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Unit 12 Don’t eat in class说课稿

Unit 12 Don’t eat in class说课稿
Unit 12 Don’t eat in class说课稿

T: Picture 1. We can see two persons in this picture. They look very angry. Can you guess what do they want to do? Fight! Yes! Can we fight?

S: No, we can’t.

T: Good. We can’t fight at any place. Picture 2.So many delicious food! Are you hungry now? Yes, but can we eat in the classroom?

S: No, we can’t.

T: Good guys! We can’t eat in the classroom, but we can eat at home or restaurant.

Picture 3.What does he or she listen to? May be he or she is listening to music.

Can we listen to music in the classroom?

S: No, we can’t.

T: Great! We can’t listen to music in the classroom, but we can listen to music in outside.

Picture 4.Do you like sports? I like running and playing basketball. Can we run

in the classroom?

S: No, we can’t.

T: Ok! We can’t do any sports in the classroom, but we can do it in PE class or stadium. Picture 5.We can see a boy, he is riding a bike. He looks hurry because he is late for class. Can we arrive late for class?

S: No, we can’t.

T: We must arrive class on time. Now look at the computer, here is schoolmaster, he want to say something for you , can you guess what he want to say?

S: School rules.

T: Really? go on …

Show school rules one by one, and students read after teacher two times. Then teach some new words about this part.

T: Yes! School rules. Let’s read it one by one. Now, learn some key words.


T: Ok, follow me, read it this word “rule”. That is a countable noun, Chinese means:规则,构成的短语有:obey the rules, school rules, class rules.做动词讲意为“统治,支配”e.g. The king ruled the country for 500 years.


T: arrive, Chinese means:到达.构成的短语有:arrive late for=be late for

e.g. Don’t arrive late for school. Don’t be late for school.

arrive at +小地方He arrived in Beijing yesterday.

arrive in +大地方We arrived at school this morning.


T: Chinese mean:走廊,过道.hall-会堂,大厅,way-道路.会堂,综合起来大厅里形成的道路我们称为走廊.


T: Chinese mean:教室,课class-班级,课room-房间,室综合起来我们把能上课的房间称为教室.

5.listen to

T: Chinese mean:听,强调听的动作. 固定搭配listen to sb/sth.

e.g. Listen to me carefully! Don’t listen to radio in class.


T: This is a verb. Chinese mean:打架.相关词组:fight with sb

e.g. Tom fought with his brother yesterday.

1: rule 2: arrive 3: hallway 4: classroom 5: listen to 6: fight

Game: T: Now, let’s play a game. I want to Cut the whole class into two groups. Team1 and team2.If I say the word, you should say the number If I say the number, you

should say the word. Which team is better, which team will get a star. Let me see,

which team is winner, ready?

Practice for 10 times.

StepⅡ1a 1b

1a.T: Look at computer, here are some students in picture and the boxes next to them .Each of these students is breaking one of these rules, write the number of the rule each student is breaking in the box next to him or her. I give you one minute to do it .Begin…T hen point at a boy and say: He is running in the hallways. Ms Clark say: Don’t run in the hallways. Then the boy say sorry to Ms Clark. Can you tell me which rules is he breaking? No.2 .Look at these boys, which rules are they breaking? No.1.Look at the girl, which rules is she breaking?

No.3. Look at the two boys, which rules are they breaking? No.5.Look at this boy, which rules is he breaking? No.4

1b. Listen to a conversation .But before listening, I have a question for you .What rules are Peter, Salina and Nick breaking? Listen and write the number of the rules next to the name of the student who is breaking the rules. Two times, listen carefully .Ready? Here we go!

Correct the answers


T: Do you remember your school rules? What are the rules? 1…,2…,3…,4…,5…. Ok, let’s practice with your partner. If student A is a new student, h e or she doesn’t know the rules of your school. Student B tells him or her about the rules.

For example:

A: What are the rules?

B: Well, we can’t arrive late for school.

T: You just use can’t instead of don’t. School rules said: Don’t fight. We can say: we

can’t fight. Clear? Give your five minutes, work with your partner. Begin!

As students work in pairs, move around the room monitoring progress and offering assistance. If needed, ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.

Game: T: Stop! It’ time to practice our oral English. Let’s talk about you can or can’t do at your school. Let’s PK. If you want to speak out, you just stand up quickly. Which

team gets more star, which team is winner.

Practice about ten minutes.


Summary the target language we’ve learned in this class.

T: in this class ,we are talked about school rules, make us know which thing we can do or

which things we can’t do. We should recite these school rules. We can’t arrive late for

school. We can’t run in the hallways. We can’t eat in the classroom. We can’t listen to

music in the classroom or the hallways. We can’t fight. To remember these six words,

because they are very useful in writing. Let me see, which team is winner in this class?

Team 1 is winner. Congratulations to you! Team 2 doesn’t lose heart. You must be

successful in the next time.


Are there any rules in your family? What are they? Write down six rules about your family rules in your workbook.

Blackboard Design


英语说课课件 英语说课课件 英语说课课件 一、说教材 1.教材简析。 本课共有两部分内容,其中第一部分是以中秋节为话题而展开的一个对话。它主要讲了HanMei和Lucy简单谈论有关中秋节和月饼方面的知识,并邀请Lucy到她家作客的过程。在这个对话中出现了如autumn和festival等十一个新单词以及几个学生难以理解的、需教师解释的词、句型和句子。 第二部分内容是两人在商店为朋友买月饼的一个情境,谈话内容是从月饼表面的样子的好坏、大小、轻重和价钱等方面展开的。其中出现了形容词比较级的用法,它们是:nicer,bigger,heavier,cheaper。它要求学生根据图、词和句子提示创造性的对话。 2.教学重点。 (1)指导学生掌握和熟练运用那些难以理解的词、句型和句子,如cakeswithmeet... (2)指导学生口头熟练表达就中秋节这一话题展开的对话内容,包括第二部分的购物经过。 (3)形容词比较级的用法。

3.教学难点。 学生根据实际情境需要真正开口讲英语。 4.教学目标。 (1)技能目标。学生能听懂本对话录音,能听懂师生之间就本对话内容而展开的、切形式的问答,会和别人展开对话,了解和传递信息;能就本课语言难点造句,而且无语法错误;能就类似话题,创造性地自编对话;掌握形容词比较级的用法。 (2)知识目标。学生要牢记所有新学单词,包括重点字母或字母组合的.发音,还要记住新学短语、句型、难句及本对话各句的英语表达,为实现自如讲英语奠定基础。 (3)情感目标。学生要爱学英语、爱说英语、想说英语,对英语学习投以极大的兴趣和热情。 (4)学习策略目标。改变传统的死记硬背,积极主动地投入到语言的实践中去,包括听、说、读、写的实践。在实践中提高语言的综合使用能力,加深对基础知识的掌握和记忆。 (5)文化意识目标。使学生进一步了解和会简单向别人介绍中国这个传统节日,从而体会节日的快乐。


人教版八年级英语下册说课稿 一、教学课题:unit2 what should i do? the first period 二、教学设计思路: 结合多媒体,利用图片、实物、简笔画等帮助学生记忆本节相关词汇;设置情境,帮助学生通过听说练习学会谈论日常问题及给出建议。 三、教材分析: in this unit students learn to talk about problems at school and at home an d how to give advice to solve them. the first period serves as an introduct ion and lead-in part. activity 1a introduces some key vocabulary. activity 1b gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken c onversation. activity 1c gives students an opportunity to practice their sp eaking skill using the target language. in this period students can learn t o explain their problems in their daily life. 四、教学目标: (一)知识目标 1. key vocabulary: keep out; play; argue; wrong; what’s wrong?; style; out of style 2. key structures: what’s wrong? my clothes are out of style. maybe you should buy some new clothes. (二)能力目标 to train students’ ability of communication and listening skill. (三)情感目标 1. to be interested in taking part in all kinds of activities in an englis h class. . 培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的想法和意愿。 2. train students’ communicative conscious. to speak out their thinks


篇一:高中语文说课模板通稿 各位评委老师:大家好,我是几号考生,我今天说课的题目是《》。下面,我将会从说教材、说教法、说学法、说教学过程等部分来进行我的说课。 一、说教材 教材简析:本篇课文是人教版高中语文课本必修几第几册第几单元第几课的课文,是一篇什么体裁的文章。文章主要叙述的容是什么,表现了作者什么样的思想感情。本篇课文具有什么样的地位,和什么特色。学习教材的目的是为了让学生能够触类旁通,举一反三,能将知识由课向课外延伸。通过对本篇课文学习,能够更好的培养学生的鉴赏能力和归纳总结能力。 教学目标: (一)诗歌:根据教学大纲的要求,诗歌教学要以诵读为主,在诵读中使学生领悟诗的思想感情,鉴赏文学作品能够感受形象,品味语言。同时,本篇诗歌通过典型意象创造出优美的意境,巧妙的将诗人的情感融入其中。确立教学目标如下: 我的知识目标是:品味诗的意象美,领悟诗的意境,体会诗人的真情。 能力目标是:培养学生鉴赏诗歌的能力。 德育目标是:体悟作者情怀,引发共鸣,逐渐养成良好的审美情趣,培养审美能力。 本节课的教学重点是:领反复诵读,鉴赏诗歌意象,体会诗歌的意境美,体悟诗情,获得情感体验。教学难点是:把握诗歌的思想感情,以及意象的体味与把握。 (二)文言文:根据教学大纲的要求,文言文教学要求培养学生阅读浅显文言文的能力,把握文章的思想容,积累语言知识。同时本课情节、结构、语言等的特点,确立教学目标如下: 知识与能力目标:了解作者的基本常识;理解文中所出现的生僻词以及意义特殊的词语;把握文中的主要思想感情,初步鉴赏文中的形象与个性。 过程与方法:通过诵读质疑、自主探究、合作解决,培养学生借助注释和工具书阅读浅显文言文,理解重点词句的含义以及初步的研究分析能力并积累文言文实词、虚词和句式,培养学生的自学能力和翻译能力。情感态度与价值观目标:理解作者在作品中所流露出的情感,培养正确的审美观/价值观/人生观。 我确定以上的三个目标是体现新课标所提倡的“知识与能力、过程与方法、情感与态度”并重的教学理念。教学重点:诵读课文,在把握文意的基础上理解词句,积累一些文言实词、虚词和句式。 教学难点:掌握文章的写作风格和特点;深入分析文章涵,并作出评价,激发学生的学习兴趣。 (三)现代文:新课标强调了要全面提升高中学生的语文素养,初步形成正确的人生观、世界观、价值观,并学会收集判断、处理信息,具有人文素养、创新精神与实践能力。同时本篇课文,感情真挚,感悟深刻,具有典型的人文性,结合本单元的教学目标以及本篇课文在语言,结构设置等方面的特点,确立本课的教学目标如下: 知识能力目标:领悟本文的写作手法,揣摩语言,体会语言的感情和特色,学习作者运用语言的技巧。同时学习本文对比喻、拟人等修辞手法的运用。 过程与方法目标:在教师恰当的提升引导下,培养学生“自主、合作、探究”的学习方式,并掌握一定的赏析语言的能力与方法。 情感与态度目标:理解作者在作品中所流露出的情感,培养正确的审美观/价值观/人生观。 我确定以上的三个目标是体现新课标所提倡的“知识与能力、过程与方法、情感与态度”并重的教学理念。我的教学重点是:理清本篇文章的思路,领会课文的思想感情。教学难点


Good morning,everyone. It is my great honor to stand here to present this lesson to you. Thank you. Let me start my lesson from unit one “How many people are there in your family? “ This is an oral reading class, which includes three parts, materials analysis, teaching instruction design and teaching program. I. Material analysis 1. This unit’s topic is based on family, while Tony and Lingling are talking about family members. During the dialogue, there are a few new words, like grandfather\grandmother\grandparents\uncle\aunt\sister\brother\many\have etc, and other difficult sentence patterns and sentences. 2. Key points Guide the student to learn and use the following words and sentence skillfully. A. Words: grandparents\uncle\aunt\sister\brother\many and have B. Sentences: a. --How many…are there…? —There are… b. -Have you got any…? --Yes,I have.\No,I haven’t. 3. Difficult points Make students understand and use words and sentences with multi-meaning or special meaning. a. Words and expression: people\family\or\how many b. Sentences: ①--How many people are there in your family? -- There are four—my mom and dad, my sister Linda, and me. ②So I’ve got one aunt and two uncles. c. Speak English according to practical situation. 4. Teaching aims a. Technical aims: the student can understand the dialogue and the conversations between the teacher and the student, which is related to this topic. The student can start a dialogue, knowing and deliver information; can make sentences based on the difficult points without grammar mistakes and can create dialogues related to this topic. b. Knowledge aims. The student should remember the new words, expressions, sentence patterns, sentences, difficult sentences, including pronunciations from keys letters and monogram, which can lay the foundation for speaking English fluently. c. Emotion aims. Stimulate the student’s interest and enthusiasm through English lessons, make them like English, like speaking English and want to speak English. d. Learning targets: Focus on the language practice, including listening, speaking, reading and writhing, changing traditional mechanical teaching methods. Encourage students to speak English bravely, to improve language comprehensive ability in practice and deepen the basic knowledge in mind. Ⅱ.Explaning-teaching Method 1.Listen to the tape . This is a good way to learn english and key step at class. We can copy the standard pronunciation during listenning. 2.Explain difficulties in games. We would meet some words,expressions,sentences or grammer hard to explain at class, we can explain explain them in games so that students can accept them with


2017年新人教版八年级下册 英语说课稿全套 目录: 1、全英文说课稿模板 (2) 2、全英文精品示范说课稿 (6) Unit1 What’s the matter?说课稿(1) (11) Unit1 What’s the matter?说课稿(2) (15) Unit2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.说课稿(1) (17) Unit2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.说课稿(2) (19) Unit3 Could you please clean your room? 说课稿(1) (21) Unit3 Could you please clean your room? 说课稿(2) (23) Unit4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? 说课稿(1) (26) Unit4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? 说课稿(2) (33) Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 说课稿(1) (37) Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 说课稿(2) (42) Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 说课稿(1) (45) Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 说课稿(2) (52) Unit7 What’s the highest mountain in the world? 说课稿(1) (56) Unit7 What’s the highest mountain in the world? 说课稿(2) (61) Unit8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 说课稿(1) (65) Unit8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 说课稿(2) (69) Unit9 Have you ever been to a museum? 说课稿(1) (72) Unit9 Have you ever been to a museum? 说课稿(2) (76) Unit10 I’ve had this bike for three years说课稿(1) (79) Unit10 I’ve had this bike for three years说课稿(2) (84)


初中英语说课稿七年级英语《Let’seat!Let’sdrink!》说课稿范文 我说的是七年级英语第一学期第四单元第课—Let’seat!Let’sdrink!。这一课,我将从以下四个方面谈谈 一、教材分析 第课位于本册书第四单元第五课,第四单元以“Foodand Restaurants”展开学习,主要帮助学生掌握一日三餐的表达法,英语国家中最常见的饮料与食品的名称及数字到的读写法。通过学习让学生了解一些西方饮食习惯并能用简单的英语在就餐时进行交谈,学会表达“喜欢与不喜欢”,“谈论价格”等,在此基础上区分可数名词与不可数名词,了解行为动词的一般现在时态,逐步培养学生乐于接触异国文化的情趣。 本课主要学习饮料的名称及计量单位,数字到,并以一首歌曲来复习食物名称。根据其内容与第课联系较紧密,我将设计在上完课后跳过课先上这一课,以此来加深学生对系统知识的巩固。通过学习,本课的教学重点是让学生牢固掌握词汇和短语 sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty,melon,coke,juice,coffee,cup, acupof,bottle,abottleof,can,acanof,glass,aglassof;唱会歌曲“It’stime forlunch.”。教学的难点在于进一步让学生区分可数名词与不可数名词。 二、教法设计 为了突出本课的教学重点,突破本课的教学难点,体现本课的教学目标,取得较好的教学效果,在整个教学活动中我将运用多媒体教学手段采用谈话法、问题教学法、展示法、范例教学法、重点解释、个别操练、指导学生展开情景对话、探讨语言知识的教学法,我还设计了翻译练习和数字练习题,以检查学生对一、二部分的掌握情况。, 三、学法指导 要让学生根据教师对本课的设计,通过积极操练、反复记忆、及时巩固 、读、练、唱以及合作交流的方法进行学习。在课堂上,学生要积极参与教师设计的每个教学活动,要大胆开口,创造性地说自己想说的话,和其他同学及时进行英语交流。只有这样,才能将书本知识变成自己的知识和语言能力;也只有这样,才能实现脱口说英语的目的。 四、教学过程 教学程序是体现教师怎样教,学生怎样学的具体步骤、方法、措施。合理的教学程序可以使教师教得轻松,学生学得有序、灵活。因此,在教学中,要以学为主体,以导为主线,充分发挥学生的能动作用。我结合本课教材的目标和学生的实际,安排了以下这样几个程序


八年级英语下册unit8说课稿 八年级英语下册unit8说课稿 Presentatin f teahing fr G Fr It! Ss BkB Grade 8 Gd rning, y dear udges and teahers. It’s y great hnr t present y lessn here. Tday, I’ging t talk abut unit 8 Have yu read Treasure Island yet? , whih is taken fr G Fr It! Ss BkB Grade 8. y presentatin nsists f the fllwing 4 parts: the analysis f teahing aterial; teahing ethds; studying ethds and teahing predures Nw, I’ll begin with the first part. It’s the first perid f this unit and it’s a listening and speaking lass. It plays a very iprtant rle in develping Ss’integrate language-using skills. The tpi is talking abut reent events and experienes .It’s lse t Ss’ daily life. S I believe it’s easy t raise their interest f learning English. Based n a full understanding funir shl English urriulu and teahing aterial, I ade the fllwing teahing ais. Fr the knwledge ais, they need t learn the key wrds


目录 1、《荷塘月色》说课稿 (3) 2、《故都的秋》说课稿1 (6) 2、《故都的秋》说课稿2 (8) 3、《囚绿记》说课稿 (11) 4、诗经两首《氓》说课稿 (12) 5、《离骚》说课稿 (15) 6、孔雀东南飞说课稿 (17) 7《涉江采芙蓉》说课稿一. (18) 7、短歌行说课稿 (19) 8、归园田居其一说课稿 (20) 9、兰亭集序》说课 (23) 10、赤壁赋说课稿 (24) 11、《游褒禅山记》说课稿(2则) (26) 12、就任北京大学校长之演说 (30) 13、我有一个梦想说课稿 (35) 14、《在马克思墓前的讲话》说课稿 (38) 15、林黛玉进贾府说课稿 (39) 16、《祝福》说课稿 (43) 17、《老人与海》说课稿 (45) 18蜀道难说课稿 (46) 19、《秋兴八首》(其一)教案 (48) 20、杜甫诗三首》说课稿 (49) 21、琵琶行说课稿 (51) 22、李商隐诗2首 (53) 23、《寡人之于国也》说课稿 (55) 24、《劝学》说课稿 (58) 24《劝学》创新课说课稿 (59) 25、过秦论说课稿 (61) 26、师说》说课稿 (63) 27、动物游戏之谜 (65) 27-1动物游戏之谜 (67) 28、《宇宙的边疆》 (69) 13-1、宇宙的边疆 (70) 29、一名物理学家的教育历程》说课稿 (71) 30、《窦娥冤》说课稿 (75) 30-1、《窦娥冤》说课稿 (76) 30-2《窦娥冤》说课稿 (77) 31、《雷雨》说课稿 (79) 32、《哈姆雷特》说课稿 (81) 33、《望海潮》说课稿 (82) 34、《雨霖铃》说课稿 (83) 35、《苏轼词两首》说课稿 (84) 36、《念奴娇赤壁怀古》说课稿 (86) 37、《水龙吟》教案 (89)


仁爱英语八年级下 U n i t T o p i c S e c t i o n B说 课稿 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

仁爱英语八年级(下) Unit 8 Topic 1 Section B 说课稿 XXX龙山初中 XXX 各位评委,老师好! 我说课的内容是仁爱英语八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 1 Section B,下面我就教材分析、教法分析、学法分析、教学反思五个方面对本课进行说明。 一、教材分析 (一)教材的地位及作用 本课是仁爱英语八年级下册第八单元What a nice coat ! Topic 1 第二部分Section B,以原来所学的服装名称为基础,主要围绕着四位主人公为时装秀积极购买漂亮和帅气的服饰展开教学,本课主要有两个部分,第一个是Kangkang, Jane, Michael, Maria谈论服装的型号、颜色、尺寸、材质的对话;第二个是他们对所喜爱服装的感受。本课教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引导学生用进行简单的对话。在学习中,学生通过对所喜爱服装的交流,促进生生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进友谊,本课起到了一个承上启下的作用,为进一步教学提供了话题和语境。 (二)教学目标 1、知识技能目标 ①学习生词:size natural clothing windbreaker woolen leather ②so that和such…that…句型的用法,比较并掌握so that,such…that…和so that句型的用法。 2、能力发展目标 ①能听懂接近正常语速,涉及服装的语段,回答老师提出的问题。 ②能根据“购买服装”的话题进行情景对话。 3、情感目标


《永远的校园》 教学目的: 1.了解北大,走近北大,感受北大,思考北大 2. 借助演讲、辩论等形式培养学生思辨说理的能力 3.对比谢冕心中的北大与现实中北大的差异,并揣摩这种差异的根源,从而树立正确的大学观、人生观 教学难点: 如何看待理想中北大与现实中北大的差异 教法与学法: 1.课型:讲读课、公开课、研讨课、活动课 2.教法:质疑、讨论、辩论 3.教具及能力培养方向:多媒体课件(包括图片、音频、视频及文字材料);培养学生思辨能力 课时安排:2课时(第一课时主要诵读文章,感知大意;第二课时主要展开拓展、延伸的活动) 教学过程: 一、新课导入 2003年2月25日,在首都北京发生了二起震惊中外的爆炸案,先后发生在清华大学的荷园餐厅和北京大学的农园餐厅,虽然比不上恐怖份子驾机撞毁世贸大楼那样引人注目,但在很少发生恐怖流血冲突的中国大陆来说,这的确也算得上是惊天动地的事情了,最引人深

思的是:恐怖份子为什么要选择清华和北大进行作案呢?案情侦破之后,答案浮出水面,而这个答案竟让人哭笑不得,因为犯罪谷子声称:“制造爆炸案的目的是为了出名。” 对于这起事件,我不想多作分析了,我只是想说:为什么炸清华、北大就能出名呢?那是因为这两所大学太有名了,本身就是名望的象征。我们这就容易理解了:为什么从古至今那些杀人的罪犯很少留下姓名,而刺客荆轲的故事却被广为传诵,不仅仅是因为荆轲的大义凛然、高风亮节,还因为他刺杀的对象是权倾天下、赫赫有名的秦王。 的确,清华、北大太有名气了,不仅是每一位莘莘学子梦寐以求的地方,就连没有丁点儿文化常识的人可能也会对他们肃然起敬。江泽民同志作为一国主席,日理万机,我不知道他曾去过哪些大学,但我知道北大他是去过的,就在北大建校一百周年的校庆典礼上,还作了热情扬溢的讲话,因此,才有了我们课本上这篇文章。 大凡有名望的人、事、物都难得一见:比如卢浮宫珍藏的那些传世珍品;比如我们的局长、县长、市长或者更高的官员。于是我们容易对那些有名望的东西产生神秘感,认为他们与众不同,认为他们超凡脱俗,认为他们高不可攀,或许真的如此,或许未必竟然。那么,今天,我们就一起走进北大著名学者、中国当代著名诗歌理论家、朦胧诗派的倡导者谢冕先生用他的眼、他的手、他的心为我们搭建的北大校园,去感受北大的那一份脱俗和平凡吧! 二、感受北大


xx说课稿(阅读篇) Good afternoon, my dear judges,I am Zhang Hong-ling, from Hunan Institute ofTechnology. It is my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teachingideas. My presentation consists of five parts. Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material This lesson is a reading passage, which focused on the topic of ____, such a topic isrelated to our daily life, so it is easy to arouse the Ss’learning interests. My teaching objectives include the following parts. 1st The knowledge objective: by the end of this lesson, Ss can learn the new words and new phrases: _________andmaster the usage of _____________(某个语法点) 其他参考活动:Debate----当话题有矛盾的双面Discussion——当话题是讨论解决问题Do a survey——调查Understand the main idea of the article; 2nd The Ability objective: 1. Skim for the main idea of the article; 2. Scan for the specific information; 3. Predict some information and understand the whole article; 4.EnlargetherelativeknowledgebyreadingmorematerialsinlibraryorfromtheIntern et, write a report of the topic, etc. 3rd The emotional objective:


Good morning. My name is . I am from School. I am going to share with you my teaching plan for Unit 8 Topic 2, Section A. My introduction consists of three parts: the analysis of the teaching materials, the analysis of the teaching approach, and the teaching procedure. Part Ⅰ The analysis of the teaching materials 1.Status and functions: This lesson is Section A of topic 2 in this unit. Topic 1 talks about the clothes we wear each day and the materials of the clothes we wear made of, so the Ss have already known something about the topic. In this section, students will know some types of uniforms, the clothes worn by professionals and learn more about the Object Clause. 2. Teaching aims and demands # 1) Knowledge goals: △To learn some useful words and expressions (everyday, simple, be famous for, folk song) △To learn more about the Object Clause △To learn the sentence pattern “It is + adj. + that ……” 2) Ability goals: △To develop the ability of listening for information; △To develop the ability of making up short dialogues. 3) Moral goals: , △To form the concept of dressing properly for a certain occasion. Part Ⅱ The analysis of the teaching approach The communicative approach is adopted in the teaching process. By providing real-life situations, the Ss get an opportunity to apply what they are learning, which is the basic aim of any language teaching. The Ss not only learn about the language, but also learn to use the language in this class. In accordance with the notion of “learning through doing” and “learning through using”, enough chances to practice, such as pair work, group work are provided so that the Ss take an active part throughout the teaching process. Part III The analysis of the teaching procedure @ Step 1 Review (5’) Present the Ss with a picture of a coat, and ask the Ss to talk about the color, size and material of the coat. Then invite one student to talk about the clothes he wears and another student to decide whether it’s proper for the student to wear clothes like that, and then naturally lead to the topic of


高中语文新课程标准教材 语文教案( 2019 — 2020学年度第二学期 ) 学校: 年级: 任课教师: 说课稿 / 高中说课稿 / 高中说课稿范文 编订:XX文讯教育机构

高中语文《鸿门宴》说课稿模板 教材简介:本教材主要用途为通过学习语文的内容,培养学生的阅读能力、交流能力,学习语文是为了更好的学习和工作,为了满足人类发展和实现自我价值的需要,本说课稿资料适用于高中语文科目, 学习后学生能得到全面的发展和提高。本内容是按照教材的内容进行的编写,可以放心修改调整或直接进行教学使用。 各位评委,各位同仁: 大家好!今天我说课的题目是《鸿门宴》。下面我将从:教材、教法、学法、课时安排、教学过程五个方面来进行我的说课。 一、说教材 1、教材简析及该课所处的地位作用: 《鸿门宴》是人教版新教材高一年级《语文》必修1第二单元 第6课,节选自《史记》。所选情节描写的是刘邦、项羽在推翻秦王朝后,为争夺天下而进行的一场惊心动魄的政治斗争。鸿门宴是项羽在新丰鸿门设下的一个富有杀机的宴会,是刘、项之间政治矛盾由潜滋暗长到公开化的表现,是长达五年的楚汉相争的序幕,名为宴会,实则是一场激烈的政治斗争。作者以娴熟的艺术技巧,生动地刻画了不同性格的人物形象,描绘了众多富有戏剧性的令人难忘的场面,情节波澜起伏,扣人心弦。鸿门宴一文充分展示了刘、项之间不可调和的矛盾,并预示了胜负的必然结局。因此具有很高的史学价值和

文学价值。如何通过本课激起学生学习的兴趣,树立学生学好文言文的信心和领悟我国传统文化的精髓,这是一个关键所在。 2、教学目标: 高中语文教学大纲对文言文学习的要求是:诵读古典诗词和浅易文言文,背诵一定数量的名篇。掌握文中常见的文言实词、虚词和句式,能理解词句含义,读懂课文,学习用现代观念审视作品的内容和思想倾向。 根据课文特点,结合大纲要求,我确立了如下教学目标:(课件展示) 板书一二三 (1)知识和能力目标:一个巨匠,一部巨著:了解作家作品及相关史实,积累文言词句知识,学习创造性阅读。 (2)过程和方法目标:两个英雄,两种性格:利用人物个性化语言,分析人物性格,学习作者运用对照的方法和在矛盾斗争中描写人物的方法,学习一分为二地评论历史人物,树立正确的读史观。 (3)情感和价值目标:三种认知态度: ①学以致用的态度,感受司马迁隐忍发愤的著书精神,从容应对学习生活中的各种困难和挫折 ②领悟态度:分析项羽悲剧的原因,到底“败”在哪里?领悟良好的性格决定一生的命运


Good afternoon, my dear judges, I am ———, from ————, it is my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas. My presentation consists of five parts. Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material This lesson is a reading passage, which focused on the topic of __________________, such a topic is related to our daily life, so it is easy to arouse the Ss’ learning interests. My teaching objectives include the following parts. First, the knowledge objective : 1.By the end of this lesson, Ss can learn the new words and new phrases:______________________________________ 2.Understand the main idea of the article; 3.And master the usage of ___________________(某个语法点) Second, the Ability objective: 1.skim for the main idea of the article and 2.scan for the specific information, 3.predict some information and 4.understand the whole article, and 5.enlarge the relative knowledge by reading more materials in library or from internet, write a report of the topic, etc. Third the emotional objective: 1.to develop the spirit of cooperation through teamwork and pair-discussion; 2.arouse Ss’ interest in English learning Forth, the Cultural awareness (根据内容而定)________________________________________________ Fifth the Important points: 1.to get an overall understanding of the whole text, 2.and develop their reading skills such as anticipating, skimming, scanning, summarizing language points…..…(具体课型用具体例子阐述) 3.the usage of the______________________( 语法或句型) While the Difficult points:


北师大版生物学八年级下册第8单元《生物与环境》说课稿一.教材分析 (一)教材地位 本单元是从生态学的角度让学生认识生物界的现象和规律,认识人与环境的对立统一关系,使学生初步建立生态学的基本观点。对于学生来说从初一开始学习生物学时就已经接触过一些生态学的知识,所以在此次教学中可以利用学生的直接经验,引导学生研究分析自己的生活环境,思考日常生活中遇到的问题,指导学生的生活,关注人体的健康以及人口增长带来的一系列问题,从而加深对生态学有关知识的理解。 本单元包括两章的内容,通过一系列的活动,让学生了解生态学中的一些基本概念,生态系统的基本结构和功能,帮助学生认识生物与环境之间的关系后懂得如何维持生态系统的稳定性,提高学生的科学素养。 (二)教学重点和难点 教学重点: 1.生态系统的概念;生态系统中不同组成成分的作用。 2.由食物关系构成的食物链和食物网;以食物链为基础的能量流动及特点;生态系统物质循环的特点。 3.生态系统维持稳定性的原因;破坏生态系统稳定性的因素。 4.描述人口增长的趋势及其对环境的影响。 5.关注城乡环境问题及其家居生活环境。

教学难点: 1.活动“分析森林中的生物及其生活环境”; 2.生态系统中各种组成成分的作用; 3.生态系统的能量流动和物质循环的特点; 4.分析凯巴森林被破坏的原因。 二.教学目标 知识目标: 1、说出生态系统的概念; 2、简述生态系统的组成成分在生态系统中的作用以及相互关系; 3、举例说明什么是食物链和食物网; 4、简述生态系统中的能量流动和物质循环及其特点; 5、说出生态系统的稳定性以及维持稳定性的条件; 6、描述人口发展趋势以及地球环境对人类生存的影响; 7、举例说明城乡环境问题,建立良好的生活习惯; 8、分析说明我国在解决人口问题和粮食问题方面对世界的贡献。能力目标: 1、分析凯巴森林生态系统的活动迁移到分析其他生态系统的组成和生物之间的关系,训练学生分析问题和应用已有知识实现知识迁移的能力,培养他们良好的思维品质。 2、制作生态瓶锻炼了学生的动手能力。 情感目标: 树立了学生的生命科学价值观,提高学生的科学素养;培养学生
