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2010-09-07 14:46:42 作者:湖北武汉汤惠民来源:九通电子音像出版社《新英语教育》【作者简介】汤惠民男,1942年10月出生。1966年毕业于华中师范大学外语系英语专业。特级教师。长期从事中学英语教学、教研工作。主编教育部规划中等职业规划教材《计算机英语》;担任职业英语系列《基础英语...

中小学英语教师在教学中,无一例外要使用工具书(reference books),使用得最多的是词典,其次是语法书。每位教师都会精心地挑选几种,置于案头,以便随时查阅,而对于有关英语习惯用法的工具书,关注


《英语用法指南》英文名为Practical English Usage,按字面意义书名为“实用英语习惯用法”(习惯用法下称“用法”,书名下称第...版)。“用法”这一术语在英语教学中频繁出现,不少人对于什么是用法不甚了了,词典的解释也语焉不详。如“usage the way that words are used in a language ”LDOCE,过于抽象。“用法”是一个复杂的问题,牵涉面很广,一言两语难以明确界定。Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar 对用法作了较全面的诠释,可作参考,摘要如下:

“Usage Established and customary ways of using language.

Usage is a somewhat wider and somewhat vaguer term than grammar or syntax. In one sense,usage is what people generally say and write,how they actually use their language. Ideally therefore,usage should (a) include grammar and (b) be objective and descriptive,rather than prescriptive.

In practice,usage guides deal cursorily with consensual core grammar and pay most attention to areas of disputed usage,giving guidance that veers towards prescription (which is doubtless what most users of such books want)...”

由此可知:“用法”是已经确立的、符合习惯的语言使用方法;“用法”描述性地反映语言的实际使用情况;用法指南主要通过描述解答口头、笔头语言中有争议的问题……。第三版正是这样一本工具书。Practical English Usage第二版的封底刊有一段推介语,明确直白地表明了其用途:“Practical English Usage is a dictionary of problem points in the language for foreign learners and their teachers. It answers the learner’s question,‘Is this right or wrong,and why?’and the teacher’s question,‘How can I explain this to my classes?’It gives information and advice that is practical,clear,reliable and easy to find ...”此推介语完全适用于第三版。英语用法是教学中最棘手的问题,学生的问题千奇百怪,层出不穷,教师往往难以应答。《牛津英语用法指南》(第三版)是为学生解疑释惑的权威依据,是中小学英语教师必备的工具书之一。

Practical English Usage的作者Michael Swan是英国著名语言学家,资深英语教师,专业英语教材、工具书自由撰稿人。作者在网站上介绍了自己的PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY:“After studying Modern Languages at Oxford University,I worked in English Language teaching for around twenty years. I co-founded and directed the Swan School of English in Oxford,and later worked in adult education in Paris. During that period I began writing and publishing English language teaching and reference materials,and this is now my main occupation. I have published with OUP,CUP (牛津大学出版社、剑桥大学出版社)...”;“I am a freelance writer,specialising in English-language teaching and related matters.”

Practical English Usage第一版1980年问世,共重印26次,1995年出版第二版,2005年出版第三版,全球销售超过1,500,000本(With over one million and a half copies sold worldwide,...见第三版封底),畅销盛况,在用法类工具书中几乎无出其右。第三版推出后,语言学家充分肯定,各国读者(含美、加、澳、

“This reference book is almost perfect. 新)在https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3910556186.html,发帖,几乎一致给予正面评价,以下便是其中的几条:

I nearly always find in it what I look for.”;“This book really is an indispensable resource for any teacher of English as a second language or serious student.”;“This is the bible for the TEFL educator.”;“As an English teacher,I can’t live without this book.”;“If you are looking for a good reference book on English usage,look no further. Just buy this book and you will be glad that you did it.”。其受欢迎的程度,可见一斑。笔者上世纪八十年代初偶获第一版英语版,不时查阅,获益匪浅。日前又购得第三版中译本,浏览后,感觉新版修订全面,条目精选,讲解简明,使用方便。本书不负盛名,极具实用价值,值得拥有。

Practical English Usage的成功主要原因在于作者学养深厚,自不待言,其科学的治学态度也为其成功提供了重要保证。


中解答的问题都是学生在学习中提出的问题,不是闭门造车“凭空捏造”出来的。一次接受采访时,当被问到“How did you get involved in writing EFL textbooks?”时,他的回答是:“After teaching for ten years I had a big pile of notes on grammar,and took time out to try to turn them into a book. The draft was accepted by OUP,and ultimately turned into Practical English Usage. ”

第二,作者善于发挥和借助各方面的力量。第一版出版前,他请各界人士阅读书稿,开展评论;请同事、学生发表意见,提出问题。修订时,他注重吸收前人的研究成果,参考权威著作,就教专家学者。更难能可贵的是他特别注重调查研究,广泛收集各国英语教师的意见和建议,作为选取条目和修订内容的重要依据。在第三版致谢中他写道:“... A large number of teachers in different countries were kind enough to respond to an enquiry asking how they felt Practical English Usage could be improved,... Many other teachers and students —too many to name —have taken the trouble to suggest ways in which particular entries could be improved; ...”援手者众,他甚至对谦虚地说:“So many people have helped me to write this revised edition that I am no longer totally sure of my claim to be its author.”(第二版致谢开篇句)。

第三,严肃谨慎,精心推敲。作者撰写、修订Practical English Usage时,字斟句酌,在主观上力求例句语言是真实的(... the examples are as realistic as I can make them.第一、二版前言)。随着计算机技术的进步,作者以语料库为依托,彻底核对全书的语言,在客观上确保第三版中的例句和说明都是当代人们口头、书面所实际运用的真实语言(The explanations ... are illustrated with realistic examples of current usage. Both explanations and examples have been thoroughly checked against large electronic databases (‘corpora’) of authentic spoken and written English.第三版前言)。可以断言,为说明某一语言现象而主观编造的例句已不复存在,Don’t say it“不能说”中的所列举的不正确的语言形式一般也是实际存在、比较典型的常见错误。第三版是全面修订版,英语版封面左上方NEW和Fully Revised非常醒目。第三版具体作了哪些修订,未作全面对比,不可妄言,但新版的突出特点和作者“新鲜”观点,值得关注。

第一,作者着力反映英语的用法变化,记录当代英语用法正在发生变化,预言可能的发展趋势,描述性地呈现当代英语的实际使用状况:“English,like all languages,is changing ... Consequently,some usages which were unusual in standard British English a few decades ago have now become common ... The third edition takes account of a number of changes of this kind,in order to give a fully up-to-date description of contemporary usage.”例如:have表示“有,拥有”时其疑问句和否定句的构成在第一、二、第三版中的说明分别是:Do- forms are also becoming common in British English even when there is no idea of repetition,...;Traditionally,do-forms of have have been used in British English mostly to express habit or repetition ...;In American English and modern British English,questions and negatives are commonly formed with do.说明的变化展现了have用法的变化过程,各个时期的使用习惯和变化的结果,读者可从中了解have的现实用法。


Languages change over time. Younger people adopt newer forms of expression,while older people often resist change; so even people who speak the same standard language do not speak it in exactly the same way. There are several reasons for change.

1 communicative need(如第二人称复数形式you guys)

2 influence from other dialects(如美国英语的影响)

3 Languages simplify themselves(如条件句主从句都用would have)

4 Small,less important distinctions are confused or disappear(如某些不规则动词过去式与过去分词的混淆,动词-ing形式与不定式的混用等)When confusions like these become widespread,they can lead to language change.

5 New forms and uses spread through the language(如How many eggs were you wanting?)

6 ‘Underground’forms become respectable (过去避免使用的变得常用了,如Here’s your papers. )

7 Mistakes become part of the language Sometimes a mistake is made by so many people that it becomes the

normal form,and can no longer be called incorrect. (... recently people have started using between ... to instead of between ... and ...)This,too,could end up as a normal and correct expression.

8 Phonetically weak forms disappear

The weak form of have in I’ve got is so quiet that it is often not heard at all; and people are beginning to say I got instead of I’ve got. In time,this could become a new regular form.

9 some more examples of changes in modern English(作者列举了9类较常见的,如复数名词作定语,双音节词加er、est构成比较级、最高级等:

Comparatives and superlatives with more and most are gaining ground in two-syllable adjectives. ‘Commoner’used to be commoner,but ‘more common’is now more common.)

作者描述了当代英语用法正在发生变化和可能的发展趋势,未作“批判性”评论,这正反映了作者的“语言观”。各版的前言均有一段文字议论语言形式的“正确性”,措辞不尽相同,论述的变化似乎显示出作者对于“不正确”的语言形式有趋于宽容的迹象。第三版的前言在Correctness后增加了一节:How important is correctness?

“If someone makes too many mistakes in a foreign language,he or she can be difficult to understand,so a reasonable level of correctness is important. However,it is quite unnecessary to speak or write a language perfectly in order to communicate effectively (very few adults in fact achieve a perfect command of another language). Learners should aim to avoid serious mistakes (and a book like Practical English Usage will help considerably with this); but they should not become obsessed with correctness,or worry every time they make a mistake. Grammar is not the most important thing in the world. ”对于正确性有多重要作者着墨不多,也未展开讨论,只是给出了结论性的回答:适度的正确性是重要的;成年人学外语鲜有精通者,为达到有效交际而追求讲、写完美,大可不必;语法并不是最重要的,不犯大错即可。读者可能认为作者是指非正式语言,这种解读有可能与作者的认知相左(Most words and expressions are neither formal nor informal,but neutral —English speakers do not have to know two ways of saying everything.)何谓“适度正确”,对不正确语言形式宽容到什么程度,用法在教学和考试中应处何F种地位,都值得英语教育工作者、英语考试决策者关注、观察和探讨。中译本译者认为“书中有些地方的提法反映了作者的观点与情趣,我们相信广大读者能正确加以分析和认识。”,这太难为读者了,谁也不能以一种怀疑的态度去查阅一本寄予厚望的工具书。作者的提法到底是“管见”还是“主流”,限于水平,笔者无法判断,望国内方家指点迷津。(注: Michael Swan并不笼统地反对语法教学,在一篇论文中,他明确表示“In this article I shall take the position that,in general,grammar does need to be taught to foreign-language learners. ”)

第二,第三版重视语言的实用交际功能,不仅反映英语用法的变化,还收录了随着人们生活内容变化衍生出的新的语言表现形式。如第一、二版中的条目letters在第三版中变为correspondence。由一个条目扩展成两个条目:correspondence(1):letters 和correspondence(2):emails and text messages。前者介绍英语书信的书写的格式和规则,变化不是太大;后者为新增内容,包含正式电子邮件、非正式电子邮件、邮件示例及手机短信,并介绍了电子邮件地址的读法和短信中缩略语的使用。有些材料他处难以觅得,如/ 读作forward slash,\ 读作back slash;缩略语如c u l8r (See you later),wil b @ bbq @ 9 (Will be at barbecue at 9)等。


第三,作者对语言点的说明文字简洁易懂,结论明确清晰,尽量不使用模糊语言,不延伸理论探讨,不“翻历史旧账”,不留“想象空间”,给读者提供准确的实用信息。如第三版英条目each other and one another 的说明为:no difference Each other and one another mean the same,定论简洁,一目了然。第一、二版说明较长,语气游移,还留有尾巴,“大多数人,通常”,读者颇感无所适从,远不如第三版来得干脆(In modern

English,most people normally use each other and one another in the same way. Perhaps one another is preferred (like one) when we are making very general statements,and not talking about particular people.见第二版)。

第四,第三版充分体现了“读者友好”(user-friendly)的现代出版物编写理念。除内容适合读者需要,语言简明易懂之外,在编排上别具匠心,独树一帜,查阅起来极其方便。第三版英封面上印有Easier,faster reference,此言不虚。读者对使用方便大加称道:“The book is very well organized,and subjects are easy to find.”;“You can find the answer to what you’re looking for very quickly by using the index and alphabetized organization of the book.”

事实上有些英语用法工具书极具参考价值,但使用者寥寥,究其原因,除学术气太重之外,应首推“查阅不便”。打开书本,如入五里雾中,前翻后查,索遍全书,答案安在,难觅踪影,只得弃之不用。而第三版为方便读者查阅,想尽了办法,下足了功夫。正文中的634个条目编号按字母顺序排列,每页上面有条目序号,下面有页面号。正文前有条目概览(Contents Overview),勾画出全书语言点轮廓(This overview gives a general picture of the topics covered in the book,... );正文后有详尽索引(Index)。大多数语言点在相关的不同名目中重复列出,检索极为方便(Most points are indexed under several different names,so it is not difficult to locate the entry you need.)。

第三版在封底列出5项New in the third edition,其中最具创意的一项是Don’t say it! section —130 common mistakes in English and how to avoid them。Don’t say it贴近正文之前,以三个竖栏(don’t say/write;say/write;see section)分四个层次列出不同水平的英语学习者应避免的典型错误。除参阅之外,这还是不可多得的学习材料,对初高中教学、考试具有重要的参考价值。

鉴于本书主要供英语作为第二语言的教学者使用,作者一般使用传统的语法术语,回避复杂的理论问题,态度鲜明:“Where it has been necessary to use grammatical terminology,I have generally preferred to use traditional terms that are simple and easy to understand,... Some of these terms (e.g. future tense) would be regarded as unsatisfactory by academic grammarians,but I am not writing for specialists.”。如区分gerund,和present participle。再如沿用时态这一术语,而非“时”、“体”并用,常常用时态涵盖所谓的“体”:“Grammarians prefer to talk about progressive and perfective aspect,rather than progressive and perfect tense,since these forms express other ideas besides time (e.g. continuity,completion). However,in this book the term tense is often used to include aspect for the sake of simplicity.”作者对书中使用的语法术语集中作了简明的说明(中译本还加上了汉英语言术语表等),这样英语教学者就不会被与语言实际运用关联度不高的陌生语法术语或难以捉摸的语法概念所困惑。

第三版主要供“带着问题”查阅使用,以解答教学中的疑难。如名词man和woman作定语时的数,可直接翻阅singular and plural条目,或根据索引中man或woman的提示查阅相关条目,很容易找到答案:“We use the plurals men and women to modify plural nouns when they have a ‘subject’meaning; man and woman are used to express an ‘object’meaning. Compare: —men drivers (= men who drive) women pilots (= women who fly planes) —man-eaters (= lions or tigers that eat people) woman-haters (= people who hate women)”。再

“1 meaning; formality Begin and start can both be used 如,通过检索begin或start可查到这两个词的用法差别:

with the same meaning .... We generally prefer begin when we are using a more formal style ... 2 cases where begin is not possible Start (but not begin) is used to mean: a ‘start a journey’... b ‘start working’(for machines) ... c ‘make something start’... For infinitives and -ing forms after begin and start,see 299.10.”开卷有益,中小学英语教师如能当作业务进修,挤出时间将第三版通读一遍,必能受惠,自己的英语水平会得到明显的提升。

第三版无疑获得了巨大的成功,但作者给其正确定位,不夸大其辞:“Practical English Usage is not a complete guide to the English language. ... the book does not aim to replace a dictionary.”他还给读者推荐几本词典和语法书,这些书国内大多已引进出版,教师选购工具书时可作参考:“Those who need a systematically organised account of the whole of English grammar should consult a book such as the Oxford Learner’s Grammar,by John

Eastwood (Oxford University Press),A Student’s Grammar of the English Language,by Greenbaum and Quirk (Longman),or Collins Cobuild English Grammar (Collins). For a detailed treatment of English vocabulary,see the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary,the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary,the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,the Macmillan English Dictionary or the Collins Cobuild English Dictionary. ”

(Michael Swan 2005,First published 2005),牛津大学出版社2005年推出Practical English Usage (Third Edition)





上海牛津英语5a知识点汇总 Module1Unit1 一,核心词汇 1.first第一 2.second第二 3.third第三 4.fourth 第四 5.fifith第五 6.sixth第六 7.party派对,聚会 8.begain开始 9.bring带来10.wear穿着11.favourite最喜欢的 二,词组 1. at Peter’s birthday party在Peter的生日聚会上 2. on the 19th of September在9月19日 on Sunday在周日 4.at two o’clock在两点 5. in the afternoon在下午 6. at night在晚上 7. sb. be tired某人很累 8. my favourite color我最喜欢的颜色 9. That sounds interesting.那听上去有趣 10. I can’t wait! 我等不及了! 11. Happy Birthday! 生日快乐 12. Welcome to my party. 欢迎来我的派对 13. a pair of orange trousers一条橙色的裤子 14. make a birthday invitation制作一张生日请帖 15. make a hat制作一顶帽子 16. have some fun过得高兴 17. birthday present生日礼物 三,词汇解释 1.bring,take,carry辨析 bring是指把人或物从别处带到说话人所在的地方。例如: Bring me some water, please.请给我取点水来。 carry及物动词,“搬运,运送”,一般是指搬运较重的物品。例如: carry a box on one’s shoulder扛着箱子 carry a baby on one’s back背着孩子“携带,带”例如: Almost every teacher carries a watch.差不多每位教师都带着一只表。 I never carry much money about me.我身边不带许多钱。 How many kilograms of luggage can I carry with me? 我随身可以带多少公斤行李? take是指把人或物从说话人的地方带 到别处去。例如: Take my box to my room.把我的箱子拿到房间去。 2. wear 穿着表示一种状态; put on 穿上是瞬间动作。 四.本课重点 本课重点学习疑问句when’s …?和日期表达法。When 用来询问某件事什么时候发生,通常问的是某一天。它的 回答是It’s on …。 注意,what time也可用来询问时间,但它通常询问某一时刻。 五.课文学习 1.When is your birthday?It is on the 19th of September. when用作疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句,指“什么时候”。用来对时间进行提问。例如: ⑴When will you come to see me? 你什么时候要来看我? When are they going to visit the Great Wall? 他们打算什么时候 去游览长城? ⑵序数词在句中可作主语、宾语、定语和表语。 The second is what I really need.第二个是我真正需要的。(作主语) He choose the second.他挑选了第二个。(作宾语) We are to carry out the first plan.我们将执行第一个计划。(作定语) She is the second in our class.在我们班她是第二名。(作表语) 注意:序数词在使用时,通常前面要加定冠词 the;但是如果序数词前出现不定冠词a或an时,则表示“再......”,“又......”。 We'll go over it a second time.我们再念第二遍。 ⑶日期的写法可以采用基数词和序数词两种形式。 例如: March 1也可以写成March 1st; May 29也可以写成May 29th。 但是,日期的读法只能用序数词的形式。 例如: October 31(October 31st)读作October(the)thirty-first 2. what do you have? what意为“哪个,哪些,什么”,询问内容。 What is your birthday present?你的生日礼物是什么啊?


[工作研究 工作研究]]公文中一些词语的词义辨析及用法问题 用词准确是起草公文的基本要求,但是达到这个要求有时并不容易。究其原因,往往是对一些词语的词义及用法不甚了解。笔者根据工作实际,挑出公文中容易用错的一些词语试加辨析、讨论,或许有益于减少公文用词不当的硬伤。讨论主要依据商务印书馆第5版《现代汉语词典》(以下简称《词典》)和《人民日报》等。 1.称谓问题 (1)介绍领导,有时职衔在前、姓名在后,如“局长××”;有时姓名在前、职衔在后,如“××局长”。两者在表达效果上有些区别:前者是客观性表述,后者则含有敬意(敬称)。公文一般采用前一种方式,即客观性表述;当然,如果介绍上级领导,也可使用敬称。 介绍离职领导经常用到“原”字,“原”的位置也有讲究。例如,“原××局局长××”和“××局原局长××”,前者表示这个局已不存在,当然××也不是局长了;后者表示虽然局长换了,但这个局仍然存在。所以,“原冶金工业部副部长××”的用法是正确的,因为现在已经没有冶金工业部了;“海南文昌市委原书记××”的用法也是正确的(可参见《人民日报》2008年8月28日第10版),因为不存在的只是这个书记而已。 与此类似的还有“前”字,如“前苏联”、“××(国家)前总理”。但是“前”只用于国家、政党及其政要等,我们的“级别”不够,只能用“原”而不能用“前”。 (2)采用客观性表述时,很多人习惯在职务和姓名之后加上“同志”二字,如“局长××同志”。其实,这是口语的习惯说法,书面语中这个“同志”是多余的。我们看《人民日报》介绍党和国家领导人,职务和姓名之后也没有“同志”。“职务+姓名+同志”的用法,常见于讣告、悼词(可参见《人民日报》2008年8月28日第4版)。 公文使用“同志”一词还需注意两点。①这个词有特指和泛指两种含义(参见《词典》

沪教版小学牛津英语五年级第一学期5A M2U3 练习习题卷(附答案)

沪教版小学牛津英语五年级第一学期5A M2U3 练习习题卷 Class_________ Name__________ I. Read and write (读一读,填上合适的单词完成句子,每线一词): 1. --- How is your _______? ---It’s big. After dinner, we usually watch TV and read _______ there. 2. Susie often copies my answers, _________ she cannot do the sums by herself. 3. The word 'news' is derived from (分解成) four words, such as ‘north’, ‘_______’, ‘west’ and ‘________’. 4. --- _________ don't you like this flat? --- _________ it is not very convenient (方便的). It takes me 2 hours to go to work. 5. Fanny and Benny live in the _______ estate. They go to school _________ every morning. They are good friends. But they have ________ hobbies. Fanny usually reads books at home in his spare time, and Benny likes bicycling. Ⅱ. Read and write (读一读,用所给单词的适当形式填空): I. Please ________ (look) at the notice in the swimming pool. It says, ‘_________ (not run) in the pool.' 2. --- What _________ (be) in the basket? ---There _________ (be) some apples and some _______ (juice). 3. --- Hi, Judy. It's 11 o’clock now. You are 30 minutes late. What ________ you ________ (do) now? --- I'm so sorry, Jenny. I _________ (have) my brunch. _______ (not wait) for me. Ⅲ. Read and write (阅读短文,填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺,每线一词,首字母已给): Mr and Mrs Button's house is t_______ old. They want to buy a new one. Now they are t________ about a new house. Mr Button: How about this one, darling? Mrs Button: It’s OK. How many floors are t_________? Mr button: Three floors. On the f_________ floor, there is a big living room. We even can have a party here. Mrs Button: Oh, look. The k___________ is so big. I can cook a big meal for you and the children every day. I like it. And it f_________ south. It's so bright. Mr Button: Go upstairs. Oh, there are two b_______ here and one s _______. We can read books and surf the internet here. I like it. Mrs Button: How about the third floor? Mr Button: There is no third floor. It’s o________ two floors. Do you like this


沪教版()牛津英语5a知识点汇总 Module1 Unit1 一,核心词汇 1.first第一 2.second第二 3.third第三 4.fourth 第四 5.fifith第五 6.sixth第六 7.party派对,聚会 8.begain开始 9.bring带来10.wear穿着11.favourite最喜欢的 二,词组 1. at Peter’s birthday party在Peter的生日聚会上 2. on the 19th of September在9月19日 on Sunday在周日 4.at two o’clock在两点 5. in the afternoon在下午 6. at night在晚上 7. sb. be tired某人很累 8. my favourite color我最喜欢的颜色 9. That sounds interesting.那听上去有趣 10. I can’t wait! 我等不及了! 11. Happy Birthday! 生日快乐 12. Welcome to my party. 欢迎来我的派对 13. a pair of orange trousers一条橙色的裤子 14. make a birthday invitation制作一生日请帖 15. make a hat制作一顶帽子 16. have some fun过得高兴 17. birthday present生日礼物 三,词汇解释 1.bring,take,carry辨析 bring是指把人或物从别处带到说话人所在的地方。例如: Bring me some water, please.请给我取点水来。 carry及物动词,“搬运,运送”,一般是指搬运较重的物品。例如: carry a box on one’s shoulder扛着箱子 carry a baby on one’s back背着孩子“携带,带”例如: Almost every teacher carries a watch.差不多每位教师都带着一只表。 I never carry much money about me.我身边不带许多钱。 How many kilograms of luggage can I carry with me? 我随身可以带多少公斤行? take是指把人或物从说话人的地方带到别处去。例如: Take my box to my room.把我的箱子拿到房间去。 2. wear 穿着表示一种状态; put on 穿上是瞬间动作。 四.本课重点 本课重点学习疑问句when’s …?和日期表达法。When 用来询问某件事什么时候发生,通常问的是某一天。它的回答是It’s on …。 注意,what time也可用来询问时间,但它通常询问某一时刻。 五.课文学习 1.When is your birthday?It is on the 19th of September. when用作疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句,指“什么时候”。用来对时间进行提问。例如: ⑴When will you come to see me? 你什么时候要来看我? When are they going to visit the Great Wall? 他们打算什么时候去游览长城? ⑵序数词在句中可作主语、宾语、定语和表语。 The second is what I really need.第二个是我真正需要的。(作主语) He choose the second.他挑选了第二个。(作宾语) We are to carry out the first plan.我们将执行第一个计划。(作定语) She is the second in our class.在我们班她是第二名。(作表语) 注意:序数词在使用时,通常前面要加定冠词 the;但是如果序数词前出现不定冠词a或an时,则表示“再......”,“又......”。 We'll go over it a second time.我们再念第二遍。 ⑶日期的写法可以采用基数词和序数词两种形式。 例如: March 1也可以写成March 1st; May 29也可以写成May 29th。


名词 1. 名词的数 规则1: 以s结尾,仍为单数的名词多为学科名词,如:physics, linguistics, mathematics, politics, statistics, news, the United States, 规则2: 表示一类事物总称的名词,常作不可数名词看待而不能加“s”。如:machinery, furniture, equipment, technology, luggage, baggage, homework, evidence, 规则3: 有些名词的单、复数形式表达不同的意思。如:chicken鸡肉 / chickens 小鸡; fish鱼(尾数),鱼肉 / fishes 各种鱼; paper纸 / papers试卷; water 水 / waters水域;room空间/rooms房间;time 时间/times时代;arm手臂/ arms 武器等, 规则4: 有些名词形式上虽是单数,但表示的是复数含义。如:people, police, cattle,_staff,_public,_the + adj., the +分词(表示一类人), 规则5:对于集体名词,当它表示一个整体时,视作单数;当它侧重各个成员,视作复数, 规则6: 有些名词单复数同形。如:fish, deer, sheep, youth, Chinese, Japanese, means, species, crossroads, series, works, 规则7: 由连字符构成的复合名词的“数”,一是合成名词的复数形式通常只将其中的主体名词变成复数。如:lookers-on 参观者,sons-in-law 女婿,editors-in-chief主编,shoe-makers 鞋匠。二是如果没有主体名词,在最后一个词上加复数(词尾)。如:go-betweens 中间人,grown-ups 成人,follow-ups 续集,good-for-nothings 饭桶。三是man, woman, gentleman等作定语时,定语和被修饰词都变成复数。如:men workers,women teachers,gentlemen officials,规则8:不规则名词的“数”:常用改变元音字母或词尾加en等方法构成, woman — women, child — children, ox — oxen, tooth — teeth, goose — geese, foot —feet, mouse —mice, phenomenon —phenomena, analysis —analyses,bacteria --- bacterium 细菌 basis – bases 基础;根据stadium –stadiums; stadia 体育场 规则9:专有名词的“数”:在姓氏名词上加“s”变成复数,如:史密斯一家人



沪教版牛津英语5A 词汇表 P2 1.first 2.second 3.third 4.fourth 5.fifth 第一第二第三第四第五 6.sixth 7.birthday 8.party 9.begin 10.favourite 第六生日聚会开始最喜欢的 11.sound 12.interesting 13.wait 14.when 15.what time 听起来有趣的等待什么时候(大概)什么时候(具体)16.bring 17.wear 18.at two o’clock 19.on the 19th of September 带来穿在2点在9月19日 20.When is i t? It’s on the 19th of September. 什么时候?9月19日。 21.What time does the party begin? It begins at two o’clock. 聚会什么时候开始?两点开始。 P3 1.January 2.February 3.March 4.April 5.May 6.June 7.July 一月二月三月四月五月六月七月8.August 9.September 10.October 11.November 12.December 八月九月十月十一月十二月 13.seventh 14.eighth 15.ninth 16.tenth 17.eleventh 18.twelfth 第七第八第九第十第十一第十二 19.thirteenth 20.fourteenth 21.fifteenth 22.sixteenth 23.seventeenth 第十三第十四第十五第十六第十七 24.eighteenth 25.nineteenth26.twentieth 27.twenty-first 28.thirtieth 第十八第十九第二十第二十一第三十29.thirty-first 第三十一 30. When’s your birthday?你生日什么时候?


公文易混淆词语的词义辨析及用法 1.称谓问题 (1)介绍领导,有时职衔在前、姓名在后,如“局长××”;有时姓名在前、职衔在后,如“××局长”。两者在表达效果上有些区别:前者是客观性表述,后者则含有敬意(敬称)。公文一般采用前一种方式,即客观性表述;当然,如果介绍上级领导,也可使用敬称。介绍离职领导经常用到“原”字,“原”的位置也有讲究。例如,“原××局局长××”和“××局原局长××”,前者表示这个局已不存在,当然××也不是局长了;后者表示虽然局长换了,但这个局仍然存在。所以,“原冶金工业部副部长××”的用法是正确的,因为现在已经没有冶金工业部了;“海南文昌市委原书记××”的用法也是正确的(可参见《人民日报》2008年8月28日第10版),因为不存在的只是这个书记而已。 (2)采用客观性表述时,很多人习惯在职务和姓名之后加上“同志”二字,如“局长××同志”。其实,这是口语的习惯说法,书面语中这个“同志”是多余的。我们看《人民日报》介绍党和国家领导人,职务和姓名之后也没有“同志”。“职务+姓名+同志”的用法,常见于讣告、悼词(可参见《人民日报》2008年8月28日第4版)。 公文使用“同志”一词还需注意两点。①这个词有特指和泛指两种含义(参见《词典》第1368页)。干部任免文件中,如果是党委任免干部,被任免人姓名之后要加“同志”二字,这里的“同志”特指党内干部,是“党内互称同志”的体现;如果是行政任免,一般不加“同志”,因为行政干部不一定都是党员。以上是特指的例子;而领导讲话或工作报告里的“同志们”则是泛指。 ②主送本系统、本单位的公文,对于众所熟知的领导,可以仅用“同志”称谓而不必冠以职衔。例如印发局长在本单位某次会议上的讲话,标题可拟为《关于印发×××同志在××会议上的讲话的通知》。这样既节约用字,又淡化“官位”意识。 2.“班子成员”的外延 严格地讲,“班子成员”是一个外延不确定的概念。每个单位一般都有几套班子,党委一套,行政一套,纪委一套,还有工会、团委的班子等。那么,


常用英语词语用法辨析 1:any ,some二者都可作"一些"讲。any只用于否定句和疑问句,some一般用于肯定句,但可用于表示请求,建议、反问等的疑问句中。例如:Have you any ink ? 你有墨水吗? We have to learn some English . 我们得学点英语。 Will you lend me some English books ? 你肯借给我几本英语书吗? 2:around ,round二者作为介词和副词都有"在周围"的意。其区别在于around多用美国,round多用于英语。例如:The earth goes round (或around)the sun . 地球绕太阳运行。 3:arrive ,reach ,get to三者都有"到达"之意。reach为及物动词,arrive为不及物动词,后面接介词in或at.get to常用于口语,可代替前二者。例如:The foreign visitors have arrived in Beijing . 外宾已到达北京。 She arrived at her hometown yesterday . 昨天她到达了她的家乡。 They reached Tianjin yesterday . 昨天他们到达天津。 4:as ,since ,because ,for作为连词,它们都有"因为"的意思。但because语气最强,as和since其次,for是并列连词,常用来说明理由或提供一种解释。例如:Because I am too busy ,I can't do it now . 因为我太忙,所以我现在不能做此事。 As he did not know the way ,he went to ask an old man .因为不认识路,他去问一位老人。 Since his method doesn't work ,let's try yours . 既然他的方法不行,我们就试试你的吧。 It will rain ,for it's getting dark . 要下雨了,因为天色都暗了。 5:as ,when ,while作为连词,都有"当……的时候",其区别在于用when时,从句的动作和主句的动作可以同时,也同先于主句的动作,用as时,主句和从句的动作同时发生,有时可译作"一边……,一边",用while常表示一段较长的时间或一个过程,主句和从句的动作同时发生。例如:When the teacher came in ,the students stood up . 当老师进来时,学生们起立。 As the children walked along the lake ,they sang merrily .他们一边沿着湖走,一边愉快地唱歌。 Don't talk while you are eating . 吃饭时你不要说话。 6:be asleep ,go to sleep二者都表示"睡着",但前者表示"睡着"的状态,后者表示"入睡"的过程。例如:While I was watching TV ,he was asleep . 我在看电视的时候,他睡着了。 I didn't know when I went to sleep . 我不知道我什么时候入睡的。 7: at ,on ,in三者都可以表示"在……的时候"区别在于:表示在哪个时刻用at;表示在哪一天,哪一天的早上(下午、晚上),用on;表示在哪一年(季、月)。在上午,下午等,用in.例如:I get up at six o'clock in the morning . 我早晨六点起床。 on Wednesday ,on Sunday morning ,on May I ,on a cold morning in 1936 ,in autumn ,in September ,in the morning ,in the afternoon 22. battle ,fight ,struggle它们作为名词,都有"战斗"的意思。battle和fight在"战斗"这个意义上,有时可以通用。例如:The battle(fight)lasted a long time . 这次战斗持续了很长时间。还常指战争中的一次战役。例如:the Battle of Waterloo 滑铁卢战役fight的意义比较广泛。例如:We have started a fight against pollution . 我们已开始了一场清除污染的斗争。 struggle有"斗争","奋斗"的意思。例如:class struggle阶级斗争,struggle for independence 为独立而斗争,struggle with a person跟某人作斗争。 8:beautiful ,pretty ,handsome三者都有"美"的意思。但含义及所形容的对象不同。

沪教版牛津英语五年级上册5A 词汇表

沪教版牛津英语5A 词汇表 P2 1.first 2.second 3.third 4.fourth 5.fifth 第一第二第三第四第五 6.sixth 7.birthday 8.party 9.begin 10.favourite 第六生日聚会开始最喜欢的 11.sound 12.interesting 13.wait 14.when 15.what time 听起来有趣的等待什么时候(大概)什么时候(具体)16.bring 17.wear 18.at two o’clock 19.on the 19th of September 带来穿在2点在9月19日 20.When is it? It’s on the 19th of September. 什么时候?9月19日。 21.What time does the party begin? It begins at two o’clock. 聚会什么时候开始?两点开始。 P3 1.January 2.February 3.March 4.April 5.May 6.June 7.July 一月二月三月四月五月六月七月 8.August 9.September 10.October 11.November 12.December 八月九月十月十一月十二月 13.seventh 14.eighth 15.ninth 16.tenth 17.eleventh 18.twelfth 第七第八第九第十第十一第十二

19.thirteenth 20.fourteenth 21.fifteenth 22.sixteenth 23.seventeenth 第十三第十四第十五第十六第十七 24.eighteenth 25.nineteenth26.twentieth 27.twenty-first 28.thirtieth 第十八第十九第二十第二十一第三十29.thirty-first 第三十一 30. When’s your birthday?你生日什么时候? P4 1.children(child) 2.welcome(to) 3.trousers 4.a pair of 孩子们(孩子) (孩子)欢迎裤子一双,一对一条。。。 5.place 6.invitation 7.a picture of 地点邀请一张…的图片 8.Thank you so much. 非常感谢。 9.What do you have, Alice? I have an orange picture. Alice,你有什么?我有一张桔黄色的图片。 P5 1.Mr Hatter 2.always 3.busy 4.tired 5.still 6.smart Hatter先生总是忙的累的仍然潇洒的 7.at night 8.on his bed 9.the 4th of October 在晚上在他的床上十月4日 10.What does Mr Hatter do? He makes a smart new hat.


词汇精选:afford的用法和辨析 今天给大家带来了afford的用法,我们一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 词汇精选:afford的用法和辨析 一、详细释义: v. 买得起;担负得起[T] 例句: Few could afford the luxury. 很少有人买得起这种奢侈品。 例句: I can afford neither the time nor the money for a trip. 我没有足够的时间和钱去旅行。 提供,给予[T]

例句: Ill afford you a chance. 我将给你提供一个机会。 例句: Your presence will afford us great pleasure. 你的光临将给与我们莫大的荣幸。 二、词义辨析: equip,furnish,supply,provide,afford 这些动词都含有“提供、供给”之意。equip侧重提供与技术有关的装备或设备等。furnish多指添置家具等供给生活的必需品或为生活舒适提供所需的服务设施。supply普通用词,指提供任何所需求的东西。provide与supply近义,但强调人的深谋远虑,侧重用贮备等方法作充分准备。afford一般只用于对抽象事物提供,也可指经济能力上的供给或支付。 三、参考例句: Some trees afford resin. 有些树产树脂. Few could afford the luxury.

很少有人买得起这种奢侈品。 The trees afford grateful shade. 这些树提供了宜人的纳凉之所。 Few could afford the luxury. 很少有人买得起这种奢侈品。 Ill afford you a chance. 我将给你提供一个机会。 The city budget can afford no waste. 该市预算担负不起浪费。 We cant afford a car. 我们负担不起一辆小汽车。 No country can afford to neglect education. 任何国家都不容忽视教育。 Your presence will afford us great pleasure. 你的光临将给与我们莫大的荣幸。 She can well afford a new car.


2017学年第一学期牛津英语五年级期末测试 (Listening Part 30%) 一、听音选择听到的内容。10% 1. ( ) A. October B. December C. November 2. ( ) A. farm B.farmer C.fly 3. ( ) A. once a month B. twice a month C. once a week 4. ( ) A. basketball B.volley ball C. football 5. ( ) A. bathroom B. living room C.bedroom 6. ( ) A. hotel B. home C. hospital 7. ( ) A. two pockets B. one pocket C. two parks 8.( ) A. a cold B. a fever C. a toothache 9. ( ) A. river B. lake C. water 10. ( ) A. softly B. gently C. slowly 二、听录音,选出正确的应答。8% 1. ( ) A. At 2 o ’clock. B. A sunny day. C. On the 22th of May. 2. ( ) A. In the future. B. A cook. C. To cook nice food. 3. ( ) A. Yes, there is. B. No, I don ’t. C. There is a hotel. 4. ( ) A. I like green. B. I like the pink one. C. I like pink. 5. ( ) A. Yes, I like. B. Yes, please. C. You are welcome. 6. ( ) A. I can ’t go outside and play. B. I can go to the park. C. I want to be a teacher. 7. ( ) A. I leave school at four o ’clock. B. At half past seven. C. I go there by bus. 8.( ) A. I ’m OK. B. Thank you. C.I can ’t do it. 三、听录音,读问题选出正确的答案。6% 1.( ) What does Tom want to be? A. A farmer. B. A shop assistant. C. A traveller. 2. ( ) What does Tom like? A. Reading. B. Sports. C. Cooking. 3. ( ) Where does Kitty like reading in? A.Study B. Living room. C. Library. 班级: 姓名:


初中名词用法归纳与练习知识网络 考点一名词的分类 考点二名词的复数形式 1.规则变化 构成方法例词 在词尾加-s girl-girls pen-pens 以s,x,ch,sh 结尾的名词后加-es bus-buses box-boxes watch-watches dish-dishes 以f 或fe 结尾的名词,变f,fe 为v,再加-es wife-wives half-halves shelf-shelves thief-thieves 某些以f 结尾的词,直接加-s roof-roofs( 屋顶) belief-beliefs(信念)

(1)将主体词变为复数,如: sisterinlaw→sistersinlaw(嫂子) boy classmate→boy c lassmates (2)将复合词中两个词都变为复数,此种复合词中第一个词须是man 或woman,如:man worker→men workers woman teacher→women teachers 4.特殊情况 (1)有些名词只有复数形式,如: clothes,shorts,pants,scissors(剪刀),goods,glasses(眼镜) (2)有些名词以s 结尾,但不是复数形式,如: news,maths,physics,politics (3)有些物质名词或抽象名词的单、复数形式表示不同的含义,如: room(空间)—a room(房间) work(工作)—works(著作) (4)不可数名词的数量表达 ①不可数名词本身不可数,但可借助单位量词表示一定的数量,如: a piece of bread/news/paper 一片面包/一则新闻/一张纸 ②还可用much,little,a little,a large amount of,some,any,no,lots of,plenty of 等来修饰不可数名词,如: much money,some milk (5)数词+名词+形容词构成的复合形容词,中间的名词不能用复数形式而须用单数形式,如: He is a fouryearold boy.他是个4 岁的男孩。 (fouryearold 不能说成fouryearsold) a fivefootdeep hole 一个五英尺深的洞 考点三名词所有格 1.表示有生命的人或物的名词所有格形式,在此名词词尾加's,或直接加 '。(1)单数名词加's,如:Mary's book


小学英语知识点:四个“完成”单词的用法辨析 今天,学习方法网小编为大家整理了小学英语知识点,供大家学习!更多内容尽请关注学习方法网! 小学英语知识点:四个“完成”单词的用法辨析 1.End 说到完成,就不可不提到end,end泛指事情的完成,可指实情自然结束也可指由于某种原因突然中止。 They ended the party off with a song. 他们以一首歌结束了晚会。 2.Finish finish泛指一切事情的完成(无论事情的大小)。比如可指finish project完成项目,也可指finish eating(吃完饭)。后面可接名词和动名词。 I just have to finish this speech.

我只是要去完成这个演讲。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3910556186.html,plete 侧重指完成任务或完善某事,隐含“使……完整”的含义,多指需要较多努力或花费较长时间的事情。后面一般接名词。 I will assist you to complete the task. 我将协助你来完成这项任务。 Write down how you plan to complete each goal. 写下你计划如何完成每个目标。 4.Conclude 完成/结束/达成。多隐含完成的事有了一定的结论和成果,或用于一些较正式的场合。 They concluded the meeting at 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

他们在下午六点结束了会议。 看完了这四个单词,让我们一起来做几道小练习巩固一下吧! 1.As you____the discussion, ask about the next steps . 2.Write down how you plan to ____ each goal. 3.The question is when we can ____ our work. 今天就和大家就分享到这,祝愿同学们用辛勤的汗水去收获美好的未来吧!


名词用法的运用 名词是表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称的词。它分为普通名词和专有名词两大类。普通名词分为可数名词分为个体名词和集体名词;不可数名词分为物质名词和抽象名词。例如: 可数名词 a.个体名词man , woman , desk , pencil b.集体名词class , family , police , army 不可数名词 a.物质名词meat , rice , cotton , iron b.抽象名词life ,help, happiness , sadness 掌握名词应当主要从数的概念、名词的格和名词的作用上加以考虑,其次考虑它的句法功能。 一.名词的数 可数名词有单数和复数两种形式,它随语意变化而变化.例如: I have a ruler . ( ruler 为单数名词) I have five rulers . ( rulers 为复数名词) 名词复数有以下几种变化形式: 1) 在名词后直接加s 如: desk--desks , bag --bags 2) 在以s, sh , ch , x 结尾并且发〔s 〕〔?〕〔t?〕的名词后面加es 如: bench--benches , box--boxes , brush--brushes 3)以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,应当变y为i,然后加es , 如: study --studies , baby-- babies 4) 以f 或fe 结尾的名词,一般加s ,如:roof--roofs , belief--beliefs 但有特殊情况,中学阶段有以下几个词,需变f 或fe为v ,然后加es . 这些词有:thief ,knife, wife, leaf ,wolf ,half 如:half -- halves , leaf--leaves 5) 以o 结尾的名词,一般直接加s , 如:photo---photos , radio --radios 但有特殊情况,中学阶段有以下几个词,需要加es . 这些词有:potato , tomato , negro ,hero 如:hero--heroes , negro--negroes 6) 有些名词需要改变词中的元音字母,如:man-men , woman- women , foot--feet , tooth--teeth ,goose--geese , mouse--mice ,child--children , 7) 单复数相同的名词:deer , fish , sheep , Chinese, Japanese 二.名词的格 名词分为主格、宾格和所有格。主格和宾格与原形一致,这里主要研究所有格,所有格有词尾变化,变化如下:1)单数名词后加“s”如:boy---boy's , teacher ---teacher's 2) 复数名词后加“' ”如:boys --boys' , teachers--teachers' 3) 特殊形式复数的名词需加“'s ”如:children ---children's , men--men's 所有格用于以下几种情况: 1) 名词是表示有生命的东西, 如: Mary's room ( 玛丽的房间),children's toys (孩子们的玩物)

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