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the Shawshank Redemption观后感英语

the Shawshank Redemption观后感英语
the Shawshank Redemption观后感英语




Give me a chance, I will give a wonder back

----- The Shawshank Redemption电影观后感Someone says this is a male film, because there are almost no female roles in the film. Someone says this is an inspirational film, because it passes the belief of never giving up. Someone says this is a legendary film, because it fully demonstrates the brilliance of human nature.

The Shawshank Redemption is an American drama film directed by Frank Darabont in 1994. It is a classic film I have seen and I read the book The Shawshank Redemption in high school, The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy Dufrense, who victimized by circumstantial evidence. The Shawshank where people there all had been in the prison for ten years, they lived here for years without hope, and they lived in each small prison, where nobody knew what was their dream, what was their hope. Like the old man said: “Some birds aren't meant to be caged, but most birds will choose to stand it”. They had tried so many times to get away but they never finished it, at last they gave up. Nonetheless, Andy tried, and he had the bright brain, Spirit of perseverance and the most important thing----hope.

Hope--- never give up

Red:” Hope is a dangerous thing, and it is the root of mental anguish”. As he had been heavily squeezed for more than 30 years in prison, he was qualified to say this. Because when the first day he got in the prison, the warden said: "give the soul to God, I have the body.” However, Andy told him: “Remember, hope is a good thing, even the best thing, and no good thing ever dies.” Then Andy spent more than 20 years in digging a tunnel which Red thought it was unable to drill though spent 600 years on it. At last he got out of the prison by the tunnel.

Through the film, the part impressed me most was when Andy got out of the jail. He could not help shouting in the heavy rain. He extended his arms in front of himself as if he were welcoming the fresh air and the freedom. At that moment, I saw that confidence would win the darkness; I saw the power of hope, and I found out that

the most important thing to success was never giving up! When Andy in tunnel, it also was the darkest time, stench surrounded him, couldn’t see anything in front. I thought at that moment he must tell himself: “Hope is a good thing; maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!” And he didn’t think too much, just insisted in crawling, because the hope was in his heart.

Freedom ---- catch it before lose it

There was a Scene when the two Italian women were singing 《Le Nozze di Figaro》, Prisoners didn’t know what they were singing, In fact, no one wanted to know. But they lost in the voice; the voice flew so highly that hit the cloud top. The voice like a beautiful bird freely flew in the sky, and then flew into the gray prison and all prisoners in the prison felt moment of freedom.

Prisoners are the people do really understand how important and valuable the freedom is, as ordinary people we can not realize the pain of loss of freedom. But it is wise of you to cherish it, before you lose it.

Friendship---give you a hand

This is also a movie about friendship, not love

In my opinion, without Red’s help, Andy couldn’t get out of the prison successfully; he could not breathe the fresh air out of the prison, neither. The friendships between men in prison shocked me. The friendship between Andy and Red was built under the wall, but it seemed purer and cleaner than anyone’s in the world. They were both introvert, but they knew each other well. So when they met each other on the small island they smiled happily and brightly.

I think success is derived from friendship, or teamwork. Friendship is one of the most important relationships in the world. Marx and Engels are famous not for their theory but also for their great friendship. Without Engels’s help《Das Kapital》couldn’t be finished. Without Engels’s help Marx might ha d starved to death before he became famous.

Someone says it’s a movie about hope, I agree with this opini on. It tells me never lose hope and I should stick to my faith, because I can hold my fate. In fact, everyone lives in a prison, which has its own rule. It is the rule that imprison us, not the walls. You can’t change the rules, but you can struggle for yo ur own life, so never give up!

中国合伙人观后感 1850字高中作文

《中国合伙人》观后感_1850 字《中国合伙人》,陈可辛导演的电影,由内地三大小生黄晓明、邓超、佟大为主演,讲述了上世纪80 年代到今天,三个小人物80 年代叙述到今日,讲的是大时代下三个小人物白手起家的故事,时光穿越20 多年,「土鼈」、「海龟」和「愤青」三个好朋友,齐力创办英语培训学校的故事,是以新东方教育科技集团的发展历史为背景。 陈可辛的新作《中国合伙人》给人的第一印象是,这片子彻底从最初的“蓝翔技校”版屌丝病毒视频中跳脱了出来,既彻底地勾起了70后80 后的复古情怀,又迎合了90 后对炫酷机智影像的追求,无论是剧情、摄像、剪辑的技术层面,还是演员表演、主旨设定等内容层面,影片之于今日的中国电影,都是高水准的。虽然无法超越《甜蜜蜜》那样陈可辛的经典,亦足矣为赵薇同学树立一个觇标——电影真的不是完全靠票房来评价的。 《中国合伙人》剧情设定无需多言,俞敏洪为代表的新东方原型打造出的故事,阐释一代人在友情、爱情、事业和东西文化碰撞下的迷思,影片最后甚至直接PPT似的贴出了已经成长为如今社会精英阶层的四五十岁老男人们的各个年龄对比图。伴着《光阴的故事》勾人泪点的音乐,虚构的故事一下子有了些时代意义和现实落点,不过个人觉得这也成了全片唯一的槽点,这个PPT制作的真的 不够精良,甚至还不如之前《厨子戏子痞子》结尾的老照片。 在这样的剧情背景中,陈可辛很好地完成了“讲故事”的工作。三

位男主角一个海归、一个文艺、一个屌丝,略显标签化的人物设定因为流畅紧凑的叙事而不显生硬,反而在前半段给影片加分不少。通过三个人在画外音里的轮流主导来勾勒80 年代初的燕京大学情景,配合一个个或大或小的包袱,观众自然而然地就被带入到了那个时代。 这里不免要比较下近期题材撞车的《致青春》,赵薇同学真的可以跟陈可辛老师上一节生动的导演课。《致青春》的胃口太大,似乎 想着把赵同学有所感触的校园时光一股脑灌输到观众脑中,颇有敝帚自珍之嫌,这也决定了影片后半段的潦草敷衍不知所云。《中国合伙人》前三分之一流畅地使用了当年的流行歌曲契合剧情发展(这简直就是对《甜蜜蜜》的致敬或者延续——首映结束后陈可辛也透露说,这片子里黄晓明跟女神无疾而终的感情,也是从甜蜜蜜那里传承来 的),快速明快的剪辑来回穿,便干净利落的烘托出了一幅80 年代大学生生活图景,全片100 分钟的时长也能顺便提醒下赵同学,130分钟如果不能每分钟都让观众有惊喜,真的就会变成每分钟都在煎熬。 出色的前半部分玩儿的够花哨也够出彩,剧情的进展却丝毫不受怀旧的影响。三位主人公分开开始了各自悲催的生活开,又聚首共同打造新梦想,再到关系出现裂痕,直至一直的和事老佟大为在婚礼上说出“不要和最好的朋友合伙开公司” ,邓超愤愤地决定去沈阳找人教英语,剩下黄晓明孤家寡人后,《中国合伙人》剧情终于迎来了最终的高潮。层层递进的剧情,交叉叙事的结构,俗套的设定被陈可辛讲出了一个接地气又有新意的好故事。 特别值得给个赞的是该片出色的摄像。号称“亚洲第一摄影师”的


The Blind Side Have you ever seen the famous film ‘The Blind Side’ which moved and so many people? I love this film so much that whenever I feel down I will watch it again and again to encourage myself.I really have learned a lot from this film. Firstly, I'd like to introduce you about the film. The film tells the story of a homeless African American boy Michael Oher is a young children, again to escape from the adoptive family, finally met a kind-hearted Touchy wife, by her help, Michael Oher gradually find themselves in their own physical condition and hard work, he finally became the first American National Football League player. Secondly, As far as I am concerned, Michael Oher is unfortunately, because he is a child that he has been abandoned many times, but he is lucky. Because he met the Leigh Anne Touchy. She was very cared about him, taught him how to shop, and told him said what he want. Sean Touchy was the first person in the family to pay attention to the Michael. He supported his wife and cared about that boy. Even though he didn't say anything, we could see it from his behavior. Although S.J is a child, but he is intelligent, mischief and he is a little football fan, he helped Michael training, encouraging the Michael , in his mind, Michael is a big brother. Collins, although Michael's arrival at the beginning of her caused some problems, but in the end, she was accepted this brother, regardless of her students in the eyes of surprise self-study with him and hide behind the wall and listen to the mother to Michael and tells the story of S.J. Then, He asked Touchy wife for a driver's license, in his view, this is a proof of identity, and he wants to live a normal life. When he entered the black town he refusing to let Touchy lady get off, blocking the S.J with his arm in an accident when, in his mind, that’s his family, and when his family is in danger, he must go to protect them. Last but not least, I think we will be moved by the Anne family behavior; Michael will also be responsible and keep moved, he insisted, gradually overcome those difficulty to become a successful football superstar. This is a film about sports Michael in the care of the family of Anne, Step by step effort and success. Then we


"Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the sea": 《海底两万里》是“科幻小说之父”凡尔纳的一部巨着。这部作品集中了凡尔纳科幻小说的所有特点。曲折紧张、扑朔迷离的故事情节,瞬息万变的人物命运,丰富详尽的科学知识和细节逼真的美妙幻想融于一炉。 "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the sea" is "the father of science fiction" one of Verne's great. All the features of this work concentrated Verne science tense, whirling storylines vary from minute to minute, the fate of the characters, rich detailed scientific knowledge and the vivid details of the beautifulfantasy into a furnace. 就这样,我怀着一种崇敬的心情,跟随书中的主人翁探险者博物学家阿龙纳斯,乘坐鹦鹉螺号潜水艇,开始他充满传奇色彩的海底之旅。鹦鹉螺号的主人尼摩船长是个性格阴郁,知识渊博的人,他们乘坐的鹦鹉螺号以平均每小时十二公里的航速,缓缓行驶,来到地中海。潜艇经过直布罗陀海峡,径直奔向南极地区。然后又沿拉美海岸北上,跟随暖流来到北海,最后消失在挪威西海岸的大旋涡中。在途中遇见了许多罕见海底动植物,还有海底洞穴、暗道和遗址,其中包括着名的沉没城市亚特兰蒂斯这个拥有与希腊相当的历史文化的文明古国。 So, I had a feeling of reverence, follow the Book Master explorers naturalistAronnax, aboard the Nautilus submarine, began his legendary tour of the ocean floor. Nautilus master Captain Nemo is a saturnine, knowledgeable people, speed,twelve miles they ride the Nautilus per hour running slowly, to the through the Strait of Gibraltar, went straight to the antarctic. And thenalong the coast of Latin America, follow the stream came to Beihai, and finally disappeared in the west coast of Norway in the maelstrom of. On his way to meet a number of rare animals and plants and sea undersea caves, tunnels, and sites,including the famous ancient city of Atlantis sank the Greek equivalent withhistorical and cultural civilization. 在人生的道路上,总会有遇到困难的时候,使人“跌到”,面对困难,我们就要像阿龙纳斯一样,决不唉声叹气、怨天尤人,也不自暴自弃、一蹶不振。而是要千方百计去


刮痧优秀观后感英文版 Last year,when I have the public elective course,our teacher introduces a film to us which is his favorite one--GuaSha.At that time,I was just angry at foreigner’s ignorance and deeply moved for Datong’s love for his son.At this time,I watch this film again from different point of view--the intercultural communication. Cultural differences are the most important point in the intercultural communication.At the beginning of this film,Datong with his family is attending his own victory banquet,his son Dennis hits his friend Paul,Paul’s parents think that’s ok,it’s just a fight between two kids.However,Datong and his wife Jenny have different reactions towards that situation.Jenny is a woman who is deeply affected by western thoughts,she doesn’t blame his son.At first,Datong asks his son to apologize to his friend Paul,but Dennis refuses to do that.So Datong is very angry because he thinks that he makes his friend loses his face.Hence,Datong strikes Dennis in his face.Everyone including his wife are shocked.The western parents regard it as family violence,while Datong as a traditional Chinese parent thinks that beating is a sign of affection and cursing is a sign of love.What he has


《中国合伙人》观后感大全 《中国合伙人》是一部具有时代特色的创业者的故事,故事背景的时间跨度是从上个世纪的八十年代至今,片中人物的经历是以中国的创业传奇人物们为原型塑造的。下面是小编收集整理的《中国合伙人》观后感大全,欢迎大家阅读。篇一:《中国合伙人》观后感 《中国合伙人》讲述了土鳖黄晓明、海龟邓超和愤青佟大为从1980年代到21世纪,30年的大变革背景下,三兄弟为了改变自身命运,创办英语培训学校,最终实现中国式梦想的*丝逆袭故事。基本上是以新东方英语培训学校为原本,俞敏洪说不是像他,因为他不希望人家叫他土鳖,可他确实没有出国生活学习过,我看过他的演讲,而且他也是我们江苏江阴人,自古常州出侠客,他的愿望就是像徐霞客那样走万里路,读万本书,有理想的人,就能实现自己的目标,一定要在自己的领域中做最好的。 真实的俞敏洪和电影中的黄晓明有差别的,黄晓明迁就自己的兄弟,把友谊看的比较重,而现实的俞敏洪更加强权,让自己的兄弟服从自己的目标,他对于利益的分成为自己51%,其他两人为49%,也就是说他们两人就是联合了俞敏洪也有一票否决制。所以应该用江阴华西大队吴仁宝的类型来分析俞敏洪的个性,首先他有团队精神,对于时政的判断很准确,没有这样好的教育市

场,他们浑身都是本事也发不了大财。 这也是一个三个男人的故事,和我准备动手写的结构是一致的,所以我在揣摩他们的心理,这部片子是香港导演陈可辛导演的,他赋予这几个土鳖西方文化的内涵,把香港的无厘头剧本让北京少爷演绎,西方文化的幽默,导致这部影片的对白非常的经典,千万别跟丈母娘打麻将千万别跟想法比你多的女人上床千万别跟最好的朋友合伙开公司。更值得关注的迹象就是王石的新女友有田朴珺是这影片的制片,也就是说王石在玩文化这块玉石,他把在房地产领域赚的钱,用来拍电影,为大众树立了一个英雄形象,他们冲击现实中道德伦理问题,张艺谋可以当七个孩子的爸,王石能冲的过珠峰,有人讽刺他冲不过乳峰,数风流人物还看今朝。 《中国合伙人》,一部让50后深思,让60后动容,让70后震颤,让80后楷模,让90后启迪的励志传奇大片。确实是部好电影,多种文化融合,提升了新东方和人物原型。篇二:《中国合伙人》观后感 《我是歌手》总决赛结束以后,很多人说羽泉的歌王其实应该有一半是属于邓超的,尽管是友情助唱,但是邓超的亮嗓瞬间让舞台火力全开,羽泉最终勇夺歌王,军功章自然该有邓超的一半。甄嬛娘娘孙俪在某次采访中说生活中的邓超永远是朋友圈里


小王子电影观后感英文版 本文为小王子电影观后感英文版范文,让我们通过以下的文章来了解。 Recently, I read a fairy story book, Little Prince. This book tells the adventurous experiences of little prince from his planet to the earth. Little prince comes from the outer space and he is hurt by a rose. So he leaves there and travels into space. He comes to the earth and be the friend of a fox. The fox tells his secret to little prince and he helps a pilot in the desert. In the end, he dies under the help of a snake and his soul goes back to his planet. This book is very interesting and teaches me a lot. I like little price adventures. He teaches me to be honest and love others. All of us should never loss the pureness of childhood. This is a fairytale whose distribution volume is only second to The Bible. It’s been translated to versions of many other languages. And I gather there must be something special, something really great about it. It’s this conviction that drove me to read it at the first beginning. Well, with due respect to the author, I failed to see how this fairytale be worthy


第一篇:100部英文电影 100 部超级好看的英文电影 1,魔法灰姑娘〔超级推荐〕(安妮海瑟薇主演) 2,贱女孩〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 3,灰姑娘的玻璃手机〔超级推荐〕 4,美人鱼〔超级推荐〕(里面音乐也很好听) 5,舞出我人生〔超级推荐〕(励志的!刚出了第二部) 6,录取通知书 7,水瓶座女孩 8,倒霉爱神(林赛罗汉主演) 9,儿女一箩筐 10,冰雪公主〔超级推荐〕 11,我的朋友是明星〔超级推荐〕 12,辣妈辣妹〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 13,物质女孩〔超级推荐〕 14,疯狂金龟车(林赛罗汉主演) 15,平民天后〔超级推荐〕 16,公主日记(不用说勒)〔超级推荐〕(还有第二部哟!) 17,歌舞青春〔超级推荐〕[很热的电影!(ⅰ和ⅱ都喜欢) 18,律政俏佳人 19,麻辣宝贝〔超级推荐〕 20,恋爱刺客 21,美少女啦啦队〔超级推荐〕 22,12月男孩〔超级推荐〕(哈利波特演的哟)

23,足球尤物 24,魔法双星 25,超完美男人〔超级推荐〕 25,劲歌飞扬〔超级推荐〕 26,纽约时刻 27,奶牛美女 28,穿prada的恶魔〔超级推荐〕 29,天生一对 30,高校天后〔超级推荐〕 31,像乔丹一样 32,牛仔裤的夏天〔超级推荐超感人~〕 33,初恋的回忆〔超级推荐欣慰~〕 34,甜心辣舞〔超级推荐〕 35,花豹美眉 36,女兵报道 37,女生向前翻〔超级推荐很立志!〕 38,小姐好辣 39,欧洲任我行 40,留级之王 41,风云才女(希尔顿酒店继承人之一尼克?希尔顿首部主打影片!这是一部有关大学女生校园生活的喜剧,影片描述大学校园里一群正处于青春叛逆期、蠢蠢欲动的特权阶层少男少女平日里生活的点点滴滴……有点点sex)〔超级推荐i love hilton sisters〕 42,谁领风骚〔超级推荐女生的可怕和可爱〕


《中国合伙人》电影观后感精选范文 5篇 大家有没有观看过电影《中国合伙人》,大家有没有写过关于《中国合伙人》观后感?以下是整理的观后感范文5篇,希望可以分享给大家进行参考和借鉴。 中国合伙人观后感范文(一) 今日与室友在冲动的一瞬间就去看了中国合伙人这部电影,看完后就明白这冲动是正确的不论影评怎样说这部电影在我心中这是我看过的最优秀的一部!看完后感慨颇多,却因自我言辞拙劣竟表达不出此刻的感受,但无论如何也要写点什么……有影评写得好“中国合伙人”,就像一列人生的列车,将看戏的人,带入了关于梦想与人生的世界。看过之后,我们会学会思考,人生与世界。就如剧中所言,到底是我们改变了世界,还是世界改变了我们这个问题的珍贵之处,就在于,或许每个人都有一个答案。 电影的剧情看似老套三个好友共同创业的故事,但细节处却处处让观影者产生共鸣,三个人不一样的性格,不一样的人生

观,细细品来发现每一个人的故事却又是成千上万奋斗过的人的原型任何人都会在里面找到自我的影子,很多情节都有一种让我想哭的冲动,究其原因不是故事有悲伤或是有多感动,而是从他们的故事里找到了深深的共鸣心所以被震撼。正值大三正是为梦想拼搏的时机很庆幸看到了这部影片,他让我重新审视了此刻的自我以及对自我未来的看法。 看到影片里程冬青对大学的执着考了三年才考上,为了追赶偶像孟晓俊而在大学里读了八百本书,为了在别人问自我单词的时候不被问倒背了所有市面上的牛津词典,纵使影片有夸张之处但我相信现实里真的有梦想并渴望成功的人必须会做出一般人以为不可能做到的事,我深深坚信这一点。对此我对此刻的自我也很惭愧……行动上欠缺了太多,总是在给自我找各种各样的理由原谅自我,心中的梦想在远大再志向高远又能怎样呢行动上的懦夫终究会是个失败者,从今日起必须会深深反思然后找到最正确的路继续前行。 影片里有很多经典的台词“什么是梦想,梦想就是让你感到坚持就是一种幸福的东西”。“我们仅有在失败中寻找胜利,在绝望中寻求期望”。这些所谓类似的大道理以前我们必须都或多或少的听到过,但如今放到了这部电影里却更能引起我的共鸣,我必须不会让这部电影白看!


英语电影英文观后感 《功夫熊猫》(《Kung Fu Panda》)的: Funny! I see this movie lastweek, So terrfic,this film make me loving Kung Fu! My liitle sister love the panda very much ,She ask me which kind annimal of Panda? I told her its one of the cutiest animal in the world ,it only lives in China. In this movie, Panda learns how to improve his level of Kung fu,many scence show that this cartoon is so funny, You can see how things goes on with laugh, I remend this film to you.! The film stars a panda named Po (voice of Jack Black), who is so fat he can barely get out of bed. He works for his father, Mr. Ping (James Hong) in a noodle shop, which features Ping's legendary Secret Ingredient. How Ping, apparently a stork or other billed member of the avian family, fathered a panda is a mystery, not least to Po, but then the movie is filled with

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the sea《海底两万里》读后感

《海底两万里》读后感 "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the sea": 《海底两万里》是“科幻小说之父”凡尔纳的一部巨着。这部作品集中了凡尔纳科幻小说的所有特点。曲折紧张、扑朔迷离的故事情节,瞬息万变的人物命运,丰富详尽的科学知识和细节逼真的美妙幻想融于一炉。 "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the sea" is "the father of science fiction" one of Verne's great. All the features of this work concentrated Verne science fiction.Tortuous tense, whirling storylines vary from minute to minute, the fate of the characters, rich detailed scientific knowledge and the vivid details of the beautifulfantasy into a furnace. 就这样,我怀着一种崇敬的心情,跟随书中的主人翁探险者博物学家阿龙纳斯,乘坐鹦鹉螺号潜水艇,开始他充满传奇色彩的海底之旅。鹦鹉螺号的主人尼摩船长是个性格阴郁,知识渊博的人,他们乘坐的鹦鹉螺号以平均每小时十二公里的航速,缓缓行驶,来到地中海。潜艇经过直布罗陀海峡,径直奔向南极地区。然后又沿拉美海岸北上,跟随暖流来到北海,最后消失在挪威西海岸的大旋涡中。在途中遇见了许多罕见海底动植物,还有海底洞穴、暗道和遗址,其中包括着名的沉没城市亚特兰蒂斯这个拥有与希腊相当的历史文化的文明古国。 So, I had a feeling of reverence, follow the Book Master explorers naturalistAronnax, aboard the Nautilus submarine, began his legendary tour of the ocean floor. Nautilus master Captain Nemo is a saturnine, knowledgeable people, speed,twelve miles they ride the Nautilus per hour running slowly, to the mediterranean.Submarine through the Strait of Gibraltar, went straight to the antarctic. And thenalong the coast of Latin America, follow the stream came to Beihai, and finally disappeared in the west coast of Norway in the maelstrom of. On his way to meet a number of rare animals and plants and sea undersea caves, tunnels, and sites,including the famous ancient city of Atlantis sank the Greek equivalent withhistorical and cultural civilization. 在人生的道路上,总会有遇到困难的时候,使人“跌到”,面对困难,我们就要像阿龙


文章读后感英文范文如何写英语文章读后感英语作文模版 A Review of Robinson Crusoe--《鲁宾逊漂流记》读后感 This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe, published in 1719. It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literature. It is the story of Bobinson Crusoe, an Englishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely tropical island. He builds himself a hut, grows his own food, and bees self-sufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whome he calls Friday.Crusoe and his“man”Friday bee close friends, and when they are finally rescued four years later, both return to England. Robinson Crusoe was partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk, an 18th-century Scottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island. This novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in man's ability when left alone in nature. 可以参照一下


《中国合伙人》电影观后感 今天去看了《中国合伙人》,刚看这电影名字不怎样,就是冲着陈可辛导演去看的。但果然不负我所望,这部电影是今年至今我看过最好的一部国片。 《中国合伙人》的导演是陈可辛,配乐是金培达,摄影指导是杜可风,但是三位主演都是大陆的男演员,内容也完完全全是大陆的故事,不得不令我敬佩陈可辛是位真心做作品而不仅仅是为了捞钱的香港电影导演。 说说电影的三位主演黄晓明、邓超、佟大为,老实说,他们仨的作品我没看多少。黄晓明让我最深刻的是《风声》里的表演,邓超是的《通天帝国》,佟大为是《奋斗》。不过他们在这部电影里的出演真心不错,可以说是他们暂时的代表作。 黄晓明饰演的成东青,是典型的凤凰男,穷困的农民出身,考了二次高考都失败,为了考第三次,他的母亲找了村子里所有人借钱才供他读完大学。这个故事里的“新梦想”不得不让我想起“新东方”,成东青也实在太像“新东方”创始人俞敏洪。我曾经读过俞敏洪北大演讲的文稿无数次,我记得他说过:“我高考经过三年的努力考到了北大——因为我落榜了两次,最后一次很意外地考进了北大。我

从来没有想过北大是我能够上学的地方,她是我心中一块圣地,觉得永远够不着。”成东青与俞敏洪的出身太相像了!俞敏洪在北大的演讲还讲过:“我在大学三年级的时候得了一场重病,这个病叫做传染性侵润肺结核。当时我就晕了,因为当时我正在读《红楼梦》,正好读到林黛玉因为肺结核吐血而亡的那一章,(笑声)我还以为我的生命从此结束,后来北大医院的医生告诉我现在这种病能够治好,但是需要在医院里住一年。我在医院里住了一年,苦闷了一年,读了很多书,也写了六百多首诗歌,可惜一首诗歌都没有出版过。”电影里,成东青也因肺结核住院一年,所以难免让我把角色代入进去了。还是说回电影角色成东青,那种苦孩子出身的倔强被黄晓明诠释得很好,一直被冠以偶像派的黄晓明居然把农民企业家演得这么像让我感到意外。 邓超饰演的孟晓骏,让我看到邓超气质里的霸气。孟晓骏是学校里的完美偶像,成绩优异,才华出众,拥有青梅竹马的女友,很好的家世,后来成功拿到签证到美国。貌似一帆风顺的人,到了美国竟然连刷盘子时拿小费的资格都没有,拥有一份给小白鼠喂药的工作都已经是高人一等的生活了,庞大的落差打击了他的尊严!彻底摧毁了他的美国梦。这角色也让我联想到本片导演陈可辛,陈可辛早年在美国求学刷过盘子、当过服务员,同样历经坎坷和辛酸,而且陈可


外国电影观后感英文版3篇电影罗马假日英语观后感 he story is about a young princess (公主)(Hepburn)named Ann,making a goodwill (善意的)tour of Europe's capitals。She is tired of the responsibility (职责)and demands of the role she has been born in to and longs to experience the every day pleasures of an ordinary person。In Rome she finally rebels。Waiting until after everyone in the embassy (大使馆)where her party is staying has gone to sleep,she slips out a window and finds herself alone on the streets of Rome。 She is found by Joe Bradley (Peck),a hardened (坚毅的)and somewhat cynical (愤世嫉俗的)reporter,on his way home from a late night card game。Not knowing who she is but seeing that she has no place to stay he takes pity on her and invites her to his apartment for the night。In a ical (滑稽的)scene,he offers her a pair of his pajamas (睡衣)and points to the couch where she can sleep。Innocent (天真的)aristocrat (贵族)that she is,she asks for a nightgown and help undressing。Bradley helps her take off her tie and then leaves the room。When he returns a few minutes later he discovers her sound asleep on the bed,leaving him the couch (沙发)。 Leaving her sleeping the next morning,Bradley shows up late for work and tries to cover himself by saying that he had an interview (采访)with the princess。But his editor shows him a newspaper with her picture and headline stating that she was taken ill the night before and canceled all appointments (安排)for the day。Bradley immediately realizes who he has in his apartment and gets the editor to agree to pay $5,000 if he can get a real interview with the princess。On the way out Bradley contacts a photographer (摄影师)friend,Irving Radovich (Albert)and arranges for him to met him later with his camera for a big scoop。 Returning to his apartment,Bradley picks up the princess for their planned tour of the city。Bradley's real aim is to get the pictures and story he promised (答应)his editor。


海底两万里三年级读后感10篇 《海底两万里》是被誉为“科幻小说之父”的法国作家儒勒凡尔纳的著作。今天橙子就与大家分享海底两万里读后感,仅供大家参考! 海底两万里读后感 《海底两万里》大家一定都读过吧,里面有着很多宝贵的精神,我也有所领悟。 《海底两万里》中最宝贵的精神就是主人公尼摩船长的冒险精神、探索精神。尼摩船长在文中的每一章都展现了他那热爱探索、热爱冒险的精神。尤其是在第十九章和第十六章中他冷静沉着的面对冰山、风浪等自然灾害,最终取得了胜利。这种宝贵的精神非常值得大家学习。 文中还有阿龙纳斯先生的谦虚、友谊;尼德。兰的技术;和其他“鹦鹉螺”号船员的团结。这些精神也值得我们学习。 如果大家爱冒险却有些胆小,那就读一读这本《海底两万里》吧。 海底两万里读后感 《海底两万里》是一本险象环生、浪漫迷人、开阔眼界为一体的文学著作。 险象环生。海底的旅行险象环生,凶猛的大白鲨、难缠的章鱼……许多潜在的危险时刻都在身边!读着令人心惊肉跳。 浪漫迷人。海底的旅行又是诗情画意的,那里有美丽的海底森林和珊瑚王国,神秘的宝藏和沉船残骸……看了令人十向往着想去那里一游。

开阔眼界。从未见过的海洋生物、先进神奇的“鹦鹉螺”号让我们不知不觉地增长了生物、科技与地理知识。 又有趣味性又长知识,能不喜欢读它吗?我读完之后认为:勇气、决心和毅力是做事的原则。 《海底两万里》读后感章艺凡 最近我被一本叫《海底两万里》的书深深吸引住了。 故事讲述了一位生物学家和他的仆人以及一名捕鲸手为清除海上“怪物”被请到驱逐舰上,结果却成了“怪物”的俘虏。原来这是一艘尚不为人知的潜水艇。他们跟着潜水艇艇长周游了各大洋,经历了很多冒险,最终他们在极其险恶的情况下逃出了潜水艇,把这个海底秘密公诸于众。 让我影响最深的就是潜艇内的高科技设备和布置得像宫殿一般富丽堂皇的舱房,让我由衷地感叹这位才华横溢的艇长丰富的想象力和创造力。他能利用大海所提供的一切资源来为大家提供生活中所需要的一切,真让人佩服得五体投地。大到利用海水中丰富的氯化钠来为潜艇动力提供电能,小到提炼海底水藻做床垫,真让人对作者丰富广博的科学知识和无限的想象力感到无比钦佩。 希望大家也能看看这本“科学体”小说书,它能让你增长知识,开阔眼界,爱上科学哟! 海底两万里读后感吕雅然 在读了《海底两万里》这篇文章后,给我的第一感受就是,它是一部非常经典的科学幻想小说又是一本冒险小说。书中生动描写了美


Recently, I was attracted by an American TV series, it called Once Upon a Time.Since the classical fairy tales into nine to nine they live happily ever after ended, and the new play, but this sentence was a prelude to a prince's Kiss: Snow White was saved, but the wedding is in the curse. So they put my daughter Emma shuttle back to the real world. Emma, a local she wasn't known the fairy tale, but can be classic role in the introduction of a fairy tale, the snow white princess, Prince, talking cricket, Cinderella, be good at using the dark elves are not only the dwarf was cut, characters in fairy tales will be written to a beat all the nominal pull in the story "The fairy town" with our familiar fairy tale, for example, from childhood to see snow white is not one thing. And the fairy tale imagination but is weak and dull figures, from the children's perspective, they only know the princess is beautiful, the prince was brave, witch is evil, and everyone behind the story, causes their actions but never explain, why they would become like this? In a word, "the fairy town" is worth to watch the movie. Different from the children's fairy tale story, has a profound meaning afford much food for thought, give a person to teach the senses and different. That's right. It is this winter, let me shock film. Synopsis Once Upon a Time is an American fantasy-drama television series created by Lost writers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz. The series takes place in the fictional seaside town of Storybrooke, Maine, in which the residents are actually characters from various fairy tales that were transported to the “real world” town by a powerful curse cast by the Evil Queen. The Evil Queen interrupts the wedding of Snow White and Prince Charming to announce that she will cast a curse on everyone and take away all their love so that she is the only one with a happy ending. Many of the fairy tale characters are transported to Storybrooke where most of them are stripped of their true identities and memories of their previous lives. The town…s only hope lies with a bail bondswoman, Emma Swan ,the daughter of Snow White and Prince

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