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研究生英语高级教程(第二版) 练习答案及参考译文

A n A dv a n c e d E n g l i s h C o u rs e f o r G r a d ua t e

S t u d e n ts








Unit 1

Move Over, Big Brother

Reading Skills: Reading Magazine Articles

Reading Skills: Reading Technical Prose

Unit 2

When Ancient Artifacts Become Political Pawns

Writing Skills: Abstract

Unit 3

At What Cost Beauty

Writing Skills: The Research Paper (1)

Unit 4

Too Much Too Soon

Writing Skills: The Research Paper (2)

Unit 5

U niversities under Threat

Writing Skills: The Research Paper (3)

Unit 6

Kids Moving Back in After College?—Smart Career Move Writing Skills: Letter

Writing Skills: Curriculum Vitae (CV) & Personal Statement Unit 7

Think Different

Translation Skills: Translation of Vocabulary: Word Classes Unit 8

How to Live in the 21st Century

Translation Skills: Subordinate Clauses (1)—Nominal Clauses Unit 9

The Global food Crisis

Translation Skills: Subordinate Clauses (2)—Attributive Clauses Unit 10

How Reading Makes Us More Human

Translation Skills: Subordinate Clauses (3)—Adverbial Clauses

Unit 11

The New Science of Happiness Translation Skills: Long Sentences Unit 12

A Time for Men to Stand Up Translation Skills: Technical Translation Revision: Self-assessment Test

Unit 1

Move Over, Big Brother

Background Information

1. Big Brother: An omnipresent, seemingly benevolent figure representing the oppressive control over individual lives exerted by an authoritarian government. (after Big Brother, a character in the novel 1984 by George Orwell)

2. Louis XIV: King of France (1643–1715). His reign, the longest in French history, was characterized by a magnificent court and the expansion of French influence in Europe. Louis waged three major wars: the Dutch War (1672–1678), the War of the Grand Alliance (1688–1697), and the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714).

3. sousveillance : ―sous‖ is a French prefix meaning ―under‖.

4. Rodney King: "Rodney" Glen King (born April 2, 1965 in Sacramento, California) was an African-American motorist who, while videotaped by a bystander (George Holliday), was struck repeatedly by Los Angeles police officers (LAPD) during a police stop on March 3, 1991. The incident raised an outcry, as many people, both within and outside the African-American community, believed that the beating was racially motivated, excessive and an example of police brutality. The acquittal in a state court of four officers charged with using excessive force in subduing King led to the 1992 Los Angeles riots and mass protest around the country.

5. Abu Ghraib jail in Iraq: In 2004, reports emerged of numerous instances of abuse and torture of prisoners in the Baghdad Correctional Facility, formerly Abu Ghraib Prison, by personnel of the U.S. armed forces, CIA officers and contractors involved in the occupation of Iraq, beginning in 2003.

6. Peeping Tom: A person who secretly watches others, especially for sexual gratification; a voyeur. This expression, first recorded in 1796, alludes to the legend of the tailor Tom, the only person to watch the naked Lady Godiva as she rode by and who was struck blind for this sin.

Answer keys

I. Reading comprehension

1. B

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. D

6. B

7. D

8. B

9. D 10.C

Ⅱ. Vocabulary

A. 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D

B. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. B

Ⅲ. Cloze

1. C

2. D

3. B

4. B

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. A

9. D 10. D

Ⅳ. Translation


B. Anyone who googles for a website or looks up a friend on Facebook is likely to have those actions recorded and stored on a database somewhere. Although many internet users seem to remain unaware of the fact that big governmental and corporate brother is watching you, every now and again something brings a reminder of the ever greater amount of personal information being gathered.

Ⅴ. Fast reading

1. C

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. C

VI. Oral Work


VII. Writing




[1] 对路易十四而言,即使在卧室里生活没有隐私都不是问题。事实上,这是这位法国君主向那些甚至是最为显赫的贵族展示自己绝对君权的一种方式。每天早晨,这些权贵们聚集在一起观摩太阳王起床、祈祷、上厕所、挑假发等活动。

[2] 过去这种生活——没有隐私的生活——会成为我们的未来吗? 许多未来学家、科幻小说作家和隐私权倡导者都确信会这样。他们一直提醒人们?老大哥?在监视着我们。闭路电视摄像头常常跟踪你的行动;你的手机会泄露你所在的位臵;你的过境证和信用卡会留下数码痕迹。现在公民有可能正受到监视。

[3] 但是,在过去的几年中,某种奇怪的事情发生了。由于手机、数码相机和互联网的普及,监视技术被更为广泛地利用。保安专家布鲁斯〃施奈尔认为,监视技术的微型化、数字存储设备价格的下降以及能够处理大量信息的更为尖端的系统的出现等因素的结合,意味着?监视能力曾经只由政府掌握,现在或在不久的将来,会掌握在每个人手中。?

[4] 数字技术产品,如可拍照手机及互联网,与模拟技术同类产品大不相同。数字图像与传统照片不同,能被迅速、便捷地复制并传遍全球。另外一个重大不同是数码设备的使用更为广泛。大多数人都随身携带着可拍照手机。

[5] 数码照相机的快速和普及使它们能做到使用胶卷的照相机做不到的事情。比如,10月份,田纳西州纳什维尔一宗抢劫案的受害者用可拍照手机拍下了劫匪的照片和他逃走时使用的交通工具。警方看了这些照片后,在广播里描述了这名劫匪和他的卡车,10分钟后,此人便被抓获。

[6] 然而,监视行为的大众化有利有弊。可拍照手机导致了窥淫癖现象,从而导致了维护个人形象权的新法规的出台。9月份,美国国会通过了?防止录像窥淫法?,该法案禁止


[7] 人们还担心数码相机和可拍照手机用于工业间谍活动。应公司客户需求,美国移动电话经营商斯伯林特公司推出一款没有拍照功能的热销手机。许多客户公司都已禁止把照相机带到工作场所。一些公司——包括最先推出可拍照手机的韩国三星公司——要求来访者和员工把可拍照手机留在研究和生产制造设施外。

[8] 廉价的监视技术方便了其他犯罪活动。比如,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的一家加油站的两名雇员在读卡机上方的天花板内安装了一个隐蔽的摄像头,记录了数千人的个人身份证号码。这两人还安装了一个仪器,当用户刷信用卡时,该仪器可以?扫描?他们账户的详细信息。时至被捕时,两人已收集了6000多人的账户信息,伪造了1000张银行卡。

[9] 但是,监视技术的广泛使用也有其益处。特别是它能提高透明度、加强责任感。比如,越来越多的摄像机被安装在学校里。像ParentWatch. com和KinderCam. com这样的网络服务商与美国上百家托儿所的摄像机联网,这样家长就可以看到他们的孩子(以及那些照看他们孩子的人)在做什么。学校也把网络摄像头设在教室里。像google这样的科技公司把网络摄像头设在员工餐厅内, 如果员工们看见打饭的队伍排得很长,就可以晚点去用餐。

[10] 多伦多大学教授史蒂夫〃曼把公民监视的普及称为?平视?,因为多数摄像机不再是俯瞰,而是来自眼睛的视角高度。现在,摄像机不再被高臵于楼顶并附在屋内天花板上,而是被普通人随身携带。最广为人知的例子就是罗德尼〃金遭警察殴打的录像以及令人震惊的伊拉克阿布格莱布监狱虐囚照片。

[11] 可拍照手机可能对新闻媒体产生深刻的影响。可拍照手机使每个人都有可能成为新闻摄影师。旧媒体正开始欢迎这种趋势,这并不奇怪。最近,《圣地亚哥联合论坛报》创办了一个网站,专门征集读者用可拍照手机拍摄的新闻照片。英国广播公司也鼓励访问其网站的用户上传自拍的新闻事件图片。

[12] 未来学会的保罗〃塞福认为,公司和政府将不得假设照相机或麦克风有可能无时无刻无所不在。如果工厂的危险环境或化工厂的污染情况不仅仅是被描述一下,而且还能通过图片和录像展示出来,那么厂方就很难抵赖了。比如,动物权利保护者创办了网上多媒体档案库,人们可以在此存储并查看拍摄自养鸡场、屠宰场和皮毛加工厂的生动图像。用金枪鱼网捕捉海豚的录像等材料会使消费者义愤填庸。

[13] 去年,一位德国议员在拍摄一份机密文件时被逮个正着。这份文件只在一次医疗保健改革的背景会议上分发了几份(而后又被收回)。据说,一些柏林政客让记者在一次重要会议前给他们打电话,然后不挂断电话,实际上把他们的电话变成了窃听器,让记者偷听其他议员的讲话。

[14] 1996年11月,塞内加尔内政部长没有注意到一个站在旁边的人拿着接通的手机,当承认地方选举有舞弊行为时被曝光。选举宣告无效。2000年,在该国总统选举中,电台派记者到每个计票站,并给他们配备了手机。每个选区的结果宣布后,记者就向电台打电话报告结果,然后电台马上播报。这就减少了选举作弊的机会,使得权力交接顺利进行,落选的总统很快承认失败。

[15] 监视技术广泛使用的社会效应仍不明朗。《透明社会》一书的作者戴维〃布雷恩提出,这将导致自我约束:毕竟,偷窥者不是很受欢迎。在饭店里,一般来说,被发现正盯着别人看比让人看到自己胡子上沾着面包屑更尴尬。他指出,美国有句格言说,?一个武装的社会是有礼貌的社会?,依此类推,?一个用照相机‘武装’的社会可能会变得更有礼貌?。


[16] 正如隐私权倡导者一直警告的那样,受人监视的社会即将到来,但并不是以他们想像的那种形态出现。注视着每个人的不仅仅只有?老大哥?——还有越来越多的小兄弟。

Unit 2

When Ancient Artifacts Become Political Pawns Background Information

1.Nefertiti: (14th century B.C.) Queen of Egypt and wife of Akhenaton (ruled 1535-1336 B.C.).

She is known for her portrait bust found at Tell el-Amarna, the king‘s new capital. She may have been an Asian princess from Mitanni. She appears with Akhenaton in reliefs at Tell el-Amarna and followed his new cult of the sun god Aton. Of her six daughters, two became queens of Egypt. In the 12th year of Akhenaton‘s reign, she either retired after losing favor or died.

2.Neues Museum: (―New Museum‖) A museum in Berlin, Germany, located to the north of

Altes Museum (Old Museum) on Museum Island. It was built between 1843 and 1855 according to plans by Friedrich August Stüler, a student of Karl Friedrich Schinkel. The museum was closed at the beginning of World War II in 1939, and was heavily damaged during the bombing of Berlin. The rebuilding was overseen by the English architect David Chipperfield. The museum officially reopened in October 2009. Exhibits include the Egyptian and Prehistory and Early History collections, as it did before the war. The artifacts it houses include the iconic bust of the Egyptian queen Nefertiti.

3.Gate of Ishtar: Enormous burnt-brick double entryway built in the ancient city of Babylon

about 575 B.C. The gate was more than 12 meters high and was decorated with glazed brick reliefs. Through the gatehouse ran the stone- and brick-paved Processional Way. Some 120 brick lions lined the street and some 575 dragons and bulls, in 13 rows, adorned the gate.

4.Farouk Hosny (or Hosni, born 1938 in Alexandria) is an Egyptian abstract painter who was

appointed in 1987 to his current position of Minister of Culture. During his tenure, he expanded state-run exhibition spaces and initiated various cultural programs, including the Horizon One Gallery, the Palace of Arts, Gezira Arts Center, Alexandria Center of Arts, the Modern Dance Troupe and School, the Cairo History Rehabilitation Project (which included a number of Jewish synagogues), the Nubian Museum in Aswan and the Alexandria National Museum and the Cultural Development Fund. In 2005, Hosny tendered his resignation to President Hosni Mubarak in the wake of the Beni Suef Cultural Palace fire, in which 48 spectators were killed and more injured. Mubarak rejected Hosny‘s resignation, in response to the pleas of some 400 high-profile intellectuals.

On July 30, 2007, Egypt nominated Hosny to succeed Koichiro Matsuura as Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and began a campaign to have him elected to the position. No Arab had previously held the position. Hosny was regarded as certain to win the September 2009 election, but his May 2008 pledge to burn Israel books in Egyptian libraries sparked doubts about his suitability for the position and strengthened opposition to his candidacy. Despite the opposition, Hosny was still expected to win by a large margin, receiving pledges of support from the Arab League, the Organization of African Unity and the Organization of the Islamic Conference. On September 22, 2009, Hosny lost the UNESCO election in a stunning upset in the fifth and final round of voting to Bulgaria‘s Irina Bokova, who received 31 votes to Hosny‘s 27. In the fourth

round of voting, the two candidates were tied at 29 votes each. Hosny blamed his defeat on ―Zionist pressures‖ as well as a conspiracy by ―a group of the world‘s Jews who had a major influence in the elections...‖ He also attacked the US Ambassador at UNESCO, David Killion, for derailing his election and stated, ―The north always has to control the south.‖

Language Points

1.The forces of nationalism love to exploit culture because it’s symbolic, economically

potent and couches identity politics in a legal context that tends to pit David against Goliath: People who take pride in their own country are apt to make use of culture because 1) it is often used as a symbol;2) it is potentially lucrative; and 3) it serves as a legal means for identity politics which often sets one in competition against another.

2.Mr. Hosny would have been the first Arab to land the job, and Egypt’s president, Hosni

Mubarak, had banked a not insignificant amount of his own prestige on the minister’s getting it: Mr. Hosny would have been the first Arab to secure the job, and Egypt‘s president, Hosni Mubarak, had invested an unusual amount of his social position in Mr. Hosny‘s winning.

3.Nothing is more distant to me than racism, the negation of others and the desire to hurt

Jewish culture or any other culture: I can hardly stand such evils as racism, the denial of others and the desire to hurt Jewish culture or any other culture.

4.But the larger truth is that all patrimony arguments ultimately live or die in the morally

murky realm of global relations: But the more important fact is that whether an argument concerning inheritance is sound or not finally depends on global relations which are morally corrupt.

5.That argument was “amplified by a government eager to limit its embarrassment after

having staked its credibility” on him: That claim was highlighted by the Egypt government as it was eager to lessen its embarrassment after putting down a stake on him.

Answer keys

I. Reading Comprehension

1. D

2. C

3. D

4. C

5. D

6. D

7. A

8. D

9. C 10. D

II. Vocabulary

A. 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. C

B. 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. B

III. Cloze

1. B

2. A

3. A

4. C

5. C

6. D

7. B

8. B

9. A 10. C

IV. Translation

A. 美联社报道说,埃及将于本周正式向美国提出请求,要求归还一具法老的木棺。这具木棺是125年前从埃及偷运出境的。埃及最高文物委员会秘书长扎西·哈瓦斯说,这具木棺有三千多年的历史,是第二十一王朝(公元前1081年到公元前931年)艾梅斯法老的灵柩。一个美国人在西班牙从一个商人手中买到了这具装饰华丽的木棺。上个月,这个美国人带着这具木棺经过迈阿密海关,由于拿不出足够的文件资料证明其所有权,结果木棺被海关人员


B. Technology has now created the possibility and even the likelihood of a global culture. The Internet, fax machines, satellites, and cable TV are sweeping away cultural boundaries. Global entertainment companies shape the perceptions and dreams of ordinary citizens, wherever they live. This spread of values, norms, and culture tends to promote Western ideals of capitalism.

V. Fast Reading

1. T

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. T

6. F

7. T

8. T

VI. Oral Work


VII. Writing































Unit 3

At What Cost Beauty

Background Information

1.Plastic surgery: This is a general term for operative manual and instrumental treatment

which is performed for functional or aesthetic reasons. The word "plastic" derives from the Greek plastikos meaning to mold or to shape; its use here is not connected with modern plastics.

The principal areas of plastic surgery include two broad fields:

?Reconstructive surgery focuses on undoing or masking the destructive effects of trauma, surgery or disease. Reconstructive surgery may include closing defects with flaps—that is, by moving tissue from other parts of the body.

?Cosmetic (or aesthetic) surgery is most often performed in order to change features the patient finds unflattering.

Cosmetic surgery is a very popular approach to personal enhancement. There were 11.9 million cosmetic procedures performed in the U.S. alone in 2004. Although some may hold a negative view of cosmetic surgery, seeing it as frivolous, the soaring number of procedures performed annually shows that cosmetic surgery has become acceptable to the mainstream American household.

As for any operation, elective procedures involve risk, and should therefore not be undertaken lightly. Within the US, critics of plastic surgery note that it is legal for any doctor, regardless of speciality, to perform plastic surgery.

It is vital to check a physician's credentials, looking for those who are actually board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery officially recognized by the only governing board of American physicians: American Board of Medical Specialties. Because cosmetic surgery is seen as profitable, many other specialties have tried to make themselves sound more official and qualified by making up associations or "medical boards", even though their training does not include all aspects of reconstructive and cosmetic/aesthetic surgery of plastic surgeons. Other "boards" such as "facial plastic surgery" or "American Cosmetic Surgery" are not officially recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties.

The most prevalent aesthetic/cosmetic procedures are listed below. Most of these types of surgery are more commonly known by their "common names." These are also listed when pertinent.

?Abdominoplasty (or "tummy tuck"): Reshaping and firming of the abdomen

?Blepharoplasty (or "eyelid surgery"): Reshaping of the eyelids or the application of permanent eyeliner, including Asian blepharoplasty (去除眼袋、鱼尾纹等的)眼睑整容术?Augmentation Mammaplasty (or "breast enlargement" or "boob job"): Augmentation of the breasts

?Muscle sculpting: Removal of the fat layer that is on top of chosen muscle to reveal a more appealing look after surgery (ie: six pack abs revealed through muscle sculpting)

?Chemical peel: Removal of acne scars and sagging skin—not technically surgery and can be performed by a cosmetologist

?Mastopexy (or "breast lift"): Raising of sagging breasts

?Rhinoplasty(or "nose job"): Reshaping of the nose

?Non-surgical Nose Job: A new method of reshaping of the nose without surgery. This non-invasive procedure, developed by Dr. Alexander Rivkin, uses injectable fillers to reshape the nose and hide imperfections.

?Otoplasty (or ear surgery): Reshaping of the ear

?Rhytidectomy (or "face lift"): Removal of wrinkles and signs of aging from the face

?Suction-Assisted Lipectomy (or liposuction): Removal of fat from the body

?Chin augmentation: Augmentation of the chin with an implant (e.g. silicone) or by sliding genioplasty of the jawbone.

?Cheek augmentation

?Collagen injections

?Mesotherapy: An alternative to liposuction where fluids are injected to break down and dissolve the fat. This is considered the non-invasive method to fat tissue removal.

2.Olivia Goldsmith:(1949-January 15, 2004) She was an American author, best known for

her first novel The First Wives Club (1992). She took up writing after she got divorced with her husband. Before becoming a writer, she was a management consultant for eleven years.

Goldsmith died from complications from plastic surgery in 2004.

3.The First Wives Club (1992): The novel was made into a movie in 1996. It deals with three

friends who have been abandoned by their husbands for younger women. After a friend (also

a "first wife") committed suicide, they decided to take revenge on their ex-husbands. The

wives eventually thrive as the husbands fail in love and at work. Olivia Goldsmith‘s subsequent novels would include Flavor of the Month(1993), The Bestseller(1996), and Switcheroo(1998). Many of her books can be described as revenge fantasies; a constant theme is the mistreatment of women by the men they love, but with the women coming out the winners in the end. She also wrote several books for children, which were published under the name "Justine Rendal."

4. American Medical Association (AMA):P rofessional physicians‘organization (founded

1847). Its goals are to protect the interests of American physicians, advance public health, and support the growth of medical science. The AMA investigates alleged cases of medical quackery, engages in medical research on drugs, foods, cosmetics, and other substances, and sponsors health education programs. The organization also approves in-hospital doctor training programs; it was largely responsible for the upgrading of American medical education in the early 20th cent. Other functions include monitoring professional ethics and supervising continuing medical education for physicians. The AMA also publishes the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

5. Extreme Makeover: This is a television program from ABC in which individuals volunteer

to receive an extensive makeover in Hollywood. It aired from 2002 and is currently suspended. The show depicts real-life people (both men and women) undergoing an "extreme makeover" involving plastic surgery, exercise regimes, hairdressing and wardrobing. Each episode ends with the subjects' return to their families and friends, showing the reactions of

their loved ones, who have not been allowed to see the increasing changes during the subjects' absence.

Language points

1.That attaining such features often involves anesthesia, injections, incisions, blood and a

professional with at least seven years of medical training is a distinction increasingly lost on the general population: The sentence includes a subject clause introduced by ―that‖, in which ―attaining such features‖ is the subject.

Explanation of the sentence: To get those features such as a straighter nose and larger breasts, patients often undergo procedures involving anesthesia, injections, incisions, and blood. And these procedures should be performed by specialists in cosmetic surgery. Yet the fact and the requirement are increasingly neglected by the public pursuing better looks through plastic surgery.

2.This is the same location where last month, in a case that made national headlines, The

First Wives Club author Olivia Goldsmith, whose work often celebrated and satirized plastic surgery, died after seeking a cosmetic procedure: It is in the same hospital that Olivia Goldsmith, The First Wives Club author, died from a plastic surgery last month. She had often written articles or books to comment plastic surgeries positively or negatively. Her death made a great sensation nationwide.

3.They're in excellent health, screened by psychologists and analyzed by the best plastic

surgeons in the country to ensure that their transformation has the potential to look like

a home run: They are in wonderful condition, tested by psychologists and analyzed by the

best plastic surgeons in the country to guarantee that their plastic surgeries will result in a wonderful improvement in their appearance/that their makeover will be very successful in the end.

Answer Keys

I.Reading comprehension

1. C

2. D

3. B

4. B

5. D

6. A

7. C

8. A

9. B 10. C II.Vocabulary

A.1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. D

B.1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. C III.Cloze

1. B

2. B

3. C

4. C

5. A

6. C

7. D

8. D

9. A 10. C IV.Translation

A. 答案是明确的:不会。因为真正的美既是外在的美也是内在的美。瓷缸美,美在外形、颜色和表面纹理。瓷缸可能是空的,也可能爬满了蜘蛛,里面可能装满了蜂蜜,也可能装满了黏液,这都不影响它的美丑。但妇女是活生生的人,所以她外表的美还不算美。人体外表受内在精神特征的影响。我见过一些妇女,按照瓷器行家的标准,既迷人又漂亮。她们的形体、肤色和表面肌理均无可挑剔,但就是不美。因为漂亮的花瓶不是空空如也,


B. Why do we care so much about how we look? Because it matters. Because beauty is powerful. Because even when we learn to value people mostly for being kind and wise and funny, we are still moved by beauty. No matter how much we argue against it or pretend to be immune, beauty exerts its power over us. There is simply no escape.

V.Fast reading

1. C

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. D

VI.Oral Work


VII. Writing
















Unit 4

Too Much Too Soon

Background Information

1. Neurons: A neuron is a nerve cell that is the basic building block of the nervous system. A one-year old human has about 100 billion (1011) neurons. A typical brain neuron will have connections with at least 1,000 other neurons.

The brain is a vastly complicated signaling system, with neurons forming the basis of that system. Electrochemical signals flow in one direction only in neurons, originating at the dendrites or cell body (usually in response to stimulation from other neurons) and propagating along axon branches which terminate on the dendrites or cell bodies of perhaps thousands of other neurons. The connections between the ends of axons and the dendrites or cell bodies of other neurons are specialized structures called synapses.

2. Neuronal Function: The basis of neuronal electrochemical signals lies in the neuron membrane. Like all cell membranes, the neuron membrane is a phospholipid bilayer. In other words, the membrane is a ―fat sandwich‖, with fatty acids between t wo slices of polar (phosphate) ―bread‖. The membrane is pierced with proteins that serve as channels for ions to ―flow‖though (like straws stuck in a sandwich).

The two ion-channels in the axon (both voltage-gated) allow passage of positive ions of sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+). A pump in the cell membrane (the ―sodium pump‖) actively transports sodium ions out of the cell, and potassium ions into the cell, in a ratio of 3 sodium per 2 potassium. This creates a voltage (potential) difference across the membrane of -70 millivolts. Lowering this potential increases the probability that ion-channels will open. Once some ion channels begin opening, the voltage drops further, causing more channels to open until the membrane depolarizes. Sodium channels are more sensitive to voltage change than potassium channels are, and open more rapidly. Thus, in a depolarization, the sodium ions will rush into the axon faster than the potassium ions will rush out. This sudden depolarization (called an action potential) will briefly result in a +30 millivolt potential difference. Once the slowly-opening voltage-gated potassium ion-channels have opened and allowed potassium to flow out, the action potential is ended. Thus, the sodium ion-channels initiate the action potential, and the potassium ion-channels terminate it. The channels then close, and the sodium pump can restore the resting potential of -70 millivolts. But the action potential will propagate down the axon toward the synapse like a line of falling dominos.

Language Points

1.In other words, the build-up and acquisition of myelin towards full brain maturation is more marathon than sprint: The maturation of the brain in terms of myelin development must follow a programmed timetable. It is slow and gradual rather than quick and once for all.

2.…the earlier children are introduced to certain experiences or stimulation the greater

the propensity for learning and early success:The earlier children are exposed to certain experiences or stimulation, the more likely they will develop an inclination for learning and achieve early success.

3.In these situations the child compensates for a lack of fine motor skill development

whereby the brain adapts and finds a grip that is useful: As the child has not been able to use

his hands well and in order to make up for the inadequacy, his brain will have to adapt to the

situation and find a useful way to deal with the writing instrument.

Answer keys

Ⅰ. Reading comprehension

1. B

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. C

9. A10. D

Ⅱ. Vocabulary

A. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. C

B. 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. B 7.A 8. C 9. A 10. C

Ⅲ. Cloze

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. C

5. D

6. B

7. A

8. C

9. A 10. D

Ⅳ. Translation


B. To stimulate greater language comprehension, you need to talk a lot with children early in life. To help children be more coordinated or active as they grow, they should be encouraged to run and play games when they are young. Indeed, one of the greatest contributors to healthy neural development is self-directed play and not endless hours of instruction.

Ⅴ. Fast reading

1. Kindergarten should have been a lovely, thriving garden where teachers assumed the role

of loving and supportive parent in guiding children in their free exploration.

2. Because Froebel‘s original conception of ―educational gardens‖has been completely

distorted in an age where growing up has never been so competitive.

3. Much of Elkind‘s work focuses o n the psychological pitfalls that accompany children who

engage in activities long before they are mature enough to do so.

4. Children are increasingly deprived of their time and space for self exploration as their

growing up has become a competition, a race to success.

5. The author strongly objects to the competitive early childhood education and is convinced

that too much, too soon and too fast may do more harm to children than good on the ground of recent neurological findings.

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