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Unit 1 Festivals around the world




One day, I noticed the most beautiful Cadillac pull in the lot while waiting for my husband. A pretty female driver pulled into the spot beside our car. There was a striking resemblance to Liz Taylor. Her eyes were as blue as the sea, and teeth like an even row of pearls. A few minutes later, a nice looking man entered her car, leaned over and kissed her and she drove away.

Sitting there, I wanted to cry. How could some people have it all?

Then it became almost routine to see her about once a week. She seemed friendly and always waved, flashing a big smile. My envy continued to exist long after she drove away.

A couple of weeks later, sitting in our usual parking lot, I was holding a book, watching her over the top of it. Her husband came to the car, took her arm and helped her out of the car. I could see very well as she moved to get out. She unsteadily walked around to the passenger side very slowly, leaning on a walking cane. Sitting sideways, she lifted one leg with her hands and then the other. The beautiful lady had a prosthesis (假肢) on the left leg and a brace (支持物) on the right leg.

I couldn't watch them drive away as the tears were blinding me. Through my tears, I told my husband about the beautiful lady. He said he knew her husband and the story. The lady and her parents were in a car that got caught on the railroad tracks and was hit by a train. Both parents were killed and she was severely injured. She was only 12 years old. The railroad made a large settlement with her because the crossing had no signals. He explained her car was specially built for her needs as well as the home.

I prayed for forgiveness all the way home. The lady I thought had everything I didn't. I realized how lucky I was to have my parents, the ability to walk, run or dance through life and many wonderful things money can't buy. I would not have traded places with the beautiful lady for anything.

When you meet a person who seems to be much better off than you, don't be fooled.


1.Why did the author want to cry when noticing the beautiful lady?

A.She thought of Liz Taylor.

B.She had no such expensive car.

C.She disliked her own eyes and teeth.

D.She envied what the lady owned.

答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据关键句及第三段内容可知,“我”想哭是因为“我”羡慕那位女士所拥有的一切。故D项正确。

2.Which of the following can best replace the word “settlement” in Paragraph 5?

A.Replacement. B.Payment.

C.Appointment. D.Encouragement.

答案与解析:B 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句子中的“because the crossing had no signals”可推知,因为出车祸的路口没有信号灯,所以铁路方面给了那位女士一大笔钱作为赔偿。由此可知,settlement意为“支付、偿付”,与B项意思相近。故B项正确。

3.What made the author pray for forgiveness all the way home?

A.Regretting her marriage.

B.Admiring the lady's appearance.

C.Knowing the lady's suffering.

D.Leaving without waving to the lady.

答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据倒数第三段可知,“我”知道了那位女士的悲惨遭遇,“我”一直以为那位女士拥有令人羡慕的一切,可事实并非如此;根据倒数第二段可知,“我”意识到自己非常幸运,父母健在,“我”能走、能跑、能跳舞,还拥有很多无法用金钱购得的美好事物。“我”居然嫉妒那位女士,所以一路上“我”恳求得到原谅。故C项正确。

4.What does the author want to tell us?

A.Seeing is believing.

B.Looks can be deceiving.

C.Happiness consists in beauty.

D.Everything happens for the best.

答案与解析:B 写作意图题。在丈夫的解释下,“我”知道了事情的真相,那个“我”以为拥有一切的女士却有着不为人知的悲惨遭遇。结合关键句可知,作者想告诉我们:凡事不要被表面现象所迷惑。故B项正确。



It is a live celebration of the lasting power of letter writing!

Letters Live, which started in December 2013, was held at the Freemasons' Hall in London from March 10 to 15. The show invited various great performers who read remarkable letters that had been written around the world over the centuries.

“Bringing letters alive t hrough outstanding performances is one of the most powerful ways in which the joy and pain and humor and tragedy of being human can be shared,” Jamie Byng, managing director of Canongate Books publishing firm, told the Nowness video channel.

British actor Benedict Cumberbatch agreed. “Letters are windows into the love, beauty, pain and humor of their creators and receivers,” he told The Guardian. “Letters Live makes us stop and imagine the lives behind the letters read and where they came from. It's a privilege to read this most ancient of communications live to an audience.”

This year, the movie Sherlock star treated the audience by playing the part of a 17-year Tom Hanks. He put on the young actor's voice when he read his letter to the Hollywood director George Roy Hill, a letter that urged Hill to “discover” him. The letter revealed that two-time Oscar winner Hanks' teenage dream was not to “be a big-time Hollywood superstar” but to one day own a Porsche car and call his favorite US actor Robert Redford his nickname “Bob”.

Other famous faces at the event included Carey Mulligan, who played a fictional laundry worker, a female activist fighting for women's rights in the 2015 movie Suffragette. The British actress once again played the role of a suffragette, when she read a very enthusiastic letter demanding the vote for women. The suffragette sent a precious 1913 note to The Daily Telegraph newspaper.

“Everyone seems to agree upon the necessity of putting a stop to Suffragist anger, but no one seems certain how to do so,” Mulligan read out. “There are two, and only two, ways in which this can be done. Both will be effectual. One, kill every woman in the UK. Two, give women the vote.”


5.What was Cumberbatch's attitude towards Jamie Byng's opinion?

A.Doubtful. B.Positive.

C.Optimistic. D.Cautious.

答案与解析:B 推理判断题。根据关键句及第四段内容可推知,Benedict Cumberbatch 对Jamie Byng的观点持支持态度。B项意为“积极的”,符合题意。

6.Which of the following was a dream of Tom Hanks as a child?

A.To become an actor.

B.To call himself “Bob”.

C.To win Oscar Awards.

D.To have a famous car.

答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据关键句可知,Tom Hanks 年少时的梦想之一是拥有一辆名车。故D项符合题意。

7.A “suffragette” is a woman who ________.

A.sends a valuable note to newspaper

B.reads out a letter to the audience

C.advocates women's right to vote

D.plays a famous role in a movie

答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据关键句可推知,“suffragette”是指提倡妇女参政论的人,故C项符合题意。

8.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Famous People Gathering

B.Letters of Great Performers

C.Letters Brought to Life

D.Rights Given to Women

答案与解析:C 标题概括题。通读全文可知,本文讲述作者支持“写信”这种联系方式,并介绍在这次庆祝活动中很多名人都把以前的信件念给听众听。C项“把信件带到生活中”适合做本文标题。故C项符合题意。



One Monday evening, I received a direct message from a boy who found a mean message in his locker. He took a picture of it and sent it to me asking for __1__.

I asked him to meet me the following morning.

A few hours later I __2__ on the Internet that he had posted the picture of the mean note and asked if anyone __3__ who it was. I thought it was __4__ of the boy to find it out via social media.

The next day the boy came to me and another __5__ was with him. The boy showed me another note he had __6__. But this was a beautiful, heartfelt __7__. I asked him if he knew who had done it, and the boy who came with him __8__,“It was me.

I don't know why I did it, __9__ I know it was wrong and not at all kind. So I wrote him this note. I also wrote 150 notes with __10__ sayings and put them in all the lockers. I just __11__ to do something to make up for my __12__.”

My heart felt full of pride and love for this __13__ boy. I told him how courageous it was for him to come __14__ and how amazing it was that he did something kind in return to try to balance his __15__. I turned to the boy who received both notes and asked him if he also __16__ the bravery and could forgive. Without __17__, he said, “Yes, definitely. And __18__ anyone tries to be mean to him for making a bad choice, I will stand up to him.”

These two boys __19__ me that coming forward when we need help is important, and coming forward to __20__ a wrong is vital.


1.A.support B.money

C.help D.comfort

解析:根据下文的“These two boys __19__ me that coming forward when we need help is important”可知,男孩儿是在向作者求助。


2.A.noticed B.realized

C.concluded D.declared

解析:根据“on the Internet”可推知,作者注意到了网上的情况。realize“认识到”,conclude“断定”,declare“宣布”,均不符合语境。


3.A.agreed B.predicted

C.knew D.imagined

解析:根据下文中的“I asked him if he knew who had done it”可知,那个男孩儿在网上发布照片,询问是否有人知道这是谁干的。


4.A.patient B.smart

C.honest D.reliable



5.A.boy B.teacher

C.girl D.advisor

解析:与下文的“the boy who came with him”呼应可知,来了两个男孩儿。


6.A.written B.lost

C.received D.selected

解析:与上文的“One Monday evening, I received a di rect message from a boy who found a mean message in his locker”可推知,男孩儿又收到(received)了一个便条。


7.A.invitation B.wish

C.greeting D.apology

解析:根据下文的“I just __11__ to do something to make up for my __12__”可推知,对方写了一个便条以表达他真诚的道歉。


8.A.replied B.added

C.shouted D.argued

解析:根据“It was me”可知,犯错的男孩儿回答了作者的问题。


9.A.so B.for

C.or D.but



10.A.simple B.kind

C.specific D.cautious

解析:根据上文的“I know it was wrong and not at all kind”可知,犯错的男孩儿希望用友好的语言来得到原谅。


11.A.wanted B.continued

C.failed D.refused



12.A.carelessness B.loneliness

C.meanness D.sadness

解析:与上文的“a mean message”呼应可知,C项正确。


13.A.special B.unique

C.wise D.brave

解析:与下文的“I told him how courageous it was for him”呼应可知,作者认为承认错误的这个男孩儿很勇敢。


14.A.along B.forward

C.back D.out

解析:根据最后一段中两次出现的“coming forward”可推知,B项正确。


15.A.mistake B.loss

C.belief D.value



16.https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4513933116.html,pared B.challenged

C.presented D.recognized

解析:根据“and could forgive”可推知,作者希望求助的男孩儿也能够表扬犯错男孩儿的这种勇气并原谅他。recognize意为“表扬”,符合语境。


17.A.difficulty B.doubt

C.hesitation D.fear

解析:根据“Yes, definitely”可推知,男孩儿毫不犹豫地做了回答。without hesitation意为“毫不犹豫”。


18.A.although B.if

C.because D.until



19.A.promised B.warned

C.showed D.informed



20.A.discover B.conduct

C.judge D.admit

解析:由“a wrong”并结合上文内容可推知,此处表示承认错误,故选D。



英语 考核目标与要求 一、语言知识 要求考生掌握并能运用英语语音、词汇、语法基础知识以及所学功能意念和话题(见 附录1至附录5),要求词汇量为3500左右。 二、语言运用 1.听力 要求考生能听懂所熟悉话题的简短独白和对话。考生应能: (1)理解主旨要义; (2)获取具体的、事实性信息; (3)对所听内容做出推断; (4)理解说话者的意图、观点和态度。 2.阅读 要求考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能: (1)理解主旨要义; (2)理解文中具体信息; (3)根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义; (4)做出判断和推理; (5)理解文章的基本结构; (6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。 3.写作 要求考生根据提示进行书面表达。考生应能: (1)清楚、连贯地传递信息,表达意思; (2)有效运用所学语言知识。 4.口语 要求考生根据提示进行口头表达。考生应能: (1)询问或传递事实性信息,表达意思和想法;


1. 基本读音 (1) 26个字母的读音 (2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音 (3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音 (4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音 (5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音 (6) 辅音字母组合的读音 (7) 辅音连缀的读音 (8) 成节音的读音 2. 重音 (1) 单词重音 (2) 句子重音 3. 读音的变化 (1) 连读 (2) 失去爆破 (3) 弱读 (4) 同化 4. 语调与节奏 (1) 意群与停顿 (2) 语调 (3) 节奏 5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用 6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧 7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异


A absence n.缺席,不在场,缺乏absorb vt.吸收,使专心 abstract a.抽象的n.摘要academic a.学院的,学术的access n.接近,通道,入口accordingly ad.因此,依照account n.记述,解释,帐目 】 accurate a.准确的,正确无误的accuse vt.指责,归咎于 actor n.男演员 actress n.女演员 actual a.实际的,现行的 adapt vt.使适应,改编 admire vt.钦佩,羡慕,赞赏admit vt.承认,准许…进入 ; adopt vt.收养,采用,采取 adult n.成年人a.成年的 advance vi.前进,提高n.进展adventure n.冒险,惊险活动 affair n.事情,事件,事务 affect vt.影响,感动 afterward (s) ad. 后来,以后,随后agent n.代理人,代理商 ¥ agriculture n.农业,农艺,农学ahead ad.在前,向前,提前 aid n.帮助,救护,助手 aim vi.瞄准,针对,致力 aircraft n.飞机,飞行器 alarm n.惊恐,忧虑,警报 album n.集邮本,照相簿,唱片alcohol n.酒精,乙醇 ! altogether ad.完全,总而言之amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊愕ambition n.雄心,抱负,野心amount n.总数,数量,和amuse vt.逗…乐,给…娱乐analyze vt.分析,分解,解析ancestor n.祖宗,祖先 anger n.怒,愤怒vt.使发怒 ( angle n.角,角度 anniversary n.周年纪念日announce vt.宣布,发表 annoy vt.使恼怒,打搅 anxious a.忧虑的,渴望的anyhow ad.无论如何 apart ad.相隔,分开,除去apartment n.一套公寓房间 . apologize vi.道歉,谢罪,认错appearance n.出现,来到,外观apply vt.应用,实施,使用appointment n.任命,约定,约会appreciate vt.欣赏,领会,感谢approach vt.向…靠近n.靠近architecture n.建筑学,建筑式样argue vi.争论,争辩,辩论 % arrange vt.筹备,整理,调解arrest vt.逮捕,拘留 arrival n.到达,到达者


爽爽文档汇编之 2014?2018北京高考英语作文及范文汇编 【2018年】第三部分:书而表达(共两节,35分)第一节(15分) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,你的英国朋友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他 对中国文化感兴趣,计划明年来北京上大学。他向你咨询相关信息。请给他回邮件,内容包括: I.表示欢迎;2.推荐他上哪所大学;3.建议他做哪些准备工作。 注意:1.词数不少于50:2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Jin], Yours II Hua 【范例】Dear Jim. Fm so glad to hear your future education plan in Beijing in your last letter. First I would like to express my warmest welcome to you and I am sure you will have the most unforgettable experience during your college in Beijing. Learning your keen interest in Chinese culture, I suggest you apply for Peking University, one of the best universities in China. Its Chinese Literature major is perfect for you where you can be completely soaked in Chinese profound history and rich culture. As for preparatioiL some reading in advance in needed like The Story of the Stone while some online courses of spoken Chinese can be helpful for you to adapt into the Chinese language environment. I smeerely hope your dream will come true and it's my pleasure to show you around in Beijing when tliat day comes. If you have further questions, please feel free to let me know. Yours, Li Hua 第二节(20分) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,记述你们上周接待外国学生,带领他们体验中国茶文化的全过程.注意:词数不少于60。


高中英语完形填空解题技巧和训练 一、首句信息 完形填空通常首句不设空,目的是让考生迅速进入主题,熟悉语言环境,建立正确的思维导向。英语中首句通常是文章的主题句,把握了主旨句对于理解全文和解题很有帮助。 (广东卷) It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes. The __1__ is based on the belief that in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual (智力的) growth by __2__ situation that has designed for the __3__ children. 1. A. principle B. theory C. argument D. classification 2. A. designing B. grouping C. learning D. living 3. A. smart B. curious C. mature D. average 二、注意前后语境,暗示信息 考查考生根据上下文提供的信息进行分析及推理的能力。 考生在做题时要有全局观念,进行连贯性思维,做题时要把每个空白处的含义与前后句的意思联系起来理解,进行合乎逻辑的推理判断。难选之处通常前后多有暗示。 这种暗示多为后面暗示前面。 (广东卷)“As a matter of fact, I’ve got someone in the office at this very moment who might ___49___.” She wrote down a number, and held it out to me, saying: “Ring up this lady. She wants a cook immediately. In fact, you would have to start tomorrow by cooking a dinner for ten people.” 49. A. hire B. accept C. suit D. offer 三、注意固定搭配,熟记常见句型, 考查考生对常见的英语固定短语和习惯用法的掌握情况。如动词与名词的搭配;动词与介词或副词的搭配;介词与名词的搭配等。这类搭配在高考完形填空中时有出现。 I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talk with them ___44___the telephone. 44. A. with B. by C. from D. on (陕西)The second rich man, seeing the worrying situation, stopped for a short time and gave the villagers all his food and drink, since he could see that money would be of little __34__ to them. 34. A. interest B. concern C. use D. attraction 四、注意词语辨析 考查考生在特定语境中区别近义词的能力。四个选项词性相同,意义相近,要求在特定的语境中区分它们之间的细微差别。一般说来,其中的两个选项容易排除,难辨的是两个。 Although I last met this man eight years ago, I have not forgotten his ___37_ qualities. First of all … 37. A. basic B. special C. common D. particular (全国卷)Once he ___42___ sang a song in class in order to make a point clear. 42. A. also B. nearly C. even D. only


2018年高考英语科试题特点 2018年,教育部考试中心高考英语学科贯彻落实《实施意见》要求,依据《2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲》和《2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲的说明》命制了4套英语试卷供全国27个省(自治区、直辖市)使用。 纵观各套试卷可以发现,今年高考英语命题以落实立德树人的教育根本任务为目标,依据高考评价体系的总体要求,考查主干知识和关键能力,体现了基础性、综合性、应用性和创新性考查要求,助力引导中学英语教学改革和推进素质教育,呈现以下主要特点: 一、落实立德树人根本任务,强化高考育人功能和价值导向 2018年高考英语全国卷的选材围绕人与自然、人与社会、人与自我三大主题,取材广泛、体裁多样、时代性强,考查能力全面,充分体现了高考坚持立德树人、发展素质教育的功能。 1.增强中华文化浸润,引导增强“四个自信” 2018年高考英语全国I卷写作部分第二节设置了外国朋友将到中国家庭做客的情境,要求考生写一封邮件告知在中国家庭做客的基本习俗;全国II卷语言知识运用部分第二节语篇介绍中国近年来根据人民膳食变化调整农作物种植结构,为全球生态环境保护做出贡献;全国III卷阅读理解部分一篇文章报道中国建筑设计师在其作品中弘扬中国传统文化,获得国际奖项,让世界了解中国的消息。这些语篇的选择和题目设置在自然融入中华优秀传统文化的同时,宣传介绍中国经济、社会和文化的发展,引导学生在传承和发扬中华优秀传统文化和伟大民族精神的同时,坚定理想信念,增强“四个自信”。 2.融入人文知识介绍,引导关注人类命运共同体 2018年高考英语全国I卷阅读理解部分选取一篇关于世界语言种类随着人类社会发展而逐渐减少的文章,倡导保护人类历史与文明;全国III卷阅读理解部分选取一篇加拿大城市道森的历史发展与现状的文章,倡导和谐自然;全国I卷阅读理解部分选取一篇关于烹饪省钱而又美味食物的新闻报道和一篇介绍新旧电器使用与能源消耗调查的文章,倡导节约和环保。通过阅读这些文章,引导学生在理解文章内容和作者观点态度的基础上关注人类命运共同体,强化社会责任意识,


A 1.abandon v. 放弃,遗弃 2. abnormal a.反常的,不正常的 3. aboard prep./adv.搭乘 4. abolish v.废除,废止 5. abrupt a.突然的,意外的,粗鲁的 6. absolute a.纯粹的,绝对的 7. absorb v.吸收,吸取 8. abstract a.& n.抽象的/精粹,摘要 9. absurd a.不合理的,荒谬的 10. abundant a.丰富的,充足的 11. abuse v.滥用,辱骂 12. academic a. & n. 学术的/大学生, 13. accelerate v.增速,加速 14. acceptable a. 值得接受的, 可接受的 15. access n.& v. 接近,进入,通道/存取 16. accessible a.易到手的,易接近的 17. accident n. 事故,意外的事 18. accommodation n.住宿设备,便利 19. accompany v.伴随,伴奏 20. accomplish v.完成,实现,达到 21. account n. 账目;描述 22. accountant n.会计师,会计人员 23. accuracy n.正确,精确 24. accurate a.正确的,精确的 25. accuse v.控告,告发 26. accustomed a.习惯的,惯常的 27. achievement n.完成,成就 28. acknowledge v.承认,认为 29. acquisition n.获得,取得 30. adapt v.使适应,使适合/改编 31. adequate a.充分的,足够的 32. adjust v.调整,调节/顺应 33. adjustment n.调整,调节 34. administration n.管理,经营 35. admirable a.极好的,值得称赞的 36. admission n. 准入, 接纳 37. adolescent n.青少年 38. adopt v.采用,采纳 39. advantage n. 优点;好处 40. advertise vt. 为……做广告 41. advertisement n. 广告 42. advocate v. 拥护,主张 43. affection n.情爱,爱情 44. agency n.代办处/局 45. agenda n.会议议程 46. agent n.代理人,代办人,中间商 47. aggressive a. 侵略的;咄咄逼人的48. agricultural a. 农业的 49. agriculture n. 农业,农学 50. alcohol n.酒精 51. allocate v.分配,分派 52. allowance n.津贴,补贴 53. alphabet n.全套字母 54. alternative a.(两者或以上)选其一的 55. amateur n.爱好者a.业余的 56. ambassador n.大使 57. ambassadress n.女大使,大使夫人 58. ambiguous n.歧义的,意思含糊不清的 59. ambition n.雄心,抱负 60. ambulance n. 救护车 61. amount n.总额,数量v.总计, 62. analyze v.分析 63. analysis n.分析 64. ancestor n. 祖宗;祖先 65. ancient a. 古代的,古老的 66. anniversary n.纪念日,纪念活动 67. annual a adj.每年的, 年度的, 一年一次的n.一年生植物;年刊, 年报, 年鉴 68. antique n. 古董 69. anxiety n. 忧虑,焦急 70. apparent a.外表的,明显的 71. appeal v. & n. 要求,诉诸/恳求 72. appendix n.附属物,附录 73. appetite n.食欲,渴望 74. applaud v. & n.拍手喝彩,赞扬 75. applicant n. 申请者,志愿者 76. appoint v.任命,指定 77. appointment n. 约会 78. appreciate v. 欣赏;感激 79. approach n.& v. 接近/走近,方法 80. appropriate a.适当的,合适的 81. approval n.批准,认可,赞成 82. approve v.赞成,称许 83. approximately ad.大概地,大约 84. architecture n.建筑学 85. artificial adj.人造的, 人工的, 假的 86. assignment n.任务,任命,作业 87. assistant n. 助手,助理 88. associate v.联想,交往 89. association n.联合,联想 90. assume v.假定;承担 91. assumption n.假定;承担 92. astonish vt. 使惊讶 93. Atlantic a. 大西洋的 94. atmosphere n. 大气;气氛 优质参考资料


2017年全国高考英语作文满分范文汇编(绝对精品素材,对2018高考作文很有帮助,值得下载背诵) 2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国新课标卷) 使用地区:考听力:山西、河南、河北、湖南、湖北、江西、安徽、福建、山东; 不考听力:广东 第二节书面表达(满分25分) 假定你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友Leslie学习汉语。请你写封邮件告知下次上课的计划。内容包括: (1)时间和地点;(2)内容:学习唐诗;(3)课前准备:简要了解唐朝的历史。 注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Leslie, How are you? Glad to see you have made some progress in Chinese learning and I’m writing to tell you something about our next lesson. The lesson will be given from 3 pm to 5 pm on the afternoon of next Tuesday in the classroom 502. In the class, you will mainly learn Tang poetry, which reflects traditional Chinese culture and is deeply loved by Chinese. You can feel the beauty of Chinese by learning Tang Poetry. You’d better make full preparations before class and have a brief understanding of the history of Tang Dynasty, which makes it easy for you to go through the class. If there is anything that I can help you, please don’t hesitate to tell me. Looking forward to meeting you. Yours sincerely, Li Hua.


give out①分发②用尽 go over①复习②仔细考虑 hang up①挂起②挂断(电话) hold on①等一等②别挂电话③紧紧抓住④坚持keep up坚持,继续 leave out①省去②遗漏 live up to①符合②履行(诺言) live with①与……住在一起②容忍 look for寻找 look into调查 look through快速查看,浏览 look up查找,查阅 look up from从……抬起头 look up to尊敬,钦佩 make the best of充分利用 make up①编造②组成,构成③化妆 make up for弥补,补偿 pay back偿还 pay for①支付②为……付出代价 pay off①还清债务②取得成功 pick up①拾起②搭载③获得④学会 put away把……收起来

put down①记下,写下②放下 put in①安装②把……写进 put up①张贴②在某地投宿③举起④建造 put up with容忍,忍受 rule out排除 run away from逃避,回避 run out (of)用完,耗尽 see to①照顾②处理 set about着手做 set aside①把……搁到一边②留出,省出(钱或时间) ③驳回④暂不考虑set off①出发,动身②使爆炸③引起(突然行动) set out①出发②开始着手 speed up(使)加快速度 take apart拆开,拆卸 take on①呈现②开始雇用 take over接任,接管 take up①开始从事②占据③采纳 turn down①关小,调低②拒绝 turn out①结果是,证明是②出席,参加 turn over①把……翻过来②翻阅 wear out磨损,穿破 work out①制订出②锻炼③弄懂④计算出


忙绿的高考已经结束了,全国各地高考英语满分作文也相继出来了,下面是整理的全国各地高考英语作文题目及范文翻译,仅供参考。 高考英语作文范文一 假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。给外教Mr Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format) 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。 范文: Dear Ms Jenkins, I am Li Hua, I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation and I also want you to do me a favor. In order to get some practical experience, I am planning to take a part-time job in a foreign capital company. I have already finished my job application and personal resume. But this is the first time that I have written an application and the personals resume, so I don’t even know if there are something to pay attention to. So, I’m writing you the letter , hoping you can give me some help. I will be very grate ful if you can help me. Looking forward to your reply. And I’d be really thankful. Yours, Li Hua 译文: 我是李华,我写信告诉你我的暑假计划,我也希望你帮我一个忙。 为了获得一些实际经验,我打算在一家外资公司做兼职工作。我已经完成了我的工作申请和个人简历。但这是我写的申请和个人简历的第一时间,我甚至不知道有什么要注意。所以,我写信给你,希望你能给我一些帮助。如果你能帮助我,我将非常感激。 期待你的回复。我真的很感激。 高考英语作文范文二 第二节书面表达(满分25分)


高考英语完形填空解题技巧专项训练 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

高考完形填空解题技巧 (I) 完形填空是全国各地高考英语必考题型之一,占20分。题型特征是:一篇短文中间留20 个空格,每个空格给出4个选项,要求从中选出最佳答案填入相应的空格内。由于这种题型既考查学生的语法、词法、句法、习惯用法等英语基础知识的综合运用能力,又考查他们对短文的阅读和理解能力。这种题型综合性较强,因而难度较大。总的来说,完形填空为了测试考生实际应用英语的能力和语感。具体说来,是从语篇角度综合测试考生的阅读理解能力、词汇的掌握和对英语习惯用语的熟悉程度、以及语法规则的灵活运用。因此,本文我就考试出题的三个方向、考试题型和具体解题技巧做了详细阐述: 一、考试出题的大致方向是: 1、词汇:某些词义的识别,同义词辨析。英语习惯用法的熟悉程度。 2、语法结构:语法规则的实际应用。 3、语篇句意:从语篇角度,即上下文和情景语境综合测试考生的阅读理解能力 4. 逻辑推理和生活常识 二、考试题型: (一)词汇题: 单纯地考单词或短语的释义: 1.There can be no question about the value of a safety program. From a financial standpoint alone, safety ____. (‘99) A. comes off B. turns up C. pays off D. holds up 答案:C. 词汇辨析题: 主要是指同义词、近义词的辨析,这类题较难。 2.They are needed for ____ food into energy and body maintenance. (‘96) A. shifting B. transferring C. altering D. transforming 答案:D. 固定短语搭配题: 3.With it, astronauts will acquire a workhouse vehicle ____ of flyingsintosspace and returning many times. (‘92) A. capable B. suitable C. efficient D. fit 答案:A. (二)语法题: 语法结构题,主要是考结构词:代词、介词和从句连接词。 4.Moreover, inaccurate or indefinite words may make ____ difficult for the listener to understand the message which is being transmitted to him. (’94) A. that B. it C. so D. this答案:B. (三)语篇题:


2018年全国普通高等学校统一考试 英语试题 第二部阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Summer Activities Students should read the list with their parents/carers, and select two activities they would like to do. Forms will be available in school and online for them to indicate their choices and return to school. Before choices are finalised, parents/ carers will be asked to sign to confirm their chil dren’s choices.

21. Which activity will you choose if you want to go camping? A. OUT. B. WBP. C. CRF. D.POT. 22. What will the students do on Tuesday with Mrs. Wilson? A. Travel to London B. see a parade and fireworks. C. Tour central Paris. D. Visit the WWI battlefields. 23. How long does Potty about Potter last?


搞定完形填空!2018年高考英语核心单词和短语大汇总! 一. 高中英语完形填空常考四大词性高频词 动词 1.“看”:look; see; watch; observe; notice; catch sight of; stare; glare; glance; glimpse; see a film; watch TV 2. “说”:telll sth to sb.=tell sb sth; talk with sb about sth; say sth; speak in English; whisper sth to sb; inform sb of sth; reason /talk/persuade sb into doing sth; bargain; chat; repeat; explain; warn; remind; discuss; debate; figure; declare; claim; mention; admit; deny; describe; announce; introduce; complain 3. “叫”:cry; call; shout; scream; moan; sigh; quarrel 4. “问”:ask; interview; express; question 5. “答”:answer; respond; reply 6. “听”:listen to; hear; pick up; overhear 7. “笑”:smile; laugh; burst into laughter; burst out laughing 8. “哭”:cry; shed tears; weep; sob; burst into tears /burst out crying 9. “吃/喝”:eat/drink; sip; have a meal; have supper; toast; taste; treat sb to; help oneself to 10. “穿”:put on; wear; have on; be dressed in; make up; get changed; be in red; take off ; remove 11. “行”:walk ; run ; climb; jump; skip; slip; come/go; enter; move; drive; ride; fly; crawl 12. “坐”:sit down; be seated; seat oneself; take a seat,stand; lean


高考英语作文预测范文对移动支付的看法 【写作内容】 1.用约30个单词写出上文概要。 2.用约120个单词阐述你对移动支付的看法,并用2-3个理由或论据支撑你的看法。 【写作要求】 1.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句。 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 3.不必写标题。 【参考词汇】 QR code 二维码 Chinese consumers drop cash and skip cards to create world's largest mobile payment market. A German named Thomas Derksen spent an entire day shopping in a major Chinese city without cash or a credit card. The 24-hour adventure in Hangzhou,which was streamed lived on the Internet,saw Derksen ride a bus,buy a bouquet of flower for his wife and even enjoy a street snack,all paid by using apps downloaded to his smartphone. “Going out without cash is something I couldn't imagine doing back home in Frankfurt”,says Derksen. After traveling to hundreds of cites in more than 30


做好高考英语完形填空的14种技巧 1?跳读首尾句进行预测一般来讲,高考完形填空的首、尾句通常是不挖空的。先跳读这两句J便可判断体裁,猜想它要讲什么。若首句交代了When J where, who, What,即四个W,那么就是记叙文,很可能就是一个故事,为了测试语篇的理解能力,出题者特别注意选材的趣味性,其结尾往往出人意料,耐人寻味;若首句是提出或解释说明某事物,一般来说是说明文;若首句提出一个论点,那么就是议论文。 首句往往开宗明义,是文章的主题。细读首句可启示全文。而尾句又往往是对 文章主题的总结。所以,它们是了解文章大意的一个窗口,对我们理解全文有着重 要的启示作用。因此,要充分利用段首句提供的信息,去挖掘文章的思路,寻找文 章的脉络与线索。 EVel yn Glennie WaS the first IaCly Of SOIO PerCUSSi On in SCOtIancl .In an in terview, She recalled how She became a PerCUSSi On SOIOiS 打(击乐器独奏演员)in SPite Of her CliSabiIity.本文主要讲述的是苏格兰第一位女打击乐器独奏演员EVel yn GIe nnie在耳聋的情况下成功学习打击乐器的经历。根据首句给出的信息,下面我们可以猜想EVeIyn GIe nnie学习打击乐器过程必然充满困难,而能够在耳聋的情况下学习打击乐器,EVeIyn GIennie对音乐肯定也是充满热情的。 2.利用语法分析解题完形填空虽然以语境填空为主,但也有部分考查语法项目的 题目。对于这 类题,考生可以利用平时所学的词汇知识,分析单词(组)的使用范围、动词的及物和不及物,并利用句子结构、句式特点等知识全面衡量所有选项排除干扰。如:__ 51 ____ do you SUPPOSe he asked for them? 51 ? A. What B. HOW C. WhO D. WhiCh 【解析】本题中,do you SUPPOSe为插入成分。he asked for them是一个相对独立和完整的句子,因此空格处应该用副词HOW来修饰谓语动词asked,而不能用代词What5 WhO或WhiChO __ 8 ____ I had been born in the 16th CentUry J I WOUICl have had no job. 8.A. BeCaUSe B. While C. If D. SinCe 【解析】根据后面的I had been born in the 16th CentUry可知这只是个假设 5 是一个虚拟语气的条件句。故前面要用if引导。 3.利用固定搭配解题完形填空题中对词汇知识的考查,主要体现在习惯用法和 同义词、近义词 的辨析两方面。习惯用法是英语中某种固定的结构形态,即所谓的“习语",不能随意改动。所以,考生平时应掌握好习惯用法。对词义辨析题的考查有加大力度的趋势。要做好这类题,需要有较大的词汇量和词语搭配能力、词语辨


一、2018年高考英语高频词汇 1. alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2. burst vi. & n. 突然发生,爆裂 3. dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理 4. blast n. 爆炸;气流 vi. 炸,炸掉 5. consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6. split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 adj. 裂开的 7. spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8. spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9. slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10. slide v. 滑动,滑落 n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片 11. bacteria n. 细菌 12. breed n. 种,品种 v. 繁殖,产仔 13. budget n. 预算 v. 编预算,作安排 14. candidate n. 候选人 15. campus n. 校园 16. liberal adj. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17. transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18. transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19. transplant v. 移植 20. transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具 21. shift v. 转移;转动;转变 22. vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23. vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24. swallow v. 吞下,咽下 n. 燕子 25. suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26. suspicious adj. 怀疑的,可疑的 27. mild adj. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 28. tender adj. 温柔的;脆弱的 29. nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 30. insignificant adj. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的 31. accelerate vt. 加速,促进 32. absolute adj. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33. boundary n. 分界线,边界 34. brake n. 刹车,制动器 v. 刹住(车) 35. catalog n. 目录(册) v. 编目 36. vague adj. 模糊的,不明确的 37. vain n. 徒劳,白费 38. extinct adj. 绝灭的,熄灭的 39. extraordinary adj. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的 40. extreme adj. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分


对于参加2017高考的同学来说,现在开始复习和背诵英语作文完全来得及,小简老师推荐你高考英语写作优秀文全集,满满都是套路,掌握后还怕得不了满分吗? 1.感信 假设你是华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感。【优秀满分文】 Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help I am now a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University. Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation(推荐) for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. It is your unreserved(无保留的) help that enables me to obtain this splendid(极好的)opportunity of further education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate(回报)your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades. Yours truly, Zhang Ying 2. 道歉信 假设你是华,因弟弟生病住院,你不能参加你好友下星期四晚的生日晚会,请写一封道歉信解释原因,并祝福他生日快乐。【优秀满分文】 Dear Sarah, I am terribly sorry to tell you that I am unable to attend your birthday party next Thursday evening. That is owing to(因为) the fact that (同位语从句)my younger brother suddenly fell ill and was taken to a hospital this morning. I have to go there immediately and take care of him. As told by the doctor in charge, it will take around five days for him to recover and I have asked my boss for a leave. I really regret that I cannot go to celebrate your birthday personally and would miss the perfect chance of enjoying myself with all our old friends. I have chosen a small gift for you and will send it to you tomorrow to show my best wishes. Besides, please give my regards to our friends when you meet them at the party. Cordially, (sincerely) Li Hua 3. 申请信 假定你是华,将于今年七月从新星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知B B公司要招聘一名英文秘书,你很感兴趣,要写一封求职信,包括下列要点:1.年龄:18. 2. 学习情况:班级前5,英语口语好 3.兴趣和特长:打字快,喜欢阅读,听音乐 4.性格特点:积极向上 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行为连贯; 3.开头语和结束语己为你写好。【优秀满分文】Dear Sir/ Madam, I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. I’m really interested in this position so I am writing to apply for it. I’m18 years old and will graduate from Xinxing Foreign Languages School this July. I’m an excellent student, among the top 5 in m y class of 50 students. I’m good at English, especially spoken English. I often use the computer and I type very fast. In my spare time, I read a lot. Poems are my favorite. I enjoy music very much too. Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities. Besides, I’m easy to get along with and I like to make friends.

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