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Ever since I was a child, my mouth has caused me trouble. I'm not a bad person. I have just had a hard time learning when to keep my mouth closed.My mom has told me again and again. " Robert, your constant bad words are hurting me. If you continue to be this rude, you will get into big trouble. "

It has been a problem at school several times too when teachers have told me something l didn't want to hear. I used to feel it was my duty to stand up for myself and them off.

One day in English class I began working on my homework until I heard a classmate talking behind me. It was Nathaniel, talking to himself as usual. I said ever so nicely, "Nathaniel, would you be quiet?" Nathaniel continued talking to himself. I quickly shouted " Nathaniel, shut up ! "

For the next five minutes, we threw hurtful words hack and forth at each other.

"At least, I don't have an ugly lazy eye like you!" I shouted. I knew this would bother him deep inside. It would hurt his feelings and shut him up.

What I said filled him with anger. He tried to reach over my seat and catch me as he shouted. "That's it! That's it ! "

Surprised at his reaction, I sat back in my seat. Never had I seen Nathaniel act like this before.

Later on, we were taken to the principal's office. There, the principal told us to discuss the matter. It wasn't until then that I finally found chat when I hurt some physically, the wounds eventually heal. But when I hurt them with my words, sometimes the pain never goes away.At the end of the discussion, I said sorry to Nathaniel.

When I headed back to my room, I spent some time praying. I began to think about how often what I said hurt others. But I believe that as l keep praying and asking God to help me and he'll tell me when to keep my mouth closed.

21.When Robert was a child, it was difficult for him to ________.

A. keep his mouth full

B.say good words to others

C.pass the exam

D.help others again and again

22.The underlined word “them” refers to Robert’s _______.

A. parents




23.Which of the following is TTRUE?

A.Robert’s hurtful words hurt Nathaniel’s feelings

B.Nathaniel never talked to himself in class

C.Robert felt sorry for talking too much in class

D.Nathaniel said sorry to Robert for hurting him

24.In this passage the writer tries to tell us that _______.

A.when you hurt someone physically, the pain never goes away

B.we should try to understand and help each other in class

C.we should keep praying and asking God to help us

D.words cause more pain than violence


Any diet on which you eat fewer calories than you need to get through the day, like an 800-calorie-per-day diet, can be dangerous. Diets that don't allow any fat also can be bad for you. Everyone needs a certain amount of fat in their diet — up to 30% of total calories — so no one should eat a completely fat-free diet.

Don't have diets that restrict certain food groups, either. A diet that requires you to say no to bread or pasta or allows you to eat only fruit is unhealthy. You won't get the vitamins and minerals you need. And although you may lose weight, you'll probably gain it back as soon as you start eating normally again.

Some people start dieting because they think all the problems in their lives are because of weight. Others have an area of their lives that they can't control, like an alcoholic parent, so they focus on something they can control — their exercise and food intake(摄入).

People who diet may get lots of praise from friends and family when they start losing pounds, which makes them feel good. But eventually a person reaches a weight level — and doesn't lose as much weight as before because the body is trying to keep a healthy weight, so they aren't any happier.

Some people may find it hard to control their eating, so they stick with an extreme diet for a little while, but then eat tons of food. Feeling guilty about the binge, they use laxatives(泻药). Eating too little to maintain a healthy weight or eating only to throw up the calories are both eating disorders, which are harmful to a person's health.

25. The reasons why some people start and keep dieting DON’T include________.

A. they think their trouble comes from their weight.

B. they have a strict parent.

C. other people’s praise when they lose some weigh t.

D. there is something they can’t control except food intake.

26. The underlined phrase in the last paragraph refers to_______.

A.a fat-free diet

B.a special diet

C.eating too much

D.eating too little

27. Which of the following statements is true?

A. A person needs about 800 calories each day.

B. A person who doesn’t eat bread is unhealthy.

C. An improper diet may cause eating disorder.

D. Fat takes up the most part of calories inside body.

28. According to the passage, when people want to lose weight, they should_________.

A. avoid eating some food that can lead to being fat

B. control their eating amount and times

C. have a healthy and balanced diet

D. throw up some of what they eat


If you ask students and parents to rate subjects according to their importance, the arts are unavoidably at the bottom of the list. Music is nice, people seem to say, but not important. Too often it is viewed as only entertainment, but certainly not an education priority(优先). This view is shortsighted. In fact, music education is beneficial and important for all students.

Music tells us who we are. Because music is an expression of the beings who create it, it reflects their thinking and values, as well as the social environment it came from. Rock music represents a lifestyle just as surely as a Schubert song. The jazz influence that George Gershwin and other musicians introduced into their music is obviously American because it came from American musical traditions. Music expresses our character and values. It gives us identity as a society.

Music provides a kind of perception (感知) that cannot be acquired any other way. Science can explain how the sun rises and sets. The arts explore the emotive meaning of the same phenomenon. We need every possible way to discover and respond to our world for one simple but powerful reason: No one way can get it all.

The arts are forms of thought as powerful in what they communicate as mathematical and scientific symbols. They are ways we hu man beings “talk” to each other. They are the language of civilization through which we express our fears, our curiosities, our hungers, our discoveries, and our hopes. The arts are ways we give form to our ideas and imagination so that they can be shared with others. When we do not give children access to an important way of expressing themselves such as music, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses.

Science and technology do not tell us what it means to be human. The arts do. Music is an important way we express human suffering, celebration, the meaning and value of peace and love.

So music education is far more necessary than people seem to realize.

29. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Music should be of top education priority.

B. Music education deserves more attention.

C. Music is an effective communication tool.

D. Music education makes students more imaginative.

30.According to Paragraph 1,students_________.

A. view music as an overlooked subject

B. prefer the arts to science

C. regard music as a way of entertainment

D. disagree with their parents on education

32. The author uses jazz as an example to __________in paragraph 2.

A. introduce American musical traditions

B. prove music influences people's lifestyles

C. compare it with rock music

D. show music reflects a society

33. According to the passage, the arts and science________.

A. express people's feelings in different ways

B. explain what it means to be human differently

C. approach the world from different angles

D. explore different phenomena of the world


It's not about how much money you make, and it's not about who your daddy is. We're talking about being attractive in general, whether it's on a job interview or just gaining the respect of your colleagues.

Ask lots of questions

If you come across as a know-it-all (even if you really do know it all!), it really pushes people away. Rather, asking lots and lots of questions makes people feel like you care, you can be trusted.

Great body language

You body language says a lot about you—it says whether you have confidence , or simply if you rally care. Talking physically, it is one of the most important physical characteristics you need!

Stay busy

Always have something to do. Have you ever seen someone just sitting around, doing nothing? How unattractive. Always be busy with something, even if for some reason you have to make something up.

Show your pearly whites (or just smile)

Smile more, no matter how ugly your teeth are. I'm not kidding about this one. It's not all about the teeth. If you are smiling genuinely, you can draw everyone for 100 meters around to you.

Wear what fits

Wear clothing that fits you. For women, wearing tight pants or shirts is not attractive. Things that just fit you and your shape are the best not tight. Wear things that fit you nicely, please...And for goodness sake, both sexes, stay away from logos and printed shirts! Most people you may ask do not find this attractive. Stop being some company’s billboard(广告牌)。

Be interested in other man

Be interested in the other person. Don't talk about. If you are truly interested in the person, it will come across. And if you want to talk about yourself, you'll find that putting the other person first actually opens him up to return the favor and ask you questions. See how fun this is?

32.It is your ________ that makes you attractive.

A.your family background

B.fashionable tight clothes

C.your appearance and your wealth

D. proper body language and behavior

33.According to the author, if you ________, you can be trusted.

A.always smile and show your pearly teeth

B.keep asking lots of questions

C.are interested in other people’s personal affairs

D.always wear clothes that fit you

34.The purpose of staying busy is to ________.

A.gain praises from your boss and colleagues

B.look attractive among people

C.show that you are interested in your job

D.get promoted in your company

35.If you are going to a job interview, which of the following is a proper behavior? A.Wearing a shirt with printed logos

B.Keeping talking about your own experiences and talents

C.Staying still, not making any body language

D.Smiling truly toward the people you will meet



If you are hungry, what do you do? Have your favorite meal and stay quiet after that?

favorite stars. So it silently serves your needs and never lets itself grow. When mind loses its freedom to grow, creativity sets a full stop. This might be the reason why we all sometimes think "What happens next?", "Why can't I think?"

tool used by us right from childhood.Since it develops other aspects of our life, we have to take help from reading.

Once you read a book, you run your eyes through the lines and your mind tries to explain

used many times, the same seed can give you great help to relate a lot of things, which you would have never thought of in your wildest dreams!

This is nothing but creativity. 74 Within no time you can start talking with your friends in English or any other language and never run out of the right words.

So guys, do give food for your thoughts by reading, reading and more reading. 75 Go and get a book!

A.Now what are you waiting for?

B.Reading can help you make more friends, too.

C.Why not do some reading while you are hungry?

D.Just like your stomach, your mind is also hungry.

E.Also this makes a significant contribution to your vocabulary.

F.Hunger of the mind can be actually solved through wide reading.

G.The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed.




Whatever misfortune you face, just hold up your head and face it with a smile! I got to know this from a musical soul.

The other day I was feeling quite 41 , having just been laid off from my job. With so many 42 to pay, I was wondering what was going to happen to my family.

I got off the bus when I heard piano music and singing rising above the noise of the 43 .

I walked a bit slower, trying to find out where it was coming from. Through the 44 I saw a young lady sitting at a piano with a box next to her.

She was singing songs about love and her sweet voice 45 me a bit. Then I stood there watching her playing, thinking that it must take 46 to perform on her own in front of hundreds of people she didn’t know.

She might have felt my 47 for she occasionally looked in my direction.

By now I was telling myself that I could at least tell her how good she sounded. I walked 48 and put some money in her box and she expressed her thanks with a smile on her face. I asked her 49 , “Why are you playing the piano in the middle of this crowded place?”

She explained to me that she sees so many 50 people in the world that she is trying to relieve the pain by 51 motivational music.

Instead of continuing my way home, I said to her, “I have been going through a 52 time lately, but you’ve made me 53 again.”

“I’m happy that I could be 54 to you,” she replied. “Why are you so sad?”

I told her my story and said, “I’m not so 55 about what to do….”

“You see, here’s the 56 ,” she responded. “When you w ere walking, your head was down.” She looked me in the eyes and went on, “Don’t look defeated, because 57 comes in different ways and if your head is down you might never see it. You should 58 more … lift your head up.”

I was really 59 by what she said! I did hold my head up and soon got through the difficult time.

So 60 in trouble, just face it bravely and you are sure to overcome your difficulty sooner or later.

41. A. lonely B. dizzy C. awful D. breathless

42. A. bills B. fees C. fines D. prices

43 A. listeners B. traffic C. instrument D. background

44. A. trees B. avenue C. buildings D. crowd

45. A. shocked B. comforted C. excited D. amused

46. A. courage B. energy C. patience D. technique

47. A. mood B. presence C. thought D. appreciation

48. A. aside B. down C. off D. over

49. A. quietly B. deliberately C. curiously D. seriously

50. A. negative B. unhealthy C. unconscious D. elderly

51. A. creating B. sharing C. enjoying D. teaching

52. A. tense B. wonderful C. rough D. crazy

53. A. enthusiastic B. emotional C. dynamic D. hopeful

54. A. available B. essential C. superior D. helpful

55. A. sure B. ashamed C. particular D. anxious

56. A. problem B. crisis C. conflict D. solution

57. A. success B. opportunity C. aid D. happiness

58. A. concentrate B. look C. smile D. fight

59. A. occupied B. impressed C. inspired D. satisfied

60. A. however B. wherever C. whoever D. whenever




Two little children were sitting by the fire one cold winter’s night. Suddenly, they heard a knock at the door. “Who can it be?” they wondered. One ran ___61__(curious) to open it. There, outside in the cold and the darkness, stood a child_____62____ no shoes on his feet and dressed in old thin garments. He was trembling with cold, __63____ he asked to come in and warm himself.

“ Yes, come,” cried both the children. They drew the little stranger to their warm seat,____64____(share) their supper with him, and gave him their bed, and they slept on 19 hard bench.

On the night, they ___65____(awake) by sweet music, ____66____ was played by a band of children in shining garments. Suddenly the stranger child stood in front of ____67____ : no longer cold and ragged, but dressed in silvery light. He said, “ I am the Christ Child, ____68____ (wander) through the world to bring peace and ____69____(happy) to good children as you. As you have helped me so much, this tree will give rich fruit to you every year.”

When he was saying that, he broke ___70_____branch from the tree that grew near the door, and planted it in the ground and disappeared. But the branch grew into a great tree, and every year it bore wonderful golden fruit for the kind children.








June 12, Sunday, Fine

Today is Sunday. I didn't get up early as usually. In the morning after I finished my homework, I do some washing. Then I telephoned one of my classmate and invited him to see a film.

And unfortunately, when we got to the cinema at 3:00 pm we found all the tickets had sold out. Then we went to our school and played the football. Later, we were about to go home when we saw our English teacher, Mr. Wang, came through the school gate. He told us we had made many progress in English this term. He also suggested that we should read more and wrote more. We promised her that we would follow his advice.


假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Jack 来信想要了解你的兴趣爱好,请你按一下要求给她写一封回信。

要求:1. 你的兴趣爱好;


3. 对你的学习和生活的影响。

注意:1. 词数100 左右

2. 开头和结尾已写好,但不计入总词数。

Dear Jack,

How is it going?

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Yours ever,

Li Hua


A篇21--24BCAD B篇25--28BDCC C篇29--31BDC D篇32--35DBBD


36—40 DFGEA


41—45 CABDB 46—50 ABDCA 51—55 BCDDA 56—60 ABCCD


61. curiously 62.with 63.so/and 64.shared 65.were awoken 66.which 67.them 68.wandering 69.happiness 70.a








7. came—coming

8. many—much

9.wrote—write 10.her—his


Dear Jack,

How is it going? Knowing that you want to learn about my hobbies, now I’d like to introdu ce what I like to you.

My favorite hobby is doing sports. And there is a story behind it. I used to be very weak and short for my age when I was in primary school. But now I am strong and tall due to frequent doing sports.

I should say it is doing sports that benefits me a lot. I am interested in playing basketball, swimming and jogging. Whenever I am free, I always do sports. Even when I am stressed out and frustrated, I do sports to make me relaxed and happy. Much to my surprise, my school work has progressed since I began doing sports.

Doing sports is really a great hobby. It has become a significant part in my life without which my life can’t be so wonderful.

Yours ever,

Li Hua


全国卷高考英语模拟试题 一、单项选择 26. The car looks quite new. Actually, it is ______ used one. A. a B. an C. the D. / 27. -Excuse me, but is that my passport? -Oh, sorry, I took ______ by mistake. A. yours B. mine C. hers D. his 28. -How was your interview yesterday? -Oh, I couldn’t fell ______. I could hardly answer most of the questions they asked. A. easier B. worse C. better D. happier 29. The mother is the center of the home, the ______ that holds it together. A. blue B. glue C. rule D. tool 30. We’re old enough to ______ some problems by ourselves. A. get on B. get into C. get over D. get off 31. The students are used to ______ physical exercise in the morning. A. do B. doing C. did D. have done 32. He looks tired. It seems he ______ too much. A. practices B. will practice C. has practiced D. is practicing 33. -Why did the truck break into the building? - Because the driver ______ on the phone. A. have talked B. talked C. has talked D. was talking 34. - Maria, I looked for you everywhere at the Kevin’s birthday party yesterday. - Oh, I didn’t go, because I ______. A. hasn’t invited B. wasn’t invited C. isn’t invited D. didn’t invite 35. -Mr. Wang, could you tell me ______ the magazines? -At most ten days. A. how often I can keep B. how often can I keep C. how long I can keep D. how long can I keep 二、完形填空 Many of us enjoy watching animals in the world. But do you know they can teach us? Geese(雁), for example, teach a very good lesson about ___36___. In the fall, Canada geese fly to the warm south to ____37__ Canada’s cold winter. They lift off in no order. Yet ___38___ they from a V shape, with one bird leading the group. This V shape allows geese to ___39____ energy. When the front bird moves its wings up and down, the resulting force of the air lifts the next one. This continues down the line. The bird ___40___ has the hardest job. When it gets ___41___, it moves behind, and another bird moves into the lead. By sharing the role, the group can travel great distances. Geese flying in a V shape can fly 70 percent farther without ___42___ than birds flying alone. During the long flying journey, geese communicate with one another. They honk(鸣叫) to ___43___ the birds up front to keep up the speed. They also cheer each other up ___44___ working toward a common goal. What have we learned from the lovely geese’s experience and skills? ___45___ together! Whether it is our personal lives or our jobs, we need other people. We need the spirit of teamwork. 36. A. experience B. success C. friendship D. teamwork 37. A. look for B. get away from C. wait for D. walk away from


高三英语模拟试题及答案 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话你将听一遍。 1.What does the man want to borrow? A.A pencil. B.An eraser. C.A pen. 2.What is the woman doing now? A.Eating. B.Going home. C.Having group study. 3.What does the man have for earthquake preparation? A.A candle. B.A radio. C.A flashlight. 4.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.In a bank. B. In a hotel. C.In a store. 5.Where will the man go for his holiday?

A.Brazil. B.Denmark. C. Greece. 第二节 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.When does the supermarket close on Sundays? A.At 5:00 pm. B.At 7:00 pm. C. At 8:00 pm. 7.What have the two speakers decided to do now? A.Go shopping. B.Take a walk. C.Have dinner 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8.Why does the man make the call? A.To make a booking. B.To make a suggestion. C.To make an appointment. 9.When will the man return from London? A.On March 10. B. On March 12. C. On March 22.


高考虽然延迟,但是练习一定要跟上,加油!! 一、听力(总分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。 1.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers? A Colleagues B Couple C Classmates 2.When did Jack leave home? A At 10:30 B At 11:00 C At 11:20 3.What impresses the man most according to the conversation? A The people B The scenery C The modern buildings 4.How does the man advise the woman to go to Beijing? A By train B By air C By bus 5.What will the weather be like tomorrow? A Sunny B Rainy C Cloudy 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。 请听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.Where will the two speakers meet? A At an agency B At a café C At a station 7.What does the man want the woman to do?

A Buy a sweater for him B Bring him a magazine C Explain the documents to him 请听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8.What do we know about the suite? A It has a kitchen and a sauna B It costs 200 dollars, including a room tax C It’s not available on March, 21st 9.How much is the man’s room including tax? A 80 dollars B 88 dollars C 90 dollars 请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10.W hat did the girl like best about the zoo? A The dolphins B The giraffes C The elephants 11.W hat did the elephant do at the zoo? A He drew dirt on the girl. B He drew dirt on the visitors C He sprayed water on the children. 12.W hat’s the p robable relationship between the speakers? A Teacher and student B Zookeeper and visitor C Father and daughter 请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13.H ow long did the woman study abroad?


高考英语模拟试卷(一) (选自于唐山市2012-2013学年度高三年级第一次摸底考试有改动)第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) A Everything was put neatly into my suitcase. I’m a flight attendant. I’m so organized, my half of the closet could be a display at The Container Store. My h usband’s half of the closet? Ju st thinking about it made my head ache. I carried my suitcase downstairs. Bill was in the kitchen cooking. Looking at the messy kitchen, I shouted, “Why do you have to be so messy?” Bill looked hurt, “What?” I sighed and left for the airport. On my last flight, an elderly couple had the seats in my section. They held hands during takeoff. Later I caught them looking into each other’S eyes. Something about that look was familiar. Then I realized: it was the look Bill and I had worn in our wedding photographs. I couldn’t resist asking them about the secret of their long-lasting marriage. “Have fun together”,the man said, “and never take each other for granted.” Her words circled in my head long after we landed. Bill wasn’t perfect. But then, was I? I kept complaining about his messiness and forgot his kindness, his ability to see the bright side of every situation 一qualities that ran so much deeper, the reasons I had married him in the first place. I took out my cell phone and called Bill. “I miss you already.” I said. “I miss you too, Kim,” he said. As soon as my flights were over, I rushed home. Bill met me at the door. “I have a surprise for you.” he said and led me into the kitchen. I glanced around the room. He really had worked hard. In spite of the fingerprints on that microwave door, I could see our reflection in it: my husband and I, our smiles glowing with love for each other, just like in our wedding photos. 1. Why did Kim get so angry with her husband? A. She found his weaknesses one morning. B. Sh e didn’t love him any more. C. He left things in an untidy state. D. He turned a deaf ear to her complaints. 2.What’s special about the old couple? A. They never quarreled with each other. B. They often made fun of each other. C. They kept their love so fresh. D. They took each other for granted. 3..Kim changed her attitude towards her husband after _____. A. she realized Bill wasn’t perfect B. she got inspired by the old couple C. her husband had cleaned up the kitchen D. they had their wedding photos taken 4..The best title of the passage might be _____. A. Love You, Love Your Mess B. Love is Blind, Love is Messy C The Wedding Photos D. A Loving Old Couple B The Year in Miracles: Inspirational Quotes These miracle (奇迹)stories inspired us with their heroes, amazing acts of kindness, and moments of grace. ?Walking home from work as a New York City bus driver, Stephen St. Bernard, 52,heard screaming and saw seven-year-old Keyla McCree standing on top of an air-conditioning unit outside the window of her third-floor apartment. He rushed over in time to catch the child as she fell the 25 feet. The force of the lifesaving catch tore a tendon (腱)in St. Bernard’s shoulder; the


《 2017年高考英语模拟考试题(全国卷一) 第Ⅰ卷(共100分) 第一部分听力(共两节,每小题分,满分30分) 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where does this conversation probably take place A. In a restaurant. B. In a department store. C. In the office. 2.What time is now A. 6:45. :15. :45. 。 3. What do we know about Mike A. He is on vacation. B. He likes travelling. C. He likes collecting postcards. 4. What does the man mean A. Roger never takes a bus. B. Roger couldn't afford a car. C. Roger needn't take a bus now. 5. Why does the man want to change his job A. He can’t bear the working hours. B.He is not paid well. C. He has found a better job. } 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料并回答第6至7题。 6. If possible, what will they do this weekend


高职高考英语模拟试卷(一) 一、补全对话(5小题,共10分) 阅读下列简短对话。从A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案,将对话补全。 ()1.—Thank you ever so much for present you sent me. —_________ A. Please don’t say so B. It’s not so good, I think C.No,thanks D.I’m glad you like it ( ) 2.—Here is the book —__________ —You’re welcome. A. Please come again. B.Here’s your jacket. C.Thank you. D.Please go well. ()3.—Hi,Chris. Do you fancy going for lunch? —___________. —Shall we stay twelve thirty? —All right, see you then. A.Yeah, I do. B.Yeah, why not? C.What would you say? D.When shall we say? ( )4.—I’m terribly sorry. I’ve broken your plate. —___________. —I hope I can do something for it. A. Don’t mention it. B. Never mind C. Relax yourself. D.Yes, please. ( )5.—What do you think of your new job? —__________. —What’s the matter? A.I’m fine, thank you. B.It doesn’t matter C.It’s difficult to say D.I’m sorry to hear that 二、词汇与语法(30小题,共45分) (A)从A、B、C、D中选出句中划线单词或词组的意义。 ()6、There is a bus-stop close to the hospital. A.密切的 B. 靠近的 C. 关闭的 D. 严密的 ()7、I wanted to thank him for his help, but words failed me. A.衰退 B. 使某人失败 C.使某人不及格 D. 使某人无助 ()8、Most of the students don’t agree with him,however, I support him. A. 反对 B.容忍 C. 爱戴 D. 同意 ()9、Young as she is, she is very independent. A.自由的 B. 依赖的 C. 专制的 D. 独立的 ()10、I regret to tell you the bad news that you will be fired by your manager next month. A. 聘请 B. 生火 C. 射击 D. 解雇 ()11、The doctor gave me some pills. They are working now. A.工作 B. 见效 C. 运转 D. 经营


2017年高考英语模拟试题(全国卷一) 第Ⅰ卷(共100分) 第一部分听力(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where does this conversation probably take place? A. In a restaurant. B. In a department store. C. In the office. 2.What time is now? A. 6:45. B.7:15. C.7:45. 3. What do we know about Mike? A. He is on vacation. B. He likes travelling. C. He likes collecting postcards. 4. What does the man mean? A. Roger never takes a bus. B. Roger couldn't afford a car. C. Roger needn't take a bus now. 5. Why does the man want to change his job? A. He can’t bear the working hours.B.He is not paid well. C. He has found a better job. 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料并回答第6至7题。 6. If possible, what will they do this weekend? A. Go climbing B. Go for a picnic. C. Go skating 7. How long will the weather last like this? A. 2 months B. 3months C.4 months 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8.Why does the woman come to the library?


2012英语试题卷 英语试题卷共16页。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 一、听力(共三节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂或转填到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A. B. C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应位置。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How many people are working for Mr. Smith? A. Three. B. Five. C. Eight. 2. Where are the two speakers? A. In a car. B. In a bar. C. In a shop. 3. What does the man suggest? A. The woman should teach in an evening class. B. The woman should leave the job. C. The woman should learn computers. 4. What do we learn about Kate? A. She likes to hold parties. B. She has a lot of friends. C. She wasn’t expecting so many friends at the party. 5. What will the woman probably do? A. Pick up the man at 1:00. B. Mail her two letters to the man. C. Meet her friends at the restaurant. 第二节(共12小题;每小题1.5分,满分18分) 请听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A. B. C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话读两遍。 请听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. When did the boy do the experiment? A. Yesterday afternoon. B. This afternoon. C. This morning. 7. Where will the boy get the book? A. In the reading room. B. In the chemistry lab. C. In the classroom 8. Who did the experiments with the boy? A. The woman speaker. B. All his classmates. C. One of his classmate. 请听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9. Where are the two speakers probably? A. In a supermarket. B. In a park. C. In a school. 10. What do we know about the woman? A. She is a panda expert. B. She became interested in pandas at the first sight.


衡水市第二中学周测题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.When will the man meet Dr. Jones A. At 3:30 . B. At 3:00 . C. At 11:00 . 2.Whose name is Betsy A. Carla’s pet. B. Carla’s car. C. Carla’s grandma. 3. What are the speakers doing A. Painting a house. B. Cleaning walls. C. Drawing a picture. 4. Where does the conversation most probably take place A. In a shop. B. In a library. C. On a bus. 5. What does the man mean A The Larsens were not in. B. The Larsens didn’t hear the door. C. The Larsens don’t like the woman. 第二节(共15小题;每小题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers A. Strangers B. Classmates. C. Colleagues. 7. What are the speakers mainly discussing A. What to say to Karen Jenkins. B. Whether to hire an employee. C. How to advertise a product. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 did the woman use to be like A. Sporty B. Artistic. C. Sociable. 9. What has the woman taken up recently A. Basketball. B. Yoga. C. Painting. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 did the man go downtown yesterday A. To send a package. B. To buy clothes. C. To visit a friend. 11. What is the woman’s attitude toward Martin’s closing A. Supportive. B. Surprised. C. Sorry. 12. What did the woman like about Martin’s A. Huge selection. B. Good service. C. Low prices. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. How often will the man be available to work A. No more than two evenings a week. B. At least three evenings a week. C. Up to three evenings a week. 14. Why does the man apply for a part-time job A. To earn money. B. To gain work experience. C. To improve his social skills. 15. What is the man good at A. Solving problems. B. Working in a group. C. Communicating with people. 16. What will the man do on September 10th

全国卷高考英语模拟题含答案 (3)

全国卷模拟 英语 一、完形填空 My fiancé (未婚夫) and I were excited about shopping for our first home. But our funds were 16 , and none of the houses in our price range seemed satisfactory. One agent 17 a house in particular. Although her description sounded wonderful, t he price was 18 our range, so we declined. But she kept urging us to have a look 19 . We finally did and it was 20 at first sight. It was Our Home, small and charming, overlooking a quiet lake. Walking through the rooms and talking with the owners, a nice elderly couple, we felt the warmth and 21 of the marriage within that home. As perfect as it was, the price remained too high for us. But every day, we would sit by the lake, looking at the house and dreaming of 22 it would be like to live there. Days later, we made a(n) 23 —far below the asking price. Surprisingly, they didn’t 24 us. They renewed their offer 25 . It was also much more than we could afford, but far 26 than the original asking price. The next day, we got a 27 message that another buyer had offered a much higher price. Even so, we decided to talk with the 28 directly. We made our final offer, which 29 was thousands of dollars less than the other buyer’s bid. We knew it, 30 we had to try.“Sold!” said the owner. Then he 31 : He’d seen us sitting by the lake all those times; he knew how much we loved the place and that we’d 32 the years of work they had put into their home; he realized he would take a 33 by selling it to us, but it was worthwhile; we were the people they wanted to live there. He told us to consider the 34 in the price “an early wedding present.” That’s how we found our home and how I learned that when people are 35 they are not strangers, only friends we haven’t yet met. 16. A. needed B. limited C. enough D. large 17. A. recommended B. decorated C. sold D. rented 18. A. below B. within C. beyond D. between


2020年高考英语模拟卷及答案解析 (全国卷) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A. Kids' imaginations are in overdrive when it comes to composing Christmas lists - as they ask for a live walrus(海象), the power of invisibility(隐身) and Taylor Swift. Christmas is less than two months away, and little ones are already planning their letters to Santa. But one survey has revealed the weirdest items to turn up on Christmas lists, and they include mythical monsters and mega-selling pop stars. Conducted by GAME, the study also reveals a significant break from festive tradition when it comes to writing wish lists. One in three, 29%, children now use technology such as iPads or mobile phones instead of the traditional pen and paper, while a further one in five (19%) will rely on parents to take note of all the things they point at during TV adverts and during trips to the shops. With more than three million lists likely to be drafted, parents are prepared for a flurry of requests including many that even Santa would struggle to achieve. As part of the study, parents were asked to reveal some of the weird and wonderful items that made it onto their child's Christmas lists. Fred Prego, marketing director at GAME, says: "Choosing what to get your kids at Christmas can be a bit of a minefield(雷区).” As the research shows, most kids will be making note of the things that they want this half term and a lot of lists are going to be written." 21. The underlined word “overdrive” in paragraph one means _______. A. running with a high speed B. slowing down sometimes C. driving forth and backwards D. getting stuck somewhere 【答案】:A 【解析】:根据背景可知,孩子们在选择圣诞礼物时,要求颇多,在脑风暴什么礼物时,想象力也十分充沛。overdrive v.& n.大脑“高速运转”。

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