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1. 1.T ra ve l 旅行

1. 1.Re late d Que stions 相关问题

[1][1]Do yo u l ike tra ve li n g?

Yeah, lo ve t ra veling. To tell you the t ruth, I ha ve been to m any places.You know b y tra velling you can alwa ys e njo y the delicious lo cal food, m eet di ffe rent loca l people and m ake new f riends on the wa y. The bes t is you can lea rn new cus tom s; lea rn local culture, geograph y knowl edge. Bu t you know the m ajor pu rpos e of tra velling is to rela x yours elf, to ha ve fun.Als o b y tra velling to s om e s cenery s pots,you can be clos e to the na ture, to s ee wild anim als. So l lo ve tra velling.What abou t you.


[2][2]Do you pre fe r to trave l along or in a group?

I pre fer to tra vel in a group. When you tra vel in a g roup, you will ne ver los e your wa y, it’s m uch s afer.And the bes t is you ha ve a tour guide who will gi ve you in troduc tion to the place, backg round knowledge and s o on. Us uall y I tra vel wi th m y fam il y, s o we can ca re for each o ther, h a ve fun togethe r, and pla y cards and ches s.

[3][3]Who do you li ke to trave l with?

Us ually I’d like to tra vel wi th m y f am ily, s o we can care fo r ea ch o ther, ha ve fun togethe r, and pla y cards and ches s. The bes t is we can enjo y the m os t beauti ful

m om ent togethe r.

[4][4]Te ll me one of your be st trave l e xpe rience s (your be st trip)

you e v er h ad.

Yeah..as you know I ha ve been to m an y ci ties.Am ong thes e ci ties, I think Su zhou trip is the bes t. Las t year, I wen t to Su zhou wi th m y fam il y. We went to an am us em ent park. We pla yed all kinds o f gam es in it. We reall y had a good tim e and I als o bough t s om e toys.

[5][5]Te ll me your worst trip you e v e r had.

I ha ve tra veled to m any pla ces. The wors t t ra vel is in m y las t s um m er vaca tion.My fam ily wen t to coun tr ys ide. B ut on the wa y one of the car’s tires is bro ken.Af ter we repaired the fla t ti re, i t w as alm os t 2 o’cloc k in the a f ternoon. I t s tar ted to rain, s o we have to s ta y in a hotel for the whole a fte rnoon. Ha ve you go t a bad t rip?

[6][6]Wha t pla ces ha ve you been to?

Man y pla ces. For e xam ple…and s o on. The bes t is Su zhou a lo t of fun.

[7][7]I f tim e and m oney is no t the problem, where would you like to tra vel?

If tim e and m one y is not the problem, I would like to go to the U S A. I want to go to New Yor k.As you know New York is the bigges t finance cen tre and you can s ee the libert y s ta tue o n the s ea. Als o the re are s om e othe r big ci ties tha t are in teres ting. So I would like to go to the US A.

[8][8]Which par t do you enjo y in a trip bes t?

Um m, I enjo y pla ying bes t, es peciall y in an am us em ent park. In m y view, pla ying is the bes t wa y to s eek for fun and m ake m e happ y. I thin k pla ying is als o the bes t wa y to rela x af ter hea vy hom ewor k. Do you agree with m e?

[9][9]Wha t can you lea rn from tr a velling?

I think I can lea rn a lo t from tr a velling. Such as I can learn a lot abou t his to r y, lo cal cuture…s o I think t ra velling is a good wa y to learn knowledge. Ha rdl y…

[10] [10]Di d yo u b u y s ome so u ve nirs f or your fr ie nds w he n yo u w ent on a grea t

trave l?

Yeah, of cou rs e…las t tim e m y pa rents and I vis ited the Bird Nes t, the national

s tadium. I bough t s om e s ou venirs, s om e m ini m odels of the Bi rd Nes t and Wa ter Cube. I ga ve one to m y co us in s is ter, and I kep t one for m ys elf.

[11] [11]W hat ki n d of s ou ve n irs d id you bu y oft en?Di d yo u fr ien ds l ike t hem?

It reall y d epends. Us uall y I would like to choos e s om ething no t e xpens i ve and eas y to take wi th. S om etim es I will gi ve s om e s ouvenirs to m y f riends. The y like m y gi f ts ve r y m uch. Did you gi ve s ouveni rs to friends?

[12] [12]Are you going to s om ewhere fo r this win ter vaca tion?

Yes,I am going to m y hom etown to s pend the s pring fes ti val.My hom etown is Jilin, There is a lo t of Iceland you can pla y on. Som etim es m y fam il y and I will go s kating on an open ground. W here do you us uall y go for holida ys?

[13] [13]How will people tra vel in you m ind in the fu ture?

I thin k m ore and m ore people will tra vel b y plane to go ab road fo r their holida ys.And m ore and m ore people will ride bikes to go to wo rk becaus e the y will wan t to ha ve a cleaner ci t y and fres her ai r. Bu t now I think people pre fer to ha ve m ore pri va te cars. Do you ha ve a car?

[14] [14]Ha ve you tra veled ab road?

No, I ha ven’t been abro ad. Bu t if pos s ible I reall y wan t to go to Am erica

becaus e…have you…?

[15] [15]I f you a re as ked to re com m end s om e places of in teres t in China to a

foreigner, which places are on you r lis t?

Um m…well the firs t place com es to m y m ind is The Grea t Wall. You know i t’s one the world s e ven g reat wonders. Um m als o the y can go to the s um m er palace and the palace m us eum, thes e are fam ous in the wo rld and the y enjo y a long his tor y.B y going to thes e places foreigne rs can lea rn m ore abou t Chines e cultu re.There are

als o s om e other places o f in teres t…bu t I can’t thin k o f them for the m om ent.

[16] [16]Wha t a re the m os t com m on t raf fic tools fo r tra vel? And wha t are the

diffe rences?

Um m. The com m on tra ffi c tools incl uding planes,t rains and cars…als o s ubwa ys.

Us ually i t’s s afer for people to take s ubways and trains and the y a re no t e xpens i ve. Planes are the fas tes t wa y to tra vel bu t the y are the m os t e xpens i ve wa ys.Cars and bus es are con venien t b ut the y are not ve r y com for table and en vironm ent f riendl y ways.My fa vo rite wa y to tra vel is b y train becaus e b y train is s afer and com for table and you can wat ch ou t o f the window to enjo y the view along the railwa y.

2. 2.V ocab u lar y 词汇

3. 3.Grammar语法

4. 4.Recor d in g录音

2. 2.F itness健康与健身

Re late d Que stions 相关问题

1) 1)Wha t kind o f s ports do you like?

I li ke to pla y badm inton.

I alwa ys pla y with m y fa ther. He’s good a t it. I t keeps m e fit and m akes m e fle xible. So I li ke pla ying badm into n.What’s your fa vori te s por t?

2) 2)Do you do an y e xer cis es to keep you in good s ta te?

Well,I us uall y pla y badm inton becaus e i t helps m e keep fi t.

I lo ve s por ts but s om etim es I think I am a li ttle bi t la zy, s o I us ually don’t li ke to do s om e kind of e xer cis e s, s uch as I don’t like running. Bes ides badm inton, I like playing s occe r too.Thes e e xe rcis es can m ake m e s trong and feel good abou t m ys elf. Do you do an y e xercis e e ver yda y?

3) 3)How to keep fi t in you r view?

Well, in m y view, I think people s hould do m ore e xer cis es in order to keep fi t.Als o having a good m ood is im por tant too.This is m y opinion. Wha t’s your poin t o f view?

4) 4)How to im pro ve heal th?

Um m, well, in m y view, to im pro ve heal th, people s hould do m ore e xe rcis es, ea t good food and ha ve good res t and als o, to keep a good m ood. Bes ides, people s houldn’t eat too m uch fat; the y s houldn’t s it up too la te(熬夜). Can you gi ve m e s om e good advi ce?

5) 5)Wha t is a heal th y diet/m eal in you r opinion?And a bad die t?

In m y opinion, in a h ealth y die t, you s hould eat enough vege tables and frui ts, s o you can ha ve enough vi tam ins.Of cou rs e you s hould als o eat s om e beef to gi ve you protein and o ther nu trien ts.Tha t’s all.

A bad diet is in which you ea t too m uch fat.

Fat can m ake you be com e o ve rweight and get ill. A bad die t m eans Junk food.We

s houldn’t go to MacDonal d’s ver y o f ten. Do you thin k s o?

6) 6)How m uch wa ter do you drin k e ver yda y? Wh y wa ter is im portan t to people? Well, us uall y I drink a bot tle o f wa ter, about 3 cups. Bu t I thin k I s hould drink m ore, becaus e w a ter is ver y im por tan t to ou r heal th. Our bo d y needs a lot o f wa ter to grow.

E ver ything can’t li ve wi thou t wate r. Do you agree with m e?

7) 7)Tell m e s om e good habits to keep fit?And s om e bad habi ts tha t harm you r


There are m any wa ys to help people keep fi t.

Firs tl y, people s hould do m ore e xer cis es eve r yda y. People s hould ha ve s om e good habits, s uch as to ge t up earl y and s leep earl y;to ea t good break fas t, s uch as eggs, m ilk, frui ts and b read.The y s hould n’t work too ha rd,the y s hould ta ke a good res t afte r long tim e wo rk. The y s hould drink a lo t of wate r and ea t les s junk food s uch as Ma cDonald’s and KFC’s.

8) 8)How o ften do you go to Ma cDonald’s and KFC?

I us uall y go to MacDonald once a m onth. My fa ther and m y m other don’t allow m e to eat too m uch junk food though I li ke them. The y think i t’s bad for m y heal th. I thin k the y are righ t.

So I don’t go to thes e pl aces ve r y of ten. How o ften you go thes e fas t food c hains? 9) 9)Wha t kind o f clas s break ac ti vi ties do you do a t s chool?

Um m… s om etim es we run a fte r ea ch othe r, s om etim es we jus t cha t with each o ther. Som etim es I s tand up and do s om e s tret che s and jum p a li ttle to rela x m y bod y. Bu t we rarel y g o out of clas s room to ref res h becaus e the s chool s ta ff don’t want us to go out. Do you do s om ething to help rela x you rs elf?

10) 10)Wha t caus es s tres s? When do you feel s t res s ed? How do you deal wi th the

s tres s?

In m y view, m an y things can caus e s tres s, s uch as e xam inations, hom ework.

I will feel s t res s ed when I am gi ven too m uch hom ework.You know i f I don’t finis h m y hom ework on tim e, tea chers will tell m y m om. Bu t I can alwa ys handle s tres s.

Som etim es I will lis ten to m us ic, m ore of ten, I will pla y com puter gam es when I feel s tres s ed.

Do you ha ve an y ad vice to handle s t res s?

11) 11)Do you think s m oking is bad for people?

Yeah! of cou rs e! In m y opinion s m oking is ver y bad for people’s health.

Sm oking can h arm our heal th and we can ha ve a lot o f dis eas es by s m oking. So I hope s m oking people c an qui te s m oking as s oon as pos s ible.

Do you agree?

12) 12)Wh y people will ge t ill?

I am not ver y s ure. Ma ybe becaus e people don’t pa y a tten tion to pe rs onal h ygiene, or breathe in s om e dus t, ea t s om e unclear food or drink s om e dirt y wa ter. Bu t m ore often becaus e people didn’t do enough e xe rcis e and the y didn’t pa y a tten tion to nutrien ts in food.

13) 13)Do you ha ve an y idea s to keep you f rom cold?

Mm….Alwa ys keep you wa rm a nd don’t change you r clothes qui ckl y a fte r you do

s om e s ports. You s hould keep good life habi ts, s uch as ea ting all kinds o f vege table s, and doing enough e xercis es to s treng then your im m une s ys tem免疫系统.Do you have an y good idea?

14) 14)Wha t can you do to p re ven t ca tching flu?

Um m, firs t you need do m ore e xer cis e and d rink m ore wa ter e ver yda y. Second you need ha ve a good m ood, las t bu t no t the leas t, you need pu t on m ore clothes when i t is getting col d. Thes e a re w hat I can think o f.

15) 15)Wha t do you do to rela x yours elf?

I do m an y things to rela x m ys el f.

I alwa ys pla y com puter gam es when I feel tried of doing hom ework. Som etim es I go outs ide to tra vel. Tha t can m ake m e rela x too.

How do you rela x yours elf?

16) 16)Do you go to fitnes s club?

Yes s om etim es I go to fi tnes s club wi th m y paren ts. Bu t I don’t go the re ver y o ften. Som etim es I go the re be caus e m y m othe r as ks m e to.I go to there to s wim.

What abou t you?

17) 17)Do you know abou t m en tal heal th?

Yeah, I heard abou t m et al heal th. But I don’t know it too m uch about i t. So I can‘t s a y too m uch about i t. Can you tell m e s om ething abou t it?

18) 18)Som e girls tr y e ver ywa y to los e weigh t. Som e ones don’t ea t; s om e ones take

operations to rem ove fat. How do yo u li ke their pra cti ce s?

I don’t like thei r p rac tices. Th es e prac tices will harm their heal th.I don’t like thei r ideas. People s hould us e na tural wa ys to los e weigh t. People s houldn’t do an ything to harm their health. Som e girls a re no t thin and the y don’t ha ve to los e weigh t at all.

19) 19)Vocabular y 词汇

20) 20)Grammar语法

21) 21)Re cording 录音

3. 3.Shopp ing购物(非重点)

Re late d Que stions 相关问题

1) 1)Do you like s hopping?

Som etim es I like s hopping, s om etim es I don’t like s hopping. It reall y depends. When I am ver y tired, I don’t wan t to go an ywhere. Som etim es, when af ter a dinner, we have no thing to do, we will go s hopping.

Do you like s hopping?

2) 2)Where do you like to go s hopping m os t?

I would like to go to boo ks tores, becaus e I like reading. In the books to re I can bu y any book I li ke.

Where do you li ke to go s hopping?

3) 3)Who do you li ke to go s hopping with?

I like to go s hopping wi th m y pa rents. Becaus e wi th m y pa rents I don’t ha ve to wor r y about los ing wa ys and w e can ha ve a lo t o f fun on the wa y hom e.

4) 4)Do you help your paren ts bu y s om ething? Wha t kind o f things you bu y for


No, us uall y the y bu y things b y them s elves.Bu t o ccas ionall y I go downs tai rs to bu y salt, vinegar and soybean sauce. Sometimes I buy cigarettes for my father.

5) 5)Do you like s hopping on the in ter ne t?

No, I don’t like s hopping on in terne t e ven though t i t’s ver y con venien t to bu y things. But on in terne t you can’t s ee t rue things s o you don’t know wha t the real is like. Som etim es when you bou ght i t,you will find ou t i t’s no t li ke wha t you ha ve s een. In addition, i t’s not s afe. Som etim e you r com puter can be hac ked and pas s word o f bank card could be s tolen b y s om eone. It’s no t ver y s afe to bu y things online.

Are you wi th m e?

6) 6)Do you like window s hopping, jus t to s ee and no t bu y?

I don’t li ke window s hopping. I thin k i f cus tom ers jus t look and don’t bu y an ything a t all, the owner o f the s hop will ge t ang r y. You know the y ha ve to s pend a lot of m one y to pa y for the s hop and pa y for the ai r conditione rs. Als o I feel i t’s jus t a was te o f you r p recious tim e. Wh y don’t you find s om ething in teres ting to do at hom e? So I don’t li ke window s hopping a t all.

7) 7)Wha t kind o f thing do you s pend you r m one y on the m os t?

I s pend a lo t o f m oney on books.Once I bough t a lo t o f books. I t cos t m e o ver 200 yuan.

8) 8)Do you like bargain?

I li ke ba rgaining. Be caus e i f you don’t’ bargain you could be o vercha rged, e ven be cheated b y s om e people. Us ually b y bargaining you can s pend les s m oney and bu y m ore item s. So I like bargaining when I go s hopping. Wha t abou t you? Do you like to bargain?

9) 9)Do you m ake a s hopping lis t be fore you go to s hops?

I would s ay it depends. Som etim es, i f I am going to bu y a lo t o f things, probabl y I will m ake a s hopping lis t jus t in cas e I would forge t s om ething no t to be bough t. But m ore often i t’s no t neces s ary for m e to m ake a s hopping lis t i f I don’t ha ve m uch to bu y. Do you m ake a s hopping lis t be fore you go s hopping?

10) 10)Ha ve you had bes t s hopping e xpe rience?

Yeah. In m y m em ory, I had a bes t s hopping e xperien ce. I rem em ber clearl y one da y I went a s hop for s om e point pens.The s hop as s is tant told m e ten yuan for 2,I didn’t buy an y. When I wen t ups tairs, in anothe r s hop, i t was ten yuan fo r four. I felt s o luck y tha t I didn’t bu y an y on the fi rs t floor. it’s m y bes t s hopping e xperience.

11) 11)Ha ve you had wors t s hopping e xperience?What happened?

Ok let m e tell you m y wors t s hopping e xpe rience. One da y, I was walking on the

s treet and felt s o thi rs t y s o I de cided to bu y a bo t tle o f wa ter. Then I found it was s o expens i ve to bu y wa ter there. 5 yuan fo r one bot tle. I was s hock ed b y the p rice. Soon I found anothe r pla ce wi th m uch cheaper wate r to s ell. I went up and as ked fo r a bottle. When I pa yed for i t,I s uddenly found I hadn’t go t an y m one y with m e. th en I had to go hom e where was far fa r a wa y.what a bad lu ck! Tha t was m y wors t

s hopping expe rience.

12) 12)When you bu y things, do you us e cas h o r credi t card?

It depends. Som etim es if th e thing I am bu ying cos t les s m oney, I pre fer to pa y in cas h. I f i t cos t a lo t and I don’t ha ve m uch cas h wi th m e, I pre fe r to us e a credi t card les s m oney, cas h eas y to b e s tolen.

13) 13)How o ften do you go s hopping?

I on ce a week. Us ually I go to a s uperm arke t nea rb y to bu y brea kfas t ca rro ts

m eat…and s o on.

14) 14)How m uch do you s pend on you r edu cation e ve r y year?

Probabl y, o ver 30 thous and yuan in cluding m y tuition and a fte r-s chool clas s es.I t is a big s um, is n’t i t?

15) 15)Is tipping popula r in China?

No, I don’t think s o. Tipping is not popular in china. In China, when you finis hed you m eal, you don’t ha ve to gi ve e xtra m oney to wai ter or wai tres s. B ut I heard in wes tern counties i t’s ver y popula r.

16) 16)Wha t’s the m os t e xpens i ve thing you e ver bought for yours elf?

Let m e think for a s econd…um m I thin k the m os t e xpens i ve thing I bough t is a gam e card.It cos t m e 60yuan.Wha t e xpens i ve thing you e ver bough t?

17) 17)Voca b ular y 词汇

18) 18)Grammar语法

19) 19)Rec or di n g 录音

4. 4.Money金钱相关

1. 1.Do you ha ve p ocket mo ne y? How d o yo u us ua ll y use yo ur p ocket mo ne y? Yes I ha ve. I can ge t 30 Yuan per m onth from m y pa rents, 1 yuan per da y. Bu t in Feb., I can’t ha ve 30Yuan, you know wh y? Becaus e in the m o nth, there are onl y 28 da ys. Bes ides, I alwa ys can re cei ve abou t 2000 R MB du ring the s pring fes ti val s.I us uall y s ave the m one y in the bank. So I can us e the m one y to bu y books. I don’t like to bu y other things.

2. 2.Do you t h ink m one y is t he m ost imp orta nt t h in g i n t he w or ld? W h y an d w h y no t?

No I don’t think s o. In m y view, wi th m oney you can bu y food, clo thes and m any others things, bu t you can’t bu y happines s, lo ve and friends hip. Bu t it does n’t m ean m oney is no t im portan t at all, wi thou t m one y we will be hungr y and thir t y. So m one y is ve r y im portan t to our life, but is no t the m os t im portan t thing.The m os t im portan t thing to m e is lo ve. Wha t’s you r opinion?

3. 3.Di d yo u e ver b u y l otter y t icket s?

Yeah, I ha ve tried m y luc k m an y tim es. Bu t you know the wi nning rate is ra ther low. Once I had won s om e m oney and then I us ed the m one y to bu y m ore ticke ts and I los t all the m one y.Tr ying you r lu ck jus t fo r fun is ok. I thin k i f you want to ge t rich you bette r find a wa y to earn m one y b y your own.Do you agree?

4. 4.W hat w o u ld you do if yo u ha d 100 m i ll i on RM B?

Firs t I think I would donate s om e to the poo r o r to the cha rit y o rigination. I wan t to help children wi thout clo thes and food.Then I will bu y m y paren ts a big hous e, and an e xpens i ve car. I thin k e njo ying life is im portan t too.

5. 5.Ha ve yo u sa ve d mo ne y i n a ba nk? How d o yo u us ual l y mana ge yo ur

mone y?

Yeah, I ha ve s om e pocket m one y s a ved in the ban k, bu t no t m uch onl y 3000. when I grow up I will bu y a car and then I can d ri ve it to go an ywhe re.I wan t to ha ve s om e freedom.My fathe r teaches m e about how to m anage m one y.

6. 6.Do you k now an yth i ng a bo ut cre di t ca rd?

Yeah, but jus t a li t tle bi t. Som etim es when going s hoping if you don’t ha ve e nough cas h with you, yo u can us e a credi t ca rd to bu y things. But you ha ve to re turn m one y to the ban k. Be caus e it’s like tha t you bo rrow the m oney f rom the bank s o your ha ve to gi ve i t back la ter. I jus t know this m uch.

7.7.How d o pe o ple ear n m o ne y i n d iffer en t w a ys?

Well you know s om eone fin d a wor k ha ve wo rk, s o the y ge t s alar y. Som eone ha ve their com panies, bu y lo tte r y…won…luck y. s o the y s ell their produ cts to cus tom ers s o the y get m one y from the cus tom ers.

8.8.S ome famo us pe o ple ofte n d o nate t hei r m o ne y to c hari ties, h ow d o yo u remark?

I thin k it’s a good thing to donate m one y. I f you dona te m one y to the poor, children o f the poo r will be happ y becaus e the y can go to s chool.The fam ous people will be happy too, becaus e i t m akes you feel good when you think you are us eful.If I had a lot o f m oney I would do th e s am e thing.

9.9.Do you like barga i n w hen you bu y t h in gs?How d o yo u bar ga in?

Yeah. I like bargain when I s hop. Som etim es if I think a s taf f is too e xpens i ve and I have to bu y,I ba rgain. S o I can bu y it wi th cheaper price. I am ve r y good a t bargaining. Do you ba rgain when you bu y things?

10.10.I f yo u see a be g gar o n the str eet, w il l yo u g i ve h im mo ne y?

Som etim es, it depends. You know s om e beggars are no t real beggars the a re fa ke beggar. Is the y are no t real, I won’t gi ve them an ything.

11.11.W hat do you usua l l y b u y w it h yo ur a l l ow ance?

I us uall y bu y s om e books and s om e s nacks. You know I don’t li ke to s pend m one y, I prefer to s a ve up m one y in the bank.

12.12.I f a fr ien d has b orr ow ed some m one y fr om yo u bu t he seems t o for get t o retur n it t o yo u, h ow w o u ld you sa y t o h im?

I would as k him to ha ve a m eal. Af ter the m eal I would tell him I don’t ha ve m one y with m e and I will as k him to pa y for it. In this wa y, I can get m y m one y back.

13.13.Ha ve yo u ha d ex per ienc e of s ho p pi n g o nl i ne? W ha t d o yo u th i nk b u y

th in gs o n i nter net?

Yes, I on ce bough a gam e card on in terne t.It’s ver y con venien t. You can s hop m an y things at hom e. But the bad s ide is you can’t s ee and feel the thing you wan t to bu y.

14.14.W h y pe o ple sa ve mo ne y i n t he ba nk?

I think firs t is fo r s afe t y. I f you keep m on e y a t hom e, i t can be s tolen b y a thie f.I t’s s afe fo r people to pu t th eir m oney in the bank.Als o i f you s a ve s om e m oney in the bank,you can get in teres t. So you ha ve m ore m one y.This is m y opinion.

15.15.Do you t h ink a sch o ol s ho u ld teac h st u den ts m o ne y?

I am not s ure.Perhaps, i t’s not ne ces s ary to teach things abou t m one y in junio r high s chools, but i t’s ne ces s ary fo r s tudents in the uni vers it y to know things abou t m oney, the y s hould s tud y econom y. This is jus t m y idea. Wha t’your idea?

16.16.V ocab u lar y 词汇


18.18.Recor d in g录音

5. 5.Fa shion and Trends时尚流行

1. 1.W hat is fash i on? W hat ca n yo u th i nk of w h en ta lk in g ab o ut fas hi o n?

I think fas hion m eans s om ething is being popular now. Su ch as Nike, McDonalds food, and F rench f ries. But I think being fas hiona ble, you don’t ha ve to m ake hai r s t yle diffe rent, wield. You don’t ha ve to wear s car y clothes. As for m e, I don’t li ke to follow fas hion.

2. 2.W h y some peo p le l ike fash i on, o th ers n ot? p ursu it

Som e people like fas hion be caus e the y wan t to appea r fas hionab le. Som etim es the y jus t want to loo k cool.You know I don’t like fas hion. I thin k i t’s m eaningles s. Your inner beau t y is the m os t im por tant thing.

3. 3.Do you rea d new s a b ou t fash i on?

No I don’t li ke reading ne ws about fas hion. Ac tuall y I dis like reading an y news.So you s ee I don’t care too m uch abou t fas hion.

4. 4.W hat do you t h ink c hi l dren seek in g f or fas hi o n?

I think child ren s houldn’t s eek fo r fas hion, becaus e fas hion can change th eir wa y of thinking. The y will not focus集中在on im por tant things to learn, bu t fo cus on s om e s hallow浅薄的things, s uch as how to m ake a new hai r s t yle, how to look cool and which b rands a re fam ous and s o on. So I don’t ag ree on children s eeking for fas hion.

5. 5.Do you like fas h io na ble c lo thes?

No I don’t like fas hionable clo thes. I p refe r s om ething cheaper. You know I don’t care for fas hion s o fas hionable clothes m eans nothin g to m e.As long as the cloth es can keep m e warm,I think i t is o k. Do you like fas hionable clo thes?

6. 6.W hat ca n pe op le be nef it fr om fas hi o na ble st uf f?

The y can get prais ed for wea ring fas hionable things. People will s a y the y are co ol, beautiful, and m odern. Bes ides thes e I think you are fas hionable, you can m ake friends eas il y. Do you thin k s o?

7.7.W hat do you t h ink peo p le d ye t heir hair i n d iffere nt c ol ors?

Well, tell you the tru th, i t m akes no di f ference to m e.I don’t care them. I won’t

criti ci ze批评them,the y ha ve th eir choice. I wouldn’t s a y an ything.

8.8.I f you are go i ng t o take part i n a New Year part y, w h at k i nd o f c lo thes yo u

w il l w ear? An d w h y?

I think I will choos e clothes in red.It’s a happ y o ccas ion s o I want to e ver yone feel I am happy wi th them. I don’t know how to e xplain this. Som etim es you know we can hardl y e xplain ou rs elves.

9.9.I f p ossi b le w hat o ne t hi n g yo u w a nt t o d o to make your lo ok i n fas hi o n.

I will bu y m ys elf a fine Mp3 pla yer and I will wear it all da y. I thin k i t is cool to lis ten to popula r m us ic.

10.10.How d o yo u fee l if s ome pe op le sa y t hat yo u are o ut o f fash i on?

I d on’t’ car e, becaus e I don’t c are fo r fas hion. I don’t like to follow fas hion. The y ha ve their choice to s ay, bu t I ha ve m y right to s ta y the wa y I am. Will you feel bad i f the y s ay you a re ou t of fas hion?

11.11.How can you make yo urse lf lo ok co o l or fas hi o nab le?

It’s eas y, you jus t bu y s om e fas hionabl y s ta ff s uch as cl o thes, s hoes and s o on. Als o lis tening to popular m us ic als o can m ake you loo k cool.

12.12.V ocab u lar y 词汇


14.14.Recor d in g录音

6. 6.

Rules an d Re gulation s 规章制度

1. 1.Do you ha ve sc h oo l ru les; ca n yo u remember s ome of t hem?

Yes we do. Such as: don’t run a fte r ea ch o ther in the teaching building, don’t bring to y guns and m obile ph ones to s chool, don’t figh t and s o on.

2. 2.Can you name s ome traf fic re g ula ti o ns i n yo ur da il y li fe?

Yes, I can nam e s om e, li ke don’t cros s the road when the tra f fic ligh t turns red. Don’t dri ve a ca r when you are dr unk. Pleas e walk on the righ t s ide o f a road.

3. 3.Do you ha ve fami l y ru les? Do you t h ink t he y are im por tan t?

Of cou rs e I ha ve fam ily rules.I thin k e ver y fam ily has rules.For m e, I m us t finis h hom ework befo re I can wat ch T V fo r hal f an hou r be fore nine, you c an, at nine go to bed. Als o I can’t wat ch s om e T V channels and I can onl y pla y wi th com puter fo r 30 m inutes a da y. i f I brea k the rules,two da ys or th ree da ys no com puter gam es.

4. 4.Do you like f o ll ow i n g r u les? W h y a nd w h y n ot?

I li ke. Bu t s om etim es I don’t’ li ke follow rules, s om etim es I like. I t all depends. I didn’t like rules in the pas t but now I thin k s om etim es we need rules, otherwis e we can’t do things toge ther. Like at cl as s, we ha ve to follow s om e clas s rules, s o e ve r yone can learn. This is m y point o f view.

5. 5. When do you think i t’s dangerous to break rul es?

I thi nk i t’s dange rous i f you b reak tra f fic rules. I t will caus e ca r ac cidents and people will get killed. So it’ danger ous to brea k the rules.

6. 6.Rules are e ver ywhere, gi ve m e 3 e xam ples.

Ok, for e xam ple, we ha ve s chool rules, tra f fic rules and hom e rules and laws are rules too.

7.7.Gi ve m e s om e public rules we s hould follow e ver yda y.

Well, fo r s om e public rules…tra f fic rules s uch as we s hould s top when the lights turn red; we s hould wai t in line when we get on bus or s ubway train. In the lib we s hou ld keep quie t.There are m an y rules we ha ve to follow e ve r yda y.

8.8.Do you r paren ts s et s om e rules to you? How do you obe y t hem? What happens

when you break them?

Yeah. E ve r y fam il y has its rules. I ha ve to well obe y them othe rwis e I will get

punis hed. Som etim e s if I br eak m y fam ily rules,I can’t pla y wi th the com puter for a few da ys.

9.9.Wha t happens when a d ri ve r brea ks t raf fic laws?

A te rrible a cciden t happens. The car m a y hu rt e ven kill people. Bo th fam ilies will get hurt. You know the dead m aybe was a fa ther to s om e lit tle children.An ywa y, i t’s terrible. So a d ri ve had be t ter no t b reak an y t raf fic rules.

10.10.Can people li ve wi thou t an y rules?

It’s hard fo r m e to im agine. Rules m ake our li ves s afe and eas y. Bu t I thin k e ve r yone s hould follow good rul es.

11.11.Wha t in your opinion caus es m os t tra f fic acciden ts?

When a dri ve b reaks tra ffi c rules, t raf fic ac cidents will happen. So d ri vers s hould

s trictl y obe y the t raf fic rules.The y s hould ne ve r b reak t raf fic rules.

12.12.Do you know an y ba d rules?

Well, le t m e think for a s econd…

Well I don’t ha ve an y clues on m y m ind.

I know there are bad rules m ade b y s tupid people.

But I can’t thin k o f an y e xam ples.

13.13.V ocab u lar y 词汇


15.15.Recor d in g录音

7. 7.工作与学习一门外语

How long hav e you be e n le aning Eng lish?

I have been learni ng Engl ish… le t me th ink…mmm… o ver 5 years. W o w!

I thin k i t i s lo ng a t i me. It s urpri sed me when I th ink o f the long ti me.

Do you like stud ying English? Wh y and wh y not?

In grade 1 I s tarted to learn Engl ish. So far i t’s been 5 years. I l ike learn ing Engl ish. To me i t’s more like a hob by rather th an a study ing ta sk. I f ind it’s easy to lear n it.

What is your fav orite language and why?

My favor ite langua ge i s C hine se, be cause Ch inese is my mo ther tongue. It’s eas y to learn. Every Chi nese chi ld s peaks Ch inese. I a l wa ys can get good scores on t he e xa ms to o. So I thin k I li ke C hine se bes t.

What do you think is the most diffi cult part of le arning a language?

I th ink it’s gra mmar. W hen I a m try ing to sa y so meth ing, I a l wa ys mi x ed up tenses.I bel ieve i t ha ppens to most Ch ines e s tudent s. Do you have th is proble m?

What aspe ct of Engli sh do you find the le ast difficult?

As for me, I t hin k learn ing ne w words is eas y. Firs t I learn ho w to pronounce a ne w word, and t hen I use i t by mak ing sent ences. Through learnin g by u sing, I c an qui ck ly l earn ne w word s. It i s the ea sie st par t of learnin g Engl ish f or me.

Do you think le arning a se cond fore ign language is important?

Yes. I th ink so. Becau se, today Engl ish i s wide ly use d a ll acro s s the wor ld, in a l most al l c ountr ies. If you can spea k Engl ish, man y th ings bec o me ea sy such as doi ng b usin ess, sharing ideas and so on. . Man y thing s are wri tten in Engl ish today as wel l. So Engl ish is very i mpor tant. Do you th ink so?

Be side s English, wha t othe r language s you may want to pick up in the future?

I thin k I wil l pi ck up Fre nch, b ecau se French is the mos t i mpor tant internat iona l lan guage be sid es Engl ish.Also Fren ch i s ver y beau tifu l. So probably I wil l s tart t o lear n th is languag e in the f utur e.


Do you admire anyone?

Yeah, I admire one of my classmates. He is good at sports. For example, to take 50 meters race, my record is 9.76 seconds; his is 6.09.

Do you have any culture icon. Idol?

Yeah, my idol is Jay Chou, who is a famous singer. He sings very well so he is very popular. Another one is Liuxiang, he has become the national hero for he broke the world record in a hurdle race. He is a great player.

Do you have a dream?

Yeah. of course. I have a lot of dreams or you can call them ideals. Especially, I want to be a scientist or a spaceman. You hope one day I will invent a lot of useful machines and tools to help people with their work. Also I want to become a spaceman so I can go to outer space to watch the earth, the moon and other planets far away.

What do your parents do? And do they love their job?

They both are engineers. My mother is an engineer who has designed a lot of buildings and factories. They love their job because they think they can contribute a lot to the society. I want to give something back to our society too when I grow up. Now my job is building myself a strong foundation.

Do your parents often work overtime?

Not very often, but sometimes they are busy with work. My father sometimes works till nine in the evening. Do you work overtime? Both my parents work very hard because you know everything in Beijing is expensive. They have to work hard to make more money.


1.生活富裕了是否还需要节俭 2.谈谈雷锋精神 3.自然就是美 4.公民素质与社会道德 5. 身体健康与心理健康 6.你如何理解“压力就是动力” 7.时间能改变一切 8.律人不如律己 9.争当主角 10.细节决定成败 11.谈谈你对诚信的看法 12.你如何看待拾金不昧 13.当机遇来临时,你是否有能力把握 14.在银行等公共场合都设置了“一米线”来规范秩序,但一些人并不能很好地遵守,对此你有什么看法 15.你如何理解“世界上最美丽的语言是微笑” 16.你如何理解“态度决定一切” 17.你认为企业用人应该以才为先还是以德为先 18.我们应该怎样杜绝盗版 19.谈谈你的财富观 20.谈谈拜金主义的危害 21.“金钱不是万能的,没有金钱是万万不能的”这种说法是否正确 22.请谈谈怎样解决城市交通阻塞问题 23.假如你是班长 24.竞争与合作哪个更重要 25.打假主要靠消费者还是靠执法者 26.一次非同寻常的考试 27.个人能力与团体合作 28.如何看待欺骗 29.昨天·今天·明天 30.学会放弃 31.你如何看待承诺 32.假如你有一百万 33.拒绝诱惑 34.生活需要经常清点 35.简单与精彩 36.现代社会文才与口才哪个重要 37.谈谈你对节约的看法 38.我所了解的鲁迅 39.语文学习有没有窍门 40.由朋友而想到人际关系 第二部分时事·政治 15.谈谈你对目前大学生就业难现象的看法 16.你对男女就业机会不平等现象如何看待

17.谈谈青藏铁路开通的意义 18.前不久,某西餐店开办到故宫博物院里,引起了很大的争议,谈谈你的看法 19.据媒体报道,在我国的某些大城市,一些商家开始要求员工对顾客进行“跪式服务”,引起了很大的争议,谈谈你的看法 20.社会上有人称“80后”是垮掉的一代,谈谈你的看法 22.据新华社报道,北京市质量技术监督局2月25日通报了近期厨房家具产品质量监督抽查结果。此次共抽查北京43家企业的43种产品,有16种厨房家具产品质量不合格。谈谈你的看法 26.你认为道德与法制哪个重要 27.谈谈你对“留守儿童”、“空巢老人”现象的看法 36.你认为当今的世界和平吗 37.谈谈你对全球反恐的看法 39.谈谈创新和继承的关系 40.谈谈你对“天天3.15”这句话的理解 41.你如何看待中国年味儿越来越淡的现象 43.谈谈你对大学生为求职而整容的看法 44.谈谈你对人造美女的看法 47.谈谈东西方文化的差异 第三部分人生感悟 1.幸福是什么 2.谈谈你对成人与成才的看法 3.你怎样看待时间与生命 4.谈谈你对自信与自负的理解 5.谈谈你对网恋的看法 6.谈谈你对早恋的看法 7.你对代沟怎么看 8.你怎样理解“大爱无言” 9.你是如何理解“慈母手中线,游子身上衣”的 10.你最想感谢的一个人 11.你理想中父母与孩子之间的关系是怎样的 12.谈谈你选择知心朋友的标准 13.我的同桌 14.我最敬佩的一个人 15.谈谈青年人的责任感 16.我的家 17.你怎样理解“可怜天下父母心”这句话 18.谈谈如何学会感恩 19.谈谈你对俗语“棍棒底下出孝子”的看法 20.你如何看待“家和万事兴” 21.你如何看待“君子之交淡如水” 22.你如何看待“家和万事兴” 23.谈谈你对“出门靠朋友,在家靠父母”这句话的理解 24.你认为生命的价值是什么 25.果真是穷人的孩子早当家吗


2016年即兴评述热点话题 1、你赞同拐卖儿童一律判死刑吗? 参考观点:我不赞同拐卖儿童一律判死刑这种说法。我国刑法对于拐卖儿童的犯罪打击也是很严厉的,拐卖儿童也是有死刑的。但是,如果说拐卖儿童一律判处死刑,那就有些矫枉过正。原因如下:(1)它与人们的朴素正义,与法理都是相违背的;(2)它并不能有效遏制拐卖儿童犯罪;(3)它有可能造咸死刑泛滥成灾;(4)刑罚没有弹性,就可能让有的人更加变本加厉地犯罪。法律是严谨和理性的,人贩子可恨,网民和父母的心情是可以理解的,但需要理性看待和解决。 2、高考作弊现象缘何“春风吹又生”? 参考观点:主要有两个方面的原因:(1)现有处罚措施不到位难以起到震慑作用。江西替考事件不过是冰山一角,水面下未被发现的黑色替考产业链令人担忧。面对黑色替考产业链,现有的处罚措施却并不十分有效。时至今日,我国仍没有出台专门规范考试行为的法律法规。现有的法规对行政管理人员、考务工作人员、监考人员以及考生的处理大都为短期的行政处分,处罚力度普遍偏低,难以对作弊者起到震慑作用。 (2)“一考定终身”导致成绩崇拜有增无减。虽说现在的高考已经不再是“千军万马过独木桥”的局面,但是,在“一考定终身”的高考制度面前,高考的重要性不容小视。高考成绩不仅是学生,也是教师身上一道难以摆脱的压力。高考成绩还是政府对教育部门,教育部门对学校,学校对教师,家长对学校进行评价不可或缺的硬指标。 3、你认为网络提速降费会产生哪些影响? 参考观点:(1)“提速降费”这枚“石子”,将激起一连串“涟漪”。“提网速、降网费”将是重塑一个更加成熟电信市场的开端。市场竞争更激烈、市场发育更完整时,自会形成更真实、有竞争力的电信资费。 (2)提速降费有益于基于互联网的创业创新,从投资、技术、场地等方面而言,无疑能降低创业创新的成本门褴,令普通公众,甚至偏远地区的网民,都能参与其中。提速降费并不是单纯对网民让利,它事关互联网建设发展,进而对营造大众创业、万众创新的环境具有重要意义,包含经济转型升级的深层次考虑。 4、如何应对微信朋友圈中传播的谣言? 参考观点: (1)微信是“双刃剑”,它在满足人们信息需求的同时,也混杂着各类虚假信息和谣言,让人真假难辨,甚至影响社会安定。这些谣言触动着公众敏感的神经,在社会上引起极大恐慌。(2)微信由于便捷高效、普遍参与等多方面的特性,能在短时间内聚集起大量用户。让每个人能够自由地表达自己的看法,促进社会信息的互动交流。然而,微信毕竟是一个虚拟空间,大部分用户在面对如此海量的信息时都不具备逐一进行查证的条件,这为网络谣言留下了巨大的生存空间。(3)信息传播最基本的要求就是真实性,微信谣言的传播最终会给个人和社会带来双重损失。尤其是当政府和社会信任度下降后,一个极大的负面后果就是“造谣的成本会很低,而辟谣的成本则很高”。(4)对于每位微信用户来说,


2020年最新 20XX高考复习:20篇高考英语话题作文大 汇总 测试题

2021中小学英语复习题 练习试卷 测试题集合 2020年最新 20XX 高考复习:20篇高考英语话题作文大汇总 一. The Best Movie I like to see movie so much. When I have time, the first thing I ’d like to do is to find the hot movies and then buy some snacks, enjoying my movie hours. After appreciating so many movies, The Lord of the Rings impresses me the most. This movie has three series and I like them all. Though the moive was made in about 2000, its technology is still not out of date. In the movie, the scenery is so beautiful that I can ’t move my eyes away. It was shot in New Zealand and I have made up my mind that I must go there someday and have a look at the beautiful scenery. The movie shows me a scientific world with all kinds of creatures. It broadens my vision. 最好的电影


播音主持即兴评述经典题目 1、为什么要报考播音主持专业? 答:完全是因为自己喜爱语言和艺术,心灵深处的梦想,不肯轻言放弃。希望从事播音主持这个专业,我想这给予我的不仅仅是我对这份职业简单的“喜欢”二字,而是积蓄已久的一种情感。播音员的一面是刚性的,它可以越来越深入,越来越锐利;而主持人的另一面,是情感的、内在的、心灵的部分,则应该是柔性的。如果两端都能充分发展,我想整个过程对我而言就是最美好的,在探询刚性本质的同时又揭开人的心灵,窥见灵魂,这不是其他任何的职业都能做到的。而我就会沉浸在这种美好中,希望能在这个行业内成长。 2、你最欣赏的主持人是谁?是否能谈谈欣赏他(她)的理由? 答:我欣赏的主持人是杨澜理由:在众多优秀主持人中,我欣赏杨澜还是多一点,淡定微笑,知识广泛,亲切随和,自然睿智,落落大方,谈笑风生,主持节目挥洒自如,这样的欣赏过程对我来说也是一种享受,一个女子身上融入了智慧与美丽,并且敢于挑战自我,在我眼里,杨澜是最美丽的智慧女性,喜欢她那种轻松自然的主持风格和她丰富的人生阅历。3、你认为做主持人应具备哪些综合素质? 答:节目主持人,集彩、编、播于一身,从节目的采制到播出,始终既是节目的播出者,又是节目的制作者和组织者。主持人是节目的灵魂,一举一动,一言一行,都会在观众印象中留下好与不好的形象。为了维护新闻媒介的声誉,节目主持人时时刻刻要完善自己的素质,塑造好的形象,使它美些再完美些。 它不仅表现了形象美,还要表现了心灵的美,对社会对人民起到教育、鼓舞、熏陶和感染作用。这就需要主持人经过苦心构思、精心设计、雕塑自己的任务。 外形美和心灵美和谐统一。外形美指:容貌、仪表、姿态、言谈和举止的美;心灵美指:思想、情操、志趣、性格和道德的美。 概括的说,主持人要具备三大综合素质:(一)政治互素质思想水平是主持人素质中的根本,它不仅是一个社会人的思想根基,而且主持人作为电视机构的代表,作为一个节目的标志,其观点、言论不仅关系到电视机构的声誉,甚至会影响到整个社会。因此,主持人必须首先要有强烈的社会责任感和较高的政治思想水准。 (二)精神素质主持人的美好形象往往通过人格、修养、风度、气质等状态反映出来,而这些状态都要基于良好的精神素质,这包括对生活和观众的热爱,以及对事业执着的追求。只有热爱生活、热爱观众,主持人才能在屏幕上毫不做作的袒露真诚和质朴,也才能换来观众对主持人的喜爱。而对事业执着的追求,更能树立主持人的威信和富于魅力的形象。 1、思想 2、人格 3、气质 4、心理(三)业务素质业务素质是一名主持人一目了然所应具备的,它也是塑造主持人形象的物质基础,同时也是衡量一个主持人最直接的标志。业务素质包括较高的文化素质,迅捷的语言组织能力,严密的逻辑思维,清晰准确的语言表达以及临场应变发挥能力和独特的个性风采等等。换言之,主持人只有在拥有大量知识,提高了主持节目的能力并掌握具体操作技巧时,才有可能自如的驾驭节目。 1、深厚的知识底蕴 2、主持人应具备优秀的语言表达能力在语言表达的技能把握上,尤要注意两点:即语言表达的分寸和节奏。 3、主持人应具备一定的临场应变和即兴发挥能力。 4、主持人应具备个性鲜明的主持风格。 幽默、潇洒、沉稳、轻快风格是思想、品德、学识、举止、谈吐、能力、才艺、智慧、志趣和格调化在节目主持人身上的综合表现。 主持人不是演员,但需要具备表演的素质和技巧;主持人不是导演,但应具有组织和驾驭之功力。


1、2016年5月6日,网友爆料一名大学女教师左手一边拿着烟卷抽烟,一边给学生讲课,表情随意。该老师给学生上的是专业外语课,并且是从美国留学回来的女性教师。你怎么看待女大学老师课堂抽烟事件? 参考评述框架: (1)这种行为有损教师形象。 (2)身教重于言教。 (3)公共场合要全面禁烟。 评述要点是给出的参考评述框架,详细参考评述内容在2017版《编导高考培训手册》。 2、2016年4月,北京国际电影节期间,各国明星大腕频频亮相,展映活动也让人应接不暇。与此同时,“虚假票房”也引发了广泛关注。2015年的中国电影票房冠军《捉妖记》被质疑票房造假。曾经大热的《港囧》《叶问3》都曾被曝光存在类似行为。你如何看待“虚假票房”? 参考评述框架: (1)利益的驱动,是电影制片方制造虚假票房的动力。 (2)票房造假的成本低。 (3)票房造假是不公平的竞争手段,应该予以遏制。 评述要点是给出的参考评述框架,详细参考评述内容在2017版《编导高考培训手册》。 3、网络直播在2016年成为非常火的网络互动方式,各种直播网站、手机应用让人眼花缭乱,网络直播在镜头前直播的内容也是五花八门。甚至很多明星也加入到了网络直播的行列。你如何看待目前流行的网络直播? 参考评述框架: (1)分析原因:移动互联网的发展、智能手机的普及。 (2)陈述现状:很多人通过直播平台全方位展示自己。 (3)存在问题:有些人只顾眼前利益,直播一些低俗的内容。 (4)社会反思:网络直播也反映了年轻一代在现实生活中的孤独。 评述要点是给出的参考评述框架,详细参考评述内容在2017版《编导高考培训手册》。 4、现在“网红”越来越被人们所熟悉,papi酱、艾克里里等网络红人在网络上坐拥一大批粉丝。随着微博、直播软件等一批带有鲜明互动特色的自媒体平台的兴起。如何看待网红现象? 参考评述框架: (1)网红经济是这个时代不可忽视的新业态。 (2)相关部门应该对这一新事物加强研究,创新管理。 (3)淡然围观,冷静甄别。 评述要点是给出的参考评述框架,详细参考评述内容在2017版《编导高考培训手册》。 5、著名京剧大师梅葆玖于2016年4月25日上午病逝。梅葆玖1934年出生于上海,是梅兰芳先生的第9个孩子。梅葆玖是梅派艺术传人,生前是北京京剧院梅兰芳京剧团团长。代表作《霸王别姬》《贵妃醉酒》《穆桂英挂帅》《太真外传》《洛神》《西施》等。梅葆玖逝世,不只是一个京剧人的远去,也是传统文化传承陷入断层危急的一个信号。京剧,作为国学之一,曾是中国人走向世界的一个文化代表,现在的情况却是荧幕上的韩剧、美剧汗牛充栋,而京剧只能退守专门的京剧频道,独自遭受收视率灰暗的现实。请你从戏曲文化传承的角度谈一下你的想法。 参考评述框架: (1)谈认识:戏曲是中国传统的戏剧形式。 (2)谈创新:创新是一个民族发展的灵魂,戏曲也一样。


高考英语写作……话题写作练习 一. 教学内容: 话题写作练习 A 人物介绍 参考篇目:Unit 1. Hawking. Einstein 注意:1. 表格变为段落 2.按时间顺序 3.根据逻辑关系加上连接词 常用短语和词汇: be born when he/she was ……years old /at the age of later begin to graduate from spend time doing discover 评价:be considered to be / be regarded as be rewarded…… contribute devoted oneself to sth. 根据以下素材写一篇介绍爱因斯坦的短文 Date of birth: March 14th, 1879 Place of birth: Germany Childhood: curious, slowing in learning Education background: 1886 : study in Munich, mathematics, religion 1896 : graduated from high school 1900 : become a maths teacher 1905 : receive a doctor’s degree Achievement: develop the Theory of Relativity by 1915 prove light is bent when passing the sun won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922 Evaluation: one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born on March 14th,1879 in Germany. When he was a child,he was curious about everything, but he was considered to be slow at learning. In 1886, he began to study in Munich. He studied mathematics as well as religion. In 1896,Einstein graduated from high school at the age of 17. Four years later, Einstein became a maths teacher. In 1905, he received a doctor’s degree. By the year 1915, he had developed the famous Theory of Relativity and became famous in the world. He proved that light is bent as it passes the sun. Because of his great achievement, he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922. Einstein was one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century. Some people say that he was a genius. But I think the main reason why he was so successful was his hard work . B. 说明文


答 1.流动商贩该不该合法化? 2.民族造假考生该不该取消录取资格? 3.该不该取消奥数班? 4.二人转该不该登大雅之堂? 5.“一考定终身”现在该不该取消→新课改能否打破“一考定终身”? 6.“人肉搜索”该不该立法禁止? 7.河南农民工维权开胸验肺证明自己患尘癌,是否合理? 8.学校统一发型很笨很落后吗? 9.俩女大学生街头擦皮鞋引发争议→大学生从事技术含量低的职业,是不是人才浪费? 10.小学生背领导人名字是关心时政还是作秀? 11.武汉高校开设“淑女班”,你怎么看? 12.专家热议:“无用”读书导致学生离开学校,你有何看法? 13.鸟巢新项目遭争议,游客花钱可当山寨冠军? 14.女孩公交车上为同伴占座,乘客拍照威胁引发争议? 15.公交车谢绝“老晕”的红与黑,引发网友热议。 16.网友曝光电视购物广告专家造假 17.84万考生为何弃考?

18.考生综合素质被退档,合理吗? 19.学生“脱光光”时间给我们的思考 20.北大拒录,该不该对高考“民族造假”状元网开一面? 21.清洁工“捡”14公斤金饰或面临无期 22.央视“变脸”引发争议 23.对网瘾孩子进行电击治疗 24.女大村官街头被打死,围观群众受争议 25.山寨文化被山寨产品利用 26.高该不该取消文理分科→配套改革是关键 你最近看过哪些电视剧?举出其中一部,谈谈你的看法。 央视和湖南卫视联合制作,当下热播更新的50集电视连续剧:《我们结婚吧》。1.嬉笑怒骂间反映现实。“恐婚”“剩女”“大龄”等标签式的辞藻,从宣传造势及吸引的广泛社会受众群体来看,充分关注当下社会的热点话题,富有一定对生活矛盾处理的指导意义。2.辗转纷扰中体现情感。亲情,不论是婚前婚后的小两口,相伴多年的老夫妻,还是婆媳之间、母女之间等展现的淋漓尽致;爱情,从片名就可以看到明显的主格调,源自相亲的主流,拥有潜移默化的缘分基础,让看似虚幻的概念融入琐碎的小事中;友情,当计划生育逐步实行开来,独生子女越来越多,闺蜜、基友等的地位逐渐上升到了兄弟姐妹的层次,活跃在你我身旁。3.有影无形时凸显趋势。一方面,两


异地高考:随着大量城市流动人口和进城务工农民工在异地工作时间的推移,其子女在流入地参加高考的问题日益迫切。对异地高考问题,一方面教育是国之根本,家长们重视孩子的教育问题,另一方面是也说明当前教育资源分配不失横的问题亟待解决。 自己1977年恢复高考以来,高考制度成为我国选拔人才的最主要方式,为我国的现代化建设提供了强大的人才供给。然而,我们也要清晰的听到,当前社会对高考教育改革的呼声,隋着我国现代化建设的不断深入,人口流动的不断加大,外来人员子女的教育问题也受到了群众、人大代表、媒体的关注。广大的外来务工人员为我们城市带来了生机,我们也应该让其女子在城市中有平等受教育的机会。面对异地高考政策,我认为应该放开异地高考政策。 首先,这是教育机会均等的体现,温总理说过“要让每一名公民都有尊严地生活”,在同一个教室里上课,在同一分数线上竞争,就是有尊严地生活。 其次,从长远来看,放开异地高考政策更有利于学生整体素质的提高。外来学生有本地学生所缺乏的经历,能与外来学生互相学习,互相关心也是对学生综合素质的锻炼。 再次,异高考政策的出台应注重实效,根据当地的实际情况,外来学生的数量,本地师资力量,本地大学的容纳能力等多方面考量,应该让本地学生和外来学生都受益切不可走形式。并且应向社会征求意见,广纳民意。 教育是国家的百年大计,人才资源是最大的资源,我相信在多方参与下,一定会制定出符合实际的政策,让每一名学生都能快乐平等的接受教育。 .我谈“国人过洋节的现象”。 我提倡国人过洋节,但反对崇洋媚外,忘记自己的传统节日。 随着社会的不断进步,通讯、交通的日益发展,中西方交流日益频繁,西方文化对我国人民也逐渐起到了一定的影响。面对这些外来的文化,我们不能全部效仿,也不能一概抛弃,我们要取其精华,去其糟粕。一些洋节在我们的生活中起到了一定的影响,比如说现在很多年轻人都很重视:父亲节、母亲节、情人节、圣诞节这些洋节。这些洋节第一增加了大家的喜悦气氛,第二促进了社会经济的发展,第三增进了人们之间的友谊。这些节日并没有对我们的社会造成很多负面影响,所以,在我看来国人过洋节是没有什么不好的。但是,作为中国人的我们,有着几千年的悠久文明,我们有我们自己的文化,有自己的节日。我们在过父亲节、母亲节、情人节、圣诞节的同时,不要忘了春节、元宵节、端午节、中秋节、重阳节等老祖宗留给我们的节日。总体看来国人过洋节是可以提倡的,这对我们中西方文化交流,促进我国经济发展是很有利的。但是,我们在对洋节津津乐道的同时,不要忘了我们传统的节日。以上就是我的观点,希望各位评委老师能够认同。 .由交通堵塞想到的…… 随着我国科技和人民生活质量的日益提高,车辆也越来越多。在上下班高峰期和节假日里,


高考英语写作专题训练——话题类 第一部分五年高考题荟萃 Passage 1 (09·浙江) 5月1日。高二(3)班的学生志愿者Li Yue和Zhang Hua去阳光敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home)开展志愿者活动(送水果、打扫、聊天等)。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要点用英语写一则100~120个词的新闻报道。 1.时间、地点、人物、活动; 2.老人们的反应; 3.简短评论。 4.注意:报道的标题和记者姓名已给出(不计词数)。 Student V olunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly 【参考范文】 Student V olumteers Broutht Sunshine to the Elderly On May Day, Li Yue and Zhang Hua, students from Class Three, Grade Two, went o Sunshine Nursing Home and did some voluntary work. Upon their arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed, and respectfully, they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits. Then, they started working at once, cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor. Everything done, they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people. When it was time for the volunteers to leave, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness. They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever. Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy. What they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives. By Chen Jie, School Nwespaper Passage 2


第一部分中学生素质 1.生活富裕了是否还需要节俭 2.谈谈雷锋精神 3.自然就是美 4.公民素质与社会道德 5. 身体健康与心理健康 6.你如何理解“压力就是动力” 7.时间能改变一切 8.律人不如律己 9.争当主角 10.细节决定成败 11.谈谈你对诚信的看法 12.你如何看待拾金不昧 13.当机遇来临时,你是否有能力把握 14.在银行等公共场合都设置了“一米线”来规范秩序,但一些人并不能很好地遵守,对此你有什么看法 15.你如何理解“世界上最美丽的语言是微笑” 16.你如何理解“态度决定一切” 17.你认为企业用人应该以才为先还是以德为先 18.我们应该怎样杜绝盗版 19.谈谈你的财富观 20.谈谈拜金主义的危害 21.“金钱不是万能的,没有金钱是万万不能的”这种说法是否正确 22.请谈谈怎样解决城市交通阻塞问题 23.假如你是班长

24.竞争与合作哪个更重要 25.打假主要靠消费者还是靠执法者 26.一次非同寻常的考试 27.个人能力与团体合作 28.如何看待欺骗 29.昨天·今天·明天 30.学会放弃 31.你如何看待承诺 32.假如你有一百万 33.拒绝诱惑 34.生活需要经常清点 35.简单与精彩 36.现代社会文才与口才哪个重要 37.谈谈你对节约的看法 38.我所了解的鲁迅 39.语文学习有没有窍门 40.由朋友而想到人际关系 第二部分时事·政治 1.为什么说党的十七大是在我国改革发展关键阶段召开的一次十分重要的大会 2.为什么说新时期最鲜明的特点是改革开放 3.为什么说中国特色社会主义事业是完全正确的 4.为什么说科学发展观第一要义是发展 5.如何理解科学发展观 6.如何理解扩大社会主义民主,保障人民权益和社会公平正义


20XX高考复习:20篇高考英语话题作文大汇总 一. The Best Movie I like to see movie so much. When I have time, the first thing I’d like to do is to find the hot movies and then buy some snacks, enjoying my movie hours. After appreciating so many movies, The Lord of the Rings impresses me the most. This movie has three series and I like them all. Though the moive was made in about 2000, its technology is still not out of date. In the movie, the scenery is so beautiful that I can’t move my eyes away. It was shot in New Zealand and I have made up my mind that I must go there someday and have a look at the beautiful scenery. The movie shows me a scientific world with all kinds of creatures. It broadens my vision. 最好的电影 我很喜欢看电影。我有时间的时候,我想做的第一件事就是找一些热门电影,


2011年艺考即兴评述话题 学校该不该强行实施校服制? 近日,南京江宁区在江苏省首开大范围统一校服的先河。从今年秋季开学,该区8万余名中小学生将统一换上新款学生装,据称新校服最贵每套将达300多元。学校该不该强行实施校服制? 正方:应该,新款学生装式样简洁大方又不失时尚,相比以往校服风格有了很大的改变,穿着这样的校服走在学校里也能形成一道亮丽的风景线。 在学校的常规要求下,孩子更多的时候都是身着校服,就省下了很多研究穿着、攀比名牌的时间和心思,这样反而让孩子能够更安心地读书。可避免学生之间在穿着上相互攀比。 穿校服可节省许多在孩子服装上的花费,而且培养孩子正确的审美观点及着装标准。 统一校服好,即可避免学生之间在穿着上相互攀比,又能显现出学生的朝气,统一划一,可以增强学生们的集体观念。赞成!培养孩子正确的审美观点。 应该统一,但价格不应该太贵,要考虑广大百姓的实际生活水平来定。一套校服三百多,太贵了。一百左右就好,不要超过150元。大批量生产的校服,价格上应该非常有优势。 反方:不应该,学校的主要责任是教书育人,不是在穿着打扮上下功夫,校服只是统一着装整齐大方,不必去追求款式,所以没有必要这么铺张浪费。 我认为学校是学习的地方,不用一定穿一样的衣服。 强制穿校服.就是限制了人身自由。厄制了人的个性,为腐败份子提拱了发财的机会。 你如何看待“电视红娘”节目? 人民日报发文《收视率诱导逐利乱象相亲节目低俗化当止!》,新华社发文《“电视红娘”:如何牵红线而不踩“红线”》,指出要“坚决驱除低俗风”,两大国家级媒体同日对电视相亲节目表明相同的态度,实属罕见。(见6月23日《: 广州日报》) 近一年来,相亲节目窜红电视,已经蔚然成风。首先是某省有一定影响力的卫视节目率先推出了这档节目,后来各市电视台如雨后春笋般冒出了类似节目。本来搞这类节目无可厚非,它为年青人恋爱牵线搭桥,为青年人相亲提供方便,是社会和谐的一种表现,但这类节目到后来却变了味,走了样,演变成了以炫富,相亲变为“相金”,以比金钱多少为择偶标准的节目了。真成了“情字放两旁,钱字摆中间”的节目。越看让人心里越不是滋味。 有个电视台的相亲节目,正如记者所说:相亲变为“演戏”,不少嘉宾是“托”。还真是这样,在某电视台的相亲节目中,一个十分漂亮的女孩子,年龄也不大,自身条件十分好,期期都上节目,每次被别人相


高考必备背诵话题 1.Project话题:Starting a new school club参加学校社团的意义 As teenagers, we should not always get “buried”in textbooks(专注于课本). There are so many societies(社团,单数为society可做社会讲)we can try. I am now in an English drama club, in which I can not only communicate with native speakers (说母语的人), but also explore my acting skills (演技). An English club is a good way for English lovers to connect with peers (同龄人)who have the same interests and find companions(伙伴)to chat with freely. Actively participating in societies (积极参与社团—此处为动名词作主语)helps us to develop in an all-round manner.(全面地发展) 2.Project话题:Growing pains 成长的烦扰 As teenagers get older, they undergo(经历,经受,underwent,undergone)great physical and psychological/?sa?k??lɑ?d??kl/ changes(身体和心理上的变化). They may not have the wisdom to make good choices in their behavior. In the social world(社会的世界), they struggle to depend on themselves. They may badly want and need their parents’love, yet feel distant(感到有距离感); they may want to be part of the group, yet desire independence. Since teenagers have difficulty balancing these needs, they often question who they are and how they fit in society. (适应社会)3.Reading话题:Dying to be thin…想瘦身想得快死了…… Some weight control methods like crash diets and diet pills can be harmful or even fatal. The long-term abuse of pills doesn’t result in a slim figure but they do have side effects: physical and psychological problems. While some of those weight-loss pills may result in initial weight loss for the first couple of weeks, the effects will soon wear off. Experts say that students need to choose the safest and simplest method to lose weight. It’s recommended to consult a doctor about whether you need to lose weight or not and what plan best suits you. There is no need at all for a perfectly normal girl to take a lot of trouble to lose weight. Health is the primary concern.(改编自网站专栏文章) 【词语注解】 crash diets 速效节食fatal 致命的wear off逐渐消失 consult a doctor about sth. 和医生咨询某件事 There is no need for sb. to do sth.没必要做某事 4.Task话题:Analyzing statistics 数据分析和提出建议 According to our survey, we have found that over half the students surveyed often play sports. The most popular sport is basketball, which is played by 45% of the students. This is followed by football, which 40% of the students often play. A small number of students play other sports, such as table tennis.We recommend offering students more sports. For this reason, we suggest that we organize a school basketball tournament, since basketball is the most popular sport in the school. Each class would have its own basketball team which would practice several afternoons a


高考英语24个话题写作常用语块 话题1:个人情况 1.出生于be born in 2.主修理工 major in 3.毕业于 /毕业后graduate from/after graduation 4.从事于 be engaged in/go in for 5.有着……的天赋have a gift for / be gifted I / have a talent for 6. 受到良好教育的 well-educated 7. 中国国籍(of) Chinese nationality 8. 电话号码telephone number 9. 把心思用在 put one’s heart into 10. 集中精力于concentrate on / focus one’s attention on 11. 致力于 /献身于devote oneself to sth/doing sth/ be devoted to… 12. 积极从事……be active in sth 13. 对……做研究do research on 14. 对……不在乎cares little about 15. 工作到深夜 work until midnight 16. 获得硕士学位get/gain a master’s degree 17. 获得第一名win the first prize (in…) 18. 大获成功 achieve great success 19. 被……录取;考入be admitted to 20. 被认为是……be regarded as/be considered as/be considered to be 21. 作为……被铭记be remembered as 22. (在……上 )排名第一rank No.1 (in); rank the first (in) 23. 因为……获得很多奖 receive many awards for 24. 用某物奖赏某人reward sb. with sth. 25. 凭着无比的决心with great determination 话题2:家庭、朋友与周围的人 1. 一个五岁的男孩a boy aged five; a five-year-old boy 2. 在他十 /三十多岁时 in his teens/thirties 3. 五岁时 at the age of five 4. 在某人童年时in one’s childhood 5. 过着……的生活live/lead/have a…life 6. 谋生earn one’s living; make a living 7. 照顾look after/take care of/attend to/care for 8. 养育;培养bring up 9. 对某人要求严格be strict with sb 10. 由……引起 result from 11. 导致result in; lead to; contribute to; bring about; give rise to; cause 12. 有能力做某事be able to do sth; have the ability to do sth 13. 很有才能的女子 a woman of great ability 14. 在……方面熟练 be skilled/skillful in 15. 在……方面有经验be experienced in 16. 获得……称号 be given the title of 17. 获得金 /银牌 win a gold/silver medal 18. 获诺贝尔奖 win/receive the Nobel Prize 19. 得到全世界的关注get the world’s attention 20. 不计名利 care little for money and fame 21. 留学深造 go abroad for further studies 22. 找到做某事的方法 find a way to do sth 23. 带/送某人到某地take/send sb.to… 24. 情不自禁地做某事can’t help doing sth 25. 给我们树立好榜样set us a good example / set a good example to us


1·“建议国家改变贩卖儿童的法律条款,拐卖儿童判死刑!买孩子的判无期!”朋友圈突然被广大网友刷屏,不管有没有孩子的朋友都在转发表示支持,但法学界、社会学界则多从专业角度提出反对意见。拐卖儿童判死刑,你怎么看? 2·“10月1日起,全国银行正式成为中国失联儿童安全守护点!走失儿童可进入银行寻求庇护。”该消息曾在微信朋友圈被无数网友转发,但事后被证实为假消息。对于朋友圈谣言不断的现象,你怎么看? 3·9月24日清晨7点,成都金牛区府河苑横街一小区花坛处,播放着阵阵轰鸣的广场舞音乐,十余身影则伴着音乐扭动。万万没想到的是,当他们正跳得酣畅时,身后传来“啪”地一声。一位坐在花坛边的七旬老人,痛苦地捂着后脑勺,身上还沾有不少碎鸡蛋壳和蛋黄……广场舞扰民现象,你怎么看? 4·奥运会开幕式上,白岩松独特的解说方式,让他一夜之间又火了一把,这次解说真的精华满满,集无厘头、腹黑、自黑、搞笑、东拉西扯、内涵深厚等各种段子手完整属性于一身。央视主播白岩松,奥运会又火了一把。 5·如何看待孙杨等奥运冠军“金牌绑架”? 6·7月4日上午,在北京丰台区海户西里北社区,一位86岁老太太被发现死在家中,尸体已经腐烂并发出恶臭。楼上三层的一位大爷介绍,老太太今年86岁,姓崔,独自居住在这里已经有10多年的时间。孤独终老值得社会关注。 7·如何理解春运,28亿人次的中国乡愁,这句话? 8·明天和意外,你永远不知道哪个会先来。9月16日晚,无数网友的朋友圈被乔任梁三个字刷屏,这个28岁的男星在上海家中因抑郁症自杀离世,给世界留下了无尽的惋惜。怎么看待明星患抑郁症? 9·8月1日报道滴滴出行今日宣布与Uber全球达成战略协议,滴滴出行将收购优步中国的品牌、业务、数据等全部资产在中国大陆运营。如何看待滴滴出行收购优步中国? 10·2015年11月11日,王思聪旗下直播APP一位女主播直播睡觉,国民老公豪掷七万人民币打赏,网络主播的收入开始成为人们讨论的话题。网络主播月入百万,你怎么看? 11·我国教育部职业教育与成人教育司于9月2日发布了《关于做好2017年高等职业学校拟招生专业申报工作的通知》,公布13个增补专业,其中包括“电子竞技运动与管理”,新增专业适用于高等职业学校,将于2017年实行。“打游戏”变成大学专业,你怎么看? 12·11月25日上午,网友“@婷拉利”在某直播平台上发现,有位年轻的医护人员竟然现场直播给病人下胃管。事件被曝光后,在网友中引起了巨大的争议,以致她连发了多条微博致歉,并晒出了辞职信。对此,你怎么看?

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