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Aphidic-a(艾菲迪克喷剂)是香港华济堂最新的延时力作,其中药核心药剂的分离和量化技术日臻成熟,已经成为祖国中医挑战世界性技术难题的法宝。2010年6月高标准的临床测试在国际上创造了房事时间的最佳效果记录,目前已经成为欧洲著名的医疗机构Concierge Consultant和美国泌尿外科协会(A u A)的推荐用品。









胶体热透皮技术(Colloidal hot transdermal technology):艾菲迪克喷剂(Aphidic-a)是从海马、淫羊藿、锁阳、冬虫夏草、藏红花中常温萃取有机组合而成,在超速离心的最高速度达54800rpm情况下使得混合物密度梯度介质不均匀分布。在常温萃取保持其活性的前提下,营养胶体能够在局部温热条件下通过球蛋白粘膜通道进入肾脏上皮组织,对肝脏和心脏没有任何负荷。

Colloidal hot transdermal technology: Aphidic-a is from the hippocampus, epimedium, Cynomorium, Cordyceps sinensis, saffron in extracting organic combination, in ultracentrifugation maximum speed up to 54800rpm case makes the mixture density gradient medium distribution. In extracting maintained its activity under the premise, nutrition colloid in local hyperthermic conditions through the globulin mucosal channel into the kidney epithelial tissue, liver and heart without any load.


球蛋白粘膜通道(IgA mucosal channel):龟头层球蛋白粘膜通道的发现是继皮层选择透过性的发现之后生物史上的重要发现(见[科学杂志].Science.-.May.7th.2011)。通过量化分离的艾菲迪克喷剂(Aphidic-a)含有多种维生素和非合成氨基酸,能够对肝脏组织起到抗氧化和加强新陈代谢的作用,从而从根本上解决根本问题。

Colloidal hot transdermal technology: Aphidic-a is from the hippocampus, epimedium, Cynomorium, Cordyceps sinensis, saffron in extracting organic combination, in ultracentrifugation maximum speed up to 54800rpm case makes the mixture density gradient medium distribution. In extracting maintained its activity under the premise, nutrition colloid in local hyperthermic conditions through the globulin mucosal channel into the kidney epithelial tissue, liver and heart without any load.
