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Ⅻ.Translate the following into English(using the following words or expressions: to have an eye for, to recede,to relieve a touch of, to read sb, to venture, to take to, if not…,to the exclusion of,to pile up,to beguile with):


He has a good eye for water-colours.


The daughter ventured to object to her parents's arrangement of her marriage.


Pressed by poverty, he took to stealing.


My long journey was beguiled with novels.


I suppose you have read Mark Twain.


He concentrated all his attention on this problem to the exclusion of all others.

7)不立刻做出正确的决定将会使整个事情很困难,如果不是不可能的话。Failure to make the right decision at once will make the whole thing very difficult if not impossible.


Our problems are piling up. We must solve them as quickly as we can.


The sentries are relieved every four hours.


There was a touch of irony in his remark.


Memories of childhood are gradually receding.

综合英语课文重点讲解(Unit 4)

Unit 4 An unusual job 课文重点讲解: 1) It’s all in a day’s work when you’re a stuntwoman. all in a/the day’s work: (colloquial) not unusual; as expected 家常便饭,不足为奇 e.g. (1) Coping with the paparazzi at any time is all in a day’s work for the celebrity.对于明星来说,随时应对狗仔队已经成为家常便饭。 (2) When the machine broke down, Mary said it was all in a day’s work. 2)it’s a profession that badly lacks female participation lack 的用法:可以做动词(及物和不及物),也可以做名词 e.g. a lack (n.)of money; the lack (n.)of time You will not lack (vi)in support from me.你将得到我的帮助。 The plant died because it lacked (vt.) moisture. 这株植物因为缺乏水分而死。 3) A stuntperson is a man or woman who does all the hair-raisingly dangerous bits of acting work in films or on TV. "hair-raisingly": n. + adv.的复合词形式 ,意思是: 令人毛骨悚然的 e.g. heart-breakingly bad news bone-bitingly cold wind ear-deafeningly loud noise bits: small pieces 少许,少量 4) This can be anything from a relatively simple fall into a swimming pool, to tripping off the top of a skyscraper building. 本句中最主要的结构是:from …to…需要用平行结构,from 后面用的是名词a fall, 那么to 后面也要用名词,动名词或者名词词组, 这里tripped off是动名词词组. trip off: jump from 从…跳离 5) It sounds like a crazy profession that only the crazy would attempt, but it’s actually a job that many people think about -few people actually go through with it. the crazy: 定冠词+形容词表示一类人. e.g. the weak the ordinary the young the rich think about: consider doing 考虑 e.g. I would like to think about your suggestion before I give a definite reply. go through with: to complete or pursue (sth. which has been agreed or planned) to the end (often with difficulties)完成, 把...进行到底


Lesson 1 Question: 1. Why did John Koshak decide to stay although he knew the hurricane would be bad? For the following reasons: For one thing, the house was 23 feet above sea level; for another,he was unwilling to abandon his home. 2. How did the man prepare for the hurricane? Why was a generator necessary? They filled bathtubs and pails. Besides, they checked out batteries for portable radio and flashlights, and fuel for the lantern. A generator was necessary because John's father wired several light bulbs to it and prepared a connection to the refrigerator. 3. What made it impossible for the Koshak to escape? It was impossible for the Koshers to escape both by car and on foot. The car's electrical system had been killed by water. Meanwhile, the water became too deep for them to escape on foot. 4. Why did John Koshak feel a crushing guilt? Because he blamed himself for underestimating the power of the hurricane and then endangering the whole family by his wrong decision not to flee safer inland. 5. Why did Grandma Koshak ask children to be sing? A: Because she knew how frightened the children were and wanted to boost their spirit. 6. What was a hurricane party? What happened to the party gores? A hurricane party was the one that was held by several vacationers to enjoy the spectacle of the hurricane with a clear and broad view in the fancy Richelieu Apartments from where they believed they would be safe. Richelieu Apartments were smashed apart by the hurricane and 26 people perished. 7. What did Grandma Koshak mean when she said," We lost practically all our possessions, but the family came through it. When I think of that, I realize we lost nothing important?" She meant that human lives are more important than material possessions. 8. How did the community of Gulfport act after Hurricane Camille was over? They managed to make their lives return to normal and began rebuilding their community without any delay. Paraphrase: 1. We're elevated 23 feet. Our house is 23 feet above sea level. 2. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it. The house was built in 1915 and since then no hurricane has done any damage to it. 3. We can batten down and ride it out. We can prepare ourselves for the hurricane and manage to survive it without much damage. 4. The generator was doused, and the lights went out. Water got into the generator, and it didn't work. As a result, the lights were put out. 5. Everybody out the back door to the cars! Everybody go out though the back door and get into the cars. 6. The electrical system had been killed by water. The electrical system in the cars had been destroyed by water. 7. John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt. When John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he b


第一课中东的集市 中东的集市仿佛把你带回到了几百年、甚至几千年前的时代。此时此刻显现在我脑海中的这个中东集市,其入口处是一座古老的砖石结构的哥特式拱门。你首先要穿过一个赤日耀眼、灼热逼人的大型露天广场,然后走进一个凉爽、幽暗的洞穴。这市场一直向前延伸,一眼望不到尽头,消失在远处的阴影里。赶集的人们络绎不绝地进出市场,一些挂着铃铛的小毛驴穿行于这熙熙攘攘的人群中,边走边发出和谐悦耳的叮当叮当的响声。市场的路面约有十二英尺宽,但每隔几码远就会因为设在路边的小货摊的挤占而变窄;那儿出售的货物各种各样,应有尽有。你一走进市场,就可以听到摊贩们的叫卖声,赶毛驴的小伙计和脚夫们大着嗓门叫人让道的吆喝声,还有那些想买东西的人们与摊主讨价还价的争吵声。各种各样的噪声此伏彼起,不绝于耳,简直叫人头晕。 随后,当往市场深处走去时,人口处的喧闹声渐渐消失,眼前便是清静的布市了。这里的泥土地面,被无数双脚板踩踏得硬邦邦的,人走在上面几乎听不到脚步声了,而拱形的泥砖屋顶和墙壁也难得产生什么回音效果。布店的店主们一个个都是轻声轻气、慢条斯理的样子;买布的顾客们在这种沉闷压抑的气氛感染下,自然而然地也学着店主们的榜样,变得低声细语起来。 中东集市的特点之一是经销同类商品的店家,为避免相互间的竞争,不是分散在集市各处,而是都集中在一块儿,这样既便于让买主知道上哪儿找他们,同时他们自己也可以紧密地联合起来,结成同盟,以便保护自己不受欺侮和刁难。例如,在布市上,所有那1些卖衣料、窗帘布、椅套布等的商贩都把货摊一个接一个地排设在马路两边,每一个店铺门面前都摆有一列商品的搁板桌和一些存放货物的货架。讨价还价是人们习以为常的事。头戴面纱的妇女们迈着悠闲的步子从一个店铺逛到另一个店铺,一边挑选一边问价;在她们缩小选择围并开始正儿八经杀价之前,往往总要先同店主谈论几句,探探价底。 对于顾客来说,至关重要的一点是,不到最后一刻是不能让店主猜到她心里究竟中意哪样东西、想买哪样东西的。假如让店主猜中了她所要买的商品的话,他便会漫天要价,而且在还价过程中也很难作出让步。而在卖主那一方来说,他必须竭尽全力地声称,他开出的价钱使他根本无利可图,而他之所以愿意这样做完全是出于他本人对顾客的敬重。顾客有时来了又去,去了又来,因此,像这样讨价还价的情形有可能持续一整天,甚至好几天。 集市上最引人注目、给人印象最深刻的地方之一是铜器市场。你一走近这里,耳朵里便只听得见金属器皿互相碰击时所发出的一阵阵砰砰啪啪、丁丁当当的响声;走得越近,响声便越来越大,越来越清晰。直待你走到拐角处一转弯,眼前便出现了锃亮的铜器,它们映照着无数盏明灯和火盆,流光飞舞,有如仙境。每个铜匠铺子里都有几个徒工——他们都是一些男性青少年,其中有的年龄小得让人难以置信——在那里不停地锤打着一些形状各异、大小不一的铜器,而铺子的老板则在一旁指点着,有时也亲自操锤敲打几下。铺子的后边,还有一个小不点儿的徒工在那里用一根拴在大脚趾上的绳子鼓动着一个巨大的皮风箱,煽着一大炉炭火——燃烧着的木炭随着风箱的鼓动而有节奏地变得忽明忽暗。 在这里,你会看到许多精美的锅碗瓢盆,上面雕刻着各种精细复杂的传统图案,也能看到一些当地人日常使用的质朴无华的厨房用具,虽无花纹图案,但造形美观,经济实用。再走一处便是地毯市场。这儿有各种质地的地毯,它们色彩斑炯,花纹图案富有地方特色—


高级英语下册课后答案 【篇一:自考高级英语上下全册课后答案[1]】 =txt>rock superstars what do they tell us about ourselves and our society? 课后练习 (exercises on the text) a.answer the following questions on the text: 1.they emphasize the theme of the article and they are appropriate. 2.the author attempts to illustrate that there are completely different ideas about rock music between the young people and the adult. 3.rock music can express its times. he sees it as a debating forum where american society struggles to define and redefine its feelings and beliefs. 4.elvis managed to embody the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s. 5.bob dylan spoke of civil rights, the beatles urged peace and piety, and the rolling stones demanded revolution. 6.apart from politics, the rock music also deals with feelings. 7.they got applause, praise and money. 8.no, he hasn’t. he wants the readers to think it carefully. b.translate the following into chinese: 1.他说:“贾格尔拿着装有半加仑水的罐子沿着舞台前沿跑动,把水 洒到前几排狂热的观众身上。 2.你如何看待这种赞美和英雄崇拜? 3.你是不是莫名其妙地被这个怪异的小丑所吸引,因为他表现出你 最疯狂的幻想。 4.一些社会学家认为你对这些问题的回答很能说明你在想些什么, 你的社会在想些什么。换句话说,就是可以说明你和社会的态度。 5.只不过是艾尔维斯设法体现了50年代青少年那种失落的精神风貌。 6.感情,作为任何音乐形式的一个组成部分,是个永恒的主题。 7.这一乡村气息,赫罗威次感到,帮助听众表达了一种“逃避现实”,“重归往昔”的愿望。

高级英语 课后习题答案

Unit1 Paraphrase 1.Our house is 23 feet above sea level. 2.The house was built in1915, and since then no hurricane has done any damage to it. 3.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage. 4.Water got into the generator, it stopped working. As a result all lights were put out. 5.Everyone go out through the back door and get into the cars! 6.The electrical systems in the cars had been destroyed/ruined by water. 7.As john watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the family by making the wrong decision not to flee inland. 8.Oh, God, please help us to get through this dangerous situation. 9.She sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped. 10.Janis didn't show any fear on the spot during the storm, but she revealed her feelings caused by the storm a few nights after the hurricane by getting up in the middle of the night and crying softly. Practice with words and expressions A 1.main:a principal pipe, conduit, or line in a distributing system for water, gas, electricity, etc.


第一课Face to face with Hurricane Camille Translation (C-E) 1. Each and every plane must be checked out thoroughly before taking off. 每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。 2. The residents were firmly opposed to the construction of a waste incineration plant in their neighborhood because they were deeply concerned about the plant’s emissions polluting the air.居民坚决反对在附近建立垃圾焚烧厂,因为他们担心工厂排放的气体会污染周围的空气。 3. Investment in ecological projects in this area mounted up to billions of Yuan. 在这个地区,生态工程的投资额高达数十亿元。 4. The dry riverbed was strewn with rocks of all sizes.干枯的河道里布满了大大小小的石块。 5. Although war caused great losses to this country, its cultural traditions did not perish.虽然战争给这个国家造成巨大的损失,但当地的文化传统并没有消亡。 6. To make space for modern high rises, many ancient buildings with ethnic cultural features had to be demolished.为了建筑现代化的高楼大厦,许多古老的,具有民族特色的建筑物都被拆毁了。 7. In the earthquake the main structures of most of the


Lesson 1 1) Little donkeys thread their way among the throngs of people. little donkeys went in and out among the people and from one side to another 2) Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and you come to the muted cloth-market. Then as you pass through a big crowd to go deeper into the market, the noise of the entrance gradually disappear, and you come to the much quieter cloth-market. 3) they narrow down their choice and begin the really serious business of beating the price down they drop some of items that they don't really want and begin to bargain seriously for a low price. 4) he will price the item high, and yield little in the bargaining He will ask for a high price for the item and refuse to cut down the price by any significant amount. 5) As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your ear As you get near it, a variety of sounds begin to strike your ear. X.1)一条蜿蜒的小路淹没在树荫深处 A zig-zag path loses itself in the shadowy distance of the woods. 2)集市上有许多小摊子,出售的货物应有尽有 At the bazaar there are many stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold. 3) 我真不知道到底是什么事让他如此生气。 I really don't know what it is that has made him so angry. 4)新出土的铜花瓶造型优美,刻有精细、复杂的传统图案。 The newly unearthed bronze vase is pleasing in form and engraved with delicate and intricate traditional designs. 5)在山的那边是一望无际的大草原。 Beyond the mountains there is a vast grassland that extends as far as the eye can see. 6)他们决定买那座带有汽车房的房子。 They decided to buy that house with. a garage attached. 7)教师们坚持对学生严格要求。 The teachers make a point of being strict with the students. 8)这个小女孩非常喜欢他的父亲。 This little girl is very much attached to her father.

21世纪大学英语英语课文讲解unit1( B )

Text B Little Sister of the Poor 1.Mother Teresa (1910~1997) Mother Teresa, a Roman Catholic nun, was born to Albanian parents in Yugoslavia. She is known as “the Saint of the Gutters” for bringing comfort and dignity to the destitute贫穷的. She founded an order (Missionaries of Charity) which is noted for its work among the poor and the dying in Calcutta, India, and throughout the world. Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. 2. Roman Catholic Church The Roman Catholic Church, also called the Catholic Church or the Church of Rome, is the Christian Church with administrative headquarters in the Vatican, of which the pope, or the Bishop of Rome is the supreme head. 3.John Paul II (1920~) John Paul II is the first non-Italian Polish Pope in the history of the Roman Catholic church. He was elected pope on Oct. 16, 1978. John Paul II is a conservative pope who firmly holds traditional Catholic views. 4. Chernobyl The world’s worst nuclear-reactor accident occurred at the Chernobyl (Ukraine) nuclear power plant on Apr. 26, 1986. The accident caused the immediate death of 31 people, while many others suffered radioactive contamination污染. 6. the Nobel Prize Any of the prizes (five in number until 1969, when a sixth was added) that are awarded annually by four institutions (three Swedish and one Norwegian) from a fund established under the will of Alfred Bernhard Nobel. Distribution was begun on Dec. 10, 1901, the fifth anniversary of the death of the founder, whose will specified that the awards should annually be made “to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind.” The five prizes established by his will are: the Nobel Prize for Physics; the Nobel Prize for Chemistry; the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine; the Nobel Prize for Literature; and the Nobel Prize for Peace. An additional award, the Prize for Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, was set up in 1968 by the Bank of Sweden, and the first award was given in 1969. Text Analysis: Part I (Para 1-3) death of the Mother Teresa and the public response 1.(para.1) Mother Teresa served the dying and desperate all over the world. 2.(para.2) Mother Teresa died of illness and many people felt personal grief over her death. 3.(para.3) Mother Teresa was regarded as a living saint and what she did transcended the boundaries of religion and nationality. Part II(para.4~8) The development of Mother Teresa’s cause and countless acts of mercy Part III(para.9~11) Mother Teresa gained fame and honor as well as criticism. Her act will be remembered by people. Words & Expressions: 1. Hospitalize vt. (usu. pass.) put (a person) into hospital [常被动] 送…进医院治疗 He hospitalizes patients for minor ailments. 他把只有小病的患者也送进医院。 Mrs Smith seriously ill already hospitalize. 史密斯夫人病重已住院。 You must hospitalize right now. 你必须立即住院。


高英课内考点:第一课:Paraphrase 1、we’re elevated 23 feet. Our house is 23 feet above sea level. 2、The place has been here since 1915,and no hurricane has ever bothered it. The house was built in 1915,and since then no hurricane has done any damage to it. 3、We can batten down and ride it out. We can make the necessary preparation and survive the hurricane without much damage. 4、The generator was doused,and the lights went out. Water got into the generator,it stopped working.As a result all lights were put out. 5、Everybody out the back door to the cars! Everyone go out through the back door and get into the cars! 6、The electrical systems had been killed by water.

The electrical systems in the cars had been destroyed by water. 7、John watched the water lap at the steps,and felt a crushing guilt. As John watched the water inch its way up the steps,he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the family by making the wrong decision not to flee inland. 8、Get us through this mess,will You? Oh,God,please help us to get through this dangerous situation. 9、She carried on alone for a few bars;then her voice trailed away. She sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped. 10、Janis had just one delayed reaction. Janis didn’t show any fear on the spot during the storm,but she revealed her feelings caused by the storm a few nights after the hurricane by getting up in the middle of the night and crying softly. 英译汉: 1、But,like thousands of others in the coastal communities,John was reluctant to abandon his home unless the family----his wife,Janis,and their seven children,aged 3 to 11---was clearly endangered.


0901班 俸翠红 A Rural Market The rural market did not disappear like the most feudalism background markets which were famous for realm characters until now. Because of a revolution policy which was revolved the interests of the hosts even the neighbors the market was injured in youth, and it had already been a charismatic old man, persistent and dignified. Truthfully, whoever you were, you would be attracted by the marvelous scenic, and the market wasn’t violated that was to a vast expanse of the land. Deserve to be mentioned, the sun sometimes shines brightly, but suddenly a period of rain comes upon the market, you couldn’t know and without any resistant. At the moment the people in the rural market did not know what to do, however, it was a great gospel to the timely rain from which the dry and dusty market benefited the glowing. The rural market didn’t surround much different buildings, looking far and wide in a two-storey building, So it was no doubt that the centre market got together large numbers of buyers and sellers about three or four hours at forenoon. Y ou passed crowds from the shouting vigorously by sellers, and of would be purchasers


Unit4 牛津 There are certain things in the world that are so praiseworthy that it seems a needless, indeed an almost laughable thing to praise them; such things are love and friendship, food and sleep, spring and summer; such things, too, are the wisest books, the greatest pictures, the noblest cities. But for all that I mean to try and make a little hymn in prose in honour of Oxford, a city I have seen but seldom, and which yet appears to me one of the most beautiful things in the world. 此世间确有诸多凡物,它们本身便是值得人们去品味和赞誉的,譬如说爱情和友谊、美食和睡梦、春色和夏日,还有如那些注满了智慧的书卷、注满了心血的画作和注满了圣意的城邦。也许对于这些凡物而言,再多的赞誉已无非是陈词滥调,荒唐可笑的,但我之所以还是想要对上述这些事物品味、赞誉一番,都是为了向牛津城表示我的敬意。牛津城对我来说,就是这世间极其罕见,又最为美丽的地方之一。 I do not wish to single out particular buildings, but to praise the whole effect of the place, such as it seemed to me on a day of bright sun and cool air, when I wandered hour after hour among the streets, bewildered and almost intoxicated with beauty, feeling as a poor man might who has pinched all his life, and made the most of single coins, and who is brought into the presence of a heap of piled-up gold, and told that it is all his own. 我并不想单独从牛津城里遴选出一些建筑来赞誉;我想要赞誉的是这块土地上所映射出的一种整体效果。这种效果在我看来,就好比是在一个阳光明媚、天气清爽的日子里,一连花上几个小时,徜徉在牛津城的街道上,痴迷、甚至是沉醉于这番美景之中。这感觉就犹如是把一位穷得一辈子衣衫褴褛、靠一角一分过日子的人带到一堆金矿旁,然后告诉他,这些财富都已归他所有。 I have seen it said in foolish books that it is a misfortune to Oxford that so many of the buildings have been built out of so perishable a vein of stone. It is indeed a misfortune in one respect, that it tempts men of dull and precise minds to restore and replace buildings of incomparable grace, because their outline is so exquisitely blurred by time and decay. I remember myself, as a child, visiting Oxford, and thinking that some of the buildings were almost shamefully ruinous of aspect; now that I am wiser I know that we have in these battered and fretted palace-fronts a kind of beauty that fills the mind with almost despairing sense of loveliness, till the heart aches with gratitude, and thrills with the desire to proclaim the glory of the sight aloud. 我曾在一些荒谬、无理的书里读到说,牛津城里如此之多的建筑都用易被腐蚀、布满裂纹的砖石砌成,这简直就是一场灾难。从某种角度来说,这倒确实是一场灾难,因为随着时间的流逝,用这种砖石砌成的建筑会渐渐破败,建筑的轮廓会很明显地变得七零八落,这便会惹得那些脑袋不灵活的笨家伙们想着整修或重建这些与牛津城魅力格格不入的“破玩意儿”。记得在我儿时游访牛津城时,我也曾这么想——这些建筑如此破旧不堪,几乎都是见不得人了;可现在,随着我年数和阅历的增益,我才知道在那些破旧不堪、磨坏受损的殿堂式房子里,蕴藏着一种别样的魅力。这种魅力乍看上去真是令人几近绝望,直到人们对这壮观之景开始心生感激时,才会猛地萌发出一种要高声赞誉这股魅力的念头。 These black-fronted blistered facades, so threatening, so sombre, yet screening so bright and clear a current of life; with the tender green of budding spring trees, chestnuts full of silvery spires, glossy-leaved creepers clinging, with tiny hands,

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