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ⅠIntroduction 简介

The masses regard food as their heaven 民以食为天

Chinese philosopher Confucius 中国先贤孔子

diet and love-making, all primal needs of every human being 饮食男女,人之大欲之所存焉。

epicurean lifestyle 享乐主义生活方式

culinary techniques 厨艺

cookbook 食谱

Chinese cuisines 中国美食

pasta 面团

pastry 糕点

Beijing’s lamb hotpot (fondue) and roast duck 北京涮羊肉火锅和北京烤鸭principal foods 主食

dietary fibers 膳食纤维

the hot and heavily spiced Sichuan food 辛辣的四川食物

sweet and delicate Huaiyang food 甜而精致的淮扬菜

color (aesthetic beauty), aroma, and taste 色香味

aestheticism 唯美主义

scallion 葱

ginger 姜

garlic 蒜

cooking wine 料酒;米酒

aniseed 八角

cassia bark 桂皮

black pepper 黑胡椒

sesame oil 芝麻香油

shiitake mushrooms 香菇

fry, stir-fry, roast 炸,炒和烤

steam, deep-fry, quick-fry, simmer 蒸,深炸,快炒,煨

soy sauce 酱油

vinegar 醋

spices 调味料

spicy pepper 胡椒

seasoning 调料

tomatoes 番茄

cucumber 黄瓜

elegant and intricate decorations 优雅精致的装饰

calories 卡路里

cholesterol 胆固醇

food and medicine sharing the same roots 药食相通

disease prevention 防病

health preservation 养生

balanced nutritional intake 均衡的营养摄入

manners and customs 风俗习惯

etiquettes 礼仪

proactively 主动的;积极地

contemporary Chinese 现代中国

soothing and joyous topics 安抚和快乐的话题

Italian pizza 意大利披萨

French gourmet 法国美食

Japanese sushi 日本寿司

American burgers 美国汉堡

German beers 德国啤酒

Brazilian barbeque 巴西烧烤

Indian curry 印度咖喱

Swiss cheese 瑞士奶酪

Eat in China 吃在中国

ⅡTraditional Foods 传统美食

ecological environment 生态环境

population volume 人口数量

level of productivity 生产力水平

population density 人口密度

status quo 现状

mountain residents 山民

spring water 泉水

terraces 梯田

originating source 源头

Yellow River region 黄河流域

foxtail millet 粟

the Yangtze River 长江;扬子江

sticky or non-sticky rice 黏米和糙米

glutinous types of rice 糯米

agricultural age 农业时代

principal food 主食

Huangdi Neijing 《黄帝内经》

The Five Grains as life support, the Five Fruits as complimentary aide, the Five Meats as added benefits, and the Five Vegetables as substantial fill 五谷为养,五果为助,五畜为益,五菜为充

pod-bearing crops 豆荚作物

prehistoric times 史前时期

archeological sites 考古遗址

sorghum 高粱

Good Harvest of the Five Grains 五谷丰登

beans 大豆

rice 大米

millet 小米

proteins 蛋白质

fatty acids 脂肪酸

carbohydrates 碳水化合物

buns 馒头

pancakes 煎饼

noodles 面条

stuffed buns 包子

dumplings 饺子

wonton 馄饨

plain rice 白米饭

thin rice noodle 米线

thick rice noodles 河粉

rice cakes 年糕

stuffed glutinous rice balls in soup 糯米丸子汤

steamed 蒸

baked 烘烤

fried 炸

dough-made foods 面食

sesame seed cake 芝麻饼

air-dried 风干

boiling water or soup 沸水或沸汤

Chinese festivities 中国节日

the second day of the second month (lunar calendar) 农历二月二Dragon Whisker Noodles 龙须面

Longevity Noodles 长寿面

rolling 滚

rubbing 摩擦

stretching 拉

kneading 揉

curling 卷

pressing 压

slicing 切

flour fermentation techniques面粉发酵技术

steam basket 蒸笼

Chinese griddle

cooking utensils 炊具,厨房用具

plain steamed bun/mantou 馒头

Plain steamed rice 白米饭

Chinese porridge (congee)/zhou 粥

grains, vegetables, fruits 谷物,蔬菜,水果

flowers, herbs and meats 花卉,草药和肉类

fine foods 精细食物

rough foods 粗粮

corn 玉米

millet 小米

sorghum 高粱

buckwheat 荞麦

oats 燕麦

yams 洋芋,山药,番薯

beans 豆类

tofu/bean curd 豆腐

bureaucrats and the literati class 官僚和文人阶级

premium sauces 优质酱料

soybean oil 豆油,大豆油

vegetable seed oil 菜籽油

peanut oil 花生油

corn oil 玉米油

peaches 桃子

plums 李子

jujubes 枣子,果胶软糖

pears 梨

sour plums 话梅

apricots 杏子

hazelnuts 榛子

persimmons 柿子

melons 瓜类

hawthorns 山楂

mulberries 桑树,桑葚

Chinese wolfberries 枸杞子

Chinese crabapples

cherries 樱桃

temperate zones 温带

ceremonial offerings

tangerines 橘子,金橘

shaddock (pomelo) 柚子

mandarin oranges 蜜桔

oranges 柑橘,橙子

lichee 荔枝

longan 龙眼

loquat 枇杷

red bayberries 杨梅

fishing-and-hunting society 渔猎社会

sacrificial animals 祭祀动物

sacrificial rituals 祭祀仪式

horse, cattle, sheep, chicken, dog and pig 马,牛,羊,鸡,狗,和猪beef 牛肉

mutton 羊肉

lamb 羔羊肉

poultry breeding 家禽繁种

veggies 蔬菜

Chinese cabbage 大白菜

turnip 萝卜,白萝卜

radish 萝卜

eggplant 茄子

cucumber 黄瓜

peas 豌豆

Chinese chive (leek) 韭菜

wax gourd 冬瓜

edible fungi 食用菌

appetizers 开胃菜

nutritional intake 营养摄入

provision 供应品,规定,条款

Grape 葡萄

pomegranate 石榴

sesame 芝麻

lima bean 青豆,立马豆

walnut 胡桃,核桃

cucumber 黄瓜

watermelon 西瓜

muskmelon 甜瓜

carrot 胡萝卜

fennel 茴香

celery 芹菜

Chinese parsley (coriander) 香菜

Sunflower seeds 葵花子,瓜子

mung bean 绿豆

Spinach 菠菜

Emperor Taizong (627-649 A.D.) of the Tang Dynasty 唐太宗Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-589 A.D.) 南北朝balsam pear 苦瓜

red chili peppers 红辣椒

hot pepper 辣椒,小辣椒

shark’s fin 鱼翅

bird’s nest 燕窝

lavish foods 丰富的食物

popsicle 冰棒

drafted and implemented 起草和实施

Chic building styles 别致的建筑风格

Coffee-making utensils 咖啡器具

Tools of the Trade

hairs and feathers 毛发和羽毛

gourmet foods 美食

chopsticks, knives, forks and spoons 筷子,刀,叉和汤匙

dining utensils 餐饮用具

culinary techniques and dietary habits 烹饪技术和饮食习惯

from stone and pottery to bronze, iron and other metals 从石器和陶器到青铜,铁和其它金属

porcelain 瓷器,陶瓷

material and craftsmanship 材料和工艺

earthenware 陶器

pedestals 基座,底座

sacrificial rites 祭礼

wok 锅,炒锅

plates and bowls 盘子和碗

gunpowder 火药

compass 指南针

movable-type printing 活字印刷术

Thermoses 热水瓶,保温瓶

jade pot 玉壶

celadon porcelain 青花瓷

white porcelain 白瓷

black porcelain 黑瓷

overglaze or underglaze enameling 釉上彩,釉下彩等上釉术

pursuit of refinement 追求精致

Indian subcontinent 印度次大陆

legendary sage kings 传说中的皇帝

free of grease 无脂的

rudimental form 基本形式

Lamb Hotpot 涮羊肉火锅

Oracle bone inscription 甲骨文

archeological excavations 考古发掘

long noodles 长寿面

bean-starch noodles 豆粉面

ⅢEating, the Chinese way

three meals a day 一日三餐

refinement of dining ware 精致的餐具

rich and excellent culinary techniques 丰富而卓越的烹饪技术

zhao shi 朝食

bu shi 铺食

Deep-fried Twisted Dough Sticks and soybean milk 油条和豆浆

the pace of life for urban Chinese are getting faster and faster 中国城市居民的生活节奏越来越快

switchover 转换,替换

banquet seat (mat) 宴会的座位(坐垫)

soup-filled buns 包子

multi-tiered small mats 多层小垫子

elders and younglings, or the noble and the vulgar 年长和年轻的或尊贵的和低贱的

wielded 使用,行使

tomb site 墓址

tablecloth drapes 桌布窗帘

round stools or high chairs 圆凳高椅

warmth and harmonious atmosphere 温暖和谐的氛围

epicures 美食家

whole steamed fish 清蒸全鱼

government and the general public 政府和普通公众

buffets 自助餐

cold platters 冷盘

appetizers 开胃菜

oily 油的,油腔滑调的

tantalizing 撩人的,引逗性的

ⅣHome Gourmet for Everyone

common home gourmet 家常美食

abides by 遵守

bland and identical taste 平淡无味

tenet 宗旨,信条

homemade dishes 家常菜

taste buds 味蕾

stuffed or plain steamed buns 包子或馒头

a bowl of porridge (congee) 一碗粥

a dish of pickled veggies 一份咸菜

wonton 混沌

hot soup noodle 热汤面条

stir-fried dishes 炒菜

deep-fried twisted dough stick 炸油条

soybean milk 豆浆

oatmeal 燕麦片

ham sandwiches 火腿三文治

Eggs and bean curd 鸡蛋和豆腐

dairy beverage 乳品

principal food components 主要食物成分wheat flour 小麦面粉

corn flour 玉米粉

sorghum flour 高粱粉

soy flour 大豆粉

buckwheat flour 荞麦面粉

naked oatmeal flour 燕麦粉

stir-fried 炒

fried 炸

stewed 炖

steamed 蒸

braised 焖

simmered 煨

fried bean sauce 炸酱

minced meat 碎肉

soy gravy 豆汁

dipping 浸渍

soup stock 汤

steamy 热气腾腾的

savory 美味的

steam 蒸

boil 煮

stir-fry 炒

roast 烤

deep-fry 油炸

simmer 煨

turnips 红萝卜

radishes 水萝卜

green vegetables 青菜

bean curd 豆腐

street-side vegetable market 街边蔬菜市场dried vegetables 干菜

green turnip 青萝卜

white turnip 白萝卜

carrot 胡萝卜

Chinese cabbage 大白菜

spinach 菠菜

rape 油菜

celery 芹菜

Chinese chive (leek) 韭菜

mustard 芥菜

soy sauce 酱油

sesame oil sauce 芝麻油

Mapo Tofu 麻婆豆腐

minced meat 肉末

Chinese prickly ash powder 花椒粉

meat dishes 荤菜

modern breeding industries 现代养殖业

stir-fried 爆炒

white-cut with sauce

twice-cooked 回锅

steamed with sauce 蒸酱

turned upside-down 翻炒

steamed with ground rice 蒸米粉

boiled in hot oil 沸油

starch 淀粉

breeding chicken 养殖鸡

tonic drink 滋补饮料

steamed or stewed 清蒸或红烧

clear soup 清汤

simmered with soy sauce 酱油炖

white-cut with dipping 白切浸渍

stewed in yellow wine 与黄酒炖

compiled into 编撰成

Beijing (Peking) Roast Duck 北京烤鸭

Jiangsu-Zhejiang area 江浙一带

Salty Watered Duck 咸水鸭

Laobao Duck 老鸨鸭

braised 红烧

barbecue beef or lamb 烤牛肉或烤羊肉

―rinsing‖ in a boiling hotpot 涮火锅

dried or pickled vegetables 干菜或咸菜

prolonged storage 长期存放

tasty appetizing treat 美味可口的美食

ⅤFoods and Festivities 食物和节日

wooden bowl 木碗

the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 新疆维吾尔自治区the Chinese New Year 中国农历新年

Spring Festival 春节

feast activity 宴请

Chinese New Year’s Eve 除夕

kneading the dough 和面

mixing the filling 拌馅

rolling the wrap 擀皮

wrapping 包馅

boil the dumplings 煮饺子

bidding farewell to the past and welcoming the new 除旧迎新the Lantern Festival 元宵节

igniting firecrackers 放鞭炮

making yuanxiao ( stuffed glutinous rice-balls) 做元宵pork is minced 剁碎猪肉

sesame oil 香油

scallion 葱

marinade 腌制品

minced lamb or beef 碎牛肉或碎羊肉

sea cucumber 海参

shrimp 虾

best elasticity 好弹性

tender, juicy, and slippery 细嫩、多汁和光滑

tantalizing aroma 诱人的香气

reed leaves 芦苇叶

glutinous rice flour cake or noodles 糯米粉糕或糯米面条festive decor 节日装饰

the major streets and narrow alleyways 大街小巷

sticky rice 糯米

osmanthus 桂花

bean paste 豆沙

sesame seeds 芝麻

dry flour 干面粉

the fifth day of the fifth lunar month 农历五月初五

the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

Zhongkui, the demon-chaser 钟馗,驱魔真君

ward off evil 辟邪

hang up mugwort leaves 悬挂艾草

yellow wine 黄酒

fragrance bags 香袋

jujubes 枣

bean paste 豆沙

preserved fruits果脯

sweet and salty flavors 咸甜口味

the Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节

moon cake 月饼

round shape 圆形

the moon cake symbolizes union 月饼象征着团员

bright round moon 圆月

five nuts 五仁

lotus seed paste 莲蓉

egg yolk 蛋黄

bean paste 豆沙

crystal sugar 冰糖

sesame seed 芝麻

ham 火腿

traditional Beijing-style moon cakes 老北京式月饼

The Suzhou-style moon cake 苏州式月饼

The Cantonese-style moon cake 广式月饼

the second day of the second lunar month 农历二月二

Dragon Whiskers Noodles 龙须面

Pure and Bright Festival (Tomb-Sweeping Day) 寒食节,清明节the Dead Spirits 鬼魂

Double Ninth Festival 九月九

Chao & Shan region in Guangdong Province 广东潮汕地区

the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month 农历腊八

laba porridge 腊八粥

lotus roots 莲藕

lotus seeds 莲子

water chestnuts 菱角

red jujubes 红枣

chestnuts 栗子

porridge ingredients 粥原料

peach kernel 桃仁

almond 杏仁

sunflower seed 葵花籽

peanut 花生

pine nut 松子

brown sugar 红糖

therapeutic effects 疗效

benefiting the spleen 健脾

stimulating appetite 益胃

replenishing qi ( chi) 益气

cleansing blood 利血

fighting cold weather 抗寒

tonic food 滋补食物

ⅥDelicacies from All Over 各地美食

bear paws 熊掌

bird’s nest 燕窝

Shark-wing 鱼翅

sea cucumbers 海参

elephant trunk 象鼻

camel’s hump 驼峰

deer tail 鹿尾

monkey brain 猴脑

flavored juices 调味果汁

braised or stewed 红烧或炖

esculent swift 金丝燕

seaside cliffs 海边悬崖

small fish 小鱼

shrimp 小虾

seaweed 海藻

the nest is made of the bird’s saliva 燕窝由鸟的唾液形成

Shark-wing 鱼翅

premium tonic food 上好的滋补食物

grand ceremonial banquets 盛大的宴会

wild animal preservation 野生动物保护

geological and climatic conditions and resources 地质和气候条件和资源Chinese cuisines 中国美食

Such as Lu, Chuan , Yue , Su , Jing , Min, Zhe, Xiang, Hui


South is sweet, north is salty; east is spicy and west is sour 南甜、北咸、东辣、西酸

Quanjude 全聚德

Bianyifang 便宜坊

unique strong points 独特优势

sweet noodle sauce 甜面酱

scallion threads 葱丝

raw fresh lamb and veal slices 鲜羊肉和小牛肉片

color, smell, taste, shape and supplementary ingredients 色香味形和补充材料bubbling hotpot 沸火锅

flowers of Chinese chive 韭菜花

hot pepper oil 辣椒油

minced scallion 葱花

Chinese parsley powder 香菜末

small sesame seed cakes 小烧饼

the Dog-Won’t-Eat Stuffed Buns 狗不理包子

The Tianjin Sesame Twist 天津麻花

the 18-Street Grand Twists 十八街麻花

Guifaxiang 桂发祥

fish, shrimps and crabs 鱼虾蟹

boiling and simmering 煮煨

flavoring 调味品

tender, fragrant and crispy 嫩香脆

blue print 蓝图

the Jiaodong region 胶东地区

head chefs 主厨

lotus roots 莲藕

wealthy merchants 富商

terracotta warriors 兵马俑

the Great Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔

historical sites 历史遗迹

Soaked Buns in Mutton Soup 羊肉泡馍

dumpling feasts 饺子宴

steamed, boiled, deep-fried and fried dumplings 蒸饺、煮饺、炸饺、煎饺

fine supplementary ingredients and unique shapes 精美的菜码和独特的形状Beef and Stretched Noodles 牛肉拉面

Lamb Innards Soup 羊杂汤

lamb kabobs 烤羊肉串

the roast whole lamb 烤全羊

―the Heavenly State‖—Sichuan 天府之国—四川

pungent and hot flavor 辛辣

scallion 葱

ginger 姜

garlic 蒜

hot pepper 辣椒

black pepper 黑胡椒

star aniseed 八角

vinegar 醋

thick broad-bean sauce 豆瓣酱

fermented rice soup 米酒

sour, sweet, bitter, pungent, mouth-numbing, fragrant and salty 酸甜苦辣麻香甜

Yuxiang Pork (pork in fragrant spicy sauce) 鱼香肉丝

Twice-Cooked Pork 回锅肉

Bean Jelly in Chili Oil 辣粉

Mapo Tofu (hot and spicy bean curd) 麻婆豆腐(麻辣豆腐)

Fu Qi Feipian 夫妻肺片

street-side snacks 街边小吃

Fragrant Skewers 香辣串

Numb-hot ( mala) Rabbit Head 麻辣兔子头

Noodles in Chili Oil (Dan Dan Noodle) 担担面

Numb-hot (mala) Hotpot 麻辣火锅

Boiled Fish in Xhili Oil 水煮鱼

waning off cold and wetness 防寒抗湿

hot and pungent flavor 辛辣

boil, roast, and steam to make hot and sour 煮烤蒸

charred and mouth-numbing 熏和麻

fresh and fragrant 新鲜芳香

crispy and tender 香酥嫩

smoked 熏cured 治愈

refined and meticulous process 精致而细致的过程aquatic products 水产品

Chicken in Dry Hotpot 干锅炒鸡

Fish in Sour Soup 酸菜鱼

Huajiang Dog Meat 花江狗肉

fungi 真菌

wild fungi 野生菌

natural and fresh flavors 自然清新的味道

tonic meals 滋补食物

coastal provinces 沿海省份

piquancy 辛辣

mild foods 温和食物

the delta of the Pearl River 珠三角

water routes 水路

bordering on 接壤

Buddha Jump Over the Wall 佛跳墙

Fish Balls in Clear Soup 清汤鱼丸

Sea Clams Quick-boiled in Chicken Soup 鸡汤海哈Chicken Dice in Distiller’s Grains

snack foods 小吃,休闲食品

cutting, boiling 切、煮

supplementary ingredients 菜码

seasonings 调味料

the Dazha Crab from Yangcheng Lake 阳澄湖大闸蟹Salt-Preserved Flat Ducks 腌酱鸭

―sweetness‖ and ―stench.‖ 甜、臭

crystal sugar powder 冰糖粉

odorous 芳香

Wuxi food 无锡美食

Ningbo food 宁波美食

enchanting 妖娆的

record-breaking 破纪录的

the Dong Po Pork Leg 东坡肉腿

West Lake Sweet and Sour Fish 西湖糖醋鱼

Yellow River Carp banquet 黄河鲤鱼宴

faded away 消失

snacks to full feasts 小吃全宴

exotic fare 异国风味

a long and luxurious journey 漫长豪华的旅程street-side snacks 街边小吃

ⅦDining with the Minorities 少数民族饮食

geographical environments 地理环境

climate, natural resources 气候、自然资源

religious faiths 宗教信仰

social and historical elements 社会历史因素

minority nationalities 少数民族

dairy products 奶制品

milk tea 奶茶

minority nationalities 少数民族

frigid climates 寒冷的气候

humid regions 湿润地区

awkward situations 艰难处境

dislodges from the horse 下马

The Mongolian nationality 蒙古族

hand-served lamb 手抓羊肉

succulent lamb 多汁羊肉

Hada (long pieces of white silk symbolizing purity, loyalty and respect 长长的白纱象征着纯洁、忠诚和尊敬) 哈达

buttered tea 酥油茶

the Perissodactyla order 奇蹄类动物

odd-toed 单脚

goose 鹅

poultry 家禽

Artiodactylas 偶蹄类

mold or decompose 发霉或分解

dried beef jerky 风干牛肉干

vented areas 通风区

dietary habits 饮食习惯

multifarious and vivid 繁杂而生动

dried, smoked, cured and other preserved foods 干、熏、腌和其它腌制食品corn 玉米

millet 小米

yam 山药

cassava 木薯

taro root 芋头

kidney beans 芸豆

plough lands 犁地

the sticky rice cake 糯米糕

bamboo tube rice 竹筒饭

Sour Soup 酸辣汤

pounding rice 舂米

rice soup 米汤

bean curd 豆腐

sour pot 酸辣锅

wine yeast 酒酵母

fermentation 发酵

distillation 蒸馏

storage 储藏

cellar 地窖

pickled Chinese cabbage 腌白菜

pickled bamboo shoots 腌竹笋

cured pork 熏猪肉

cured fish 熏鱼

The man shall not be lazy; the lady shall not be over-indulged in having fun 男人不偷懒,女人不溺乐

good sticky rice 优质糯米

excellent marinade fish 优质腌泡汁鱼

the mountains are full of treasures for diligent people 勤奋的人有满山宝藏preserved duck 腌制鸭子

meat paste 肉酱

pickled ginger 腌姜

Ding-ding Candy 丁丁糖

Steamed Cakes 蒸蛋糕

Bean-starch Noodles 豆粉条

Zongzi (sticky rice cake wrapped in reed leaf) 粽子(芦苇叶包裹的糯米糕)realgar wine 雄黄酒

Torch Festival 火把节

Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节

White Cakes 白色蛋糕

Drunken Cakes

Double Ninth Festival 重阳节

teeming with 充满了

animal innards 动物内脏

Chicken Gallbladder Wine 鸡胆酒

Chicken Innards Wine 鸡内脏酒

Pork Liver Wine 猪肝酒

swallowed 吞食

chicken innards 鸡内脏

pork liver 猪肝

freshness, fragrance, crispiness and tenderness 新鲜、清香、松脆、柔滑piquant flavor 辛辣味

marinade 腌料

preserved 腌制

boiled in soups 用汤煮

marinade beef threads 腌制牛肉条

raw tripe 生肚子

raw fish slices 生鱼片

preserved vegetables 腌菜

Chinese cabbage 白菜

stinging pungency 辛辣

fragrant, sweet, sour, hot and salty 香甜酸辣咸Korean pickled foods 韩国泡菜

Chinese folk foods 中国民间食物

dogsleds 狗拉雪橇

boiled water 开水

potato threads 薯条

mung bean sprouts 绿豆芽

chili oil 辣椒油

fragrant 香

fresh 鲜

tender texture 柔嫩的质地

primal dietary tradition 传统饮食

roe deer feast 狍子宴

snow hare meat 雪兔肉

pheasants 野鸡

adamantly 坚决地

dough cakes 面饼

flapjacks 煎饼

stuffed buns 包子

dumplings 饺子

soup noodles 汤面

noodles mixed with sauce and toppings 酱面条Steamed Lamb 清蒸羊肉

Lamb Simmered in Yellow Sauce 酱焖羊肉

Lamb Tendons 羊肉筋

Donglaishun 东来顺

Hongbinlou 鸿宾楼

Kaorouji 烤肉季

mutton kabobs 羊肉串

ⅧThe Etiquettes of Dining 用餐礼仪etiquettes 礼仪

dining etiquettes 用餐礼仪

head seats 上座

north-south orientation 南北向

east-west seats 东西方位

southern seat 南向坐

oriented and aligned 定向对齐

infelicity 不恰当、不吉利

peaceful expression in the face 面容安详

long sleeves 长袖子

After being seated 落座后

Anton Chekhov 安东·契科夫

tavern owner 酒馆老板

bartenders 调酒师

numerous and tedious 纷繁繁琐

a round of courtliness 一套寒暄

directly facing the entrance door to the room 直面屋门口

maternal grandmother 外祖母

paper-cut artwork 剪纸艺术

drink first to show respect 先干为敬

host and guests 宾客

low alcohol tolerance 低酒量

rice and pasta 米饭面食

soups, alcohol and beverages 汤、酒和饮料

roasted meats 烤肉

seasoning 调料

vinegar, soy sauce, scallion and garlic醋、酱油、葱和蒜

hot entrees 主菜

diner’s appearance 食相

stand properly, sit properly and eat properly 站有站相、坐有坐相、吃有吃相respecting the senior and cherishing children 尊老爱幼

courtliness 礼让、恭谦

talk cheerfully and humorously 谈笑风生

taciturn 沉默寡言

pockmarks 麻子

devour ravenously 贪婪吞食

slurp 啧啧声

sloppy 草率的,粗心的

tedious 乏味

restrict freedom 限制自由

uncivilized acts 不文明行为

ⅨThe Art of Tea 茶艺

firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea 柴米油盐酱醋茶

vitamins 维生素

theine 咖啡碱

fluorides 氟化物

improve vision, clear the mind 清脑醒目

benefit diuretic functions 利尿

prolong life 延年益寿

benefit health 有益健康

southwest 西南

the sub-tropical mountainous area 亚热带山区

wild tea trees 野生茶树

relieve drowsiness 缓解瞌睡

meditating 沉思的、冥想的

help with digestion 帮助消化

highly noble imperial families 尊贵的皇室家庭

labor workers 劳动

Improvements in quality of the tealeaves 茶叶质量的改进the promotion of the art of tea-drinking 饮茶艺术的推广East India Company 东印度公司

Sino-British trade deficits 中英贸易赤字

Opium Wars 鸦片战争

nomadic nationalities 游牧民族

plucked 采摘

green tea 绿茶

red (black) tea 红茶

oolong tea 乌龙茶

meticulous picking methods 细致的采摘过程

exquisite treatment process 精致的加工程序

crucial link 重要的联系

fresh tea buds 新茶芽

Through dry heating or steaming 经过热烘和蒸烘twiddled into 捻成

verdurous 碧绿的、葱绿的

West Lake Longjing 西湖龙井

Longting Lake Biluochun 龙庭胡碧螺春

Mount Huang Maofeng 黄山毛峰茶

Mengding Ganlu 蒙顶甘露

Mount Lu Yunwu Tea 庐山云雾茶

Xinyang Maojian 信阳毛尖

Liu’an Guapian 六安瓜片

dark reddish tint 暗红色调

flower fragrance 花香

ripe fruit fragrance 果香

malt sugar fragrance 麦芽香

red tea 红茶

withering 枯萎的

kneaded, fermented, dried 捏合、发酵、干烘

chemical reactions 化学反应

Qimen Red (black) Tea 祁门红茶

Ninghong Gongfu Tea 宁波功夫茶

Fujian Minhong 福建闽红

oolong tea 乌龙茶

unique Chinese specialty 独特的中国特色

Tie Guanyin (literally the Iron Bodhisattva) 铁观音

sweetness and fragrance 香甜芳香

huacha (flower tea) 花茶

Pu’er 普洱

frolic 欢乐、嬉戏嬉闹

individual’s personality 个人性格

level of self-cultivation 修养水平

plucking of 采摘

Qingming Festival 清明节

light jade green 浅绿翡翠色

acerbity 酸涩,刻薄

the Guyu solar term 谷雨节气

moistening of crops 滋润谷物

pre-rain tea 雨前茶

pre-ming tea 明前茶

compressed tea 压缩茶叶

Chrysanthemum tea 菊花茶

discern 辨别

Lu Yu (733–804 A.D.) 陆羽

Cha Jing 《茶经》

ming zhan literally meaning ―tea war.‖ 明战

prevailing trend 流行趋势

From kings, generals and prime ministers to the common folks 从帝王将相到平民百姓

duke 王爷、公爵

fragrance and smoothness 芳香、光滑

black porcelain teacups 黑瓷茶杯

blue porcelain 蓝瓷

sense of touch, sight, smell and taste 触觉、视觉、嗅觉和味觉

a profound impact 深远的影响

the development of Chinese tea culture 中国茶文化的发展

sampling, evaluation and inspection 取样、评估和检验

the water quality, temperature, quantity and the type of tea 水质、水温、水量和茶的种类

be taken into account 考虑到

fresh soft water 纯净软水

100 degrees Celsius 100摄氏度

tea ware 茶具

zisha (literally ―purple sand‖) earthenware pots 紫砂壶

the best utensil 最好的器具

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