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新视野大学英语1 unit 5单词



| |<1>AIDS |n. |[U] Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |获得性免疫缺陷综合征(艾滋病)

|@ |<2>acquire |vt. |get or gain sth. |获得

|@ |<3>immune |a. |1. safe from a disease or illness |免疫的
| | | |2. not affected by sth. |不受影响的

| |<4>deficiency |n. |[C, U] the state of having none or not enough of |不足;缺乏

|★ |<5>syndrome |n. |[C] an illness which consists of a set of physical or mental problems |综合征

| |<6>diagnose |vt. |find out what illness sb. has by examining them |诊断

|@ |<7>infect |vt. |1. cause sb. to have a disease |感染
| | | |2. affect; influence |影响;感染

| |<8>HIV |n. |[U] human immunodeficiency virus |艾滋病病毒,人体免疫缺陷病毒

| |<9>virus |n. |1. [C] a living thing which can cause a disease |病毒
| | | |2. [C] a program that enters a computer and destroys information |计算机病毒

| |<10>rural |a. |of or like the countryside |农村的;乡村的

|@ |<11>constitute |vt. |make up; form |组成,构成

| |<12>segment |n. |[C] a part of sth. |部分

| |<13>alarm |vt. |cause sudden fear or worry |使惊恐,使担心
| | |n. |1. [U] sudden fear and worry |惊慌
| | | |2. [C] a piece of equipment that warns people about danger, the time, etc. |报警器;闹钟

| |<14> alarming |a. |frightening or worrying |令人惊恐的;令人担心的

| |<15>federal |a. | |联邦的,联邦制的

|@ |<16>implement |vt. |carry out or put certain decisions into practice |实施,执行

| |<17>organization |n. |(BrE organisation) |
| | | |1. [C] a group of people with a special purpose |组织,机构
| | | |2. [U] the adjusting or planning of parts so as to form an effective whole |组织,安排

|@ |<18>emerge |vi. |appear or come out from somewhere |浮现,出现

| |<19>network |n. |1. [C] a group of people that are connected or work together |人际关系网,联络网
| | | |2. [C] a system of lines, wires, roads, etc. that are connected to each other |网络

| |<20>combat |vt. |take action to stop sth. bad or harmful |与...斗争
| | |n. |[U] fighting, esp. during a war |战斗

|@ |<21>resource |n. |[C] (usu. pl.) sth. that can be used to increase wealth or help achieve sth. |资源

|@ |<22>creative |a. |producing new ideas or things |创造性的,有创造力的

| |<23> creatively |ad. |in a creative way |创造性地,有创造力地

| |<24> educational |a. |connected with education |教育的;与教育相关的

| |<25>client |n. |[C] sb. who pays for the services or advice of a professional person or organization |客户,顾客

|@ |<26>publication |n. |1. [C] sth. published, such as a book or magazine |出版物
| | | |2. [U] the act of making sth. known to the public; the process of getting sth. published |公布;发表


| |<27>appointment |n. |[C] an arrangement for a meeting at an agreed time and place for a particular purpose |约会,约定

|@ |<28>educate |vt. |teach or train sb., esp. at school |教育;训练

| |<29> stylist |n. |[C] sb. who cuts or arranges people's hair as their job |发型师

| |<30>literacy |n. |[U] the ability to read and write |有文化;识字

| |<31>literature |n. |1. [U] printed material about a subject |资料
| | | |2. [U] written works which are of artistic value |文学

|@ |<32>solve |vt. |find an answer to or a way of dealing with a problem |解决;解答

|@ |<33>illustrate |vt. |show the meaning of sth. by giving pictures or examples |说明

|@ |<34>establish |vt. |start a school, an organization, etc. |建立,创办

|■ |<35>buster |n. |[U] (infml.) sb. or sth. that ends a situation or stops an activity |克星

|@ |<36>risk |n. |[C, U] the possibility that sth. bad or dangerous may happen |危险性;风险
| | |vt. |put sth. in a situation in which it could be lost, destroyed, or harmed |使遭受(失去、毁坏、或伤害)的危险

|@ |<37>pressure |n. |[C, U] a way of living or working which causes a lot of anxiety |压力

|@ |<38>define |vt. |give the meaning of; describe exactly |下定义;描述

| |<39> redefine |vt. |consider and explain sth. in a new way |重新说明

|▲ |<40>marital |a. |connected with marriage |婚姻的

|@ |<41>plague |vt. |cause pain, suffering, or trouble to sb., esp. for a long period of time |折磨;使苦恼
| | |n. |[C] a disease that spreads quickly to a large number of people and causes death |瘟疫;传染病

|@ |<42>establishment |n. |[C] an organization or institution, esp. a business, shop, etc. |机构,单位

|@ |<43>emphasize |vt. |(BrE emphasise) give particular importance or attention to sth. |强调

| |<44>regardless |ad. |without being affected or influenced by sth. |无论如何,不管怎样

|@ |<45>solution |n. |[C] a way of solving a problem |解决办法;解答

|@ |<46>crisis |n. |[C, U] an urgent, difficult or dangerous situation |危机;紧急关头

|@ |<47>cure |n. |1. [C] a medical treatment to end an illness |治愈,治疗
| | | |2. [C] a solution to a problem |(解决问题的)办法,措施
| | |vt. |1. stop sb. from being affected by an illness |治愈,痊愈
| | | |2. solve a problem or improve a bad situation |解决问题;改善状况

|@ |<48>represent |vt. |1. be sth. |表示,应视为
| | | |2. be a sign or symbol of sth. |表示,象征
| | | |3. act or speak officially for another person or group of people |代表

| |<49>epidemic |n. |[C] a widely or rapidly spreading disease |流行病,传染病

|@ |<50>threaten |vt. |1. be likely to harm or destroy sth. |威胁到,危害到
| | | |2. say that you will cause sb. harm or trouble if they do not do what you w

ant |威胁,恐吓

| |<51>racial |a. |connected with race |种族的

| |<52>distract |vt. |take sb.'s attention away from sth. |使转移注意力,使分心

| |<53>efficiency |n. |[U] the quality of doing sth. well and effectively |效率;功效

| |<54> inefficiency |n. |[U] the quality of being unable to do a task effectively |效率低下,无效

| |<55> undeclared |a. |not officially announced |未正式宣布的

Phrases and Expressions
| |<56>be infected with ||make sb. get a disease |感染(疾病)

| |<57>in place of ||instead of |代替

| |<58>suffer from ||experience sth. unpleasant, e.g., an illness |受...之苦,患(某种疾病)

| |<59>hand out ||give sth. to each person in a group |分发,散发

| |<60>set up ||start a company, organization, etc. |建立,创立(公司、机构等)

| |<61>at risk ||in danger |有危险,有风险

| |<62>regardless of ||without being affected or influenced by |不顾,不管

| |<63>guard against ||prevent sth. from happening |防止...发生

| |<64>wipe out ||destroy or get rid of sth. completely |彻底摧毁;消灭

| |<65>distract sb. from sth. ||take sb.'s attention from sth. |使分心

| |<66>sign up for ||put one's name on a list to take part in sth. |报名参加

Proper Names
| |<67>Latino |||拉丁美洲人


|@ |<1>commence |v. |begin or start |开始

| |<2>thrust |vt. |push sth. somewhere roughly |猛推;猛塞

|@ |<3>apart |ad. |being separated from each other |分开地

|@ |<4>initial |a. |happening at the beginning |起初的,开始的

| |<5> initially |ad. |at the beginning |起初,起先

|@ |<6>intense |a. |having a very strong effect or felt very strongly |强烈的,剧烈的

|@ |<7>bleed |vi. |(bled, bled) lose blood |流血

| |<8>haste |n. |[U] great speed in doing sth., esp. because time is limited |匆忙

|@ |<9>trial |n. |1. [C] (~s) a sports competition in which people are tested and chosen for a later competition |预赛,选拔赛
| | | |2. [C, U] a process of examining a case in court |审判
| | | |3. [C, U] a process of testing to find out quality, value, etc. |试验,检验

|@ |<10>significant |a. |very important |重要的;意义重大的

|★ |<11>endanger |vt. |put sb. or sth. in danger |使...处于险境

|@ |<12>spill |vt. |accidentally pour a liquid out of a container |使溢出;使溅出
| | |vi. |(of a liquid) flow out of the edge of a container |溢出;溅出

|■ |<13>adoption |n. |1. [C, U] the act of adopting a child |收养
| | | |2. [U] the act of starting to use a plan, method, etc. |采用

|@ |<14>explore |vt. |discuss or think about sth. carefully |探讨,研究
| | |v. |travel around an area to look for sth. such as oil, minerals, etc. |探索,探测

| |<15>mug |vt. |a

ttack and rob sb. in a public place |对...行凶抢劫

|@ |<16>prior |a. |1. (to) before |在...之前
| | | |2. happening or existing before a particular time |事先的,预先的

|■ |<17>springboard |n. |[C] a strong board for jumping on or off, used for diving or doing gym |跳板

| |<18>unfortunately |ad. |with regret or sad feelings |不幸地;遗憾地

| |<19>coach |n. |[C] a person who trains people in sports for games, matches, etc. |教练
| | |vt. |train or teach; give instruction or advice to |训练,指导,辅导

|@ |<20>assist |v. |help sb. to do sth. |帮助,协助

|@ |<21>enjoyable |a. |giving sb. pleasure |令人愉快的,可享受的

| |<22>triumph |n. |[C] an important victory or success after a difficult struggle |胜利,成功
| | |vi. |(over) gain a victory or success after a difficult struggle |获胜,成功,击败

|@ |<23>partner |n. |1. [C] a person one is married to or having a sexual relation with |配偶,(性)伴侣
| | | |2. [C] a person that sb. does a particular activity with |伙伴,搭档

|@ |<24>confuse |vt. |make sb. feel they do not understand sth. |使困惑,使糊涂

| |<25>vapor |vt. |[C] (BrE vapour) a form like a gas which is made up of tiny drops of water or other liquids in the air |蒸气

| |<26> vaporize |v. |(BrE vaporise) (cause to) change from a liquid into a vapor; disappear |(使)变成蒸气;(使)蒸发;消失

|@ |<27>compete |vi. |take part and try to win in a competition |竞争;参赛

| |<28>scare |vt. |make sb. feel frightened |惊吓,使惊恐

| |<29>repetition |n. |[U] doing or saying the same thing many times |重复

|@ |<30>confident |a. |having belief in one's power or ability |自信的,相信的

| |<31> scoreboard |n. |[C] a board on which the score of a game is recorded |(体育比赛)记分牌

| |<32>leap |vi. |jump high into the air, often landing in a different place |跳,跳跃

|@ |<33>quit |v. |stop (doing sth.) |停止,放弃

Phrases and Expressions
| |<34>in haste | |quickly or in a hurry |匆忙地

| |<35>call sb. names | |say sth. nasty or insulting about sb. |骂某人

| |<36>have a shot at sth. | |have an attempt to do sth. or achieve sth. |尝试,企图,努力做某事

| |<37>take first place | |be the first or top, esp. in a match |获得第一名

| |<38>for fear (that) | |for fear of sth.; in case sb. makes sth. bad happen |担心,生怕

| |<39>start with | |begin with |从...开始

Proper Names
| |<40>Olympics | | |(the O~) 奥林匹克运动会

| |<41>Seoul | | |首尔 (韩国首都,前称汉城)

| |<42>Samoan | | |萨摩亚人

| |<43>Ron O'Brien | | |罗恩·奥布赖恩 (人名)

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