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amy tan

Amy Tan (Chinese: 譚恩美born February 19, 1952) is a Chinese American writer whose works explore mother-daughter relationships. In 1993, Tan's adaptation of her first novel, The Joy Luck Club, became a commercially successful film. The book has been translated into 35 languages.

Tan has written several other bestselling novels, including The Kitchen God's Wife, The Hundred Secret Senses, The Bonesetter's Daughter and Saving Fish From Drowning. She also wrote a collection of non-fiction essays entitled The Opposite of Fate: A Book of Musings. In addition to these, Tan has written two children's books: The Moon Lady (1992) and Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat (1994), which was turned into an animated series airing on PBS. She also appeared on PBS in a short spot encouraging children to write.
汤婷婷(Maxine Hong Kingston)

汤婷婷,祖籍广东新会。一九四零年出生于美国加利福尼亚州蒙士得顿市。自幼爱好文学、散文和诗歌,经常利用业余时间从事创作,她所创作的诗歌被选入《美国诗歌选》。一九五八年获得奖学金进入加州大学伯克利分校就读,先念工程学系,后转念英国文学。一九六二年考获文学士学位。一九六二年底与同班同学Earl Kingston结婚。婚后曾在加州中学和夏威夷中学担任英文教师多年。一九七零年至一九七七年曾任夏威夷大学英国文学系教授。后又担任东部密歇根大学英国文学系教授。一九九零年起担任加州大学伯克利分校英国文学系教授。从二零零一年起她也担任《The Literature of California》的主编。

汤教授从青少年时代,从母亲所讲的故事中所听到许多有关中国的种种神话和传说、戏剧内容情节、中国风俗习惯及有关她的祖先们飘洋过海、希望在国外发财致富的传奇式的经历,她将这些内容和材料配合起来而创作了三部传记性的长篇小说,因而蜚声美国和欧洲文坛。她的三部作品被评为美国最佳非小说作品。她的第一部作品是回忆录式的小说《The Woman Warrior : memoirs of a girlhood among ghosts》(女勇士或译女斗士),此书于一九七六年出版后,获当年美国及全国书评界的一项最佳奖和安士菲尔德一任尔夫种族关系奖和女教师杂志奖。一九七七年又获美国《现代》周刊列为七十年代最优秀奖。这部小说的出版在美国受到热烈的欢迎。这部作品的文学成就和热销的程度在美国文学史上是空前的。她从而蜚声美国文坛。小说故事情节是表现华裔母女两代人由于生活道路和文化教养的歧异而产生的矛盾冲突。一九八零年第二部作品《China Men》(金山华人,或译中国佬,又译金山勇士)出版。获一九八一年美国书籍奖。作者用生动、细致、引人入胜的笔调,描写先辈与同辈在美国的传奇性苦难经历,为修筑美国四通八达的


一九八四年汤教授随美国作家协会到北京出席中美作家会议。会后与演员丈夫Earl Kingston到广州和新会访问,探亲与寻根。

一九八九年她的第三部作品《Tripmaster monkey : his fake book》(孙行者,又译西游记)出版,获美国西部国际笔会奖。此书描述美国华裔青年惠特曼·阿新的生活奇遇。

汤教授三部长篇小说出版后,使她成为美国最有实力的女性主义作家。她的作品成为美国作家中,作品被各种文选收录最高、大学讲坛讲授最多、大学生阅读得最多的作品之一。她的作品《The woman warrior》在世界各地发行并有多种语文的译本。而她的第二部作品《China men》,其他著作尚有《Hawaii one summer》,《Through the black curtain》及即将出版的《The fifth book of peace》等。她的名著《The woman warrior》改编而成的电视剧,被USA Today评为一九九五年度最佳电视剧。

汤教授经常在美国杂志如New Yorker, American Heritage, Michigan Quaterly, N.Y. Times, L.A. Times等发表她的短篇小说,批评文章和诗歌等。她作品的非传统艺术形式引起美国读者的兴趣,也引起广泛的争议。她的小说运用中国传说的题材和故事内容是很重要的。她的作品在美国、英国、瑞典、德国等地引起热烈的批评和讨论,以她的故事内容,描述方式,写作技巧为讨论的专著,论文及评论文章非常多,以她的著作与其他作品比较的博士论文有六种之多
Maxine Hong Kingston (Chinese: 湯婷婷; born October 27, 1940) is a Chinese American author and Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley, where she graduated with a BA in English in 1962. Kingston has written three novels and several works of non-fiction about the experiences of Chinese immigrants living in the United States. She has contributed to the feminist movement with such works as her memoir The Woman Warrior, which discusses gender and ethnicity and how these concepts affect the lives of women. Kingston has received several awards for her contributions to Chinese American Literature including the National Book Award in 1981 for her novel China Men.

Kingston was born in Stockton, California to first generation Chinese immigrants, Tom and Ying Lan Hong.Kingston was the third of eight children
Kingston was drawn to writing at a young age and won a five dollar prize from "Girl Scout Magazine" for an essay she wrote entitled "I Am an American." She majored in engineering at Berkeley before switching to English. In 1962 Kingston married Earl Kingston, an actor, and

began a high school teaching career. After relocating to Hawaii in 1967 Maxine began writing extensively finally completing and publishing her first novel, The Woman Warrior: Memoir of a Girlhood among Ghosts. Her works often reflect on her cultural heritage and blend fiction with non-fiction.

Among her works are The Woman Warrior (1976), awarded the National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction, and China Men (1980), which was awarded the 1981 National Book Award. Her most recent books are To Be The Poet and The Fifth Book of Peace.

She was awarded the 1997 National Humanities Medal by President of the United States Bill Clinton. In April, 2007, Hong Kingston was awarded the Northern California Book Award Special Award in Publishing for Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace (2006), an anthology which she edited.

姓名:GISH JEN / 任碧莲


出生: 1956年

is a contemporary American writer.
Gish Jen is a second generation Chinese American. Her parents emigrated from China in the 1940s, She grew up in Queens, NY, then Yonkers, then Scarsdale. She graduated from Radcliffe College in 1977 with a BA in English, and later attended Stanford Business School, but dropped out in favor of the University of Iowa Writers' Workshop, where she earned her MFA in fiction in 1983.

Her first novel, Typical American, attempts to redefine Americanness as a preoccupation with identity. "As soon as you ask yourself the question, "What does it mean to be Irish-American, Iranian-American, Greek-American, you are American," she has said.

Her second novel, Mona in the Promised Land concerns the invention of ethnicity. The Love Wife, her third novel, portrays an Asian American family with interracial parents and both biological and adopted children as "the new American family." She asks the question "What is a family?" as a way of asking, "What is a nation?"

Jen steps outside of the "ethnic writer" role in the sense that she does not focus primarily on ethnicity,
but instead challenges the reader to ask him/herself what it means to be an American. Gish Jen, alongside other contemporary Asian American authors, has received acclaim from both Asian American communities and a more mainstream, often white, readership. While many of her prot

agonists are Chinese or of Chinese decent, her goal is not to educate readers about the foreign world of Chinese American culture; it is instead to ask her audience to consider the changing face of American identity. While ethnicity is addressed in her work, it is not her primary concern.
