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①会议(Meeting): 对人们为了某一特定的目的而集合起来的一种笼统的说法。

②研讨会(Conference): 一种正式的会议,通常要持续几天。它是基于某一特定主题














⑩筹备会(preparatory meeting):预备会议在申请正式会议的截止时间之前举行。

○11全体会议(plenary session):一种由某团体或组织的全体成员参加的会议,尤其是在研讨会上。

○12小组讨论(panel discussion):一种小团体讨论会,在听众面前通过人们的选择来给予意见,做出决定等。






2.① Called to order by the presiding officer: 主持人致词

② Roll call: 点名

③ Announcement of quorum: 宣布大会决议

④ Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting: 阅读前期的会议记录

⑤ Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting: 通过前期的会议记录

⑥ Related matters: 相关事宜

⑦ Unfinished business: 未完适宜

⑧ Appointments and removal: 任免事项

⑨ Nomination and elections: 提名与选举

⑩ Adjournment: 休会

①开幕式opening ceremony

②主题发言Keynote Speech


④全体会议plenary session

⑤论文展示poster session

⑥专题讨论会: panel session

⑦讨论/提问与回答时间:discussion/ question and answer session

⑧考察活动: field trip

⑨闭幕式: closing ceremony

⑩招待晚宴: reception/banquet


英文学术会议开场的演讲 稿 Prepared on 22 November 2020

Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Welcome to Xian, a beautiful city of China. I’m Xinpei Zhang. It is a great pleasure to participate in the Mathematics Conference as the chairman. And I really enjoy staying here with you this morning. The Mathematics Conference has been held 4th times by Shaanxi Normal University since 2008. The purpose of the conference is to share our experiences and knowledge in regard to the theory, frontier developments and researches, as well as possible applications of them in solving practical problems. A lot of current issues have been d i s c u s s e d,a n d s o m e o f t h e m h a v e b e e n e f f e c t i v e l y s o l v e d. Today, as the first time of the conference debut in this city, we’ll have a unique session. The topic of prepared presentations is Mathematics. Today, speakers will share their thoughts on how to effectively run models in different issues and give a reasonable ,we’ll have a Q&A session,w hich allows the everyone to ask some questions you may be interested. I am sure that you will find some topics to be presented both interesting and informative. Now,Let me introduce the first speaker,who is very very rich,not in dollars,but in knowledges and experiences,He got his in financial economics at the UCB,followed by a series of teaching and research positions at MIT and Harvard. Please dont hesitate to join me in welcoming our first speaker, , whose topic is entitled threshold effect between the scale of shadow banking and the stability of the banking system. Welcome.


国际会议作报告英语发言 稿 Prepared on 22 November 2020

Thankyou,prof.….Mynameis…..I’m from…..Iamverypleasedtobeheret ojointhisforum.Thetopic,themainpartsofmyresearchareaboutsoilpavement. Mypresentationwillincludethesefourparts: First,somebackgroundinformationaboutthisresearch;second,themainwork wehavedone;third,someconclusionswehavegotandthelast:innovationandpr esentationofourpublishedpapers. WhyIchoosethisitem,theexistingquantityofairfieldsisstillnotsufficientand theairfieldshavemanyshortcomingsespeciallyinwartime.Second,thecomple mentaryfacilities,suchashighwayrunwaysarefarlessthanairfields,however,, ,thefieldairfieldcanfillthevoidofairfieldandtheycanbecombinedtobeairfield network. ,convenientandvalidity,fastmeansthefieldairfieldmustbeconstructedasfasta spossible,convenientmeanstheconstructionshouldneedtheminimumequip ment,laborandmaterialsconsideringtheactualconstructioncondition,validit ymeanstheconstructedairfieldisabletosupporttheoperationofgivenaircraftin specificallytime. Justlikemanyotherterritories,


会议流程及服务安排 一、会前准备 1、办公室人员收到会议通知,首先需问清楚会议服务要求,然后将具体安排转告会务工作人员,由会务工作人员准备会议前工作,了解与会人员的相关资料,并做好会务登记,保持良好的信息沟通,促进会议的顺利进行。 2、确定会议的出席人数,根据与会人员情况及会议规格适时调整会议场地,并对会场的各项设施进行认真检查。 3、草拟会议议程,经上级领导批准后分发所有与会人员。会议议程是会议内容的概略安排,议程中应涵盖主题、时间、地点,参加人员及议题安排等具体事项,开会之前要将会议议程传达给与会人员。 4、合理安排相关会务工作人员,其工作人员要做到以下几点: (一)仪容仪表 (1)着装统一整洁,不穿拖鞋、响钉鞋。 (2)接待人员短发不遮眼,长发后梳成马尾或盘髻。要求化 淡妆,不浓妆艳抹,不佩戴首饰。 (3)坐站姿势规范端庄,不翘腿。 (二)语言 (1)语调温和亲切,音量适中,普通话规范。

(2)语言文明礼貌,适时运用“您好”、“您请用”、“请”、 “谢谢”、“对不起”、“没关系”等礼貌用语。 (3)对服务对象主动打招呼,不漫不经心,不粗言粗语,不 大声喧哗。 (三)态度 (1)敬业、勤业、乐业,精神饱满,彬彬有礼。 (2)微笑服务,态度诚恳、热情、周到。 (3)工作差错失误及时纠正并当面赔礼道歉。 (4)解释问题有礼有节。 (四)纪律 (1)会议服务前不吃异味食品。 (2)不在会议期间使用电话。 (3)服务过程中不打哈欠、喷嚏、挖耳鼻。 (4)严格遵守职业道德。 5、办公室应在会议召开前一天,以文件、邮件、电话等形式通知与会人员会议的时间、地点及其他具体注意事项。 6、重要会议的召开,应提前做好必要的彩排工作,会议期间的演讲稿件和电子演示文档需要统一规范,并测试投影仪等电子设备是否能正常使用。


各种会议名称的有关翻译 assembly 大会 convention 会议 party 晚会,社交性宴会 at-home party 家庭宴会 tea party 茶会 dinner party 晚餐会 garden party 游园会 dance(party), ball, fandango 舞会 reading party 读书会 fishing party 钓鱼会 sketching party 观剧会 birthday party 生日宴会 Christmas party 圣诞晚会 luncheon party 午餐会 fancy ball 化妆舞会 commemorative party 纪念宴会 wedding dinner, a wedding reception 结婚宴会banquet 酒宴 pajama party 睡衣派对 buffet party 立食宴会 cocktail party 鸡尾酒会 welcome meeting 欢迎会 farewell party 惜别会 pink tea 公式茶会 new years's banquet 新年会 year-end dinner party 忘年餐会 box supper 慈善餐会

fancy fair 义卖场 general meeting, general assembly 会员大会 congress 代表大会 board of directors 董事会 executive council, executive board 执行委员会 standing body 常设机构 committee, commission 委员会 subcommittee 附属委员会,小组委员会 general committee, general officers, general bureau 总务委员会secretariat 秘书处 budget committee 预算委员会 drafting committee 起草委员会 committee of experts 专家委员会 advisory committee, consultative committee 顾问委员会,咨询委员会symposium 讨论会 study group 学习研讨会 seminar 讲习会,学习讨论会 meeting in camera 秘密会议(美作:executive session) opening sitting 开幕会 final sitting 闭幕会 formal sitting 隆重开会 plenary meeting 全会 sitting, meeting 开会(美作:session) session 会期,会议期间(美作:meeting) working party 工作小组Working panel seat, headquarters 席位 governing body 主管团体 round table 圆桌


Thank you, prof. …. My name is ….. I’m from ….. I am very pleased to be here to join this forum. The topic of my presentation is properties of rapid construction materials for soil pavement of field airfield. As is shown in the picture, the main parts of my research are about soil pavement. My presentation will include these four parts: First, some background information about this research; second, the main work we have done; third, some conclusions we have got and the last: innovation and presentation of our published papers. Why I choose this item? I think it can be illustrated from the following four parts. First, the existing quantity of airfields is still not sufficient and the airfields have many shortcomings especially in war time. Second, the complementary facilities, such as highway runways are far less than airfields, however, have more weakness. Third, a certain amount of field airfield is quite necessary considering some emergencies such as rescue and disaster relief. Forth, the field airfield can fill the void of airfield and they can be combined to be airfield network. The meaning and aim of this research contains three parts. Fast, convenient and validity, fast means the field airfield must be constructed


写字楼会议服务工作规程 会议服务工作程序: 领受任务会前准备会前检查引领登记会场服务 休会服务会后清理注意事项汇报总结 1、领受任务 (1) 会议名称(2)会议性质(3)与会人数(4)会议期限(5)会议休息时间表(6)会议活动范围(7)准备内容(8)注意事项 2、会前准备 (1)会标(2)音响(3)主席台(4)茶具饮品(5)登记台(6)签到薄(7)休息安排(8)服务员配备(9)会场清洁(10)接手纪念品、礼品(发放) (11)会场指示牌(12)礼仪演习彩排 3、会前检查 根据表格列项检查、设备设施、会议物品 4、引领登记 (1)准备大厅指示牌、引领员、电梯引领员、会场引领员、指示牌 (2)登记根据请柬、门票等发放纪念品 5、会场服务 1)主席台香巾、饮品服务、果盘、会场贵宾饮品、香槟服务 2)会场秩序维持服务(清理闲杂人员) 3)清洁服务 4)委托代办服务 5)出会场的引领服务(先生,请问需要帮助吗) 6)应急情况处理(火灾疏散、禁坐电梯、失窃、当事人询问笔录、相关人询问笔录、停电、溢水、电梯停机、急症救护) 6、会后清理

1)撤会议物品,桌椅、餐具 2)清理与会人员遗留物并登记 3)清洁会场 4)撤出带入会场物品 5)查对清理纪念品、礼品 6)检查清理情况 7)关闭动力电器设备 8)服务人员撤出,锁闭会议厅 7、汇报总结 1)向主办方主办人员汇报会议情况,遗留物品,剩余礼品,征求意见,说明情况 2)会后总结专题会(部门经理,会议服务人员参加) 二、会议接待服务标准: 1、服务员上岗前要按规定化妆、修饰,认真整理工装、工牌,仪容仪表端庄、整洁、精神饱满; 2、会前三十分钟准时到达会场; 3、迎宾站立时保持正确站姿,真诚微笑; 4、会场内卫生整洁,会场所需物品摆放整齐、美观; 5、来宾到达时要热情迎候,依次接待; 6、给来宾提供服务要主动、热情、耐心、周到,回答来宾问题要得体、明确; 7、给来宾引位要及时,客人入座后1分钟内需倒上茶水,递上香巾; 8、会议进行中,每隔1015分钟,及时增添茶水; 9、会议进行中,服务员应站在合适的位置,悉心观察会场状况;


各种会议名称的翻译 assembly 大会 convention 会议 party 晚会, 社交性宴会 at-home party 家庭宴会 tea party 茶会 dinner party 晚餐会 garden party 游园会 dance(party), ball, fandango 舞会 reading party 读书会 fishing party 钓鱼会 sketching party 观剧会 birthday party 生日宴会 Christmas party 圣诞晚会 luncheon party 午餐会 fancy ball 化妆舞会 commemorative party 纪念宴会 wedding dinner, a wedding reception 结婚宴会 banquet 酒宴 pajama party 睡衣派对 buffet party 立食宴会 cocktail party 鸡尾酒会 welcome meeting 欢迎会 farewell party 惜别会 pink tea 公式茶会 new years‘s banquet 新年会 year-end dinner party 忘年餐会 box supper 慈善餐会 fancy fair 义卖场 general meeting, general assembly 会员大会 congress 代表大会 board of directors 董事会 executive council, executive board 执行委员会 standing body 常设机构 committee, commission 委员会 subcommittee 附属委员会,小组委员会 general committee, general officers, general bureau 总务委员会 secretariat 秘书处 budget committee 预算委员会 drafting committee 起草委员会 committee of experts 专家委员会 advisory committee, consultative committee 顾问委员会,咨询委员会symposium 讨论会 study group 学习研讨会

学术会议发言稿 英文(精选多篇)

学术会议发言稿英文(精选多篇) and has appeared on cctv,who is also the author of an upcoming book named .so to speak to you on innovation capability of high tech enterprises by gray theory, please weclome mr jxs with the warmest applause. wow what an innovative idea,to quantify the inonovation ability and classify into different categories. try to think about it and you’ ll find its very enlightening. thank you for the excellent presentations and ideas. now,i ll be very pleased and excited to introduce the next speaker,mrs hujianjie,who is the vice president of cfa institute.to represent the sponsor host unit ,it’s the fifth time for her to be the final presenter.her breadth and depth of knowledge,profound discoveries and distinctive ideas always cause shock at the conference.today,mrs hu will address you on relationship between stock liquidity and asset liquidity of listed companies,i cant wait to her inspiring ideas. welcome!!! thank you very much for the extremely enlightening presentation. generally,we wanna investigate the correlation of asset liquidity and stock liquidity, thereby linking stock liquidity to corporate finance decisions.but the relationship between asset liquidity and stock liquidity is ambiguous.in her speech, mrs hu introduce a useful model to explore the ambiguous relationship,which may shed new light on the importance of firm’s investment and financing decisions. ladies and gentleman,our distinguished speakers hv finished their presentations,we now enter into the question and answer session.during this session,prof.syc,miss.wu,mr.jxs,mrs.hujianjie and i will be very happy to answer as many of your questions as we could. are there any questions? ok,well,i m sorry to say that this session will have to stop here.thank you for your questions.i hope this was as good a session for you as it was for us. ladies and gentlemen, i shall end here by thanking you for coming to the the 5th international finance conference. i hope that you have benefited much from the conference and from discussions with colleagues.


国际会议作报告英语发 言稿精选文档 TTMS system office room 【TTMS16H-TTMS2A-TTMS8Q8-

Thank you,prof. …. My nameis ….. I’m from …..I amvery pleased to be here to join this forum.The topicof my presentation is properties of rapid construction materials for soil pavement of field airfield. As is shown in the picture, the main parts of my research are about soil pavement. My presentation will include these four parts: First, some background information about this research; second, the main work we have done; third, some conclusions we have got and the last: innovation and presentation of our published papers. Why I choose this item I think it can be illustrated from the following four parts. First, the existing quantity of airfields is still not sufficient and the airfields have many shortcomings especially in war time. Second, the complementary facilities, such as highway runways are far less than airfields, however, have more weakness. Third, a certain amount of field airfield is quite necessary considering some emergencies such as rescue and disaster relief. Forth, the field airfield can fill the void of airfield and they can be combined to be airfield network. The meaning and aim of this research contains three parts. Fast, convenient and validity, fast means the field airfield must be constructed as fast as possible, convenient means the construction should need the



会议接待及注意事项 根据参加会议的人数不同、会议接待的准备工作的内容不同以及会议接待的方式不同,对会议的组织方法,礼仪要求也不同。 首先是会议的筹备工作。 ●根据会议规模,确定接待规格。 ●发放会议通知和会议日程。 会议通知必须写明召集人的姓名或组织、单位名称,会议的时间、地点、会议主题以及会议参加者、会务费、应带的材料、联系方式等内容。通知后面要注意附回执,这样可以确定受邀请的人是否参加会议,准备参加会议的是否有其他要求等。对于外地的会议参加者还要附上到达会议地点和住宿宾馆的路线图。这个路线图避免了外地人问路的许多麻烦。 会议日程是会议活动期间每一天的具体安排,它是人们了解会议情况的重要依据。它的形式既可以是文字的也可以是表格的。它可以随会议通知一起发放。 ●选择会场。

选择会场,要根据参加会议的人数和会议的内容来综合考虑。最好是达到一定标准: 第一:大小要适中。会场太大,人数太少,空下的座位太多,松松散散,给与会者一种不景气的感觉;会场太小,人数过多,挤在一起,像乡下人赶集,不仅显得小气,而且也根本无法把会开好。所以,英国的首相丘吉尔曾说:“绝对不用太大的房间,而只要一个大小正好的房间。” 第二:地点要合理。历史召集的会议,一两个小时就散的,可以把会场定在与会人员较集中的地方。超过一天的会议,应尽量把地点定的离与会者住所较近一些,免得与会者来回奔波。 第三:附属设施要齐全。会务人员一定要对会场的照明、通风、卫生、服务、电话、扩音、录音等进行检查,不能够因为“上次会议是从这里开的,没出什么问题,”就草率地认为“这回也会同样顺利”。否则,可能会造成损失。 第四:要有停车场。现代社会召集会议,“一双草鞋一把伞”赶来开会的人已经不多了。轿车、摩托车都要有停放处,会才能开得成。


学术会议英文发言稿(多篇发言稿) 1. prologue thank you, mr. chairman, for your gracious introduction. i am honored to have the chance to address you on this special occasion. the topic of my paper is “transaction cost and farmers’ choice of agricultural products selling”. the outline of my talk as follows. the first part i want to introduce the background of this research. the second part suggests a simple household choice model .the third part covers the data used in this research. and then, we introduce the empirical results. finally, a simple conclusion is given. 2. introduction well, let’s move on the first part of this topic .the motivation of this work like this. institutional economics posits that agents making decisions on different types of transactions do so in a costly way .for example , farmers deciding sell a particular crop to whom base their decisions not only on the price they expect to receive in each market choice but also on additional costs related to transacting in these markets. i want to use a picture to illustrate it. for example, given some market channels, farmers’ choices can be regarded as equilibrium between the surplus and the additional costs that related to transacting .especially in developing countries, high-value crop producers fully participate in the market and the transaction cost has been the hard constraint to farmers. furthermore, farmers’market choices can be taken as a choice dilemma of transaction cost and production surplus. consequently, the scientific question of this research is how transaction cost affects planters’ choices. 3. methodology let’s move to the theoretical model of our research. consider a household model in one rotation. in stage 1 , famer η needs to allocate the input factors .this process can qbe set into a function like this q? ? q( p , w , z ? ) , qη means the output farmers decide qto produce .p implies the output price w implies input price and.z: ? is fixed input. once produce what and produce how many are decided, next question to be considered is how much products to be transacted in market. here we use three cc()cη means how functions to describe this question. the first equation, c ? ?p , z ? much agricultural products used by famers themselves. p implies the price the cagricultural product,z ?suggests the fluctuation of cη. the second equation q ? ? q ? ?c?, qη means the amount of agricultural products transacted in q?n?market. the third equationi ? q ?implies the amount exchanged in nth time. in stage 3, farmers will decide to sell the products to whom. chanel j’s market price is bdecided by an exogenesis price and farmers’ negotiating power.pij?p* j?b(qi,zi)besides this, we use a matrix to show the net profit of chanel jx ik? ik, ? ?? ik ? and then farmers’ choice can be expressed in a typical choice model exp(xij?)pr(ji?j|xik)?1 exp(xij?)? k?1 based on the choice model, another important concept is famers’ channel choice .here, we set five types .they rank by the market barriers. accordingly, we set a group discrete number to express them. y: dependent variable y=5,means farmer choose


英文国际会议演讲稿范文 英文会议演讲稿篇一:英文国际学术会议开幕词演 讲稿 Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends: At this special time of wonderful August, With a pleasant subtropical climate in Xiamen, Our respectable guests are here getting together , undertaken by XMU , the 2014 10th International Conference on Natural Computation and the 2014 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery , will be open. Now, First of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you , for your friendly coming. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event. It is a great honor for us to have all you here to attend this conference, of which the theme is the academic exchange about the advanced technologies on Computer Science. Here I’d be delighted to introduce our conventioneers in brief. Apart from


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会议场地: 1.Opening ceremony 开幕典礼 2. Conference Room. 会议厅 3.International Conference Room 国际会议厅 4. meeting-place;venue 会议地点 5.offical meeting 正式会议 6. deliberate conference 研讨会 7. forum;symposium 座谈会 8. tea party 茶话会 9. hall 大堂 10. L eisure Bar 餐厅 11. c afeteria 自助餐厅 12. e ntrance, 会议厅入口 13. exit 会议厅出口 会议各种名称: 1. 汇报会 (status meeting ):领导组织(leader-led ),单向交流 (one-way communication ) 的汇报( reporting )。 2. 工作会( work meeting ):产生一个结果,例如做出一个决定。 3. 员工会(staff meeting ):经理(manager)与下属的会议。 4. 碰头会( team meeting ):分工合作的同事一起开的会。 5. 非例行会议( ad-hoc meeting ):为了一个专门的目的开的会。 6. 管理层会议( management meeting ):经理们开的会。 7. 董事会会议( board meeting ):董事会( board of directors )开的会。 8. 一对一会议( one-on-one meeting ):两个人开的会。 9. 外出静思会 / 退修会 ( off-site meeting/offsite retreat ):在英国叫 awayday meeting ,指不在工作场所开的会。一般在度假胜地等举办。 10. 项目启动会( kick-off meeting ):项目组( project team )以及项目雇主( client ) 的首次会议,讨论分工等。 11. 标前会( pre-bid meeting ):指招标前与所有竞争者开的情况介绍会。 12. 学术会议( academic conference )


学术会议发言开场白 【篇一:英文学术会议主持人发言稿】 good morning,ladies and gentleman.welcome to harbin,a beautiful northland ice city of china.i’m abc,from school of economics and management of hit.its a very very great pleasure to participate in the 5th international finance conference as the chairman,its my first time to do so.and i really really enjoy being stay here with you this morning.the international finance conference has been held 4th times by cfa institute since 1998. the purpose of the conference is to share our experiences and knowledge in regard to the theory, frontier developments and reaserches, as well as possible applications of them in solving practical problems a lot of current issues have been discussed,and some of them have been effectively soluted.. today,as the first time of the co nference debut in this city,we’ll have a unique session.the topic of prepared presentations is the application of quantitative methods in finance ,today’s speakers will share their thoughts on how to effectively run models in different issues and give a reasonable answer.then,we’ll have a qa session,which allows the everyone to ask some questions you may be interested. i am sure that you will find some topics to be presented both interesting and informative. now,let me introduce the first speaker,who is very very rich,not in dollars,but in knowledges and experiences,he got his ph.d in financial economics at the ucb,followed by a series of teaching and research positions at mit and harvard. please dont hesitate to join me in welcoming our first speaker, prof.syc, whose topic is entitled threshold effect between the scale of shadow banking and the stability of the banking system. welcome. thank you for the impressive speech .as far as we konw,shadow banking system played an important role in the last financial crisis mainly derived from its high leverage and asymmetric information characteristics.which produced a supervision dilemma.because lack of information, regulators were unable to measure the actual risk of the financial system.it is crucial for to take a further knowledge of
