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维崇祯十年十二月三十日,谨以鲜花素裹祭我袁督师在天之灵日。呜呼元帅,将军一去,大树凋零,举国同悲。鞑虏入关,督师讨伐,方期歼敌。阉贼进谤,诬陷通敌,吾皇昏庸,凌迟处死。粤南进士,累官督师,参赞中枢,守土干城。天启三年,经略宁辽,固若金汤,复克锦州。顢攼高弟,遽令弃城,守土有责,抗命不从。努尔哈赤,率众来犯,将军坐阵,鞑酋身亡。转进锦州,大型屯田,锦宁之战,败皇太极。魏阉妒才,构陷罗织,熹宗信谗,辞官明志。崇祯元年,督师蓟辽,兼管天津,整顿东土。自毁长城,鞑虏流寇,相继夹杀,江山不保。一缕忠魂,英灵不灭,人神共愤,义不独生。将军含冤,吾人悲痛,誓寻少主,秉承父志。光复河山,杀逆灭贼,慰我督师,呜呼哀哉!伏维尚响! 維崇禎の10年の12月30日、謹んで生花であっさりしてい巻いて私の袁軍の采配を振る人の天にまします霊日に弔いをします。ああ元帥、将軍は行きますと、大きい木はしおれていて、国を挙げて悲しむことと。韃はガット加盟を捕虜にして、軍の采配を振る人は討伐して、方の期限は敵を殲滅します。泥棒を去勢して進んでそしって、ぬれぎぬは敵に内通して、吾の皇は愚昧で、人体を切り刻む刑法は死刑に処します。広東の南の科挙の最終合格者、疲れる官の軍の采配を振る人、大使館参事官の中枢、領土を守る乾城。日は3年開けて、経略の寧遼、難攻不落で、もう1度グラムの錦州。〓〓高弟、あわただしく城を捨てることをさせて、領土を守って責任があって、命令を拒絶する。ヌルハチ、大衆が侵略してくることを率いて、将軍は度に座って、韃酋長は死亡します。錦州に回転して入って、大型は屯田して、錦のむしろの戦い、敗ける皇の太極。魏は去勢してやっとねたんで、ぬれぎぬを着せてでっちあげて陥れて、熹宗は中傷を信じて、辞職して志がはっきりします。崇禎の元年、軍の采配を振る人の薊遼、天津を兼ねて管轄して、東を整頓するのは田舎くさいです。自分で大事なものを壊して、韃は各地を荒らしまわる賊を捕虜にして、次々とはさんで殺して、国家は守りません。1筋の忠誠心、英霊は消えないで、人の神は共に憤っていて、義は生むだけでなく。将軍は冤罪が晴れないままでいて、われわれは悲痛で、少しの主なを探すことを誓って、父の志を受けてその通りにします。山河を回復して、逆らうことを殺して泥棒が消えて、私の軍の采配を振る人を慰めて、おだぶつになります!伏維と尚響!

mber 30 of the 10-year-jeong ChongZhenthe funeral day the spirit of art in heaven Yuan Chonghuan take command of my flowers wrapped in a light and they respectfully. Marshal Oh, go and generals, they are large trees wither, and that as a nation to grieve.DA the GATT accession to the prisoner, who is to take command of the military subjugation, Masu Hashi policy toward annihilation of the enemy. To continue to steer the Soshitsu thief is framed for the enemy Intelligencer, Shingo is a stupid imperial, criminal hacking to death Shimasu human body. Examination of successful candidates in the south of Guangdong, who take command of the army officers get tired, Counsellor, Embassy of the central, Inui Zyou defend their territory. Sun has opened three years of Ryounei in impregnable, Jinzhou gram again. ? ? disciples, let me hastily abandoning the castle, there is a responsibility to protect their territory, reject the order. Nuruhachi, led the masses to fight with you, generals sit at length died wachife Masu Hashi. To rotate into Jinzhou, Tonden to large, rather than fight a brocade, the Emperor Keru Taiji. Wei jealous and try to steer, and fabricated to dress up the frame-up falls into, slander XIZONG believe the clear ambition to resign. Takashi Tadashi's first year, Liao BeiJing take command of the military jurisdiction concurrently with the Tianjin to the east is the provincial order. The important thing to break their will to the prisoner chife thief trolling around various places, and across to kill our customers, protect against the nation. Loyalty to one source, is the lasting remembrance of God is not angry with people, not only produces righteousness. The general clear up the false charge they remain, in our grief, vowed to find a few major, received the Journal as the father. Mountains and rivers to recover, it kills off against the thief, who comforted me take command of the army will hit Bun! In addition to maintaining yield Symphony!

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