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Group Mind
Platy Bowie PusELA爱你
In a society of constant永恒的grouping and organizing,our constant need to be accepted接受承认 keeps us from holding on to our individuality个人的.Doris Lessing多丽丝·莱辛 pointed out指出,指明 in her essay散文,“Group Minds”,that“when we're in a group,we tend倾向 to think as that group does...We also find our thinking changing because we belong to a group”。Most people desire渴望 group belonging to such an extent程度;范围;长度 that they almost fear害怕 being singled out挑选出,leading them to the classic“group mentality".I agree that indeed的确,we often surrender屈服 to the obedience顺从的mechanism机制 of the group,regardless of不管 our own beliefs信仰 of right or wrong.Necessity places us in all kind of groups,but though not understanding social laws我们在所有需要的地方种组,尽管不了解社会公德的法律,,I thinking we (give way让步) for them to take control of our very individualism个人主义.People who are unware of the group mentality心态 are destined to注定的 (become prey to it为,,,所伤害).
We all want to be accepted,to belong,and to be wanted;but at what cost?If we could make full use of the great deal of information we have acquired about ourselves to further understand the implications and rules of the typical group,we could then relate with each other while still keeping a perspective of ourselves.However,a lack of this understanding makes retaining control of our own opinions intensely difficult.We can assume that most individuals living in the Western World have experienced just this at some stage in their lives.The following two instances illustrate this idea of giving in under group pressure我们都想要得到认可,属,是希望,但代价是什么呢?如果我们能充分利用大量的信息我们获得了关于自己的进一步理解它的含义和规则的典型组,然后我们可以互相联系起来,同时依然保持自己的视角。然而,缺乏这种理解使保留控制我们自己的观点极为困难。我们可以假定大多数人生活在西方世界经历了这个在人生不同阶段。以下两个例子说明这一点的给与集团的压力下。一个典型的测试由各种各样的心理学家和社会学家,被莱辛描述为,需要一群人评估和比较长度或大小的两块木头。这些藏品将被非常相似,但只是恨足以让它被察觉。大部分的集团,只有一个或两个人,也将通知安排和指导绝对坚持景块具有相同的大小。未经授权的少数民族将证明这个街区的确略景。然而,少数仍将坚持块安静相同,留下少数受试者的状态的不解和甚至愤怒之前,往往,最终落入线和承认块确实是相似的。一个在这种情况下可能会想,“嗯,块必须是相同的,为什么其他人都那么肯定在这样

A typical test overseen监督 by various各种各样 psychologist and sociologists,as described by Lessing,would require a group of people to assess and compare the length or size of two pieces of wood.These pieces would be very similar,but just diferent enough for it to be perceptible.The majority of the group,all but one or two people,will be informed听说 of the arrangement整理准备 and instructed指示教育 to absolutely insist that the diferent blocks be the same size.The uninstructed minority will attest to the fact that the blocks are indeed slightly diferent.However,the minority will still insist that the blocks be quiet identical ,leaving the minority subjects in a state of incomprehension不了解 and even irritation刺激;愤怒before,more often than not,eventually 最后 falling into line and admitting that the blocks are indeed alike.One in that situation情况might think,“Well,the blocks must be the same,Why would everybody else其他 be so sure in saying so?”Just as Lessing acknowledges,“It is the hardest thing in the world to maintain an individual oponin,as a member of a group.”
From what I have seen,maintaining an individual opinion is even more challenging for a teenager.As an instructional教学的aide助手working in a high school,I see this being demonstrated on a daily basis,One particular student of mine,‘‘Billy”gave way some rather poor decisions决定due to group pressure压力。When I first met‘‘Billy”in September of 1999,he seemed to have a decent得体的sense of himself.He was trying to become a good student.He didn't smoke,drink,or do drugs毒品。Things were going relatively well for

him.Then,he met ‘‘Michael” and‘‘Jone”.These two kids were not straight保守的 laced. ‘‘Billy”fell in with them almost immediately.Indeed,the group mind had won hime over.
So it would seem we are all greatly influenced by the groups of which we are part,more so than we would ever lead ourselves to believe.Just as in the two situations previously discussed,we all fall victim to this mechanism of group obedience.The problem lies in remaining unware of this phenomenon.Whether we be influenced into making choices contrary to our better judgment or convinced to label black as white when we know better few of us are able to escape the group mind.In summary,lessing put it best when she emphasized that,‘‘We are group animals still,and there is nothing wrong with that.But what is dangerous is not belonging to a group,or groups,but not understanding the social laws that govern and govern us.”这样看来我们都极大地影响群体的一部分,比我们会导致自己相信。就像在这两种环境下之前所讨论的,我们所有的受害者这一机制的集团服从。问题在于忘却这一现象,剩余我们是否会影响到做出选择违背了我们更好的判断或说服标签黑白色的,当我们知道更好一些的人能逃脱了群体的思维。总之,莱辛把它最好的时候她强调,“我们正在把动物仍然的,也没有什么错。但什么是危险的不属于一个组或组,但不了解社会法律支配和统治我们。”

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