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高中英语导学案与练习Unit 3 A healthy life语言应用 话题语言应用——健康生活

高中英语导学案与练习Unit 3 A healthy life语言应用 话题语言应用——健康生活
高中英语导学案与练习Unit 3 A healthy life语言应用 话题语言应用——健康生活






Don’t .../ Do...

You should (not)....

Don’t forget to ... 不要忘记要......

It would be a good idea to ... 做......是个好主意。

You don’t have to... 你不需要.......

It’s OK/ all right to... 做......可以。

It’s not a good idea to... 做......不是好主意。

Mind your head/ step! 小心别碰着头/ 小心脚下!

Is it OK if I ...? 如果我做......可以吗?

I wonder if I could smoke here. 我可以在这里吸烟吗?

Would/ Do you mind if I ...? 如果我做......你介意吗?



cigarette smoking 吸烟 drinking alcohol 饮酒drug abuse 吸毒、滥用药物diet 节食,保健食谱physical fitness 健美sexual health 性健康

stress 压力 anxiety 焦虑obesity 过胖

cancer 癌症AIDS and infections 艾滋病与感染

withdrawal 戒毒,断瘾abortion 流产needle 针(头)

pill 药片(丸)immune system 免疫系统mental 精神的

pregnant 怀孕的abnormal 畸形的breathless 气喘吁吁的bad-tempered 脾气暴躁的

2. 戒烟的建议Suggestions to quit smoking:

prepare yourself 做好准备be determined 下定决心

break the habit 破除旧习relax 放松

get help if you need it 需要时寻求帮助keep trying 坚持尝试

Don’t keep cigarettes in your pocket, at home or in the office.


3. 吸烟的害处The harmful effects of smoking:

1)cause terrible damage to your heart and lungs 损害心肺

2)have difficulties in becoming pregnant 不孕

3)affect the health of non-smokers/ their babies 影响不吸烟的人/ 婴儿的健康

4)smell terrible 气味难闻

5)have the ends of the fingers turn yellow 手指发黄

6)b e unable to run fast…不能快跑

7)not enjoy sport 不愿运动

4. 烟瘾的不同表现Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes:

1)become physically addicted to nicotine对尼古丁身体依赖

(your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it 身体习惯了体内的尼古丁)

2)become addicted through habit 因习惯而上瘾

3)become mentally addicted 心理上瘾

5. 有关健康生活的表达:

a balanced diet 平衡饮食

fresh fruit and vegetables 新鲜水果蔬菜edible fungus 可食用菌类mushroom 蘑菇protein 蛋白质calcium 钙

carbohydrate 碳水化合物vitamins 维生素fibre 纤维

mineral 矿物质

proper activities 合理的活动quit smoking/alcohol 戒烟/酒

keep a good mind 保持好的心态


6. 如何过“慢生活”?


【高清课堂:Unit 3语言应用 II. How to live a slowly life】

Here are the 10 tips to a balanced life for greater enjoyment, better health and more peace of mind:

1. Be an early riser

Getting up early every morning allow s you to avoid all the rush to get things done. You can profitably(有益的) use the time to organize the day ahead of you so that you go through the day smoothly and calmly.

2. Meditation(冥想)

Yoga or Tai Chi is a form of meditation in motion. To reap (收获) the benefits, concentrate your mind and soul on the movements. At the end of the session, you will feel calm and relaxed and it set the pace for the rest of the day.

3. Eat slowly

Get away from your work and go out to take your meals. Sit down to eat and chew and savor(品尝) each mouthful. When you eat in a hurry you could be overeating. It takes time for the brain to signal you that you are full.

4. Sleep

You don’t sacrifice sleep to do more. You are burning a candle at both ends. Sufficient sleep is essential to recharge your battery and restore your energy. When you get up the next day you are fresh and you can live the day fully and energetically.

5. Take frequent breaks

Have a break when you feel tired. Get up to stretch your body and walk about or enjoy a tea break in the afternoon. You will work better that way.

6. Go back to nature

This is a way to help you slow down. To enjoy nature you have to be patient. Go to the beach, look at the sea and listen to the waves. Visit the countryside, look at the greenery and listen to the birds chirping(虫鸣声) on the trees. Admire the blooming flowers in your garden and study the snail crawling on the ground. These are some of the delightful things that you can do to take it easy.

7. One task at a time

When you have too many things in your mind, you are not paying your full attention to the task at hand, and you tend to make mistakes. Write down the things you are thinking about that you have to do later and focus on the current job.

8. Look after your health now before it’s too late

Don’t think that you can work continuously with no concern for your health. I have just heard of a hardworking guy who is forced to take a rest, perhaps, for the rest of his life because he has suffered from a stroke(疾病突然发作) recently. He thinks that a person should be busy all the time and laziness is a waste of time.

9. End the day well

Before you go to sleep make sure that there is nothing to bother you to enjoy a good night’s sleep. You have already taken care of any outstanding issues by putting them in the to-do list for the following day. Instead of watching your favorite TV you go to bed early with peace of mind and you will be an early riser the next day.

10. Quality instead of quantity

Don’t rush and create tension just to do more. A hurried life is damaging to your health and well-being(幸福).Learn from nature and appreciate yourself. The sun rises and the sun sets. There is a time for everything in life and when you are doing it, be mindful(留意) about it, appreciate it, enjoy it and be happy.

7. 有用的句子----- 试试你会了吗?

1) 你认为与年轻人关系最大的健康问题是什么?

What ______________ do you think __________ young people the most?

2) 记住:一个真正健康的人是身心都健康的人。

Remember, a _____________ person is someone who is healthy ________________.

3) 我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活。

I think my long and active life must _____________________________.

4) 你妈妈告诉我,你不久前开始吸烟了,而且你发现目前很难把它戒掉。

Your mother tells me that you ________________ and you are finding ______________.

5) 你知道,青少年时期我也吸过烟,并且对香烟上了瘾。
