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郭易满分多益答案卡GuoYi Perfect TOEIC Answer Sheet

郭易满分多益答案卡GuoYi Perfect TOEIC Answer Sheet


TOEIC托业考试,机考满分990经验分享 经验分享 很早以前就想,如果自己能考过900,就来分享下备考经验,并不是为了炫耀成绩,而是觉得自己的备考过程最后达到了自己的目标,所以应该对以后要考试的同学会有些参考意义。而且针对这次是第一次全面机考,很多同学应该非常需要听听机考的经验和注意事项。 知道今天出成绩,远在峨眉山金顶的时候我就在想着赶快回来查成绩,结果成绩真的在我意料之外,竟然考了满分990.所以也顾不上爬山过后有多累了,赶紧趁着我还记得自己的备考过程,写下来跟大家分享,希望对筒子们有所帮助。 首先说说我自己的情况,我今年研二,大二考过六级后(六级570),大三上学期整过一段时间托福,没复习多久就放弃结果托福裸考了一次。从此英语基本上属于荒废状态。研一想要考BEC中级,但是时间还早,所以决定先考个托业热热身。势必要把荒废的英语捡回来。利用了两个月的时间进行复习,参加了2011年8月28日的机考,在成都考试。 报考前也在犹豫,由于是第一次机考,网上完全搜不到机经或经验,而且针对机考听力不能提前读题的情况,大家也是表现的很慌乱,但是,思前想后觉得如果报九月份的机考势必要耽误我准备BEC的时间,所以还是决定报考这全球第一次统一的机考。 托业考试报名流程如下: 第一步、考生登录托业官网:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3f8510347.html,,托业考生注册基本信息; 第二步、选择考试的类型:“托业LR听读考试--校园优惠598元”; 第三步、输入优惠券号:PIQTCJ,点确定。可得到10元的优惠; 第四步、选择考试时间、选择考试城市(考点选大学城或者市区均可,不受影响) 第五步、通过网银付款,或者到就近的银行、邮局付款; 备注 ·使用优惠券后,账户信息可得到更好的管理。报名出现问题能得到快速解决; ·考前一周,在官网上下载并打印准考证,贴两寸彩色照片,蓝、白背景 ·考试时需携带准考证、身份证,缺一不可进场; ·考试结束后,两周登录官网查询成绩,五周邮寄证书; 再来列举下我用的参考书: 1托业全真题库part1234 2新托业听力详解及实战试题(人民大学出版社) 3新托业阅读详解及实战试题Part7,8(人民大学出版社) 4新托业superb全真模拟题(人民大学出版社) 5新托业superb2全真模拟题(人民大学出版社)


——参考范本—— 【资格考试】2019最新整理-托业考试词汇练习模拟试题(五) ______年______月______日 ____________________部门

31. The use of a calculator ----- only on sections A and D of the test. (A) is permitted (B) permitted (C) is permitting (D) will permit 32. We had a problem with ----- products twice, but in both cases, Hannibal Soft found a solution within 24 hours. (A) their (B) they (C) theirs (D) them 33. He has ----- the ability to work well under pressure but still has not shown he can function in a team-oriented environment. (A) demonstrated (B) approved (C) admitted (D) doubled

34. A backpack full of schoolbooks is ----- heavy for the average elementary school child to carry safely. (A) too much (B) much (C) more too (D) much too 35. If he is promoted to the management position, I will put ----- for a transfer to another office. (A) in (B) through (C) off (D) up 36. The subtlety of that water color will be lost unless you put it in a ----- delicate frame. (A) corresponding (B) corresponded (C) correspondingly (D) correspondent 37. Before we install a new phone system we should be sure we cannot make ----- use of the one we already have.


2018年Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持 (非听力部分) Part V Direction : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet. 101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences. (A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase 102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your . (A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy 103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation‘s R&D center was renovated by the highly admired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural 104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with a supervisor‘s . (A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve 105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the position of senior editor. (A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified 106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend. (A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented 107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match. (A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident 108. Mach Corp. has a system that allows clients to manage to employees‘ files. (A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly


2018 年 Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持 (非听力部分) Part V Direction : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet. 101.For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences. (A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase 102.Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your . (A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy 103. The imposing that will soon be Rand C orporation‘ s R&D center was renovated by the highly admired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural 104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with a supervisor‘ s . (A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve 105.Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the position of senior editor. (A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified 106.Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend. (A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented 107.Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match. (A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident 108. Mach Corp. has a system that allows clients to manage to employees‘ files. (A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly


Chapter 1 Basic Structure 1. Subject 1.1Studies show that ______ are easily passed from one person to another by failure to wash hands frequently. (A)Infect (B)infections (C)infectious (D)infecting 1.2My brother started working in the pizza business after ______ graduated from college. (A)himself (B)his (C)he (D)him 1.3The announce of the captain is that the airplane would be arriving in twenty minutes. (A) (B) (C) (D) 1.4Understand the interplay between money, interest rates, and debt could be useful. (A) (B) (C) (D) 1.5An anonymous provided the money to build new medical facilities at the prison. (A) (B) (C) (D) 1.6The enclosed brochure explains how, ______ can file a claim quickly and easily. (A)who (B)one (C)which (D)this 1.7The actively of all license holders are regulated and supervised by government (A) (B) (C) (D) agencies.


学习托业英语,现在就101题至152在做题过程中的一些需要注意的问题以及自己在学习部分时的经验与大家一起分享: 我个人把该部分的题目总共分为8个板块,也就是8个类型的题目,只要在每道题做题的时刻能想到这是哪个板块的,我想,你离正确答案已经只有一步之遥: 1.固定搭配题:在这一类题目中,大家尽可能的多记忆一些最近几年考的 真题里的固定搭配,比如:be expected to do,in addition to +doing,be distributed/attributedto(p26-105),overcome difficulty,in conclusion,be responsible/eligible(p26-102) for,be likely to do,inform sb of sth,so/such….that,be aware of sth/doing sth,另外有一些后面连接doing 的名词: recommand,consider,mind,enjoy,giveup,avoid,putoff,finish,admite,advoc ate,stop,suggest,include,discontinue;另外一些常识比如介词后面必须 跟doingp26-101等。 2.指示代词类:这类词汇,你只需要明白,比如:her是形容词性指示代 词,它只用于修饰名词,如her book ,her studing hard;而hers是名词 性指示代词,它自身就可以看做一个名词,做名词的成分,如this book is hers;还有做宾语的代词:us,them等(p27-108);最后还有一个反身 代词,也就是。。。。自己,这种词多用于by oneself,还有do sth oneself. 3.缺成分:分为缺少名词,形容词,副词,动词:对于名词,很简单,只 需注意一下单复数,对于形容词,就要多留意一下,有些选项,只有 一个形容词就很好选,但是四个都是形容词时,就需要判断意思,还 有就是由分词(-ing、-ed)引申来的形容词,需要判断其主动被动 (p30-137);对于副词,也是同理(p29-128);最后是动词,因为他就是 句子的谓语,在这里多考一些单复数即可:and,but,or 必须保证前后 一致。 4.条件句:第一种是由介词+名词或者名词短语构成的条件句;第二种是由 分词(-ing,-ed)+sth,sb……,该结构考的很多,需要多留意分词与sb之 间的主动被动关系即可做题;第三种是直接由if ,provided,given等词 后面连接一个完整的句子(p27-113);第四种就是由with/without+名词 短语或者动名词短语。 5.让步的句子:even if/though……still 6.时态标识:完成时一般会有:since1963……,over3 months.等标志性词汇。 7.虚拟语态:在一些词如:request,suggest,necessary,essential等词后面引 导,后面为(should)+动词原形p27-107 8.根据意思作答,这种题目很少。


Statement (C), “They’re standing near the table,” is the best description of the picture, so you

1. 2.

You will hear: Where is the meeting room? 11.Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 12.Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13.Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 14.Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15.Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16.Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

41. What are the speakers discussing? Their homes (A) jobs Their (B) (C) Their travel plans (D) Their favorite cities 42.What does the man want to do? (A) Get a new job (B) Visit another city (C) Find a larger apartment (D) Move to the country 43.What can be inferred about the woman? (A) Her house is very small. (B) She thinks the city is exciting. (C) Her job is very difficult. (D) She lives outside the city. 44.Why did the man telephone the woman? (A) To check on his order (B) To arrange a delivery time (C) To cancel his order (D) To change his order 45.What is the man waiting to receive? (A) A computer desk A catalog (B) (C) Some recording equipment Some music (D) 46.What does the woman ask for? (A) The man's telephone number (B) The man's name (C) The reference number for the order (D) The date the order was placed



大学四级英语考试过级的心得 10级商英一班沈洁琳 自从高考后,我就几乎没有机会跟大型英语考试接触过。直到去年12月份,我终于有机会前往战场跟英语四级较量一番。这场考试对我的意义重大。幸运的是,我顺利地通过了全国英语四级等级考试,证明了我这么多年的努力和半年的辛苦备战没有白白付出,付出就要收获!因此,我在这里跟大家分享一下我的一些英语学习的心得。 第一写作英语作文是一块难啃的骨头,在规定的时间内写出一篇高质量的文章绝非易事。我认为平时积累是有必要的,可以就我们身边发生的事或物写一篇小文章,以便训练自己的行文结构和语言能力。其次,我们首先要保证字数,不要跑题。另外,我们可以适当运用一些从句,语法结构在写作里面,要得高分就不是那么难了。多多背诵英语范文也是能提高我们的写作水平。 第二快速阅读快速阅读虽在英语四级考试中占的比重很小,但我们也不能放弃那么小小的一分。首先在我们阅读以前要先看问题,把问题中的自己觉得重要单词划出来做记号。然后在快速阅读文章的同时,我们要留意我们所划的重点单词。最后再从文章相关的段落找出答案。 第三听力听力是我在学习英语过程中最弱的环节。听力在英语四级考试中所占的比中还是相当大的,毕竟英语是一个综合提高的过程,只好把自己的弱点转化为优点。所以,除了上课认真听录音磁带,

我会在课余时间听历年真题,并且在听的同时不断思考和揣摩出题人的套路;在听的过程中,把自己听不到的或听错的做个记号,重新重点把这些再仔细地听一遍。在考试听力中,如果刚开始的时候没有听到的话,最好就不要太过紧张,要平缓自己的心态,这一点是很重要的。另外我认为多看英语电影对我们的听力也会有所帮助的。 第四阅读理解在阅读的过程中,我们难免都会遇到我们不懂的单词。平时多训练自己在规定的时间内完成阅读和答题(大概一篇7-9分钟),多阅读英语小说也能提高我们的阅读能力和速度。在考试阅读的过程中,具体的阅读方法是因人而异的,对于我来说,我是先快速浏览整篇文章之后,大概了解一下文章的主旨大意。接着是回答问题,然后再有针对性地去阅读文章的具体段落····对于那些我不懂的单词,很多时候是不会妨碍到我理解文章的,我则是跳过不懂的单词继续阅读,因为时间也是非常有限的。 第五选词填空在做选词填空的时候,我首先是看和分类所提供的单词,再回到文章看要填的空格根据词性有针对性地进行选词填空。 第六翻译这一部分主要考察我们的词汇量和短语的积累。就我个人觉得,只要保证有一定的词汇量,翻译完再读这个句子读起来觉得通顺、流畅就OK了。 不管是写作、听力、选词填空还是阅读理解,它们都是离不开单词。我们大家都知道,单词是英语的基础。要学好英语,考出好成绩,我们都必须记单词。可是记单词往往成为很多同学的烦恼,今天把这些单词记住了,有时候一下子就忘了,怎么也记不牢固。记得读高中,


2018年托业考试词汇语法选择模拟试题 1. Because of the generous new salary scheme, we find that part time staff do not need to be replaced----- as in the past. (A) as often (B) most often (C) more often (D) often 2. Our candidate realizes that his position on free trade is complicated and he would ----- the opportunity to explain it to your group. (A) assess (B) welcome (C) size (D) lend 3. Even when he is short of money he keeps $20 in the bottom of his shoe ----- there is an emergency.

(A) although (B) in spite of (C) since (D) in case 4. We should promote the fact that our return and refund policy is much better than ----- of any of our competitors. (A) that (B) this (C) those (D) these 5. The downward trend in technology stocks started three months ago ----- is expected to continue until the European economy improves. (A) then (B) however (C) and (D) thus 6. If you had told us that your guest was interested in Native


浦发银行招聘考试历年真题汇编整理浦发银行校招全国统一考试,考试内容主要为行测、综合专业知识、英语和性格测试,题目实际上是不难的,但要有针对性的复习,多练题目是肯定的! 建议报考的同学提前做好复习准备,考试资料可以到上面找找,资料确实不错,都是上届学长们根据考试情况精心整理出来的,比较有针对性,大家可以去了解一下! 浦发银行考试经验分享一: 一、英语 英语一开始考了一道托业完形填空,3个空吧,做到一半的时候又遇到一道阅读理解,楼主还以为就这么没了,结果后面出现了一大片阅读理解,不过真心都挺简单的,和我之前做的托业题目差不多,毕竟就算不会还可以蒙,毫无压力! 二、综合知识 感觉综合知识考得挺多的,特别是人力资源部的那部分,出现了挺多管理方面的知识。。对了,楼主想起来了,还有连线题!就是左面四五个名词和右面三个属性要一一连好,一共考了两题,有一题是:左边的流动比率、资产负债率、存货周转率啥啥啥的,和右边的企业偿债能力、运营能力、获利能力,分别将左面的每一个连线到右边。。这个是财务管理里面的知识,由于楼主考之前没怎么看财务管理,所以只能看人品了!楼主还感觉会计里面考了挺多题目的,主要考的是财务会计报告,我记得有问到资产负债表是反映企业什么(财务状况),还问到财务会计报表附表里面不包含什么,楼主选的是利润表。。。感觉金融知识相对考的不多,像微经、宏经,几乎没怎么考,法律也没怎么考,关于浦发的知识、背景、荣誉啥的更是一道没考,楼主很庆幸啊!因为之前也没看这方面的。。 三、行测 行测就夹杂在各种综合知识中间考的,考得不难,图形推理、数字推理都只考了很少量的题目,感觉行测占得比重也不是很多,所幸数学运算也没考多少,楼主算是松了一口气!对了,行测里面出了一道填空题,是一道很简单的计算 浦发银行考试经验分享二: 一、填空 6题


1、A.he’s receiving a facsimile B.he’s listening to an announcement C.he’s using a public telephone D.he’s carrying his luggage 2、A.they’re standing in a line B. they’re studying a map C. they’re buying some magazines D. they’re looking at th e same book 3、A.she’s watching a video B. she’s typing on a keyboard C. she’s sdjusting her chair D. she’s printing some files 4、A.they’re washing their cars B. they’re watering the garden C.they’re cleaning the parking lot D. they’re p arking their vehicles 5、A.he’s opening the window B. he’sremoving the lid C.he’s closing the trunk D. he’s riding in the back seat 6、A.people are entering a restaurant B. people are eating at an outdoor café C. people are preparing some food D.the waiter is taking a coffee break 7、A.he’s placing the folders on top of the cabinet B. he’s opening the cupboard doors C. he’s stacking the boxes on top of each other D. he’s leaning over the cabinet drawer 8、A.she’s writing a postcard B. she’s looking for some clothes C. she’s placing an order D. she’s working in a store 9、A.the apartments overlook the ocean B.the boat is docked in the harbor C.the plane is ahead of the boat D.the passengers are boarding the plane 10、A.there is a calendar on the shelf B.there are some posters on the wall C there are notices on the bulletin board D.there is a closet next to the board


TOEIC托业词汇汇总(完整版) 一、办公室事宜 Office matters(1) 1.appointment 约会,约定 2.attendance 出席人数;出席 3.cabinet 橱柜 4.calendar 日历;月历;行事历 5.clerk 办事员,书记 6.directory 人名住址薄 7.duplicte 复制;副本 8.filing 归档 9.in-tray 待处理文件盒 10.monitor 检测;监视;追踪 11.out-tray 已处理文件盒 12.partition 分隔;分隔物(如墙壁等) 13.postage 邮费 14.puncturalit 准时;守时 15.schedule 时间表;计划表 16.shift 换班;轮班;值班 17.staff 全体职员 18.strike 罢工 19.task 工作,任务 20.work force 工作人员;劳动人口 办公室事宜Office matter(2) 1.assignment 分配;工作,分派 2.bulletin 公报;告示;定期报告书 3.calculator 计算器 4.carbon copy 用复写纸复制的副本 5.collegue 同事,同僚 6.document 文件,证件 7.extension 分机(电话);延期 8.intercom 对讲机 9.memo 便条;便笺;备忘录 10.operator 接线生 11.overtime 加班的时间 12.portfolio 作品夹,公事包 13.printed matter 印刷品 14.receptionist 接待员 15.secretary 秘书 16.shorthand 速记,速记法 17.stapler 订书机

托业955 武汉华科考点 经验分享

首先,对于要备考托业的同学们,大家网的托业论坛绝对是不二之选,复习资料(PDF+音频)和大量的复习经验,很全很激励人。好感谢论坛的存在。唯一的缺点就是复习资料偶尔有缺了一两页的,不过这完全不影响复习。 我的英语底子并不是超级棒的那种,大二考的四六级,现在刚大三。四级599,六级作文废了只有550,很是惭愧。 我一直挺坚定毕业了直接工作的,所以考托业的理由很简单,学习商务英语+获得某些认托业的公司的免笔。了解到一般的企业800+估计就可以了,930+算是高分了不用再刷了。所以自己一战就考了这个分数很满意,速度来论坛回馈大家。 复习托业一个月,暑假的7月25-8月25考试。一个月里状态好的时候几乎每天一套题,有时候状态不好也会两天一套题。题海战术的确是必须和有效的,但是每天练多少还是看个人的复习情况而定啦。 每次练习基本都是一次性2小时做完一整套,当然有时候不在状态就分开做,毕竟整套练真的需要耐力。100题的听力+100题的阅读,虽然一套题练完只要两个小时,但是对完答案后还需要花大量的时间(4小时以上)订正错题和蒙对的题,并在笔记本上做笔记,一个月我记了满满一本的笔记本和密密麻麻的写了一张又一张写满ABCD的草稿本。

复习资料全都是论坛里下载的电子版,所以暑假里每天做到最后阅读的时候就有点眼睛疼,要坐不住的感觉,不过考试的时候可没有休息,于是坚持下来了。据说机读的速度比看纸张阅读的速度要慢一点点,所以这样略煎熬的练习还是很必要的。 复习资料: 1. 题比真题有难度,特别是听力,阅读还行。 2.<新托业全真模拟试题PART1234,56,7>三本 听力里的传说中的《19天》可以一开始就练一遍,挺不错的,虽然没有那种一练完就马上提高的神奇能力,但相信听力潜移默化的提高着。这套书的解析也写的挺逗的。 3. 官方标准卷2套。 这个好好珍惜,绝对的官方题目,可惜就两套,建议刚开始复习几套以后做一套找找标准的感觉,第二套留着当考前最后一套,会帮助找回信心的。 这三套我全部做完了,是用的最多最推荐的,其他的还有《XDF听力1000》《新托业听力详解及实战》《新托业语法和词汇详解及实战》也下载了,用了很小的一部分。没有被词汇,是背错题自己总结出来的单词。 就是一次一次被错20+打击的一对完答案就抱着妈咪找安慰,太受挫了。后来练着练着就稳定在错10+,最好的也没有错到7个以内,也就是满分。(PS,官方题后面有给分数对照


2016年托业考试词汇模拟试题及答案 一、托业常识: 托业考试共分两个部分,听力和阅读共两个小时,其中听力占_____分钟,阅读占_____分钟。 二、托业词汇: duplicate punctuality monitor directory overtime work force appointment strike staff partition 1.If I'm supposed to be there by 2:00 P.M.,I'm going to need you to postpone all of my afternoon_______ until tomorrow. 2.I think that the_____at this branch are the most enthusiastic and competent of all around the state. 3.Only her strict _____and her attention to detail rivaled Susan's professional courtesy. 4.There is such a saturated _______here that it's easy to find people to fill all of the temporary positions. 5.Several years ago, a nation-wide _____of UPS drivers crippled the company's ability to ship freight across the country. 答案: 一、托业常识:45 75


TOEIC托业词汇汇总(完整版) 欧阳光明(2021.03.07) 一、办公室事宜 Office matters(1) 1.appointment 约会,约定 2.attendance 出席人数;出席 3.cabinet 橱柜 4.calendar 日历;月历;行事历 5.clerk 办事员,书记 6.directory 人名住址薄 7.duplicte 复制;副本 8.filing 归档 9.in-tray 待处理文件盒 10.monitor 检测;监视;追踪 11.out-tray 已处理文件盒 12.partition 分隔;分隔物(如墙壁等) 13.postage 邮费 14.puncturalit 准时;守时 15.schedule 时间表;计划表 16.shift 换班;轮班;值班 17.staff 全体职员 18.strike 罢工 19.task 工作,任务 20.work force 工作人员;劳动人口 办公室事宜 Office matter(2) 1.assignment 分配;工作,分派 2.bulletin 公报;告示;定期报告书 3.calculator 计算器 4.carbon copy 用复写纸复制的副本 5.collegue 同事,同僚 6.document 文件,证件 7.extension 分机(电话);延期 8.intercom 对讲机 9.memo 便条;便笺;备忘录 10.operator 接线生 11.overtime 加班的时间 12.portfolio 作品夹,公事包

13.printed matter 印刷品 14.receptionist 接待员 15.secretary 秘书 16.shorthand 速记,速记法 17.stapler 订书机 18.tardy 迟缓;迟到的;迟延的 19.typist 打字员 20.xerox 影印 二、Personner & Management 人事及管理 1.allocate 拨出;分配;配置 2.applicant 申请人 3.authorize 授权;委托 4.bonus 红利;额外津贴;奖金 5.capability 能力;才干;潜力;性能 6.collaboration 合作;通敌 7.consultation 咨询;商量;商议;会议 8.curriculum vitae 履历 9.eligible 合格的,合适的 10.emplyer 雇主 11.executive 行政或管理人员 12.income 收入或所得 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3f8510347.html,y off (暂时)解雇 14.occupation 职业 15.part-time 兼任的;兼职的 16.permanent 不变的,永久的 17.promote 升迁;促销 18.recruit 吸收;征募 19.resume 履历表 20.salary 薪水 Personnel & Management 人事及管理 2 1.amateur 业余技术家;外行人;非专家 2.appoint 任命;指定 3.benefit 有益于;受益 4.candidate 候选人 5.certificate 凭证;证书 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3f8510347.html,petent 有能力的,胜任的 7.coordinate 协调;调整 8.deadline 截至期限


野狼托业(toeic)必备单词---(参考日本和韩国的托业丛书) 精华英语托业考试必备单词,分享给大家,希望对您的托业考试有所帮助,谢谢您的下载,参考,祝您考试顺利! Unit 01 主要动词100个 以下动词在toeic 考试中出题频率最高 1 accept 他接受事物或者申请接受提案意见,接受谢罪 词语accept a award ,order application , credit card Accept a apology offer invitation 邀请proposal 提案 Accept the enclosed coupon book ( 接受通封的配给卷的书本) Accept an application form (接受申请书) They do not accept payment upon delivery (他们不接受代金卷的交易支付) Personal checks are not accepted (个人的支票并没有接受) Acceptance 名词接受承诺守诺 Acceptance of the offer 提供资料接受 2 accommodate 他供给住宿接受人员 Accommodate participant , a group of people 收容参加者 Accommodate a swimming pool 提供游泳池 This stadium can accommodate more than 20000 people. (那个体育场能够接纳20000人) Accommodation 名词住宿设备 Accommodation for two nights 两天的住宿 3 accomplish 他通过努力而达到达成目标目的accomplish a job Accomplish a goal purpose objective 目标 Accomplish complex tasks 完成复杂的工作 Our company has helped hundreds of people accomplish their financial goals 我们公司帮助几百人达成了他们的经济目标 Accomplishment 名词成绩成果 Recognize employees accomplishment 承认员工的成绩 4 acquire 他通过钱买的,具有某种权利通过努力经验得到acquire a house , the land properties 财务acquire knowledge reputation 评价 Acquire 20 new retail outlets 接受新的小卖店 On Tuesday Harpers publishing announced its plans to acquire several publishing companies. ( 在星期二Harpers publishing 宣布他的计划同接受各种出版公司) Acquisition 名词接受获得买的 Merger & acquisition ------ M & A 合并和吸收

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