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上海外国语大学附属外国语学校2019届高二上学期期中考试英语试题(双语班) Word版含答案

2018-2019学年上外附中高二第一学期(双语班)期中考试Ⅱ. Choice:15%

17. --- I have done almost everything for him, but he still fails me. 最新试卷多少汗水曾洒下,多少期待曾播种,终是在高考交卷的一刹尘埃落地,多少记忆梦中惦记,多少青春付与流水,人生,总有一次这样的成败,才算长大。


--- I’m sorry to say that’s __________ you are wrong. To give him whatever he wants will only __________ him.

A. where, spoil

B. what, ruin

C. why, damage

D. how, decay

18. The tower is so well preserved that it looks as it __________ a century ago.

A. did


C. used to be

D. would

19. The efforts made by the researchers __________ possible the appearance or a new life-saving medicine.

A. were made

B. made

C. made it

D. were made it

20. __________ several times, but Mary still has no idea of how to do it properly.

A. Being shown

B. Having shown

C. Having been shown

D. I’ve shown her

21. __________, yellow-eyed penguins were reducing sharply.

A. Killing the parent birds

B. Attacked the nests

C. Deprived of their natural habitat

D. Clearing the forest to make grassland

22. __________ fish stocks overexploited, or seriously destroyed, the ocean, the last great piece of wilderness on this planet, is __________ serious trouble.

A. That... out of

B. With ... in

C. Because... no

D. For ...of

23. The journalist has developed the habit of having his camera at hand, __________ he should see something that would make a good news picture.

A. just in case

B. provided that

C. to make sure that

D. every time

24. The revolutionary system of robot-controlled farming developed by the Israeli inventor was __________ he believed could change the face of modern agriculture.

A. when

B. which

C. how

D. what

25. __________ they listened quietly and then came up with many great ideas and suggestions.

A. That impressed on me

B. What impressed me was that

C. What impressed on me that

D. As was impressed me that

26. A drama __________ some basic elements such as a complete and dramatic plot, characters interacting with each other and a thought provoking theme.

A. is involved

B. involves

C. involving

D. is involved

27. He insists that an area of the garden __________ to him, while this is __________ the neighbour disagrees.

A. belong ... what

B. should belong ... where

C. belongs ... that

D. belongs ... where

28. I’m taking my driving test tomorrow

--- __________!

A. Cheers

B. Congratulations

C. Come on

D. Good luck.

29. The ruling party has planned to release a series of policies to stimulate the economy so as to __________ a positive and supportive __________ to the public.

A. establish ... impression

B. build ... appearance

C. produce ... figure

D. promote ... image

30. __________ there __________ a contrast between a hobby and regular work, especially

when the latter is monotonous.

A. It is not surprising that ... should be

B. It is, not surprisingly, that ... should be

C. Not surprisingly ... should be

D. No surprising that ... is

31. Some companies have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis on pressure.

A. than more on efficiency

B. but more efficiency

C. but more on efficiency

D. than more efficiency

32. __________ the people directly involved in the tourist industry may benefit, others may find that they are worse off.

A. If

B. While

C. Whether

D. But

33. Neither of the young men who had applied __________ the university __________ a position __________ accepted.

A. for, for, has been

B. for, to, have been

C. to, for, was

D. to, to, would be

34. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, __________ hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year.

A. most of which

B. most of them

C. all of them

D. and all of which

35. This very difficulty may have had the __________ him to think carefully about every sentence, thus __________ him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations.

A. drawback to forcing ... enabling

B. drawback of forcing ... to enable

C. disadvantage to force ... enables

D. advantage of forcing ... enabling

36. __________ he insisted he was innocent, __________ they seemed to believe him, for it was not the first time such things had happened.

A. The more, the more

B. The more, the less

C. The worse, the better

D. The less, the worse

37. The rescue team went __________ into the forest to look for the scientist whose work on DNA was __________ admired.

A. deeply, widely

B. deep, widely

C. deeply, wide

D. deep, wide

38. You really have to make even greater efforts if you __________ the rest of your classmates.

A. should not be lagged behind by

B. shall not leave behind by

C. are not to be left behind by

D. will not be fallen behind by

39. The specially trained dogs from Italy’s corps of canine lifeguards may have rescued at least 3,000 people last summer, __________ they?

A. haven’t

B. didn’t

C. mayn’t

D. mustn’t

40. Thanks to his knowledge of gardening, he transplanted the little tree from the lawn to the garden __________ it was the best time for it.

A. by the time

B. when

C. in which

D. before

41. __________ Lady Gaga took to the stage __________ people __________ that she was actually wearing the outfit made of cuts of beef

A. It was not until, did ... realize

B. Not until, that ... realized

C. Only when, did ... realize

D. Until, did ... realize

42. To wash hands before meals seems to her a rule never __________.

A. intended to break

B. meant to be broken

C. means to be broken

D. meant to be breaking

43. I only have __________ superficial knowledge of French.

A. /

B. the

C. a

D. an

44. In reward for his continuous efforts for so many years, he has successfully __________ his status __________ the most influential critic in gourmet appreciation.

A. founded; /

B. contributed; to

C. made; to be

D. established; as

45. The Chinese government has warned US not to __________ its internal affairs, maintaining that human rights issues have always been carefully handled in China.

A. influence

B. mind

C. interfere in

D. inquire about

46. In a city __________ smog routinely blankets the streets, a Dutch artist has offered an eccentric solution: a __________ metal structure that takes in smog and expels cleaner air.

A. which, 23 feet

B. where, 23-foot

C. that, 23-feet

D. in which, 23 foots

Ⅲ. Cloze: 10%


The room was dark except for the spotlight, which felt to Jeff like a heat lamp beaming on his face. He felt time stand still. He glanced down at his notes, and then, with hands shaking almost uncontrollably, launched into his speech.

Afterward, as his mental acuity returned to 47 , he asked his wife how he performed. He really didn’t know. It was as if he wasn’t there during the speech, 48 not as the confident and secure CEO that he knew himself to be. Jeff knew instinctively that something was 49 when he spoke in front of a group. After observing the confidence and poise of the guest speaker that followed him, he finally put a name to it: his power.

Does that happen to you? 50 , it’s time to learn an important skill that will make sure you regain your power on the platform: strategic storytelling.

Storytelling is a powerful leadership tool. It puts you in touch with your authentic power so you can motivate and inspire your 51 . Professional speakers have learned how to turn storytelling into an art form. They know they can both connect with their audience and 52 vital messages using the power of storytelling.

Stories are the perfect form of communication working on many 53 . Because they are inherently visual and 54 the imagination, stories cause the non-linear right brain to get

55 ; because the sequence of the story is linear, they also involve the left linear brain. Stories are

56 as well as educational, thus connecting the heart and the head. They are well received by auditory, visual learners because well-crafted stories can combine all modes of learning. In short, stories are the window through which audience members see their own truth.

47. A. consciousness B. calmness C. normal D. common

48. A. in all B. even so C. at least D. at all

49. A. wrong B. present C. upcoming D. missing

50. A. If so B. At the same time C. What’s more D. If not

51. A. boss B. audience C. lecturers D. teammates

52. A. read B. receive C. deliver D. leave

53. A. speeches B. levels C. performances D. people

54. A. stimulate B. require C. imitate D. escape

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