb/sth doing sth

Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain.别让她在外边雨里等着。?Don‘t leave water running to clean vegetables.洗菜时不要开着水龙头让水直淌。?I left the engine running.? Never leave children playing near water unattended.千万别让孩子们在没人照看的情况下在水边玩。? We never leave any fire burning at night.夜里我们从不让炉火燃着。? So I left him sleeping on the floor.于是我让他睡在地板上。? She left me feeling very anxious over Miss Cathy. 她让我很为卡西小姐着急。They went off together and left me standing near the door all morning. They went off together, leaving me standing near the door all morning.

ladies‘ room. ?

(1)leave sb fuming[fume发怒,愤怒]/dangling[dangle摇摆,举棋不定;(此处指)不放心地等待,心情忐忑地等待着,悬望]/ thinking/wondering/guessing etc.: His arriving an hour late left her fuming (with rage).气得七窍生烟. ?Kate's sudden departure left us all wondering what was going to happen. ?Salter drove off, leaving Callendar surveying the scene.

leave/keep sb dangling让某人不放心地等待,让某人的心老是悬着[心情忐忑地等待着,悬望] --(informal) force sb to be in an uncertain position or to wait for a decision: Don‘t keep me dangling: tell me if I passed the test. ?We were kept dangling for weeks while the bank reviewed our loan application.

Qi Baishi's style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination.齐白石的绘画风格常给观赏者留出运用想象力猜想的余地。

keep sb guessing;[chiefly US] leave sb guessing---make it impossible for someone to know what will happen next: The many twists and turns in the plot will keep readers guessing until the last page. ?He likes to leave us guessing about his plans.

(2)leave sb/sth 'standing把…远远抛在后面;远远胜过[超过](BrE informal)be much better than sb/sth: = leave sb/sth in the 'dust (AmE informal)把…远远抛在后面;远远胜过

In maths and science she leaves the others standing.在数理方面,她比其他人强得多。

(3)leave sb holding the 'baby (informal)把包袱扔给某人,把责任推到某人身上;归咎于某人--leave sb to take the responsibility or blame for sth:

be left holding the baby BrE

be left holding the bag AmE

to be left as the only person responsible for dealing with a difficult situation, especially something someone else started:

He was left holding the financial baby when his musical partner joined another band.?It‘s always the same. W e all agree to do something, then you all say you‘re too busy to arrange it, and I‘m left holding the baby.事情总是这样。大家一致同意做某件事,然后你们都说自己太忙,无法抽身,最后所有的苦差事都落在我头上。

(4)leave sb/sth hanging (in the air)(字面)使…悬在半空中; (比喻)使…悬而未决, 把某事搁置起来;让某人(对计划,结果等)云里雾里

leave sb/sth hanging (in midair); keep sb/sth hanging (in midair)

1. Lit.悬在半空中keep sb/sth suspended in midair when support for the person or thing is removed: The ladder collapsed and left me hanging in midair. Fortunately, I grabbed onto the windowsill[窗台].

2. Fig. suspend dealing with sb/sth; leave sb/sth waiting to be finished or continued: She left her sentence hanging in midair. ? Tell me the rest of the story. Don't leave me hanging in midair. ? Because the committee could not decide on a time and place, the matter of the spring dancc was left hanging.由于委员会不能决定时间和地点,故春季舞会事宜仍是悬而未决。Luke didn‘t tell us his plans –he just left us both hanging.


It‘s better to leave some things unsaid.有些话还是不说的好。?The trial left many questions unanswered.这次试验留下了许多问题没有解决。?Don‘t leave the door unlocked? ? She left the job half-finished.这工作她干了一半就停下。? He got up slowly leaving the breakfast unfinished. ? Rose left the ironing undone and went bowling. ?What do you expect if you leave your car parked on a yellow line. ?Her so-called explanation has left us all doubly confused. ?The result has left everybody dissatisfied/surprised/pleased. ? Estella could not leave it unguarded. ? Did you leave the doors and windows firmly fastened?

(1)leave no stone un'turned想尽一切办法,千方百计,不遗余力-- Fig. search in all possible places (As if one might search under every rock.); try everything possible to find or obtain sth:The police left no stone unturned in their efforts to find the little girl.警方不遗余力地寻找那个小女孩。?Don't

we left no stone unturned.

(2)leave no avenue unexplored; explore every avenue从各方面进行探索[调查];利用一切手段[机会,可能性];想方设法,千方百计,不遗余力: ―Let the public be assured,‖ the speaker continued, ―that we will leave no avenue unexplored in our efforts to keep down the cost of living.‖ ―让公众放心‖,讲话人继续说,―我们一定要不遗余力控制生活费用。‖

(3)leave sb/sth unattended 使某人/某物独自留着[无人照管]: Your car will be damaged if you leave it unattended here.如果你把你的汽车丢在这儿无人照管,它会损坏的.? It is dangerous to leave small children unattended in the house.

<四>[VN to inf] leave+sb/sth+不定式

1 leave sb to do sth



leave sb to do sth (1)离开让某人做某事[不定式作目的状语]--go away from a place and allow sb to continue doing sth there:

I'll leave you to get on with your book/work. ? The others all ran off, leaving me to face the music[留下我来挨罚].

leave sb to sth: I'll leave you to your crossword puzzle.

比较: leave sb doing sth离开让某人做某事[强调动作持续一段时间]

Ann left keith dozing in the chair.

比较: leave to do sth离开去做某事(目的状语): Ann left early to meet her mother.

比较: leave doing sth until/to…把做某事留到…时候: They left booking their holiday till/to the last minute.

leave sb to do sth (2) BrE让某人决定[或负责]某事[不定式作宾语补足语]let sb else decide sth or be responsible for sth: Clive moved to London, leaving Edward to run the Manchester office. ?Leave you to choose which film we see.

leave it (up) to sb to do sth让某人做某事: She leaves it to the reader to draw their own conclusions. ?I'll leave it up to you to decide.

leave doing sth to sb把某事交给某人去做: Is it okay if I leave preparing the report to you? ?Nancy left shopping for groceries to me. ? I’ll leave booking the tickets to you.

leave sth to sb把…交给…(做,决定,选择)—let sb do, choose or decide: Leave it to me. I'll make sure it gets posted.? The choice of specialist subject is left entirely to the students. ?I’ve always left financial decisions to my wife.

leave sth with sb把…交给…(做,决定,负责):

Leave it with me, I'll fix it for you.

2 leave sth to do sth

Leave the rice to cook for 20 minutes.把米饭煮20 分钟。? Leave the pots to soak overnight.把锅泡一个晚上。? Leave the future to take care of itself.让未来自然发展吧。? Leave questions of guilt or innocence for the jury to decide.

3.1 leave something to be desired有待改进,不够完美---not reach the standard you would like or expect it to reach

3.2 leave much/a lot/a great deal to be desired有许多待改进的地方,很不完善,差得远,远不尽如人意3.3 leave nothing to be desired尽善尽美;完美无缺: His solution to the problem leaves nothing to be desired.他解决这个问题的方法十分圆满。? Your standard of work has gone down. In fact it leaves a great deal to be desired.你的工作质量下降了,实在是差强人意。? It is not user-friendly and leaves a lot to be desired for software support product. ? The acting in some of those early films left much to be desired.某些早期电影中演员的演技远不尽如人意。

<方言;俚语> Leave us (=Let us) go now.让我们这就走吧。[英汉大词典]


考点: as

I have left everything as it was.我把一切都保持了原样。? Leave things as they are.听任事情自然发展。

leave---make sth happen or remain as a result 使发生;造成,使留下为(某种结果) [VN] Red wine leaves a stain.红葡萄酒会留下污渍。? She left me with the impression that she was unhappy with her job.她给我的印象是她不满意自己的工作。? [VNN] I'm afraid you leave me no choice.恐怕你没给我留下选择的余地。? The war left her an orphan. ? The accident left him with a limp[跛行,蹒跚而行].


1 l eave―使/让(某人/某事物)处于某状态,听任‖



leave+sb[宾语]+to do sth[目的状语]离开后让某人做某事

leave+sb/sth[宾语]+to do sth某种结果使然[宾补]


(1)leave sb to do sth (BrE)让某人决定[或负责]某事[不定式作宾语补足语]

(2) leave it (up) to sb to do sth让某人做某事

(3) leave doing sth to sb把某事交给某人去做


(4)leave sth with sb把某事交由某人负责(照料,看管,处理,解决等)

(5)leave sth to sb让某人选择(或决定)某事;把某事交由某人处理(解决等)

二、二、keep 1处于某种状态;使/让…处于某种状态;保持2继续,一直(做某事);反复[或不断地]做(某事)

含义1[linking verb, transitive]stay in a particular state, condition, position, or place without changing or moving, or make sb or sth do this; remain or stay处于某状态; 使/让…处于某状态;保持含义2[intransitive+现在分词短语]

[V -ing]keep (on) doing sth-- continue doing sth; do sth repeatedly or frequently; do (sth) continuously or again and again继续/一直(做某事);反复/不断地做(做某事)





keep fit/well/healthy保持健康

keep calm/silent/still/sane保持镇定(冷静)/沉默/一动不动/头脑清醒

keep sane保持头脑清醒

keep happy/busy/awake一直高兴/忙碌/醒着

Peter cycles/rides to work to keep fit.? She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency.她有处变不惊的本事. ? I just can‘t keep silent anymore.我不能再保持沉默了。?Please keep quiet -- I'm trying to get some work done.请保持安静--我要处理一些工作. ? Keep still while I comb your hair.? I was struggling to keep awake.?Although they have many difficulties they keep happy. ? I‘ve got to keep busy/sane somehow.我就得设法使自己忙着点/保持头脑清醒。?It‘s a useful way of keeping

keep warm/cool/safe/dry etc

People need fuel to keep warm and to cook food.人们需要燃料来取暖和做饭。?We huddled around the fire to keep warm.我们挤在火炉周围来保暖。? The kids keep cool by swimming in the river. ?The weather is keeping fine. ?

2[V+adv.] keep+adv.

keep indoors/outdoors(一直)待在室内/室外

keep away/back/on/off/out etc

keep close to sb/sth保持紧挨着[贴近]…

keep near to sb/sth保持靠近…

keep/stay away from sb/sth远离,不接触

keep apart from sb/sth与…分开,脱离

keep/stay ahead of sb/sth保持在…的前面,一直领先于…

The notice said 'Keep off (= Do not walk on) the grass'. 牌子上写着"勿践踏草地"。? You ought to keep indoors with that heavy cold.你患重感冒应该留在屋里. ? Let‘s keep together or we shall lose each other. ? I saw a sign saying ‘Danger: Keep Out’[勿靠近]?The notice said `Keep off(ie Do not walk on)the grass'. 布告牌上写着?勿踏草地‘. * Keep back! The building could collapse at any moment.别靠近! 那建筑物随时可能倒塌. ? The little boy kept close to his mother. ?I walked along the hall, keeping close to the side. ? As long as you can keep away from[远离,不接触]them you‘re safe. ? He kept apart from the other masters. ?If you want to keep ahead of your rivals, you‘ll have to work very hard.

keep left/right靠左/靠右行驶(=stay to the left or right of a path or road as you move)Keep left along the wall.沿着墙靠左边走。?

3 [V+ prep.] keep+介词短语

I am keeping in very good health.

They did their best to keep on their guard.他们尽最大努力继续保持警惕。

keep out of sth避开,不进入:Keep out of my way.不要挡我的道。‖ ? Do try to keep out of trouble!一定设法避开麻烦!

keep to sth不离开,待在(某处):Keep to the path!顺着这条小路走!?He didn‘t keep to the subject.他偏离了正题。? I kept to my room all day.我一整天待在自己的房间里。? In Britain, cars kept to the left.在英国汽车都靠左行驶。

keep sth to oneself不告诉别人,保密:I‘ll keep it to myself.这事我不会告诉别人。? The Dovers had kept their opinions to themselves.多弗夫妇没把他们的想法告诉别人。?Usually Olivia kept her private life to herself.奥莉维亚通常对自己的私生活保密。

keep in touch/contact (with sb) (与某人)保持联系:She kept in touch with Sam.她和萨姆保持着联系。? The crew keeps in close touch with their home port.船员和基地港口保持着密切联系。

4 keep+现在分词.


[V -ing]keep (on) doing sth-- continue doing sth; do sth repeatedly or frequently; do (sth) continuously or again and again继续/一直做(某事);反复/不断地做(某事):

Keep (on) talking amongst yourselves, I'll be back in a minute. 你们继续谈, 我一会儿就回来. *

keep eating/laughing/smiling

/walking 一直在吃[笑,微笑,走] *

Keep smiling!要笑口常开!*

Keep taking the tablets. ? The teacher asked them to be quiet, but they just kept talking. ? The rain kept falling all afternoon. ? The dog keeps running away. ?Keep walking/driving until you come to a traffic light. ? I keep thinking about Joe, all alone in that place. ? I keep telling you, but you won‘t listen! ? She pretended not to hear, and kept on walking. ?How can I trust you if you keep lying to me?

wish you wouldn't keep interrupting me! 真希望你别老来打扰我! * Don't keep on interrupting me!别老是跟我打岔!?My shoe laces keep (on) coming undone.我的鞋带总是松开. ? I keep forgetting to turn the burglar alarm on. ?Keep on trying—don‘t give up!继续努力—不要放弃!

The band's music just keeps on getting better (and better). ? I'll never get this work done if you keep on interrupting me.

[Ipr, Ip] continue to move in the specified direction 继续朝某方向前进,继续前行: Traffic in Britain keeps to the left (ie drives on the left-hand side of the road).在英国, 车辆靠左行驶. * Keep straight on until you get to the church.一直朝前走就走到教堂了. * The sign says `Keep Left', so I don't think we can turn right here.路标上写着?靠左行‘, 我想不能从这儿向右拐.


1 keep 'going

keep 'going (1)[本义]continue moving forward without stopping继续朝前走(2)continue doing sth difficult继续做某事(3)make an effort to live normally when you are in a difficult situation or when you have experienced great suffering(身处困境或遭难时)尽力维持下去,坚持挺过去(4) (spoken)used to encourage sb to continue doing sth不要泄气;坚持下去

keep sb 'going (informal)使某人能坚持下去[挺过去];使某人能继续做某事=sustain: make sb able to continue doing sth at a difficult time;if something keeps you going, it is enough to satisfy your need while you are waiting to get sth bigger or better

keep something going使…维持下去: cause sth to continue to exist or function; =sustain:if you keep a business, institution, regular event etc going, you keep it open or make it continue to happen

keep 'going [phrasal verb] (1)[本义]continue moving forward without stopping继续朝前走: Keep going (ie Do not stop) until you reach a large roundabout.继续走就走到一个大转盘了. * They forced themselves to keep going even though they felt exhausted. * He walked right past me and just kept going.* The truck kept going and disappeared from view (2)continue doing sth difficult继续做某事: This is exhausting work, but I manage to keep going somehow.这个工作很费力气, 但是我尽量设法做下去. * Persevere and keep going until you reach your ideal weight.* I was ready to give up on the search, but they convinced me to keep going. [=to continue searching] (3)make an effort to live normally when you are in a difficult situation or when you have experienced great suffering(身处困境或遭难时)尽力维持下去,坚持挺过去:Y ou just have to keep yourself busy and keep going.你只要让自己忙起来,就能坚持下去。(4) (spoken)used to encourage sb to continue doing sth不要泄气;坚持下去: Keep going, Sarah, you‘re nearly there.坚持下去,萨拉,你已经快到了。(5) keep sb 'going 使某人维持生计;使某人能坚持下去[挺过去,活下来];使某人能继续做某事--make sb able to continue doing sth at a difficult time;if something keeps you going, it is enough to satisfy your need while you are waiting to get sth bigger or better: My dad‘s salary is barely enough to keep us going.父亲的工资仅够我们糊口。* The doctors managed to keep me going.医生们设法让我活下来了。* Why don‘t you have an apple to keep you going till dinner time?干嘛不吃个苹果呢?这样就可以坚持到吃晚饭了。* I’ll have a biscuit to keep me going until dinner time.*I don't know what keeps her going after all these years. *Their grandson is the only thing keeping them going. ??keep (sb) going--have or to give someone enough hope and emotional strength to continue living and doing things in a bad situation: T hat woman’s been through such a lot –I don’t know how she keeps going. ?er letters were the only thing that kept me going while I was in prison.(6)keep something going使…维持下去: cause sth to continue to exist or function;=sustain:if you keep a business, institution, regular event etc going, you keep it open or make it continue to happen: The library costs £5 million a year to run, and the council can’t afford to keep it going. * They tried everything they could think of to keep the business going. * He kept the conversation going.

2 Keep (on) trying.继续努力,继续尝试and Don't quit trying. Fig. a phrase encouraging continued efforts.

Jane: I think I'm doing better in calculus.

Sue: I really want that promotion, but I keep getting turned down.

Bill: Don't quit trying! You'll get it.

3 Keep smiling.保持乐观,不泄气,笑口常开a good-bye phrase encouraging someone to have good spirits.

John: Things are really getting tough.

Sue: Well, just keep smiling. Things will get better. ?

Bill: What a day! I'm exhausted and depressed.

Bob: Not to worry. Keep smiling. Things will calm down.


<二> keep+sb/sth[宾语]+adj./adv./介词短语/现在分词/过去分词[宾补]

[Tn.pr, Tn.p, Cn.a, Cn.g, Cn.n] cause sb/sth to remain in the specified condition or position 使某人/某事物保持某状态或某地位: If your hands are cold, keep them in your pockets.要是手冷, 就揣在口袋里. * Extra work kept him (late) at the office.他因有额外的工作, (很晚)仍留在办公室里. * Don't keep us in suspense any longer -- what happens at the end of the story?别再让我们蒙在鼓里了, 结局究竟怎么样? * * These gloves will keep your hands warm. 这种手套保暖好. * I tried to keep the children quiet during the ceremony. ?Give the baby her bottle; that'll keep her quiet for a while.把瓶子给孩子, 那就能让她安静一会儿. * He's in a coma and is being kept alive by a life-support machine. 他处于昏迷状态, 靠生命维持器活着. ?[Cn.n] I promise I'll keep your decision a secret. [=I will not tell anyone your decision]

1 keep+sb/sth[宾语]+adj.


keep sth clean/tidy/open/shut/


Keep your room tidy.?You won’t be able to keep it secret for ever.

keep sb busy/occupied/alive/


quiet/happy/cheerful, etc使某人(一直忙碌,活着/维持某人的生命,一直醒着,高兴,保持镇定,保持健康,保持安静,幸福,快乐等)

keep sb/sth warm/safe etc

The Doctor kept him alive by a blood transfusion. ?Good food keeps you healthy. ?They kept the grass short. ? Keep the door open. ? I was so tired I could hardly keep myself awake. ? Keep your eyes open and see if you can‘t learn something. ? She keeps herself fit by jogging. ?This scarf will help keep you warm. * There was plenty to keep Sally busy.有好多事让萨利忙个不停。? I have to try to keep you safe!我得设法保证你安全!? She kept the children amused for hours.她陪孩子们玩了好几个小时。?The noise kept him awake. ? Christina kept her voice low. ? The police tried to keep the two rival groups apart. ? We want to keep the training school open. ? Why can't we just keep things simple? ?To make it easier to contact us, keep this card handy/at hand. ? He kept his hands behind his back while we were talking.

2 keep+sb/sth[宾语]+adv.

[VN, usually +adv./prep.]

keep sb/sth away/back/on/off/out etc

[VN ] She had trouble keeping her balance.她保持平衡有困难。

He kept his coat on.他一直穿着大衣。?It was so cold inside that I kept my coat on. * I won‘t keep her out too late.我不会让她在外面待到太晚。?The doctor kept me in for a week. ?Bad weather would keep her indoors.坏天气将使她待在室内。?The police put up barriers to keep the crowds back. ?If I were you, I’d keep away from that area at night. ?Keep away from the doors while the train is moving. ?He kept his head down, hiding his features.

3 keep+sb/sth[宾语]+介词短语

Don't keep us in suspense—what happened next? 别跟我们卖关子了——然后发生了什么事儿?Her illness kept her in hospital for three weeks.她的病使她住了3个礼拜的医院。?Doctors will keep her in hospital for at least another week. ? Once a cold kept him in bed for three days. ? Keep your nose out of my affairs. ? He tried most persistently to keep his things in order. ? His business was to keep some motorcycles in repair. ?

His coach kept him at his training.他的教练让他坚持训练。? The students kept the dean in custody. ?He‘s keeprng me in suspense on purpose. ?Keep both hands on the steering wheel. ?She kept her money under the mattress. ?We need to keep costs under control. ? The movie will keep you on the edge of your seat. ? The article offers tips on how to keep kids safe near water.

keep sb out of sth让某人留在外面,使某人不进入;使某人不参加[不卷入]: Keep him out of trouble. ?You keep out of this, Mother (=do not get involved). It’s no concern of yours.

4 keep+sb/sth[宾语]+现在分词[宾补]

[VN -ing]keep sb/sth doing sth-- cause (sb/sth) to do something continuously or again and again:

I'm sorry to keep you waiting.对不起,让你久等了。Sorry to keep you waiting – I got stuck in a meeting. * Jane kept the engine running. * His boss kept him waiting [=forced him to wait] for over an hour. ?She kept me talking for forty-five minutes. ?Keep the fire burning. ? That kept her studying. ? The police kept the traffic moving. ? I tried to keep things going[ie make/earn a living] by a little teaching. ? We must try everything we can to keep the ball rolling. ? The boss kept them working all day. ?Add some more coal to keep the fire going.再添些煤,别让火灭了. ? W e need more money to keep the farm going. ? She wanted to keep the conversation going.她想让谈话继续下去。? Even while you are asleep it is on duty, keeping you breathing.即使在你睡觉时它也在工作,让你不停地呼吸。? She has a desire for success that keeps her striving to do better. ? They want to keep the company growing.

重点背诵: keep the 'ball rolling

(1). Lit. keep a rolling ball moving.

You have to throw hard enough to keep the ball rolling all the way to the bowling pins.

(2). Fig. 使…继续下去cause something that is in progress to continue: Tom started the project, and we kept the ball rolling. ? Who will keep the ball rolling now that she is gone?

比较: get/set/start the 'ball rolling开始某活动(或讨论等)--begin an activity, discussion etc.: I will start the ball rolling by introducing the first speaker.我来介绍一下第一位讲演者作为开始。keep the 'ball rolling使某活动(或讨论等)继续下去--continue an activity, discussion etc.

5 keep+sb/sth[宾语]+过去分词[宾补]

Keep the door locked.让门一直锁着。? You should have kept your mouth shut.你应把嘴闭上少说话。?W e‘ll definitely keep you informed.我们肯定会让你不断了解情况。? Keep the mixture chilled[冷藏] until you are ready to serve it. ?


1 keep sb informed of/about sth让某人了解[知晓]…, 随时告知某人…的情况: The local newspaper keeps people informed about what's happening in town.

2 keep sb advised on sth不断向某人提供关于…方面的咨询意见,不断给某人出主意: She‘s been kept advised on the best way of exploiting[exploit开发,利用;开拓;开采;剥削] her talents as a singer.

三、练习: 用括号内动词的适当形式填空

1Why did the hostess[女主人] keep the light ___(burn) all night long?

2The editor‘s job is to keep the newspapers ___(balance) and interesting to the readers.

3Will you keep me ___(inform) of any developments in the situation?

4W e usually keep the back door ___(lock).

5He apologized for keeping her ___(wait) so long.

6The actress couldn‘t stand being kept ___(wait).

7He kept us continually ___(supply) with all we needed.

9Keep the water ___(run) until it gets hot.

10 I have the nurse keep the ice-bag ___(fill).

11 The youth kept his eyes ___(fix) on me while I spoke.

12 The millionaire hates/objects to[反对] ___(keep) waiting.

13 I noticed that the general kept his fist ___(clench)[(手,手指)紧握成拳(尤以表示愤怒),攥紧] as he talked.

14 W e need to loan more money to keep the jewellery store ___(go).

15They were laughing at him because he kept ___(fall) off his bike.

16 He keeps ___(try) to distract me.

答案: 1burning 2balanced 3informed 4locked 5waiting 6waiting 7supplied 8divided 9running 10filled 11fixed

12being kept 13clenched 14going 15 falling 16trying


12011浙江卷,6The school isn’t the one I really wanted to go to ,but I suppose I’ll just have to ___it.

A. make the best of

B.get away from

C.keep an eye on

D. catch up with


我现在想尽量好好利用它了。”make the best of sth充分利用;get away from sth改变(做事或思维方式);转换(话题);keep an eye on照看,留神,密切注意;catch up with赶上。对照现在和过去对学校态度的变化,选A。

,29The government has taken measures to _____ the high prices of daily goods to keep the

B.bring down

C. hand down

D. tear down


价格以保持市场的稳定。”take down拆卸;记录,记下,写下[=put/note down];bring down 使(某物或某人)掉下[落下,倒下];击败;降低,减少,降(价);hand down把…传递下来,遗留,流传;tear down拆毁,拆卸,拆除[=pull/knock sth down; demolish]。根据后面的“保持市场的稳定”选B。

3〖2010福建〗We’ve just moved into a bigger house and there’s a lot to do. Let’s it.

A. keep up with

B. do away with

C. get down to

D. look forward to


〖解析〗A. keep up with跟上,赶上keep up with sb与某人保持联系 B. do away with sth废除,去掉,摆脱[=get rid of sth]; do away with sb(informal)除掉,干掉[=murder, kill];C. get down to sth开始认真对待[考虑],着手处理,专心做D. look forward to盼望,期待

4〖2010江西〗Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just ______ sweet dreams.

A keep up with

B put up with

C end up with

D catch up with


〖解析〗A. keep up with跟上,赶上keep up with sb与某人保持联系 B.put up with 容忍,忍受C.end up with sth以…结束,结果做了(某事) D.catch up with 赶上。

5〖10湖北〗Had he her promise, she would have made it to Y ale University.

A. looked up to

B. lived up to

C. kept up with

D. come up with

〖答案〗B〖解析〗典型的虚拟语气, “if” 引导的非真实条件句的倒装句, 描述的是与过去事实相反的。“如果她当年实践了自己的诺言, 她就会进入耶鲁大学了。” look up to抬头看,仰视;尊重,尊敬,钦佩[respect or admire sb a lot] keep up with跟上,赶上come up with追赶上;想出,提出;提供live up to sth实践,遵守(诺言,信仰,原则等);符合,达到(预期标准);不辜负(期望), 符合题意。

6〖09安徽〗We tried to find a table for seven, hut they were all .

A.given away

B. kept away

C. taken up

D. used up


〖解析〗give away放弃;分发;泄露,出卖keep away远离,不接近take up拿起;开始从事;着手处理;占据,占用[=occupy] use up用完,耗尽

7〖08湖北〗In modern times, people have to learn to____all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.

A.keep with

B.stay with

C.meet with

D.live with

〖答案〗D〖考点〗考查动词短语辨析。〖解析〗句意为:在现代社会, 人们尽管过着舒适的生活, 但他们还得学会忍受各种各样的压力。live with与…在一起生活;忍受,忍耐, 在此意为“忍受”。

8〖07江苏〗—Do you think that housing price will keep in the years to come?

—Sorry, I have no idea.

A.lifting up

B.going up

C.bringing up

D.growing up

〖答案〗B〖解析〗lift up举起;go up上升, 上涨;bring up抚养;呕吐;grow up成长。由句意可知, 此处表示“价格上涨”。

9〖06湖北〗One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to healthy eating habits.





〖答案〗B〖解析〗develop形成;开发;develop a habit of...形成……习惯。

10〖06山东〗After he retired from office, Rogers painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

A.took up

B.saved up

C.kept up

D.drew up

〖答案〗A〖考点〗考查动词短语的用法。〖解析〗由后置语境“but soon lost interest”可知, 空白处应表示“对……产生兴趣”, 故A项正确。save up储蓄;keep up使…不掉下来;draw up起草, 拟订。11〖06浙江〗— What should I do first?

— The instructions that you should mix flour with water carefully first.





〖答案〗D〖解析〗句意为“我应该先做什么?” “说明书上说你应该首先把水和面粉仔细地搅拌好。”表示“……东西上说或写着……时”要用say或read, 如:The board says/reads, “Keep off the grass.”牌子上写着:“勿踏草地。”

12〖04全国III〗The evening news comes on at seven o’clock and _____ only thirty minutes.



C. finishes

D. lasts

〖答案〗D〖解析〗keep保持,保存,维持continue继续, 延续;仍旧, 连续finish完成;结束;用完last 持续,支持,维持

13〖04上海〗To keep healthy, Professor Johnson _____cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired.

A. took over

B. caught on

C. carried out D . made for

〖答案〗A〖解析〗在退休后, 为保持健康, 约翰逊教授把经常骑自行车作为锻炼。take over接管;接收catch on理解, 明白;变得流行carry out执行, 实行;贯彻;实现;完成made for导致;有助于;朝…方向走去

14〖02NMET〗We thought of selling this old furniture. But we’ve decided to _____it. It might be valuable.

A. hold on to

B. keep up with

C. turn to

D. look after

〖答案〗A〖解析〗句意:我们原来考虑卖掉这件旧家具, 但我们现在决定留着它。它可能还有用。hold on to的意思是“不要放弃”。这句话的意思是“我们本想把这些旧家具卖掉, 但是我们决定还是不卖它, 它可能有价值”;keep up with的意思是“跟上”;turn to的意思是“转向”;look after的意思是“照看”。15〖02NMET〗The taxi driver often reminds passengers to ______their belongings when they leave the car.

A. keep

B. catch

C. hold

D. take

〖答案〗D〖解析〗出租车司机经常提醒乘客下车时带走自己的包!B项的迷惑性比较大, 此外用catch完全符合语法。

16〖02NMET〗His mother had thought it would be good for his character to _____ from home and earn some money on his own.

A. run away

B. take away

C. keep away

D. get away


run away逃走, 逃脱;逃避, 躲开take away拿[夺]走;拆去;使离开;带走;使消失, 消除(病痛等);减去;把...买回家食用keep away离开,避开get away(使)逃离,逃脱;(使)走开,离开


办公软件应用试卷(A 或 B 卷 2015年 9月 课程:计算机应用基础考试形式:闭卷考试时间: 部门:姓名:成绩:______ 一、单选题(每题 2 分,共 60 分 1、在选定了整个表格之后,若要删除整个表格中的内容,以下哪个操作正确( A 、单击“表格”菜单中的“删除表格”命令 B 、按 Delete 键 C 、按 Space 键 D 、按 Esc 键 2、艺术字对象实际上是( A 、文字对象 B 、图形对象 C 、链接对象 D 、既是文字对象,也是图形对象 3、在 Excel 2003 中,进行分类汇总之前,我们必须对数据清单进行( A 、筛选 B 、排序 C 、建立数据库 D 、有效计算 4、 Word 2003 中对文档分栏后,若要使栏尾平衡,可在最后一栏的栏尾插入( A 、换行符 B 、分栏符 C 、连续分节符 D 、分页符 5、在 Excel 数据透视表的数据区域默认的字段汇总方式是( A 、平均值 B 、乘积 C 、求和 D 、最大值 6、下列删除单元格的方法,正确的是( A 、选中要删除的单元格,按 Del 键 B 、选中要删除的单元格,按剪切按钮

C 、选中要删除的单元格,按 Shift+Del键 D 、选中要删除的单元格,使用右键菜单中的删除单元格命 7、在 Word 中欲选定文档中的一个矩形区域,应在拖动鼠标前按下列哪个键不放( A 、 Ctrl B 、 Alt C 、 Shift D 、空格 8、在 PowerPoint 中,为所有幻灯片设置统一的、特有的外观风格,应运用( A 、母版 B 、自动版式 C 、配色方案 D 、联机协作 9、字号中阿拉伯字号越大,表示字符越 ____中文字号越小,表示字符越 ____。( A 、大、小 B 、小、大 C 、不变 D 、大、大 10、把文本从一个地方复制到另一个地方的顺序是:1、按“复制”按钮; 2、选定文本; 3、将光标置于目标位置; 4、按“粘贴”按钮;请选择一组正确的操作步骤:( A 、 1234 B 、 1324 C 、 2134 D 、 2314 11、字数统计命令包含在哪个菜单中( A 、视图 B 、插入 C 、格式 D 、工具 12、在打印对话框中“页面范围”选项卡的“当前页”是专指:( A 、当前光标所在页 B 、当前窗口显示的页 C 、第一页 D 、最后一页 13、 Word 2003中,选定一行文本的技巧方法是( A 、将鼠标箭头置于目标处,单击 B 、将鼠标箭头置于此行的选定栏并出现选定光标单击


1. 过点M o (1,1-,1)且垂直于平面01201=+++=+--z y x z y x 及的平面方程. 39.02=+-z y 3. 在平面02=--z y x 上找一点p ,使它与点),5,1,2()1,3,4(-)3,1,2(--及之间的距离 相等. 7.)5 1,1,57 (. 5.已知:→ → -AB prj D C B A CD ,则)2,3,3(),1,1,1(),7,1,5(),3,2,1(= ( ) A .4 B .1 C . 2 1 D .2 7.设平面方程为0=-y x ,则其位置( ) A .平行于x 轴 B .平行于y 轴 C .平行于z 轴 D .过z 轴. 8.平面0372=++-z y x 与平面0153=-++z y x 的位置关系( ) A .平行 B .垂直 C .相交 D .重合 9.直线 3 7423z y x =-+=-+与平面03224=---z y x 的位置关系( ) A .平行 B .垂直 C .斜交 D .直线在平面内 10.设点)0,1,0(-A 到直线?? ?=-+=+-0 720 1z x y 的距离为( ) A .5 B . 6 1 C . 51 D .8 1 5.D 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.A . 3.当m=_____________时,532+-与m 23-+互相垂直. 4 . 设 ++=2, 22+-=, 243+-=,则 )(b a p r j c += . 4. 过点),,(382-且垂直平面0232=--+z y x 直线方程为______________. 10.曲面方程为:442 2 2 =++z y x ,它是由曲线________绕_____________旋转而成的. 3.34-=m ; 4.29 19 9.332212--=+=-x y x ; 10.曲线 1422 =+z y 绕z 轴


普通高等教育专升本统一考试 英语试卷真题解析(部分) Passage two 【点评】本文属于社会现象介绍类文章,阅读难度不大。文章后的题目中有两个排除题,因此需要考生在把握全文主旨的同时,注意问题涉及的一些细节。 The automobile has given people incredible freedom of movement. It enables them to decide where they want to go and when. The automobile influences where people live and work and how they spend their leisure time. The striking changes in people’s lives cre ated by the automobile began in the United States and have since spread across much of the globe, especially in developed countries. But even in developing nations, the automobile is increasingly reshaping patterns of living. When the first automobiles were produced, only the well-to-do could afford them. Soon, however, prices declined as production increased in response to the growing demand. The lower prices put the automobile within reach of more and more Americans. W ell-off urban residents found car ownership cheaper than keeping a horse and carriage. The growth in car ownership led to the building of more and better roads, which further increased travel throughout the nation. Before the development of automobiles, urban workers walked, bicycled, or rode horse-drawn vehicles to their jobs. But as roads improved and car ownership expanded, workers no longer had to live near their jobs. During the 1920s, people in U.S. cities increasingly moved to the suburbs because of the freedom provided to the workers by automobile ownership. By the mid-1950s, even factories had begun to relocate in the suburbs. Wherever people have easy access to automobiles, cars play a major role in social life and the choice of recreational activities. People find it fun to hop in the car and visit friends and relatives, whether the drive takes a few minutes, hours, or days. Trips by automobile help make it easy to organize picnics, family reunions, and other get-togethers. Trips by automobile to such places as theme parks, national parks, and mountain and seashore resorts are a favorite type of vacation for many people. 55. Which of the following is NOT a change brought by the automobile? A. The freedom to go anywhere in the world. B. The changed way of entertaining ourselves in life. C. The growth of more and better roads. D. The disregard of the existence of national borders. D.解析:排除题。本文介绍了汽车给社会、人们的生活带来的多种改变,但本题四个选项中,选项D(意为:漠视国家边境的存在。)未被提及,是不正确的。本题中A选项由于anywhere一词过于绝对,会被很多考生误选,但该选项与文章首句基本相符,与D选项相比较,可得出D为答案项。 56. What does the word “well-to-do”(Line 1 , Para.2) mean _________? A. Excellent B. Well done C. Rich D. Better C.解析:语意题。由第二段前三句话可看出,well-to-do一词与钱相关,故答案为C。 57. Which of the following is NOT a change directly created by automobile? A. More theme parks and national parks were set up. B. More city residents moved to suburban areas. C. More and better roads were built. D. People have family reunions more frequently. A.解析:排除题。在文章最后三句话中,作者介绍了汽车给人们的生活带来的具体变化,比如:很多城市居民搬至郊区、越来越多的道路建设、更多的家庭聚会等。虽然作者也提到了去主题公园游玩,但是并没有提及其建设,


一、单项选择题。(下列各题所给选项中只有一个符合题意的正确答案,答错、不答或多答均不得分。每小题1分。共40分) 1.事业单位公开招聘要贯彻公开、平等、竞争、择优的原则,要坚持的用人标准是( ) A.党管干部 B.任人唯贤 C.德才兼备 D.任人唯亲 2.下列成语中与“见微知著”蕴含相同哲理的成语是( ) A.一叶知秋 B.盲人摸象 C.坐井观天 D.管中窥豹 3.科学发展观是坚持以人为本和经济社会全面协调可持续发展的发展观,也是以人为本,统筹兼顾的发展观。坚持以人为本,是科学发展观的核心内容。以人为本作为经济社会发展的根本出发点和落脚点,其内涵在于( ) A.满足人的全面需求和促进人的全面发展 B.满足人的生存、发展和享受的需求 C.为人提供充足的物质文化产品和服务 D.推动经济和社会的全面发展 4.人与世界的相互作用中,人与世界同时得到了改变,并获得日益丰富的内容,造成这一变化的基础是( ) A.自然界自身的运动 B.人的意识的能动作用 C.人的实践活动 D.工具的制造与使用

5,( )是机关工作的纽带,是机关接受与传递信息的通道。 A.公文 B.公文处理 C.公文拟办 D.公文承办 6.维护文件的高度严密性是指( ) A.公文的保密性 B.公文语言结构的严密 C.公文行文文字的严密 D.施行办法的严密 7.每一颗通信卫星可俯视地球( )的面积。 A.1/2 B.1/3 C.1/4 D.1/5 8.著名的意大利比萨斜塔倾斜的主要原因( ) A.受到地震的影响 B.常年遭受飓风吹袭的结果 C.塔底地层下陷的缘故 D.钟塔的木料砖石年久破损失修 9.职业素质的核心是( ) A.思想政治素质 B.科学文化素质 C.专业技能素质


office考试试题 十六、Office办公软件Word、Excel、PPT操作试题(20题) 241、Word窗口中打开文档ABC,修改后另存为ABD,则文档( B )。 A、ABC 是当前文档 B、ABD是当前文档 C、ABC和ABD是当前文档 D、ABC和ABD均不是当前文档 242、Word的编辑状态中,要使用标尺改变页边距,必须使文档处于的视图方式是( B )。 A、普通B、页面 C、大纲 D、联机版式 243、Word文档当前处在打印预览状态,若要打印文件( B )。 A、必须退出打印预览状态后才可以打印 B、在打印预览状态可以直接打印 C、在打印预览状态不能打印 D、只能在打印预览状态打印 244、在Word的文档中插入声音文件,应选择“插入”菜单中的菜单项是( A )。 A、对象 B、图片 C、图文框 D、文本框245、Word中建立新文档后,立即选择“保存”将( D )。 A、关闭空文档 B、将空文档保存在Documents文件夹 C、将空文档保存在当前文件夹 D、弹出“另存为”对话框 246、Word的编辑状态中,如果要输入希腊字母Ω,则需要使用的菜单是( B )。 A、编辑 B、插入 C、格式 D、工具247、要在Word的文档中设置页码,应使用菜单是( B )。 A、文件 B、插入 C、格式 D、工具 248、单击Word主窗口标题栏右边显示的“最小化”按钮后( B )。 A、Word 的窗口被关闭 B、Word的窗口被关闭,是任务栏上一按钮 C、Word的窗口关闭,变成窗口图标关闭按钮 D、被打开的文档窗口未关闭 249、在Excel的工作表中,每个单元格都有其固定的地址,如"A5"中“A”表示第一列,“5”表示: 第五行。 、在EXCEL中,当用户希望使标题位于表格中央时,可以使用( B ) 250


空间解析几何试卷 一、填空题(本大题共计30分,每空3分。请把正确答案填在横线上) 1. 设向量{}{}1,1,2,0,1,1=--=→→b a ,则→→b a 在上的射影是_____________,→ a 是_______________. 2. 设向量{}3,5,4-=→a ,向量225共线,反向且模为与→→a b ,那么向量→ b 的坐标是 ________________. 3. 已知向量{}{}3,2,,1,1,1x b a ==→→, 如果→ →b a ,垂直, 那么x =_________. 4. 已知向量{}{},0,3,2,1,0,1=-=→→b a {}2,1,0=→c ,则由这3个向量张成的平行六面体的体积是_________. 5. 直线z y x -=-+=-3212与直线2 112-+=-=z y x 间的距离是_____________. 6. 若直线1 23z y a x ==- 与平面x-2y+bz=0平行,则a,b 的值分别是______________. 7. 经过直线???=-+-=-+0 201z y x y x 且与直线z y x 2==平行的平面的方程是_________________. 8. 空间曲线? ??+==-+1022x z z y x 在y x 0坐标面上的射影曲线和射影柱面的

方程分别是_____________________________. 9. 顶点在原点、准线为抛物线???==1 22z x y 的锥面方程是 ________________(请用x y x ,,的一个方程表示). 10.曲线?????==-0 19422y z x 绕x 轴旋转后产生的曲面方程是__________________,此曲面表示______________曲面. 二、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1. 若=?-+=+-=→ →→→→→→→→→b a k j i b k j i a 则,23,532( ) A. 7 B. -7 C. -1 D. 0 2. 已知→→b a ,不共线, 与→→b a ,同时垂直的单位向量是( ) A. →→?b a B. →→?a b C. ||→→→ →??±b a b a D. ||→→→→??b a b a 3. 在空间右手直角坐标系下,点P(-1,2,-3)在第( )卦限. A. II B. III C. V D. VI 4. 若两个非零向量→→b a ,满足|→→+b a |=|→→-b a |,则一定有( ) A. →→⊥b a B. →→b a // C. →→b a 与同向 D. → →b a 与反向 5. 点M(1,-3,-2)关于y 轴的对称点N 的坐标是( )


1,日常工作中,使用生意参谋市场洞察中的竞争-竞争店铺场景中包含非常多指标,下列4项中不包含哪一项指标? A流量指数B交易指数C上新商品数D转化率 参考章节:如何分析竞争店铺本题考点:竞店对比的关键指标试题解析:交易指数,流量指数,搜索人气,收藏人气,加购人气,预售定金交易指数,预售支付商品件数,上新商品数,支付转化指数,客群指数。 2,小李想新品破0,并且为了尽量减少花费,他想选择免费的破0方法,以下哪种破0方法不是免费的? 参考章节:新品破0的几种方法答案解析:选项1老的产品连带系产品是免费的,属于流量导入,选项2直通车是付费流量,选项3 老客户发优惠券也可以在自运营中心设置优惠券投放老客户也是免费的,店铺促销活动属于活动利益点营销也是免费的,所以选择选项2。 3, 高潜竞店识别分别有哪两个维度? 参考章节:如何分析竞争店铺本题考点:高潜竞店识别维度试题解析:高增长高销量,低增长高销量,低增长低销量,高增长低销量 4,生意参谋中店铺全年销售额可以在哪两个场景配置? A生意参谋—个人中心—目标配置—业绩目标配置B生意参谋—视觉—目标配置—业绩目标配置—编辑C千牛端生意参谋—首页-目标设置D生意参谋—服务—配置计划—目标配置 参考章节:配置品类销售计划试题解析:通过全年品类销售额规划得出全年销售额目标进行月度分解答案解析:生意参谋后台个人中心目标配置,非品类销售额目标配置综合判断,选项1、2、3是正确的 5,在生意参谋中动线(视觉)分析想知晓首页效果需要从哪三个数据去判定效果? 3秒洞察页面效果本题考点:店内路径答案解析:在店内路径里面,入口页面可以看到访客数,下单买家数,下单转化率这些方面可以看到首页效果。产品路径:流量-动线分析-店内路径 6,无忧购的诊断分析中,可以通过哪个颜色的高亮链路展示,了解到店铺负面影响程度最大的问题指标?


教育综合知识试题及答案 一、选择题 1.教育科学有诸多的分支学科,其中在整个教育科学体系中处于基础地位的是() A.教育哲学 B.教育心理学C.教育学 D.教学论 2.“四书”、“五经”是中国封建社会正统的教育内容,下列著作不属四书范围的是() A.《大学》 B.《中庸》C.《论语》D.《春秋》 3.一个社会的教育发展进程与其政治经济发展进程之间的关系是() A.教育超前于政治经济发展 B.教育滞后于政治经济发展 C.教育常常与社会政治经济发展不平衡 D.政治经济制度决定教育发展状况 4.教育者要在儿童发展的关键期,施以相应的教育,这是因为人的发展具有() A.顺序性和阶段性B.不均衡性C.稳定性和可变性 D.个别差异性 5.智力可以分解为多种因素,下列哪种因素是智力的核心?() A.观察力 B.想像力C.思维力 D.判断力 6.我国目前主要由下列哪一主体承担普及九年义务教育的责任?() A.地方 B.中央C.社会力量 D.学生家长 7.“学为人师,行为世范”体现了教师工作的() A.复杂性、创造性 B.连续性、广延性C.长期性、间接性D.主体性、示范性 8.“学而时习之”体现的教学原则是() A.理论联系实际的原则 B.启发性原则C.循序渐进的原则D.巩固性原则 9.“三军可夺帅,匹夫不可夺志”说的是()

A.道德认识 B.道德情感C.道德意志 D.道德行为 10.做好班主任工作的前提和基础是() A.组织和培养班集体B.全面了解学生C.培养优良的班风 D.做好后进生转化工作 11.在近代教育史上,对于掌握知识和发展能力究竟以谁为主问题上存在争论,一种理论是形式教育论,另一种理论是() A.学科课程论 B.活动课程论C.实质教育论 D.现代课程论 12.三结合的教育一般是指() A.学校、家庭、社会教育三结合B.班主任、科任教师和家长教育三结合 C.校长、教师和家长教育三结合D.家庭、环境和学校教育三结合 13.孔子说:“其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。”这反映教师劳动的哪种特点?() A.主体性 B.创造性C.间接性D.示范法 二、填空题 14.马克思主义的诞生,为教育学的发展开辟了真正科学化的道路,前苏联教育家凯洛夫的教育理论对我国建国初期的教育曾发生过重大影响。 15.“揠苗助长”、“陵节而施”的教育方式的错误就在于不顾人的发展对教育的制约,违背了人的发展的顺序性和阶段性。 16.社会主义制度是实现人的全面发展的社会条件,教育与生产劳动相结合是培养全面发展的人的惟一途径。 17.德育过程的基本矛盾是教育者提出的德育要求和受教育者已有的品德基础之间的矛盾。 18.课外校外教育的组织形式有群众性活动、小组活动和个人活动。课外校外教育的主要特点是自愿性、灵活性、实践性。 三、简答题 19.教育学的发展历经了哪几个阶段?标志着第二阶段起始的是哪位教育家的哪部著作?


office办公软件考试试题题目Office办公软件考试试题题目 题型单选题 题目在选定了整个表格之后,若要删除整个表格中的内容,以下哪个操作正确()选择A 单击“表格”菜单中的“删除表格”命令 选择B 按Delete键 选择C 按Space键 选择D 按Esc键 答案 B 题目艺术字对象实际上是() 选择A 文字对象 选择B 图形对象 选择C 链接对象 选择D 既是文字对象,也是图形对象 答案 B 题目在Excel 2003 中,进行分类汇总之前,我们必须对数据清单进行() 选择A 筛选 选择B 排序 选择C 建立数据库 选择D 有效计算 答案 B 题目 Word 2003 中对文档分栏后,若要使栏尾平衡,可在最后一栏的栏尾插入()选择A 换行符 选择B 分栏符

选择C 连续分节符 选择D 分页符 答案 C 题目在Excel 数据透视表的数据区域默认的字段汇总方式是() 选择A 平均值 选择B 乘积 选择C 求和 选择D 最大值 答案 C 题目下列删除单元格的方法,正确的是() 选择A 选中要删除的单元格,按Del键 选择B 选中要删除的单元格,按剪切按钮 选择C 选中要删除的单元格,按Shift+Del键 选择D 选中要删除的单元格,使用右键菜单中的删除单元格命 答案 D 题目在Word中欲选定文档中的一个矩形区域,应在拖动鼠标前按下列哪个键不放()选择A Ctrl 选择B Alt 选择C Shift 选择D 空格 答案 B 题目在PowerPoint中,为所有幻灯片设置统一的、特有的外观风格,应运用() 选择A 母版 选择B 自动版式

选择C 配色方案 选择D 联机协作 答案 A 题目在Excel中,工作簿一般是由下列哪一项组成:() 选择A 单元格 选择B 文字 选择C 工作表 选择D 单元格区域 答案 C 题目字号中阿拉伯字号越大,表示字符越____中文字号越小,表示字符越____。() 选择A 大、小 选择B 小、大 选择C 不变 选择D 大、大 答案 A 题目把文本从一个地方复制到另一个地方的顺序是:1、按“复制”按钮;2、选 定文本;3、将光标置于目标位置;4、按“粘贴”按钮;请选择一组正确的操作步骤:() 选择A 1234 选择B 1324 选择C 2134 选择D 2314 答案 C 题目字数统计命令包含在哪个菜单中() 选择A 视图


答案与解析 ( 第一部分阅读理解 第一篇阅读 一、文章大意与结构分析 本文是一篇传记文章,讲述了奥运会全能冠军Jim Thorpe 从出生到夺冠的经历。全文可分为两个部分。第一部分为第一、二段,讲述了Jim Thorpe 从出生到成为运动员的经历;第二部分包括三、四段,讲他参加奥运会并夺冠的经历。 二、试题解析 1.【答案】C。细节题,文章第一段第一句,说明Jim Thorpe 于1888 年出生在美国的印第安 人保护区,即现在的俄克拉荷马州。选项B,Pennsylvania,宾夕法尼亚,出现在第二段, 讲的是Jim 上学的地方;选项D,Sweden,瑞典,出现在文章最后一段,讲的是Jim 得奖后被瑞典国王称赞。 2.【答案】D。细节题,文章第一段第二行:Like most Native American children then ,he liked to fish,hunt,swim,and play games outdoors.可见孩子们喜欢的运动中不包含 D 选项,singing。 3.【答案】B。细节题,文章第二段有:By the time he was 16 ,,, There,he learned to read and write and also began to play sports.began 是begin 的过去式,表示“开始”,所以Jim 开 始运动生涯是16 岁。 4.【答案】D。词汇解释题,文章第三段有pentathlon 和decathlon 两个词,随后有阐释:pentathlon has five track and field events,including the jump and the 1,500-meter race. The decathlon has ten ,, 由此“including (包括)”一词可知,pentathlon 和decathlon 都包含 不止一个项目,排除 A 、C 选项。Pentathlon 下有五个田径项目,decathlon 下有十个田径项目。且由构词法可知,“penta”是一个表示“五”的词根,“deca”是一个表示“十”的词根,由此选 D 为答案。 5.【答案】A。正误判断题,B 选项z 正确,最后一段有:So,, Thorpe won gold medals in both events。C 选项正确,第二段中间有:Jim was poor, so he left school for two years to earn some money,为此,he played on a baseball team。D 选项正确,第一段有:In 1950,Jim Thorpe was named the greatest American football player. 三、长难句分析 1.In 1912, when Jim Thorpe was 24 years old, he became part of the U.S. Olympic team. 1912 年,当Jim24 岁的时候,他成为了美国奥林匹克运动队的一员。 结构分析:when 引导的时间状语从句。 2.People thought it was impossible for an athlete to compete in both the pentathlon and the decathlon. 人们认为,对一个运动员而言,同时完成五项全能和十项全能是一件不可能的事情。 结构分析:it’s possible/impossible for sb to do sth, 固定句式,表示对某人来说做某事是可能/ 不可能的。 四、核心词汇 education 教育baseball 棒球athlete 运动员gold medal 金牌


123 Office办公软件考试试题题目 课程名称 Office 办公自动化(XHKC-ZY-002) 题型单选题 题目在选定了整个表格之后,若要删除整个表格中的内容,以下哪个操作正确()选择A 单击“表格”菜单中的“删除表格”命令 选择B 按Delete键 选择C 按Space键 选择D 按Esc键 答案 B 题目艺术字对象实际上是() 选择A 文字对象 选择B 图形对象 选择C 链接对象 选择D 既是文字对象,也是图形对象 答案 B 题目在Excel 2003 中,进行分类汇总之前,我们必须对数据清单进行() 选择A 筛选 选择B 排序 选择C 建立数据库 选择D 有效计算 答案 B 题目 Word 2003 中对文档分栏后,若要使栏尾平衡,可在最后一栏的栏尾插入()选择A 换行符 选择B 分栏符 选择C 连续分节符 选择D 分页符 答案 C 题目在Excel 数据透视表的数据区域默认的字段汇总方式是() 选择A 平均值 选择B 乘积 选择C 求和 选择D 最大值 答案 C 题目下列删除单元格的方法,正确的是() 选择A 选中要删除的单元格,按Del键 选择B 选中要删除的单元格,按剪切按钮 选择C 选中要删除的单元格,按Shift+Del键

选择D 选中要删除的单元格,使用右键菜单中的删除单元格命 答案 D 题目在Word中欲选定文档中的一个矩形区域,应在拖动鼠标前按下列哪个键不放()选择A Ctrl 选择B Alt 选择C Shift 选择D 空格 答案 B 题目在PowerPoint中,为所有幻灯片设置统一的、特有的外观风格,应运用() 选择A 母版 选择B 自动版式 选择C 配色方案 选择D 联机协作 答案 A 题目在Excel中,工作簿一般是由下列哪一项组成:() 选择A 单元格 选择B 文字 选择C 工作表 选择D 单元格区域 答案 C 题目字号中阿拉伯字号越大,表示字符越____中文字号越小,表示字符越____。() 选择A 大、小 选择B 小、大 选择C 不变 选择D 大、大 答案 A 题目把文本从一个地方复制到另一个地方的顺序是:1、按“复制”按钮;2、选定文本;3、将光标置于目标位置;4、按“粘贴”按钮;请选择一组正确的操作步骤:() 选择A 1234 选择B 1324 选择C 2134 选择D 2314 答案 C 题目字数统计命令包含在哪个菜单中() 选择A 视图 选择B 插入 选择C 格式 选择D 工具


第八章 空间解析几何与向量代数答案 一、选择题 1. 已知A (1,0,2), B (1,2,1)是空间两点,向量 的模是(A ) A 5 B 3 C 6 D 9 2. 设a =(1,-1,3), b =(2,-1,2),求c =3a -2b 是( B ) A (-1,1,5). B (-1,-1,5). C (1,-1,5). D (-1,-1,6). 3. 设a =(1,-1,3), b =(2, 1,-2),求用标准基i , j , k 表示向量c=a-b 为(A ) A -i -2j +5k B -i -j +3k C -i -j +5k D -2i -j +5k 4. 求两平面032=--+z y x 和052=+++z y x 的夹角是( C ) A 2π B 4π C 3 π D π 5. 已知空间三点M (1,1,1)、A (2,2,1)和B (2,1,2),求∠AMB 是( C ) A 2π B 4π C 3 π D π 6. 求点)10,1,2(-M 到直线L :12 213+= -=z y x 的距离是:( A ) A 138 B 118 C 158 D 1 7. 设,23,a i k b i j k =-=++求a b ?是:( D ) A -i -2j +5k B -i -j +3k C -i -j +5k D 3i -3j +3k 8. 设⊿ABC 的顶点为(3,0,2),(5,3,1),(0,1,3)A B C -,求三角形的面积是:( A ) A 2 B 364 C 3 2 D 3 9. 求平行于z 轴,且过点)1,0,1(1M 和)1,1,2(2-M 的平面方程是:( D ) A 2x+3y=5=0 B x-y+1=0 C x+y+1=0 D 01=-+y x . 10、若非零向量a,b 满足关系式-=+a b a b ,则必有( C ); A -+a b =a b ; B =a b ; C 0?a b =; D ?a b =0. 11、设,a b 为非零向量,且a b ⊥, 则必有( C ) A a b a b +=+ B a b a b -=-



2010年新课标卷试题解析(地理部分) 教育部考试中心 I.总体评价 2010年高考文科综合试卷依据课程标准,坚持能力立意,着力体现新课程改革的核心理念,贯彻能力培养与提高学科素养的原则,在考查基本原理、基本规律、基本技能、基本方法的基础上,注重创设新情境,提供新材料,注意学科之间的综合与互补,要求考生在扎实掌握重要知识的基础上,紧密联系社会实际,不断深入思考、分析、探究问题,表达情感、态度、价值观。试卷在难度、阅读量、思维量、区分度等方面实现了良好的考查。试题在保持着较高信度的同时也体现良好的选拔功能和导向作用。试题质量稳定巾孕育创新。试题的整体难度基本稳定,总卷难度为0.446。 Ⅱ.试题分析 地理部分 一、试题述评 试题设计符合《考试大纲》的规定要求,整个试卷在保持基本稳定的同时.渗透新课程理念.彰显地理学魅力,注重贴近生活.贴近时代,在内容上注重选择真实与鲜活材料、在考查地理基本原理、基本规律、基本技能、基本方法的基础上,注重引导考生联系实际运用地理基础知识分析、探究和解决现实问题、试题在保持着较高信度的同时,显现出良好的区分功能和导向作用。试题主要特点是: 1选择题的设计注重理论联系实际地创设问题情境,注重统计数据和图表的运用,考查地理思维能力 试题在保持形式与结构、题型与题量、难度与灵活度的设置基本稳定的同时,注重选取能够反映地理学科规律特征的内容,如新疆北部地区的洪灾、某国人口问题、我国某产业转型、西亚地区水

资源等新材料设计题目,并以文奉、统计数据、图表相结合的形式呈现信息,考查地理基础知识、基本技能、基本原理和规律的运用,也倡导在思维过程中释放地理思辨之美,从而为考生充分展示地理思维搭建了良好平台 2必考题的设计注重学科基础知识,倡导“地”与“理”的结合,倡导探究问题,鼓励揭示内涵。 试题选材新颖,设问层次梯度分明,答案留有空间既注重激活想象,又强调放飞思维,较好地考查了考生“知其地、析其因、究其理”的地理思维水平和程度,突出体现了地理学科的特点和综合题的题型。 功能 3选考题的设计突出考核主题,合理把握难度,风格基本一致“旅游地理”、“自然灾害与防治”、“环境保护”三道选考题的设计,在难度、区分度和思维水平的考查上具有可比性。可谓既精致精当,又精美精巧。可以看出命题者对试题的难度进行了合理把握。试题图文信息的呈现方式与设问风格也基本保持一致,其考核内容突出了地理核心技能的运用与理性地分析和解决问题。 全卷地理试题设计切合各考区考生的实际,不仅难易程度适中,而且自然地理与人文地理考核内容的结构比例也适当。 二、试题分析 图1所示区域降水季节分配较均匀。2010年5月初,该区域天气晴朗,气温骤升,出现了比常年严重的洪灾。据此完成l一3题。


综合试题一答案 一、单选题 1-5. CABBC 6-10.CDBBD 11-15.BABBD 16-20.BBCAD 二、多项选择题 1.AB 2.ABD 3.ABCD 4.ABD 5.ACD 三、填空题 1.密钥 2..文本 3.计划 4.光盘 5.时间 6.消费者间 四、名词解释 1. 计算机安全就是保护企业资产不受未经授权的访问、使用、篡改或破坏。 2.银行间电子资金转账(EFT)是指通过企业间通讯网络进行的账户交易信息的电子传输,由于它以电子方式提供汇款信息,从而使电子结算实现了最优化。 3.WWW(Word Wide Web):又称万维网,是互联网的一部分,是一些计算机按照一种特定方式相互连接所构成的互联网的子集。其最重要的特点:具有容易使用的标准图形界面。( 4.浏览器是一种软件界面,可以让用户读取或浏览HTML文件。 五、简答题 1. 答:公开密钥加密的优点: (1)在多人之间进行保密信息传输所需的密钥组合数量很小; (2)密钥的分布不成问题; (3)公开密钥系统可实现数字签名。 2. 答:电子商务的优势: (1)增加销售额、降低生产成本; (2)降低销售的处理成本; (3)增加了商家的销售机会和消费者的购买机会; (4)增加了消费者的选择的机会; (5)汇集整个社会。 3. 答:在网上进行市场调查的优越性: (1)互动性:公司可以和被访人员实时对话。(2) 价格低廉:节省了劳务费、交通费、邮寄费等。

(3)速度快:调查数据的发放、收集、整理、分析可以在瞬间完成。(4)实时监督;网上软件程序可对被访问人员进行实时监督,保证问卷的 有效性。 (5)可以主动进行匿名调查:网上互不见面,被访人员无太多的顾虑。4. 答:销售链管理的应用就是将订单获取流程的关键环节自动化,然后再将 这些应用连接并整合起来。 (1)产品目录和营销大全 (2)销售配置系统 (3)定价的维护、发布和配置 (4)标书和报价生成 (5)销售激励和佣金管理 5. 答:推动电子商务发展的力量: (1)经济力量、顾客交互和技术融合共同推动了电子商务的发展。 (2)经济力量,经济力量首先来源于对经济效率的渴望。 (3)市场营销和顾客交互,信息技术的进步大大扩展了顾客选择产品的范围。 (4)技术和数字融合,技术和数字融合为电子商务的最终实现提供了可能。 (5)经济因素、营销因素和数字化融合已影响到各个行业的重新定位。 六、论述题 1. 答:公司建立网站的效益目标之一是为了树立品牌,可通过市场调查和民意测验来衡量;另一种效益目标销售产品或服务,可以通过销售量和销售额来衡量,还有的效益目标是增加顾客满意度或降低顾客服务与支持成本,改善顾客服务与售后。开展电子商务的其他效益可用多种衡量方法进行评价,但通常都用金额来衡量。 2.答:正确的答案应包括设立退货、换货机构(栏目);确定退货、换货的条件;制定退货、换货的处理程序;健全实施退货、换货的监督机制。至于具体 如何实,可以各显神通,在网站主页的菜单条上加上退货、换货栏目;在实施 初期以广告形式做退货、换货的公告;在帮助菜单中列出退货、换货的条例等


习题一 空间解析几何 一、填空题 1、过两点(3,-2)和点(-1,0)的直线的参数方程为 。 2、直线2100x y --=方向向量为 。 3、直角坐标系XY 下点在极坐标系中表示为 。 4、平行与()6,3,6a =-的单位向量为 。 5、过点(3,-2,1)和点(-1,0,2)的直线方程为 。 6、过点(2,3)与直线2100x y +-=垂直的直线方程为 。 7、向量(3,-2)和向量(1,-5)的夹角为 。 8、直角坐标系XY 下区域01y x ≤≤≤≤在极坐标系中表示为 。 9、设 (1,2,3),(5,2,1)=-=-a b , 则(3)?a b = 。 10、点(1,2,1)到平面2100x y z -+-=的距离为 。 二、解答题 1、求过点(3,1,1)且与平面375120x y z -+-=平行的平面方程。 2、求过点(4,2,3) 且平行与直线 31215 x y z --==的直线方程。 3、求过点(2,0,-3) 且与直线247035210x y z x y z -+-=??+-+=? 垂直的平面方程。 4、一动点与两定点(2,3,2)和(4,5,6)等距离, 求这动点的方程。

5、求222,01z x y z =+≤≤在XOZ 平面上的投影域。 6、求222 19416 x y z ++=在XOY 平面上的投影域。 7、求2z z =≤≤在XOZ 平面上的投影域。 8、求曲线222251x y z x z ?++=?+=? 在XOY 平面上的投影曲线。 9、求曲线 22249361x y z x z ?++=?-=? 在XOY 平面上的投影曲线。 10、求由曲面22z x y =+与曲面2222x y z ++=所围成的区域在柱面坐标系下的表示。


08年6月GRE部分真题及答案解析 0806G真题Section1参考答案及分析 Section1 1. Since one of Professor Roche's oft-repeated adages was that familiarity leads to ___, his students were quite surprised to find him so ___. Return of the Native, a novel he had taught for over 30 years. A love...enthusiastic over B contempt...disdainful of C knowledge...conversant with D boredom...excited by E admiration...confused by 2. Reason was once believed to be ___ human, but lately this assumption of intellectual superiority has come under increasingly skeptical scrutiny: most researchers now at least ___ the notion that some animals can think. A logically…ridicule B unique…entertain C scarcely…embrace D quintessentially…balk at E peculiarly…scoff at 3. Powerful as they are, the ___ songs the artist is best known for might sting more and have even greater emotional complexity if one felt that his criticisms were aimed at himself as well as at his unnamed foes. A accusatory B altruistic C mournful D simplistic E humble 4. In her love the sea is ___ symbol: to the narrator it clearly represents everything that is destructive in nature, but at other times it seems to stand for everything in nature that is serenely beautiful. A an enduring

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