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Biolog, DGGE, microbial community structure, PLFA, tea garden soil

Biolog, DGGE, microbial community structure, PLFA, tea garden soil
Biolog, DGGE, microbial community structure, PLFA, tea garden soil



c 2008Soil Science Society of China

Published by Elsevier Limited and Science Press

Soil Microbial Community Structure in Diverse Land Use Systems:A Comparative Study Using Biolog,

DGGE,and PLF A Analyses?1

XUE Dong1,2,YAO Huai-Ying1,?2,GE De-Yong1and HUANG Chang-Yong1

1Key Laboratory of Polluted Environment Remediation and Ecological Health,Ministry of Education,College of Envi-ronmental and Resource Sciences,Zhejiang University,Huajiachi Campus,Hangzhou310029(China).E-mail:xue-dong78@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4014145722.html,

2Department of Environmental and Chemical Engineering,Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology,Luoyang471023 (China)

(Received November20,2007;revised June14,2008)


Biolog,16S rRNA gene denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE),and phospholipid fatty acid(PLFA)analyses were used to assess soil microbial community characteristics in a chronosequence of tea garden systems(8-,50-,and90-year-old tea gardens),an adjacent wasteland,and a90-year-old forest.Biolog analysis showed that the average well color development(AWCD)of all carbon sources and the functional diversity based on the Shannon index decreased(P<0.05) in the following order:wasteland>forest>tea garden.For the DGGE analysis,the genetic diversity based on the Shannon index was signi?cantly lower in the tea garden soils than in the wasteland.However,compared to the90-year-old forest,the tea garden soils showed signi?cantly higher genetic diversity.PLFA analysis showed that the ratio of Gram positive bacteria to Gram negative bacteria was signi?cantly higher in the tea garden soils than in the wasteland,and the highest value was found in the90-year-old forest.Both the fungal PLFA and the ratio of fungi to bacteria were signi?cantly higher in the three tea garden soils than in the wasteland and forest,indicating that fungal PLFA was signi?cantly a?ected by land-use change.Based on cluster analysis of the soil microbial community structure,all three analytical methods showed that land-use change had a greater e?ect on soil microbial community structure than tea garden age.

Key Words:Biolog,DGGE,microbial community structure,PLFA,tea garden soil

Citation:Xue,D.,Yao,H.Y.,Ge,D.Y.and Huang,C.Y.2008.Soil microbial community structure in diverse land use systems:A comparative study using Biolog,DGGE,and PLFA analyses.Pedosphere.18(5):653–663.


Soil microorganisms play a crucial role in the cycling of almost all the major plant nutrients and the energy?ow of either natural or anthropogenically altered soils(Smith and Paul,1990).Soil microbial community is an important measure of sustainable land use and is sensitive to changes in the soil chemical properties(Wolters and J¨o ergensen,1991;Wardle,1992;Bauhus and Khanna,1994;Beck et al.,1995).

Tea(Camellia sinensis)is an important economic crop and is planted widely on acidic red soils in the tropical and subtropical zones of China.Tea gardens are usually grown as a monoculture and receive considerable amounts of nitrogen fertilization,root exudates,and leaf litter.Several studies have shown that the soil physico-chemical properties undergo a marked change with the development of tea garden ecosystems(Liao,1998;Shi et al.,1999;Yu et al.,2004).Soil pH decreases gradually, whilst aluminium,?uorin,and hydroxybenzene accumulate in tea garden soil.The soil is also relatively de?cient in microelements and in basic cations,such as calcium and magnesium.Little information is available regarding the microbial community characteristics in tea garden soil ecosystems.

?1Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.30671207and40371063).

?2Corresponding author.E-mail:huaiyingyao@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4014145722.html,.

654 D.XUE et al.

Methods,such as Biolog,16S rRNA gene denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE),and phos-pholipids fatty acid(PLFA)pro?ling,have been developed only recently for studying rapidly complex microbial communities.Biolog analysis is based on the premise that microorganisms vary in the pattern and the rate at which they utilize carbon sources.Therefore,carbon(C)utilization patterns can be used as a measure of microbial community structure and functional potential.DGGE analysis,targeting rRNA sequences by polymerase chain reaction(PCR)ampli?cation coupled with rDNA-fragment anal-yses by DGGE(Krave et al.,2002;R?nn et al.,2002),is based on length or sequence polymorphisms to produce a visual?ngerprint of the microbial community.PLFA analysis is used as an indicator of the microbial community structure,since certain groups of microorganisms have di?erent‘signature’fatty acids(Tunlid and White,1992).Therefore,changes in the PLFA pro?le represent changes in the total soil microbial community.All three methods yield a?ngerprint-type data set that may be used for further qualitative or quantitative analysis.Since each of these approaches o?ers a focus on speci?c aspects of the soil microbiological characteristics,they represent an independent analysis of the di?erences or changes in the soil microbial community structures and functions.

Tea gardens of di?erent ages represent practical soil systems and can be used to evaluate temporal changes in soil microbial community characteristics.Inclusion of an adjacent forest and wasteland will facilitate assessment of the ecological sustainability of the tea garden ecosystems and the relative importance of tea garden management versus land-use change in soil microbial community structure. Our objectives were therefore to compare the results obtained using the three methods and to evaluate the changes in the soil microbial community structure in response to tea garden age and land-use change.


Site description

Soil samples were collected from the Meijiawu tea area(30?11 N,120?05 E),one of the original regions of Longjing Tea production,located in the West Lake district of Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province in southeast China.The area is characterized by a subtropical wet monsoon climate with a mean annual temperature of16?C and a mean annual rainfall of about1500mm.To assess the e?ect of tea garden age on the soil microbial community structure,three tea gardens were selected as study sites.The tea gardens were established on wasteland in1914,1954,and1996and were90,50,and8years old, respectively,when soil samples were taken.Each tea garden was made up of several plots separated by a foot path.All tea garden soils received annual applications of nitrogen(N)averaging approximately 450kg N ha?1year?1,usually in split applications(i.e.,two or three times per year).Although early records for the sites were not available,it is likely that the oldest tea garden received lower amounts of N per year during the?rst half of the20th century.The tea gardens were also fertilized with phosphorus and potassium,and treated with pesticides when required.

Vicinal wasteland and forest were also chosen as study sites to evaluate the e?ect of land-use change on the soil microbial community structure.The wasteland in this red soil area was covered with sparse grasses.The90-year-old mixed-conifer forest was established on wasteland in1914.The forest was essentially unmanaged,i.e.,no fertilization,pesticide,irrigation,or harvest.All soils investigated were classi?ed as red soil by the Chinese Classi?cation System(Ultisols in US soil taxonomy)and were derived from the same parent material,namely,quartzose sandstone interbedded with shale.

Sample collection and preparation

Soils were collected from three sampling plots chosen randomly within the8-,50-,and90-year-old tea gardens,wasteland,and the90-year-old forest in September2004.Twenty cores(5cm diameter×20cm length)were taken from each sampling plot and mixed.

The15bulked samples were transported on ice to the laboratory where they were sieved through a2-mm mesh to remove plant debris and soil fauna.Biolog assays were performed immediately on

LAND USE EFFECT ON MICROBIAL COMMUNITY STRUCTURE655 fresh soil,and a portion of soil was immediately frozen for subsequent DGGE and PLFA analyses.The remaining soil samples were stored at4?C for analyzing the chemical properties(Table I).


Physico-chemical properties of the tested soils collected from wasteland(soil1),8-year-old tea garden(soil2),50-year-old tea garden(soil3),90-year-old tea garden(soil4),and90-year-old forest(soil5)

Soil sample pH Organic C Total N C/N Available P NH+

4-N NO?



g kg?1mg kg?1

Soil1 1.7 5.88 6.6

Soil2 4.2213.9 1.3510.317.88.0246.6

Soil3 4.0122.2 2.0510.819.57.0556.1

Soil4 3.7126.3 2.2911.554.5 4.4140.3

Soil5 3.9427.5 1.7515.723.99.2013.5

LSD0.050.02 Soil chemical property and community substrate utilization analyses

Soil pH was measured by a combination glass electrode(soil:water=1:2.5).Total nitrogen was determined by Kjeldahl digestion(Keeney and Nelson,1982)and quanti?ed using a continuous?ow analyzer(Skalar,The Netherlands),and total organic C was determined by dichromate oxidation(Nelson and Sommers,1982).Available phosphorus analysis was done by the method of Olsen and Sommers (1982).Inorganic N(NH+4-N and NO?3-N)was extracted with2mol L?1KCl by shaking for1h at200 r min?1and?ltered through a0.45-μm polysulfone membrane.The KCl-extracted N was determined colorimetrically in a continuous?ow analyzer(Skalar,The Netherlands).

Biolog EcoPlates(Biolog Inc.,Hayward,CA,USA)were used to study the substrate utilization pattern of soil microbial communities as described by Girvan et al.(2003).Brie?y,10g of fresh soil was added to100mL of distilled water in a250-mL?ask and shaken at200r min?1for10min to achieve a10?1dilution.Ten-fold serial dilutions were prepared and the10?3dilution was used to inoculate the Biolog EcoPlates.The plates were incubated at25?C for7days and color development was read as absorbance daily with an automated plate reader(VMAX,Molecular Devices,Crawley,UK)at a wavelength of590nm,and the data were collected using Microlog4.01software(Biolog Inc.).

DNA extraction,PCR,and DGGE

DNA was extracted by bead beating based on the method of Zhou et al.(1996)with slight modi?-cations.The crude DNA was suspended in100μL of TE(10mmol L?1tris-HCl;1mmol L?1EDTA; pH8.0)and puri?ed using Sephadex G200,as described previously by Cahyani et al.(2003),based on the method of Jackson et al.(1997).To assess the DNA yield and quality(average molecular size),the DNA was run on8g L?1agarose gels with a molecular size marker as the reference.The DNA purity was assessed using ampli?cation by PCR as the criterion.

The universal bacterial primers,PRBA338f and PRUN518r,located at the V3region of the16S rRNA genes of bacterioplankton(?vreas et al.,1997),were used to amplify the variable V3region of 16S rDNA.A GC-rich clamp attached to the forward primer prevented the complete melting of the PCR products during subsequent separation in DGGE.PCR mixtures were prepared with1μL puri?ed DNA template(10ng),5μL10×PCR bu?er,2.25mmol L?1MgCl2,0.8mmol L?1deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate(dNTP),0.5μmol L?1of each primer,2.5U Taq DNA polymerase,and sterile?ltered milli-Q water to a?nal volume of50μL.The PCR cycles included a4min initial denaturation at94?C,followed by30cycles of denaturation at94?C for1min,annealing at55?C for30s,extension at 72?C for1min,and a7-min?nal extension step at72?C.Finally,the PCR samples were held at4?C until removal from the thermal cycler.

DGGE was performed using the Dcode TM Universal Mutation Detection System(Bio-Rad Labo-

656 D.XUE et al. ratories,Hercules,CA,USA).PCR products were loaded onto a100g kg?1polyacrylamide gel with a35%–60%denaturing gradient,where100%denaturant contains7.0mol L?1urea and400g kg?1 deionized formamide.The electrophoresis was performed at70V for16h at60?C in1×TAE bu?er (40mmol L?1tris,pH7.4;20mmol L?1sodium acetate;1mmol L?1EDTA).After electrophoresis, the gel was silver-stained(Bassam et al.,1991)and visualized with a Bio-Rad Gel Doc documentation system.

Molecular analysis of soil PLFAs

Lipid extraction and PLFA analyses were performed using the modi?ed Bligh and Dyer-method (Bligh and Dyer,1959;Frosteg?ard et al.,1993b).Brie?y,2.0g of freeze-dried soil was extracted with a chloroform-methanol-citrate bu?er mixture(1:2:0.8),and the phospholipids were separated from other lipids on a silicic acid column.The phospholipids were subjected to a mild alkaline methanolysis and the resulting fatty acid methyl esters were prepared according to the MIDI protocol and analyzed using the MIDI Sherlock R Microbial Identi?cation System(MIDI,Newark,DE).Fatty acids nomenclature follows that of Tunlid and White(1992).Individual fatty acids were designated according to convention by the total number of carbon atoms:number of double bonds,followed by the position of the double bond from the methyl-end of the molecule.The pre?xes i and a indicate iso-and anteiso-branching, respectively,and cy indicates cyclopropane fatty acid.Me refers to the position of methyl group from the carboxyl-end of the chain.

The ratios of Gram positive to Gram negative bacteria were calculated by taking the sum of the predominant Gram positive bacterial PLFAs16:010Me,17:010Me,18:010Me,i15:0,a15:0,i16:0,i17:0, and a17:0divided by the sum of the predominant Gram negative bacterial PLFAs16:1w5c,16:1w7t, 16:w9c,cy17:0,18:1w5c,18:1w7c,and cy19:0(Wilkinson,1988).The sum of the PLFAs considered to be predominant of bacterial origin(i15:0,a15:0,15:0,i16:0,16:1w7c,16:1w5c,i17:0,a17:0,cy17:0,17:0, 18:1w7c,cy19:0)were chosen to represent the bacterial biomass(Frosteg?ard et al.,1993a).The fatty acid18:2w6,9was used to represent the fungal biomass(Frosteg?ard and B?a?ath,1996;Olsson,1999). The fatty acid18:010Me was used as an indicator of actinomycetes(Zogg et al.,1997).

Statistical analysis

All values reported are the arithmetic means of the three determinations expressed on an oven-dried soil basis(105?C).Means,least signi?cant di?erences(LSD)of5%level were calculated by a one-way ANOVA.

The diversity of microbial community was assessed by the Shannon index(H )(Shannon and Weaver, 1949),calculated for each soil sample using the following formula:

H =?



(p i ln p i)

where p i is the number of individuals of species i,and s is the number of species found in the community pro?le.For Biolog data,p i is the proportional color development of the i th well relative to the total color development of all wells.For DGGE data,p i is the ratio of the speci?c band intensity to the total intensity of all bands in a lane sample.In the case of PLFA data,p i is the concentration of i th individual fatty acid relative to the concentration of all fatty acids.

The average well color development(AWCD)value of Biolog data was calculated for each sample at each time point by dividing the sum of the optical density data by31(number of substrates),as described by Garland(1996a).

The Quantity One R software(Bio-Rad)used for DGGE gel image acquisition was also employed for analysis.Following the removal of background intensity and setting of noise levels,the software automatically obtains a density pro?le through lanes and the percentage similarity among lanes after


each band has been identi?ed.

Cluster analysis of the Biolog,DGGE,and PLFA pro?les of the microbial community was performed using hierarchical clustering according to the Ward-method with the software package SPSS10.0for Windows.For Biolog data,the absorbance values at equivalent AWCD from di?erent times of incubation were compared and were also transformed by dividing by the AWCD to avoid bias between samples with di?erent inoculum density(Garland,1997).For DGGE data,the band intensity was normalized by dividing the intensity of the individual bands by the mean band intensity comprising a particular community pro?le.The PLFA data were expressed as mole percentage of individual fatty acids. RESULTS

Biolog analysis

The AWCD of all C sources,as a measure of the total microbial activity,generally followed the same‘s’pattern with incubation time(Fig.1).However,the AWCD of all C sources and the functional diversity based on the Shannon index decreased(P<0.05)in the following order:wasteland>forest >tea garden.The AWCD and Shannon index also decreased with increase in the tea garden age(Table II).

Fig.1The average well color development(AWCD)of the Biolog EcoPlates at590nm for the tested soils collected from wasteland(soil1),8-year-old tea garden(soil2),50-year-old tea garden(soil3),90-year-old tea garden(soil4),and 90-year-old forest(soil5).


Shannon index calculated from the Biolog,denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE),and phospholipids fatty acid (PLFA)of soil microbial community in the tested soils collected from wasteland(soil1),8-year-old tea garden(soil2), 50-year-old tea garden(soil3),90-year-old tea garden(soil4),and90-year-old forest(soil5)

Soil sample Shannon index from Biolog Shannon index from DGGE Shannon index from PLFA Soil1 3.17 3.60 2.94

Soil2 2.73 3.17 2.88

Soil3 2.61 3.28 2.80

Soil4 2.29 3.16 2.81

Soil5 2.86 2.76 2.93

LSD0. Cluster analysis according to31carbon sources of Biolog EcoPlates revealed that land-use change could considerably a?ect the microbial community pro?les of potential carbon utilization(Fig.2).The three tea garden soils(soils2,3,and4)presented microbial pro?les strictly linked together at a low Eu-clidean distance of2and they linked together with the90-year-old forest(soil5)at Euclidean distance of3.However,the wasteland was distinctly di?erent,having microbial pro?les at a considerably higher

658 D.XUE et al.

Fig.2Cluster analysis of community level physiological pro?les of the tested soils collected from wasteland(soil1), 8-year-old tea garden(soil2),50-year-old tea garden(soil3),90-year-old tea garden(soil4),and90-year-old forest(soil 5).Scale indicates Euclidean distance.

Euclidean distance.

DGGE analysis of16S rRNA gene fragments

There were signi?cant di?erences in the Shannon index obtained from the DGGE analysis of16S rRNA gene fragments in response to land use and tea garden age(Table II).The Shannon index was signi?cantly lower in the tea garden soils than that in the wasteland.However,compared to the90-year-old forest,the tea garden soils showed signi?cantly higher community diversity.In the tea garden soil ecosystems,there was an increasing trend in the Shannon index from the8-year-old tea garden to the50-year-old tea garden,and a decreasing trend from the50-year-old tea garden to the90-year-old tea garden.

Dice coe?cient from DGGE pro?les was used to represent the percentages of similarity among lanes (Table III).The Dice coe?cient was the highest among the three tea garden soils and the least between the wasteland and the forest.Moreover,the tea garden soils had greater similarity with the forest soils than with the wasteland.


Dice coe?cient from denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis pro?les of the tested soils collected from wasteland(soil1), 8-year-old tea garden(soil2),50-year-old tea garden(soil3),90-year-old tea garden(soil4),and90-year-old forest(soil 5)

Soil sample Soil1Soil2Soil3Soil4Soil5 Soil110046354827 Soil246100586149 Soil335581006053 Soil448616010054 Soil527495354100

Cluster analysis showed that the three tea garden soils had the closest association with a low Eu-clidean distance of2and were related to the90-year-old forest at Euclidean distance of10,but the wasteland was distinctly di?erent from the other systems(Fig.3).The result clearly demonstrated that DGGE pro?les revealed marked di?erences in the response of soil microbial communities under di?erent land use systems.

Phospholipid fatty acid analysis

Based on the Shannon diversity index calculated from the PLFA data set,there was no signi?cant change in population diversity owing to land use and tea garden age(Table II).The PLFA pro?les of the whole microbial community showed that the tested soils contained a variety of PLFAs composed


Fig.3Cluster analysis of the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis pro?les of16S rDNA ampli?ed from the tested soils:wasteland(soil1),8-year-old tea garden(soil2),50-year-old tea garden(soil3),90-year-old tea garden(soil4),and 90-year-old forest(soil5).Scale indicates Euclidean distance.

of saturated,unsaturated,methyl-branched,and cyclopropane fatty acids(Fig.4).Some PLFAs varied signi?cantly in their relative abundance in response to land use and tea garden age.The conversion from the wasteland to the tea garden soils resulted in disappearance of some fatty acids(i16:1G,18:1w5c) and synthesis of new fatty acids(i16:1H,17:0,19:010Me,20:1w9c).Some of the fatty acids(19:0 10Me,i19:0,10:02OH)were unique to the tea garden soils.Gram positive bacteria,Gram negative bacteria,bacteria,and actinomycete were signi?cantly less in the tea garden soils than those in the wasteland(Table IV).The ratio of Gram positive bacteria to Gram negative bacteria was signi?cantly higher in the tea garden soils than that in the wasteland,and the highest value was found in the90-year-old forest.In addition,the ratio showed a decreasing trend with the tea garden age.Fungal PLFAs were

Fig.4Mole percentage of phospholipid fatty acids(PLFAs)(n=3)in the tested soils collected from wasteland(soil1), 8-year-old tea garden(soil2),50-year-old tea garden(soil3),90-year-old tea garden(soil4),and90-year-old forest(soil 5).

660 D.XUE et al.


Abundance of a variety of phospholipid fatty acids(PLFAs)in the tested soils collected from wasteland(soil1),8-year-old tea garden(soil2),50-year-old tea garden(soil3),90-year-old tea garden(soil4),and90-year-old forest(soil5) Microorganism PLFA LSD0.05


Gram positive bacteria34.528.226.627.138.7 1.80 Gram negative bacteria10.3 6.50.90 Bacteria31.126.625.726.733.0 1.60 Fungi 1.52 2.65 2.31 2.40 1.680.27 Actinomycete 4.12 2.72 2.47 2.67 2.940.38 Gram positive bacteria/Gram negative bacteria 3.36 4.38 3.80 3.79 5.930.40 Fungi/bacteria0.

signi?cantly a?ected by land use change.Both the fungal PLFA and the ratio of fungi to bacteria were signi?cantly higher in the three tea garden soils than those in the wasteland and the forest.

Similar to cluster analyses based on Biolog and DGGE data(Fig.5),cluster analysis of the PLFA data signi?cantly discriminated the microbial communities from the three land use types.The three tea garden soils with di?erent ages strictly linked together at a low Euclidean distance,while similarities with other systems were found at considerably higher distances.

Fig.5Cluster analysis of the phospholipids fatty acid pro?les of the tested soils collected from wasteland(soil1),8-year-old tea garden(soil2),50-year-old tea garden(soil3),90-year-old tea garden(soil4),and90-year-old forest(soil5). Scale indicates Euclidean distance.


Biolog,DGGE,and PLFA were used to assess the microbial community characteristics in soil samples obtained from tea gardens di?ering in age,and from a neighbouring forest and wasteland.However, the results obtained using the respective methods were not in perfect agreement.This,however,may not be surprising since each method analyzes a di?erent aspect of the soil microbial community and is associated with its own advantages and disadvantages in determining microbial diversity and community structure.

Biolog analysis assesses the functional diversity of the soil microbial community.Although it is relatively easy to use,is reproducible,and can produce a large amount of data re?ecting the metabolic characteristics of the communities(Zak et al.,1994),it su?ers from several disadvantages.Only some metabolically active and culturable bacteria can be detected,whereas soil fungi and slow-growing bac-teria can not be assessed(Garland and Mills,1991;Yao et al.,2000).The technique is sensitive to inoculum density(Garland,1996a)and can not re?ect the potential metabolic diversity in situ(Gar-land and Mills,1991).Additionally,the carbon sources and pH of the medium in the Biolog plates may not be representative of those present in the soil(Yao et al.,2000).Nevertheless,the Biolog method

LAND USE EFFECT ON MICROBIAL COMMUNITY STRUCTURE661 is useful in studying the functional diversity of a microbial community and is a valuable tool especially when used in conjunction with other methods.

DGGE analysis re?ects the genetic diversity of a microbial community and has the advantages of being reliable,reproducible,rapid,and allows screening of multiple samples(Muyzer,1999;Nakatsu et al.,2000).There are,however,some disadvantages associated with DGGE analysis,including e?ect of variable DNA extraction e?ciency on DGGE pro?les(Theron and Cloete,2000),similarities in the mobility characteristics of the polyacrylamide gel of DNA fragments with di?erent sequences(Gelsomino et al.,1999;Maarit-Niemi et al.,2001),and dependence of DGGE pro?les on soil type being tested and choice of primers(Nakatsu et al.,2000).In the study,the PRBA338f and PRUN518r primers chosen were universal bacterial primers.However,it is well known that fungi are predominant in tea garden and forest soils.Therefore,it is possible that our results based on16S rDNA-DGGE only provided a measure of the bacterial community structure.Nevertheless,the dominant fungi may not be detected.

PLFA analysis reveals the structural characteristics of a living microbial community at the time of sampling and is suitable for detecting rapid changes in microbial communities.However,temperature and nutrition can in?uence the cellular fatty acid composition of microbes,and plant organisms may confound the PLFA pro?les(Graham et al.,1995).Although some fatty acids can be used as signatures for certain broad groups of organisms(Zelles,1997),individual fatty acids can not be used to represent speci?c species since the same fatty acids can occur in more than one species(Bossio et al.,1998).

In the present study,the Shannon diversity index calculated based on Biolog and DGGE data showed signi?cant di?erences in microbial community response to land-use change and tea garden age.However, no signi?cant di?erence was detected in the Shannon diversity index from the PLFA data.This may be because even though the community structure was di?erent,its diversity was not,or it could represent some problems using fatty acid pro?les to measure the diversity(Bossio et al.,1998).

Chemical analysis of the tested soils(Table I)indicated that tea garden and forest soil samples had a lower pH,but higher organic C content when compared to soil samples obtained from the wasteland. The low pH and high organic matter can favor fungal growth(Gray and Williams1971).Therefore, the tea garden and the forest will be expected to have a similar ratio of fungi to bacteria.However,our results based on the PLFA pro?les of the soil microbial communities showed that the ratio of fungi to bacteria was signi?cantly higher in the three tea garden soils than those in the wasteland and the forest soils,and no di?erence was found between the wasteland and the forest.An explanation of this result could be that land management a?ected the soil microbial communities in the tea gardens,since PLFA pro?les were demonstrated previously to be highly sensitive to management e?ects(Zelles et al.,1992; Bossio et al.,1998;Ponder and Tadros,2002).

The8-year-old tea garden soil was reclaimed from wasteland in a short time.Therefore,the soil microbial community of the8-year-old tea garden should be closer to the wasteland than the50-or 90-year-old tea garden.However,cluster analysis based on all the three methods showed that the three tea gardens with di?erent ages had more similarity in microbial community characteristics than the wasteland and forest.The result suggested that a change in the microbial biomass was not always accompanied by a change in the microbial community diversity and activity,and land-use change had more severe e?ects on the soil microbial community structure than tea garden age.Several factors may be involved.On one hand,land-use conversion involving considerable disruption of the soil,such as cultivation,compaction,and fertilizer application,may have a?ected the soil microbial community. On the other hand,several studies have shown that plant species have a major selective in?uence on microbial communities in their rhizospheres(Garland,1996b;Smalla et al.,2001;Yao et al.,2001;Berg et al.,2002).The three land use types di?er in plant species composition,which is therefore likely to exert strong selective pressures on the soil microbial community.Finally,the chemical properties of the soils showed that only the available N and soil C/N were distinctly di?erent in response to land-use conversion(Table I).This result may suggest that soil N fertilizer application a?ects the soil microbial community.

662 D.XUE et al.


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关的控制。此时如果遥控开关断开, 空调机停机; 遥控开关闭合, 空调机正常运行。 如果机组使用PLAN网络以实现机组之间的轮值备用功能, 网络中机组数目当然大于一台, 此时可经过同时按键和键来切换不同机组的画面, 屏幕右上角的数字表示机组编号, 如显示”01”表示第一号机组。 1.输入及输出 1.1模拟量输入 REFERENCE Small Version Medium Version B1 回风压差回风压差 B2 回风湿度回风湿度(0~10V或4~20mA) B3 外部设定温度( 0~10VDC) 外部设定温度( 0~10VDC) B4 回风温度( NTC) 回风温度( NTC) B5 新风温度( NTC) 新风温度( NTC) B6 N/A 回风温度(0~10V或4~20mA) B7 N/A 外部设定湿度( 0~10VDC) B8 N/A 备用 1.2数字量输入 REFERENCE Small Version Medium Version 1 风机电机过载风机电机过载 2 欠风保护开关欠风保护开关 3 客户自设报警客户自设报警 4 压缩机一电流过载或高压保护压缩机一电流过载或高压保护 5 压缩机一低压保护压缩机一低压保护 6 电加热过热保护电加热过热保护 7 遥控开关遥控开关 8 遥控值班功能( 该点闭合, 机组值班运行) 遥控值班功能( 该点闭合, 机组值班运行) 9 N/A 压缩机二电流过载或高压保护 10 N/A 压缩机二低压保护 11 N/A 压缩机三电流过载或高压保护 12 N/A 压缩机三低压保护 13 N/A 初效滤网堵塞/直冷或冷冻水选择 14 N/A 中效滤网堵塞/电加热或热水选择 1.3 数字量输出 REFERENCE Small Version Medium Version R1 送风机电机送风机电机 R2 压缩机一压缩机一 R3 电加热一电加热一


危害评估体系的建立 摘要:微生物实验室活动中存在着诸多潜在的危险因素,且涉及多种病原微生物。因此,从生物安全角度出发,对微生物试验活动要进行危害风险评估。本文就病原微生物危害风险评估要素、风险评估过程以及评估体系等相关问题进行探讨。建立了以风险评估为基础的安全监测与预警系统,确保微生物实验室人员和环境的安全。 关键词:病原微生物,实验室,风险评估,生物安全 中国疾病预防控制中心实验动物设施于2012年6月正式启用。主要用于传染病研究所、病毒病研究和性艾中心进行感染性实验。该设施为负压屏障环境,生物安全预护级别为二级,承担着国家各类重大科研任务,是应急、科研支撑的重要技术平台。本设施在运作中,结合其实验动物屏障设施的特点和所从事的实验活动,从生物安全角度出发,建立了以风险评估为基础的安全监测与预警系统,加强生物安全科学管理,避免因人为操作不规范,造成屏障设施环境和实验动物遭受微生物污染以及人员感染的重大事故发生,最大限度的发挥屏障设施的作用,确保微生物安全和研究结果准确、可靠。 1.病原微生物危害风险评估要素 风险是某一事故发生时可能性及事故后果的总和,是随时存在的。风险评估是通过识别和分析风险发生的概率和可能的后果,确定风险级别、风险控制内容,以及如何控制的过程,是风险管理的重要环节和依据。 在微生物实验工作中,应根据危害程度分类,对特定的病原微生物采取相应级别的生物安全防护水平。在通过危害评估工作来确立适当的生物安全水平时,危害程度分类提供了危害评估的参考信息,但是应注意到同一种病原微生物在进行不同的动物实验时其潜在的危险性不同;危害程度分类类别相同的不同种病原微生物对人可能产生的危害也各异。应收集与拟进行研究或检测的病原微生物的有关资料以及动物实验室的性质或职能以及将进行的相关实验的信息,对这些因素进行综和评价。将病原微生物背景资料,以及将要进行涉及病原微生物动物实验活动可能产生的危害、人员以及其他相关因素四个要素作为得出病原微生物危害评估结论的主要依据。 1.1 病原微生物背景资料 病原微生物的背景资料主要包括:生物因子已知或未知的特性,如生物因子的种类、来源、传染性、传播途径、易感性、潜伏期、剂量——效应(反应)关系、致病性(包括急性与远期效应)、变异性、在环境中的稳定性及转归、与其他生物和环境的交互作用、相关试验数据、流行病学资料、诊断、预防和治疗方案等;这些数据与资料可从国家监测数据、流行病学调查。行业调查、已发表的科研论著、医学微生物学和传染学教科书中查询。 1.2 人员相关的风险分析 应对所有涉及病原微生物的实验操作人员的知识背景、工作经验、工作能力、个人心里素质以及健康状态可能影响工作的压力等进行评估,对实验室管理者还应进行管理能力与处理紧急事故能力的测评。 1.3 其他风险的分析与评价 在风险分析中还应考虑到意外事件、事故带来的风险;被误用和恶意使用的风险;应急措施及预期效果评估;设施、设备和环境的评估;降低风险和控制危害所需资料、资源(包括外部资源)的评估;对风险、需求、资源、可行性、实


PCR 扩增反应的操作 第一节PCR 扩增反应的基本原理 一、聚合酶链式反应(PCR )的基本构成 PCR 是聚合酶链式反应的简称,指在引物指导下由酶催化的对特定模板(克隆或基因组DNA )的扩增反应,是模拟体内DNA 复制过程,在体外特异性扩增DNA 片段的一种技术,在分子生物学中有广泛的应用,包括用于DNA 作图、DNA 测序、分子系统遗传学等。 PCR 基本原理: 是以单链DNA 为模板,4 种dNTP 为底物,在模板3'末端有引物存在的情况下,用酶进行互补链的延伸,多次反复的循环能使微量的模板DNA 得到极大程度的扩增。在微量离心管中,加入与待扩增的DNA 片段两端已知序列分别互补的两个引物、适量的缓冲液、微量的DNA 膜板、四种dNTP 溶液、耐热Taq DNA 聚合酶、Mg 2+等。反应时先将上述溶液加热,使模板DNA 在高温下变性,双链解开为单链状态;然后降低溶液温度,使合成引物在低温下与其靶序列配对,形成部分双链,称为退火;再将温度升至合适温度,在Taq DNA 聚合酶的催化下,以dNTP 为原料,引物沿5'→ 3'方向延伸,形成新的DNA 片段,该片段又可作为下一轮反应的模板,如此重复改变温度,由高温变性、低温复性和适温延伸组成一个周期,反复循环,使目的基因得以迅速扩增。因此PCR 循环过程为三部分构成:模板变性、引物退火、热稳定DNA 聚合酶在适当温度下催化DNA 链延伸合成(见图)。 1.模板DNA 的变性 模板DNA加热到90~95 C时,双螺旋结构的氢键断裂,双链解开成为单链,称为DNA的变性,以便它与引物结合,为下轮反应作准备。变性温度与DNA 中G-C 含量有关,G-C 间由三个氢键连接,而A-T 间只有两个氢键相连,所以G-C 含量较高的模板,其解链温度相对要高些。故PCR 中DNA 变性需要的温度和时间与模板DNA 的二级结构的复杂性、G-C 含量高低等均有关。对于高G-C含量的模板DNA在实验中需添加一定量二甲基亚砜(DMSO),并且在PCR循环中起 始阶段热变性温度可以采用97 C ,时间适当延长,即所谓的热启动。 2.模板DNA 与引物的退火 将反应混合物温度降低至37~65C时,寡核苷酸引物与单链模板杂交,形成DNA模板-引物复 合物。退火所需要的温度和时间取决于引物与靶序列的同源性程度及寡核苷酸的碱基组成。一般要求引物的浓度大大高于模板DNA 的浓度 ,并由于引物的长度显著短于模板的长度, 因此在退火时,引物与模板中的互补序列的配对速度比模板之间重新配对成双链的速度要快得多,退火时间一般为1?2min。 3.引物的延伸 DNA 模板-引物复合物在Taq DNA 聚合酶的作用下,以dNTP 为反应原料,靶序列为模板, 按碱基配对与半保留复制原理,合成一条与模板DNA 链互补的新链。重复循环变性-退火-延伸三过程,就可获得更多的“半保留复制链”,而且这种新链又可成为下次循环的模板。延伸所需要的时间取决于模板DNA的长度。在72 C条件下,Taq DNA聚合酶催化的合成速度大约为40?60个碱基/秒。经过一轮“变性-退火-延伸”循环,模板拷贝数增加了一倍。在以后的循环中,新合成的DNA 都可以起模板作用,因此每一轮循环以后, DNA 拷贝数就增加一倍。每完成一个循环需2?4min, —次PCR 经过30?40次循环,约2?3h。扩增初期,扩增的量呈直线上升,但是当引物、模板、聚合酶达到一定比值时,酶的催化反应趋于饱和,便出现所谓的“平台效应”,即靶DNA 产物的浓度不再增加。 PCR 的三个反应步骤反复进行,使DNA 扩增量呈指数上升。反应最终的DNA 扩增量可用Y =(1 + X)n计算。Y代表DNA片段扩增后的拷贝数,X表示平(Y)均每次的扩增效率,n代表循环次数。平均扩增效率的理论值为100%,但在实际反应中平均效率达不到理论值。反应初期, 靶序列DNA片段的增加呈指数形式,随着PCR产物的逐渐积累,被扩增的DNA片段不再呈指数


平台操作使用手册 (2020) 一、添加用户(非二级用户可以直接跳到二) 如果本级管理员想增加下级用户,首先要增加“工程组织机构”,才能增加用户。三级用户只能申报高研班,二级用户(省部级)可以上传高研班通知、学员名单等。 1、增加工程机构。选中左侧树形菜单的“工程组织机构”,再单击右上角的“增加”,在弹出的“新建机构”对话框中填写要增加用户所属机构的相关信息。 2、增加用户。选中左侧树形菜单中的“用户管理”,单击右上角的“增加”,在机构选项的菜单栏中选择步骤一增加的“机构”,填写用户的其他信息既可以增加用户。

二、高级研修班申报 1)二三级用户直接新建申报: 1、选择左侧树形菜单栏“高级研修班初审/申报”,再单击右侧的“新建申报”即可以填写申报的相关信息。 信息填写前可先点下方的“保存”,以确定浏览器是否支持。如果浏览器不支持(如360安全浏览器),则填写完成后无法“保存”或“上传”。建议信息填写完毕并上传附件后,如果还需要修改再先点击“保存”,保存完毕后用户还可以对信息就行修改。如果不需要修改,则选择“提交专技司”,提交专技司后就不能再对信息进行修改。 2、附件大小限定在6M左右,如果文件过大可能上传不成功。图片较大的附件可通过截图软件截小后上传。 2)二级用户对于三级用户审题进行初审: 如果建立三级账户,则可以由三级用户填报完毕提交后二级用户直接审核,审核修改完毕选择“提交专技司”。步骤如下: 1、点击左侧操作栏中的“高研班初审/申报”,右侧栏目中需要审核的高研班操作会出现“初审”,点击“初审”后出现如下初报的概况,点击“初审通过后”可对内容进行修改。


一、统计系统 登录单位信息管理系统 修改学校属性 登录统计系统 报表录入 (必需点保存,表内校验) 表间校验 (所有表格均需为表内已校验) 学校上报 (所有表格均需为表间已校验) 登录统计系统 查看校验表 (必需点保存) 表间校验 (所有表格均需为表内已校验) 镇级上报 (所有表格均需为表间已校验及 下属单位均已上报) 登录统计系统 查看校验表 (必需点保存) 表间校验 (所有表格均需为表内已校验) 县级上报 (所有表格均需为表间已校验及 下属单位均已上报) 录入基础县基表格 (必需点保存) 学校级操作 县 级操作 镇 级操作 基础管理 -> 学校管理 -> [修改] 报表处理 –> 报表录入/上报 –> [录入] ->[保存] 报表处理 –> 报表录入/上报 –> [表间校验] 报表处理 –> 报表录入/上报 –> [上报] 报表处理 –> 报表录入/上报 –> [查看] 报表处理 –> 报表录入/上报 –> [间校难验] 报表处理 –> 报表录入/上报 –> [上报] 报表处理 –> 报表录入/上报 –> [查看] 报表处理 –> 报表录入/上报 –> [间校难验] 报表处理 –> 报表录入/上报 –> [上报] 报表处理 –> 报表录入/上报 –> [录入] ->[保存]

二、基础库 登录基础库系统 新增新生 学生转学 (转出/转入) 学生异动处理 (休学、复学、死亡申报等) 调整教师、占地及场室、校舍信息 基础信息管理 -> 教师信息/占地及场室/校舍信息 新生入籍 -> 新生登记 学生变动办理 -> 转入申请/转出申请 学生变动办理 -> 学生休学/复学/退学/跳级/降级/留级/死亡申报 学校级操作


提取组织或细胞中的总RNA以其中的mRN作为模板,采用Oligo(dT)或随机引物利用逆转录酶反转录成cDNA再以cDNA为模板进行PCR扩增,而获得目的基因或检测基因表达。RT-PCF使测的灵敏性提高了几个数量级,使一些极为微量 RNA羊品分析成为可能。该技术主要用于:分析基因的转录产物、获取目的基因、合成cDNA探针、构建RNA高效转录系统。 (一)反转录酶的选择 1. Moloney 鼠白血病病毒(MMLV)反转录酶:有强的聚合酶活性,RNA酶H活 性相对较弱。最适作用温度为37 C。 2. 禽成髓细胞瘤病毒(AMV)反转录酶:有强的聚合酶活性和 RNA 酶 H 活性。 最适作用温度为42 C。 3. Thermus thermophilus 、 Thermus flavus 等嗜热微生物的热稳定性反转录 酶:在Mn2存在下,允许高温反转录 RNA,以消除RNA模板的二级结构。 4. MMLV 反转录酶的 RNase H- 突变体:商品名为 SuperScript 和 SuperScript U。此种酶较其它酶能多将更大部分的RNA转换成cDNA,这一 特性允许从含二级结构的、低温反转录很困难的 m 模板合成较长 cDNA 。 (二)合成 cDNA 引物的选择 1. 随机六聚体引物:当特定 mRNA 由于含有使反转录酶终止的序列而难于拷贝 其全长序列时,可采用随机六聚体引物这一不特异的引物来拷贝全长 mRNA 。 用此种方法时,体系中所有RNA分子全部充当了 cDNA第一链模板,PCR引物在扩增过程中赋予所需要的特异性。通常用此引物合成的 cDNA 中 96%来源 于 rRNA。 2. Oligo(dT) :是一种对 mRNA 特异的方法。因绝大多数真核细胞 mRNA 具有


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4.财务审核:财务人员点击导航栏->项目管理->立项财务审核或从首页提示中直接点击进 入,财务人员可以根据项目情况选择下面的修改项目信息对该项目进行修改,该项目无问题后,点击下方“财务审批”按钮进行审核。 5.部门经理制作预算:首先点击导航栏->项目管理->收入预算,对该项目预计收入进行添 加, 注意:此处预算与员工报销时的费用密切相关,必须仔细且与财务名目一致,如果细类不准确,如办公费预算不足了,即使总预算未超,员工也无法进行该项费用报销 然后点击导航栏->项目管理->估算经费,对该项目预计花费进行添加,

最后点击导航栏->项目管理->提交预算审批,对该项目预算进行提交,等待审批。 6.预算审批:预算审批人员对预算进行审批。 7.预算财务审核:财务人员对预算进行审核。 8.指定项目经理:该项目承接部门负责人指定项目经理, 点击导航栏->项目管理->指定项 目经理,选中被批准过的项目,点击选中该项目,在弹出的界面选择下面的添加,指定项目经理及其任职时间。


LED显示屏组装及应用说明书 一、LED显示屏基础知识 (3) 二、LED显示屏同步与异步控制系统工程图 (14) 1、异步系统工程简易图 (14) 2、同步系统工程简易图 (15) 三、LED相关软件、卡说明及其应用 (一)L ED显示屏电气极性判断 (16) (二)L ED异步卡 1、励研系列卡(CL2005软件) (17) 2、诣阔系列卡(LED图文控制系统软件) (23) 3、其它卡…………………………………………………………………………………………..? (三)L ED同步卡 1、灵星雨系列卡 (28) 四、LEDLED显示产品 (36) 1、户外产品………………………………………………………………………………… (1)P H10………………………………………………………………………………… (2)P H16…………………………………………………………………………………

(3)P H20(全彩)………………………………………………………………………………… 2、室内产品 (40) (1)P H3.0………………………………………………………………………………… (2)P H3.75………………………………………………………………………………… (3)P H5.0………………………………………………………………………………… 3、亚户外产品………………………………………………………………………………… (1)P H10亚户外…………………………………………………………………………… (2)P H5.0半户外…………………………………………………………………………… 五.显示屏操作注意事项及维修资料 (43)


鉴定委托书样式 ××××人民法院 鉴定委托书 (××××)××执×字第××–××号 ××××(受委托单位名称): 我院执行……(写明当事人的姓名或名称和案由)一案,需对……(写明委托鉴定的事项)予以鉴定。根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第七十二条的规定,请你单位进行鉴定,并及时向我院提出书面鉴定结论。 附:委托鉴定清单(委托鉴定事项说明) ××××年××月××日 (院印) 本院地址:邮编: 联系人:联系电话:

制作依据与应用说明 一、本样式根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第七十二条的规定制定,供各级人民法院在执行案件中,委托有关专业单位进行鉴定时使用。 二、委托书应写明、写全案号、案由。 三、委托书后应附相关法律文书。 四、委托鉴定的具体事项必须写清楚。 五、人民法院对专业性问题认为需要鉴定的,应当交法定鉴定部门鉴定;没有法定鉴定部门的,由人民法院指定的鉴定部门鉴定。 六、鉴定部门和鉴定人应当提出书面鉴定结论,在鉴定书上签名或盖章。鉴定人鉴定的,应当由鉴定人所在单位加盖印章,证明鉴定人身份。

73.价格评估委托书样式 ××××人民法院 价格评估委托书 (××××)××执×字第××号 ××××(受委托单位名称): 我院执行的……(写明当事人的姓名或名称和案由)一案,需对附件清单所列财产进行价格评估。依照《最高人民法院关于人民法院执行工作中若干问题的规定(试行)》第47条和《最高人民法院关于人民法院民事执行中拍卖、变卖财产的规定》第四条的规定,请你单位对附件清单所列财产进行价格评估,并将书面评估报告一式×份及时报送我院。 附:委托评估财产清单 ××××年××月××日 (院印) 本院地址:邮编: 联系人:联系电话:


中文操作说明书 “Ergocontrol NC4” – 页面显示, 操作和基本设置 Fig. 1: 注射装置的手动功能键 提示 注射装置2只用于多色注塑。 Fig. 2: 特殊手动功能键 提示: 特殊功能键根据客户需求。他们的要求会在机床操作手册内显示出来。 点击打印按钮可直接打印显示频当前页面,或通过外接打印机打印。 提示: 帮助功能是选配功能。需要额外的磁盘。 控制版面中带有外接端口程序页面(如:“输入”,“输出”)和自由编写页面。当需要输写时,光标必须移到书写区域,然后点击“ABC ”按钮。 信息 字母在各手动功能键上。 注射装置1或2 前进 / 后退 螺杆 前进 / 后退 螺杆1或2 旋转 特殊功能键 打印 帮助 输入切换 to i

1.1.1 模式选择键 机床有四种工作模式“点动模式”,“手动模式”,“半自动模式”,“全自动模式” (见 Fig. 3, 从作到右) Fig. 3: 模式选择键 在点动模式下,动作的速度和压力都很低,螺杆不能动作;在手动模式下,手动点击各动作时,机床按页面上设置的参数进行动作;在半自动模式下,机床按设定的参数工作一个循环后,停止在模具打开的状态;在全自动模式下,机床按设定的参数进行循环工作。 提示: 机床正常运行时可通过切换到半自动模式来停机,这样比较方便。 1.1.2 机械手按钮 一个完整的机械手(料头夹持,机械手,可放置的机械手)可以通过一下相关的按钮进行机械手的开关和相应手动动作。 Fig. 4: 机械手按钮 通过不断点击“单级模式”,每一序列中设置的动作都可以一步步执行,按“归位”按钮可以开始一个完整的循环。 料头夹持 / 机械手 开 / 关 料头夹持 / 机械手 相关位置 料头夹持 / 机械手 单步模式 机械手 归位


东方矿产资源评估系统 北京中东方矿业开发科技有限公司 2009.4

内容 一、公司简介 二、系统介绍 三、创新之处 四、功能特点 五、售后服务

一、公司简介 ?北京中东方矿业开发科技有限公司,是一家专门从事数字化矿山软件开发的高新技术企业。公司技术骨干具有多年野外找矿、矿山生产的经验,软件开发人员由具有微软认证的软件工程师和地质工程师组成。 ?公司按《固体矿产资源/储量分类》(GB- T17766-199)新标准策划开发的软件《东方矿产资源经济评估系统》2004年4月通过国土资源部 储量司组织的专家鉴定,并向全国发文推广应用,2006年被北京市列为高新技术产品。

二、系统介绍 ?采用现代数据库技术、GIS技术、三维地质构模技术、地质统计学方法和科学计算可视化技术; ?为地测采等专业人员提供一套针对固体矿产资源的地质勘探、矿山地测、矿山三维资源评价等的先进实用的地质勘探数据管理、图件绘制与资源储量估算的三维交互可视化工具; ?集数据管理、矿体圈定、三维建模、储量估算、经济评估、自动成图、自由报表一体化的计算机管理,为建立数字矿山奠定基础; ?被收入由国土资源部储量司组织编著,于2000年4月由地质出版社发行的《矿产资源储量计算方法汇编》;?2004年4月通过由国土资源部储量司组织的专家评审,并以“国土资储函(2004)20号”发文至相关单位及部门。 ?应用涉及国内外多种矿床类型的数十家用户单位,能满足不同客户的各种需求,应用效果显著;

符合国情 ?我国矿山以中小、多金属矿床为主,矿体形态较为复杂,要求对矿体描述更为细腻,需要采用多品位指标圈矿,用国外软件实施难度大,需要结合我国矿山的设计情况开发适用、有效的软件系统;?完全从现场的实际应用出发,解决了地质、测量、采矿过程中手工难以解决的问题,便于工程师进行辅助设计、协同办公,提高了工作效率。 ?提供多种储量计算方法和灵活、方便、简单的报表设计; ?图形、报表符合提交地质报告要求;


AFLP分子标记实验 扩增片段长度多态性 Amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP 是在随机扩增多态性(RAPD和限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP技术上发展起来的DNA多态性检测技术,具有RFLP技术高重复性和RAPD技术简便快捷的特点,不需象RFLP 分析一样必须制备探针,且与RAPD标记一样对基因组多态性的检测不需要知道其基因组的序列特征,同时弥补了 RAPD技术重复性差的缺陷。同其他以PCR为基础的标记技术相比,AFLP技术能同时检测到大量的位点和多态性标记。此技术已经成功地用于遗传多样性研究,种质资源鉴定方面的研究,构建遗传图谱等。 其基本原理是:以PCR(聚合酶链式反应为基础,结合了 RFLP、RAPD的分子标记技术。把DNA进行限制性内切酶酶切,然后选择特定的片段进行PCR扩增(在所有的限制性片段两端加上带有特定序列的’接头”用与接头互补的但3-端有几个随机选择的核苷酸的引物进行特异PCR扩增,只有那些与3-端严格配对的片段才能得到扩增,再在有高分辨力的测序胶上分开这些扩增产物,用放射性法、荧光法或银染染色法均可检测之。 一、实验材料 采用青稞叶片提取总DNA 实验设备 1. 美国贝克曼库尔特CEQ8000毛细管电泳系统, 2. 美国贝克曼库尔特台式冷冻离心机, 3. 美国MJ公司PCR仪,

4. 安玛西亚电泳仪等。 三、实验试剂 1. 试剂:请使用高质量产品,推荐日本东洋坊TOYOBO公司的相关产品 DNA提取试剂盒; EcoRI酶,Msel酶,T4连接酶试剂盒; Taq 酶,dNTP, PCR reactio n buffer; 琼脂糖电泳试剂:琼脂糖,无毒GeneFinder核酸染料替代传统EB染料;超纯水(18.2M ? ? cm 2. 其他实验需要物品 微量移液枪(一套及相应尺寸Tip头,PCR管,冰浴等。 四、实验流程 1、总DNA提取 使用DNA提取试剂盒提取植物基因组DNA,通过紫外分光光度计检测或用标准品跑胶检测。一般来说,100ng的基因组DNA作为反应模板是足够的。 2、EcoR1酶消化(20ul体系/样品 EcoR1 1ul


财务软件安装操作步骤说明 一.安装财务Oracle软件 1.将本机jdk文件夹复制到对方D盘根目录下; 2.将本机的hosts文件复制到对方etc文件下,路径如图:; 3.将对方机器中jdk文件夹中bin子文件夹中的“Oracle财务.Imk(快捷方式)”复制到 对方桌面上,如图所示:; 4.双击该快捷方式(跳出的页面选择Accept),如果跳出Oracle登陆界面即可。 如图所示: 二.安装财务凭证软件(先安装财务凭证软件,再安装ERP)

1.在对方机器的运行中输入\\;在如图所示的路径中找到“ORAINST.EXE”文 件; 2.开始安装:运行 ⑴语言:(选择)简体中文; ⑵目标路径改为“C:”下(注意:与后面ERP所装的ORAINST文件夹不能安装在一个盘内); ⑶到这步 选择5个安装项(如图所示): 选择安装; ⑷一直ok到结束; ⑸到这步

点“退出”即可; 3.将本机App_mate文件夹复制到对方D盘根目录下; 4.将本机中文件复制到对方admin文件下, 路径如图:; 5.将本机“(快捷方式)”复制至对方桌面; 6.关闭多余文件夹; 7.打开登录界面即可; 8.若对方要求配置打印机,先选择合适的打印机型号,在打印机设置中选择打印机服务器 属性,创建新格式(注意:设置——宽度大小不变、高度大小减半) 注意:若安装失败,卸载时需到注册表中进行删除,再把主机中原有文件夹删除即可。三.安装BO 1. 在对方机器的运行中输入\\;在如图所示的路径中找到“sno.txt”文件,并打开;

2. 同时,在如图所示的路径中找到“”文件; 3.开始安装:运行 ⑴Begin→Next→输入序列号: →Next→Next ⑵到这步 选择“Custom Setup”项 ⑶到这步 选择4个安装项(如图所示):(先全不选,在进行勾选) 选择安装;“BusinessObjects”、“Designer”、 “Document Agent”、在Data Access中选择 “Oracle”(共4项) ⑷在弹出的文件夹中找到“Business objects” 快捷方式至对方桌面; ⑸关闭多余文件夹; 4.将本机bo_rep文件夹复制到对方D盘根目 录下; 5.双击“Business objects(快捷方式)”


凯氏定氮仪原理: 蛋白质是含氮的有机化合物。食品与硫酸和催化剂一同加热消化,使蛋白质分解,分解的氨与硫酸结合生成硫酸铵。然后碱化蒸馏使氨游离,用硼酸吸收后再以硫酸或盐酸标准溶液滴定,根据酸的消耗量乘以换算系数,即为蛋白质含量。 1.有机物中的胺根在强热和CuSO4,浓H2SO4 作用下,硝化生成(NH4)2SO4 反应式为: 2NH2+H2S04+2H=(NH4)2S04 (其中CuSO4做催化剂) 2.在凯氏定氮器中与碱作用,通过蒸馏释放出NH3 ,收集于H3BO3 溶液中 反应式为: (NH4)2SO4+2NaOH=2NH3+2H2O+Na2SO4 2NH3+4H3BO3=(NH4)2B4O7+5H2O 3.用已知浓度的H2SO4(或HCI)标准溶液滴定,根据HCI消耗的量计算出氮的含量,然后乘以相应的换算因子,既得蛋白质的含量反应式为: (NH4)2B4O7+H2SO4+5H2O=(NH4)2SO4+4H3BO3 (NH4)2B4O7+2HCl+5H2O=2NH4Cl+4H3BO3 凯氏定氮仪操作步骤: (一)消化

1、准备6个凯氏烧瓶,标号。1、 2、3号烧瓶中分别加入适当浓度的蛋白溶液,样品要加到烧瓶底部,切勿沾在瓶口及瓶颈上。再依次加入硫酸钾-硫酸铜接触剂,浓硫酸,30%过氧化氢。4、5、6号烧瓶作为空白对照,用以测定试剂中可能含有的微量含氮物质,对样品测定进行校正。4、5、6号烧瓶中加入蒸馏水代替样液,其余所加试剂与1、2、3号烧瓶相同。 2、将加好试剂的各烧瓶放置消化架上,接好抽气装置。先用微火加热煮沸,此时烧瓶内物质炭化变黑,并产生大量泡沫,务必注意防止气泡冲出管口。待泡沫消失停止产生后,加大火力,保持瓶内液体微沸,至溶液澄清后,再继续加热使消化液微沸15min。在消化过程中要随时转动烧瓶,以使内壁粘着物质均能流入底部,以保证样品完全消化。消化时放出的气体内含SO2,具有强烈刺激性,因此自始自终应打开抽水泵将气体抽入自来水排出。整个消化过程均应在通风橱中进行。消化完全后,关闭火焰,使烧瓶冷却至室温。 (二)蒸馏和吸收 蒸馏和吸收是在微量凯氏定氮仪内进行的。凯氏定氮蒸馏装置种类甚多,大体上都由蒸气发生、氨的蒸馏和氨的吸收三部分组成。 1、仪器的洗涤 仪器安装前,各部件需经一般方法洗涤干净,所用橡皮管、塞须浸在10%NaOH溶液中,煮约10min,水洗、水煮10min,再水洗数次,然后安装并固定在一只铁架台上。 仪器使用前,微量全部管道都须经水蒸气洗涤,以除去管道



操作流程说明文档 1.下载阅卷软件方式,注意:此方法只能在学校电脑使用。 打开IE 进入后右键点击这个位置,选中目标另存为。如图操作。 然后保存在任意地方即可。 2.下载完后,找到刚刚下载文件所保存的目录地址,双击这个程序,打开阅卷软件。 3.打开后会弹出一个框,要求输入:服务器地址,用户名称,用户密码。 服务器地址必须是: 模拟试用的用户名称和密码在中可以下载。 4. 点击确定后会提示是否修改密码, 修改就在旧密码中输入“123”,新密码自行设置。 不修改就点放弃即可。 5.提交后进入批卷界面。如图示 6.开始阅卷, 进入阅卷页面后,屏幕中间位置显示的是学生的答题情况,请老师根据答题的错对程序相应给分,分数输入到右侧的“评分位置”(如上图) 评分后点击提交即是批完一份卷子,当老师点击提交后,系统会自动下载下一份学生试卷,老师则继续评分即可。

7.阅卷老师操作菜单中(左上角位置),如果上一份卷的分数给错,点了提交,可以点上一份回去重新评分。如果看不清可以点击放大。 8.阅卷常用操作讲解。 出现非本题试题有关图片(提交图像异常)自动0分点提交 是本题但答案写错位置(提交答错位置)自动0分点提交 答题超出规定范围(提交答题过界)自动0分点提交 (系统自动处理好后重新分发出来) 优秀答题标记(提交优秀试卷)给分后提交 典型解答方式标记(提交典型试卷)给分后提交 糟糕试卷标记(提交糟糕试卷)给分后提交 9. 试题批注。 应用如下:↓ 10.当提示“给你分配的试卷已经批阅完毕”, 请点击左上角的“退出”按钮(如图),退出系统,完成阅卷。 如果要继续批其他题目,请点击“注销“按钮,就会回到登陆窗口,输入其他题目的账号密码,继续批阅试卷。 以下是外网下载方式 方法2:(下面网址可以下载帮助文档,软件,账号) 1.首先打开IE 2.然后在地址栏输入:后点回车键,也可直接在此WORD文档中按住CTRL键点击链接。


学生网上选课操作步骤及说明 1.操作步骤: 1.1 在任意一台可访问校园网的计算机上打开IE 浏览器,在地址栏输入:******/ 登录教务处网站,然后点击“学生综合系统”。 1.2 输入自己的用户名(即学号)及密码,确认进入。 1.3 选课分为预选、正选和补、退选三个阶段 预选:学生先从选课手册上查出本人可选的课程号、课序号,然后再进行选课。 注意,在选课手册中,每一个课程号代表一门课程,每一个课序号代表一个教学班,同一课程号的不同课序号代表同一门课程有多个教学班,在选课时,一门课程只能选一个课序号。 正选:所有参加预选的学生都必须参加正选。对于选课人数小于课容量的课程,系统将自动置为选中,而对那些选课人数大于课容量的课程必须进行抽

签。当学生所选课程因名额(即课容量)限制抽签时未能选中,则可查询选课手册,改选该课程的另一课序号(必须为所在院系可选的课序号)。 补、退选:正选结束后即进入补、退选阶段,凡未选中课程或对已选课程不满意者,可在此阶段补选或退选。 1.4 预选 依次点击导航条中的【选课管理】→【选课方案】→【方案课程】按钮,进入“方案课程”选课页面,在“计划学年学期”下拉列表框中选择相应学年学期,根据所显示的课程名和课序号,对照所发选课手册中所列课程,选择本专业教学计划规定的相应课程,然后单击【确定】即可。(也可直接在“课程号”和“课序号”中,输入课程号和课序号过滤出欲选择的课程) 1.5 正选 学生依次点击【选课管理】→【已选课程】按钮,若页面“选课结果列表”中所看到的选课状态为“选中”,此时表明该门课程已经选定,无需抽签;若页面“选课结果列表”中所看到的选课状态为“拟选”,此时表明该门课程需抽签。


百威软件操作流程说明 【STEP 1】进入后台管理系统 双击进入系统,此时系统提示输入管理员密码,实验室POS机无需密码,直接点击确定进入后台管理系统 【STEP 1】系统主要功能

从系统主界面上可以看出,POS收银后台系统可以实现多种功能。这里主要介绍以下几种。 [商品分类] 商品分类是用来设置本公司所有商品的类别,分类必须明确方便易记。 操作方法:进入此界面后如果要新建大类,就点击新的大类按钮,如果需新建子类,则首先点到需某大类,然后在该大类下面新建子类。需修改类别名称,首先点击该类别然后按修改类别,如需删除某类,首先点击到该类,然后按删除类别即可,删除类别时要注意,如果该类中已有子类或者有商品,则该类不能删除。 以上操作全部作完后,如果需要保存,则按确定按钮,如果不需要保存,则按取消。 [类别代码] 类别代码是用来为每个类别指定一个唯一的代码,代码可以是英文字母,也可是数字,一般不要用中文。

操作方法是:首先点击到该类,然后按设置按钮或双击该类,系统会弹出输入框,可在此框中输入类别代码,输入完后按确定即可。此处需注意的是类别代码不能重复,如果该类中已有商品,类别代码不可更改。 如果打印商品类别列表,可按打印按钮即可进行打印。 [商品档案] 商品档案是用来设置本公司所有的商品信息,包括商品的供应商,条码,价格以及包装规格等。操作方法如下: 进入信息档案 商品档案,出现如下界面。

商品档案可进行新建、删除、打印、复制、导出、表格设置 新建:如果需增加商品档案,可按新建按钮,新建商品档案时首先要选择要新建商品所属的类别,然后再点击新建,系统会弹出新建商品的输入界面。 (基本信息) ◇自编码/条码:表示商品的条形码或者是商品的店内码(要用条形码)◇商品名称:表示商品的名称或者是叫法 ◇单位:表示商品的计量单位,在这里也是商品的最小单位 ◇进价:表示商品的参考进货价格 ◇零售价:表示商品的零售价格 ◇供应商:表示该商品的供货商 ◇所属类别:表示该商品属于哪个类别,以后还可更改 ◇库存上限:表示商品的库存最高限度,如果超过此限度,系统将会在库存积压报表中体现出来 ◇库存下限:表示商品的库存最低限度,如果低于此限度,系统将会在库存不足报表中体现出来 ◇期初库存:表示在开业前该商品的实际库存 ◇此商品只按零售价销售:表示该商品在前台销售时只允许按零售价销


平台操作使用手册 一、增加用户 如果本级管理员想增加下级用户,先要增加“工程组织机构”,才能增加用户。 1)选中左侧树形菜单的“工程组织机构”,再单击右上角的“增加”,在弹出的“新建机构”对话框中填写要增加用户所属机构的相关信息。 2)选中左侧树形菜单中的“用户管理”,单击右上角的“增加”,在机构选项的菜单栏中选择刚才增加的“机构”,填写用户的其他信息既可以增加用户。 二、高级研修班申报 1)选择左侧“高级研修班初审/申报”,再单击右侧的“新建申报”即可以填写申报的相关信息。

三、开班通知和方案申报 1)选择“开班通知和方案上报”,在右侧的栏目中选择需要上报通知的高研班,点击“上报”,在弹出的对话框中即可选择通知上传。 2)开班通知和方案请至少提前一个月上传到平台,以便审批。如有其他要求请跟专技司联系。 四)结业上报 1)选择左侧“结业上报”,在右侧中选择需要上报的高研班,点击“上报”,即可上报总结报告、经费结算表和考核学员名单。总结报告、经费结算表和考核学员名单可以分别上传。

2)上报学员名单时首先请点击“下载导入模板”,将模板下载到电脑中,然后填入学员名单、课时等等,里面栏目不要做任何修改。名单填好后再点击“导入学员”,在弹出的菜单中点击“上传”,选择刚才的模板,然后点击“提交”即可将学员导入到系统中,此时学员名单并未提交到人社部专技司,只有本地管理员可以看到。此时本地管理员还可以修改、添加、删除学员信息。 3)确定学员名单完整后,就可以再次点击最下方的“提交”按钮,此时名单即提交到人社部专技司,平台管理员就可以生成证书编号。一旦点击此“提交”按钮,学员信息任何人(包括平台管理员)都无法更改,也不能对学员进行任何添加或者删除。慎重建议各管理员在提交人员名单确定好,如提前提交出错后果自负!


JBKL型燃烧器PVC全自动 操作手册 大庆国科盛鑫节能环保设备制造有限公司 前言 我国是全世界自然资源浪费最严重的国家之一,在59个接受调查的国家中排名第56位。另据统计,中国的能源使用效率仅为美国的26.9%,日本的11.5%。为此,近年来我国推行了多项节能减排政策措施。目前,为了实现“十一五”规划中确定的单位GDP能耗降低20%的目标、主要污染物排放总量减少10%的约束性指标,国务院发布了继续加强节能工作的决定,节能减排工作迫在眉睫。 在举国重视节能减排工作的大形势下,我公司自主创新,目前已经自主研发9项国家专利技术,全部是节能减排燃油燃气燃烧器技术。我公司发展势头强劲,不断创新探索,为全国节能减排事业做出自己应有的责任。 我公司研发节能减排燃烧器过程中发现,目前小型取暖锅炉普遍使用的国内外燃烧器采用的程序控制工艺是:锅炉出口水温度到达给定值上限后,电磁阀关闭,炉灭火。锅炉出口水温度降到下限时锅炉重新启动,送风机进行3-5分钟炉膛扫线,这时大量冷风进入炉膛里,把炉膛温度大幅降下来,扫完炉膛后,重新喷燃气点火升温,这样消耗燃气量增加。因此我公司燃烧器程序控制是采用自动调节阀来控制燃气喷大小量,锅炉出口水

温平稳,安全运行,提高节能减排数据。 JBKL型燃气燃烧器的设计说明 JBKL型燃烧器主要是针对目前燃气燃烧器喷咀存在的问题而设计的。存在的问题是: 1、目前国内外使用的燃气喷咀是直线喷燃气方式,国际上燃烧器技术较发达的意大利、法国、德国等国家的相关技术也是直线喷燃气方式。燃气是靠自身压力通过燃气喷咀直线喷入炉膛里的,燃气压力而产生的冲力使燃气与空气在推进的一段距离内不容易混合好,因此燃气在逐步扩散中与空气边混合边燃烧,这样炉膛内的火型长,高温度热量停留在炉膛内的受热时间短,使排烟温度升高,导致热效率降低。当加负荷增加燃气压力时冲力增大,烟气在炉膛内的流速加快,排烟温度迅速升高,热效率更低。 2、目前油田加热炉、炼油厂加热炉使用的配风器都是配直流风方式,直流风和燃气混合时出现各走各的现象,完全燃烧所需要的时间长,需要大量的配风才能满足燃烧,在运行时高温度烟气向前的推动力很大,当加负荷加大配风量时,推动力更大,这是加热炉热效率低的重要因素。 针对这样的问题,我们紧紧抓住安全运行、稳定燃烧、快速完全燃烧、配备最佳空气、控制最佳烟气流速和提高炉热效率的关键因素,对锅炉燃烧器相关的结构和部位进行研究和开发,并采取了以下几点措施: 1、燃气压力设计在燃气喷枪管内,运行时燃气冲力产生真空度,利用这个动力把空气吸进来,燃气和空气提前有效地混合,缩短了燃烧的过程和时间,喷出的混合气体立即迅速燃烧,高温度的能量停留在炉膛内的时间长,排烟温度低,提高热效率。

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