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It is her job to assess her patient‘s health. v.评估

I compute the right figure on a calculator. v.计算,估计

I maintain my figure by eating well and exercising. n.体型,人物,形状,数字,v想出,估计,计算出Only a few columns of the old building are still standing. N.圆柱,支柱,柱子

The movie was based on the legend of King Arthur. N.传说,传奇人物,地图的图例,插图的说明

My dog is smart enough to obey my commands. n.命令,指挥v.命令,指挥,控制,掌握

The dog is obedient, and does whatever the boy wants adj.服从的,顺从的,孝顺的

Obedience is one of the most important qualities in a dog n.服从,顺从

I am prescribing you antibiotics to treat the infection, the doctor said v.命令,开处方

His family ascribed his early death to his smoking habit v.把…归咎于把…归属于

I subscribe to the daily newspaper v.订阅,同意,捐赠

The winning bid in the auction was 5 dollars. v.出价,投标n.投标,努力争取

He compelled me to walk forward—mostly by pulling my tie.v.强迫,迫使屈服

Don‘t intrude! My other boyfriend and I am having a private meeting here. v.强行挤入,侵入,强加于人When I was a child, my mom would dictate what I ate. v.规定,命令,口授,听写

You used your hands,the other side can take a penalty kick. n.刑罚,处罚,惩罚点球

I like my husband to rouse me, first thing in the morning, with a gentle touch v.唤醒,唤起,激起This picture evokes feelings of summer v.引起,唤起,使人想起

You lose again, she said , provoking me to great anger v.激怒,对…挑噱,引起

He arises at 7 AM every morning v.出现,由…引起起床

The four parts merge into one. v.合并,融合,兼并

The plant emerges from out of the road surface. v.出现,浮现,冒出

It is an emergency. Get her to the hospital as soon as possible. N.紧急事件

Submarines submerge beneath the water and disappear v.沉没,淹没,使卷入

The apple fell from my hands and was immersed in water v.沉浸,沉浸于,使陷入

The man‘s clothing was soaked v.浸泡,渗透,吸入,n.浸泡

Sprinklers saturate the grass with water v.使充满,使饱和,使湿透(湿透了,洒满了水)

The weather in Singapore is very humid adj.潮湿的,湿润的,多湿气的

Car accidents can occur very quickly v.发生,想起,出现

The floral pattern recurs at regular intervals v.反复,重视(花卉图案在一定的距离反复出现)

With the advent of the telegraph, communication between countries became faster than ever


Hacking is an illegal activity which must be punished. adj.不合法的,非法的

The legal profession is very well-paid. Adj. 法律的,合法的

The judicial branch of government interprets the laws


Our team felt so much glory after our victory n.光荣,荣誉

We have a responsibility to take care of our parents. n.责任,负担

The little boy responds to the customers. v.回答,响应(接了客人的来电)

I am responsible for the safety of all these planes. adj.有责任的(我对这些飞机的安全负责)

My teacher was impressed with my response to the question. n.作答,回答,相应

I am somewhat bored with this problem. Pron.一点儿,某种程度上adv.有点儿,某种程度上

Smoking can be a deadly habit. Adj.知名的,致死的,十足的,adv 非常的,死一般的

The accident was fatal, nobody survived. Adj.重大的,致命的,(在这场重大的事故中)

The refugees run away from their wartorn country to find a better place to live. N.难民避难者The family finally had an opportunity to buy their own houses.

There is a possibility I‘m right, but then again, I might be wrong.

The boy opposes his father‘s smoking; he is always trying to get his father to stop. V.反对,反抗As a teenager she rebelled against her parents, but now she is fine. V.造反n.造反者,叛逆者

The people couldn‘t take it any more, and revolted to ask for more rights.

V.叛乱,造反,反感. 人民再也人受不了了,都为了争取更多的权利而起身反抗

His strength is considerable, he exercises every day. Adj.相当大的,重要的,可观的

He gave my proposal due consideration. n.考虑,思考,体贴,体谅,顾及.(他适当的考虑了我的建议)

My mother is always considerate of other people‘s feelings. Adj.考虑周到的,体贴的

The runners jump over obstacles. n.障碍,障碍物,妨害

The road was closed by a barrier. n.障碍,屏障,隔阂(这条路设置了路障,被封锁了)

As a CEO, I use a private jet to travel. Adj.私人的,私立的

Passwords are very important for your privacy. n.隐私,秘密

She led a life of privilege; she is always been rich. n.特权,利益,优惠(她过着优越的生活)

The couple is very intimate and close with each other.


If you reveal this confidential information, you will be punished. Adj.私密的,机密的Sometimes a single individual can change everything.


A Swiss Army Knife is an indispensable tool in any situation adj.必需的,必不可少的

Even though she can‘t move her legs, she is still an independent person. Adj.无党派人士,独立自主的Ever since the accident, she is been dependent on me to help her get around.


Babies rely on their parents for food and care. v.依赖,信赖,依靠

Soon she will be able to walk the tightrope by herself, without reliance on her trainer. n.信赖依靠Ice melts and turns into water if it is not enough v.融化,溶化

He is welding together the two pieces of metal. v.焊接,熔接,n.焊接

Please pay me with cash. n.现金v.兑现付现

I am rich…exclaimed the boy after he received his weekly allowance. N.零花钱津贴补贴

The judge is the authority on the meaning of the law. N.权威,当局,权利

This diamond is not fake—I am sure it is authentic. Adj.真实的真正的可靠的

The stamp certifies that the product is genuine and not a fake. Adj.真正的名副其实的真诚的

The kid is a genius;she can do high school math at age eight n.天才,天资,天赋,才华

His teeth fell out a long time age, now all he has are fake teeth.


Maybe in a hundred years there will be artificial life. adj.人造的,假的,非原厂地的(人造生命) The garbage truck is automatic, so you don‘t have to lift the trash can yourself.


I love wearing traditional oriental clothing,kimonos和服are my favorite. a dj.东方的,东方人I used a compass to orient myself at sea n.东方v.定…的方位

The compass helped us keep our orientation in the right direction. n.定位,方向

Humans originated from ape-like creatures. v.发生,起源于,发明(人类起源于猿类生物)

The origin of mankind is still mysterious, but we think our ancestors lived in the trees n.起源,由来,出身

It is hard to derive a solution to this strange problem v.起源,衍生,取得

It is part of my religion to pray five times per day. n.宗教宗教团体,宗教信仰

It was a spiritual experience to watch the sun rise on the mountain. Adj.精神上的,宗教上的(灵性体验)She wore casual clothing,preferring not to dress up for this event .


We suffered one casualty at work today. n.伤亡人员,死伤者,受害人

Our boss is cordial and kind with us. adj.热情友好的,衷心的

Everyone would benefit from more money. n.好处,利益V.有益于,有助于

It would be beneficial for you to go outside every once in a while. adj.有意于…有利的(偶尔出去走走)Profits have increased year on year. n.利润,益处V.得益

The middle object is intermediate in size adj.中间的,居间的,中级的n.中间体,媒介物(中间的物品尺寸居中)I‘d like a medium sized television. adj.中等的,中号的,n媒介,手段

The circle in the middle is of moderate size. adj.适度的,适中的

Help—I‘m lost amid all the colored balls(彩球). Prep.在…中间;被…围绕

Most of the iceberg is beneath the surface. prep.在…下面(大多数冰山是在表面下方)

The man augments his arm strength by exercising every day. v.增长,助长,增强

We had an argument about which movie to watch. n.争论,辩论论据,论点

The question of how should clean the kitchen caused lots of controversy n.争论,辩论

They had a loud argument about the controversial issue .adj.引起争论的,有争议的

They had a dispute over who should do the work.n.争论,争端,V.争执,驳斥

Those two are always in conflict about something or another. n.冲突,矛盾V.冲突矛盾

We had a debate about who was the smartest. v.辩论,争论,议论n.讨论,辩论

When I die, I want my grave to be simple and unmarked. n.坟墓adj。严重的,严肃的,庄重的Things fall down because of gravity. n.重力,引力,严肃

He is very frank about what he wants. and.坦白的,直率的

I forget to bring my glasses, so everything I see is a bit of a blur n.污点,模糊,v.使…模糊,弄脏

The paper is covered with many small dots n.点,圆点,v.在…上打点

The artist made a pattern of blue spots on the white wall. n.斑点,污点V.发现,认出

Your notepad is blank. Write some notes about the meeting. n.空白,空虚,空弹adj.没有写字的,空白的The apartment is vacant, so you can move in any time you want. adj空闲的,闲置的

She is been avoiding my calls all week, I don‘t know why she doesn‘t want to talk.


Do you believe in the existence of dragons? N.存在实在,生存

The nurse will assist you in walking to your car. n.帮助,助攻v.帮助促进

My grandmother is old ,so she needs medical assistance every once in a while .n.协作,援助Please lower the resistance; my muscles are too tired. n.阻力,抵抗,抵制,抵抗力

The internet is basically a network of billions of computers. N.网状物,网络

Both of these children need to be taught better conduct. N.行为v.做,指挥,传到

You behave at school----shouted the angry father. v.举动,运转,举止端正(给我表现好点)

She signed the paper on behalf of her husband n.代表,利益,因为某人

That man is so vain, all he cares about is his appearance adj.徒劳的,虚荣的,自负的

Will that girl ever stop boasting about her expensive clothing v/n.夸耀,吹嘘,自负

Trying to fill a bucket with big holes in it is futile. adj.无意的,无用的(用满是洞的水桶打水是做无用功)After the trial, the judge found the prisoner guilty. N审判,实验adj实验性的(审判后,法官判定囚犯有罪)

I follow a trail through the field n.小径,路径,记号,痕迹,线索v.拽,跟,落后于,追赶

He is trying to trace all his on-line friends n.痕迹,v.追溯,查考

The two rivals compete to see who is the best v.与…竞争;与…同样好n竞争者

The soccer game was really competitive. Adj.竞争的,好胜的,有竞争力的(竞技性)

Who is going to win this competition? N.比赛竞争

It was an exciting contest n.比赛,竞争,v.争夺,争论

The poor children scrambled for the food v.攀登,争夺

The two fighters contend for the championship v.斗争,搏斗,争论

Pi‘s value is constant; it is always about 3.14


Instant noodles are convenient adj.立即的,迫切的,当月的,本月的N.瞬间(快速面)

An instantaneous flash of lightning struck the city. Adj.立即的,瞬间发生的(闪电的一瞬光亮划破城市夜空)This device is pretty close to a perpetual motion machine-the balls wont stop moving for a long time adj.永久的,永恒的,连续的(永动机)

Their simultaneous bike riding attracted a lot of attention. Adj.同时发生的,(他们的双人<同步>自行车)They accused each other of being wrong. v.指责指控

They reproached him for being late to the meeting. v. 指责,责备n指责

We are condemned him for his bad behavior. v.谴责,指责,判刑

They all denounced me, even though I hadn‘t done anything wrong. v.谴责,斥责

The couple has a lot of passion in their relationship. n激情(在恋爱中很有激情)

He is passive TV viewer-he complains, but he won‘t change the channel. adj.被动的,消极的

Stay positive. Keep your mind on the good thing. adj.确定的,积极的,实际的,阳性的n.正面的,正数

The guitarist performed zeal, dancing while he played. n.激情热情

A truly patriotic soldier should be ready to die for his country. adj.爱国的,有爱国心的,

The inverse operation of addition is subtraction. adj.倒转的,发转的v.倒转(加法的逆算法是减法)

She can reverse her car into a parking space v.颠倒,翻转n.相反,背面

Tea cups are inverted on the table before they are used. v.倒置,倒转,颠倒

It can take years to erect a very tall building. v.树立,建立,使竖立ad直立的,垂直的(修建)

Only a few animals other than humans are able to stand upright


The vertical ladder goes straight up. adj.垂直的,竖立的,n垂直线(梯子垂直向上)

Oil is scarce but wars to obtain it are not adj.缺乏的,不足的,稀少的,罕见的

The plant died from a deficiency of water. n.缺乏,不足,缺陷

The girl feels she has eaten sufficient food, but her mother doesn‘t think so adj.足够的,充足的

Will a hundred apples suffice? Well, yeah, he can only eat two. v.足够

We can amplify your voice with a megaphone v.放大,扩大,增强,讲述,(用扩音器来放大)

We are lucky to have an ample amount of food to eat adj.富足的,丰满的,宽敞的

He made a huge amount of money n.数量,总额v.合计共计等于接近(挣了)

His performance was adequate; not great, but good enough.


I have a severe cash shortage right now—could you lend me some money.缺少,不足

Slow down ,you are going faster than the speed limit n.界限,限度,范围v.限制,限定(开慢点,你超速了)On this diet, you can only eat a very limited amount of food adj.有限的,被限制的

The line comes to a definite end at this point adj.明确的,肯定的(到现在这条路肯定走到头了)

The set is finite in size, since it only has four numbers


We live in an infinite universe that has no boundaries adj.无限的,无穷的,n.无限

Love is universal feeling adj.普遍的,通用的,全体的(普遍的感觉)

In old factory photos all the steel workers wore overalls adj.全面的,全部的,n.罩衫,工装裤

When the leaf is seen up close, you can see a lot of fine details


Moral choices about right and wrong are always hard to make


Religious people get their sense of morality—what is right and wrong –from their religious books. n.道德,道德观,道德规范,伦理体系(有宗教信仰的人从他们宗教的教义上获得关于事物对错的道德观)

Only fate will decide if I win lots of money gambling. n.命运

Her brother is so nasty to her—he is always fighting and pulling her hair. adj.令人讨厌的,严重的,恶劣的,下流的(他弟弟总是拉扯她的头发,很令人讨厌)

He looked weary after a long practice session. adj.疲倦的,困乏的,令人厌倦的V使疲倦,使厌倦

He gave a statement to the news reporters. n.声明,陈述,结算单,报表(向记者发表了一份声明)

The old man pledged allegiance to his country. n.保证,誓言,V.保证,许诺(宣誓效忠他的国家)

She reclaimed her luggage after her flight v.要回,回收,开垦荒地

The students all came out to protest the increasing price of school v.抗议,反对n.声明反对

Come on , the kids exclaimed v.呼叫,惊叫

You are not working hair enough—our boss proclaimed v.声明,宣告,表明(对我们说)

She claims her baggage at the airport. v.声称,认领,索赔(领取行李)

The monk preaches about religion to us, I wish he should shut up. v.传教,讲道,鼓吹(鼓吹宗教)

We need to finance our business with lots of outside money.


It is easy to make money in the financial industry—I want to be a banker so badly adj.财政的,金融的Human are social animals that need the support of others. adj.社会的,交际的,社交的(社会性动物)

Man is a sociable creature; we love to spend time with our friends. adj.友好的,喜好交际的

I tend to associate only with my coworkers and friends. V.连接,联想N.伙伴,同事(我倾向于只和同事朋友交往)Individually we are weak, but together we form a strong union. n.协会,工会,同盟,联合,合并,一致,融洽On this team, we are all allies helping each other win. n.同盟国,同盟者,支持者V 使结盟,联合

Our new alliance allows us to work together to solve problems n.联盟,同盟

These coins are my holiday fund V/N基金,存款

Before we start to build the building we have to make sure the foundation is very strong.


Science can tell us about the most fundamental aspects of reality. adj.基本的,重要的,基础的

If you do not repay the loan, your credit card will be taken away. v.付还,偿还,报答(偿还贷款)

These cows survive by grazing on grass. v.吃草,放牧擦过N.擦,擦伤(奶牛靠吃青草生存)

He is always a gracious host. adj.亲切的,和善的,优美的,奢华的(亲切的主人)

It doesn‘t help to insult other drivers v.侮辱,凌辱n.侮辱的言辞或行为

It is so humiliating when she steps on my head in front of everybody v.使屈辱,使丢脸(踩我的脸)

After working too long, the workers become frustrated v.使灰心,挫败,阻挠

She has been cheating on her husband!What a disgrace to her family


The graceful necks of the two swans met in a heart shape. adj.优雅的,优美的(优美的颈部组成了一个心形)The woman‘s appearance is so elegant ,I will I could dress like her adj.雅致的

Sorry, this club is very exclusive, VIPs only adj.独有的,奢华的,排外的(俱乐部很私密的,只接受VIP会员)

I hate the job, but the money makes it worthwhile. adj.值得(花时间,精力)合算的

Why are late to the meeting, you should be more punctual. adj.准时的,守时的

The man is always timely, and he showed up at 7 A.M. on the dot adj.及时的,适时的

The note on the door said that they would be back shortly adv.立刻,不久,简略的,简而言之

Her glamour and beauty are easy to see. n.魅力,魔力V迷惑,迷住

I will keep dating you , provided that you keep buying me nice things. Conj.如果,以…为条件

We furnished our room with very expensive furniture. V.用家具装备房子,供应,提供

Your little boy looks so cute in that outfit n.装备,V.提供装备

Our profits depend on a number of different circumstances. n.情况,条件,境遇(我们的利润依赖许多不同的条件)Nobody understood his plight , so nobody helped him .


I have bought all the provisions for this week. n.供应,预备存根,必需品(本周的生活必需品)

The circle‘s radius is about 10 cm n.范围,半径

My boss commended me on a job well done. v.称赞,推荐,委托保管

I recommend this toilet paper—it is better quality. v.推荐,介绍,劝告,建议

Besides being a great boyfriend ,John also knows first aid adv.而且prep除…之外

The woman must take pills everyday, moreover, she should eat lots of fruit adv.加之,而且

Step aside to let the cars pass n.独自,私语,离题的话adv.在旁边,除…外

The little boy has so much confidence in himself that he decided to be a superhero n.信任,信赖,信心The girl was confident that she could defeat all the other players adj.确信的,自信的,有信心的

My mom reassured me that everything will be ok v.使放心,使消除疑虑

He gave me some much needed assurance n.保证,信心,保险(极需的信心)

I assure you that this product will work v.向…保证使确信担保

Please ensure my grammar is correct v.确保,保证

You should have insurance to pay for your medical care n.保险,保险费保险业

I insure my car against accident and theft v.保险,给…上保险,保证

After his conviction he was handcuffed and taken off to jail


The wedding was very fancy, there were flowers everywhere


My greatest fantasy is to be showered in money n.想象空想v.幻想

Imagine that this is my rocket ship v.想象设想料想(火箭飞船)

When I daydream, I like to retreat into an imaginary fantasy world


Their actions were friendly, but in reality they hated each other n.现实,实际,真实

Keep every piece of evidence to help us solve the crime v.证明n.证据,

We have proof that you are sick n.证据证明校样v.校样

I just finished this batch of cookies-would you like one n.一批

All these theories make my head hurt-do I really have to learn them n.理论原理(让我头疼死了)

He was the only witness to the murder; he can tell us what really happened


There was a small stream running through the forest n.溪流小河v.流动涌出

Milk, delivered straight from the source n.源,发源地,来源原始码(牛奶,从源头新鲜直送)

My elbow hurts really bad n.肘部v.用肘部推挤

He is very imaginative, he is always coming up with new ideas adj.想象的,有想象力的

My tools are in the shed n.棚屋,v. 流出,落下

I have spilled the nail polish v.使溢出,使流出,n.溢出,溅出(指甲油)

I spent the whole day changing TV channels n.频道,渠道海峡v.引导

Each additional scoop made the ice cream taste even more delicious adj.附加的,追加的

The shop will sprinkle colored sugar over the doughnuts v.撒洒n.小雨少量

10 multiplied by 8 is 80 v.乘以繁殖增加

25 subtracted from 100 is 75 v.减去扣除

Five minus two is 3 adj.负的prep减去n.减号劣势

Simple addition is the easiest part of math class n.加法附加物

One plus one equals two prep.加,加上adj.正的,n.加号

A person how cannot stop smoking is an addict v.使沉迷使上瘾n.有瘾的人入迷的人

She should be working, but instead she indulged in junk food and TV v.放纵沉迷于满足

I cut myself and I need someone to help me –do you know first aid v.帮助援助n.帮助助手

My granddaughter is always very helpful to me adj.给与帮助的有用的

The firemen rescue people from the burning building v.营救援救n.营救援救、

Our product turnover is increasing, we are buying and selling much more n.营业额营业收入The stadium is filled with numerous sports fans adj.为数众多的,许多

The beautiful field is full of innumerable flowers adj.无数的,数不清的

The man finally attained his goal of completing the high jump v.达到,获得,完成

You can obtain a degree, just like I did v.获得

The man who wins the bet will acquire all the money v.取得获得学到

His main goal in life was the acquisition of money n.掌握,获得,

It took four years , but I finally accomplished my goal of graduating from college v.完成,实现I finally achieved my goal of winning the race v.完成,达到

A nice massage will relieve your back pain v.消除,减轻,换班

It is such a relief to finally finish my work n.解脱减轻安慰浮雕(完成工作真是放松)

We have to pay a tax on all of our sales n.税负担v.对…征税,使负重担(交营业税)

The government will levy a new round of taxes this year v.征税n.征税税款(征收新一轮的税)

The boss imposes his ideas on his employee v.把…强加,征(税)

This work exhausts me , I can barely keep my eyes open v.使筋疲力尽,耗尽,抽完,n.排气设置,废弃The company‘s revenues increase every year n.收入,财政收入,国家的税收

Finish the milk? But I cant finish the whole jug by myself n.大壶,一壶,一罐

He prayed as he read his religion‘s holy books adj.神圣的,圣洁的(圣经)

The woman is modest, and covers her body with a veil adj.谦虚的,端庄的,不多的(端庄)

The camera has many different modes n.方式,模式

The little boy worships Buddha and prays him every day


You can find the answer in one of these files n.文件,档案,锉刀v.把…归档,锉

This document explains how to manage our project n.文件,公文v.记叙性描述,证明

After I finished the course ,they gave a certificate n.证书,执照

The king wears his royal clothes adj.王室的,皇家的,第一流的,高贵的(御用衣服)Dogs are always loyal to their owners adj.忠诚的,忠心的

I love my dog because of his strong sense of loyalty n.忠诚

Dogs are the most faithful, loyal pets you can have adj.忠诚的,如实的

Don‘t speak to me in that vulgar tone adj.无教养的,下流的,通俗的,浮夸的(粗俗的)

A detective must know how to see through people‘s lies n.侦探,私人侦探(看穿)

Water is a necessity for life n.需要,必需品,必要性,必然性

It is imperative that you finish your task before Friday adj.急需的,必要的n.命令,规则,必要的事

You must follow traffic signs, obedience is compulsory adj.强制的,必修的

Every link is integral to the strength of the chain


Having a passport is requirement if you want to go to another country n.需要,必需品,需求

What is your name? she inquired v.打听,询问,调查

I will pray for your family health and happiness v.请求,祈祷,恳求,祈求

I know I have been bad, but please have mercy on me n.仁慈,宽恕

His lunch is merely a berry adj.仅仅的,纯粹的

Her legs were bare adj.赤裸的,极少的

The leading cyclist was starting to pull away from the rest


The boy was the foremost player on his team adj.主要的,最重要的

He took the silver medal, which is secondary in importance adj.次要的,第二的,中学的

Were her tears tears of sorrow , or of joy n.悲伤,悲痛

A spider is trapped in a lump of gum n.团,块,肿块,v.合在一起,结块

The family is one of nature‘s masters

Have you ever thought about what the meaning of life is for human beings

The teacher is happy when her students participate in class discussion v.参加,参与

Before the race began all of the participants lined up at the starting line n.参加者,参与者

I make money by speculating about which currencies will go up or down


Smoking is my only vice ,I don‘t drink or gamble n.罪恶,坏习惯,不道德行为The tricycle has a pretty big flaw its wheels are square n.瑕疵,缺点,v.降低,破坏Gross ,she made a mess again, I said as I wrinkled my nose in disgust n.恶心,使作呕

The master chef cooked the dish to perfection n.完美

He was a powerful leader adj.强有力的有权威的

Your penguin is a weightlifter?That must be a very capable bird adj.有能力的

She is a competent worker and good at her job

The man is quite militant, he always believes fighting is the answer adj.好战的,好暴力的n.激进分子Life in the military is hard, but I like defending my country. n.军队,adj.军事的

It is very abnormal for a sheep to be pink adj.不正常的

That lobster has a queer blue color adj.奇怪的,异常的v. 破坏,使处于危险地位That is an odd hat you are wearing adj.奇数的,奇怪的,古怪的

This profile picture of my grandfather was taken in 1920 n.侧面像,外形v.为…描述(侧面画)This is a portrait of a powerful 17th century nobleman n.肖像画像(有权势的贵族男子)

This food tastes horrible adj.可怕的,恐怖的,讨厌的

I think she is too young to watch a horror movie n.恐怖,颤栗

Those who fear life, also dread death n/v. 畏惧,恐惧

This part of the movie always scares me n./v.惊恐,恐慌

The crazy woman cried out in dismay n.惊恐,失望,气馁v.使惊恐失望气馁

Scary movies terrify me v.使害怕,惊恐

She reads a Sherlock Holmes novels n.长篇小说,adj.新奇的I like science fiction movies with space ship n.虚拟,小说

With the internet, we can have a global network of friends

The children like to paly mischief on their parents n.伤害,损害,恶作剧

In his speech, he put emphasis on our need to work harder n.强调,重点

The preacher emphasized that the devil wanted us all

This day is significant for me ,because it is my father‘s birthday adj.重大的,有意义的,象征的Traffic signs signify different thing you must do on the road v.表示,意味,有重要影响What is the significance of this painting n.意义,含义,重要性

The man installs a ceiling fan v.安装,放置,安置(吊扇)

The installation of solar panels is very time-consuming n.安装,就职(花时间)She thinks that reading is tedious adj.冗长乏味的,沉闷的

This boundary separates my farm from his farm n.边界

The dog is alert and aware adj.意识到的,知道的,警惕的The sign alerted me that there was poison in the neighborhood


I am awake and conscious at 5 AM, but I wish I wasn‘t adj.清醒的,有意识的,意识到的These missiles can hit targets thousands of kilometers away n.导弹

We brush our teeth as a precaution against gum disease n.预防措施,警惕,戒备(牙龈疾病)Please contact me by phone or email v.接触,联系n.接触,联系Each one of these wires in an internet connection n.连接线,连接,连贯性

The suggestion given was relevant to our problem adj.有关的,恰当的,贴切的

My friend sympathize with me over the death of my grandfather v.同情,同感,共鸣

My friend‘s mother just died so I tried to show him my sympathy n.同情,同感

She is so sympathetic, she always cares when I get hurt adj.有同情心的,同情的,支持的,称心的She looks so pathetic with her makeup running down her face adj.引起怜悯的,可悲的(花妆)

The garbage truck dumps its garbage in the dump yard


Do I really have to pump the water myself, by hand? v.抽水,n.水泵

The woman rubs her baby bump


She was dumb, and could not speak at all adj.哑的,咱不说话的,愚笨的v.使沉默

The dwarf may have a small body, but he has a big heart n.侏儒v.阻碍…的正常发育

I am blind ,but my dog can see for me adj.瞎的,盲目的,v.使失明,蒙蔽,n.盲人

I am lame since my accident , I need the help of my arms to walk adj.跛的,差劲的,蹩脚的

The poor cripple must use a wheelchair to get around n.跛子,伤残人(或动物)v.使跛,使受伤致残,严重削弱The boy was still very active despite having his legs paralyzed in the accident v.使瘫痪,使丧失作用Don‘t worry , these cows are tame –they wont hurt you v.驯服,训话adj.驯服的,顺从的

It takes a bold man to cross a tightrope on a motorcycle


The brain uses the nerves to send message to the rest of the body n.神经,勇敢,胆量

Skulls of the people killed in the massacre were collected


We have to finish the work before the deadline n.最后期限

Try to keep your speed in the 40—80 kilometers per hour range n.范围,系列,v.排列,使并列

I can arrange my toys so that they can fit in a box v.安排,排列,协商

Exercising on a stationary bike can be intense adj.固定的,静止不动的(很剧烈)

The figurine was static and lifeless adj.静止的,固定的n.静电干扰(小雕像静止着,一副毫无生气的样子)

The teacher said my daughter has extraordinary musical talent adj.非同寻常的,特别的

It is very peculiar for dogs to wear human clothes adj.古怪的,特别的

Nuclear power can power our homes or destroy our world adj.原子核的,

The moon changes in a predictable monthly sequence n.连续,继续,次序(可预知的顺序)

Some of our actions have bad consequences n.结果,重要性,推论

The moon will pass through all of its phases in about one month n.方面,阶段,变相,盈亏

A market campaign has several different aspects such as price, promotion etc n.外表,面貌(市场营销包括很多不同的方面,比如价格,促销等)

We have to figure out the most important factor that makes our customers buy our products


She releases the dove as a symbol of peace v.释放,解放,发行n.解除,免除,发表

This treatment alleviates my back pain v.减轻,缓解,缓和

Thank you very much ,said the man with an earnest expression on his face adj.认真的,诚恳的

I think I made a good first impression when I met him at the park n.印记,印象,感觉,

Big building are an impressive part of a city adj.给人深刻印象的,惊人的

The magician impressed the audience with his amazing tricks v.使用印象的

Flowers have feminine connotations in most cultures adj.女性的,娇柔的

Square wheels are a big drawback for a bike n.缺点,障碍,不利条件(巨大障碍)

The food are filling and wholesome adj.健康的,有利于健康的

My colleagues‘ verdict on my presentation was very favorable


I knew what the story was about by reading the title n.标题,头衔,权益

Only invited wedding guests are entitled to sit here v.为书提名,给与…权利(有资格坐在这儿)

He is the dominant one in the relationship adj.主要的,占优势的,支配的,统治的(他在这段关系中占主导地位)The white pieces were predominant on the chess board, so I lost the game


To reach the park from the subway, walk a bearing of 70 degrees north-east n.方向,举止

The house is available for rent adj.可利用的,可得到的(此屋出租)

Press this button to go back to the previous pages adj.以前的,早先的,过早的

I think I found a legal precedent that will help our case


My talk is so popular that there was applause from everyone n.鼓掌欢迎,欢呼

Does our insurance policy cover zombie attacks n.政策,方针,保险单(僵尸攻击)

I like strategy games that require deep thinking ,like chess n.谋略策略

We are going to use this tactic to help us win the game n.手段,战术,策略

A policeman has to pursue criminals who try to escape v.进行,从事,追求,追赶

She followed in pursuit of her friend n.追求,追赶v.追踪,追击(在后面追赶她的朋友)

Bungee jumping is a good source of excitement n.刺激,激动(蹦极跳)

The carrot‘s an incentive to move but it only works on stupid people n.刺激,鼓励

The baby is still innocent –he knows nothing of the evils of the world


We jump out of airplanes for the thrill of it n.兴奋,激动,引起激动的事物,v.使非常兴奋激动(为了寻找刺激)He menaced me by pointing his gun at me v.威胁,威吓n.威胁,具有危险性的人或物

Her schoolmates resent her for doing as well in school. v 憎恨,愤恨(憎恨她在学校表现太好了)

The school bully is always giving other kids a hard time n.恃强欺弱者,v.威胁,欺负(不好过)

My wife threatened to divorce me if I lied to her again n/v.恐吓,威胁

Nuclear war is a serious threat n.恐吓,威胁

You cant intimidate me with that scary mask v.威胁恐吓

The tumor is malignant –we will have to remove it. adj.恶性的,额度的,充满恨意的(这是恶性肿瘤,必须切除)The single woman feels envy when she sees happy couples. n.妒忌,妒忌的对象V妒忌,羡慕

When you see another man with your girlfriend, it is hard not to be jealous.

This is the last time I am going to scold you for leaving your room dirty v.怒骂,责骂,训斥

They have so much scorn for me, why do they hate me so much? n.鄙视,V.轻蔑拒绝

I always get all the blame, but I never do anything wrong v/n 责备,归咎于

Despite the fact that my parents hated her, I still asked her to marry me.

She despises the girl who tried to kiss her boyfriend v.轻视,轻蔑(轻蔑的看着)

He is flirting with my best friend—I am sure it is just to spite me


Seeing the sunrise on th mountain top really inspired me v.使生灵感,启示,激发

I aspire to succeed where others have failed v.渴望,热望,立志(我立志在别人失败的地方成功)

I just don‘t want to live anymore-he said with despair in his voice n.绝望,v.丧失信心

Smoking impairs lung function v.损害削弱

She was feeling so desperate that she considered killing herself adj.极其严重的,绝望的,拼死的

I am so worried ,she shouted in obvious distress n.忧虑,悲伤,不幸,穷困(明显痛苦的大叫)

I am filled with anxiety about finishing my work n.忧虑,渴望

The student was under a lot of pressure to do well on the exam n.压力,v.对…施加压力,迫使

After working such a long day, she feels a lot of stress v.强调,重读n.压力,重音

We are hopeful that the baby will be healthy adj.有希望的,怀有希望的

This place is so bleak and depressing adj.没有希望的,凄凉的,荒凉的

The landscape is desolate, nothing can survive there adj.荒凉的,无人烟的

The island is isolated from the rest of the world. Very few visitors come here v.使隔离,使绝缘

This mug insulates my coffee, keeping it hot v.隔离,使隔绝,使绝缘,使隔热,使隔音

Junior means young or younger adj.年少的,低年级的,下级的,三年级的n.年少者,晚辈(少年是指年少或者更小的孩子) Senior citizens should be respected adj.年长的,资格老的,地位较高的,n.大学或高中毕业生

Our superiors tell us what to do n.上司,长辈adj.优良的,卓越的,较高级的(上司)

Short men can feel inferior to tall men sometimes adj.劣质的,次的,下级的n.低地位的人(低人一等)

My subordinates have to do whatever I say adj.次要的,从属的,下级的n.部下,下属v.使处于次要地位,使从属于An elderly woman calls for help adj.年纪相当大的

I hate arguing with my adolescent daughter n.青少年,少女adj.青春期的,青少年的(青春期的女儿)

During the ceremony to honor their dead colleagues, they stood still with great dignity


She did a decent job on her homework, so I gave her a B minus which was better than usual


Our ancestors looked kind of like monkeys n.祖宗,祖先

These nasty insects are really prevalent this year adj.普遍的,流行的

I have finally prevailed ,shouted the girl in red v.胜,优胜,流行

Please put the documents into the correct category n.类别,范畴

I like to order clothes from the catalog rather than going to the store


Classify the documents into the correct folders v.把…分类

I unfolded the map so I could see where I was going v.打开,展现,披露

Sort your garbage into different bins v.整理,把…分类,n.种类

The beachside resort had a swimming pool and many beautiful gardens n.度假胜地,倚靠,凭借v.凭籍,采用(某种手段)(海滨度假村有一个游泳池,还有漂亮的花园)

At the end of the day, the man undoes his tie v.松开,解开,取消

She uncovered the pot to see whether the food was cooked v.移去…的覆盖物,发现,揭露

I lost so much weight that my old pants are too loose to wear v.放松adj.宽松的,不严谨的

I decided to loosen my tie and relax v.解开,使松弛

It is easier to walk across a slack rope than a tight one


The house is very spacious ,with enough room for many people to live adj.广阔的,宽敞的

In this dangerous city, women need to protect themselves from the possibility of rape


We are going to dress up as pirates for the costume party n.海盗,剽窃者,盗版者v.盗版,掠夺

The police officer arrested the man for drunk driving v.逮捕,拘留,吸引n.逮捕,拘留

Porcelain cups are very delicate do not drop them adj.细致优雅的,易碎的

This glass is too fragile to lean on adj.易碎的,碎的,易损坏的,虚弱的,脆弱的

Atoms are very small particles n.粒子,微粒

She is naked –she should put some clothes on adj.裸体的,无遮蔽的

The victim of the accident was badly hurt n.牺牲品,受害者,替罪羊(车祸受害者)

I had to sacrifice playing computer games to do my homework v.牺牲,献出n.祭品,牺牲

The murder ran away while the man perished v.死,暴卒

My tooth hurts. I need to have some dental work done adj.牙齿的,牙科的(牙科治疗)

The is dangerous –we are exceeding the maximum safe speed v.超过,胜过,(超过了安全速度的最大值)Singapore is exceedingly hot in July adv.过分的,非常的

Your gun is a bit excessive against this pest adj.过多的,极端的,份外的(对付这个小东西你的枪还是过分了点了吧)Eating junk food in excess makes you fat n.超越,超过adj.额外的,附加的

Our profits surpassed everybody‘s expectations. They were great


The red man excels in running v.优于,超过

The human body goes through many changes during the transition from youth to old age


After death, our soul transcend his world and enter heaven v.超越(经验、信念)等的范围,超过

The driver slowly overtook the driver in first place v.超过,赶上,突然降临(缓缓赶超处于第一名的车手)

I was so angry that I overturned my bowl of ice cream n.翻转,打翻,推翻

I am overwhelmed by the choices – I just don‘t know which one to choose v.不知所措淹没打败压倒Her debt is overwhelming ,she needs money adj.巨大的,压倒性的她的债务使她喘不过气来

My glass is overflowing, pour less water next time v.满得外溢,外流,泛滥,充满,洋溢n.溢流口,溢流管,溢出The new overpass helps speed up freeway traffic n.天桥,立交桥

The ship carries bulk containers adj.大量的,n.容量,体积,大块(这艘船装载了大量的集装箱)

They climbed to the summit of the mountain and gave a huge cheer


Check the report for mistakes before you submit it v.提交,屈服,提出建议

The gardener transplants the plants to another garden n.移种,移植v.移植(器官)使移居,移种(植物)

I paid him and he gave me the house—it was an easy transaction n.办理,交易

The radio tower‘s transmissions were mostly TV shows n.发射,传播,转播,变速器

The tower transmits the TV signal v.传送,传播,发射

The electrical discharge created a lot of heat and light v.释放,放电,解雇n.准许离开,放电,解雇(电能释放)Light bulbs emit light v.散发,发射,发表

I omitted many important things from the letter v/遗漏,删去(删)

The space shuttle launched into the sky in a cloud of smoke


Our goal is to liberate the civilians who have been imprisoned v.解放,释放

The sun radiates light v.辐射,发出,流露,显示

The sun has a radiant glow adj.光芒四射的,绚丽的,喜悦的

I keep all my clothes in the closet n.橱,壁橱v.把…引进密室会谈adj.私下的,秘密的

Mostly , white hens lay white eggs (with the occasional exception) n.例外,除外

In the brief moment when the meteor flashed across the sky, she made her wish


I didn‘t like her answer, but at least it was concise

I don‘t live here, I am just a transient visitor adj.短暂的,转瞬即逝的n.过往旅客,候鸟

Nothing in life is permanent, but a diamond comes close to it adj.永久的,持久的

My alarm wakes me up every day , I hate it so much n.闹钟,警报v.警告,使惊恐

Lying in the grass gives her a feeling of ease and comfort n.安逸,容易,不拘束v.解除痛苦,缓解,顺利进出The character of the left is complicated, can you simplify it? like on the right v.精简,使单纯

I love the simplicity of the single flower floating on the water


J just finished the big project, so now I can relax v.使松弛,

The family spend a lot of time in sitting in the lounge n.长沙发,懒懒的姿势,v.懒洋洋的躺,闲逛

The roller coaster has some pretty extreme turns, it might make you sick


The referee blew his whistle to end the basketball game n.口哨,v.使口哨,呼啸(裁判员)

V oting is an important civil right adj.公民的,民用的,国内的

The way we eat dinner is different in our culture, before eating we must say a prayer n.文化文明,v.使有教养培养

My children were all educated in public schools v.教育,培养,训练

Mobile phones are widely used devices n.器械,装置,设计,手段

I will need to cultivate my fields well if I want my crops to grow v.耕作,养殖,栽培,培养,陶冶,发展My wife forced me to comply with her demands v.遵从,依从,服从

I will apply some cream to your face v.涂,敷,应用,申请(涂一些面膜在你脸上)

I use many applications on my cell phone and PC n.运用,申请,应用程序

I spend all my money on home appliance, like TVs and refrigerators n.用具,设备,装置

He paid me a great compliment with those flowers n.恭维,问候v.赞美,祝贺

Nothing complements spaghetti like a glass of red wine

I want to congratulate you on your promotion v.祝贺,向…致贺词


My manager has a really bad temper n.脾气,性情调和剂v.调剂,缓和

They set one man apart from the rest adj.分割的,拆开的,撇开的adv.分割,分别,相距

Can you detach your head from your body, like me? v.使分开,拆卸,派遣

At only four yeas old, she has already an amateur photographer


The red man is segregated from the gold people v.分开,隔离,进行种族隔离

The weather changes are so drastic, it was sunny yesterday ,but it is stormy today adj.激烈的,极端的Our divorce caused a division in our family n.分,分配,除法,部门,分裂

If they keep fighting, she will ask for a divorce v.离婚n.离婚,离异

We are joined by a diverse group of people from all kinds of different backgrounds


We are being diverted from the road, but we will get back to it soon


We will have to take a quick diversion from the highway , but we will be back on the highway soon n.转移,转向,临时绕行路,派遣,娱乐(我们要绕开高速,但我们马上要回到高速上)

They all averted their eyes from each other v.避开,防止,转移(目光,注意力等)

The driver shifts from first to second gear v.替换,转移,(汽车)换挡n.转换,换班

There are so many switches in your home! Which one turns on the lights v.转换n.转换,开关

They kneel in front of their teacher as a sign of respect v.跪下,跪着(knee膝盖n.)

Every mother adores her child v.崇拜,非常喜欢

The library is a quiet place, so we will have to whisper v.耳语,低声说话,n.低语,耳语,私话

It is unusual for a needle to be evident in a haystack adj.显然的,明显的

Your car is visible – I can see it over there adj.看得见的,显然的(很显眼)

The invisible man got away with a lot of crimes adj.看不见的,无形的(躲掉了)

If you commit a crime ,the police will commit you to prison v.犯错误,干坏事,委任投入

The criminal was given life imprisonment adj.犯罪的,刑法的n.罪犯(被判终身监禁)

Those who commit crimes must be severely punished n.罪行,犯罪

He bribed the police officer to let him go n.贿赂,行贿v.向…行贿,买通

Violence doesn‘t solve any problems n.暴力,激烈

My kids are so violent-they would rather fight than talk about things adj.猛烈的,暴力的

This is a picture of us when we traveled abroad

The immigrant leaves his old country to build a better life. n.移民(移入)

I emigrated from my old country in search of a better life v.移居国外(移出)

The birds migrate south for the winter v.迁移,迁徙

I had to show my passport to the immigration official n.护照,途径,手段

Her awesome literary knowledge was a matter of pride for her parents


Our store is small ,but we have many more products in storage at our warehouse n.储存,仓库The stock was enough to fulfill the demand for the next three months


I have read this entire stack of book ,she said proudly n.堆,一大堆,v.堆积,堆放

It is my dream to jump into a heap of money n.一堆,大量v.堆,堆积

The doctor heals my shoulder pain with a massage v.治愈,痊愈,恢复

The soldier advance to complete the mission n.使命,任务,(士兵向前进以完成任务)

The color in this painting are so incredibly vivid adj.声动的,鲜明的

She was in a state of anguish after the funeral n.痛苦,苦恼v.感到极度痛苦(葬礼后,极其痛苦)

Her misery is due to her mother‘s death n.痛苦,悲惨,不行、

The man has a lot of tension from working too hard n.紧张,不安,拉紧,张力

She showed a lot of curiosity about what was going on in the other room n.好奇心

The old cheese is beginning to spoil—how disgusting v.变质,损坏,溺爱

I give you my consent ,you can do it if you want n.同意,赞成v.同意(赞成你)

We reached a consensus in the end n.一致,一致同意

All the pipes are of a consistent size adj.一致的,一贯的,连续的

There was unanimous agreement that we should do the business deal adj.全体一致的,一致同意的This relationship is so monotonous and boring ,every day is the same adj.单调的

Ronaldo was given first aid treatment after he injured his leg v.损害,伤害,损伤

Plants only need sunlight ,soil ,and water for growth n.成长,增长,发展

The woman lifts weights to strengthen her arms v.加强,变坚固,变强大(通过举重)

If you teach us how to use computers ,it will enhance our productivity v.提高,增加,加强(生产力)We reinforced the structure of the building with steel rods v.增援,支持,加强(钢筋)

Sky-diving in a group really heightens the thrill v.增加,提高,加强(组队跳伞增加了刺激)

Let‘s go for a hike up the mountain today- the weather is great


Behind him was the immense ,snow-covered mountain adj.极大的,巨大的(巨大的雪山)

That is one enormous cup of coffee—how big is it? adj. 庞大的,巨大的

The sheer majesty of the mountain scenery from this point is unbelievable n.雄伟,壮丽,庄严,陛下This giant hamburger cannot fit in my mouth ,but I am so hungry I will eat it all n.巨人,巨物adj.巨大的What a tremendous mountain adj.巨大的,极大的,惊人的(多么巨大的一座山啊)

Buffalo are massive creatures; I think this one weighs as much as a car


The view of the Grand Canyon is very grand adj.宏伟的,重大的

After looking over the reports ,she concluded that her idea didn‘t work v.推断,断定,结束

The ceremony marked the conclusion of our university education n.结论,推论,结束

In Sudoku, you must deduce the right number by looking at the other numbers v.演绎,推论,推断(数独中,必须观察其他数字来推断出所需的数字)

I infer from the lock that data security is important to you v.推论,推断

This coupon will deduct 50% off the sale price v.扣除,减去

This is terrible; our profits are still diminishing –why? v.变小,降低,减少

The doctor diagnoses a child with a cough v.诊断,对病人下诊断(为一个咳嗽的孩子诊断)

He shouted in triumph n.凯旋,胜利,v.成功(他在胜利时喊道)

It was a challenge ,but I finally made it up the mountain n.挑战,怀疑v.挑战

The audience listened attentively to the speaker n.观众,听众,读者

My job is to audit the actual stock against what the computer says should be there v.审计,查账n.审计(我的工作就是对比电脑记录,审计实际库存)

The cheetah is the swiftest land animal adj.快速的,敏捷的,突然的n.雨燕(猎豹是跑得最快的陆地动物)

He tried to evade the ball v.躲避,回避

The fleet is advancing for battle n.舰队,船队adj.迅速的,v.迅速通过(舰队正在前行,准备作战)

My basic instinct is to flee from danger v.逃离,避开

We need to evacuate him from the field v.撤离,疏散,排清

Even well-fed cats will kill mice, because of their hunting instinct n.本能,直觉

Each spice has a distinct taste adj.不同的,明确的,独特的(每种香料都有独特的味道)

Receiving a medal is a sign of distinction n.优秀,差别,区别,殊荣

She has a very distinctive style ,she doesn‘t dress like anybody else n.风格,作风v.称呼,设计

The red dress was in the fashion show n.时髦,风尚,方式v.把…塑造成,制作Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years adj.灭绝的,火山不再活跃

Our plan was risky, but the outcome was good. n.结果,成果

They were young and fit, and kept up a brisk pace on their training runs


She is a diligent student ,studying in most of her free time adj.勤奋的,用功的

He was indignant when I told him he has been laid off


We call it a mobile phone because you can take it anywhere you want


Do computers confuse you as much as they do me? v,使混乱混淆,使迷糊

He is in a state of confusion n.困惑,混淆,混乱(混乱的状态)

She could not find what she wanted ,because of the disorder of her files n.混乱,不适,骚乱

Do not interrupt me. I am in a bad mood v.打断,插嘴,妨碍

I hate it when people disrupt the movie v.使分裂,使中断,混乱

I shouted at him, but he totally disregarded my anger v.不理会,漠视,n.忽视,漠视

She is indifferent to his anger adj.不感兴趣的,不关心的,平庸的,冷漠的

Stop ignoring me – say something v.忽视,不理

I am not stupid ,just ignorant—I never paid attention in school adj.不知道的,无知的

She was very angry at him, but he slept on in ignorance n.无知,没意识到

I am so angry, shouted the woman with rage in her voice n.盛怒,极怒v.激烈的进行

He is always annoying me with his complaints v.使烦恼,使生气

I am so upset, I just want to fume about it for a while n.烟,愤怒v.冒烟,发怒

I am so angry—I am absolutely furious with you adj.狂怒的

His outrage was obvious when I told him wrecked his car n.残暴,暴行v.使震怒,使愤慨

I He really irritated me when he snores all night v.使烦恼,使烦躁,使难受(整晚打鼾)

The land is irrigated with water from a long, raised pipe v.灌溉(空中管道)

am studying now – I don‘t want any more disturbances n.骚乱,扰乱

His snoring really disturbs me at night v.打扰,妨碍,使烦恼

The pain in my shoulder bothers me v.麻烦,打扰,花时间n.麻烦,打扰,烦扰

My children love creating a mess n.凌乱状态,肮脏,污秽v.弄脏,弄乱,浪费时间

The mass of people are waiting n.众多,团,群众,adj.大量的,大规模的(一大堆人)The big man hates the small man , likewise, the small man hates the big man adv.同样的,也The two dogs are a lot alike adj.相似的,相同的,

One of these men is unlike the others adj.不同的,不像

The approximate value of this car is 3000,within 100 or so adj.近似的,约略的v.接近,近似(上下100)The twin brothers look like duplicates v.复制,重复,n.完全一样的东西,复制品adj.完全一样的,复制的Take measurements at the construction site n.现场场所,地点v.选址,设置(在施工现场测量)

The statue of liberty is situated near Ellis Island adj.坐落在…处于某种境地的

I am really afraid of bats n.蝙蝠球棒球拍

The band‘s live performance drove the crowd wild n.乐队,帮伙,带v.用带捆扎,联合

The sound of the drum could be heard from far away n.鼓,圆桶,v.敲打,敲鼓,咚咚的敲

My younger brother really likes to listen to rap music n.饶舌音乐v.严厉指责,急拍,用力敲n.敲击Black is the absolute opposite of white adj.完全的,绝对的,纯粹的

The runner is resolute in his determination to win the race


I made a resolution to quit smoking this year n.决心,解决,分辨率

I will solve this math problem in a minute v.解答,解释,解决

I think the other plan is the better solution n.溶解状态,解决,解决方法

A dog will readily run ahead of you if you give it a chance adv.容易的,乐意的,欣然的

The customer was agreeable to my suggestions adj.舒服,舒适的,令人愉快的,惬意的

The great statesman helped lead his country for decades n.政治家,国务活动家(协助领导)

He was reluctant to eat his vegetables, but his mother made him do it adj.不情愿的

She is notable for her movie career n.著名人士,adj.值得注意的,显著的,先要的

The pirate was notorious for capturing every ship that sailed by


Let‘s pop open the champagne n.砰的一声爆破声,流行音乐adj.流行的

We are guilty-just please don‘t kiss us adj.有罪的,内疚的

Every week she confesses to God what she did wrong v.供人,承认,坦白,忏悔

That picture is very mysterious—what could it mean adj.神秘的

I think these simple math problems should be intelligible to you adj.可理解的,明白易懂的

Take this bundle of food as a gift n.捆,包

The local people have their own clothing and culture adj.当地的,本地的,局部的

The most important cities are located here, here and here v.测定,找出…的位置,使…坐落于

All her friends love her generous spirit—she is always giving us gifts adj.慷慨的,丰厚的,多的The hosts cook food for us, so we brought some wine for them

Fireman pointed the hose at the fire, hoping to put it out n.输水管子,v.浇(园子),用水管清洗They show their hospitality by inviting us in n.好客,殷勤,款待

Why are you so hostile? I don‘t want to fight adj.敌对的,敌方的,怀敌意的n.敌意

For this week only, we will give you 25% off select merchandise


The news quickly became widespread adj.分布广泛的,普遍的

The electrician checks the electric circuit n.电路,环形v.绕回…环形(电工检查电路)

The hot sand burns the soles of my feet adj.单独的,唯一的,独有的n.脚底,鞋底,袜底v.装鞋底(烧脚底) Fingerprints are unique to each individual adj.独特的,独一无二的adj.唯一的,特有的

What a beautiful sight a solitary boat under the blossoms adj.单独的,孤独的,隐居的(花下的一叶扁舟)We keep our horse in the harness so he doesn‘t run away n.挽具,马具v.上挽具,治理河流,利用

The point of prayer is to humble yourself before god


I stumbled over the red block and almost fell v.绊跌,搬到,结结巴巴说话(被绊倒)

The suspect is believed to have attacked an old lady v.怀疑,猜疑n.嫌疑犯,可疑分子adj.可疑的

She is such a suspicious neighbor; I always catch her looking into our house


We are arresting you on suspicion of murder n.怀疑,猜疑

He is handicapped, so I have to help him get around n.缺陷,障碍,不利条件v.妨碍,使不利(行动不便)This old computer has a lot of serious defects we need to fix n.欠缺,缺点v.背叛,逃跑,开小差

This phone is faulty, it doesn‘t work adj.有缺点的,有错误的

If you make an error you can just erase it and try again n.错误,过失

He deceived the old man about the contract he was signing v.欺骗,蒙蔽

Playing fair is too risky ,so I cheat v.骗,哄,n.欺骗,骗子,骗术(公平的玩风险太大)

So-called magic tricks actually depend on deceit n.欺骗,欺诈(所谓的魔术其实靠欺骗)

I try to eat healthy foods that have good nutrition n.营养,营养学

My reward for winning the race was a big trophy n.报答,报酬v.报答,奖赏(大奖杯)

I won first place, and got the gold medal n.奖牌,勋章

She was excited and scared by what he manifested on their wedding night


This color usually denotes error v.是…的标识指示表示

I donated blood to help those who need it v.捐赠,捐款

I created the painting all by myself v.创造,引起,产生

Painting helps children learn to be creative adj.创造性的,创意的

I really regret not finishing school v.懊悔,抱歉n.懊悔

People should not be discriminated against because they look different v.区别,辨别,歧视

A differs from B

It is easy to differentiate between the orange and purple flowers v.使有差别的区别

It is easy to distinguish the blue man from the gray men v.区别,识别,辨别,使显著

Each spice has a distinct taste adj.不同的,明确的,独特的(每种香料都有独特的味道)

Receiving a medal is a sign of distinction n.优秀,差别,区别,殊荣

Quickly, extinguish the fire before it grows v.熄灭,扑灭,根除,消灭

Turn on the water, quick, so I can quench this fire v.止渴,扑灭火焰

This shot will make you immune to all kinds of diseases adj.有免疫能力的,不受影响的,豁免的(这一针)I am pushing my car to the utmost, I wonder how long it can keep going this fast


Have you seen the remote control for the air conditioner adj.遥远的,偏僻的,疏远的,n.遥控器

The boss prompts his employees to walk forward adj.迅速的,及时的,v.敦促,怂恿n.提示

She was very good at her job, so her boss promoted her to a higher position v.促进,提升,发扬,促销The motorcycle driver accelerated, picking up speed v.加速,催促(摩托车手加速了,他的速度变快了)

The birthday party has a clown theme n.主题,题目(小丑主题)

I waited all day for the delivery of books to arrive n.投递,分娩

Just surrender ,don‘t try to fight back v.交出,放弃,头像(赶快投降,别试图反抗)

Both parties agreed to resolve their disputes v.解决,决心n.决心

If nobody needs it , I will discard the trash v.丢弃,抛弃,遗弃

This house was abandoned by its owners v.放弃,抛弃

He hated his job, and eventually he decided to resign from it v.辞职,放弃

Three bottles of wine and two beers were enough to render him unconscious


Commercial businesses make a lot of money adj.商业性的,贸易的,n.商业广告(商业公司)

Commerce between American and China has benefited both countries greatly n.商业,贸易

Our village is a happy community where we all like to help our neighbors n.社区,团体,Industrial activity is good for the economy, but sometimes bad for the environment adj.工业的,产业的With the internet, I can communicate with my children whenever I want v.通讯,传达,沟通,交流思想The doctor gave me some suggestions about how I can eat more healthily n.建议,意见,暗示,联想Give me a hint to help me answer this question n.暗示,示意,建议

Do you like my humorous costume adj.富有幽默感的(装束)

The investors were very impressed by our business proposition


Daniel proposed marriage by getting down on one knee v.提议,求婚

She looked surprised at her boyfriend‘s marriage proposal n.提议,建议,求婚

She must find the answer in a reference book, like a dictionary n.证明,出处,参照

When cooking a new recipe, I always refer to the cookbook v.参看,涉及,归因于,托付

My priority this week is to study for my history exam n.优先,优先权,优先考虑的事,重要事情

Prior to today was yesterday adj.在先的,优先的

Whoever is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about to is too big for him

The man initiates the race by firing a gun v.开始,发动n.新加入组织的人

The initial letter of aardvark is A adj.最初的,开始的n.人名的首字母

You should take the initiative and go first n.主动的行动,主动性,首创精神,倡议

From the outset of the race, the man was ahead n.开始,开端(从比赛一开始,这个男人就领先了)

This project has some issues, I will have to work all night to solve them n.问题,文章,议题v.发行,颁布They will publish my book both electronically and in print v.出版,刊印,公布,发布(电子版和文字版)I like to read periodicals like newspapers and magazines n.期刊,adj.期刊的,周期的

The duration of my wait was about one hour n.持续的时间

We want a durable vehicle for this rough road adj.耐用的,长久的n.耐用品(耐用的车来对付起伏不平的路)Me leg hurts , but I have to endure the pain if I want to win v.忍受,容忍

I had to develop a tolerance for loud noise, working where I do


I have learned to tolerate the pain v.忍受,宽容

One should be tolerant of all cultural differences. adj.容忍的,宽容的

The house went up in flames, we lost everything n.火焰,热情(烧毁)

The firefighters disappeared in the blaze n.火焰,光辉V.熊熊燃烧,闪耀,激发

The Monkey King is on a quest to find some old Buddhist writings

v/n 追求,寻找(孙悟空是去求取古老的佛教经文)

He is always so enthusiastic about video games-he loves them so much


It is not reasonable to carry so many books around adj.适当的,合理的,通情达理的,公平适度的

My passport makes me eligible to travel to other countries adj.适合被选的,符合条件的,合适的

Take this test first, and we will see if you qualify for the job v.使具有资格

A measuring cup helps me quantify the ingredients that I need v.确定数量

Our quantitative analysis shows that profits are indeed going up adj.定量的(定量分析)

All the people on the earth have their fundamental humanity in common n.人类,人性,认为学科During the race the rider urged the horse to go faster so he could win v.力劝,敦促n.强烈的欲望,冲动He needed urgent attention, so we called an ambulance adj.急迫的,紧迫的

Go! I shouted as I spurred my horse on v.刺激n.踢马刺

I let my kids stir the batter for me v.搅拌(面糊)

Just insert your credit card into the ATM and you will receive your money shortly


I drove a wedge through a log to split it in two v.契入n.契子

The picture looks nice in this picture frame n.框架,结构v.构成,制定,给…装框架

There are so many new structures going up n.结构,构造,建筑物v.建筑,组织

To construct a whole house from the ground up is not easy v.建造,建设,建筑

The trail had been paved with stone v.铺路,铺筑(这条小径用石子铺成)

Please walk on the pavement ,not the grass n.人行道

He loved to fabricate the car parts he needed in his machine shop v.建造,制造,伪造捏造

The forge heats metal so it can be bent n.锻工车间,铁匠店,熔炉v.锻造,经锻炼而形成,伪造I made a hasty dash across the street adj.匆忙的,仓促完成的,草率的

All the staff members ran with haste towards the finish line n.匆忙,草率v.赶快,匆忙

After she fell she reached for her shoes in a panic


The horse‘s gallop is very graceful n.疾驰,飞驰v.飞奔,疾驰

Wait a second ,let me catch my breath ,she gasped n.喘气,v.气喘吁吁地说,喘气

These shapes have three dimensions n.尺寸,尺度,面积,围度(这些图形有三个纬度)

She had tremendous charm, and I was instantly attracted to her n.魅力,符咒,v.迷住,吸引

She is a keen student of mathematics adj.热衷的,强烈的,敏锐的v.恸哭

The blonde boys are fascinated by the book v.迷惑,迷住,强烈的吸引住

The spy was involved in all kinds of intrigues v.密谋,引起极大兴趣,n.阴谋,轨迹

The design of this kitchen is so contemporary adj.当时代的,当代的,n.同龄人,同时代的人

This tent is only temporary adj.暂时的,临时的

The man contemplates why he was put on earth v.沉思,对…周密考虑,注视

Look at the reflection of those dancers in the water n.反射,映像,反映(倒影)

It‘s so beautiful how the water reflects the sky v.反射,映现,仔细思考

The Buddha said we should meditate to help us relax and understand the world v.考虑,沉思,冥想Your making me fall wasn‘t an accident—it was deliberate adj.慎重的,故意的v.仔细考虑的,思考Sometimes I ponder the big questions, like what is the meaning of life v.仔细考虑,沉思

They have nothing but contempt for me , she said in sorrow n.轻视,蔑视

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