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NXP Near Field Communication

NXP Near Field Communication
NXP Near Field Communication

Key benefits

} Relieve the host controller from real time processing tasks } Supporting the most widely deployed contactless protocols (ISO 14443 A&B and Felica)

} Support for battery low mode in card emulation } Small footprint (HVQFN40 6mm*6mm*1mm)

} Application notes to optimize antenna design, software } Easy access to NFC technology, benefiting from NXP’s expertise and experience with major device manufacturers

Making secure connectivity easy

NXP Near Field Communication (NFC) for handheld devices and POS terminals PN532

Key features

} Reader/writer functionality compatible to ISO/IEC 14443 A&B, MIFARE, FeliCa and NFC Forum tag types (MIFARE Ultralight, Topaz, FeliCa, MIFARE DESFire)} Full peer-to-peer functionality

} Card emulation functionality compatible to ISO/IEC

14443 A when connected to secure controller (SmartMX P5CN072)

} Up to 10cm operating distance

} Possibility to act as POS Terminal and perform PayPass-compliant transactions when connected to NXP-recommended RF amplifier

} Optimized 80C51 core processor with embedded firmware in ROM

} Multiple interfaces (UART, SPI I 2

C)} Integrated MIFARE cipher crypto1

NXP Semiconductors’ controller IC PN532 is a highly integrated transmission module including a microcontroller which reduces the processing power from the host controller. The PN532 offers proximity connectivity targeting 13.56MHz reader/writer applications for POS terminals and handheld devices and is also capable of acting as a smart card when combined with a secure element.

POS Terminal

Reader + Card emulation

Reader / Writer

Key applications Reader/Writer:

} Easy pairing of Bluetooth-, Wi-Fi- or WUSB-enabled devices

} Read/ write NFC Forum tags such as MIFARE, MIFARE Ultralight, DESFire, Felica and Topaz Peer-to-peer:

} Exchange data (business card, picture, etc.) between two active devices

POS terminal:

} Upgrade your reader with the NXP RF amplifier solution (two transistors and few passives) to perform EMV (PayPass and VisaWave) compliant transactions } Possibility to connect to the SAM (Secure Access Module) through the smart card controller

Card emulation:

The PN532 makes it possible to emulate:

} A MIFARE card to access public transport, stadium, building etc.

} A MIFARE card to store loyalty program or pre-paid wallet

} An EMV payment card such as PayPass and VisaWave } An active tag and change its content over the air (OTA)



?2008 NXP B.V.

All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights.

Date of release: October 2008

Document order number: 9397 750 16623Printed in the Netherlands

How to order documentation, samples, design-in kit } A list with technical NFC documentation is available for each IC: (https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3611282931.html,/nfc)} NFC documentation can be requested by filling in the request form:


} Samples and design-in kits can be ordered:

- for NXP distributors via our portal: https://https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3611282931.html, - for customers a list of distributors is available at: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3611282931.html,/nfc

Useful Links

NFC Forum specifications: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3611282931.html,/specs/EMVco: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3611282931.html, MIFARE: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3611282931.html,

MIFARE, FeliCa, Topaz are registered trademarks of NXP , Sony Corporation and Innovision Research and Technology plc. respectively

Design-in kit PN532 (C106)

} OM5581/N5322S02 (12NC: 9352 862 06699)} Two serial boards

} Serial cable and power supply

} Documentation: datasheet, user manual, application note } Drivers, source code and examples (Windows, Linux)

} A daughter board with secure element (SMX) that can be plugged on to the boards of the kit is also available (Export

control restrictions apply)


形位公差培训资料 形位公差 加工后的零件不仅有尺寸公差,构成零件几何特征的点、线、面的实际形状或相互位置与理想几何体规定的形状和相互位置还不可避免地存在差异,这种形状上的差异就是形状公差,而相互位置的差异就是位置公差,统称为形位公差。 1形位公差术语2形位公差符号3形状公差4公差图标5注意问题 1.形位公差术语包括形状公差和位置公差。任何零件都是由点、线、面构成的,这些点、线、面称为要素。机械加工后零件的实际要素相对于理想要素总有误差,包括形状误差和位置误差。这类误差影响机械产品的功能,设计时应规定相应的公差并按规定的标准符号标注在图样上。形状公差和位置公差简称为形位公差。

2.形位公差包括形状公差与位置公差,而位置公差又包括定向公差和定位公差,具体包括的内容及公差表符号如 下所示: 3.(1)形状公差 1、直线度符号为一短横线(-),是限制实际直线对理想直线变动量的一项指标。它是针对直线发生不直而提出的要求。

2、平面度符号为一平行四边形,是限制实际平面对理想平面变动量的一项指标。它是针对平面发生不平而提出的要求。 3、圆度符号为一圆(○),是限制实际圆对理想圆变动量的一项指标。它是对具有圆柱面(包括圆锥面、球 面)的零件,在一正截面(与轴线垂直的面)内的圆形轮廓要求。 4、圆柱度符号为两斜线中间夹一圆(/○/),是限制实际圆柱面对理想圆柱面变动量的一项指标。它控制了 圆柱体横截面和轴截面内的各项形状误差,如圆度、素线直线度、轴线直线度等。圆柱度是圆柱体各项形状误差的综合指标。 5、线轮廓度符号为一上凸的曲线(⌒),是限制实际曲线对理想曲线变动量的一项指标。它是对非圆曲线的 形状精度要求。 6、面轮廓度符号为上面为一半圆下面加一横,是限制实际曲面对理想曲面变动量的一项指标,它是对曲面的 形状精度要求。 (2)定向公差


形位公差培训内容 1.公差框格 1.1 用公差框格标注几何公差时,公差要求注写在划分成两格或多格的矩形框格内。各格自左至右顺序标注以下内容(见图1、图2、图3、图4 和图5)。 —几何特征符号; —公差值,以线性尺寸单位表示的量值。如果公差带为圆形或圆柱形,公差值前应加注符号“φ”;如果公差带为圆球形,公差值前应加注符号“Sφ”; —如果适用,用一个字母表示单个基准或用几个字母表示基准体系或公共基准(见图2、图3、图4 和图5)。 1.2 当某项公差应用于几个相同要素时,应在在公差框格的上方被测要素的尺寸之前注明要素的个数,并在两者之间加上符号“×”(见图6 和图7 的是示例)。 2.被测要素 按下列方式之一用指引线连接被测要素和公差框格。指引线引自框格的任意一侧,终端带一箭头。—当公差设计轮廓线或轮廓面时,箭头指向该要素的轮廓线或其延长线(应与尺寸线明显错开,见图10、图11 的示例);箭头也可指向引出线的水平线,引出线引自被测面(见图12的示例)。 —当公差涉及要素的中心线、中心面或中心点时,公差应位于相应尺寸线的延长线上(见图13、图14 和图15 的示例)。

3.当中心点、中心线、中心面在一个方向上给定公差时: —除非另有说明,位置公差公差带的宽度方向为理论正确尺寸(TED)图框的方向,并按指引线箭头所指互成0°或90°(见图20 的示例); 4.若公差值前面标注符号“φ”,公差带为圆柱形(见下图的示例)或圆形;若公差值前面标注“sφ”,公差带为圆球形。 a 基准轴线 5.一个公差框格可以用于具有相同几何特征和公差值的若干个分离要素(见图25 的示例)。
