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当前位置:文档库 › 考补习学校2018届高三上学期第二次月考英语试题(附答案)







1.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.In a pub

B. In a restaurant

C. In a coffee shop

2.Why does NOT the man ask his neighbor for help?

A. His neighbor is not at home

B. They quarreled before

C.They barely know each other

3. What does the woman mean?

A. The man should mix alcohol with water

B. The man should drink water only

C. She doesn’t lik e the taste of cola

4. Why does the woman refuse the man’s invitation?

A. She has watched the movie before

B. She has to take care of her cats

C. She is very tired

5.How much should the man pay?

A. $4.5

B. $5.5

C. $6.5



6. What is the man going to do ?

A. Do some cleaning

B. Take a shower

C. Work out in a gym

7. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Classmates

B. Neighbors

C. Colleagues


8. What’s wrong with the woman’s TV set?

A. It has no sound

B. It smokes

C. It has no image

9. What does the woman think of the Batman film?

A. Cool

B. Frightening

C. Boring


10. Which ingredient is NOT mentioned in the dialogue?

A. Butter

B. Egg

C. Milk

11. Who is MR. Brown ?

A. A baker

B. A restaurant owner

C. A shopkeeper

12. What can we get about Mr. brown’s wife ?

A. She divorced Mr. Brown

B. She died

C. She is badly ill


13. Who had won the cooking contest champion once?

A. The woman’s grandma

B. The man’s dad

C. The woman’s sister

14. What happens to the man when he goes fishing?

A. He catches a lot of fish

B. He becomes ill

C. He easily gets lost in the sea

15. What did the woman cook for the cooking contest?

A. A lemon cake

B. A cherry pie

C. A chocolate pancake

16. What will the man do this weekend?

A. Have lunch with the woman

B. Going fishing

C. Attend a meeting


17. What do we know about Sonora Smart Dodd?

A. She had no siblings

B. Her father was once a soldier

C. She brought the idea of Fath er’s Day in 1930

18. What is the official flower of Father’s Day ?

A. Tulip

B. Lily

C. Rose

19. When is Father’s Day in Finland?

A. In June

B. In September

C. In November

20. How do Germans celebrate Father‘s Day ?

A. By drinking beer and eating local food

B. By buying their dads expensive presents

C. By taking their dads out for a trip




Golden Gate Bridge

Located in San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge started in the year 1933 to connect the San Francisco Peninsula with Marin County. It was finally thrown open to public traffic in 1937.It cost $25.7 million in the construction. Till the year 1957,the Golden Gate Bridge, at a length of 2,737 meters, was the longest suspension bridge in the world.

Brooklyn Bridge

The Brooklyn Bridge is located in Brooklyn. It is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States, having been opened in the year 1883.The length of the bridge is 1,843 meters. The bridge has been featured in several Hollywood movies.

George Washington Bridge

Also known as the Hudson River Bridge and the Columbus Bridge, the George Washington Bridge which connects Fort Lee to Manhattan came into use in 1931 after a construction period of almost 4 years. It is a two level suspension bridge that cost about $52 million to build. Mackinac Bridge

This is the third biggest suspension bridge in the world at a length of 8,038 meters. The architect

of this bridge was Dr. David B. Steinman who directed the construction of the bridge which started in the year 1054 and opened to the public in 1958.People using this bridge are charged a certain amount of money.

Navajo Bridge

Located in Arizona, this bridge crosses the Colorado River and is almost 250 meters long. The construction of this bridge started in the year 1927,ending two years later, costing $390,000.In the 1990s a second bridge was built which was opened to the public in 1994.The first bridge is now used only by pedestrians.

21. What do we know about the Golden Gate Bridge?

A. It consists of two bridges.

B. It costs the least of the five bridges.

C. It is the longest suspension bridge in the world.

D. It takes about 4 years to complete the construction.

22. Which of the following bridges was built the earliest?

A. Golden Gate Bridge.

B. Brooklyn Bridge.

C. George Washington Bridge.

D. Navajo Bridge.

23. What will you do if you drive across Mackinac Bridge?

A. Have to pay some money.

B. Use the second bridge.

C. Cover nearly 250 meters.

D. See the statue of Dr.David B. Steinman.


In our everyday lives we meet situations in which we take many things for granted(不去重视).We only treasure things when they are gone. This is a sad truth of human nature. One day, I found myself as a witness to a similar situation.

One evening, I left work and boarded the train. After entering, I noticed something unusual. The center of the car had a few empty seats while both ends were crowded with people standing. I didn't pay much attention and sat down on one of the empty seats .I sensed a funny smell. It wasn't long before I noticed a homeless person sleeping on three seats in front of me. He was bleeding

from his nose. Why wasn't anyone helping him?

His clothes were torn and he was giving off a strange smell. Along with the smell, his eyes were dull, watery and red. Occasionally he scratched himself and people looked at him as if he had committed a crime. As the train stopped at stations and more people came in they covered their noses and faced away from him. All the seats around him were empty.

Suddenly, he began to swear at the people around him. A plain clothes policeman who looked like a construction worker took out his certificate and showed it to the homeless man. The officer, not wanting to touch the homeless man, told him his rights and directed him to exit the train. As the officer walked the man out of the train, the homeless man turned around and said "MY HOME!" and started crying.

A man doesn't value things until they are gone. If he didn't have a home, at least he had freedom. Now he has neither. No one wants to help someone who won't help himself.

24. When entering the car, how did the author feel at first?

A. Annoyed.

B. Puzzled.

C. Sad.

D. Calm.

25. How did people react to the homeless man?

A. They caught him and called the police.

B. They covered him with clean clothes.

C. They disliked and avoided him.

D. They stared at him curiously.

26. It can be learned that the policeman .

A. was very rude to the man

B. sent the man back to his hometown

C. forced the man to leave the city

D. went off the train with the man

27. What does the author think of the homeless man?

A. He is a loser of life.

B. He is worth our respect.

C. He is very funny.

D. He is a fearless fighter.


Social networks are a big part of nearly every teenager's life in this day and age. Many teens have

QQ, WeChat, or Weibo but little do a lot of teens know that they can be held responsible for everything they post for the rest of their lives .Everything you post online is part of a digital footprint that can always be traced(追踪)back to you. That includes every post, even like, comment favorite and forward that you have ever committed. All pictures you've posted or will post have been stored in a digital database, and it is the companies' right to keep all of these documents that you believe to have been deleted or hidden.

With every post comes a consequence; whether it is good or bad, what you post could be seen by anyone. That is why you have to be very careful of what you decide to post or comment.

If you think you are safe from Servite finding out about one funny comment you made six months ago on a meaningless picture, you are probably wrong. Recently,a senior,Aaron, at Servite learned this lesson the hard way this year. He wrote a series of ugly comments towards Connelly girls on a web page, ignoring potential consequences.

This student, however, did have to face consequences from Servite as he was removed from all of his leadership roles in the school. Surprisingly enough, he fully agreed with his punishment handed down by the administration and fully understood why he was given such severe discipline (惩处)."When you agree to come to Servite, you are agreeing to defend what Servite stands for,"the young man said."That continues past the hours of 8 am and 2 pm.It's at all times."

So, next time you're about to post something you think could be received as offensive orinappropriate, think twice,think again ,and don't press send.

28. What does the author think the teens should do in the first paragraph?

A. Avoid using social media.

B. Remove their own digital documents.

C. Be responsible for what they put online.

D. Learn to balance their online and offline time.

29. What mistake did Aaron make online?

A. Drawing some meaningless pictures.

B. Making some bad comments.

C. Failing to take his lesson.

D. Breaking down a special web page.


江西省瑞昌一中届高三上学期第一次月考 高三物理 年9月 一、本题共12小题;每小题4分,共48分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的小题只有一个选项正确,有的小题有多个选项正确.全部选对的得4分,选不全的得2分,有选错或不答的得0分. 1、在下列4个核反应方程中,x 表示质子的是( ) A 、 B 、 C 、 D 、 2、如图所示的方法可以测出一个人的反应时间,设直尺从开始自由下落,到直 尺被受测者抓住,直尺下落的距离h ,受测者的反应时间为t ,则( ) A 、∝h B 、t ∝ C 、t ∝ D 、t ∝h 2 3、已知某玻璃对蓝光的折射率比对红光的折射率大,则两种光( ) A 、在该玻璃中传播时,蓝光的速度较大 B 、从该玻璃中射入空气发生反射时,红光临界角较大 C 、以相同入射角从空气斜射入该玻璃,蓝光折射角较大 D 、用同一装置进行双缝干涉实验,蓝光的相邻条纹间距较大 4、 如图,电灯悬挂于两墙壁之间,更换水平绳oA 使连接点A 向 上移动而保持0点的位置不变,则在A 点向上移动的过程中( ) A 、绳OB 的拉力逐渐增大 B 、绳OB 的拉力逐渐减小 C 、绳0A 的拉力先增大后减小 D 、绳0A 的拉力先减小后增大 5、如图,是一质点从位移原点出发的v -t 图象,则正确的是( ) A 、1s 末质点离开原点最远;B 、2s 末质点回到原点; C 、3s 末质点离开原点最远;D 、4s 末质点回到原点。 6、如图所示,用力F 把铁块压紧在竖直墙上不动,那么,当F 增大时(设铁块对 墙的压力为F N ,物体受墙的摩擦力为F 静,下列说法正确的是 ( ) A 、F N 增大,F 静不变 B 、F N 增大,F 静增大 C 、F N 变小,F 静不变 D 、关于F N 和F 静的变化,以上说法都不对 30 301514 P Si+x → 23823492 92 U Th+x → 27 1 2713012 Al+n Mg+x → 27 4 3013215 Al+He P+x → t h 1h


2012届高三上学期第三次月考 数学(文)试题 本试卷共21小题,满分150分.考试用时120分钟. 参考公式:锥体体积公式V= 1 3 Sh,其中S 为锥体的底面积,h 为锥体的高。 一、选择题:(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,满分50分) 1.已知x ∈R ,i 为虚数单位,若(1-2i )(x+i )=4-3i ,则x 的值等于( ) A. -6 B. -2 C. 2 D. 6 2.已知全集U=R,集合P={x ︱log 2x ≥1},那么 A.}20|{<x x D. }2|{≤x x 3.四边形ABCD 中,=,且?=0,则四边ABCD 是 ( ) A. 矩形 B. 菱形 C. 直角梯形 D. 等腰梯形 4.不等式2x 2 -x-1<0成立的一个必要不充分条件是( ) A. 1(,1)2- B. 1 (,)(1,)2 -∞-?+∞ C.(1,+) D.(-1,1) 5.已知角θ的始边与x 轴的正半轴重合,终边在直线2y x =上,则cos 2θ=( ) A . 45- B .35- C . 35 D .45 6.已知函数x x x f 3)(3 -=,直线方程为16y ax =+,与曲线)(x f y =相切,则实数 的值是 ( ) A .3- B .3 C .6 D .9 7.若43<


2017-1018学年度六年级下册英语周考 测试卷(3.24) 一.按要求写单词(10*1) 1. Big (比较级)_______________ 2. 2. foot (复数)_____________ 3. Heavier(原级) ______________ 4. 4. funny (比较级)___________ 5. Thin (最高级)___________ 6. 6. clean (过去式)____________ 7. Sleep (过去式)____________ 8. stayed (原形)____________ 9.Wash (过去式)_____________ 10. break (过去式)_____________ 二.英汉互译(10*1) 1. 多高wash my clothes 2. 多重children’s show 2. 多大Drink tea 3. 多大尺码Taller than me 4. 看电视stay at home 5. 上周末 6. 感冒 三.用所给词的适当形式填空(10*1) 1. John _________(be) taller than you. 2. The book is _____(heavy) than yours. 3. What size ______(be) your shoes? 4. How ________(tall) are you ? 5. I am the ______(thin) one in our class. 6. I ________(read ) a book yesterday. 7. He _______(watch) TV last week . 8. ________(do) you play football last Monday? 9. I ________(see) a film last Sunday. 10. What _________(do) Mike do last week? 四.单项选择(10*2) ()1.You are___than Li Lei, she is only 1.5 meters. A. Heavier B. taller C. tall ( ) 2.Tom is __________-than Li Ming. A. taller 4 cm B. 4 cm taller C. 4 taller cm ()3.What size _______ your feet? A. Am B. is C. are ( )4.You are __than me, but my hands are smaller than __ A.Thin, you B.thinner, yours C. thinner, your ( ) 5.----How ____are you ? -----I am 1.6 meters. A. Tall B. taller C. tallest ( ) 6.Who is _____, Zhang Peng or Mike? A. Short B.shorter C. shortest ( ) 7.What ____you ___last Sunday? A. Do, did B. did, do C. do , do ( ) 8.Tom _____his clothes and watched TV yesterday. A. Wash B. washed C. washes ( ) 9._____you ______basketball on Sunday morning? A. Did,play B. did played C. do ,played ( ) 10._____was your weekend? 学校班级姓名考号________________ ……………………..…….密………………封………………线………………内……………………不…………………要………..…..……答…………………题…………………….……


英语学习讲义高三年级十二月份月考英语学科答案(历届) 一:听力1-5、6-10、11-15、16-20 二:阅读理解21-23 ACB 24-27 CABD 28--31 CCAD 32---35 ACBA 36--40 FABCG 三:完型填空41--45 CADAB 46--50 CBADC 51--55ABDBC 56--60 BDCDA 四:语篇填空 61 freshly 62 it 63 in 64 when 65 is breathed 66 using 67that 68 a 69 as 70 smellier 五:基础知识测试 71. owed 72. briefly 73. respect 74. attached 75. deserved 76. defence 77. relieved 78. accused 79. glared 80. pretended 短文改错 1 which 改为where 2 their basic 改为them 3 but 改为and 4 decided to work 5 allow 加ed 6 write a positive 7 gradually 8 congratulate on 中on 删除9 much 改为more 10 subjects 书面表达: Dear Jamie, I am more than glad to know that you are interested in the traditional Chinese literature. It’s never easy to learn Chinese characters and essays. Even native Chinese speakers may find it hard to learn them well, so you don’t have to feel upset. Here are some useful tips. First, turn to the Internet for help when you have a problem, where you can learn how to read and write the characters. Second, you can learn from Chinese people around and I’m always here to help. But the most important is to keep on learning and reading. You are sure to make progress! Best wishes!


西华一高高一年级上学期周考 英语试题 第一部分: 听力(1—20题)(略) 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A From family-friendly beach holidays to city breaks, you won’t need to break the bank on these trips this summer. Tenerife, Canary Islands What to do.You won’t be stuck trying to find activities that the whole family can enjoy in Tenerife. Parents can enjoy themselves as kids make the most of the sandy beaches and blue waters —everybody is happy. Where to stay. The four-star, all-inclusive Fanabe Costa Sur Hotel is a short walk from Playa del Duqe and Playa Fanabe. Its central location means it’s conveniently right by the area’s bars, shops and restaurants. Cyprus What to do: Whether you like to go out and explore local cultures or prefer to sit on a beach with a good book, Cyprus serves a wide range of holiday types. There are famous historic sites —such as UNESCO World Heritage Site “The Tomb of Kings” as well as mountains that are ideal for picturesque beaches, with many hotels offering water sports and other fun activities. Where to stay: The five-star Great Beach Hotel overlooks the Mediterranean sea, and is just a few minutes’ walk from the town. Goa, India What to do.Looking to venture somewhere a bit different this summer? Goa has everything you could want for an unforgettable


四川省绵阳第一中学2017届高三英语12月月考试题(无答案) 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9,I5. 答案是C。 1. What is the man planning to do? A. Make some cheese. B. Go on a trip. C. Find a job in Paris. 2. What is the time now? A. 8 o’clock B. 10 o’clock. C. 12 o’clock. 3. What are the speakers talking about? A. A local artist. B. The man’s salary. C. An apartment to let. 4. How does Dr. Heath spend most of his time? A. Giving lectures. B. Conducting research. C. Doing office work, 5. Why does Elaine call Peter? A. To borrow his notes. B. To explain her absence. C. To discuss the presentation.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位罝。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is Julia doing? A. Asking about her order. B. Reporting a computer problem. C. Confirming a visit to a company. 7. When will the chairs arrive today?


浙江省高三上学期11月月考数学试题 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、填空题 (共14题;共15分) 1. (1分) (2020高一上·上海月考) 满足的集合有________个 2. (1分) (2017高一上·西城期中) 已知幂函数的图象过点,则 ________. 3. (1分) (2017高二下·淮安期末) 若函数的最小正周期为,则正数k=________. 4. (1分)若sinθcosθ>0,则θ在第1 象限. 5. (1分) (2020·枣庄模拟) 已知是的外心,且,,,若 ,则 ________. 6. (1分) (2018高三上·连云港期中) 若tanα= ,且角α的终边经过点 P(x , 1),则 x=________ 7. (1分) (2016高三上·苏州期中) 曲线y=x﹣cosx在点(,)处的切线的斜率为________. 8. (1分) (2019高二上·德惠期中) 函数在处的切线方程是,则 ________. 9. (1分)已知点A(﹣1,1)、B(1,2)、C(﹣2,1)、D(3,4),则向量在方向上的投影为________ . 10. (1分)设f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,且当x>0时,f(x)=x2﹣3,则f(﹣2)=________ 11. (2分) (2020高二上·洛阳月考) 在中,角,,所对的边分别为,,,如果,,面积为,那么 ________. 12. (1分) (2017高二下·太原期中) 若函数f(x)=x3+(k﹣1)x2+(k+5)x﹣1在区间(0,2)上不单调,则实数k的取值范围为________. 13. (1分) (2018高二下·深圳月考) 已知函数在上单调递增,则实数的最大值是________.


高三上学期数学第一次月考试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共10题;共20分) 1. (2分) (2016高二下·南城期中) 已知集合A={x|x2﹣3x<0},B={1,a},且A∩B有4个子集,则实数a的取值范围是() A . (0,3) B . (0,1)∪(1,3) C . (0,1) D . (﹣∞,1)∪(3,+∞) 2. (2分) (2018高一上·桂林期中) 已知,则() A . B . C . D . 3. (2分)(2017·南昌模拟) 若复数z满足z(1﹣i)=|1﹣i|+i,则z的实部为() A . B . ﹣1 C . 1 D .

4. (2分) (2019高一下·上饶月考) 对函数的表述错误的是 A . 最小正周期为 B . 函数向左平移个单位可得到 C . 在区间上递增 D . 点是的一个对称中心 5. (2分) (2018高一上·宝坻月考) 已知函数在上单调递增,则() A . B . C . D . 6. (2分)若函数f(x)在x=x0处有定义,则“f(x)在x=x0处取得极值”是“f'(x0)=0”的() A . 充分不必要条件 B . 必要不充分条件 C . 充要条件 D . 既不充分也不必要条件 7. (2分) (2019高一下·淮安期末) 三条线段的长分别为5,6,8,则用这三条线段() A . 能组成直角三角形 B . 能组成锐角三角形 C . 能组成钝角三角形 D . 不能组成三角形

8. (2分)已知,则f(1)+f(2)+…+f(2011)+f(2012)=() A . 0 B . C . 1 D . 2 9. (2分)(2018·河北模拟) 设,满足约束条件,则的取值范围为() A . B . C . D . 10. (2分) (2018高三上·永春期中) 设函数是奇函数的导函数,,当时, 则使得成立的的取值范围是 A . B . C . D . 二、填空题 (共7题;共7分) 11. (1分) (2019高二上·龙潭期中) 已知椭圆的左、右焦点分别为,点在椭圆上,


高三英语周考试卷 一:听力(略) 二:单项选择: 21.My father has _____large collection of ______musical instruments . A. the ; the B. a ; the C. the; / D a ; / 22. ______everyone would like to find an apartment near the university ,there are very few vacant apartments in the area . A. Since B. When C. After D. Until 23. Although zorbing(悠波球) was invented in 2000,it has only recently begun to _______. A. get off B. set off C. jump off D.take off 24. He is really ____whom we can admire for his courage . A. somebody B. anybody C. something D. everybody 25. -----I’d like to see the latest movie very much ,but I have no money on me . ----That’s OK .This is my _______. A.offer B. turn C. service D. treat 26.Guangzhou Karaoke businesses are reported ____a 12-yuan royalty fee for each Karaoke room ,a charge set by the china Audio and Video Association . A. to refuse B. refusing C. to have refused D.having refused 27.----I’ll come to pick you at 11:30 tomorrow . ----But by then my class will have been over and I______my lunch at home A. am to have B. will have C. will be having D. will have had 28.---Can you answer the question for me , Mr Smith ? ---Oh, ______! A.you’ve got it B. help yourself C. you’ve got me there D. you made it 29. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from _____ effects the people are still suffering. A. that B. whose C. those D. what 30. I’ve tried several times, but the car just _______. A. doesn’t st art B. wouldn’t start C. won’t start D. didn’t start 31. Please tell me _____ you would like to have your coffee ―black or white? A. what B. where C. when D. how 32. People like beautiful things, but the beautiful________ not always the useful. A. is B. are C. was D. were 33. ―How often do you refer to the dictionary when you are reading an English novel? ―Well, ________. I will look up the word if it affects my understanding. A. never B. very often C. it depends D. if possible 34. ―Could you _______ take care of my dog while I’m away? ―Sure. Leav e it to me, please. A. perhaps B. possibly C. maybe D. probably 35.―Have you worked out when the final payment is _______?


哈师大青冈实验中学2019届高三12月份考试 英语试题 第一部分:阅读理解 第一节:每小题2分,满分30分 A Sydney Cultural Festival – What's on today! European Art Show Location: Art Gallery of New South Wales. Today is the final day of the exhibition featuring 18th and 19th century paintings by some of the greatest European artists, such as Van Gough and Monet. Posters of these great works are available for purchase at the Visitors' Centre. Time: 8:30 am –7 pm Cost: $12 adults; $7 children and students Nature Walks Location: Sydney's Royal Botanic Garden. Come and celebrate our natural environment in one of the world's only nature parks inside a major city. Join our hourly guided tours, starting at the Eastern Gate, and enjoy breathtaking forests, stunning city escapes and the magnificent Sydney Harbour. Time: 9 am – 4 pm Cost: Free Sydney Symphony Orchestra Concert Location: Sydney Opera House. Australia's most famous orchestra is best known for its


柘皋中学届高三第一次月考数学(理)试卷 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每个小题给出的四个选项中, 有且只有一项符合题目要求. ) 1、已知集合A ={x |x <1},B ={x |31x <},则()A C R B ?=( ) A .} { 0x x < B .} { 01x x << C .} { 01x x ≤< D .? 2、设集合{}1,2,4A =,{} 240x x x m B =-+=。若{}1A B =,则B =( ) A.{}1,3 B.{}1,0 C.{}1,-3 D.{}1,5 3、已知函数1 ()()33 x x f x =-,则()f x (A )是奇函数,且在R 上是增函数 (B )是偶函数,且在R 上是增函数 (C )是奇函数,且在R 上是减函数 (D )是偶函数,且在R 上是减函数 4、设函数的定义域A ,函数的定义域为B ,则A B ?= (A )(1,2) (B ) (C )(-2,1) (D )[-2,1) 5、已知命题p:;命题q :若a >b ,则,下列命题为真命题的是 (A ) ∧p q (B )?∧p q (C ) ?∧p q (D )??∧p q 6、设x ∈R ,则“20x -≥”是“|1|1x -≤”的 (A )充分而不必要条件 (B )必要而不充分条件 (C )充要条件 (D )既不充分也不必要条件 7、设( )()121,1 x f x x x <<=-≥??,若()()1f a f a =+,则 1f a ?? = ??? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 8、有5支彩笔(除颜色外无差别),颜色分别为红、黄、蓝、绿、紫.从这5支彩笔中任取2支不同颜色的彩笔,则取出的2支彩笔中含有红色彩笔的概率为 y=ln(1-x)??(1,2()x x ?+>0,ln 1>0a b 22>


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 八年英语周考测试题 班级姓名得分 一.选择题20’ ( )1. --Where ______ you ______ on vacation? -- I went to New York City. A. did, go B. are, going C. will, go D. do, you ( )2. What a _______ a day makes! A. difference B. differences C. different D. relaxing ( )3.-- What did you do last vacation? -- I ______ at home. A. stay B. will stay C. staied D. stayed ( )4.The boy is ______ to carry the box. A.enough strong B.enough strongly C.strong enough D.strongly enough ( )5.. _____ the bad weather, we could n’t see anything below. A. Because B. Because of C. So D. Though ( )6. I felt like ______ in the sky like a bird. A.fly B.flew C.am flying D.flying ( )7. What did you do? I stayed at home most of the time _____ read. A to B of C with D for ( )8. I ______ at school now,but I ______ at home an hour ago. A.am;am B.was;was C.am;were D.am;was ( )9. -- Did you buy _______? -- No, I bought nothing. A. something special B. anything special C. special something D. special anything ( )10.I really enjoyed ______ around the town. A. to walk B. walked C. walking D. walk ( )11.. It was ____ beautiful ____ we forgot the last five hours. A. so… that B. too… to C. such… that D. to… that ( )12. I didn’t really see _____ I liked. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing ( )13. Can / Could / Would you give me ______ milk ? A. anything B. some C. any D. something ( )14. --_____ did / do you _____ it? -- I like / liked it very much. A. What, like B. How, feel C. How, think of D. What, think of ( )15. He seemed _____ the bad news. He looked sad. A know B knew C knows D to kn ow ( )16. Our vacation was _______. A. excite B. exciting C. excited D. excitement ( )17. I wonder what life _____ like here in the past. A. are B. be C. was D. is ( )18. We felt / were _______ in that book. A. bored B. exciting C. interested D. relaxed ( )19.Everyone _____ here now, and we can begin our class. A am B is C are D was ( )20.It was my first time _____ to this park. It was really fun. A went B go C to go D to went Ⅱ. 汉译英20’ 1. I wonder what life was here ____________________. (在过去) 2. 我们班每个人都带了一个装有一些食物和水的包。 _____ in our class took a bag _____ some food and water 3. We didn’t go to the beach ________________ the rain. (因为) 4. We saw a lot of Malaysian flowers ________________. (沿路) 5.我的腿如此劳累,以至于我想停下来。 My legs were _____tired ____I wanted to stop. 6. --Hi, Mike. __________________________. --I was on vacation. (好久不见) 7. We bought _____________________ in the shopping center. (相当多的东西) 8. I just _________________ and did my home work. (呆在家里) 9. --Did everyone ________________________? --Oh, yes. Everything was excellent. (过得愉快) 10. Everyone jumped _________________________in excitement. (跳起来/ 欢呼雀跃) 11. –Did you go shopping? --_____________! I bought something for my parents. (当然) 12. I went to a friend’s farm ___________________________ with my family. (在农村/ 在 乡下) 13. 我给我父母买了一些东西,但自己没买什么。 I______ _______ for my parents, _______ ________for myself 14. The only problem is that there was _____________________ to do in the evening. (没 什么事) 15. He ____________________ every day. (写日记)

高三上学期12月月考英语试题 (2)

高三上期12月月考英语试题 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分。考试用时l20分钟。 第I卷(三部分共115分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题l.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有l0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What are they doing? A. Shopping. B. Telephoning. C. Having a meeting. 2. How much time is given to complete the test? 3. Where is the conversation most probably taking place? A. At a car dealer's. B. At a newspaper office. C. At a publishing house. 4. What problem has the man got? A. He doesn't know how to use the machine. B. He can't find a place to get a drink. C. He has no money to buy a drink. 5. What do we learn from this conversation? A. The man goes to a wrong check-in counter. B. The man has just missed his flight. C. The plane's departure time remains unknown. 第二节(共12小题;每小题l.5分,满分l8分) 听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 请听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. How does the woman learn to speak English so well? A. She has many English friends. B. She was once in the Language College. C. She listens to English programs everyday. 7. How long has the woman learned English? A. Three days. B. Three months. C. Three years. 请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. When was Flight 962 originally due to arrive? A. 9:35. B. 10:05. C. 10:35. 9. Why was the flight delayed? A. It had to make a stop in Chicago. B. The plane had engine trouble. C. The weather in Chicago was bad. 10. Why was the man's wife in Boston? A. There was something wrong with the plane. B. The dialogue does not tell us. C. She went home for a visit.


一、 单选题 (共 10 题;共 20 分)
1. (2 分) (2017·宁波模拟) 已知全集 U=A∪B={x∈Z|0≤x≤6},A∩(?UB)={1,3,5},则 B=( )
A . {2,4,6}
B . {1,3,5}
C . {0,2,4,6}
D . {x∈Z|0≤x≤6}
2. (2 分) (2019 高二上·哈尔滨期末) 已知命题 :
,则( )
3. (2 分) (2019·安徽模拟) 若函数 A.2
的最大值为 ,则
B. C.3
D. 4. (2 分) (2019·新宁模拟) 已知角 a 的终边经过点 P(-3,-4),则下列结论中正确的是( )
A . tana=-
第 1 页 共 12 页

B . sina=-
C . cosa=-
D . tana=
5. (2 分) (2018 高三上·云南月考) 已知正三角形 ABC 的边长为 的最小值为
,重心为 G,P 是线段 AC 上一点,则
A. B . -2
C. D . -1
6. (2 分) (2019·新乡模拟) 设
围为( )
,满足关于 的方程
表示 , 两者中较大的一个,已知定义在
有 个不同的解,则 的取值范
7.(2 分)(2018·龙泉驿模拟) 将函数
图象 若对满足
的 、 ,有
的图象向右平移 ,则

第 2 页 共 12 页

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