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(3)分句阅读,从以下几个方面发现问题 a.实词的变化,如动词的时态,语态变化,现在时第三人称单数形式变化,非谓语动词的形式变化,名词的单复数变化,代词与格的变化,形容词,副词比较等级的变化等。 b.冠词、不定式符号、不定代词等。 c.句子中的平行现象以及上下文中的一致现象。 d.表示肯定与否定,全否定与部分否定,转折,让步,因果关系词是否用得恰当,是否影响了句子与句子之间的逻辑关系。











? 动词

? 连词

? 平行结构

? 代词

? 语义矛盾

? 词性

? 固定搭配


? 动词:


? 时态:

– do----did

– did----do

? 语态:

–被动语态:be + v-ed + by(of/with...)

eg....the countries which threatened by...(05年)

? 主谓一致:n. + (prep. + n.) + v


– doing----done

? 连词:


? 定语从句:...,that + 从句----which/who

...prep + that/who + 从句----which/whom

? 名词性从句:that - what

? 状语从句:S + even/just + S

? 平行结构:

– do, do, and doing

– prep + do and doing

– N, like N-s, N-s...

? 代词:



? 语义矛盾:


? 词性:adj-adv,adv-adj


2.将for改为on或者upon.和前面的名词effect搭配的介词为on或者upon,意为“对……的影响,对……的作用”。类似的词组还有impact on/upon(对……的影响或冲击),influence on/upon(对……有影响)等。



5.将with改为at.当表示速度的时候应该使用“at the speed of”或者“at…speed”,“with…speed”没有这个用法。

6.将as改为like.此处的“to him”仅为一个插入语,原句的顺序可以理解为“that looked very much like a napkin to him”。

7.将in改为on.“on the decline”表示“下降,减少”的意思,为固定搭配用法。

8.删去of.此处comprise虽然与consist,compose意义相同,但是使用方法却不一样。Comprise为及物动词,后面不需要接介词,consist后面要加介词of,而compose 一般使用be composed of的形式。



11.将by改为for.“be known for”表示“因为……而出名,以……闻名”之意。而“be known by”是指“被……知道”的意思。


2019年12月英语六级改错模拟题(5) 词性的使用错误 词性错误是最容易犯的错误之一,通常来说,对单词记忆不够全 面以及受到汉语的影响等都会造成此类错误的产生。词性的使用错误 是指文章中单词的词性用错,主要表现在名词形容词副词以及动词的 使用错误上,如把名词错当成动词使用,或者把形容词错当成名词或 者该用副词的地方错用了形容词等情况,归纳起来主要涉及三种类型: 名词与动词的错误使用,如: approval — approve , sale — sell ; 名词与形容词的误用,如: medicine — medical/medicinal , emotion — emotional ; 形容词与副词的误用,如: high — highly , mere — merely 等。这类错误还常出 现在 be 以外的系动词后,如: feel badly — feel bad , grow uneasily — grow uneasy . 例 1 Ideally, of course, the expression of editorial opinion should be limited on the editorial page and the news articles should be objective — telling the fact as complete as possible. 1.__________ 该句中complete为形容词,而在该句中它前面所接词为动词tell,必须改为副词形式,故应该将complete改为completely. 例2 It is a social prejudice that the work of street cleaners is thought to be dirty and shame by 1.__________ most people.


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4b2583550.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) 四、非谓语动词使用错误 非谓语动词在六级综合改错里算是一个较为令人头疼的改错类型,它包括不定式、分词、动名词。六级改错中主要出现的是非谓语动词和主要谓语动词之间的混淆,具体分为以下两种情况: ①分词,主要是现在分词和过去分词的误用,如: a puzzled question → a puzzling question ;an exciting girl →an excited girl 等。 ②动词非谓语形式做主语、宾语,有时需要it 作形式主语或形式宾语。如:This is no good arguing with him.(This →it ) 例1 The idea that learn a foreign language is hard 1.__________ work is realized by every student. 分析句子结构可知:the idea是主语;is realized是谓语部分;that引导同位语从句。从句中learn a foreign language是主语,而learn是动词形式,应改为动名词“learning”。 例2 From these unearthed bones scientists are able to reconstruct the skeleton of the animal and from the reconstructing skeleton, they can obtain quite 1.__________ a good idea of its appearance. “reconstructing”表示正在进行的动作,而根据原句可知,“skeleton”本身并不能发出这个动作,而应该为“reconstructed”,意为“the skeleton that is reconstructed”,这是过去分词作为定语。 例3 Lighthouses are set up to warn the passed ships 1.__________ of the dangers along the coast. Ancient people used simple fire signal which could only mean “Danger! Keep off”. “passed ships”表示“已经过去的船只”,当然不可能再给予警告,这不符合逻辑,应该改为passing,意为“过往的船只”,此处现在分词作定语。 例4


英语六级满分答题技巧大总结 达到重要目标有二个途径——势力与毅力,势力只是少数人所有,但坚韧不拔的毅力则多数人均可拥有。它沉默的力量随着时间发展而至无可抵抗。 ——拿破仑想要得到英语六级满分,这个想法似乎是天方夜谭。但是大家都知道“取乎其上,得乎其中;取乎其中,得乎其下。”的道理,嗯,虽然让大家考英语六级满分是不可能的,因为总有某个题型会影响你的英语六级满分。 满分虽然遥不可及,但是想要考个高分还是很好的目标。现在就和大家分享一下,英语六级复习的注意事项,希望能够帮助大家取得英语六级高分。 ◆词汇最重要 英语六级对于词汇的要求还是挺高的,大家需要格外的重视。大家就根据自己的情况找一本词汇书,要是词汇基础好的话,就找个六级核心词汇书(估计是2000词);要是词汇基础不太好的话,就找一本单词比较全的。 备好单词书后,就制定好单词的记忆计划,规定自己每天记忆多少单词,多少天记完。另外,拿单词书记单词是比较容易忘的,所以大家还应该专门安排时间进行词汇的复习。 ◆真题要精炼

真题是最好的复习资料,大家一定要好好利用真题的价值。大家在做真题的时候要进行“精做”,也就是要非常细致的去做真题,把每个试题的知识点、难点、重点、考点都要知道,反正是要把真题彻底掌握。 巨微英语——六级真题/逐句精解就很适合大家去“精做”,这本书对于真题的解析非常细致,它把真题文章中的生词和句子语法都进行很细致的注释和解析,大家不仅能够对文章进行理解,还能够掌握文章中的词汇和语法知识,非常适合基础不好的同学使用。 ◆听力是难点 讲道理,英语六级听力是真的比较难,尤其是新增加的讲座/演讲,真的是难得要死(还好分值不高)。对于听力的复习,大家就抓住一点,锻炼自己听的能力。一方面是要进行听力量的积累,就是要每天都听会听力音频,做到灌耳音的效果;另一方面就是做到“精听”,也就是要对听力音频反复的听,直到自己听懂为止。 然后大家对于听力的试题也要进行适当的练习,增加自己做题的感觉。 希望大家都能够考一个好的成绩。


大学英语六级改错题12篇 Passage 1 Error Correction (15 minutes) Directions:This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank. Example: Television is rapidly becoming the literatures of our periods. 1. time/times/period Many of the arguments having used for the study of literature 2. /___________ as a school subject are valid for ∧ study of television. 3. the___________ One major decision which faces the American student ready to begin higher education is the choice of attending a large university or a small college. The large university provides a wide range of specialized departments, as well numerous 71. __________ courses within such departments. The small college, therefore, 72. __________ generally provides a limited number of courses and specializations but offer a better student-faculty ratio, thus 73. __________ permit individualized attention to student. Because of its large 74. __________ student body (often exceeding 20,000) consisting in many 75. __________ people from different countries the university exposes its students to many different culture, social and out-of-class 76. __________ programmes. On the other hand, the smaller, more homogeneous(同性质的) student body of the big college 77. __________ affords greater opportunities in such activities. Finally, the university closely approximates the real world and which 78. __________ provides a relaxed, impersonal, and sometimes anonymous (隐姓埋名的) existence, on the contrast, the intimate 79. __________ atmosphere of the small college allows the student four years of structural living in which to expect and preparing for the real 80. __________ world. In making his choice among educational institutions the student must, there fore, consider a great many factors. 71. (well) → (well) as 72. therefore → however 73. offer → offers 74. permit → permitting 75. in → of 76. culture → cultural 77. big → small 78. and → / 或and → which, this 79. contrast → contrary 80. preparing → prepare Passage 2 Thomas Malthus published his "Essay on the Principle of Population" almost 200 years ago. Ever since then, forecasters have being warning that worldwide famine was S1. _____ just around the next corner. The fast-growing population's demand for food, they warned, would soon exceed their S2. _____ supply, leading to widespread food shortages and starvation. But in reality, the world's total grain harvest has risen


大学英语四级阅读:选词填空技巧汇总 选词填空的考察形式 一篇280词左右的文章,文章中挖出10个空,并统一给出A-O 15个备选答案。选词填空区别于完形填空,有更大的解题难度,原因在于: 1. 完形填空每题都是四选一,选词填空第一题要十五选一,就算用到排除法,最后一题也要六选一,而且在十五个选项中还有五个根本不会用到,难度加大; 2. 完形填空每题的四个选项都是统一的词性,只需要辨析词义、搭配就基本可以作答,而选词填空的十五个选项有多个词性,解题时需要同时判断词性和词义,难度加大; 3. 完形填空每题的四个选项往往都是统一时态,统一形式,而在选词填空中会涉及选项的动词时态、第三人称单数形式、被动主动语态,名词的单复数等的辨析,难度加大。 针对选词填空的解题方法分为三步 1. 预览选项,了解词义并把选项分为四大类词性:名词n,动词v,形容词a,副词ad,在每个选项后作词性的简要标记; 2. 精读全文开头,把握文章主题,并以三个空或一个段落为一个单位,利用前后文判 断每空的词性; 3. 把对应词性的选项逐一带回原文,含义通顺,时态、主谓搭配一致的为正确选项。 四级考试的常用后缀在判断选项词性时可以有一定帮助作用。在根据前后文判断每空的词性时,一些经常考察的形式如下: 名词:通常来说,冠词(如a,an,the)、形容词、介词后面搭配名词,即"a/an/the/adj./prep. + n。", 举例说明:Education soon became a _____. 冠词a后面加可数名词的单数形式,正确答案是nightmare,这句话的意思是"教育很快成了一种噩梦。" As the trade winds lessen in _____, the ocean temperatures rise causing the Peru current flowing in from the east to warm up by as much as 5 degrees. (06-6) 介词in后面加名词,正确答案是strength,这句话的意思是"当信风强度减弱的时候,海洋温度上升,导致从东部流入的秘鲁洋流上升了5摄氏度之多。"较难的一个例子:Husbands and children now do some of these jobs, a ____ that has changed the target market for many products. (06-12) 这里可以用两种判断方法来判断横线处所填词的词性。第一种方法,用句子结构来判断,前面一句话,husbands and children now do some of these jobs,这是一个完整的句子,主语husbands and children,谓语动词do,宾语some of these jobs;后面的that 引导的是一个同位语从句,它所修饰的中心词就是a后面需要填的词,而定语从句的中心词是名词,所以横线处应填一个名词。第二种方法,根据刚才所说的"a + 名词"的语法规则来判断,横线处应该填一个名词,而且是一个可数名词的单数形式。正确答案是situation。这句话的意思是"丈夫和孩子现在也做一些这样的工作了,这种情况就改变了许多产品的目标市场。" 动词:动词的考点很多,我们来看其中三种: 1. 主语后缺谓语动词。举例说明:He ____ from his teachers, came home in tears and thought about dropping out. 在这句话里,主语是he,本来后面应该有一个动词作谓语,但是这里没有动词,而是在横线后面出现了一个介词短语from his teachers,这样这句话就缺少谓语动词,所以横线上应该填一个动词。正确答案是hid,这句话的意思是"他不愿见老师,


2019年12月英语六级改错模拟题(4) 句子结构的错误 在英语中按句型来说能够分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句四种,从结构上来说又能够分为简单句、并列句和复合句三种。句子的结构错误是构成句子完整结构的某一成分用错或者缺少,或者使用了多于成分而造成句意不清的错误类型。因为英语语法和汉语语法特点在结构上表现得十分明显,主、谓、宾结构在数、格、人称上的一致、连接手段的准确使用以及词序安排等,都与汉语有着相当大的差异,所以在改错中也是一大难点。句子结构错误类型包括:句子类型使用错误、句子成分短缺、平行结构错误以及词组搭配使用错误。 例 1 Computer analyzed marketing reports can help deciding which products to emphasize now, which to develop for the future, and which to be dropped. 1.__________ 本句中三个平行成分 which products to emphasize now, which to develop for the future, and which to be dropped 结构模式应该一致,均采用不定式主动语态,因而 to be dropped 应改为 to drop . 例 2 When we consider the comfortable circumstances of a working family today, the life of the workingman in 1882 seems miserable indeed. But earlier it had been ever hard. 1.__________


大学英语六级CET6听力技巧 大学英语六级CET6考试中,很多同学发现听力部分很难。甚至有很多同学给我写信说自己上个月和这个月错题数目完全相同,对听力已经绝望。其实大可不必。绝望是因为没有清楚分析自己错题的原因,并且没有从错题中汲取经验和知识,结果每逢考试,总是犯同样的错误。那么六级听力部分的难点究竟有哪些呢? 除去技巧部分,大多数同学的问题基本集中在三点:1. 生词多;2. 速度快;3. 音变频繁。 那么应该如何解决呢? 1.生词多。背单词是大家最头痛的部分。有很多同学认为自己每天背了很多单词,但最后考试的时候还是出现遗忘现象。究其根源,是因为在背的时候只用了自己的眼睛和手,而没有用嘴和耳朵。 听力部分的特殊性就是将单词通过声音的形式来传达到同学们的耳朵里,从而考察同学们对英语的敏感度。所以如果这个词你没有听过,没有读过,或者读不对,在考试时是不会有反应的;另外一些同学发现背单词书上的单词很枯燥,无法坚持。对于这部分同学,建议大家去背历年真题中的生词。先把所有生词画出来,查找,再做题,也不失为一种动力背词法。而当你把20几套真题的单词都查过以后,你就会发现,你的单词量已经在5000左右了。 2.速度快。速度是另外一个困扰大家的难题。我常常对同学们说:“一个人的朗读速度往往就是一个人的听力理解速度。”而这就是大家为什么不能适应快语速的原因。 要解决这个问题也很简单,就是跟读真题文章,以音频语速来要求自己。平时说话中也要加快自己的语速,形成一种习惯,一种惯性。很多同学说不知道平时说话究竟要快到一个什么程度,我想美国电视剧《老友记》中的速度就是大家要达到的速度。 3.音变频繁。除了速度,音变也是困扰大家的一个难题,其表现就是大家不是一个词两个词听不懂,而是一串听不懂,一片听不懂。这就是因为同学们读句子的方式是一个词一个词地读,中间有停顿,而英美人会习惯性地在有些词中间采用音变读法,如:连读,失去爆破,重读,弱读等等。 要想听懂这样的句子,就必须提高自己的口语发音实力。建议大家使用教材练习和音频模仿同步练习音变。推荐给大家一本音变讲得很好的教材《托福听力的弦外之音》,而音频的模仿大家可以选择模仿真题的音频。这样做有三点好处:1.练习了音变;2.,熟悉了考试词汇;3.熟悉了考试句型。 (一)调整心理状态 心理状态就是一个人的心情。心情的好坏,会直接地影响我们工作、学习的效果。你也能看到,在体育比赛中,由于心理状态的起伏,参赛选手的发挥会跟着有较大的起伏。同样的道理,心理状态的正常与否对参加听力考试的同学来说也至关重要。心理方面的任何失衡都会使你手忙脚乱,得分率降低,平


2017年大学英语六级改错预测练习题 英语六级改错练习题 Some people, in all seriousness, say that humans will be living in space within the next hundred or so years. Planet Earth will be crowded, dirty and lack of resources. A sort of exodus [1] of mankind will begin. Spaceships will be assembled so that they revolve around the earth. Some may orbit around Mars. These space stations will be serviced by space buses. We saw the first space bus launch in [2] April 1981. This was ""Columbia"", it made several [3] orbits around the earth and then returned, landing on a huge dry lake bed in California. ""Columbia"" will be used again. Previous spaceships have been abandoned, only the nose being used to bring the crews back to earth.[4] Upon established, each space station will [5] generate its own atmosphere and have its own agriculture. It will need to rotation to provide [6] an artificial gravity; people will be forced inwards [7] from the centre by centrifugal force. The moon and Mars could become new sources of new materials. Driving through space will no [8] longer need Earth fuel - the energy would come from the sun. This energy would be converted from [9] electricity to work magnetic rockets. That all sounds quite fantastically but, with [10] the rapid development of modern technology, who knows about what the future holds? 答案 1. and lack of... short 2. bus launch in... launched 3. it made several... which 4. the crews back... crew 5. Upon established... once 6. to rotation to... rotate 7. forced inwards... outwards 8. space will no... would 9. converted from... into 10. quite fantastically but... fantastic


大学英语六级改错讲义(张子宏) 第一节介词 考点1:中心词+ 介词of 例1:More and more people live in towns and cities instead on farm and in villages. (90/1, No.71) 例2:The family’s recreation and social life chiefly consisted a drive in the wagon to the nearby small town or village to transact some business as well as to chat with neighbors who had also come to town. (90/6, No.78) 考点2:中心词+ 介词to 例1:People are earning higher wages and salaries. This leads changes in the way of life. (90/1, No.76) 例2: Similarly, we feel comfortable with people with physical qualities similar as ours. (95/1, No.71) 考点3:中心词+ 介词on 例1:……, but such reasons are totally dependent in the balance of risks and benefits for the patients. (93/6, No.75) 考点4:中心词+ 介词with 例1:In every home a stereo or television will fill the rooms sound. (95/6, No.72) 考点5:中心词+ 介词for 例1:Big cities of the world are well-known by their noisiness. (95/6, No.76) j固定搭配: on the contrary, on one hand…on the other hand, on purpose, on business, on the whole, on the spot k表位置,指与某物面碰面的接触:on the wall, on the earth 考点6:介词on l表时间,置于某日前: on May 4th, on Sunday, on the morning of m表时间,指“在……之后,立即……”: on our arrival non和to合成的介词onto: 表示运动的方向和场所,意为“到……上,在……上”。get onto the bus, slip onto the floor 例1:……, on the contrast, the intimate atmosphere of the small college allows the students four years of structural living in which to expect and prepare for the real world. (96/6, No.79) 例2: Men have explored parts of the moon, put spaceships in orbit around another and possibly within the decade will land into another planet and explore it. (00/1, No.73) 考点7:其它常用介词的基本含义 j介词in: 表示“在(某空间)里面”,构成“in+空间、范围” k介词for: 表示“为某一目的而准备”;或者,for用于表示持续的时间; 表原因 l介词from: 表示“特定地点或时间的起点”;或者,指特定的“来源或起因”


改错: 历年全真试题及参考答案(00.1-06.12) 00.1 Until the very latest moment of his existence, man has been bound to the planet on which he originated and developed. Now he had the capability to leave that planet S1._______ and move out into the universe to those worlds which he has known previously only directly. Men have explored S2._______ parts of the moon, put spaceships in orbit around another planet and possibly within the decade will land into another S3._______ planet and explore it. Can we be too

bold as to S4._______ suggest that we may be able to colonize other planet S5._______ within the not - too - distant future ? Some have advocated such a procedure as a solution to the population problem: ship the excess people off to the moon. But we must keep in head the billions of dollars we might S6._______ spend in carrying out the project. To maintain the earth's population at its present level, we would have to blast off into space 7,500 people every hour of every day of the year. Why are we spending so little


生命是永恒不断的创造,因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。 --泰戈尔 大学英语六级改错讲义(张子宏) 第一节介词 考点1:中心词+ 介词of 例1:More and more people live in towns and cities instead on farm and in villages. (90/1, No.71) 例2:The family’s recreation and social life chiefly consisted a drive in the wagon to the nearby small town or village to transact some business as well as to chat with neighbors who had also come to town. (90/6, No.78) 考点2:中心词+ 介词to 例1:People are earning higher wages and salaries. This leads changes in the way of life. (90/1, No.76) 例2: Similarly, we feel comfortable with people with physical qualities similar as ours. (95/1, No.71) 考点3:中心词+ 介词on 例1:……, but such reasons are totally dependent in the balance of risks and benefits for the patients. (93/6, No.75) 考点4:中心词+ 介词with 例1:In every home a stereo or television will fill the rooms sound. (95/6, No.72) 考点5:中心词+ 介词for 例1:Big cities of the world are well-known by their noisiness. (95/6, No.76) j固定搭配: on the contrary, on one hand…on the other hand, on purpose, on business, on the whole, on the spot k表位置,指与某物面碰面的接触:on the wall, on the earth 考点6:介词on l表时间,置于某日前: on May 4th, on Sunday, on the morning of m表时间,指“在……之后,立即……”: on our arrival non和to合成的介词onto: 表示运动的方向和场所,意为“到……上,在……上”。get onto the bus, slip onto the floor 例1:……, on the contrast, the intimate atmosphere of the small college allows the students four years of structural living in which to expect and prepare for the real world. (96/6, No.79) 例2: Men have explored parts of the moon, put spaceships in orbit around another and possibly within the decade will land into another planet and explore it. (00/1, No.73)


短文改错(Error Correction)属主观题型,要求考生在15分钟内找出并改正一篇短文中的10处错误。 一、改错形式有以下三类: 1.错词(words mistaken)。在标有题号的一行中有一词在词法、搭配或词义等方面有错误,要求考生找出错误并换上正确的词(change a word),这类错误在所有错误中占绝大多数。 2.缺词(words missing)。在标有题号的一行的任何位置——包括行首词前和行末词后——缺了一词,要求考生按语法、搭配或上下文语义的需要找出缺词的位置并补上所缺的词(insert a word)。 3.多词(words redundant)。在标有题号的一行中有一词按语法、搭配或上下文语义要求纯属多余,要求考生认定该多余的词并划去(cross out a word)。短文共有10处错误,但究竟哪一行多一词,哪一行缺一词或错一词,则没有任何规律和标记。历年考题的统计资料表明,绝大多数改错设计为错词一类。其主要原因除了命题因素外,更由于这类错误形式难度较大,并更能考查考生的实际语言驾驭能力。 改错规则:不论是错词,缺词或多词,考生在改错时只能动一个词。 二、短文改错的命题考点: (一)上下文语义方面的错误 1.反义词。这是短文改错中出现频率较高也是短文改错中最具特色的一种错误类型,这类错误必须在透彻理解上下文语义的基础上才能发现并更正。常见的这类错误有:①派生反义词。如: encourage-discourage,load-unload,satisfy-dissatisfy等。②互补性反义词。如: dead-alive,boy-girl,man-woman,male-female,brother-sister,married-single等。③换位性反义词。如: buy-sell,give-receive,lend-borrow,husband-wife,parent-child,left-right等。 ④相对性反义词。如: easy-hard,big-small,cold-hot,old-young,wide-narrow,love-hate等。 ⑤按上下文语义,行中多用了not或no,或必须添上not或no。 2.连接性词语。连接性词语虽属传统的语法题,但其用法主要依据上下文语义上的逻辑关系,即对上下文的理解。短文改错设计中的连接性词语的错误包括: ①并列连词。如: and,but,for,or等。②主从连词。这类词较多,如: because,(al)though,if,unless,before,after,until,as,while,whereas等。③连接性副词。如: however,moreover,besides,nevertheless,then,thus等。④连接性介词。如: because of,despite,besides,instead of等。 (二)用法搭配方面的错误 1.介词。介词主要涉及用法与搭配,是短文改错中出现频率最高,也是考生最易失分的一类题型,要在这类题型的辨错改错上有所突破,考生必须注意平时介词用法知识的积累。在改错中,请注意从以下几个方面辨认。①介词与动词的搭配。如: accuse sb.of,charge sb. with,prevent sb. from,prohibit sb.from,differ from,contribute to等。②介词与名词的搭配。如: count on,influence on,improve on,belief in,confidence in,advantage over,preference over,attitude to,solution to等。③介词与形容词的搭配。如: different from,indifferent to,dependent on,independent of,guilty of,innocent of,persistent in,proficient in等。④由介词引起的短语。如: in contrast,in turn,in the long run,by means of,in terms of,on good/bad terms with,on the contrary,by chance,by turns等。 2.成语。短文改错的命题标的也常对准各类成语,尤其是成语中的介词、冠词和名词的单复数形式等。这类错误的出现频率也较高。①介词错误。如: take pride for(→in),abide to (→by),persist on(→in),have no ear to(→for)等。②冠词错误。如: in the contrast(in contrast),all of sudden(all of a sudden),keep a pace with(keep pace with)等。③名词单


大学英语四六级考试必知应试技巧 巨微英语 一、听力: 1、对话题;用试音和念题的时间熟悉选项,找关键信息点,找像but,however,一类的转折词都有可能含有关键信息,再通过句中重要名词和常见高频动词判断场景,提高准确率。 2、短文理解,一般西方人在一篇文章中开头结尾都会包含很多信息,理解这些有助于把握整篇文章,再关注一些时间数字地点等信息。 3、复合式听写,听之前迅速浏览全文,判断文章大概内容和结构,观察空格后的语法信息,判断应填的词性单复数时态及语态,重点记那些支撑句子结构的主要成分,即主语谓语宾语,而一些虚词则可省略。 二、阅读: 1、否定词,答题时依靠否定关系,能排除干扰内容。注意,除了运用常见否定词外,否定前缀也要注意。 2、因果连词,如果题目要求从文中找出相应信息,一定要把句子看完整,应对要求解释句子的题目,优先考虑因果关系。 3、转折词,一旦出现对比关系,就能很快判断句间和句内的关系。转折词往往表示前后内容不一样,容易成为出题重点。 4、核心词,题干中反复出现的名词和各段段首反复出现的名词都可能是核心词,

很多题目都和文章或段落的主题有关,有很多正确选项自然不可避免地包含文章主题词或段落核心词。 三、翻译: 1、根据原文含义增减词语,通过添加词语的方式,更忠实的表达原文的隐藏含义。在不影响原意的情况下省略无关紧要的词语。 2、恰当运用词类转换,特别是名词,动词,形容词这类词语。可以转换使用,运用这些可使译文通顺流畅。 3、警惕被动语态,英语中被动语态使用频率要远远高于汉语。如果一味按照原句的语态来翻译,往往使译文显得别扭。 4、通常情况下,长句要分译,短句要合译。 四、写作: 1、字迹清晰,段落分明,每段开头空四至八个字母格。 2、内容完整,紧扣提纲。 3、语法和拼写正确,再追求闪光的句子。


大学英语六级考试改错题专项练习题精编UNIT 1 Learning does not happen passively. It is an activity which a person does. It is a task which can be attempted in various of ways, some of which are 1._____more appropriate than others. When the material to be learned is 2._____a interest to him, effective learning usually proceeds automatically. In the first place, the person at once relates the material to other material which has already securely learned. Subsequently, the relevance 4._____of the newly learned material to his interests assures its being 5.______recalled on many occasions; and one repetition minimizes 6.______the likelihood of remembering. Furthermore, the subsequent use 7.______of the new material is likely to take place in a variety of contexts and, so, the material becomes related to a narrower range of other material. 8.___Because of all this, the material is and recalled with increasingly readiness in a variety of 9._____contexts. Without really trying, the person had fulfilled a 10._____few important conditions of effective learning. 1.第一个of 去掉 2. is 后加of 3. with 改为to 4. has改为is 或者在has后加been

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