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Module 4 Fine Arts-Western,Chinese and Pop Arts

Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空导学号 58082175

1.The house looks very old, but in __reality__ (realise) it's quite new.

2. __Realising__ (realise) my mistakes, I made an apology to her immediately.

3.The floods led to many deaths and serious __destruction__ (destroy) to the area.

4.Many people think that children learn language by __imitation__ (imitate) .5.It is a __traditional__ (tradition) practice in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.

6.The __expression__ (express) on her face suggested that she was delighted with the result.

7.As a child, he liked __observing__ (observe) the behaviour of insects.

8.The reform and open policy has brought us Chinese people a rich and __colourful__ (colour) life.

Ⅱ.完成句子导学号 58082176


Women who __put_off_having_a_baby__ often make the best mothers.


We __take_turns_to_do/in_doing__ the washing-up.


They're so alike. Can you __tell_them_apart__ ?


The man, __considered_to_be_a_medical_expert__ , in fact, was a cheat.


I won't __stand_them_asking__ about my personal affairs.

Ⅲ.句型训练导学号 58082177

(Ⅰ) 一句多译


① __What_do_you_make/think_of_the_strange_letter?__

② __How_to_you_like/find_the_strange_letter?__

(Ⅱ) 句型转换

1.I hate to read letters that are written in pencil.

→I hate to read letters __written__ in pencil.

2.This book is very valuable to me.

→This book is __most__ valuable to me.

Ⅳ.语法填空导学号 58082178

根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

Pablo Picasso was considered __1.to_be__ (be) the greatest western artist of the twentieth century, __2.who__ was a Spanish artist. Picasso and another painter,George Braque,started Cubism.

Roy Lichtenstein was __3.a__ contemporary American artist.One of his works is a world famous example of pop art.Pop art was an important modern art movement that __4.aimed__ (aim) to show ordinary twentieth-century city life.

Qi Baishi was one of China's __5.greatest__ (great) painters.He followed the __6.traditional__ (tradition) Chinese style of painting.Chinese painting is known __7.for__ its brush drawings in black inks and natural colours.Qi Baishi's paintings are special __8.because__ he observed the world of nature very carefully.

Xu Beihong __9.was__ (be) one of China's best-known twentieth-century __10.artists__ (artist) . Like Qi Baishi,Xu painted in the traditional Chinese style and is most famous for his lively paintings of horses.

Ⅴ.话题写作导学号 58082179


1.He is a famous contemporary painter.He __is fond of drawing landscape and is well-known for it .


2.In order to make his painting alive ,he decided to give up traditional style .


3.He determined to adopt a new drawing style .


4.That meant he would stand great pressure and difficulty .


5.He observed life very carefully and sometimes asked what others made of his works .



识记古代文化常识(二) 【2015年高考课标全国Ⅰ卷】阅读下面的文言文,完成后面的题目。 孙傅,字伯野,海州人。登进士第 ....,为礼部员外郎。时蔡翛为尚书,傅为言天下事,劝其亟有所更,不然必败。翛不能用。迁至中书舍人。宣和末,高丽入贡,使者所过,调夫治舟,骚然烦费。傅言:“索民力以妨农功,而于中国无丝毫之益。”宰相谓其所论同苏轼,奏贬蕲州安置。给事中许翰以为傅论议虽偶与轼合,意亦亡他,以职论事而责之过矣,翰亦罢 去。靖康元年,召为给事中,进兵部 ..问之,傅曰:“祖宗法惠 ..尚书。上章乞复祖宗法度,钦宗 民,熙、丰法惠国,崇、观法惠奸。”时谓名言。十一月,拜尚书右丞,俄改同知枢密院。金人围都城,傅日夜亲当矢石。金兵分四翼噪而前,兵败退,堕于护龙河,填尸皆满,城门急 闭。是日,金人遂登城。二年正月,钦宗诣金帅营,以傅辅太子 ..留守,仍兼少傅。帝兼旬不返,傅屡贻书请之。及废立檄至,傅大恸曰:“吾唯知吾君可帝中国尔,苟立异姓,吾当死之。”金人来索太上、帝后、诸王、妃主,傅留太子不遣。密谋匿之民间,别求状类宦者二人杀之,并斩十数死囚,持首送之,绐金人曰:“宦者欲窃太子出,都人争斗杀之,误伤太子。因帅兵讨定,斩其为乱者以献。苟不已,则以死继之。”越五日,无肯承其事者。傅曰:“吾为太子傅,当同生死。金人虽不吾索,吾当与之俱行,求见二酋面责之,庶或万一可济。”遂从太子出。金守门者曰:“所欲得太子,留守何预?”傅曰:“我宋之大臣,且太子傅也,当死从。”是夕,宿门下;明日,金人召之去。明年二月,死于朔廷。绍兴中,赠开府仪同三司,谥曰忠定。 (节选自《宋史·孙傅传》)下列对文中加点词语的相关内容的解说,不正确的一项是() A.登进士第,又可称为进士及第,指科举时代经考试合格后录取成为进士。 B.兵部是古代“六部”之一,掌管全国武官选用和兵籍、军械、军令等事宜。 C.庙号是皇帝死后,在太庙立室奉祀时特起的名号,如高祖、太宗、钦宗。 D.太子指封建时代君主儿子中被确定继承君位的人,有时也可指其他儿子。 D


Task 1:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 (2016·北京,B) Surviving Hurricane Sandy(飓风桑迪) Natalie Doan,14,has always felt lucky to live in Rockaway,New York.Living just a few blocks from the beach.Natalie can see the ocean and hear the waves from her house.“It's the ocean that makes Rockaway so special,” she says. On October 29,2012,that ocean turned fierce.That night,Hurricane Sandy attacked the East Coast,and Rockaway was hit especially hard.Fortunately,Natalie's family escaped to Brooklyn shortly before the city's bridges closed. When they returned to Rockaway the next day,they found their neighborhood in ruins.Many of Natalie's friends had lost their homes and were living far away.All around her,people were suffering,especially the elderly.Natalie's school was so damaged that she had to temporarily attend a school in Brooklyn. In the following few days,the men and women helping Rockaway recover inspired Natalie.V olunteers came with carloads of donated clothing and toys.Neighbors devoted their spare time to helping others rebuild.Teenagers climbed dozens of flights of stairs to deliver water and food to elderly people trapped in powerless high-rise buildings. “My mom tells me that I can't control what happens to me,” Natalie says,“but I can always choose how I deal with it.” Natalie's choice was to help. She created a website page,matching survivors in need with donors who wanted to help.Natalie posted information about a boy named Patrick,who lost his baseball card collection when his house burned down.Within days,Patrick's collection was replaced. In the coming months,her website page helped lots of kids:Christopher,who received a new basketball;Charlie,who got a new keyboard.Natalie also worked with other organizations to bring much-needed supplies to Rockaway.Her efforts made her a famous https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4b5445695.html,st April,she was invited to the White House and honored as a Hurricane Sandy Champion of Change. Today,the scars(创痕)of destruction are still seen in Rockaway,but hope is in the air.The streets are clear,and many homes have been rebuilt.“I can't imagine living anywhere but Rockaway,”Natalie declares.“My neighborhood will be back,even stronger than before.”


Task 1:阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (2016·全国Ⅰ) A Heroic Driver Larry works with Transport Drivers,Inc.One morning in 2009,Larry was __1__ along 165 north after delivering to one of his__2__.Suddenly,he saw a car with its bright lights on.__3__he got closer,he found __4__vehicle upside down on the road.One more look and he noticed__5__shooting out from under the__6__https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4b5445695.html,rry pulled over,set the brake and__7__the fire extinguisher (灭火器).Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out. The man who had his bright lights on__8__and told Larry he had__9__an emergency call.They__10__ heard a woman's voice coming from the wrecked (毁坏的) vehicle.__11__the vehicle,they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.They told her to stay__12__until the emergency personnel arrived,__13__she thought the car was going to__14__.Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move__15__she injured her neck. Once fire and emergency people arrived,Larry and the other man__16__and let them go to work.Then,Larry asked the__17__if he was needed or __18__ to go.They let him and the other man go. One thing is__19__—Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle! His__20__most likely saved the woman's life. 【语篇解读】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。短文讲述了货运司机拉里看到了一辆翻倒着火的汽车,不顾个人安危对伤者实施救助的故事。 1.A.walking B.touring C.traveling D.rushing 答案C[考查语境中动词的辨析。由下文的pulled over,set the brake等词可知,拉里送完货物之后正在道路上行驶。因此答案选C。] 2.A.passengers B.colleagues C.employers D.customers 答案D[考查语境中名词的辨析。拉里是送货司机,当然是将货物送到顾客(customers)手里。] 3.A.Since B.Although


必修一Unit 1Friendship Ⅰ.常考单词必背 1.upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的vt.(upset,upset) 使不安;使心烦;打翻,碰倒;打乱 She was upset about losing her job. 她正为失去工作而心烦意乱。 Losing the ring upset her very much. 遗失戒指使她很心烦意乱。 [快速闪记] be upset about/over/at sth 为某事心烦 upset oneself about sth 为某事而烦恼 2.ignore vt.不理睬;忽视 Either she didn't see me wave or she ignored me on purpose.要么她没看见我招手,要么就是故意不理我。 [快速闪记] ignorant adj.不了解的,无知的 ignorance n.不了解,无知 3.concern vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到n.担心;关注;(利害)关系 The accident was concerned with the bus driver. 这次事故与公交车司机有关。 There is some cause for concern but no need for alarm. 是有点令人忧虑,但不必惊慌。 [快速闪记] concerned adj.担心的;关注的 be concerned about/for关心;担忧;挂念

be concerned with牵涉到……,与……有关 as/so far as...be concerned关于;至于;就……而言 4.power n.能力;力量;权力 The power was cut off and the street was entirely in darkness.断电后街道完全陷入了黑暗。 She was the one who had the power to hire or fire people.有权雇用或解雇人的是她。[快速闪记] (1)come to power上台,当权,表示动作,不能和一段时间连用。 (2)be in power当权,执政,表示状态,可以和一段时间连用。 (3)have the power to do sth 具有做某事的能力、权力 beyond/out of one's power某人力所不能及 5.settle vi.安家;定居;停留vt.使定居;安排;解决 They calmed down and settled their problem soon. 他们镇静下来并很快把问题解决了。 Mr.Wang settled down in America soon after he got there.王先生到美国后不久就定居下来了。 [快速闪记] (1)settle down舒适地坐下;安静下来;定居下来 settle down to sth/doing sth开始认真对待某事;定下心来做某事 (2)settlement n.解决;协议 6.suffer vt.& vi.遭受;忍受;经历 We'll suffer hunger one day if we don't care about the farmland.如果我们不关注农田,将来我们会挨饿的。 [快速闪记] suffering n.痛苦;苦难sufferer n.患病者;受难者 7.pack vi.& vt.捆扎;包装;打行李n.小包;包裹 As soon as I graduated,I packed my bags and moved to the west of China.一毕业我就收拾行李去了中国西部。 A pack of reporters were waiting outside for the latest news.一群记者在外面等待最


每周一测 Ⅰ.单项填空 1. ________ of the people on the Net ________ China’s economy is among the strongest in the world. A.Four-fifths; believes B.Four-fifth; believe C.Four-fifths; believe D.Four-fifth; believes 2.—You’ve drunk too little. ______ of t he milk is still left in the bottle. —I’m full now. A.Two thirds B.Two three C.Second third D.Seconds three 3.Besides Tom, ________ Crosettes have two other sons, ________ of whom are all interested in making model planes. A.不填; two B.不填; the two C.the; three D.the; the three 4.—How often do you visit your grandpa? —________. A.Every other week B.Two weeks C.For two weeks D.Every a few weeks 5.It is believed that Mr. Foley saved ________lives of the Jews, even hiding people in his own home. A.ten of thousand of B.tens of thousands of C.ten of thousands of D.ten thousand of 6.In ________, he had failed eleven times,but he decided to have a ________try. A.the thirties; twelve B.the thirties; twelfth C.his thirties; twelfth D.his thirties; twelve 7. ________, the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games started at the Olympic Stadium in London, Britain. A.On July 27, 2012 B.In July 27, 2012 C.On 27 July, 2012 D.In 2012, July 27 8.It’s nearly six o’clock. I must start preparing dinner. The guests _______ be here at any moment.


Ⅰ.语境填词 1.The ________(manage) decided to choose a responsible person to perform the task. 2.Gathering clouds ________(announce) the oncoming storm. 3.Smith said he is ________(innocence),but many people think he is lying. 4.Now it became ________(evidence) that he spoke two languages at once. 5.He must be made to answer for these terrible ________(犯罪). Ⅱ.单项填空 6.—Bob’s ________ the branches from the tree.Go and ________ for firewood.Bill!

—Do you think I’m really ________ for this kind of work? A.cut away;cut them up;cut through B.cut off;cut them down;cut through C.cut away;cut them up;cut out D.cut off;cut them down;cut out 7.—How are you going to ________ these problems? —I really don’t know what to ________.Will you help me out? A.deal with;do with B.deal with;do C.do with;do with D.do with;do 8.The word “ungelivable” based on Chinese,which has become a big hit online very quickly,________ a message that Chinese can also serve as an addition to English vocabulary. A.delivers B.simplifies C.declares D.clarifies 9.If you have any doubts about your health,you’d better________ your doctor at once. A.convince B.consult C.avoid D.affect 10.The company has got ________ from many users both at home and abroad for top-quality products and services.(2016·无锡一模) A.benefit B.apology C.credit D.envy Ⅰ.阅读理解 (2016·苏州一模) The newspaper must provide for the reader the facts,pure,unprejudiced,objectively selected facts.But in these days of complex news it must provide more;it must supply interpretation,the meaning of the facts.This is the most important


2018届高考第一轮复习--现代文阅读:小说之语言赏析 2018届高考第一轮复习--现代文阅读:小说之语言赏析 破解小说阅读题(四)——语言赏析 高考《考试说明》对小说语言的鉴赏有两层含义:一是鉴赏小说中人物的个性化语言,即作品中人物的语言;二是鉴赏小说的语言风格,即的叙述语言(用语特点和语言风格)。体现在高考中往往有两大题型:体会语句含义,品味语言艺术。但在实际考查中,体会语句含义和品味语言艺术经常是结合在一起的,即要求在体会了语句的含义之后,还要对这样写的好处加以品味赏析。 题型体会重要语句含义 体会重要语句的含义,首先要理解句子的表层意义,即字面意义;其次要理解句子的语境义,即在一定的语境中句子的临时意义;第三要理解句子的言外之意,如反语、双关、婉曲等,表达的往往是言外之意。 题干示例审读判别 [2016全国新课标卷]小说较为夸张地连续使用几万几百万之类的词语描述百亩园的历史,这样写的作用是什么?请简要分析。 (1)题干中有语句句子画线等字样;(2)题干中有理解赏析蕴含等字样。 [2016山东省卷]解释画线处的含义。 [2015安徽省卷]画线处运用了比喻和对比手法,请分别作简要赏析。 [2014江苏省卷]请探究作品结尾画线句的意蕴。 [2014江西省卷]理解下面这句话在文中的含义。 其他设问方式: (1)文中画线语句表现了主人公怎样的情感? (2)怎样理解文中画线语句的言外之意? (3)文中×××蕴含了几层意思?请赏析。 三步赏析语句含义 第一步:结合主题,分析重要语句内涵 既要阐明语句的表层含义,又要挖掘其深层含义。 第二步:在挖掘其深层含义时,需要三抓 1.抓句子的关键词语 重要句子都有凸显其含义的关键性词语,这些关键性词语,可以是主干,也可以是句子的修饰、限制成分。要确切地理解文中重要句子的意义,可从句子结构入手,在抓住主干的同时,特别留心那些修饰、限制成分。句子的修饰、限制成分在一定程度上起着揭示句子内涵的作用。抓住了这些词语,就等于拿到了开启句子含义之门的钥匙。 2.抓句子的位置 重要句子,或揭示段意,一般处于段首或段尾;或揭示文章脉络层次,往往是那些具有总领性、过渡性、总括性的语句。理解这类句子的含义,常需要考虑它在文中的位置:如果是总领句,解释句意时要考虑其所领起的语段的内容;如果是过渡句,要密切上下文段的内容;如果是总结句,就需上溯,寻找相关信息,确定答案要点。 3.抓句子的手法 这些手法,既可以是人物描写手法,如语言描写、动作描写、神态描写、细节描写等;也可以是修辞手法,如比喻、拟人、借代等。对含有手法的句子的理解,应从手法本身的特

2018届高三英语(人教版)总复习随堂演练:6-4 含答案

Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Do you believe in the ________(存在)of God? 2.I know I can trust her in any ________(情况). 3.I ________(使神清气爽)myself with a glass of juice after running. 4.In nature, there are lots of ________(现象)which can't be explained now. 5.Keep the camera ________(平稳)while you take a picture. 6.In production, we demand not only __________ (数量)but also quality. 7.Some people prefer a wider ________ (范围)of views, and would choose to read more. 8.As a ________(后果), the majority of today's mothers are in the labor market. 9.So what do you think is the ________(趋向) of country music? 10.On ______(平均), I spend $100 on books each month. 答案 1.existence 2.circumstance 3.refresh 4.phenomena 5.steady 6.quantity7.range8.consequence 9.trend/tendency10.average Ⅱ.单句语法填空 1.Some common ________ (phenomenon) in the world are still not completely understood by human beings. 2.There are ________ (quantity) of goods in that shop for customers


阶段综合检测(四) (时间:100分钟满分:100分) 班级________姓名________得分________ 选择题部分(共65分) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ()https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4b5445695.html,k ________ by five pence per pound. A.is risen B.is raised C.has risen D.has lifted ()2.The output of machines in 2005 is ________ it was in 2002. A. 5 times what B.5 times that C.5 times as many D.5 times of ()3.It is reported that the employment situation in east China ________ in the last two months, with a rebound in monthly figures. A.has improved B.improved C.was improved D.was improving ()4.The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only ________, but students became more interested in the lessons. A.saved was teachers' energy B.was teachers' energy saved C.teachers' energy was saved D.was saved teachers' energy ()5.—I'm sorry. I ________ at you the other day. —Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself. A.should't shout B.should't have shouted C.mustn't shout D.mustn't have shouted ()6.—Has the doctor ________ the weak child ________ his illness? —No, the doctor didn't ________ him. A.cured; for; treat B.cured; of; treat C.cured; for; cure D.cured; of; cure ()7.(2016·苏北四市联 考)New version of Paris climate agreement ________, the whole world has seen a promising future of lower planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions. A.releasing B.released C.has released D.has been released ()8.Don't forget you can get ________ when you're swimming. A.burning B.burnt C.being burnt D.to be burnt ()9.________ the technology developing, the games will become more and more ________. A.As; amazing B.Of; amazed C.With; amazing D.For; amazed


山东省泰安市2018届高三第一轮复习质量检测山东省泰安市2018届高三第一轮复习质量检测 2018.3 本试卷共150分,考试时间150分钟。 一、现代文阅读(35分) (一)论述类文本阅读(本题共3小题,9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。 坚持依法治国和以德治国相结合。是中国特色社会主义法治道路的一个鲜明特点。二者分别用依和以,用语准确,不能换位。历史上,儒家主张以德治国,但其本质是依德治国。依德治国要求性善,儒家倡导性善,但这只是一种贯彻自己学说的立论而已。因此,我们不能依德治国。依法治国也不能换成以法治国。如果以法治国,法就可能蜕变为统治工具,统治者自己则置身法外;依法治国,意味着在法律面前人人平等。我国封建社会有丰富的法律文化和诸多法律,如秦律、汉律、唐律等,可以取其精华、加以借鉴,但封建社会不是法治社会,因为其法律只是用来统治老百姓的。 道德与法律是有界限的。道德重在化民、教民,有道德的人会自觉遵法守法。个人主义者或利己主义者容易突破道德底线做违法的事,但有个人主义或利己主义思想并不违法。法律要论迹,提供犯罪事实;道德要论心,提倡慎独慎微。我们应当用道德教化民众,用法律厘定罪与非罪的界限。只有这样,才能从道德与法律两方面治理好国家和社会。在现实生活中,道德要求往往高于法律规定。比如,法律没有规定不孝敬父母是犯罪,但子女不赡养父母可以通过法律来解决。孝不只是赡养和义务,而且是敬,是一种对父母的敬爱之情。只依法交赡养费而不敬爱,不能算孝。正如孔子所说,今之孝者,是谓能养。至于犬马皆能有养,不敬,何以别乎?我们不能用法律条款反对道德教化,也不能用道德观念绑架法律。就社会功能而言,法律主要是事后处理或惩罚,而道德教育可以提高人们的道德自觉。可以说,道德是一种自觉行为,甚至是一种勇气。见义勇为、杀身成仁、舍生取义,这些行为都是道义力量使然,而不是法律条款的规定。 在社会主义社会,依法治国和以德治国必然形成强大合力,释放强大正能量。从道德角度说,我们提倡国家、民族利益高于一切,这种集体主义、爱国主义并不违反法律中有关个人权利保障的条款。维护个人合法权利属于法律范畴,为了集体利益而牺牲个人权利并非法律规定,属于道德范畴,它们都是社会主义社会所需要的。相反,如果将依法治国和以德治国对立起来,则是有害的,其实质往往是混淆了法律和道德的不同功能。道德规范不能脱离时代和社会制度。在社会主义条件下,为树立正确价值观,出于国家稳定和社会和谐的考虑,在对公众进行思想道德教育时,有分析地强调责任优先于权利等道理是正确的。相反,将权利置于责任之上、将自由置于国家安定团结之上、将个人置于集体之上,在实践中会带来许多危害。社会主义法律应当维护个人权利,社会主义道德应当倡导个人利益服从集体利益、提倡无私奉献。这就是法律与道德相得益彰的辩证思维。 (摘编自陈先达《法治与德治何以相得益彰》) 1.下列关于原文内容的理解和分析,正确的一项是( )(3分) A.中国特色社会主义法治坚持依法治国和以德治国相结合,其中的德治理念与儒家以德治国本质上是一致的。 B.我国封建社会法律文化丰富,很多朝代都有自己的法律,但因为其法律只是用来统治老百姓的,并不值得借鉴。 C.一个人只是有个人主义或利己主义思想并不会违法犯罪.因此个人主义者或利己主义者不会对国家和社会造成危害。


【高2018届高考第一轮复习试题综合练习-------必修2】 高考题模拟一孟德尔遗传定律 班级:姓名: 1、对下列遗传图解的理解,叙述错误的是() A.③⑥过程发生了基因的分离和基因自由组合 B.①②④⑤过程中发生减数分裂 C.③过程具有随机、均等性,所以Aa的子代占所有子代的1/2 D.图2子代中aaBB的个体在aaB_中占1/4 2、假说演绎法是现代科学研究中常用的方法。利用该方法,孟德尔发现了两个遗传规律。下列分析不正确的是( ) A.“提出问题”环节是建立在豌豆纯合亲本杂交和F1自交实验基础上的 B.孟德尔所作假设的核心内容是“性状是由位于染色体上的基因控制的” C.孟德尔运用统计学分析的方法对大量实验数据进行处理,从中找出规律 D.“若F1产生配子时遗传因子分离,则测交后代的性状比接近1∶1”属于“演绎推理” 3、有关杂合黄色圆粒豌豆(YyRr)自交的表述,正确的是() A.F1产生的YR和yr两种精子的比例为1:1 B.黄色圆粒豌豆(YyRr)自交后代有9种表现型 C.F1产生YR的卵细胞和YR的精子的数量比为1:1 D.基因的自由组合定律是指F1产生的4种精子和4种卵细胞自由结合 4、下图表示不同基因型豌豆体细胞中的两对基因及其在染色体上的位置,这两对基因分别控制两对相对性状,从理论上说,下列分析不正确的是( )

A.甲、乙植株杂交后代的表现型比例是1∶1∶1∶1 B.甲、丙植株杂交后代的基因型比例是1∶1∶1∶1 C.丁植株自交后代的基因型比例是1∶2∶1 D.正常情况下,甲植株中基因A与a在减数第二次分裂时分离 5、假如水稻高杆(D)对矮杆(d)为显性,抗稻瘟病(R)对易感稻瘟病(r)为显性,两对性状独立遗传,现用一纯合易感稻瘟病的矮杆品种(抗倒伏)与一纯合抗稻瘟病高杆品种(易倒伏)杂交,后代F2中出现既抗倒伏又抗病类型的基因型及其比例为() A.ddRR,1/8 B.DDrr,1/16和DdRR,1/8 C.ddRR,1/16和ddRr,1/8 D.ddRr,1/16 6、果蝇的体色有黄身(H)、灰身(h)之分,翅形有长翅(V)、残翅(v)之分。现用两种纯合果蝇杂交,因某种精子没有受精能力,导致F2的4种表现型比例为5:3:3:1。下列说法错误的是()A.果蝇体色和翅形的遗传遵循自由组合定律 B.亲本果蝇的基因型是HHvv和hhVV C.不具有受精能力的精子基因组成是HV D. F2黄身长翅果蝇中双杂合子的比例为2/5 7、在家鼠遗传实验中,一黑色家鼠与白色家鼠杂交(白色与黑色由两对独立遗传的等位基因控制),F1均为黑色.F1个体间随机交配得F2,F2中出现黑色:浅黄色:白色=12:3:1,则F2的黑色个体中杂合子比例为() A. B. C. D. 8、下列有关孟德尔遗传规律的说法错误的是() A.细胞质基因控制的性状遗传不遵循孟德尔遗传规律 B.受精时,雌雄配子的结合是随机的,这是得出孟德尔遗传规律的条件之一 C.孟德尔发现分离定律与自由组合定律的过程运用了假说﹣演绎法 D.基因型为AaBb的个体自交,子代一定出现4种表现型和9种基因型 9、以抗螟非糯性水稻(GGHH)与不抗螟糯性水稻(gghh)为亲本杂交得F1,F1自交得F2,F2的性状分离比为9∶3∶3∶1,则F1中两对等位基因在染色体上的位置关系是( )


Unit 1 Friendship Ⅰ.写作单词——会拼写 1.upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt. 使不安;使心烦 2.ignore vt. 不理睬;忽视 3.calm vt.&vi. (使)平静;(使)镇定 adj. 平静的;镇静的;沉着的4.grateful adj. 感激的;表示谢意的5.loose adj. 松的;松开的 6.teenager n. 十几岁的青少年 7.power n. 能力;力量;权力 →powerful adj. 强大的;有力的 →powerless adj. 无力的 8.suffer vt.&vi. 遭受;忍受;经历 →suffering n. 折磨;苦难 9.recover vi.&vt. 痊愈;恢复;重新获得 →recovery n. 恢复;康复 10.entire adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的 →entirely adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地11.dust n. 灰尘 →dusty adj. 积满灰尘的 12.settle vt. 使定居;安排;解决 →settler n. 移居者;定居者 →settlement n. 解决;处理 13.concern vt. (使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系 →concerned adj. 担心的;忧虑的 →concerning prep. 关于;涉及 14.exact adj. 准确的;精密的;精确的

→exactly adv. 确实如此;正是;确切地15.agree vi. 同意 →agreement n. 协议;同意;一致 →disagree vi. 不同意 16.like vt. 喜欢 prep. 像;如同 →dislike n.&vt. 不喜欢;厌恶17.outdoor adj. 户外的;室外的 →outdoors adv. 在户外;在野外 n. 野外;郊外 →indoors adv. 在室内;进入户内 Ⅱ.阅读单词——要识记 18.curtain n.窗帘;门帘;幕布19.series n. 连续;系列 20.thunder vi. 打雷;雷鸣 n. 雷;雷声 21.tip n. 提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费vt. 倾斜;翻倒 22.partner n. 伙伴;合作者;合伙人23.highway n. 公路;大路 24.item n. 项目;条款 25.swap vt.交换 高频短语——会默写 1.add up 合计 2.calm(...)down (使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来3.be concerned about 关心;挂念 4.go through 经历;经受;完成;仔细检查5.set down 记下;放下;登记 6.a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套7.on purpose 故意地;有目的地 8.at dusk 在黄昏时刻 9.face to face 面对面地

2018年高考英语天津专版复习:专题一 语法知识 第一讲 含答案

第一讲动词与动词短语 考点1 熟词生义现象 1.Aquickreviewofsuccessesandfailuresattheendofyearwillhelp________y ouryearahead. (2017·江苏,30) A.shape B.switch C.stretch D.sharpen 答案 A 解析句意为:到了年底,快速回顾一下自己的成功和失败,这会有助于你为未来的一年做好规划。shape影响(某事物的发展),符合语境。switch转换,转变;stretch变大,拉长;sharpen使变锋利,使增强。 2.Wecanachievealotwhenwelearntoletourdifferencesunite, ratherthan________us. (2016·浙江,8) A.divide B.reject C.control D.abandon 答案 A

解析句意为:当我们学会求同存异,而非对立分歧时,我们会收获颇多。divide分开,使产生分歧;reject拒绝;control控制;abandon放弃,抛弃。根据句意可知选A。 3.Shakespeare’swritingisstillpopulartoday.Ithasreally________thetestof time. (2014·安徽,34) A.failed B.stood C.taken D.conducted 答案 B 解析考查动词辨析。句意为:莎士比亚的作品现在依然流行,它真的已经经受住了时间的考验。由句意可知选B。 考点归纳 熟词生义现象在高考中屡屡出现,有时会给考生带来不小的困难。应对的措施是在日常的学习备考中对常见的词汇除了掌握其基本意义外,对其不太常用的义项也要作适当的了解;其次要对一些具有“熟词生义”的词汇作强化记忆处理,以便在应考时做到胸有成竹。如下列单词的“熟词生义”: ache渴望;address在……上写地址,演说;alone只有;appreciate意识到;blue忧伤的;count有价值;cover够……用;develop逐渐形成;draw推断出;date约会;escape被忘掉;fail使失望,衰竭;foreign不熟悉的;fresh 无经验的;ground理由;invite招致;late已故的;might力量;observe遵守,庆祝;push督促;promise预示;part分手,放弃;read写着;relate讲述;say假设;subject易遭受……的;walk遛等。

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