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12、从环保角度说;(Environment Protection)



2012年11月2日托福考试写作范文综合写作: Passage: ocean life extinction. 原因有三:气候变冷导致海平面下降;小行星撞击地球;太阳紫外线加强由于臭氧层消失,给了个例子,一种海洋生物那时候在海洋表面绝迹了。 Lecture: 反驳 1 气候变冷很缓慢而且海平面下降晚于extinction 2 没发现那个时期的crater。 3 那种海洋生物具体在哪生活我们不知道,可能在海底生活。 独立写作: 三选一,你愿意作出下列那种改变improve your health Out of the following three things, which one would you prefer to regulate in order to improve your health? 1. The kind of food you eat 2. The amount of exercise 3. The amount of stress in your life Modern society has turned humans into curious creatures. Our ancestors were highly active thanks to their hunter-gatherer lifestyle; they ate fairly balanced diets due to the limited availability of fats and simple carbohydrates; and they relied on stress as a survival mechanism that kept them alert during intermittent periods of danger. Now, many of us spend upwards of 8 hours a day sedentary at our jobs; we eat unbalance diets of pre-prepared foods in order to save time; and we are constantly stressed due to a never-ending bombardment of stressors coming from our contemporary lifestyle. Managing all three things--diet, exercise, and stress--would be a daunting task for anyone, so if I had to pick one thing to improve my health, it would probably be exercise.


080105CNW1【08 年1 月5 日大陆托福机经写作第1 题-综合写作】 The reading passage explains the negative effects of introducing foreign species into a local ecosystem. The lecture, on the other hand, offers counterarguments to prove that introduced species many not necessarily be harmful. First, according to the reading, imported species may destroy the existing balance within an ecosystem. However, the lecturer argues that these species don’t always do harm to the local ecosystem. Instead they may bring benefits to local agriculture. Second, the reading states that imported species may destroy the useful aspects of local species. Yet the lecturer points out that this is not always the case. He points out that it depends on local circumstances. For example, the cane toads introduced into the state of Florida have helped to exterminate pests that have infested local harvest. Finally, the reading contends that imported species may add to the local economic burden. Again, the lecturer refutes this point by saying that the impact on local economy varies from place to place. He/She uses the example of mesquite to illustrate this point. This plant imported into Africa has been used as food and firewood by the local people, a useful contribution to the local economy. 080427CNW1 The reading passage provides three pieces of evidence to support author Gavin Menzies’s claim that it was Chinese who first visited the Americas. However, the lecturer dismisses this claim as unfounded. First, as to the markings resembling Chinese characters discovered on a rock on Bimini Road, the lecturer argues that these markings are natural formation rather than human engraving. It looks as if they were carved by humans but a closer examination by geologists would immediately reveal that they are formed by natural forces. Second, regarding the donut-like anchor found off the Coast of Bimini, which seems to be made by Chinese, the speaker suggests that this does not necessarily mean Chinese had been there first, because similar anchors had long been used in navigation by many other countries. Finally, the lecture refuses to view the stone towers on Bimini Island as evidence of the arrival of Chinese sailors earlier than others. He points out that although these towers look like a Chinese lighthouse from a distance, they are in fact built in an English architectural style. Furthermore, carbon dating technique has indicated that the construction by Chinese sailors took place much later than the 15th century.


托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(1) Which one do you prefer, to solve problems on your own experience and knowledge, or to ask others for advice? As knowledge and experience serve as twim towers in problem-solving, one is often presented with two major paths that pave the way for final fulfillment, eitther to wrack his brain, just like what happened to Neuton, siiting for many years under an apple tree and eventually figuring out ond of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe, or to seek for others’ widsom through their advice, just as in the case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others’ advice contribute greatly to effectiveness and effeciency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience and knowledge related to problem-solving can be obtained by personal effort alone due to limitations of mind and capabilities of each individual. A single thought in someone’s mind is, more often than not, far less shining compared with group’s wisdom. That explains the famous old saying that one sees further when standing upon the shoulders’ of past great giants; that explains why a great leader is always with greater minds; that also explains why teamwork in corperation is highly emphasized in the 21st century. Brainstorm and exchange of ideas between different thoughts never fail to enhance capabilities of each individula involved, a team, a company, an institution, a country, or even the entire global village. Asking others’ advice instead of getting everything done on one’s own promotes democracy and communication too. In terms of democracy, it is necessary to give others rights and chances to speak since the problem may concern them in different ways, and their saying in turn reflects our respect toward freedom of speech as well as their wisdom. In terms of communication, idea exchange sometimes focuses more than solutions, and hereby better mutual understanding about perspectives, principles, praticalities and personalities of each other. Admittely turning to others for help and suggestion by no means refers to absolute and irresponsible dependence. Consideration upon different thoughts and ideas broadens our mind, enlarges our vision, furthers understanding, enhances more effective and efficient brainstorm, and stresses mutual respect in groups and communities, which undoubtedly gives rise to better, if not the best solutions. As is paraphrased from John F Kenedy, brainstormed, there is little we cannot do while divided, there is little we can do. 托福写作辅导:托福考试满分作文欣赏(2) Case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others' advice contribute greatly to effectiveness and effeciency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience and knowledge related to problem-solving can be obtained by personal effort alone due to limitations of mind and capabilities of each individual. A single thought in someone's mind is, more often than not, far less


托福写作难点分析 托福写作是托福考试中最后一项,也是托福写作中的难点。很多同学托福考试都栽在了托福写作中。下面就和大家分享托福写作难点分析,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福写作难点分析 托福写作难点一:提纲 很多考生在看到作文题的时候,往往就急速下手,并没有花一定的时间去构思整篇*的写作思路,最终使得作文的章法缺乏条理,内容架构很不清晰。往往这样的考生很多一部分只是跟着自己的写作感觉走,稍不留神就会出问题。 要控制因胡乱写作所造成的篇章思路混乱模糊,考生须严格按照三点提纲来写。假如第一段要求描述某个现象,务必不要先进入到原因分析,否则到了第二段该分析原因的时候就没东西可写了。 另外,有的考生一方面有话则多,一发而不可收,控制不了自己;一方面无话则隐,该说的话没有体现出来。 我们不妨把作文的要求量化到每一个段落:一篇200词左右的作文一般不会超过15句话,把这15句话根据题目要求分配到

各段中去,每一段大概只说那么几句话,绝不多说,事实上往往是说得越多,错误越多。 因此,顺着提纲走,每一段不要写得太多,点到为止,见好就收,这才是最稳妥的对策。 托福写作难点二:思路 这种情况经常会出现,尤其是那些平时感觉英语水平很好,但是一谈到写作,常常就会没有思路,不知如何下手,针对这种情况,我们对思路扩展提出两种方法,能迅速有效帮助学生解决这个问题。 (一)归类法: 在平时阅读时,需要时刻注意按照*的体裁进行归类,如诗歌、散文、小说、戏剧、或记叙文、说明文、议论文。在阅读时,将内容相近,体裁相同或体裁不相同的*进行比较,通过比较领悟*的美妙之处,学习作者独特的写作思路和观点的阐述方法,句法结构的特点等等。 (二)总括法: 就是要求考生对各个题材*的总体架构和写作思路有一个宏观的把握。譬如:议论文是对某个议论对象,提出见解或主张并说明理由,使读者信服的*。它的基本特点是议论的说服性而议


12月10日托福写作答案解析 综合写作】 关于加拿大一种当地语言的保护。阅读说了几个影响语言消失的factor,听力反驳。 阅读文章: 1. 根据一个survey,当地十六岁以下才有百分之二十的人说当地话,而且在减少。 2. 当地渔业为了实现国际化,只说international话,比如说像English这种语言。因此,父母不鼓励孩子学当地话。 3. 电视和电台大部分都是用English和French播的,这对年轻人影响比较大的。所以也造成这种语言的后继无人。 听力文章: 1. 阅读中survey的数据不准确,实际收据比这个要多。因为survey 只是针对traditional的当地话,而年轻人说的也是当地话,只不过比较modern。 2. 听力说及时发展渔业也还是需要和local交易的。而local人只说当地话,所以在工作中说当地话也很重要,父母们也意识到了,开始让孩子们学。

3. 听力说确实电视和电台是这样的,但是网络媒体并不这样,人家大部分还是用native language的,而且听众也挺多的。 【独立写作】 Which option do you prefer? Travel to foreign countries when you are young than when you are older. Give specific reasons or examples to support your decision. 题目解析: 这道题算是一道老题,和今年5月29日那场考试的题目(It is better to take risks and explore new things when you are older than when you are young.)极其类似。并且,也呼应了2015年北美考场的真题。所以,部分同学对此可能并不陌生。 写作思路解析: 选择年轻时旅行 1. 丰富生活 列出细节(the Golden Gate Bridge ,The Pyramids and The Louvre)具体描绘世界之五彩缤纷。拿书本所学和实际经历对比,感叹纸上得来终觉浅。拿年轻实现旅行梦想和年老后悔对比,鼓励年轻人尽早行动。


托福考试写作流程及题型介绍 托福考试时间长,题目量大。很多同学听“托”丧胆,托福考试成为众多同学出国路上的拦路虎。那么托福考试考察哪些内容?具体设置如何呢?下面我们就来看一下托福听、说、读、写每一项的考试内容、题目数量、时间要求、考察重点等,做到知己知彼,才能百战不殆。 》》》点击查看:详细的托福考试流程 考试程序 8点开始排队准备入场,8:30左右签诚信单,9:00开始考试,整个考试时间差不多4小时,差不多下午1点考完。 考试时间及题目数量如下: 1. 阅读部分 阅读无加试是3篇文章,共计60分钟。如果加试,将加考2篇文章,计时40分钟。其中加试题目不计入成绩,但是考试时考生并不知道哪篇是加试,因此应当一律认真对待。 2. 听力部分 正常考试分为两组题目,每组题目由一篇校园情景对话和2篇学术讲座组成。每篇对话5个问题,每篇学术讲座6个问题,正常考试34个题目,60分钟。如果加试,加试一组题目:即一篇对话和两篇学术讲座,加试17个题目,加试时间30分钟。 3. 10分钟的休息 休息时间可以上厕所,吃点东西。 4. 口语部分 考试时间大约20分钟,分为6个task. 5. 写作部分 一篇综合写作,一篇独立作文,共计50分钟。 写作题型 写作分为综合写作和独立写作。 4.1 综合写作: 出题形式:3分钟时间阅读一篇学术类文章,文章从屏幕消失后,播放一段与阅读内容相关的听力,然后总结听力与文章的要点内容,并说明听力为什么总结反驳的文章的观点

时间及字数:写作时间20分钟,字数150-225 e.g. Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they cast doubt on points made in the reading. 4.2 独立写作 出题形式:独立写作通常要求就某个开放性话题表达观点,并说明自己的理由。话题通常为日常常见话题,涉及工作、教育、环保等话题 e.g. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement??Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 字数及时间:300字以上 30分钟 托福考试写作流程及题型介绍



托福写作TPO7综合写作详细解析 阅读材料: In an effort to encourage ecologically sustainable forestry practices, an international organization started issuing certifications to wood companies that meet high ecological standards by conserving resources and recycling materials. Companies that receive this certification can attract customers by advertising their product as ecocertified. Around the world, many wood companies have adopted new, ecologically friendly practices in order to receive ecocertification. However, it is unlikely that wood companies in the United Stated will do the same, for several reasons. 为了能过促进林业的可持续发展,有个国际组织开始着手给那些达到了环保和再生利用要 求的木材公司颁发认证。获得认证的公司可以在广告商宣传自己是环保的,进而吸引消费者。在全球范围内来看,为了能得到环保认证,很多木材公司已经开始采用了环保策略。然而, 就美国的公司来讲不太会采取同样的措施,原因如下。 First, American consumers are exposed to so much advertising that they would not value or even pay attention to the ecocertification label. Because so many mediocre products are labeled “new” or “improved,” American consumers do not place much trust in advertising claims in general. 首先,由于每天接受大量广告的轰炸,美国消费者对于环保标签并不是很在意。由于很多 的普通产品都标榜“创新”或者“升级”,美国消费者对于广告上生成的东西基本上不怎么信任。 Second, ecocertified wood will be more expensive than uncertified wood because in order to earn ecocertification, a wood company must pay to have its business examined by a certification agency. This additional cost gets passed on to consumers – American consumers tend to be strongly motivated by price, and therefore they are likely to choose cheaper uncertified wood products. Accordingly, American wood companies will prefer to keep their prices low rather than obtain ecocertification.


托福写作考试相关试题 6.Because the wood of the dogwood tree is very hard,_____ is used for objects,such as roller skate wheels,in which hardness is desired。 (A)and (B)it (C)what (D)thus 7.In hot,dry regions,the Sun‘s heat causes the outer layer of rocks _____,a process called exfoliation。 (A)are expanded and peeled away (B)to expand and peel away (C)expands and peels away (D)they expand and peel away 8.The lower _____ in a room,the more slowly our eyes focus。 (A)the level of lighting (B)light level (C)leveling of light (D)lighting is level 9._____ Sarah Orne Jewett,a nineteenth-century writer,read widely in her family‘s extensive library。 (A)That she received little education formally (B)The little formal education that she received (C)Little formal education that was received by (D)Although she received little formal education 10.(A)In the early twentieth century,the Model Tautomobile was mass-produced and sold at a price _____ could afford。 (A)the average person who (B)that the average person who (C)and the average person (D)the average person [托福写作考试相关试题]相关文章:


2018年8月26日托福考试独立写作解析 独立写作考题: Imagine you need to improve ur performance in order to get better grades or higher work payment, which way would you choose? -doing more extra work or assignments that are required -participate more actively or contributing your own idea more frequently in the group discussion 中文解读: 为了提高薪资或者学习成绩,需要提升我们自己的“表现”,以下两种选择中哪个更好1)做额外任务;2)小组中表现积极 题干信息解读 该题整体来说,难度不是很大,因为该题中涉及到的主要方面跟学习和工作挂钩,因为对于学生们来说,并不陌生。 要注意的是,该题目中存在相关背景信息---In order to get better grades or higher work payment,所以,对于题目中出现“背景信息”在2018年的考试中,出现的次数还是比较多的,比较代表性的是2018年6月10日和5月26日的考题,如下: 2018年6月10日 In order to adapt to the life in university and succeed, if you are a freshman, which method do you think is better: 1. attending a one-week orientation or introduction program when you are in the university campus and before classes begin; 2. meeting regularly in your first year with students in your

【解析】TPO2托福综合写作阅读原文 听力原文 满分范文

【解析】TPO2托福综合写作阅读原文+听力原文+满 分范文 现在大家在进行托福备考时TPO托福模考软件相信是大家用的最多的工具了,对于托福成绩的提升是非常有帮助的。那么,如何利用现有资料TPO模考软件来提升大家的托福成绩呢?今天三立在线教育托福网在这里整理了TPO2托福综合写作阅读原文+听力原文+满分范文分享给大家,希望大家在备考托福时能有所帮助。 TPO2托福综合写作阅读原文文本: First of all, a group of people has a wider range of knowledge,expertise, and skills than any single individual is likely to possess. Also, because of the numbers of people involved and the greater resources they possess, a group can work more quickly in response to the task assigned to it and can come up with highly creative solutions to problems and issues. Sometimes these creative solutions come about because a group is more likely to make risky decisions that an individual might not undertake. This is because the group spreads responsibility for a decision to all the members and thus no single individual can be held accountable if the decision turns out to be wrong. Taking part in a group process can be very rewarding for members of the team. Team members who have a


托福写作入门宝典—考试简介及备考指南 托福写作入门简介。托福考试包括听、说、读、写,四个单项。托福写作作为托福考试的最后一项,占整个托福成绩的25%。托福写作包括两部分:托福综合写作和托福独立写作。前程百利小编接下来,向大家介绍一下托福写作的两个部分的考查标准以及备考策略。 (一)综合写作考试简介及指南 综合写作是由一段阅读文章和听力音频构成。首先,要求考生在3分钟内阅读250-300字的阅读材料,然后听一段与之内容相关的lecture,最后根据阅读文章和听力音频的内容,写一篇总结性的文章。需要注意的是,听力结束后开始进行写作,同时阅读文章又会重现。综合写作题目总体上可以分为支持和反驳两种,但是支持题偏多,写作的要求是150-225词。 但是,现在ETS出题模式趋向于统一化,阅读的文章一般都是提出一个支持或者反对的观点,然后,从三个分论点进行论述。而听力部分要么支持,要么反驳阅读部分观点。也是从对应的三个分论点进行论述。 那么我们了解了托福综合写作的出题模式之后,应该如何应对如呢?建议策略如下: 第一,针对阅读文章,3分钟内,迅速找到总论点和3个分论点,并且记下关键词。 第二,针对听力部分,注意表达支持或者反驳观点时的用词,并且对应的三个分论点。听力部分还考查大家记笔记以及熟练运用听力笔记符号的能力。关于笔记符号,大家可以参见前程百利托福集训营下的托福听力笔记符号。 第三,考生开始写综合文章时,要根据阅读文章的内容,运用自己的语言,稍作修改;然后,对应同样的论点和分论点,结合听力部分的讲座。这样的话大概就有150个字,初步满足考试要求;

如果还有时间的话,大家可以加以修饰。检查自己的文章,修改错别字,语法和用词。 (二)独立写作考试简介及指南 独立写作部分,与旧托福的作文类似,要求考生在30分钟内写一篇300字以上的文章。 不同于综合写作的归纳整合,托福独立写作需要考生根据题目的内容,运用自己的语言能力,表达观点。要求结构比较精当,论证比较充分,举一些详细事例及细节。考试时间为30 分钟,字数要求,至少300 字。题目的内容多半是关于教育、运动以及衣、食、住、行等生活类的话题,考生同意或反对题目的观点,然后根据自己的情况,表达观点。 托福独立写作,较综合写作来说,具有更多的灵活性。那么,针对托福独立写作的考查要求,我们该如何备考呢?下面是几个应对托福独立写作的建议: 第一:需要具备充足的词汇量,托福独立写作考查我们的主观表达能力。如果想仅仅根据一个题目,就能出色地完成一篇至少300字的作文。我们必须具备充足的词汇量。 第二:需要掌握良好的语法知识,熟悉学术论文的写作格式。包括时态,语态,语气,句式。语法准确,措辞清晰,逻辑紧密。 第三:熟悉题库内容。反复阅读题库中的题目,熟悉所有话题,有针对性的准备素材。在平时的练习过程中,可以优先准备题库中的题目。托福独立写作题库内容,可以参见:前程百利托福写作批改专区。 以上就是托福写作两部分的介绍和备考建议了,最后前程百利小编希望大家都能够在托福考试中取得好成绩。


4.15 / 2.25 2017 年01月07日托福写作考题回忆 综合 防止海龟减少的办法是否有用 阅读:有3种办法防止海龟减少 1建立金属围栏,防止海龟蛋被素食者吃掉 2禁用塑料袋,海龟吃了塑料袋,消化道会被堵塞 3把传统渔网改成只能捕鱼而不会限制海龟的,海龟被渔网捉住,会溺水 听力:上述办法都不行 1. 金属围栏会阻碍小海龟的磁场发育,海龟靠磁场导航,找食物,找配偶,找地方产卵。 没有发育好的磁场,海龟根本无法生存,繁衍。 2. 限制塑料袋或许有用。问题是,现在海里已经有成千上万的塑料袋了,即使分解成了 小片,一样会危害海龟。所以限塑解决不了燃眉之急。 3. 改进的渔网,渔民会拒绝使用,因为网到的鱼会减少,收入会减少。即使有法律规定 必须使用,渔民也会趁没人使用传统渔网,回到岸上再换成改进渔网。 Sample Answer: When it comes to the decrease of sea t urtle?s population, the reading puts forward three solutions to prevent this tendency. However, all these three solutions are regarded as invalid in the listening. First, the idea that building a metal fence will work. Not as it puts in the reading, the listening argues that the mental fence will hinder the development of magnetic field which exerts influence on the growth of the little sea turtles. The listening further illustrates that sea turtles rely on magnetic field to navigate, find food and mates as well as find a suitable place to lay eggs. Without a fully developed magnetic field, they cannot live and reproduce. As to the second measure of a ban of the plastic bags, the listening still refutes it. As a matter of fact, there are already thousands of plastic bags in the sea, which, although decomposing into small pieces, still pose great threat to sea turtles. Therefore, the ban of plastic bags is not the point. Lastly, the reading calls on to transform the traditional fishing nets into those catching only fish but not sea turtles. Unfortunately, the third solution is not able to work well. The listening explains that the fishermen will refuse to use the transformed fishing nets


45天托福写作复习计划 很多同学都知道考试前,托福写作和口语是复习的重点,但是却并不知道具体该如何复习?今天给大家带来了托福45天托福写作复习计划,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福45天托福写作复习计划 一.快速审题攻略 如果说独立写作是闭卷考试,那么你花上3~5分钟的时间去审题,去构思,是很必要的。但是,实际情况是,独立写作是开卷考试,首先题库公开,它的题型和题材都不会超出题库的范围,你总会在题库中找到类似的题目,加之机经的强大力量,使得托福独立写作真的成了开卷考试。既然是开卷考试,大家就应该把审题的工作放到考试之前做,争取在1分钟之内完成,不要浪费时间,把时间用来打字,而不是思考上面。那些思维风暴、切题思路之类的,应该是事先已经准备过,训练过的。如果考到了你从来没接触过的题,只能说明你没有准备到位,如果你的审题时间超过了2分钟,那么你的准备也没有到位,这就是开卷考试的备考思维,满分不是临场发挥出来的,而是准备出来的。 二.阶段具体计划

第一周:随机阅读10-15篇官方范文,每天2-3篇。做笔记,背诵其中有用的词汇以及句型。 第二三周:改写10-20篇范文。每天1-2篇。每天睡觉前背诵当天改写过的作文,这个阶段没必要限定每篇完成的时间。 第四周:不限时练习5-10篇,每天1-2篇。一定要不限时,这样才能保证质量。多,反复修改。如果时间充裕,应该多练 5-10篇。 第五六周:限时练习10篇,每天练习一次,每次限时25分钟完成——只有这样才能在考场上游刃有余。 托福考试作文独立写作范文:现在比以前更容易接受教育 It is easier to become a educated person today than it was in the past. 点睛 题目大意:成为一个受过教育的人现在要比过去更加容易。此题属于典型的古今对比,常见的思考方向有:科技水平、物质水平、受教育水平、人们的意识和观念、社会的趋势和政策。波波建议选择同意,因为高科技的产品出现和人们教育意识的提升。 独立写作范文一

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